Report on the work of the day camp at the school

Hello everyone! My name is Evgenia Klimkovich! I wish you a good day and propose to discuss a topic that is relevant for these spring days. Let's talk about summer school camps. Have you heard of these? School summer playgrounds are perfect solution for those parents who have to work in the summer, but do not want to leave their children unattended. Therefore, I propose to consider them more closely from all sides, in order to know what we are dealing with and where we are sending our little blood.

I first learned about such a camp in the spring of 2013. My daughter is finishing first grade. And the teacher at the meeting made an announcement that, they say, you can have kids in summer camp write down at school. And since I was not threatened with vacation that summer, my Alexandra was enrolled in the camp. For one month - June.

To be honest, at that time I had no idea what it was. school camp. Thought it would be like this. Children sleepy and happy lazily come to school. Well, go to some class. There is a teacher with them. Then they have breakfast and go for a walk. Then they'll do something. Have lunch, take a walk and go home. As it turned out, everything is much more serious.

Lesson plan:

Working mode

Camps open in educational institutions, work in the mode day stay. This means that children come there in the morning and return home only in the evening. The day lasts approximately 9 hours (from 9.00 to 18.00) - this is the time when you are just at work and do not have the opportunity to look after the child. However, it is worth considering that not all camps work full time: many of them close in the afternoon, and the children, accordingly, remain on their own and can fully experience the taste of freedom. This point is desirable to find out in advance.

In our school camp every morning at 9 o'clock a general line began, the presence of which was mandatory. On the line, the children sang the camp anthem in unison and listened to the tasks for the day. They returned home at about 4 o'clock. If the camp is open until six o'clock, then for the smallest of its "residents" in without fail should have a quiet time. To do this, some classrooms will be converted into bedrooms.

And also to the question of the mode of operation. Our camp was open from Monday to Friday. But there are also those where children are accepted 6 days a week.


As far as I can remember, there were only two shifts. One in June, one in July. For a full month. In August, the camp did not work. But I learned from my acquaintances that shifts can be shorter by two weeks, and somewhere by three, so this is another question that needs to be clarified in advance.

How is everything arranged there?

Friends, I wish you all the best. Children successfully complete the school year. And of course, happy summer holidays!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

If you are looking for camp in Moscow, then the editors of WeWeekend present to your attention a selection of the best camps for children. Summer City Camp is a great place for children who spend summer holidays in the city, and a real outlet for parents who are at work all day. Here you can find the perfect summer or day camp in Moscow, where he can not only have a great time in the city, but also have a good rest, learn a lot of useful and interesting things, do fun activities and find new friends.

Children's city camp in Moscow in the sports complex KANT

Children's camp in sports complex KANT is exactly the place where your children will definitely not be bored. It perfectly combines sports, creativity, entertainment, education and recreation. Experienced coaches and instructors train children in roller skating and skateboarding, rock climbing and martial arts, tennis, dancing and gymnastics.
In addition, in the KANT children's camp, children are taught English language, programming and drawing graffiti. In each detachment, classes are held on a trampoline, master classes in a rope park and other
sports disciplines.
There are four programs to choose from in the children's camp: Turbo Sports, Sports Plus Fun, Sports Plus Education, Weekend Squad - parents can easily choose a program that their child will like. For kids 3-6 years old, there is a kids club where they are waiting for sports, creative and educational activities.

Age: 3-6 years; 6-13 years old

Address: Electrolyte passage, 7с2

Summer computer camp at STEP Academy in Moscow

Do you want your children to spend their holidays with benefit and learn a lot of new and interesting things? Then Kid `s camp a day stay at the STEP Computer Academy is a great idea! In the children's camp of the Academy, children are taught by qualified teachers with vast experience in the field of IT. They will introduce your children to the incredible world of computer technology: exciting daytime master classes await children, all classes are held in comfortable classrooms, halls and design studios. At the Academy summer camp, children will learn how 3D cartoon characters are created, immerse themselves in the world of robotics, learn computer modeling and creation own games and sites, as well as reveal the secrets of popular bloggers and learn how to run your Youtube channel.

Summer computer camp at the STEP Academy will give your children unforgettable emotions, unique knowledge and new acquaintances. And special conditions for admission to the Small Computer Academy.

Age: 8-15 years old


Children's camp in Moscow P'titCREF

It's a summer city language camp at children's center PtitCREF. Believe me, here your child will definitely have fun and interesting, because a lot of educational activities And recreational activities with native teachers foreign language. Here, children will be able to immerse themselves in the language environment, they will learn English and French and also walk on fresh air, play educational games, visit excursions and just have a great time.

The program includes 4 lessons a day, as well as 4 meals a day. The camp is located in a separate building, on the territory there is a fenced and guarded park for walking.

Age: 1.5-10 years

Address: Children's centers are conveniently located in several districts of Moscow.

City camp of digital skills and programming for children "Kodabra"

The city children's camp of the school of digital creativity "Kodabra" is an excellent example of combining business with pleasure.

