Camp day stay at school event scenarios. What to do with kids at camp? Tips for counselors

Thematic training sessions are offered to unite the guys in the detachment. Thematic means reflecting the idea of ​​the camp's work program ("Rusichi", "Watercolor Country", "Pravoznayka", "Merry Tourist", "Mysterious Island"). This allows you to immerse the guys in the game story. Overcoming the challenges that the leading coach offers them, the guys for short term get to know each other, feel a sense of team unity.

Art therapy classes are designed for clinically healthy children, the main purpose of the classes is to organize work for their creative self-expression, to relieve the nervous and psychic tension that has accumulated in them during the school year.



Training sessions in the detachments of the summer camp "Pravoznayka"

MBOU "Gymnasium" Arzamas


: 25-30 people.

Lesson time : approximately 45 minutes.


Training session No. 1 "Planet of people"

Exercise 1. "Inscription on a T-shirt"(round)

Target : acquaintance, development of creativity.

Imagine that for the first time inhabitants of different planets gathered on our planet. To make it easier to communicate, everyone was given a T-shirt and offered to make an inscription with a name on it.

- What lettering would you choose?What can you tell others about yourself? (for example, "Tanya. Let's live together!" or "Olya, I love to laugh")

- Without repeating, in a circle, list what you remember. If there is no answer, then close yourself “in the house” (cross your arms over your chest).

- Raise your hands those who would like to change their inscription to another. To what and why?

Exercise 2. "Fixing a flying saucer"(round)

Target : increasing the cohesion of the group, the ability to cooperate and be a leader.

Not all aliens were able to fly to Earth for the holiday of Peace. You need to repair 3 UFOs. We stretch the thread through each player, tie it into a circle.You can’t talk, but you need to build from a thread: a triangle, a square, an oval.If the thread breaks, the UFO crashed ... (then you need to give the children another try with a new thread).

- Was the task easy to complete? Why?

- Which figure was easier to make?

Exercise 3. "Ideal world"(in a circle, not repeating)

Target : the development of creativity and morality.

- Without repeating yourself, think of what rights people might have in an ideal happy society.? Be creative, name whatever you like (the right to wear everything long hair, the right to dine sweet).With a pause of 10 seconds(the presenter counts them silently, bending his fingers on his hands),the person goes to the center of the circle- "go to school". Having come up with an answer, he has the right to name it at any time and stand in a general circle. Who could not do this, he chooses a “teacher” for himself, who will answer for him, then he will patronize his “student” all day, invite him to play, remind him of lunch time, clean hands, etc.

- What rights do you think might not be very useful to a person?(dine sweet)?

- Squad leader, choose the 5 most important rightsfor the inhabitants of your planet from those listed by the guys. You can use the help of a substitute.

Exercise 4. "Birthday"(in space)


The task is unusual. You need to ask when someone's birthday is, and if possible remember. Time will be given 1 minute, it is allowed to move freely around the hall, be polite.

Assignment to the commander and his deputy: the commander of the detachment and his deputy write their forecast: In winter - ... pers. In the spring - ... pers. In summer - ... pers. In autumn - ... people.

Let's form a circle.Let those who have a birthday in winter take a step forward. And you thought how many of you are in the squad?

- . How many did you think?

- Let those who have a birthday in the summer take a step forward. How many did you think?

- Let those who have a birthday in the spring take a step forward. How many did you think?

Conclusion : Who in the squad has the best intuition and the highest sociability? How well do management know their subordinates?

Exercise 5(round)

Target : increasing group cohesion, overcoming conflicts.

In order to quarrel less, you need to know what the other person does not like, and not do it!Everyone says what bothers him, what he is angry about, offended, what he does not like.(1-2 answers, you can repeat).

- What responses were repeated?

- Squad leader, please draw a conclusion about what your squad does not likewhat not to do in your squad.

- We repeat the promise together: “I promise ..."(List in a positive form 5 rules. For example, instead of not liking being deceived, say "I promise to tell the truth").

- Tell me in your opinion who is the ideal citizen in your group?

Exercise 6(round)

Target : show students the diversity of self-presentations, the uniqueness of the personality of each person.

There is such an expression that each person is the whole Universe, that is, unique, inimitable, diverse.Now each of you will become someone else. You will need to transform into another, but at the same time retain your individuality. So, continue my sentence so that you fully express yourself.

  1. I am a glass of water...
  2. I am a beautiful flower...
  3. I am a piece of melting ice...
  4. I'm like a fish...
  5. I am a song...
  6. I'm like the letter "u" ...
  7. I am the path...
  8. I am a wind...
  9. I am a rock...
  10. I'm like an ant...
  11. I'm like a firefly...
  12. I'm an interesting book...
  13. I am a light...
  14. I am dollar...
  15. I am a mouse...
  16. I am a yellow leaf...
  17. I am delicious breakfast...
  18. I am a piece of plasticine
  19. I am beam...
  20. I am an island...
  21. I am the formula...
  22. I am the car that...
  23. I'm like autumn...
  24. I paint...
  25. I am the picture that...


- Raise your hand, who managed to express themselves in the exercise?

- Who hasn't been able to fully express how you feel?

- Whose answers do you remember? Why?

Host's conclusion: In life, it is very important to be yourself! If this does not work out for some reason, we begin to feel discomfort.

Exercise 7(in a circle)

Target : rallying, increasing the unity of the group.

Now you will become one big salute. In honor of friendship around the world and the day of the birthday, a fireworks show is planned. Join hands and follow my commands.

Salute 1: arms forward, head to the right, back bent back, stronger.

Salute 2: arms back, body forward, head down, right leg back, half squat, stand up, sit down, stand up.

Salute 3: left foot forward, right foot back, gently swing your arms back and forth, without losing the rhythm of your hands, change legs in a jump.

Salute 4: hands up, move your arms left-right, rotate your body left-right, stop, jump as high as possible 3 times 1-2-3.

Well done, the fireworks turned out great.

- Who liked the fireworks more?

Training lesson in the detachment No. 2 "Planet of people"

Exercise 1. "What is more important?"(round)

Target : moral education group members.

Imagine that we live on a perfect planet.What is more important on an ideal planet: to be fair, kind or well-mannered?Choose one answer.

- Who chose justice

- Who chose educationtake a step forward. Justify your choice.

- Who chose kindnesstake a step forward. Justify your choice.

Lead Conclusion : It's good that you chose all three answers! This means that you can build a happy society, an ideal friendship. In my opinion, the most important thing is to be kind, then educated, then fair. To be kind means to always remain human, to be able to forgive people. The main war is the choice between good and evil, where good must win. Justice - this is Themis with a blindfold and a sword - means "to judge impartially", but still judge.

Exercise 2. "Good mirror"(in pairs, according to the "carousel" principle)

Target : increasing the cohesion of the group, the ability to provide support.

Now we will find out who knows how to be kind and who is not. Let's count on the "man-mirror". The "man" takes a step forward, forms an inner circle, turns around and stands in front of his pair - the "mirror". On the leader's signal“man” talks about his shortcomings for 15 seconds, criticizes himself in every possible way. On a signal for the next 15 seconds, the “good mirror” consoles, praises, justifies the first participant.The inner circle is stationary and the outer circle moves 2 steps to the right. People and mirrors change roles. The game is repeated 4-8 times. Then everyone gets up again in one common circle for discussion.

- Which was easier, criticizing yourself or making excuses for others(round)?

- Raise your hands those who have been badly justified.Let's correct this mistake now, say something nice to the person.

- Raise your hands those who came across a "good mirror". Name these guys, they know how to support in difficult times.

Exercise 3(in a circle)

Target : increasing group cohesion, establishing contact.

Elections are underway on our ideal planet. Positions will be received only by those who can form a couple with someone. Game conditions:everyone stands motionless in a circle, at the command of the host, everyone should silently find a mate with one eye, clinging their eyes. We play 3 rounds, and if you can form 25 pairs in 3 rounds, then the elections were successful, your state can be considered advanced, civilized. Pairs count after each round, participants change places.

Host's conclusion: about whether the group has enough cohesion, whether its members are able to effectively interact with each other.

Exercise 4. "Choose a profession"(round)

Target : increasing the cohesion of the group, establishing contact, developing creativity.

Imagine that on our ideal planet you can work with anyone you want!What do you want to become? (can be repeated) Why?


- What responses were repeated?

- Whose choice did you surprise or remember??

- Who wants to change their choice?

- The most useful, necessary profession of the named?

Host's conclusion: All professions are important, any work must be respected!

Exercise 5. "My responsibilities"(in a circle, in a circle)

Target : accepting responsibilities.

Describe your duties on your ideal planet, beginning with "I will have to..."(What to do? How to behave?). Do not repeat answers after others.

