Short Christmas carols for children. Christmas carols for children. Short, long, funny, carol texts

Have you ever tried caroling with your children? But this great way make the holiday season bright and memorable. What are carols, how to carol with children nowadays, how to make costumes and props - read about all this in our article. We have also prepared a selection of simple and funny Christmas carols that are easy to learn with your baby.

You've probably heard about carols and maybe even took part in this action. If not, then it's time to start. It is the year of the Goat that greatly contributes to this; the Goat is an indispensable attribute of carols. But first things first.

To begin with, let us remind you that according to Teplyakova’s method, we build games around a plot that is familiar and interesting to the child. Caroling can just become such a vivid impression and a theme for your games for more than one day. Get inspired and carol with your kids!

What is Kolyada and what is it eaten with?

Kolyada (koleda) was among the ancient Slavs a holiday of the newborn sun, a birthday solar year. Over time, caroling became closely associated with the glorification of Christ. At Christmas we went with our children and carried a “nativity scene” with us, showing performances of gospel stories. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that pagan motifs are so closely intertwined with Christian ones in carols. And today, dressed-up adults and children walk around the courtyards and, with the help of short songs - carols - wish the owners happiness and prosperity in the new year.

How to carol with children nowadays

They sing carols in the evening, January 6th. And on the morning of January 7th they celebrate, sing Christmas songs and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. They give generously on January 13, and the next morning, at dawn, they sow (sow) grain. People go to their godparents, loved ones and relatives to sow (sow). But the man should be the first to enter the house on this day, since it is believed that girls do not bring happiness.

It’s great if you can gather a group of adults and children living with you in the same entrance, house or yard, and sing carols in a cheerful crowd. According to a long-standing tradition, caroling requires at least 3 people.

The head of the carolers is the star. This is the person who goes first and carries the star. The role of star was always chosen by a person who had a loud, beautiful voice and knew carols better than others. The star for caroling is eight-pointed. It can easily be cut from thick cardboard and decorate with glitter or broken Christmas decorations. There is a more complicated option: a star made of wire, which is then wrapped with colored ribbons.

The next most senior person is the bell ringer. This person is also an integral part of the caroling “team”. His duty is to bear big bell and notify people by ringing that carolers are coming.

The third important caroler is the mekhonosh. He had to carry everything that the owners of the houses would throw at the carolers: candy, cookies, money, etc. They will throw it, since carolers should not take anything from their hands - the owners should put all gifts directly into the bag. The bag can be made from thick, bright fabric and decorated. Decorations can be either embroidered or painted. It could be the sun, stars, month, since in the old days this holiday symbolized the transition from night to day and from winter to summer.

Costumes for carols

The entire caroling “team” must be dressed appropriately. They dress up for Christmas in their best bright clothes- colorful skirts, grandmother’s scarves, ribbons, beads, earrings, rings. You can paint your cheeks with blush and paint your lips. If after the New Year there are Carnival masks, they will also go into action. Masks can be varied: animals, brownies, Baba Yaga and fairy-tale characters in general. Put on an old sheepskin coat with the fur facing out, decorate yourself with small horns and multi-colored ribbons. Stock up on confetti and streamers to create a festive mood.

And most importantly, learn carols and Christmas songs with your children.

Carols and Christmas songs for children

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing!
Sons and daughters have come to you!
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes Kolyada
On the eve of Christmas.
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Christmas Eve
Even a ruble, even a nickel -
We won't just leave!

Today an Angel came down to us
And he sang: “Christ is born!”
We came to glorify Christ
And congratulate you on the holiday!

Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven,
We bring you good news,
We won’t leave without gifts!

Carols, carols, carols,
Pancakes are good with honey,
And without honey it’s not the same,
Give me some pies, aunt (or uncle)!

Merry Christmas to you, people!
May you have peace and harmony,
So that you don't know grief
And they were rich!

Kolyada - molyada
I entered a new gate!
And behind it comes the frost
It has grown over the tyn!
He brought cold
So, grandfather Arkhip
Became young!
The frost is small
Yes, he doesn’t tell me to stand!
The frost does not tell me to stand,
It's time for us to carol.

Hurry up and give me a carol!
Feet are chilly
I'll run home.
Who will give
He is the prince
Who won't give -
Togo in the dirt!

