Entertaining quizzes for children in the summer camp. Mind game in the camp. Scenario

intellectualcamp games.

intellectual games for children

Game progress:

Game progress:

- They are looking for him
Ivan is looking for him
- This is the hero of a fairy tale.
- They want to defeat him.
- His life is not in him.
- His life is at the end of a needle

Game "Enter the word."

Game progress:

City game.

Game progress:

Game progress:

from the game.

Journey game.

Game progress:

Game Crocodile.

acting ability. Two teams are playing.
Game progress:

Game progress:

Intellectual game with the hall

Game progress:

Game "Forbidden Three"

Attention game.

Game progress:

Game progress:

Game "Hat"

They play in pairs. In turn.

Game progress:

Game "Telegram"

Game progress:

Twin words game

Game progress:

Game "Finish the word"

Game progress:

Game "Story"

Game progress:

Game "New Application"

Game progress:

Burime game

Game progress:

Each participant is given a set of pre-prepared rhymes. The task of the participant is to compose a poem (quatrain) to the given rhymes. For example: cat - spoon - window - a little; glass - banana - pocket - deceit, etc.

intellectualcamp games.

Proper organization of the children's summer holiday is of great importance. In conditions children's camp we must give children the opportunity comprehensive development and manifestation of their interests. Therefore, it is necessary to think not only about the physical and psychological development children, but also about the intellectual. In this matter, such a category of games as intellectual games comes to our aid.

intellectual games for children develop not only mental capacity and ingenuity, but also memory, attention, imagination, give children knowledge, the necessary mental load.

Below are mind games that can be used to work with children in the camp.

Intellectual game "Putanka".

At least 5 people must participate in this game. Two of them: one confusing, the other unraveling.

Game progress:

The unraveler goes into another room so that he can see what the rest of the playing children are doing. The participants of the game join hands, after that the “confusing” begins to do its job - to confuse all the guys: who crawled under the arm, who stepped over the other’s arm, who wrapped his arm around his neck, but you can’t open your arms. In general, it turned out "abracadabra". Now the exit of the “unraveling” is a simple task - to unravel without opening the hands.

Intellectual game "Guess".

Game progress:

The host asks questions, taking turns gradually bringing the playing children closer to the correct answer. For example.
- They are looking for him
Ivan is looking for him
- This is the hero of a fairy tale.
- He lives in a distant kingdom
- They want to defeat him.
- His life is not in him.
- His life is at the end of a needle
Then the facilitator invites the children to make a similar series of questions.

Game "Enter the word."

Game progress:

On a blackboard or on paper, draw a square. Then we draw the cells - 5 by 5 (this is minimal amount small cells, maybe more - 6 by 6, etc.). In the central part we write the word. For example: TRAP. Then, in turn, we enter one letter at a time in neighboring cells so that another word is obtained. If under the word KAPKAN at the bottom under the first letter A we write the letter P, then we get the word FOLDER, and in a separate column drawn for each participant we write the number 5 - since the word FOLDER contains 5 letters. And so on in turn. The winner of the game is the player who scores the largest number points.

City game.

Game progress:

The first participant says the name of the city. The next participant must name the city with the letter that the first city ends with. For example: Moscow. The next one says: Astrakhan. The next one is Novosibirsk. You can choose any topic: animals, countries, movie titles, etc.

Game "Air, water, earth, fire".

This game requires a ball and several players.

Game progress:

Children become in a circle. Inside the circle is the leader with the ball. He alternately throws the ball to the participants and at the same time says one word out of four proposed: “air” - you need to catch the ball and say the name of the bird, “water” - catch the ball and name the fish, “land” - name the animal, but if you catch the ball on the word "fire" - you are out of the game. After one of the participants has caught the ball, the leader begins to count to "three" and if the catcher does not name anything, then he is out of the game. If he named a fish instead of a bird, he is out of the game.
The winner becomes the leader.

Journey game.

Game progress:

The leader throws the ball in a circle in turn to the participants in the game. The one who catches the ball says the following phrase: "I will go to ... for example: Delhi." The participant to his right asks the question: “Why?”, and the next one to his right must quickly answer: why did he need to go to Delhi. For example: "count elephants or study India."
Who could not quickly answer the question out of the game.

Game Crocodile.

This game develops creative thinking And acting ability. Two teams are playing.
Game progress:

Representatives of one team call a participant from another. They whisper the name of the animal in his ear, and in the future, everything that comes to mind. The task of the rival side is to guess what the called participant will portray without words.