And now I’ll tell you a little secret: “When you don’t really want to do something, but you need to, you need to replace “I must” with “I can”, and then you will have the strength to cope with the right thing!” Let's check. Now in chorus at my commandevery 10 times in an undertone will say "I can ... (your own answer)"and programmed for success.

Exercise 6(round)

Target : development of creativity, creation of a good psychological climate.

Now we are going on a journey. Where? Unknown.The first person comes up with a place (funny, unusual), and three people take turns saying what items they will take with them there (what they need most there) with an explanation of the reason why this is. Etc. For example, I send you to climbers in Africa.


- Which vacation spot did you find the funniest, most interesting??

- What items did you like??

Host's conclusion: about who was the most creative in the group.

Exercise 7(round)

Target : emancipation, creation of a good psychological climate.

Everyone is told in their ear what kind of animal or bird they are, then at the command of the leader, in 3 minutes everyone must find their family. It is not allowed to speak or make any sounds. Searching silently. All you can do is pantomime the animal or bird indicated to you.








Find out which family is which. Who was not in his family? Why? Who quickly found his family? Why?

Host's conclusion: who quickly found his family, he is liberated bodily, not constrained. Others need to practice being more relaxed.

I wish your squad to remain large, friendly and strong family, to win the camp-wide struggle!


Training sessions in the camp "Watercolor Country"

Developed by Kochkina E.A., educational psychologist

MBOU "Gymnasium" Arzamas

Members: school children health camp 1-6 grades.

Number of participants in the group: 25-30 people.

Lesson time : approximately 45 minutes.

Target : uniting the group and providing conditions for personal growth each member of the group.

Lesson number 1 "Wake up the fantasy"

Introductory speech of the presenter: - From what word did the word "training" come from? (to train) Today we will train our imagination.

Exercise 1. "Imaginary drawing"(round)

Target : acquaintance of participants, development of imagination and memory.

You need to create a general drawing, beautiful and interesting. But not with a brush and pencil, but with the help of words.

“My name is… I take a sheet and draw on it…”

After 4-5 people say "Stop", and set the task"Name the last 4-5 artists and remember what they drew."

Leader's conclusion. Answers the question: what is the overall picture? Which squad (funny, love to travel, animals…)?

- What do we call the drawing?

Captain, choose any name from the proposed squad.

Exercise 2. "What kind of artist are you?"(in a circle, with the right to refuse the role of the driver)

Target : emancipation of participants, awakening leadership qualities.

Those who wish draw any object in the air with an imaginary brush. The rest of the participants guess. If they guess quickly, then the artist is a very good one. Arms crossed on the chest - a sign of rejection of the role of the artist. Selection of the best "artists".

Exercise 3. "Color team"(mixed teams)

Target : training the ability to work in a team, creating a situation for the manifestation of leadership qualities.

Let's divide into two teams (approximately equal), 1- who has a red color in clothes, 2- who has yellow in clothes. Let's have a competition. Stand in two circles, choose one person to stand in the center of the circle.

- Raise your hands those who were born in the summer?(The person in the center of the circle counts the number of raised hands, reports to the host)

The team with the most people born in the summer wins.

- Raise your hands if you have any pet at home.

- Raise your hands those who really love the lesson of mathematics.

- Raise your hands, those who are wearing socks today.

Raise your hands who can swim.

Leader's conclusion. With an account.... Team won...

Let's divide into teams again - Green, White and Black (in a row). Again we choose the main one in the center of the circle. And now each team in 1 minute comes up with 2 questions that would bring it victory, i.e. the most hands raised on their team.

Questions from teams.

Leader's conclusion. 1) With a score ... the team won ... I liked the work of all teams. 2) In the first case, the team (Red or Yellow) lost unfairly, because was obviously small. The second time was preparation! Your squad will win only when everyone is active, prepared, when you are together, when there are many of you - you are a force. Be friendly!

Exercise 4. "Checking the commander and his deputy"

Target: study of the cohesion of the group and the correctness of the choice of the detachment asset.

- For the team to win, you need to be united yourself and have a good commander.Let's check how the commander can feel his squad. For thisthe commander and his deputy have to guess which color is the most favorite in the squad.They will write 2 answers on pieces of paper (give two pieces of paper and two pens).

- Poll in a circle "My favorite color."

Lead Conclusion . Let's compare the coincidences, the colors turned out to be the most favorite of the detachment ... Did the commander and his deputy indicate them?

Additional training task in case of failure.

Commander and deputy, bring to the center of the circle 5 people who named yellow as their favorite color. 5 corrections are allowed.

Presenter output options: 1. You have an excellent commander and deputy! 2. You have a good commander and deputy, but you must help them to be more organized yourself. 3. It is difficult for the commander and his deputy, because you are all different, try to be obedient and friendly, do not quarrel with each other.

Exercise 5. "Captain"(sitting on the floor)

Target : awareness of the resources for leadership, increased self-confidence, responsibility for one's life.

Leader's instructions.Relax. Breathe evenly, deeply, slowly... Imagine a room: long, empty and bright... You enter the room and feel its huge size... It is so big, long, high... And you feel small in it ... You notice a staircase in the corner that goes up steeply ... You climb it, your legs feel the hardness of the steps, their steepness ... You feel that it is difficult for you to climb this staircase ... But you insistently go up and you see a hole in the ceiling, through which bright sunlight pours... Having risen, you see a boundless blue sea in front of you... a lot of light and sun. A fresh sea breeze is blowing ... Right in front of you is a beautiful white ship ... You see fresh varnish on its wooden parts... You step on the deck of this ship... you feel how it sways on the waves... You notice two or three masts... Look at them... you see the sails filled with wind... The ship clean and beautiful... You like everything here... You think: Who is leading this ship? And you see the cabin where the captain in a white cap is standing ... He is standing at the helm ... You go up to him ... And something amazing happens: you see that he takes off his cap, puts it on the deck, goes to the side and. .. jumps into the water, waves his hand to you, and you hear his voice: “The ship is yours ... I leave it to you ...” This is your ship ... You can choose what to do ... You can go down and indulge in sweet laziness ... You can let go of the steering wheel ... Or you can take the helm in your hands ... You take the captain's cap, put it on your head ... stand at the helm ... You became the captain of this ship. .. You lead it to your goal through storm and storm towards the sun and people... Take charge of your course! Pilot your ship with confidence! The name of your ship is life... You are calm, beautiful, confident... You are free... You are the master of your life.


Who behaved while driving?

Exercise 6. "Carousel"

Target : organization of constructive interaction in a couple, development of communication skills.

- We will divide into two circles according to the counter "TEA, COFFEE".The inner circle is stationary. The outer one will, on my command, move 1 step to the right. Now stand in a circle in pairs, facing each other, raise your hands like a house.

- In 15 seconds, tell each other about your favorite activities.(The ringing of the bell, meaning the transition of the move to one person to the right.)

- Compliment each other.(2 moves)

- Wish each other something nice.(2 moves)

- Imagine and say who your interlocutor could be in the future by profession? (2 moves)

- What gift would you give each other for their birthday?? (2 moves)

- What delicious things would you share with each other?(2 moves)

(options for more complex questions: What are you living in this world for? What traits do you consider the most striking in yourself? What are you doing very well? What flaws do you condemn in a person? Guess what advantages your interlocutor has? What image will suit your interlocutor? What do you like the most in the interlocutor?)

Let's stand in a circle. Discussion.

- Raise your hands, who did very much nice compliment. Who wants to voice it?(who does not want to, closes his hands with a lock on his chest)

- Raise your hands, who liked the profession that he was offered. Who wants to call her out loud?

- Who was dissatisfied with the gift?

Lead output options. 1. When everyone is happy with the gift - it's great! It means that you do not offend each other, you know how to do good deeds. 2. If someone is dissatisfied with the gift, then at his choice, any 3-4 people “give” him something again and he chooses 1 gift for himself, and the presenter emphasizes that evil words hurt a person, they should be avoided in communication to become a winning squad.

Exercise 7. " Team wishes"(round)

Target : creating a positive atmosphere of communication in the group.

- What does everyone want to wish their squad?(in a word, repeat.)

Thank you all for your hard work!

Lesson 2 "I, you, we"

Exercise 1. "Dialogue"(round).

Target : drawing attention to creativity as a means of combating bad mood.

What do you think people enjoy doing: singing, dancing or drawing? Choose one answer.

Who chose "to sing", explain why it is more pleasant to sing.

Who chose to "dance", explain why it is more pleasant to dance.

Who chose "to draw", explain why it is more pleasant to draw.

Leader's conclusion. All are right. If you are sad, the best way to get rid of bad thoughts is drawing! Dancing gives a person cheerfulness, a beautiful posture. Singing adds confidence. So sing! Dance! Draw!

Exercise 2. The game "The most observant"

Target: sensitivity training.