Kalidim, Kalidim I am alone with my dad,
My dad sent me
So that I can get bread.
I don’t want bread, give me some sausage,
If you don't give me the sausage, I'll destroy the whole house.

Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my mother,
Knee-deep casing,
Give me some pie, uncle!
Open the chest
Give me a penny!
What is in the oven - swords in the bag!

Here comes mother - winter has come,
Open the gate!
Christmas time has arrived!
The carols have arrived!

Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish good things to all people:
Gold, silver,
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes
Good health,
Cow butter.

How many aspens,
So many pigs for you;
How many Christmas trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Good luck to you,
The owner and the hostess
Great health,
Happy New Year,
With all the family!
Kolyada, Kolyada!

A carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,
Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail.
You will give us -
We will praise
And you won’t give -
We will reproach!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Serve the pie!

A little boy sat down on the sofa,
The sofa is fragile - drive away the ruble!

A star is shining in the sky,
At the hour of Holy Christmas
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses,
I knocked on doors and windows,
She walked and laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
carolers in a crowd...
Everyone rejoices and laughs,
they sing a loud song:
“Kolyada was born,
on the eve of Christmas..."

The carol has arrived
On the eve of Christmas,
Give me the cow
Oil head.
And God forbid that
Who is in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Rye is tough.
He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And living and being,
And wealth.
And create for you, Lord,
Even better than that!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Open the gate!
Give me some pie
A piece of bread
A pot of sour cream!
Won't you serve any pies?
We let in bedbugs,
Mustached cockroaches
And striped animals!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

Kolyada, Kolyada
Open the gates
Get out the chests
Serve the snouts.
Even if you chop
Even a nickel
Let's not leave home like that!
Give us some candy
Or maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!
The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!
Hello, treats
Please accept congratulations!
You will live together for up to two hundred years!
I wish you happiness and good health!
Merry Christmas,
Happy New Year!

She arrived young.
We found a carol
In Ivan's yard!
Hey, Uncle Ivan,
Take the good stuff out into the yard!
How cold it is outside
Freezes nose
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
He orders it to be served soon,
Or a warm pie
Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble!

After caroling, don’t rush to return home: have a snow fight outside, roll up a snowman (if the weather permits), and come up with some fun. The main thing is that all the carolers are involved in the entertainment, and no one is left bored on the sidelines. Eat everything you can carol together with the carol participants. Have a tea party at a common table. Especially for children, continue the celebration at home. Come up with several scenes featuring various animals and fairy tale characters and play them with your children.

Few people know how fun and fervently you can celebrate carols with children in our time. But it is up to you to start a glorious tradition in your home. Try celebrating carols every year and involving your friends and neighbors in this old Slavic holiday.

Olga Chuparina

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They give generously on January 13, and the next morning, at dawn, they sow (sow) grain. People go to their godparents, loved ones and relatives to sow (sow). But the man should be the first to enter the house on this day, since it is believed that girls do not bring happiness.

Christmas and the entire holiday week for the Slavs are very great importance. Christmas traditions involve religious, family, fair and mystical beliefs and rules. Today, most rituals and folk beliefs, associated with Christmastide are a thing of the past. Here you will find carols for children and learn how to carol correctly.

History of carols

Initially, the holiday with carols was dedicated to winter solstice and was called Kolyada. Children can be introduced to ancient traditions using an ancient custom with carnival elements. During Christmas time there were fairs, performances, dressing up in costumes with masks and singing funny carol songs. Some of the customs have survived to this day.

The most vibrant traditions and folk beliefs in Russia regarding Christmastide are well represented in Nikolai Gogol's Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka. In the evening and the night before Christmas, it is customary to set a 12-course Lenten dinner on the table, tell fortunes, and go to neighbors’ houses with merry carols. Our ancestors believed that on this day you could meet evil spirits.

It is not customary to sing carols at Christmas. The time for songs is the evening of January 6 (Holy Evening). Christmas carols can be long or short, with humor and good wishes. You can select song lyrics for children and adults. It is customary for the whole family to visit during Christmas time. Housewives prepare the best dishes at home as treats and honor family traditions.

Carols in Christianity

The holiday of the Nativity of Christ is celebrated in different regions in its own way. Traditionally, carols were sung in large groups, going around all the houses. The owners of the house listened to carols and generously treated their guests.