It is here that experienced teachers with specialized education will teach your child the basics of programming languages, creating stickers for instant messengers, editing videos and many other opportunities in the field of IT. In total, 9 programs have been developed, and shifts start every week - so it's easy to choose the most convenient one. The purpose of the camp is to involve children in the IT environment, start developing digital and soft skills and, of course, introduce them to like-minded peers. Classes in the camp are structured in such a way that every day from 9 to 18 children will learn something new, consolidate previous material, and also attend workshops and games. As a result, in 5 days the child will create his own own project. The camp provides healthy lunch and snacks throughout the day. After the shift of the city camp "Codabra" is over, the children will receive diplomas and gifts.

Age: 6-14 years old

Address: Children's centers are conveniently located in several districts of Moscow within walking distance from the metro.

CragCamp on Climbing wall X8

Rock Camp is perfect combination active and interesting holding summer for children. In SkaloLager your children will find sports and creativity, outdoor games and new interesting acquaintances. Firstly, the children's Rock Camp is unique opportunity learn the basics of rock climbing, learn how to climb with insurance, and also comprehend various techniques climbing. Here, children will learn how to work in a team, insure a partner, and also become noticeably more resilient and stronger. Experienced instructors, certified specialists and counselors will work with children all the time.

In addition to rock climbing, SkaloCamp provides an exciting program for your children: children can play table tennis and jump on trampolines, walk with counselors in the fresh air in the park every day and participate in creative master classes. The program of each camp change is dedicated to various directions: space, robots, Olympic Games, Indians, travel and much more. At the end of the shift, SkaloCamp gives children diplomas of primary climbing skills and arranges a festive graduation.

Age: 7-12 years old

Address: TRK "SportEX", st. 5th Cable, 2

Moscow summer camp in Masterslavl

Summer camp "Miracle Kindergarten"

A real health campaign awaits children at the Miracle Kindergarten summer camp. Here the child will spend time usefully, and mothers and fathers will not have to worry about what he is doing and what he ate for lunch.

The program includes thematic excursions to the House-Museum of K.I. Chukovsky, Museum of Cosmonautics at, Tortogliano confectionery, as well as a trip to Far Far Away, launch spaceships, meeting artisans from all over the world in the city of Miracle Garden Masters. The children will also go to camping trip: V good weather in a safe area, children under the guidance of adults will learn to navigate the terrain, work with a compass, build huts and sleep in tents. In addition, the kids are waiting for creative workshops, sport games on outdoors and in the pool.

Age: 2-9 years old

Address: st. Krylatskaya, 40

I wrote a review in the summer, it's time to write a review about the winter shift. The child dreamed about her since the end of summer. And as soon as the opportunity to buy a ticket arose, we immediately ran to do it. There was a difficult relationship with the weather this winter, hard frost. But for the leadership of the camp, this did not prevent them from organizing a variety of interesting leisure activities for children. I want to say a special thank you for the huge number of photos in several at once social networks, this gives parents the opportunity to at least one eye see what the children are doing during the day. Thank you very much, Maria is the main one)), counselors Masha, Misha, Indy and everyone who takes part in this difficult process of the camp's smooth operation. After all, you can’t fool children, they feel everything. And they run to Soyuz-sport !!! And a special hello to the girls from the reception! :) They are always so friendly!! I really hope to see you in the summer!

Ksenia Pankratova

We were in this camp for the first time. We chose between other similar camps, but decided to stop at Soyuz Sport. Neither my son nor I were disappointed. I do not know the leaders from the first detachment. But from the second we have super counselors Misha, Rusya. Son loves them. And will remember all year. thanks for great idea leadership, for the organization of Mary to the curator and for the professionalism and love for the children of the counselors of the second detachment. Stay next summer with the same composition, we will come to you. Thank you for the holiday on August 26, it was very touching in places.

Julia Berezovskaya

Today began the first full week of school, with new worries, joys, meetings. But the memories of the summer are still very vivid, colorful and, above all, summer is the Soyuz-Sport camp. We are spending our second summer here, we started very cautiously, we thought about trying what to do if there is no one to leave the child with on vacation. And it turned out that it became the most favorite place, where we joyfully run every morning, waiting for new games, projects, excursions. And when during the summer we leave somewhere, then after a while we return to the camp with joy and impatience. Thanks a lot to everyone who is related to this project: Masha, the main inspirer and organizer of an endless series of fabulous events; to all the counselors - it is interesting and fun to be with them, to the wonderful, sensitive administrators at the reception and to all those who provided the life of the camp! We look forward to seeing you again and good luck with everything!

Olga Ershova

Thank you for loving your work. All activities were carefully thought out and implemented on high level! A reading competition, a soap-making master class, a trip to the All-Russian Exhibition Center on Neptune's day, a visit to the fire station and beyond - this is not the whole list of events that left an indelible mark on the child's memory, expanded his horizons.