A game " Popular expression cartoon character

Game progress:

Fragments of famous cartoon characters are heard: Hare from "Well, wait a minute!", Brownie Kuzya, Frekenbock, The Bremen Town Musicians, Alice from the Looking Glass, etc. Children who named the hero correctly receive a token - a smile, and an image of this hero appears on the screen.

Intellectual game with the hall

Game progress:

The facilitator pronounces various words in the singular, for example: sea, window, pie, heart, cocoa, grapes, flower, ocean, blanket, kiss, look, love. The task of the hall is to answer him by naming these words in the plural.

Game "Forbidden Three"

Attention game.

Game progress:

In a circle, the participants count to themselves, and clap their hands for each "allowed" number; but when the number contains the number three or it is divisible by three - the "forbidden three", then the participants do not clap, but shrug their hands to the sides.

Game progress:

Approximately 20 different categories are selected in advance (eg city, movie, song, etc.). One or more of them are selected. The host calls any letter of the alphabet. The task of the participants is to write as many words as possible for this letter.

Game "Hat"

They play in pairs. In turn.

Game progress:

Everyone first thinks of a few words, folds a piece of paper and throws it into a hat. The one who owns the clock and keeps track of time is selected. Each pair is given 30 seconds. One of the partners pulls a piece of paper out of the hat and tries to explain the word to the other without using the same root words. It turned out - leaves a piece of paper to itself. And so on, until time runs out. The hat is then passed to the next couple in a circle. The pair with the most papers at the end of the game wins. In addition, if the drawn word is too "intelligent", you can throw it back into the hat once per game.

Game "Telegram"

Game progress:

Any word of 4-6 letters is selected. With it, the teams must "encrypt" the telegram. The task is to compose a text-telegram so that each word in it begins with the next letter of the word chosen in advance. Naturally, the more complex the text, the more fun for everyone.

Twin words game

Game progress:

Words from 3 - 5 letters are selected. Each time, participants need to change one letter in a word and, thus, move from the first word to the last. For example, a pair of words "cloud - puddle" is given. That is, children need to move from the word "cloud" to the word "puddle", changing it gradually one letter at a time. Words must be nouns in the initial form.

Game "Finish the word"

A stopwatch or hourglass is required.

Game progress:

Participants are given the first syllable, they need to come up with as many words as possible starting with it, while time is limited.

Game "Story"

Game progress:

Any letter of the alphabet is selected. Participants must come up with a story, all the words of which would begin with this letter. The more words in the story, the more interesting.

Game "New Application"

Game progress:

It is proposed to come up with several new uses for familiar objects. For example: spoon, handkerchief, newspaper. How more creative idea guys the better.

Burime game

Game progress:

Each participant is given a set of pre-prepared rhymes. The task of the participant is to compose a poem (quatrain) to the given rhymes. For example: cat - spoon - window - a little; glass - banana - pocket - deceit, etc.

This is an intellectual game, during which the most erudite, quick-witted and resourceful guys are revealed. Competitions for her are selected so that any number of people from the detachment can participate in them. It may be that in one detachment there will be five who want to test themselves and their knowledge, and in the other - one. Each competition has one winner. He receives an asterisk, which can then be exchanged at the Bank for a “stipend” (camp money).

Contests are won by those who:

Gave more correct answers faster than his rivals;

More precisely coped with the task;

He completed the task correctly faster than his rivals.

It happens that by the end of a competition 2-3 people go with the same result. In this case, it is necessary to leave the main contenders on the stage and continue the competition with them for exact definition winner.

Description of competitions

1. "Auction". Offer the guys, as a warm-up, a fairly simple contest: you need to name nouns that start with the letter A and end with the letter Y.

2. "Yes - no." Invite the children to raise their hand if they think the statement you read is true and not to move if they think it is false.

Attention! Or, to evaluate this competition, you must have very attentive assistants who mark the correct answers of all children, and this must be done very quickly so that the competition does not drag on.

Or you can send guys from the stage who gave the wrong answers after each question.