The Christmas traditions of the Slavs have absorbed some of the customs from pagan times. Animal-shaped cookies and pies are baked as treats at home. In the old days, the bag of carolers was replenished with bread, pies, homemade sausage, ham and other delicacies. Currently, carol songs are of most interest to children, who are happy to sing short songs for a sweet treat. It is appropriate to put candy, pies, waffles, tangerines, and oranges in the bag. Some people give money for singing Christmas carols; this approach is inappropriate and does not correspond to the spirit of the holiday. It is better to buy several bags of different sweets and fruits in advance.

New Year came,
The old one stole
Showed yourself!
Get up people
Come out of the gate -
To meet the sun,
Drive away the frost! Koleda - moleda,
White beard
The nose is flat,
The head is like a basket,
Hands like sabers,
Legs - rakes,
Come New Year's Eve
Celebrate honest people!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire it for an hour.
We're crackling with the frost,
With a prickly cold,
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sleighs
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is fun.

Oh, carol
I went to the farrier.
- Farrier,
Forge me an axe.
-What's the ax for?
-Chop a pine tree.
-What's the use of pine?
-Paving the bridge.
-What is the bridge for?
- Frost to walk, -
Dress up the New Year!

Tausen, tausen,
We go to everyone!
Who won't give jelly -
I'll spray it at the gate.
Who won't give you a donut -
I'm a sheep's armpit.
Tausen, tausen!
Cook, grandma, jelly -
On the hill,
In the skull.

We sow, we blow snow
On a silk bed.
The snow is falling,
The blizzard will break out!
Give it to you, master,
On New Year's Day:
There is offspring on the field,
On the threshing floor - threshed,
You will give us -
We will praise
And you won’t give -
We will scold.

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

Carols go on holy evenings,
The carol comes to Pavly-Selo.
Get ready, villagers,
Let's have carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get your pennies!
Come, don't be shy,
Now we'll amuse the people.
Who will be the devil and who will be the devil!
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

And God forbid that
Who's in this house?
The rye is thick for him,
Dinner rye!
He's like an ear of octopus,
From the grain he has a carpet,
Half-grain pie.
The Lord would grant you
And living and being,
And wealth!

Give you, Lord,
In the field of nature,
Threshed on the threshing floor,
Kvashni thickening,
There is sporin on the table,
Thicker sour cream
The cows are milked!

Let the night sparkle with magic
A flock of snowflakes rushes upward.
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you smiles and joy.
Flow of divine love
Let it flow with wonderful light,
And the Lord will bless you
Health, happiness and success!

Christmas... Waiting for a miracle,
Comprehensive, bright love.
It’s not difficult to believe in a fairy tale this night,
Raise your gaze to the heavens!
Let the Christmas star be bright
Warmth will overshadow your soul,
And a luxurious wonderful gift
They'll come to the house God's peace and good!

Christmas night, gifts, candles,
Friends and relatives at the festive table.
How I want the joy to last forever,
And we shared our happiness and warmth.
Let the night pass, but it will not disappear with it
From our souls there is a beautiful, kind light.
And let everyone believe in their hearts -
God is love, and He is with us forever!

How to carol correctly

If you decide to go caroling on Christmastide, you should consider several important points. You can only sing carols on January 6; it is unacceptable to do this on the day of the holiday. Traditionally, caroling is done in the evening, but in some regions this is done as early as noon. In ancient times, only representatives of the stronger sex went to caroling. Now boys and girls can sing songs together. Most often, children with great enthusiasm take part in the joyful celebration of Christmastide. It is better to learn the lyrics of popular and new songs suitable for the occasion in advance.

Previously, a group of carolers always had a “ringer,” a person with a bell, the ringing of which warned of the arrival of the group. There is no need for this now. You can inform people about the arrival of carolers using a doorbell. The one who carries the star enters the house first. It’s very easy to make it for children at home. You will need a sheet of thick paper, foil, glue and a stick of sufficient length. The star at Christmas time is of great importance. It represents the star that gave a sign to the Magi that Christ was born.

With this symbol and merry carols people share joy, welcoming the holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

Before you start singing, you should ask the owners of the house for permission. It is not accepted to refuse, and after receiving permission you can start caroling. Christmas carols in Russian are sung by a choir of several voices. It is customary to sing long songs, glorify the holiday and wish the owners of the house happiness and all sorts of blessings. Useful for small children short carols, text that can be easily and quickly remembered.