Game progress: 1. In the center of the circle they put the driver with outstretched hand. He closes his eyes, unwinds, after the word “stop” he stops, thus choosing a mate at random. 2. Looks at the partner for 5 seconds, then turns away and answers 2 questions of the presenter. 3. After that, he takes the partner’s place, and the partner becomes the leader. 4. The game is played 7-9 times.

Host Questions:

1. Does this person have yellow (red) color in clothes?

What color are his eyes?

2. What does he have on his feet: flip flops, sneakers or sandals?

Is he taller or shorter than you?

3. Did he come today in a cap?

Does he have a bright mole on his face?

4. Does he have any jewelry on his hand: rings, watches, bracelets?

Does his hair curl?

5. What is his approximate foot size?

Is there black (gray) color in his clothes?

Let's complicate the task. Now it will be necessary to guess the feelings and desires of another person.

6. What is his mood?

Is he thirsty now?

7. Does he like to play catch-up?

How many friends does he have in the squad?

8. Does this person want to be friends with you?

Name 2-3 traits of his character.

9. What will he choose: a game of chess or a game of checkers?

What is he interested in?

Presenter output options. You know each other well (very well or not enough).

Exercise 3. Playing for speed(round)

Target : development of the speed of thought processes.

- What can be blue?

10 seconds to think, do not repeat. If you didn’t answer, then you “burned out” and you need to stand in the center of the circle. If, for example, “shirt” was named, then the presenter generalizes - “clothes”, and it is no longer possible to name other items of clothing.

To save the "burnt out", it is necessary for someone from the detachment to come up with the correct answer to the task for them. Only then will the "burned out" stand in a common circle.

Exercise 4. "Family"(in space)

Target : increase group cohesion.

Now we will unite in families. But first, let's disperse throughout the space of the hall.

The host announces the number of people in the family. The family should stand in a circle and hug, and do not take extra people with you!

Get together in families of 3 people.

Get together in families of 6 people.

Get together in families of 9 people.

Get together in families of 5 people.

Get together in families of 7 people.

Will unite in a family of 27 people (according to the number of members of the detachment, educators, counselors).

Freeze! Tell me, who is uncomfortable? Get comfortable.

Host's conclusion: Every person should have their place in common house! Everyone should stand in a way that is convenient for him, comfortable, and not interfere with the comfort of another. It is important to take your right place in the team!

Exercise 5. "Color associations" (in a circle).

Target : the study of the unity of the group.

- Do you know what an association is?This is the first thought that came to your mind.

- Now the first person will say his association to the word "detachment", the second - to the named association, and so on in a circle. You can name any words, including adjectives and verbs. Begin.

Example. Squad - friendly - cheerful - summer - pond - swim - ...

Leader's conclusion. Analyzes what the squad expects during the camp shift (boredom or fun, activity or contemplation). States a fact: is there unity in the detachment (the last association, it is the key to the first, i.e. to the word "detachment", and ideally should be positive).

Exercise 6

Target : disclosure creativity participants and creating a positive atmosphere of communication.

- We compose in turn one sentence about the detachment. But first, suggest a title for the future story. The squad leader will choose the heading.

It is possible to pass 2 and 3 circles if the creative abilities of the participants are well developed.

Host's conclusion: Determines the genre of the resulting fairy tale (horror, comedy, boring storytelling, etc.)

Exercise 7(in a circle)

Target : creating group unity.

- Let's stand in a circle. Let's take hands.The detachment commander sends a spark of friendship with his right hand, for this he gently squeezes the neighbor's hand. The neighbor, having accepted the spark, squeezes the commander's hand in response, passes it on, squeezing the second neighbor's hand, and so on. Sparkle should return to the commander, and he will report to us about this.

- Let's start the second spark of friendship(without waiting for the circle to pass). Third. And the fourth.

- Without opening our hands, raise them up.Shake slowly the spark of friendship on the waves. Make sure there are no collisions.

- Put your hands down and swing the spark back and forth. Make sure everything works out together, at the same time.

- Put your hands forward in front of you, shake the spark again.

- Hands above the head, above. Last time swing your arms, unclench them and sharply lower them down, shake your hands. Now we are united with you by the threads of friendship. Take care of friendship in the detachment and in your life.

Thank you all for your hard work!


Training sessions in the camp "Merry Tourist"

Developed by Kochkina E.A., educational psychologist

MBOU "Gymnasium" Arzamas

Members: children of the school health camp 1-6 grades.

Number of participants in the group: 25-30 people.

Lesson time : approximately 45 minutes.

Target : uniting the group and providing conditions for the personal growth of each member of the group.

Introductory speech of the presenter. Where did the word "training" come from? (coach, training) We will train the cohesion of our squad. Remember rules , by which we will communicate with you: 1. You can only speak with the permission of the coach. 2. You can not interrupt each other. 3. You can't laugh at each other's answers, it's mean.

Exercise 1. "Choice"(Everyone stands in a circle, answer in a chain)

Target : mood for work, setting for mutual assistance in a group.

- Who is best to take on a hike: experienced, strong or reliable? (Answer in turn)

- Take a step forward those who chose the strong. Justify your point of view. (What about those who are weak? If someone is tired or injured on the way, then the whole squad or part of the squad should stay with them? In fact, the law of the tourist says that the entire squad must go at the pace that they are capable of weakest member or injured)

- Take a step forward those who chose experienced. Justify your point of view. (It is better not to go on a hike without an experienced person, otherwise you risk your health)

- Take a step forward those who chose reliable. Justify your point of view. (It is very important that half of the squad choose reliable ones, this is a sign that the squad has passed the test. Experienced and strong people are not always good people, but reliable ones will never betray, they will not leave a friend in trouble)

What kind of guys should be in your squad to win the all-camp fight?

Host's conclusion: The correct answer is reliable! Then the group will be cohesive, united, friendly.

Exercise 2. "Unity"(in a circle)


Starting with the commanderchain to the leftpass the cotton.

Now pass the clap but much faster. (They count the number of mistakes made by the detachment. It is allowed to make 2-3 attempts.)

Commander, line to the rightpass some clapping rhythm. Faster.

Pass the rhythm with your feet.

Host's conclusion: evaluates how friendly and organized the group is and identifies children with low self-regulation.

Exercise 3(along the chain)

Target : mastering the art of self-presentation, self-disclosure in a group.

Continue the phrase along the chain: "I want to be in our squad because I…»

After each answer of the child, the commander is asked if this person is needed in the detachment? If he answers “We already have a lot of guys with such skills, qualities”, then the child is looking for other useful skills or qualities in himself, in difficult cases, other guys help to find in him good qualities useful to the squad.

Exercise 4. "Tests"(in fives)

Target : formation of a sense of belonging to a group, responsibility for the team, leadership qualities.

IN Hike you are waiting for 5 tests. Task: overcome them and reach the place of rest.

The host counts in order 5 people from the group for each task (based on 5 tasks for a squad of 25 people). If a team member performs a task with errors, then another team member “rescues” him (reaches the place where the error occurred, extends his hand to a friend). If the whole team made a mistake, then the captain (or his deputy) performs the task himself and thereby “saves” the team.

  1. Pass through the "bog bumps".5 people from the detachment in the campaign got lost in the swamp. To return to the camp, they need to go through the swamp bumps and not drown ("bumps" - halves of sheets of A4 paper, located at a distance of 1 m from each other, it is enough to cook 4-5 "bumps", "bumps" from children's jumps can be displaced , and there is no need to correct them to their original place).
  2. Walk "at night" on a tightrope.5 people from the detachment got lost in the forest at night. To get back to the camp, they need to walk the tightrope over the abyss without falling. (The guys walk blindfolded along a drawn strip of 3 meters, they must accurately put their foot on the line. Otherwise, they will fall into the "abyss". The commander or another participant chosen by him must verbally guide the player. In the event of a "fall" of the player, he crouches at the end stripes and waits for the next participant to reach him and extend his hand to him.If he also “falls”, then they are already squatting together and waiting for rescue).
  3. Break and rest time. Roll the ball into the goalIt's time to rest. For example, play football. (“Gate” of the commander’s legs, spaced 20 cm wide, the distance to the gate is 2 m. You need to roll a ball with a diameter of 10 cm into the “gate”. 2 attempts per person are allotted and the number of goals scored is counted).
  4. Rain. Throw a box of matches into the "bag-bag" held by the captain.The children are announced that it has begun to rain and they are asked what should be especially saved for the tourist during the rain. The correct answer is matches. (The commander holds a bag of A-4 paper or a small bucket, and the participants try to throw a box of matches into it. The distance is 1.5 m, the tourist has 2 attempts. The number of boxes of matches saved from the rain is counted. In case of failure, they reassure the squad that even 1 box of matches is enough for them on a hike).
  5. Freeze, snake! Stand on your left foot for 30 seconds without standing on both feet. An incident has happened! A poisonous snake has appeared! She will bite those who cannot hold out for 30 seconds on their left leg. (It is allowed to hold onto each other. If one of the team is not restrained, the entire squad completes this task and saves the bitten by a snake).