1.1. Scissors can be sharpened by cutting sandpaper. (Yes)

1.2. Is it possible to give a Japanese person white flowers at a meeting? (No. It is the color of mourning.)

1.3. The veil on the lady's hat is warm. (Yes)

1.4. It is easier to pull a wheelbarrow with vegetables behind you than to push it in front. (Yes)

1.5. Ships get stuck in the Sargasso Sea, entangled in algae. (No)

1.6. The whale releases fountains of water. (No. He blows air.)

1.7. There is enough gold in the sea to make every person on Earth a millionaire. (Yes)

1.8. The octopus turns almost black from fear. (No. White.)

1.9. Camels store water in their humps while wandering in the desert. (No. The humps are filled with fat. Due to it, camels live with total absence food.)

1.10. Every seventh wave is higher than the previous six. (No)

1.11. ladybugs bite when they are angry. (No. But when they are molested, a blood-like fluid oozes from their joints, it is acrid and irritates the skin.)

1.12. Owls hear a cockroach crawling on the ground. (Yes)

1.13. During courtship fights, male vipers beat the opponent to death. (No)

1.14. The bats can run on the ground. (Yes)

1.15. Gramstola spider (hairy) eats young rattlesnakes. (Yes)

1.16. Albino grasses grow in the caves. (Yes)

1.17. A giant squid, in pursuit of a prey, develops a speed of over fifty kilometers per hour. (Yes)

1.18. Islam is the oldest of the world's religions. (No. The youngest.)

1.19. The film "The Black Tulip" is based on novel of the same name Alexandre Dumas? (No)

1.20. The novel "Mysterious Island" was written by Stevenson? (No. Jules Bern)

1.21. The cobra has a venomous sting. (No. The cobra does not sting like insects, but bites with its teeth. Poison enters the victim through the holes in them.)

1.22. The heaviest vegetable is cabbage. (No. Pumpkin.)

1.23. The Arabs believe that the hundredth Name of Allah is known only to a donkey. (No. Camel. That's why he's so proud and arrogant.)

3. "Both this and that." The facilitator reads out adjectives that can become definitions for the same word. It is necessary to name this word faster than rivals.

3.1. And sea, and beer, and soap ... (Foam)

3.2. And snowy, and rum, and stone, and grumpy ... (Baba)

3.3. And German, and postal, and excise ... (Stamp)

3.4. And Finnish, and table, and blunt, and sharp ... (Knife)

3.5. And water, and air, and financial, and stormy ... (Stream)

3.6. And square, and cubic, and linear ... (Meter)

3.7. And verbal, and fencing, and bloody ... (Duel)

3.8. And underwear, and bedding, and thin ... (Linen)

3.9. And sprawling, and rotten, and fruity ... (Tree)

3.10. And joyful, and sad, and mocking ... (Smile)

3.11. And mobile, and gambling, and ancient ... (Game)

3.12. And machine gun, and satin, and adhesive ... (Tape)

3.13. And hidden, and gas, and single ... (Camera)

3.14. And fake, and gold, and small, and rare ... (Coin)

3.15. And healthy, and milky, and rotten ... (Tooth)

3.16. And broken, and tinted, and magnifying ... (Glass)

3.17. And aristocratic, and bad, and pleasant ... (Manners)

3.18. And satin, and quilted, and terry ... (Robe)

3.19. Both oil and key ... (Well)

3.20. Both cardiac and safety ... (Valve)

3.21. Oh crown, and empty, and hotel, and ordinal ... (Number)

3.22. And English, and code, and barn ... (Lock)

3.23. And dead, and rope, and door ... (Loop)

3.24. And yellow, and white, and student, and travel, and entrance ... (Ticket)

3.25. And playing, and geographical, and topographic, and political, and large-scale ... (Map)

3.26. And new, and maple, and lattice ... (Canopy)

3.27. And smoke, and tolovaya, and sharp, and Cossack ... (Saber)

3.28. Both hockey and tennis ... (Court)

3.29. And Olympic, and plush, and clubfoot ... (Bear)

3.30. And high, and steep, and copper ... (Mountain)

4. "Warm-up for the mind." It is necessary to answer the questions written on the tickets. Answered - you continue to play further, did not answer - you are out.

4.1. Name something that any person has, but the biblical Adam could not have. (Navel)

4.2. What can a good singer lose, but a bad one still won't get it? (Voice)

4.3. Name glasses that allow you to control yourself. (Lorgnette)

4.4. Which master has selfish interests. (Furrier)

4.5. A person is sitting, and you cannot sit in his place, even if he gets up and leaves. Where is he sitting? (On your knees.)