The treats received from the owners for children and adults are put into one large bag or bag. The person who carries the bag – “mekhonosh” – must take good care of it and ensure the safety of the contents. The resulting sweets and other delicacies are divided equally between all group members after the end of the hike. Children prefer to eat sweets immediately upon arriving home.

How to find out your destiny

Rituals and fortune telling at Christmas originate from pagan traditions. It is believed that it is on January 6 that a fragile connection with the other world appears and a person can find out his destiny. Fortune telling for Christmas will reveal secrets only to those who sincerely want an answer. In order for the mystical process to go smoothly, you should not joke about what is happening or utter insults.

If those gathered do not believe in fortune telling, but only want to have fun, the spirit world will not answer questions and may even cause harm.

The most common Christmastide fortune-telling that can be done at home:

  • Fortune telling on the shoe. The simplest and most famous fortune telling. Held unmarried girl in the house where she lives. You need to stand with your back to the fence and throw a shoe over it. A boot, boot or shoe will do. After this, you should go outside the fence and look where the toe of the shoe is pointing. It is from this side that the future husband will come.
  • Fortune telling with rings. Four rings are placed in a suitable bowl: copper, silver, gold and with any natural stone. The rings are covered with grain or cereal and mixed. The girl takes a handful of the contents from the bowl; the type of ring she gets determines her future marriage. Copper speaks of a poor husband, silver speaks of a good one a simple guy, gold promises marriage with a merchant, a ring with a stone foreshadows marriage with a boyar.
  • Fortune telling on leaves. You will need a bowl of cereal and 4 identical paper leaves. On one sheet you should write the name of your loved one, leave the rest blank. All leaves are mixed with cereal. Next, you should take leaves from the cereal. If the name of your loved one is on the first chosen piece of paper, it means that the girl can count on a marriage proposal in the near future. The name on the second piece of paper means difficulties in relationships, on the third - deception on the part of the man. If the name is only on the last sheet of paper, this man is indifferent to the fortune-telling girl.

Family traditions and folk customs, dedicated to the holiday Christmas, help in communication and create festive atmosphere. This is a great chance for children to learn a lot about the history of their ancestors and take part in a fun walk with songs and congratulations.

Hello dear readers. Christmas has long been one of the most beloved holidays. For some time, the New Year displaced this date from holiday calendar. But now the Christmas festival is revered no less than the New Year's. Former traditions are also returning, which they continued to follow in the outback. Caroling - the singing of special holiday songs - has long been an invariable accompaniment of Christmas. Carols are ritual chants. They traditionally contain congratulations, sincere wishes well-being, wealth and health, as well as the demand for treats. As a rule, young people and children took part in caroling.

They walked in whole groups, sometimes quite large, from house to house, carrying with them a special symbol - a star. Also always present were mummers who wrapped themselves in animal skins and put on homemade masks and even horns.

With rare exceptions, carolers were greeted joyfully, believing that their wishes for health and a bountiful harvest would certainly come true.

That’s why the guys didn’t leave empty-handed; their bags were always full of gifts. They mainly gave sweets, but some owners did not skimp on other products and even money.

Short Christmas carols for children

It is not surprising that the tradition of caroling dates back to the pre-Christian era. Scientists associate singing carols with a special Slavic holiday- Kolyada. This is a kind of pagan analogue of the modern New Year.

There are other versions of the appearance of the name, but this is the most likely. At first, deities and forces of nature were sung in songs.

And with the advent of Christianity, the chants received biblical content and began to serve the promotion of Christianity in Kievan Rus. Interesting fact that carols have existed for a very long time and are transmitted mainly orally. But at the same time, many of them retained not only the words, but also the melody.

When to carol

It is customary to carol on Christmas Eve. This is the evening of January 6, or, as it is also called, Holy Evening. But, of course, you need to learn carols in advance. Also now there are New Year's carols, as well as mixed ones, in which they congratulate on both holidays.

So you can start caroling from the New Year and continue right up to the Epiphany. Many modern authors pay attention to composing Christmas songs and some of them are becoming quite popular. But the greatest value is still the ancient carols left to us as an inheritance from our ancestors.

Probably everyone knows at least one carol. Many people went caroling with friends as children and even as adults they remember these special events with warmth. But it is not necessary to congratulate strangers with such chants.