Exercise 5(along the chain)


What do tourists do on a halt? (Resting, eating).

- We will name edible mushrooms and berries in a chain, without repeating.

If a tourist names an inedible mushroom or is silent for 10 seconds, then he either "poisoned himself" or "fell into a hungry faint" and is excluded from the game, falling into the center of the circle.

The leader in a sad voice at the end of the game notifies the squad that the losers must leave the training session. Makes a big pause. Children must guess to offer to save their friends by naming new edible mushrooms or berries. The facilitator happily informs the group that they have passed the test in this competition!

Exercise 6. "Polyphony"(in small groups)

Target : growth of trust in the group.

Children are divided into 3 groups of 8 people,pronouncing the words in turn: "strong, reliable, experienced." Each group has its own place in the office space. The group stands in a circle.

A person stands in the center of each circle, closes his eyes. The rest synchronously execute the master's commands:

Gently take turns touching it.

You are together touch it carefully.

- Fast a few timestouch it like rain.

Stroke him like mom does.


Everyone should visit the center. Everyone works in an organized manner at the command of the leader. The host asks each time: was it comfortable to be in the center? What feelings did you experience? Where did they come from discomfort why were they unpleasant? Calls to give joy to each other, and not a feeling of discomfort.

Exercise 7(in changing pairs)

Target : development of communication skills.

Children are built in the "Carousel".To do this, they are divided into 2 groups according to the "Tea-coffee" counter, standing in a circle. "Tea" takes a step forward and is declared to be an inner motionless circle. "Coffee" is announced as an outer, moving circle. "Tea" turns to face "Coffee", couples form, the couple holds hands (to see who is left without a couple). If one of the children does not have a couple, then the counselor or teacher does not participate in the competition.

Exercise : Now you will communicate with each other on the topic "The very best."The communication time is 15 seconds, both people in a pair should have time to speak.We make the transition on a call, 1 person to the right.

You are the most here ... (2 transitions)

In your appearance, you have the most beautiful ... (2 transitions)

It's nice to talk with you, because you ... (2 transitions)

I like about you ... (2 transitions)

You are doing very well ... (2 transitions)

I want to wish you ... (2 transitions)

General discussion:Share what good things you heard about yourself? (Poll in a circle, those who do not want to talk close into the "house", crossing their arms over their chest).

Exercise 8. "Parting words of the commander"(choir in a circle)


The task for the commander is to give 5 parting words (wishes, advice) to his squad. For example,the commander says: "Be ... (friendly)!"The detachment responds in chorus: “We will ... (friendly)!”

Training session No. 2 "Friends on a hike"

Exercise 1. "Poll"(along the chain)

Target : mood for work, voicing the rules of friendship.

- Do you consider yourself a friendly team? Why?

- How do the guys on the team behave?? (These are the rules of friendship)

Do you know everyone by name?Shout everyone's name around the circle.

Now you are ready to go!

Host Questions:

What names met 1 time?

And which ones are more than others?

Exercise 2. "We collect a backpack"(along the chain)

Target : development of speed of thinking, mutual assistance.

Each participant in the chain must say 1 word - this is the thing that he will put in his hiking backpack.Thinking time - no more than 10 seconds. The captain must watch what his squad takes with him and, if he does not agree, “throws out” the excess, and the person who suggested this is temporarily out of the game. To turn him back into the game, at the end he corrects himself, or takes help from the detachment: the guys name several objects, he chooses 1 answer he likes.

Host's conclusion: conducts an analysis of how useful the backpack collected by the participants turned out to be during the campaign.

Exercise 2. Pantomime "In the campaign, I can do this ..."(participation optional)

Target : emancipation, removal of psychological barriers in communication.

Those who wish show what useful work they will do before the campaign or on the campaign for the detachment.The rest - guess, with 3-5 attempts. If they didn’t guess, then it is announced that a good intention, unfortunately, did not become a deed ...

Host's conclusion: It is important to be able to be persuasive so that people understand you, what you want and follow you.

Exercise 3. The game "Bonfire and firewood"(in a circle)

Target : development of organization and ability to feel each other.

The driver goes out the door.The guys agree among themselves who will set the movements that everyone will copy.The driver guesses, watching the detachment for 10-15 seconds, from whom it comes, “who is throwing firewood into the fire?” There are 3 attempts.

Approximate conclusion of the presenter: If the driver did not guess correctly, then the group is well done, works smoothly, together. If you guessed it, then the person is very observant.

Ideally, the driver should not immediately guess the initiator of the movement if the team is friendly. Play 5 times.

Exercise 4. Test for the captain and his deputy "Dinner time"(along the chain)

Target : checking the business qualities of the commander and his deputy.

The captain and his deputy must guess which of the proposed squad would prefer to eat with the greatest pleasure: 1. Ukha. 2. Baked potatoes. 3. Fried bread.

The captain and his deputy make their choice in writing, indicating the number of the expected answer. After that, each member of the squad is asked what he would prefer to eat for lunch from the indicated dishes.Votes are counted, the most frequent answer is determined. After that, they are compared with the answers of the captain and his deputy.

Lead Conclusions: The conclusion is made about how successfully the leadership of the detachment is carried out. If the captain made a mistake, then the detachment is called to help their captain in order to win in the camp competitions. If the captain guessed right, then the squad is congratulated on the fact that they have a wonderful commander who can lead them to victory.

Exercise 5(in unequal groups)

Target : Ability to work well in a small group.

The detachment in a chain voices its choice: which game everyone would prefer to play on a halt:1. Badminton. 2. Volleyball. 3. Doggy? After that, the squad is divided into 3 unequal groups.Each team should, in chorus, without rehearsing, say their tongue twister 2 times:

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry;

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass;

Carl stole corals from Clara.

Then the whole squad unanimously says all 3 tongue twisters.

Exercise 6(in triplets)

Target : conducting a sociometric choice, correcting the status of individual children.

Everyone answers in a circle, three tourists answer the same question without repeating. Then the second question is asked to the next three tourists, here the answers may already coincide with the answers from the first three. Etc. Everyone should take part in the survey, so the guys can be united by 2, 3, and 4-5 people, depending on the size of the group.

Questions for triplets:

  1. - With whom would you go to collect brushwood for the fire?
  2. Who will light the fire the fastest?
  3. - Who would bring water for dinner?
  4. - Who would catch fish for soup?
  5. - Who would you trust to cook the fish soup?
  6. - With whom would you go to put up a tent?
  7. - Who will light the fire faster?
  8. - Who will wash the dishes without drowning them?
  9. - Who will maintain the night fire?

Questions for analysis in the circle:

Raise your hand if you have been named 3 or more times. You yourself are experienced tourists in the detachment.

Take a step forward those who have never been chosen.

Squad, why didn't you pick these guys?

What can be assigned to each?

What would you like to do for the squad?

Let's applaud the guys that they are also useful to their squad!

Exercise 7. Carousel"What am I?" (in changing pairs)

Target : organization feedback between children.

Children are built in the "Carousel".To do this, they are divided into 2 groups according to the "Tea-coffee" counter, standing in a circle. "Tea" takes a step forward and is declared to be an inner motionless circle. "Coffee" is announced as an outer, moving circle that will make transitions. "Tea" turns to face "Coffee", couples form, the couple holds hands (to see who is left without a couple). If one of the children does not have a couple, then one counselor does not participate in the competition.

Exercise : Now you will communicate with each other. On a 10-point system, you will need to honestly evaluate the qualities of your partner. Try to remember on what quality you will get your highest score!The communication time is 15 seconds, both people in a pair should have time to speak. We make the transition on a call, 1 person to the right.

Questions for communication:

How funny is he? - brave? - Kind? - dexterous? - hardy? - reliable?

Inventive? - caring?

General discussion: For which quality did you get your highest score? What assessment do you disagree with?

Exercise 8. "Let's shake hands!"(free movement)

Target: completion of the lesson on positive emotions.

Shake hands with as many people in the squad as possible in 1 minute.Remember that the handshake should be kind!



Training sessions in the camp "Rusichi"

Developed by Kochkina E.A., educational psychologist

MBOU "Gymnasium" Arzamas

Members:children of the school health camp 1-6 grades.

Number of participants in the group: 25-30 people.

Lesson time: approximately 45 minutes.

Target: uniting the group and providing conditions for the personal growth of each member of the group.

Training session No. 1 "Fairytale path"

Exercise 1. Introduction to the game(in a circle and at will)

Target:immersion in the era of the Russians.