4.6. Whoever does not have it does not want to have it, whoever has it cannot give it away. What is this? (bald)

4.7. She has not done a single stupidity, but is reputed to be a symbol of stupidity. What is this? (Cork)

4.8. What word male means queen? (Queen)

4.9. How can you fill a bucket to the brim three times without emptying it? (First pour stones, then sand, then pour water.)

4.10. Which doctor often has to extract the root? (To the dentist)

4.11. What architectural structure contains a large number of mind? (Ward)

4.12. Which eggs have never been laid by anyone? (Kinder Surprise)

4.13. What thing, despite its small size, allocate a separate room in the apartment? (Toilet)

4.14. Because of what atavism do you risk falling under the knife? (Appendicitis)

4.15. What kind of person with visible pleasure for the thousandth time talks about the same thing? (guide, tour guide, art historian)

4.16. What kind of guard does a person create in his own image and likeness? (Scarecrow)

4.17. Who walks while sitting? (chess player)

4.18. There is one word in Russian that is always mispronounced. What is this word? (Wrong)

4.19. Why can't a man living in Kyiv be buried east of the Volga River? (Because he is still alive.)

4.20. How many animals did Moses take into his Ark? (Not at all. Noah had the ark, not Moses.)

4.21. Is it allowed in Turkmenistan to marry the sister of one's widow? (If a man's wife is a widow, then he is already dead.)

4.22. What gets lighter when it's full? (Balloon)

4.23. You are in a competition and you have overtaken a runner in second position. What is your current position? (Second)

4.24. You overtook the last runner. What is your current position? (This is impossible. If you run after him, then he is not the last one.)

4.25. Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Chacha. 2. Cheche. 3. Chichi. 4. Chocho. What is the name of the fifth daughter? (Mary)

4.26. Two Americans are standing at the entrance to the British Museum. One of them is the father of the other's son. How is this possible? (They were husband and wife.)

5. "What and how much?". The children are given cards according to the number of questions and markers. Having solved the problem, they must write the answer with a marker, and raise the card above their heads.

5.1. How many nines are in the numbers from 1 to 100? (Twenty)

5.3. What sign should be put between 2 and 3 to get a number greater than two, but less than three? (comma)

5.4. How many times greater is the one-digit number less than the greater two-digit number? (99:9=11 times)

5.5. How much will it turn out if from the number expressed by three units of the second digit, subtract the number expressed by five units of the first digit? (30 - 5 = 25)

5.6. How many units is less than the largest single number than the largest two-digit number? (99 — 9 = 90)

5.7. Name two numbers such that their sum and difference are three. (3 and 0)

5.8. How much will you get if you subtract the largest six-digit number from the smallest seven-digit number? (1)

5.9. How much will you get if you add the smallest two-digit number to the largest four-digit number? (9999 + 10 = 10,009)

5.10. The guys probably know how to write Roman numerals within a dozen. And here are the numbers big values, you will need to draw on the poster: L 50, C 100, D 500, M 1,000.

The host shows the cards on which Roman numerals are written, the guys on their cards write the same values, familiar to us, in Arabic numerals:

5.11. Old Slavonic numbering is based on almost the same rule as the Roman one: several letters under the title (this is a dash on top of the letter), written side by side, indicate a number equal to the sum of the numbers indicated by the letters. At the same time, numbers less than a thousand, but more than twenty, are written in the order in which they are pronounced, that is, from left to right. Hang a poster with a picture in front of the children's eyes. (See below.)

The host dictates the number in Old Slavonic. Children should write it in Arabic (modern) numerals:

5.12. When denoting numbers less than 20 and greater than 10, the letter denoting one is placed in front of the letter denoting ten. Tell the children the following numbers:

5.13. The poster has Chinese numerals. The leader pronounces the numbers in Russian, one for each player, the children call them in Chinese. (See the picture below.)

6. "Equivalents of proverbs." It is necessary to name a Russian proverb, which in meaning coincides with a foreign one.

6.1. English proverbs:

6.1.1. Good thoughts come later. (Good thought comes later.)

6.1.2. Wealth makes friends; need tests them. (Friend is known in trouble.)

6.1.3. Get in the dirt. (Sit in a puddle, galosh.)

6.1.4. Silent as a grave. (Mute like a fish.)

6.2. Armenian proverbs:

6.2.1. Every failure is a lesson. (Learning from mistakes.)

6.2.2. Whoever is friends with a crow will also dig in manure. (With whom you will lead, you will gain from that. Live with wolves like a wolf howl.)