Relatives will also be happy to hear carols in their home. Many of them are filled deep meaning and contain sincere words wishes. Therefore, learning carols is useful even for kids. Several examples are presented for them. short options. Let them sound in your home on Christmas evening, adding to the holiday special flavor and solemnity.

Carols for children at Christmas

The sparrow flies

Twirls his tail,

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests

Happy Christmas!

How cold it is outside

Freezes nose.

Doesn't tell me to stand for long

He tells me to serve it soon

Or a warm pie

Or butter, cottage cheese,

Or money with a spear,

Or a silver ruble!

Christ the Savior

Born at midnight.

In a poor place

He settled.

Right above that place

The star is shining.

Christ the Master,

On your birthday.

Give it to all the people

Peace and forgiveness!

I'm caroling, I'm caroling

I will go into any hut.

I'll ask the hostess:

- Come on, some goodies!

And cookies and sweets,

And sherbet with nuts,

Pastille and marmalade -

I will be glad to receive any gifts.

I will treat everyone

And praise the hostess!

Good evening, generous evening,

Good health to good people.

The falcon has arrived

Sat at the window

I cut the cloth.

And the leftovers are for the owners’ hats,

And the scraps and for the belts,

Hello, happy holiday!

This is how it happened in this world

For many years in a row

On such a magical, good evening

Angels fly to us from heaven

They bring goodness, hope,

Blessing to every home

Happy New Year everyone

And Merry Christmas!

Carols for children in Russian

Carols are distinguished by their beauty and melody. In addition, they have a special, ancient power. After all, many people still believe that the wishes heard in these Christmas songs will definitely come true and that thanks to such chants even fate can be changed. Who knows, maybe that’s why Slavic carols have spread all over the world.

Thus, the most popular carol song in the world, Carol Of The Bells, has Ukrainian roots. This is an old ritual Christmas song “Shchedryk”, arranged by the Ukrainian composer and conductor Nikolai Leontovich.

It was performed even in Soviet time, but only due to the fact that there is no religious content in its text. It would still be suitable today as a Christmas carol for children.

Here is the translation of “Shchedrik” into Russian:

Shchedrik, Shchedrik, Shchedrovochka,

A swallow has arrived.

I started chirping to myself,

Call the owner:

- Come out, come out, master,

Look at the sheep -

The sheep lambed there,

And the lambs were born

Your goods are all good,

You will have more than one penny,

Even if it’s not money, it’s sex.

Your wife has black eyebrows.

Shchedrik, Shchedrik, Shchedrovochka,

A swallow has arrived.

And this is another carol, which is performed to the same melody by many groups.

On a starry night Christ was born.

He was laid in a simple manger.

An angel descended from heaven into the field,

He announced the news to the shepherds:

“Rejoice, everyone - Christ has been born.

He was laid in a simple manger.”

Glory, glory, glory to God in the highest!

Goodwill to all people!

The angelic choir sang a song,

Peace on earth was proclaimed.

Here are more examples of carol songs for the Christmas holiday.

The night is silent, the night is holy,

People are sleeping, the distance is clear;

Only in the stable the light is on;

The holy couple does not sleep there,

The Child is dozing in the manger. The Child is dozing in the manger.

The night is silent, the night is holy,

The heights lit up

Bright Angel from heaven,

He brought news to the shepherds:

"Christ was born to you! Christ was born to you!”

The night is silent, the night is holy,

A star is burning in the sky;

The shepherds have been on their way for a long time,

They are in a hurry to come to Bethlehem:

They will see Christ there. They will see Christ there.

The night is silent, the night is holy,

All hearts await happiness.

God, let me come to Christ,

Find joy in the light in him.

Glory forever, Christ! Glory forever, Christ!

Merry carol

Kolyada, Kolyada...

And the woman has a beard.

And my grandfather grew a tail.

The scoundrel is running around in the garden.

Kolyada, Kolyada...

It doesn't matter to us.

God will give you full health.

The bins will be full.

Kolyada, Kolyada...

We dance all the years.

And also on all fours

We boldly climb the steps.

Kolyada, Kolyada...

It's okay that it's cold.

I'm healthy, I'll go into the cold,

I take a swim in the pond.

Kolyada, Kolyada...

Have fun, people, always!

After all, it’s not fitting for us to be sad,

Enjoying the little things in life.

Kolyada, Kolyada...

There is a candle and food on the table.

The cute Christmas tree is shining.