- (answers optional)IN ancient Rus' Russians believed in legends and worshiped the God of the Sun Yarilo. Why do you think?(1. they were afraid of the formidable forces of nature, 2. they could not explain some natural phenomena, since there was no science, 3. the harvest depended on the sun, so they worshiped it).

- (answers in a circle)What fabulous creatures do you know?(Koschey, Baba Yaga, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Elena the Beautiful, Ivan Tsarevich, Ivanushka the Fool, pike, fox, bear, hare, gray wolf, firebird, Sivka-Burka, Golden Scallop Cockerel, Tsar Dodon, Princess Frog , devil, gnomes, sorceress, witch, swamp Kikimora, Leshy, Vodyanoy, werewolf, brownie, goblin, sweet-voiced sirens, mermaids, old woodman, etc.).

- How do you think,which heroes are more (positive or negative? (Equally) Why? (because good always fights evil, and these two forces are equal, evil is a little weaker, since good wins!)

Exercise 2. "My hero"(round)

Target:introduce the guys to each other, the search for self-identification.

- “My name is ... (name). I would like to be in a fairy tale ... (who?), because ... (reason?) "


What characters are recurring? Why do you think? (they are positive, strong, kind)

- Whose choice surprised you?

- (round)Who wants to change their hero for another?Who does not want to change, let him cross his arms over his chest like a house.

Exercise 3. “How Ivan the Fool rescued Vasilisa the Beautiful from evil captivity”(Test for the leader of the tribe and his assistant, for ingenuity)

Target:development of leadership qualities of the detachment commander and his assistant (the ability to make the right decision).

- I'll give you two a riddle. Guess.You can give 3 answers. If you make a mistake, then you are allowed to take 3 more tips from the guys. If they make a mistake, then guess the whole squad.

1. Not water, not land - you can’t sail away on a boat and you won’t pass with your feet. Answer: Swamp.

- With whom will you solve the second riddle?(the commander chooses two guys to his circle)

2. The grandmother wears a snow cap. The stone sides are wrapped in clouds. Answer: Mountain.

- With whom will you solve the third riddle?(you can change one or all two guys)

3. What a miracle! That's so amazing! As he fell off the cliff, So for many years he still does not fall. Answer: Waterfall.

- A riddle for the entire squad.Whoever gave the wrong answer, he rolled into the ravine (goes to the center of the circle and squats). Who will rescue everyone, pull them out of the ravine?

4. Who, as soon as it gets hot, will pull a fur coat over his shoulders. And the evil cold will come - Throw her off her shoulders? Answer: Forest

Exercise 4. "Magic ball".(A new test for the leader of the tribe and his assistant)

Target:development of leadership qualities of the detachment commander and his assistant (the ability to make a decision) and increasing the cohesion of the entire detachment.

- A magical ball of thread showed you the way, but got confused. You need to unravel the ball of thread so that you can move on.. The detachment takes hands and gets tangled without opening their hands. The task of the commander and assistant is to unravel the confusion.

- What fairy tales have a magic ball? (About Elena the Wise)

Exercise 5(Squad Challenge)

Target:creating a good psychological climate in the detachment.

- How did Nastenka melt Frost's heart? Why didn't he freeze her? What was she like? (meek, kind, not rude to older people, treated Frost with respect and reverence, cleaned his house) So, this is a test of kindness.

A)"Pass the warmth."In turn, starting with the leader (commander), without looking into the eyes, we put our hand on the neighbor’s shoulder and give him a piece of our warmth. Don't remove your hand!

B) "Pass on a smile". Now we touch the shoulder of the other, and give him our smile, looking into his eyes for about 3-5 seconds, after which we remove the hand from the shoulder.

IN) "Convey a wish". We touch the shoulder, look into the eyes, and with a smile we wish something good man calling him by name.


- Which exercise was more pleasant for you, easier - 1st, 2nd or 3rd?

Lead Conclusion: There are people who are open, there are people who are closed. The higher your choice of exercise number, the higher your degree of openness!

Exercise 6(Test for the squad for strength and dexterity)

Target: physical minute and activation of leadership potential.

You will carry out my tasks, and I will call (or touch with my hand) the one who did it better.

A) Everyone stand in a circle, turn your back to the center. Try to join your hands behind your back in a castle ( right hand top left, bottom left).

B) Join hands in the castle behind, now left hand top and right bottom.

C) Stand in a circle. At the expense of 3, without bending our legs, we bend down and touch the floor with the whole palm.

D) We sit down, stretch our arms forward. Who can last 1 minute like that?

D) You need to sit down and stand on one leg.

Lead Conclusion: whom I touched with my palm at least once, is in good physical form! The rest need to work on their body so that it becomes more mobile, flexible, strong.

Exercise 7. Summing up(in a circle, you can not answer, closing the house)

Target: moral education of students.

- What can be learned from fairy tales? (give 10 responses per squad)

  1. Be kind, because good triumphs over evil.
  2. Honor and respect elders.
  3. Do not boast, do not boast, otherwise you will lose everything or everyone will laugh at you.
  4. Don't despair. The morning is wiser than the evening, the decision will come!
  5. Do not envy, otherwise you will do a lot of evil and you will be punished.
  6. Do not intrigue another, since evil is punishable.
  7. Help others, and then you will be helped in trouble.
  8. Be meek and fate will reward you a good groom, wealth.
  9. Be obedient, otherwise you will get into trouble, turn into a kid.
  10. Be industrious and it will attract wealth to you.

These hints can be used if the children found it difficult to answer. You can tell them the beginning of the phrase and ask them to continue it, to talk about the consequences of such behavior.

Exercise 8. Ritual of farewell


Everyone stands in a circle. The squad leader holds out his hand, palm down, and says his name. His hand is covered in turn by other guys. You can try to put the second hand. At the end say "Goodbye!" and throw up your hands.

Training session No. 2 "My light is a mirror, tell me"

Developed by the psychologist of the gymnasium

Arzamas Kochkina E.A.


In fairy tales, good triumphs over evil. Today we will defeat evil. But not around you, but within yourself.

Exercise 1. "Good mirror"(round)

Target: the ability to find the good in people.

A) Everyone will become a kind mirror and show his neighbor his best qualities.It is necessary to say about the neighbor on the left: “... (name of the neighbor), I like you ... (what?)».

The host shows an example, praises something in his appearance. Usually the children repeat after him, so after a while the leader draws attention to the character of the person.


- Raise your hands, who was it easy to say good things about someone else?

- Who found it difficult to say good things, why? What hindered?

- Who do you think needs attention right now? To that we will now say collectively pleasant words.

b) Let's continue the game.We will ask the neighbor on the right what we are, and he will praise us. For example, am I beautiful? And the neighbor must answer in the affirmative. If the answer does not suit you, then say “More” to the mirror. If you did, then say "Thank you." Questions can be repeated.


What questions were repeated? (this is what people care about the most)

- Raise your hands, those who took the answers of the mirror as flattery, as a lie? Why do you think? (1) not all people know how to accept compliments: they find fault with themselves, and therefore find fault with compliments, 2) not everyone knows how to speak good people because it's easier to say bad things...)

Lead Conclusion: be kind to yourself and others, love yourself to give love to others.

Exercise 2. "Crooked mirror"

Target: work with negative feelings and improving the overall climate in the group.

Everyone is standing in a circle. The host conveys some unpleasant emotion to his neighbor with his face and gesture, he must repeat it for the next neighbor and then portray his state. The third person represents the state of the second person and his own, and so on. along the chain.

During the exercise, the facilitator needs to specifically push the children to let out anger, discontent, resentment with facial expressions. But make sure it doesn't real cases aggression. As a result of liberation from negative emotions, the group immediately becomes more fun, and everyone's soul is easier.


- Take a step forward those who feel lighter, more fun?

- Who was not very pleased to receive his grimace from a neighbor? You are allowed to return it back to the address.

Host's conclusion:fromNegative emotions should always get rid of! But in a way that doesn't hurt other people.

Exercise 3. "Mirror of power."

Target: increase self-confidence and cohesion in the squad.

Imagine that this mirror reflects your most strengths. What can you do that others can't do? (round)


- Whose answer surprised you? Why?

- Let's choose the most interesting and useful people detachment.

- (in turn) Give the names of those who can be useful to the detachment. The one who is called, let him count on his fingers, so as not to be mistaken, how many times he was called. Let your talents serve not only you, but the entire squad!

- Who else is closed to you and who would you like to get to know better? Take a step yourself today to these people so that they are not so lonely, do a good deed!

Host's conclusion:everyone should ask himself: “What did I do myself so that people would understand me, love me, be friends with me?”

Exercise 4. "Broken mirror"

Target: work on the awareness of shortcomings.

In the fairy tale The Snow Queen» The monkeys carried a mirror across the sky and did not hold it. The mirror shattered and shattered into many pieces. Kai got a piece of the mirror right in the heart.