6.2.3. Whatever you say to him, he still drives his donkey. (At least a stake on your head.)

6.3. Bashkir proverb:

6.3.1. Where they do not know you, they respect your fur coat. (They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind.)

6.4. Belarusian proverb:

6.4.1. In its hour, the pine is red. (Every vegetable has its time.)

6.5. Buryat proverb:

6.5.1. The first pig is blind. (The first pancake is lumpy.)

6.6. Indonesian proverb:

6.6.1. The squirrel jumps very briskly, but sometimes breaks down. (A horse with four legs, and then stumbles.)

6.7. Chinese proverbs:

6.7.1. If you save a handful a day, in ten years you will buy a horse. (Fluff to fluff - there will be a feather bed. A penny saves a ruble.)

6.7.2. If he meets a man, he speaks like a human; if he meets a devil, he speaks like a devil. (Both ours and yours.)

6.7.3. The eyes can see a thousand li, but they cannot see their eyelashes. (Can't see beyond his own nose.)

6.7.4. If there is no tiger in the mountains, then the monkey is a prince. (On lack of fish and cancer - fish. Between the blind and crooked in honor.)

6.8. Lithuanian proverb:

6.8.1. If you don't crack a nut, you won't eat the kernel. (If you don’t stomp, you won’t burst.)

6.9. Mari proverb:

6.9.1. Haven't tried salt yet. (The milk on the lips has not dried yet.)

6.10. Mordovian proverb:

6.10.1. And there is rubbish in wheat. (Every family has its black sheep.)

6.11. German proverb:

6.11.1. Foxes are caught by foxes. (Fight fire with fire.)

6.12. Persian proverbs:

6.12.1. In the goat's mouth the grass is sweet. (Tastes could not be discussed.)

6.12.2. Sour yogurt can be seen from the pot. (You can see the bird in flight.)

6.13. Polish proverb:

6.13.1. Little rain from a big cloud. (The mountain gave birth to a mouse.)

6.14. Turkmen proverb:

6.14.1. To the knower it is light, to the unknowing it is dark.) Teaching is light, ignorance is darkness.)

6.15. Uzbek proverb:

6.15.1. It is better to be a shepherd at home than a padishah in a foreign land. (Better to be first in the village than last in the city.)

6.16. Finnish proverbs:

6.16.1. And an old fox's head can get stuck in a jar. (And there is a hole in the old woman.)

6.16.2. For cattle and bedding. (According to Senka, a hat.)

6.16.3. If the father drinks the horse, the son will drink the cart. (The apple never falls far from the tree.)

6.16.4. The plow is not heavy in its field. (Your own burden does not pull.)

6.17. French proverb:

6.17.1. Separation is the death of love. (Out of sight, out of mind.)

6.18. Japanese proverb:

6.18.1. With a sparrow's tear. (From gulkin's nose. The cat cried.)


In addition, the competitions "Auction", "Both this and that", "Warm-up for the mind", "Say it in ...", "Proverb equivalent" - can be held with the entire audience and give stars to everyone who gave the first answer.

If the guys want, then you can determine the most gifted child by offering those who have the largest (and most importantly!) Equal number of stars to play the game "The Most-Most". The facilitator reads out the definition - it is necessary to name what is being discussed faster than the opponent:

7. "The most-most."