The Lord blesses everyone.

The texts of carols for children are long

Caroling in any one house could last up to several hours. The owners invited carolers, fed and watered them.

The cheerful feast alternated with festive singing. Of course, it will be difficult for children to learn so many carols at once. And this is hardly necessary.

Christmas carols for children have some special features. They should be simple, understandable and not too long. And, of course, they should not contain any “adult” hints.

And this is not uncommon for the category of cheerful and humorous holiday songs, which are more reminiscent in meaning of not very decent folk ditties. Many of these carols are modern.

Below are examples of children's holiday carols.

On Christmas Day

Today an angel came down

And he sang: “Christ is born!”

Our song is simple -

We glorify Christ.

We're going straight

And we go into every house.

There's only one brighter in the sky

Guiding star -

Even in a storm among the clouds

Gives everyone a magic ray,

Heralds Christmas.

Let's start the celebration!

Christmas carol

Carol comes to us

On the eve of Christmas.

The carol asks, asks

At least a piece of the pie.

Who will give the carol a pie?

He will be there in every possible way!

The cattle will be healthy

The barn will be full of cows

Who will squeeze his piece,

It will be a lonely year.

Will not find luck, happiness,

The year will be spent in bad weather.

Don't feel sorry for the pie

Otherwise you'll create a debt!

At the hour of the Great Kolyada

We'll bake pies

At the hour of the Great Kolyada,

And let's go as a family to family,

We will bring joy to people.

Let us sing the praises of Christ,

Let the soul sing in the body,

May goodness come with goodness,

Brings bright happiness.

Our savior and creator,

Miracle of the Light blacksmith,

We glorify you

Always be with us.

Let us wish at this hour,

So that you have everything,

And patience and peace,

So that everyone values ​​life.

Good evening to you,

Affectionate owner,

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

We are coming to you, master,

With good news.

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

With good news

From the holy city.

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

New Year carols for children

New Year's carols can be sung not only on New Year's Eve. On January 13, the so-called Vasilyev's evening is celebrated, which is also called Generous.

Now this date is known as the Old New Year - a very strange concept for foreigners. And many of our compatriots consider this date a relic of the past, an atavism, an unnecessary holiday, devoid of any meaning.

But this is where they are deeply mistaken. Among other things, according to church calendar, this is the day of remembrance of Saint Melania. The people call the holiday Malanka (Melanka, Milanka). You've probably heard some of these names. At this time, the Nativity fast has already ended and you can celebrate to your heart's content.

Unlike Christmas, when it is believed that the year will be successful if a boy or boy enters the house first, here it is mainly girls who give generously. But young people, as they say, “drive Malanka.”

At the same time, one of them dresses up as a young lady, portraying the same Malanka. And special carols are used here – schedrovki. They generously wish the owners all sorts of blessings and promise their abundance in the new year.

The songs are accompanied by dances and are played out comic scenes. And whoever does not allow carolers into the house or drives them away, voluntarily refuses all these potential benefits.

This is done in the evening. And in the morning they go again to congratulate everyone on the holiday. They take grain with them and scatter it in the house.

Accompany the ceremony with congratulations and good wishes. This is called “going to sow.” As a rule, they first go to relatives for this purpose, and later visit other houses. But here the girls come into the house after the boys or don’t go sowing at all.

Below are some suitable songs for New Year's caroling and sowing.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

Come from afar

Once a year

Let's admire it for an hour.

We're crackling with the frost,

With a prickly cold,

With white snows,

With a blizzard, with blizzards.

Scooters - sleighs

We drove ourselves -

From village to village,

Kolyada is fun.

We sow, we blow snow

On a silk bed.

The snow is falling,

The blizzard will break out!

Give it to you, master,

On New Year's Day:

There is offspring on the field,

On the threshing floor - threshed,

You will give us -

We will praise

And you won’t give -

We will scold.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

Give me some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or half a buck,

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a comb!

Open the chests, owners,

Take out your heels!

Let's give it a penny

To the carolers!

The moon has shone in the sky,

He showed us the way.

Top-bottom –

Closer to the house.

The owner walked onto the porch,

He poured wine into a glass.

Only we don’t drink wine -

Give us a ruble!

Your house has four corners,

In each corner there are three young men:

Goodness, Comfort, Peace live.

A girl walks from corner to corner,

The braid is spreading across the floor.