- What was Kai after that? (evil boy, forgot how to love)

- Who saved him and how? (Gerda, with her devotion, friendship, love)

- In each of us there may be still small pieces of an evil mirror.Show on your body, without much thought, where a piece of an evil mirror could have hit you?

Let's get rid of him today. In turn, we will pull out an imaginary piece of the mirror from ourselves and with the words"I throw out of myself ... (what? what is the disadvantage?)" and throw it into a vase(in any vessel). At the end of the exercise, the facilitator covers the vase with a lid, takes the vase out into the sun (on a sunny window sill), opens the lid so that the sun's rays melt the evil.

Exercise 5

Target: development of leadership qualities of the squad leader and cohesion of the squad.

A)Squad, line up in a minute in a row in height!

- Squad leader, correct the mistakes.

- Deputy commander, help the commander.

- Detachment counselor, evaluate the work.

B)Squad, in a minute, line up according to your leadership qualities. People who have the same leadership qualities stand in front of each other.

- Name the opposite word for the word leader in a team(executor).

- Who to be better? (both those and those, first you need to learn how to be diligent, so that you turn out to be a real leader) But it's best to be yourself!

- Commander, correct the mistakes.

- Commander, now invite any member in the squad to make their rating.

Lead Conclusion: As you can see, others see us differently. You need to communicate more with everyone, then you will be better understood and correctly evaluated.

Exercise 6

Target: self-knowledge and relaxation.

The magic mirror will now take us to a Chinese temple. Let's sit comfortably on the floor. Let's close our eyes. Imagine that you are climbing stone steps up a high, steep hill. At the top of the hill is a Chinese temple. In the middle of each of its four walls is a door. Each door features a golden dragon. Push one of the doors and enter the temple. It's dark inside. Look around. A column of light falls into the middle of the temple through the glazed roof. Illuminated by the light, stands the old sage. Ask him your question. Listen to what he will answer you. Give thanks. Exit the temple. On the count of three, open your eyes: 1, 2, 3.

- Raise your hands those who managed to see the temple. What did he look like?

- Who heard the answer of the sage?

Lead Conclusion: All the answers lie within us! Look for answers within yourself! Learn to have an internal dialogue with yourself and listen to your inner voice.

Exercise 7. Ritual of farewell(in a circle)

Target: strengthening group unity.

Everyone stands in a circle. The squad leader holds out his hand, palm down, and says his name. His hand is covered in turn by other guys. You can try to put the second hand. At the end say "Good luck to us!" and throw your hands up.


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What to do with the kids during the holidays? How to organize children's leisure time? This topic worries teachers, workers of summer camps and camps day stay.

There are hundreds and thousands of models of work in the summer.

Our collection contains several scenarios of the game-journey and the methodology for their construction and implementation. All games are adapted or compiled by DDT teachers.

Addressed to organizers of children's leisure.



Municipal educational institution additional education children

Hvorostyansky House children's creativity

A collection of game scenarios for a day camp.

"To the world of play and travel"

The collection is compiled by:

Methodist: Glazunova O.N.

Teacher-organizer: Almaeva N.V.


Summer - luxurious days of school holidays, when children discover the world and themselves in this world, master the summer space of time, try to learn everything about anything and something about everything absolutely voluntarily and always with pleasure forces, time of development and comprehension of the surrounding world. Forest, field, meadow, river, lake, swamp - a space for understanding nature and oneself in it. The park, which is located next to our House of Children's Creativity - the territory active life. Every day, every hour of a child's life is amazing and unique. Organizing their lives, their activities, children get smarter, get richer, become better.

How to help them with this? What to do with the kids during the holidays? How to organize children's leisure time? This topic worries teachers, workers of summer camps and day camps.

There are hundreds and thousands of models of work in the summer.

Our collection contains several scenarios of the game-journey and the methodology for their construction and implementation. All games are adapted or compiled by DDT teachers.

Addressed to organizers of children's leisure.


Ask the guys who of them wants to go on a trip, and a forest will grow from their hands, eyes will sparkle, smiles will flash - the wind of wandering is dear to everyone.

It's great to race on a real plane, train, bus, walk partisan trails with a backpack on your back. And what about those who are only seven or eight years old and who still lack the strength to go on a long journey?

The main conductor in them is the game. It is she who helps to rally children into a team where everyone can show their abilities, helps, albeit not for long, to become what you dream of: an astronaut, a submariner, a journalist, a builder, a tractor driver, a doctor, a teacher.

Traveling games have become widespread, which provide an opportunity to develop interests in a bright, exciting way, to form the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. The game-journey provides an opportunity to combine different types activities. It includes search, work, observation, sports, mastery of skills.

A game-journey is action, romance, creativity of children and adults. This is a common joy of mutual understanding between the teacher and his pupils.

These games can be played by children of any age, at any time. The game-journey provides the richest opportunities for fantasizing, developing the imagination.

Travel games contain an element of competition to a lesser extent, but they are more emotional, romantic, and bright.

They require clear pedagogical guidance and assistance from adults. To create an emotional mood for the game, a bright, exciting start is required, riveting attention and creating an element of adventure, competition, and the same bright end of the game.

Strategy and tactics of the game - travel.

The main stages of the implementation of the game.

Introducing the very concept of a game-journey, we will immediately bring some clarity. It should not be taken as an educational or leisure event of a particular direction. This form of collective creative activity can be devoted to sports, tourism, and the disclosure of creative abilities. This is precisely the form that the teacher can fill with any content he needs.
Preparation :

For this event, it is necessary to come up with stage competitions that can be held on the street, attracting as many people as possible. We divide the adjacent park into several sections. Both teachers and their children participate in the preparation of each station.

The number of contests must be equal to the number of squads plus one (at least). All stages are scattered around the territory, in our case, the park, and some beyond it (within reach).

We are preparing a route sheet (beautifully designed) for all units.

It shows the stages of the path, the start and the sequence of passage. For each squad, the start is shifted by one stage in order to avoid the accumulation of several squads in one place, if possible.

Regardless of the theme of the game, each squad along the way passes through the Donut and Syrup Cafe station, where children can drink soft drinks.

Game play:

All units are assembled at the appointed time. The children are told a story.

After the transfer of the route lists to the detachments and after the announcement of the start, everyone sets off. Children run not one by one, but by the whole detachment plus one adult (this is mandatory, because some points are located on the territory of the school stadium, river). At each stage, the leader is waiting for the guys, who holds the competition, monitors the correctness of the assignment and evaluates the result. The score (on a 5-point scale) is placed directly on the route sheet. Or for each contest won, you can give out something real, for example, a token.

The meaning of the competition is simple - which squad will score the most points, he won.

To "warm up the atmosphere" during the game, we comment on what is happening on the speakerphone.

At the end of the game, all points are counted, summed up. The team with the most points wins first place.

This event is held according to an elementary and universal scheme: who will pass all the stage competitions faster and better. Depending on the place, season, weather, any holidays, this game can be played in a completely different options, changing the name and background. The main thing is that the tasks are doable for children.

Target : Creation of conditions for the development of the creative potential of children, self-realization of the child's personality and strengthening of physical, mental and emotional health.

1. Creation of conditions for organized recreation of children. Propaganda

Healthy lifestyle.

2. Formation of interest in various types activities.

3. Development cognitive activity, the creative potential of each


4. To form the children's communication skills and tolerance

On currently there are many types of games by stations that fundamentally differ from each other. Here is an example of some of them:

1. Around the world. The team goes with a route sheet along a strictly defined route. Station locations are known in advance. The team must complete all stages in certain time(equal for all)

The game "At the forefront."

(journey through stations)


- Improving military-patriotic and mass sports work in the House of Children's Creativity, educating children in the spirit of readiness to defend the Motherland;

Propaganda healthy lifestyle life among students, involving them in active activities physical culture, education of moral and volitional qualities: initiative and independence, conscious discipline, camaraderie and friendship, collectivism, will, courage, resourcefulness, endurance;

Venue: Cosmonauts Park

Songs of the war years are heard.


Teams receive route sheets, evaluation sheets and a plan for the park. Astronauts and on a signal are sent to the stations. Operating time at each station is 8 minutes. As soon as a war song begins to sound in the park, work on the task stops and the units change stations.

At the end, everyone gathers near the stage at the last station"For world peace"and do the job at the same time.


1. First aid (PMP)

Rendering first medical care injured wounded pilot.

- take him to your medical unit.

Bandage the wounded

The stage is evaluated by the time and correctness of the assistance.

2. On the front line

Participants overcome the obstacle course



Pendulum crossing. (can be replaced with a manual)
3. Marksman (shooting gallery)

The guys need to hit the targets from a prone position.

Each is given several tries.

4. Soldier's duffel bag.

It is necessary to properly dress two people from the team using an overcoat, a belt, a harness, a flask for water, a pouch for cartridges, two raincoats, boots, and footcloths. Estimated time and correctness of execution.