7.1. The deepest ocean (Quiet)

7.2. The most salty sea. (Dead)

7.3. The smallest ocean (Atlantic)

7.4. The largest musical instrument. (Organ)

7.5. The largest bowed string instrument. (double bass)

7.8. The largest island belonging to Russia. (Sakhalin)

7.9. The largest island in Lake Baikal. (alder)

7.10. The largest volcano in Russia. (Klyuchevskaya Sopka)

7.11. The smallest state in the world. (Vatican)

7.13. The largest river in the world, flowing from West to East. (Amazon)

7.14. The coldest pole on Earth. (Southern)

7.20. The largest city in Western Europe. (Paris)

7.21. The largest city in the USA. (NY)

7.22. The most prickly flower. (Cactus)

7.27. The largest tributary of the Yenisei River. (Angara)

7.28. The largest land mammal. (Elephant)

7.31. The most famous hero of the books of Ilf and Petrov. (Ostap Bender)

7.32. The largest country in Latin America by area. (Brazil)

7.33. The most common lighting device in Russia of the fifteenth century. (Lucina)

7.34. The most famous composer of organ works. (Johann Sebastian Bach)

7.35. The longest sleep a person can fall into. (Lethargic)

7.36. The biggest seed. (Coconut)

7.37. The most common word coined by the Czech writer Karel Capek. (Robot)

7.38. The most common chemical element in the universe. (Hydrogen)

7.39. The scariest thing, destructive force, a natural phenomenon. (Earthquake)

7.40. The most populous city in Europe. (Moscow)

7.41. The most domesticated insect in Europe. (Bee)

7.42. Greatest English playwright. (William Shakespeare)

7.43. The best diver among mammals. (Sperm whale)

7.44. Our tree that scatters the largest number of seeds per year. (Poplar)

7.46. The largest reptile that lives on Earth today. (Crocodile)

7.47. The lightest metal. (Mercury)

7.48. Who among the inhabitants of the animal world develops the highest speed (Falcon. Three hundred kilometers per hour.)

7.49. The biggest circus ancient rome. (Coliseum)

7.50. The most numerous class of the animal world, in terms of the number of species. (Insects)

7.51. largest known modern science speed in nature. (Light. Three hundred thousand kilometers per second.)

7.52. Name the founder of the very first Russian university. (Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov)

7.54. The largest rodent in Russia. (Beaver)

7.56. Which animal has the longest lifespan? (Giant, or Elephant, turtle - 180 years old.)

7.57. The oldest (first) book on the history and geography of the Russian Land. ("The Tale of Bygone Years.")

7.58. Name the sea that washes the largest number of states. (The Caribbean Sea washes 22 states.)

7.59. Name the most frost-resistant bird. (Domestic goose can withstand temperatures - 110 degrees)

7.60. The most famous Italian opera house. (La Scala)

7.61 The smallest mammal on Earth. (Shrew)

7.62. Tallest building in Washington DC. (Capitol)

7.63. The most refractory metal. (Tungsten)

7.64. The most populous city in the world. (Mexico City)

7.67. Tallest building in Paris. (Eiffel Tower)

7.68. The bird is the owner of the largest beak. (Pelican)

7.69. A mammal that has adapted to live at the highest altitude above sea level. (Yak)

7.71. The animal with the largest ears. (Elephant)

7.72. The tallest mammal. (Giraffe)

7.73. Most large mammal living in our days on our Planet. (Blue whale)

7.74. What animals gather in the largest herds? (Gazelles. A herd can cover an area of ​​24 kilometers x 150 kilometers.)

7.75. Which bird dives the deepest? (Penguin)

7.76. The smallest continent by area. (Australia)

7.77. The fastest sea animal. (Orca Dolphin)

7.79. What animal has the longest tongue? (At the anteater.)

7.81. What marine animal has the longest horn? (At the unicorn narwhal.)

7.82. Which insects have the largest nests. (At termites.)

7.83. The deepest lake in the world. (Baikal)

Intellectual casino in the summer camp. Scenario

Two or three teams can take part in the game. By drawing lots, each of them is assigned a number. Unlike a real casino, where people come with their money and exchange it for game chips, in an intellectual casino, game chips are redeemed for knowledge. The host gives each team the same chance to buy back chips.

First task. In 30 seconds, come up with a word in which it would be as possible more letters. It can be a noun, adjective, adverb or verb. After completing the task, each team receives as many chips as there are letters in the word they invented.

Second task. In 3 minutes, come up with a more or less coherent story, all the words of which (except for prepositions) begin with the same letter. (Letters: O, P, S are suitable for this task.) Then the guys read their stories and get as many chips as there are words in their story for a given letter.

Third task. Within one minute, each team names objects, creatures or concepts on the topic that the leader suggested to them. (You can write topics on leaves or chamomile petals.)

Here's what the guys might say:

1. Brands of cars.

2. Constellations.

3. Men's and women's names starting with the letter "A".

6. Representatives of the cat family.

7. Hats.

8. Celestial bodies.

9. Minerals.

10. Chemical elements.

11. European countries (Asia, Africa, America).

12. Capitals of states.

13. Flour products.

14. Meat dishes.

15. Types of weapons.

17. Trees.

18. Literary heroes of men (women).

19. Drinks.

20. Furniture.

23. Russian (foreign) writers.

24. Types of ships.

25. Breeds of dogs.

26. Ungulates.

Each team will receive as many chips as they name concepts.

Now each team has, so to speak, "capital", which it can dispose of at its discretion and put as many chips on the playing field as it sees fit.