The girl's name is Love,

Your roof rests on it!

If you reward us generously,

You will keep happiness in your home!

Let's leave the yard with gifts -

The bins will be full!

Even a candy, even a nickel -

We won't just leave!!!

New Year has come

The old one stole

Showed yourself!

Get up people

Come out of the gate -

To meet the sun,

Drive away the frost!


White beard

The nose is flat,

The head is like a basket,

Hands like sabers,

Legs like rakes,

Come New Year's Eve

Celebrate honest people!

Kolyada, Kolyada,

We open all the houses,

All the windows, chests,

We sprinkle sweets, pies,

So that it would be good for you,

Say thank you to heaven

Since you have a son,

Give me a head of cheese.

Since you have a daughter,

Give me a barrel of honey.

If you're not rich,

Get me out of the house.

Get rich, accumulate bounty -

I'll come for the New Year.

Until then I'll go like this,

Singing a carol.

If anyone is rich

Take it out of the house

And jams and pickles,

And candies and cookies.

God will give us all health,

After all, he is good at this!

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Even though it’s the Old New Year -

It still brings good things!

We wish the old fashioned way

Fertility - to the cattle,

A warm dog house,

Saucers of milk for a kitten,

A handful of wheat for a cockerel,

And my daughter-in-law and friend,

Small children - mom and dad,

Grandmother - small grandchildren!

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Open the chest

Get out the piglet!

I sow, I sow, I sow,

Congratulations on Kolyada,

I wish you happiness and joy.

I sow, I sing,

I sprinkle it with barley,

So that it can be born in the field,

So that the living creatures double,

For children to grow up

So that girls can be married.

I sow, I sow, I sow,

I wish you happiness and all the best.

Who will give us some pie?

There's a barn full of cattle,

Sheep with oats

A stallion with a tail.

Who won't give you the pie?

That's why a chicken leg

Pestle and shovel

The cow is hunchbacked.

Don't squeeze, mistress,

Bring me a loaf!

Take out the baked goods

And spelled with butter.

Everything will return a hundredfold

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

The owner and the hostess
Get off the stove
Light the candles!
Open the chests
Get your heels out!
For your amusement,
We're screwed!

Kolyada, merry carol!
Get everyone here!
We will shower you with happiness,
For that you will treat us!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

We are hitting your gates!
We have come to give you happiness,
Let's carol here!
Come to us quickly
Bring treats!
We are waiting for cookies, we are waiting for sweets,
We wish you happiness for a hundred years!

We'll call you by phone
With wishes and bow.
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!

Who will give us some pie?
Some fresh cottage cheese
He will have happiness
And the bad weather will dissipate!
We're going caroling
Let's wish you well!

Kolyada, Kolyada
Open the gates
Get out the chests
Serve the snouts.
Even a ruble
Even a nickel
Let's not leave home like that!
Give us some candy
Or maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!

We are ditties for carols
Let's sing cheerfully,
Treat us sweeter,
Otherwise we’ll be offended and leave!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Open the gate!
Give me some pie
A piece of bread
A pot of sour cream!
Won't you serve any pies?
We let in bedbugs,
Mustached cockroaches
And striped animals!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire it for an hour.
We're crackling with the frost,
With a prickly cold,
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sleighs
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is fun.

Who lives in this house
God give him joy!
Whole bins of happiness,
Let them enjoy winter!
We want just a little,
Pies only for the road!

The Holy Spirit descended from heaven
And said Christ was born
We came to glorify Christ
Congratulations on your holiday

Well, good hostess,
Hurry up and give us some candy!
We bring happiness and joy to the house,
We're still waiting for the pies!
There will be day and there will be food,
Kolyada will not forget you!

Open the gates
A carol is coming to the house!
Kolyada is coming into the house
Brings happiness with you!
We are waiting for sweets from you,
Hello pies!
There will be peace in that house
Who are we singing songs to?


Kolya-kolya-kolyada -
For troubles – “No!”, but for happiness – “Yes!”
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas:
We wish you peace in your home,
And health and goodness,
And heartfelt warmth!
Kolya-kolya-kolyada -
For troubles - “No!”, but for happiness “Yes!!!”
(N. Samonii)

A carol came
Christmas Eve
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,
Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail!
Who won't give me the pie?
That's why a chicken leg
Pestle and shovel
The cow is hunchbacked.