5. Soldier's kitchen

Girls get a mixture of peas and rice - and sort it out.

The boys are peeling potatoes (10 pieces)

As soon as the work is completed, a bowler of porridge is issued, which must be laid out on plates and eaten.

6. Cycling

Carrying an object in the hand under the crossbar (3 pieces in a row)
7. Signalers

Task: unwind the ball (20 m of cord); Hidden inside is an encryption task.

8. On a halt

Letter from the armyor a letter from the front)

The detachment writes a letter that, in terms of content and emotional mood conveys a military atmosphere. The letter is then folded into a triangle.

- "On a sunny meadow"

Detachments guess and sing songs from the times of the Great Patriotic War

- Reading poems about war

9. Victory milestones

Each team receives a card with 10 questions. Cards can be hidden in Balloons. All questions must be answered. For each wrong answer - a penalty question.

- Match the cards with the names of the villages of the Khvorostyansky district with cards with the origin of the names.

10. "For world peace."

Teams draw stories about the world according to the name of the station on the asphalt.

2. Olympics. There is a draw among the teams. Teams in the same pair compete with each other. The team with the fewest losses wins.

The game "Uma Chamber"

Purpose: This game is to revitalize cognitive activity pupils of children's associations. During the game, the children also develop feelings of partnership, the ability to transfer the acquired knowledge into non-standard conditions. The game contributes to the development of the intellectual capabilities of the participants, the development of logical thinking.

Venue: If the weather permits, you can use the park to them. Cosmonauts. If it is cloudy and rainy - the building of the House of Children's Creativity.

Course of the event: 10 stations are scattered around the building of the House of Children's Creativity. The task of the participants is to bypass all the stations in the shortest possible time, following the instructions of the waybill and earn the maximum number of points by answering questions at the stations.


1. I believe - I do not believe.

The teams are given questions that they need to answer: true or not, then the leader checks the correctness of the answers and puts points on the waybill.

2. Blitz - poll.

The team needs to score the maximum number of points by answering questions. The host asks a question, the team, after a 30-second meeting, had to submit an answer. The total number of correct answers was then counted.


4. Translators.

Find an analogy in Russian.

5. "Live pictures"

The leader divides the team into two. Both teams are given cards with the name of paintings by famous artists. Teams must take turns beating their task so that their opponents can guess which picture is being discussed.

6. Tic-tac-toe.

At the station, the host invites the teams to play 3 rounds of the game of tic-tac-toe. But the trick is that the team has the right to put its X only if the answer to the question is correct, if the team answers incorrectly, then the host puts 0. After 3 rounds of the game, the total number of wins / losses of the team is calculated and conclusions are drawn. Thus, for a complete and quick victory, the team needs to answer correctly only 9 questions! This station checks not only the knowledge that the guys have, but also develops logical thinking participants.

7. Capture.

The leader stands in front of a field 15 by 15 meters, on which the key is hidden. The task of the team is to find this key in a certain time. Teams are given 9 questions, the answer to each of which reduces the search area by 1/10 of the area. As a result, if the team answers all the questions correctly, then the participants will have to search for an area equal to 1/10 of the original one.

Summarizing. Rewarding.

3. Relay The team is invited to go through a certain number of stages along a certain route. The team that completes the tasks the fastest wins.

Lost Treasure Game

Venue: Park them. astronauts,

Central square near the stage.

Order of conduct

At 11.00 all children's associations gather on the square.

Theatrical output of the robbers. The music is from a pirate movie or something like that. We tell a few words about the bloodthirsty and terrible robbers, it is not known how they got to this fabulous island. We talk about the treasures that they buried somewhere here. All the pirates run away, leaving their cards at random. After that, all children's associations receive waybills. At each station, the guys try to get the next piece of the map, which indicates the location of the next station, and so on, moving closer and closer to the treasure, and go looking for pirate treasures.

Station 1. "Gates of happiness".

Station 2. "Kidalovo".

Station 3. "Signalman".

Station 4. "Statement".

Station 5. "Accountant".

Station 6. "Riddles".

Station 7. "Fireman".

Station 8 - "Last Strike".

While guessing the last riddle and searching for the treasure, all the leading stations gather on the square and sum up the results. After the treasure is found, the results are summed up, the results are announced. Pirates congratulate the winners: "It is with such people that we will find all the treasures on Earth."

The game can be ended with a common song or performance of 1-2 children's associations.

4. Carousel. The participating teams are divided equally. A confrontation is arranged between them (pairs of teams are known in advance). The team that wins the largest number victories.

Game "Do you know the law?"

Game "Journey into space"

5. Race to the bottom. The team receives a route sheet with a list of stations from the leader. In the allotted time, you need to go through as many stations as possible. Varieties: team, individual.

Game "Route of Survival"


Number of players: 20 or more

Inventory: this game requires quite a lot of different equipment - you can only make a list of what you need after you decide on the stages that you choose for yourself.

The game is played by two or more teams with an equal number of players. The main goal is to collect as many notes with keywords as possible, which are given after the successful passage of each stage (one note per stage), and make up a key line from them. Participants may not complete some stages at all if they feel that they will spend too much time on it and are confident that they will be able to guess the key line without the word that they should have earned in this stage; in case of such a refusal, the team is given 2 penalty minutes, the Leader indicates to them the direction in which to look for the next stage, and they go on without a note. The entire trail, consisting of stages, is passed by teams in turn for a while, but those responsible for the stages can also add penalty seconds to the total time, for example, for violations of the rules for passing a stage or for not passing a stage at all. But the team that fails to collect the key line at the end of the strip or collects it incorrectly automatically leaves the race, i.e., regardless of the result of the time, it takes the last place. Between the teams that have correctly collected the line, the places are distributed according to the best time.

You can not start the passage of the stage until the last member of the team runs up to the beginning of the stage. It is also impossible to run to the next stage until the task of this stage is completed by the last member of the team. All notes with keywords that the team receives throughout the entire strip must be sealed. The team has the right to print them only when they cross the finish line (the finish is the start, i.e. the participants return to the same place where they started moving, it is better to put a table here,

to make it easier for players to collect a verse from printed notes). The stopwatch stops when the team finally pronounces the line it has assembled.

At each of the stages there should be one, and preferably two, responsible (teachers or older children), who will explain the rules for passing the stage and will look for violations and give teams penalty seconds, and also after passing the stage indicate the direction of movement in which the participants will run until the next stage.


1. "Compass"

2. "The ravine"

3. "Bumps"

4. "Lasers"

5. "Bonfire"

6. Arrows

7. "Rock climber"

8. "Eagle eye"

9. "Labyrinth"

10. "Web"

They can only unpack the notes when they cross the finish line.

You can invent stages yourself, using all available means and features of nature, and arrange them in any order. Remember that the number of stages should be equal to the number of words in the line you intended. After the team has passed the stage, those responsible immediately prepare the stage for the arrival of the next team - they hide the notes, if necessary, hang new balls, etc., and after the game they give the host their papers in which they wrote the number of penalty seconds for each team, so that the jury could calculate the total time of each team.

The jury consists of those responsible for the stages.

Summarizing. Rewarding.

6. Excitement. The team does not know the route in advance. During the game, the team determines the order of visiting the stations on their own. The team can pass a certain number of stations in the allotted time. The team in case of failure to complete the task can pass it again in order of priority. Varieties: team, individual.

Game "Anthill"

Target: creating an atmosphere of creativity, identifying leadership qualities, creating for each child the opportunity to express themselves in one form or another of active activity.

"Anthill" - an unconventional and very interesting form sporting event. An essential component of this game are interesting contests and individual assignments.

Running time: 60 minutes.

Venue: 1st floor of the House of Children's Creativity.

Types of tasks: Sports, Creative, Intellectual, etc.
The key to success: clear rules, a variety of competitions, inventory, a good start, good ending.

To conduct this event, a set of competitive stations should be determined, there may be 20 or more, and responsible for them should be appointed. Experience shows that it is better to appoint senior guys as responsible for the stations. school age and only in certain cases, where the conduct is associated with a certain health risk, along with the children there are teachers - leaders of children's associations.

It is necessary to clearly state the boundaries of the territory on which the game is being held, in our case we will use the entire first floor of the House of Children's Creativity and the time of the game.

The child has the right to choose, he himself determines where and in what competitions he will take part. And he can do an unlimited number of approaches to where he is most interested. For each correctly completed task, children receive tokens, which they hand over to the jury during the game.

The jury also consists of guys, they themselves make calculations and award the winners.

Here are some examples of contest stations, although they can be easily varied depending on what you have, where you host, and whether they are related to a certain topic or not.

smart footballer, accurate shooter, tunnel, crossing, strong men, army skill, signalmen, push-ups, pendulum, hoop, aerobatics, centrifuge, etc.