Prakhova Alena Anatolievna Mother

I was happy to join this center at this sumer as I enjoyed my time with kids. I found here a lot of yong friends and a lot of workers. they are very nice. I enjoyed my time at playing football and I hope that any of the kids just learned some thing new his life or I just let any one of them just smile or laugh about any yhing I did or any time we had together. I hope to see you next summer.

Mostafa Leader from Egypt

Thank you for this amazing camp! We have been going to you for the 2nd year, we are very satisfied! Very interesting program! On next year we'll come again.

Christina and Nadezhda Smirnova Camper and mother

Ekushov Ivan Camp participant (12 years old)

Children's holidays for working parents are a real quest: you need to figure out how to keep your child busy for three whole months. It is especially difficult for those parents whose children are forced to stay in the city for the summer. One of possible solutions problems are city camps: from morning to evening the child will be interested and useful to spend time, and parents will not have to worry about what he is doing - and what he ate for lunch. However, you will have to pay for this peace of mind: the main disadvantage of urban camps is that they are not at all cheap.

To help busy parents, The Village has selected the most interesting creative, educational, developmental and sports programs for children to be held in Moscow this summer.

In the children's camp "While mom is at work" participants will be taught to roller-skate and skateboard, play tennis, jump on a trampoline or dance. There are rock climbing and martial arts. In addition to meals, the price includes the rental of the necessary equipment.

Age: 3–16 years old

Prices: shift (5 days) - from 11,750 rubles, one-time visit - from 2,350 rubles

Nutrition: included in the price

Each change of the program "Zoomasterskie" is designed for 10 days. During this time, children will learn about the life of the zoo and the characteristics of its inhabitants, learn how to care for animals, and also take part in creative workshops. Classes are planned to be held both outdoors and in a specially equipped room on the territory of the zoo.

Age: 7–12 years old


Nutrition: paid separately - 5 000 rubles

Address: Moscow zoo, B. Gruzinskaya street, 1

Summer program of the Jewish Museum "Children in big city» is dedicated to the study of the metropolis. Children will study the history and architecture of Moscow, solve quests and try themselves as photographers and guides.

Age: 7–12 years old

Prices: single visit - 2 300 rubles

Nutrition: included in the price

Address: Jewish Museum and tolerance center, Obraztsova street, 11, building 1A

Summer camp in the Hermitage Garden

Two whole camps are planned in the Hermitage Garden - kids club"House of the white rabbit" and the studio "Mom's garden". The first club offers to choose shifts dedicated to dance, theater, the history of ancient civilizations, chess and treasure hunting. In "Mom's Garden" there are architectural, journalistic, theater and art and book shifts.

Age: 4–12 years old

Prices: shift (10 days) - 15,000 rubles

Nutrition: paid separately - 6 000 rubles

In the program "About everything in the world" children will study traditions different peoples and master interesting professions. In addition, participants will be engaged in dancing, gymnastics, staging performances and walking.

Age: 3–12 years old

Prices: shift (5 days) - 12,500 rubles, one-time visit -2,700 rubles

Nutrition: included in the price

The Museum of Moscow, like the Jewish Museum, dedicated its summer camp to the city and the children in it. Program visitors are offered to study the history and architecture of the capital, learn more about safety in the urban environment, as well as how to make life in the city more comfortable. The program includes visiting museum exhibitions, walking tours and creative activities.

Age: 7–12 years old

Prices: shift (5 days) - 9,000 rubles, one-time visit - 2,000 rubles

Nutrition: paid separately

Children in the workshop are waiting for both creative and technical classes, experiments, watching films, as well as participating in sports games and concerts. The program of the cultural center is designed for only half a day - at 14:00 the child will be free.

Age: 8–16 years old

Prices: shift (10 days) - 7,000 rubles

Nutrition: not provided

“Vacations at the City Farm” is a ten-day program that includes classes on the farm, master classes, sports games and excursions around the territory of VDNKh. The first part of the day will be devoted to farm life (children will learn how to care for animals and plants), and in the afternoon, summer club participants will A yymutsya creativity and games.

Age: 7–13 years old

Prices: shift (10 days) - 27,000 rubles, one-time visit - 3,000 rubles

Nutrition: included in the price

Summer Campus Changes Green school» divided into topics: hiking, skateboarding, carpentry, architecture, circus, breakdance, modern dance, theatre, photography and music. During their stay in the camp, children not only study according to the chosen program, but also visit nearby museums, go on excursions and walk in the park. Please note that for sports program additional insurance will be required, which is not included in the cost of the shift.

Age: 9–14 years old

Prices: shift (5 days) - from 12,500 rubles

Nutrition: included in the price

IN cultural center ZIL children will be engaged in arts and science, comprehend the basics of theatrical skills, animation, cinema, photography and design, and will also watch films, participate in quests and go on excursions. Every morning in the camp they plan to start with dancing, yoga or fitness. At the end of the shift, participants will complete an individual or group creative project.

Age: 11–17 years old

Prices: shift (10 days) - 19 800 rubles

Nutrition: included in the price

Photos: cover, 9 –