The very first bet on the playing field is made by the team that was drawn number 1. She can put her chips on the sector A, B, C, or on “Yes - No”, or on the outer circle, where the cards with questions are placed text down.

After the first team, the second team makes its bet. She cannot place her chips in a sector that has already been chosen by the first team.

The third team puts its chips on the sector that neither the first nor the second team has chosen.

The host offers each team a question from the sector in which they put their chips. If the team correctly answers the question, then the host returns the chips put on the conf and gives the same amount from himself. If the team gives an incorrect answer, the host (dealer) takes away the chips that the team put on the playing field.

When each team has answered its own question, the host offers to make another bet, but now the second team gets the right to be the first to put chips on the field; after it puts the third, then the first. After this circle, the third team will be the first to bet, then the first, then the second.

The host carefully monitors that the order of the first bet in each round of questions is not violated.

The game goes on until: either one of the teams runs out of chips, or for a while (40-60 minutes). In the latter case, a gong sounds. The host (croupier) asks to count the chips (winning).

The team that collects more chips in a game than its opponents wins. (Second and third places are determined by the number of chips the teams have.)

1. Sector "Yes - No"

1.1. Year of foundation of Moscow 1652? (No. 1147)

1.2. Homeland of kefir - Georgia? (No, Russia)

1.3. Does the last name Schwarzenegger mean "Black Negro"? (Yes)

1.4. Does a mule have a donkey dad and a mare mom? (Yes)

1.5. Pleiades and Stozhary are one and the same object. (Yes)

1.6. Between Scorpio and Capricorn lies Libra. (No. Sagittarius)

1.7. The largest peninsula in Europe is the Apennine? (No. Scandinavian.)

1.8. Batu Khan is a descendant of Genghis Khan. (Yes)

1.9. Poisonous boas are found in nature. (No)

1.10. In America, football is played with a round ball. (No. Oval)

1.11. All conifers are evergreen. (No)

1.12. The Neva flows out of Lake Onega. (No. From Ladoga.)

1.13. Is there at least one painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the Hermitage? (Yes)

1.14. The highest peak of Kamchatka, Klyuchevskaya Sopka. (Yes)

1.15. The largest ostrich is Emu. (No. African)

1.16. There are cobras reaching five or more meters in length. (Yes)

1.17. Are chickens raised in Australia? (Yes)

1.18. Mikhail Gorbachev was a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. (Yes)

1.19. Are Japanese cherry blossoms edible? (No)

1.20. Anarchist Nestor Makhno was a Knight of the Order of the Red Banner. (Yes)

1.21. The tarantula is a spider. (Yes)

1.22. The bazooka is a machine gun. (No. Grenade launcher)

1.23. The Wright brothers were the first to fly an airplane across the Atlantic Ocean. (No)

1.24. Did Cyrano de Bergerac, the hero of Edmond Rostand's play, really exist? (Yes)

1.25. Is succinic acid a vitamin? (No)

1.26. The iris flower has the second name "iris". (Yes)

1.27. The echo can last up to 15 seconds. (Yes)

1.28. Is it true that the leader of the rock group "Aquarium" Boris Grebenshchikov professes Buddhism. (No)

1.29. Stonestone is a lizard. (No. Bird)

1.30. Sonar and sonar are the same thing. (Yes)

1.31. Is it true that tricolor cats are all females? (Yes)

1.32. A hummingbird makes up to two hundred flaps of its wings per second. (Yes)

1.33. Targets for trap shooting are called "saucers"?

(No. Cymbals)

1.34. Front side The coin is officially called the obverse. (Yes)

1.35. A castrated rooster is called a capon. (Yes)

1.36. The largest left tributary of the Volga is called the Oka. (No. Kama)

2. Sector "A B C"

2.1. What is the color of the submarine from the famous Beatles song?

a) Yellow *;

b) green;

2.2. What is the name of the English penny?

b) pennies * (you can: penny);

c) a shilling.

2.3. What is the most common tree in Russia?

a) birch;

b) larch *;

2.4. In what branch of the army did officer Leo Tolstoy participate in the Crimean War?

a) Artillery *;

b) cavalry;

c) infantry.

2.5. What is a helicopter?

a) Helicopter *;

c) parachute.

2.6. How many kopecks were in the five-altyn?

2.7. On which river does the city of Krasnoyarsk stand?

a) Angara;

b) Yenisei *;

2.8. What is used to hit the ball when playing croquet?

a) Wooden mallet *

c) club

2.9. Which continent is the birthplace of cocoa?

b) America *;

c) Africa.