The name for this game was not chosen by chance, because for 60 minutes our House of Children's Creativity really looks like a restless anthill of guys in a hurry and busy with interesting work. At the end of the day, we summarize. Rewarding.

The game "Smarts and smarts"stands apart from us, because we hold it at any time of the year. And in any area. The game takes place in two stages:

Stage 1 - Carousel . Teams - participants from schools are equal in number of participants. There is a confrontation between them.

The team with the most wins wins.

Stage 2 - Race for the leader. (the most active team members) The participant does not know the route in advance. During the game, the order of visiting the stations is determined independently. The player can answer questions various subjects(pass a certain number of stations in the allotted time). If the task is not completed, it can be retaken in order of priority. Variety: in this case, individual.

Holiday script international day child protection.

"The Stolen Sun".

The scenario may be different, but, almost always, this is a game-journey. The holiday takes place in the park, the coverage of children is up to 500 people. Before entering the park, children receive tokens of a certain color.

Cheerful children's music sounds.

On the back of the stage is a picture of a large, beautiful, smiling sun.

The gnomes come out.

th - Attention! Attention!

th - Small and big!

1st - Serious and funny!

2nd - We announce an important message.

1st - Long live cheerful laughter, smiles, entertainment!

2nd - So, with the hope of success, we begin our holiday!

Together: "We are visiting ..."

At this time, the picture with the sun begins to sink down until it completely disappears.

th - Tesla, did you and I invite guests to the party?

Y - Yes, Vistula, and here they are!

y - Oh, that's true. Hello guys!

y - We congratulate you on the holiday!

th - a holiday of childhood

th - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsmiles to you, joy, sun.

th - let it gently shine in the window

y - may your dreams come true

th - we will all be happy, me and you

/the third dwarf runs in and cries bitterly/.

1st - what happened?

2nd - what happened?

There will be no 3rd holiday ....

1st and 2nd - why?

3rd - a toothy crocodile swallowed our sun.

/ 1st and 2nd ask each other: “What will happen?” /

1st - there will be clouds

2nd will be a storm

Together: only there will be no holiday.

3rd - you need to release the sun!

1st - find a crocodile!

2nd - take away our sun!

3rd - we alone can not.

1st - the guys will help us.

2nd - we will issue you route sheets

1st - they must lead to the crocodile

/behind the scenes we are looking for, the music from the movie "The Adventure of the Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka" sounds, the song Shapoklyak/.

Shapoklyak comes out, waters all the guys with a water pistol / or bottle /, takes out a slingshot, pulls out the rat Lariska from his purse. Everything is done to the song.

Wisla and Tesla: - “Who are you grandmother? Guys who is this?

Children: - "Shapoklyak".

Shapoklyak: - “Absolutely! Everyone respected and revered grandmother Shapoklyak. Do you have a holiday today? Just great! And Lariska and I will ruin it. He takes out a gun and again pours water on the guys.

Wisla and Tesla: - Grandmother, what are you doing?

Shapoklyak: - Take an example from me / shoots from a slingshot /.

The gnomes are trying to grab Shapoklyak. She snatches the route lists from the dwarfs and runs away to the music / "Who helps people, he wastes time" /.

The gnomes run after her, but do not have time:

1st - what should we do?

/ Sunbeams enter, they have an emblem of a certain color on their chest. The number of rays depends on the number of children. If there are many children, two groups may meet at one station. /

1 ray - We will help you.

2 - We will find a crocodile

3-We will return the sun to the holiday

1. Gnome: Help, help

Lead the way

2. Gnome: Red ray, come out,

And gather your squad

3. Gnome: Yellow ray, hurry up

Gather your friends

1. Gnome: Here is green, but blue,

You soon, friends, follow them.

2. Gnome: Defeat the Crocodile,

Bring back the bright sun

/ They go down to the hall and lead the children along the routes to the music “If you went out with a friend” /

Children complete tasks at each station:

1. Sports



4. Crocodile lair

5. Hooray! A game!

6. Robinson Island.

7. Brownie

8. Cafe Donut and Syrupchik

When the detachments have passed all the stations, they gather near the stage in the square in the park, the gnomes appear, take the sun with them. The painting reappears on the back. The sun invites everyone to the Sweet Tooth station and all the children get ice cream.

After watching the film "Timur and his team", we decided to open"Gaidargrad". Of the representatives from each class, Timur's headquarters was created, which drew up a plan of action

The staff officers appointed scouts from their classmates, assigned to them the area where they would work. Scouts went around every house, found out who needed what kind of help. All this was includedon the map. Based on these indicators, the headquarters prepared sheets - minibuses. Early in the morning the whole village turned into Gaidar-grad. Mishki Kvakin lane and Burzhuinsky lane, Heroes' Square, etc. appeared here. In the morning everyone gathered at the starting line. Timur delivered a speech, minibuses were handed over to the detachments and the start was given. The team of Mishka Kvakin interfered with the tasks, captured the guys and put up all sorts of obstacles. Nevertheless, in one day 5 cellars were cleaned, windows in 8 houses were washed, the fence was repaired, garbage was collected near the yards and much more. Elderly people at first perceived our invasion with caution, but then they were filled with trust in the children and were very grateful for the warm communication and the invaluable help they needed. The children were very interested in the plot of the game.

A special atmosphere was created, filled with elements of romanticism, playing tricks and competitive incentives. All this became the key to the success of our game, created motivation, which is ensured by the voluntary participation in gaming activity, choice, competitiveness, satisfaction of needs and self-realization of children.

Educational and methodical equipment

1. Atyasov V. Collection of creative affairs. From work experience children's camp"Sunny" "Eaglet". 1999

2. Afanasiev S.P. Komorin S.V. - What to do with children in a country camp, - M .: 2009

3.Gazman O.S. Holidays: play, education M. Enlightenment 1988

4. Zhuk L.I. Starry summer, be with me! IOOO Krasko-Print. 2008

5. Lobacheva S.I., Velikorodnaya V.A. Country summer camp.–

M.: VAKO, 2008

6. O. A., Nesterenko A. V. Lessons of kindness and mercy, - O .: "Childhood", 2007

7.Titov S.V. Hello summer! - Volgograd, Teacher, 2007

8. Gazman O.S. Holidays: play, education M. Enlightenment 1988

9. Collection of scenarios Holiday all year round. Samara 2006

Or almost anyone can be on the summer daytime playground at the school. But most often these are still students of pedagogical universities who want to earn extra money during the holidays and gain experience. It is for them that this short article was written about what to do. Despite the fact that there are general programs, the guys often remain idle, which is fraught with various incidents. Organization of the free time of their wards is one of the main duties of the counselor.

So let's get started. in the camp?

1. Sports. Play volleyball, badminton or football. These sport games everyone knows. Those who do not want to take part, let them be fans or judges.

2. Creativity. It all depends on the age and gender of the children. Younger students will be happy to sculpt, draw and make applications. With older children, it's more difficult. Girls will only like to weave, and guys can be interested in a complex designer. But where to get it in the camp?

3. Decorate the premises of your squad: draw posters, a wall newspaper, paste a photo of each child, writing something about him.

4. Hide the treasure, and spread notes around the camp. Each of them should indicate the location of the next, and the last one should say where the "treasure" lies. This is a great option for what to do with the child during the holidays at the camp!

5. Excursion or hike. Before you take the kids to camp with this interesting view leisure, get permission from the teacher or director. They need to know when, where and what line-up you will be and how soon you will be back. You can go to meet the dawn, in the nearest forest or on the banks of a river or sea. Children should be accompanied by several adults. Come up with a goal for the trip - shoot a video, collect material for crafts, hang bird feeders, etc.

6. Make a video about the camp or your squad. This can be done even for mobile phone. The main thing is then to mount it on a computer in one video sequence. Or maybe you can make a whole movie by writing a script for it?

7. What distinguishes a summer camp for children from a daytime playground? Events that take place every evening! Prepare a dance, skit or a fun song for the whole squad!

8. What else to do with children in the camp? Games! This may also be Board games such as lotto, chess and checkers, as well as mobile: Below we give some examples of such activities:

Participants stand in a circle. Everyone is assigned a number clockwise: from one to ... After that, everyone begins to simultaneously clap their hands twice, twice on their knees, without stopping. The first player says his number twice when he touches his knees, and the number of the other child when he claps his hands. Without losing the general rhythm of clapping, the person whose number was called calls his number and that of the other participant. The main thing in the game is not to break the rhythm and not stop.

Divide the squad into teams of 3-4 people and give a list of tasks. Set a deadline for them to be completed. The team that completes everything first receives a prize or is relieved of some duties. The main thing here is to come up with funny and interesting tasks.

Hide and seek, bouncer, "The sea is worried once...", "Broken phone" - all these games are also a great option for keeping the kids busy at the camp! Dare!