Good evening to good people!
Let happy holiday will.
Merry Christmas to you.
We wish you happiness and joy!
Generous evening, good evening!
Good health to good people!

Good auntie,
Give me some sweet cakes.
On the eve of Christmas,
Give it, don't break it,
Give everything whole.
If you drop a little one,
You can’t even pray to God.
Won't you serve me some flatbread?
Let's break the windows.
Won't you serve me the pie?
Let's lead the cow by the horns.

Carols go on holy evenings,
The carol comes to Pavly-Selo.
Get ready, villagers,
Let's have carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get your pennies!
Come, don't be shy,
Now we'll amuse the people.
Who will be the devil and who will be the devil!
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
We open all the houses,
All the windows, chests,
We give sweets and pies,
So that it would be good for you,
Say thank you to heaven
God will give us all health,
After all, he is good at this!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing,
Sons and daughters have come to you,
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish good things to all people:
Gold, silver,
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes
Good health,
Cow butter.

A star is shining in the sky,
At the hour of Holy Christmas...
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses,
I knocked on doors and windows,
She walked and laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
Carolers in a crowd...
Everyone rejoices and laughs,
They sing a loud song:
“Kolyada was born,
On the eve of Christmas..."

We ask for your health,
And we carry candles for happiness!
Let it be in your yard.
There will be a mountain of gold!
Well, you will treat us,
Don't drive away the carol!
Otherwise a year will pass
It won't bring anything!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Who won't give me the pie?
We take the cow by the horns
Who won't give donuts,
We hit him in the face,
Who won't give a penny?
That's a neck on the side.

Hello, my dear readers!

We recently celebrated the New Year. And now comes the most magical holiday, bright and kind - Christmas. We all love and look forward to this holiday. Our children are especially looking forward to it. Even the little ones can accept Active participation to prepare for the holiday.

Christmas for children

How can you celebrate the holiday with your children?

  • We decorate the house together with the children so that the child feels the atmosphere. We already have a Christmas tree, we can decorate it a little. You can add different goodies to the Christmas tree - wrap nuts, tangerines in foil, hang candy. Even very young children will be happy to take part in this process.

You can take plastic eggs from a kinder and put a surprise in it, secure it and use them in games. For example, in “Fantas.” Then you need to put assignments inside.

Nowadays, these traditions, unfortunately, have lost their meaning.


Christmas for children-These are interesting carols. You can learn carols or generous songs with your children and go congratulate your relatives - grandparents or aunts, godparents. Now you can’t go to strangers like we used to go. Many people simply don’t open their doors now.


I entered a new gate!

And behind it comes the frost

It has grown over the tyn!

He brought cold

So, grandfather Arkhip

Became young!

The frost is not great

Yes, he doesn’t tell me to stand!

The frost does not tell me to stand,

It's time for us to carol.

Kolyada, Kolyada!

Give us some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or chicken with hoch,

Cockerel with a comb!

An angel came down to us from heaven,

And he said: Jesus is born

We came to glorify him

And congratulates you on the holiday!

Kolyada, Kolyada,

Open the gates

Get out the chests

Serve the snouts.

Even a ruble, even a nickel,

Let's not leave home like that!

Or maybe a coin,

Don't regret anything

It's Christmas Eve!

The carol came on the eve of Christmas

God bless the one in this house

We wish good things to all people:

Gold, silver,

Lush pies,

Soft pancakes

Good health,

Cow butter.


Vasilyeva's mother

I came to give

scatter wheat across the field.

Germinate, God, wheat,

Barley, buckwheat.

Won't you give me cheesecakes?

You'll get it on top of your head!

Won't you give me the pie?

I'll lead the cow by the horns.

Open the chest-

Get the piglet!

You, master, don’t be tormented,

Give it quickly!

What about the current frost?

doesn't tell me to stand for long,

Orders to serve soon:

Either pies come out of the oven,

Or a penny of money,

Or a pot of cabbage soup!

God bless you

A yard full of belly,

And to the stables of horses,

Into the calf barn,

To the guys' hut

And take care of the kittens!

Listen to a children's song about Christmas.

Christmas for children-this is also various gifts. It is not necessary to give something expensive. You can give sweets and put them under the Christmas tree.

Christmas for children-it's magical and fabulous holiday which brings us from the Bible interesting story birth of Christ.

Give your children a fairy tale. Make them happy!