2.10. What number is represented by Roman numerals as D?

2.11. Which country's flag was called the "Union Jack"?

a) Great Britain *;

2.12. Which goddess was born from the head of Zeus?

a) Artemis

b) Athena *;

c) Aphrodite.

2.13. In which country did the first paper money appear?

a) Germany;

b) China *;

c) France.

2.14. Where was Sanskrit spoken?

a) in Egypt;

b) in India *;

c) in Persia.

2.15. What was the name of the ancient Greek Muse of Dance?

a) Melpomene;

c) Terpsichore *.

2.16. How many players on one team can be on the court at the same time when playing bandy?

b) eight;

at eleven *.

2.17. How many ballerinas are usually employed in the dance of the little swans from the ballet "Swan Lake"?

a) Four *;

at ten.

2.18. B) what country originated the dance "Rumba"?

a) Spain;

b) Italy;

2.19. b) What country did the first steamboat appear in?

a) Great Britain;

c) France.

2.20. What was the name of the ancient Greek God of the Underworld?

a) Pluto*;

b) Saturn;

2.21. What prehistoric monster was brought to London from the expedition by the heroes of Arthur Conan Doyle's story "The Lost World"?

a) a dinosaur

b) ichthyosaur;

c) pterodactyl *.

2.22. How many empresses were in power in Russia in the eighteenth century?

at four *.

2.23. Which god is Slavic mythology was the patron saint of animals (especially cattle)?

a) Veles * (or Volos);

c) Svarog.

2.24. Which species of bird are called whooper or mute?

b) swan *;

c) nightjar.

2.25. Name the third largest land animal (after the African and Indian elephants).

a) Hippo * (or hippopotamus);

b) grizzly bear;

c) rhinoceros.

2.26. What alphabetic alphabet was the very first in the world?

a) Arabic;

b) Greek *;

c) latin.

2.27. In which country did rhythmic gymnastics originate?

a) England

c) France.

2.28. What disease killed the leader of the Queens group Fred Mercury and Rudolf Nureyev, the great Soviet ballet dancer.

a) Malaria;

c) tuberculosis.

2.29. Who was Mary Shelley, who invented Frankenstein in 1818, the great English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley?

a) Wife *;

b) mother;

c) sister.

2.30. What is the name of an ancient robber weapon in the form of a short stick with a metal ball suspended from a chain?

a) Mace;

b) flail *;

c) club.

2.31. Which continent is home to the most venomous snakes on earth?

a) Australia *;

c) America.

2.32. In which country was sunflower oil first produced?

a) Greece;

b) Spain;

in Russia *.

2.33. What material is the clarinet wind instrument mainly made of?

a) Tree *;

2.34. The epic of what people got into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest?

a) Indian (called "Ramayana");

b) Kyrgyz * (called "Manas");

c) Finnish (called "kalevala"),

2.35. What is the lightest metal?

a) aluminum;

b) lithium *;

2.36. What did the Russian engineer and inventor Vladimir Kuzmich Zworykin come up with in 1931 in America?

b) television *;

c) telegraph.

3. Questions in a circle.

3.1. What is the name of the signature dance of the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro? (Samba)

3.2. What is the official name of the gymnastic apparatus-horizontal bar? (crossbar)

3.3. Which legendary king turned everything he touched into gold? (Midas)

3.4. What is the scientific name for the embryo of animals and humans? (Embryo)

3.5. Which plant is believed to repel vampires? (Garlic)

3.6. What, according to Russian beliefs, is the name of Domovoy's wife? (Kikimora)

3.7. What is the name of the largest mountain range in the world? (Cordillera in North America and their extension of the Andes in South America)

3.9. What was the name of the rat that almost killed Pinocchio? (Shushara)

3.10. What is the American Prairie Wolf called? (Coyote)

3.11. Who is Yeti? (Big Foot)

3.12. Who is the last People's Artist of the USSR? (Alla Borisovna Pugacheva)

3.13. What is another name for the sweet potato plant? (Sweet potato)

3.14. Who sang the song “And I recognize the sweetheart by his gait” in the TV show “Old songs about the main thing”? (Garik Sukachev)

3.15. In how many days, according to the Bible, did God create the World, including man? (for six)

3.16. Who was the first Russian Emperor? (Peter the First)

3.17. Name the largest city in the world beyond the Arctic Circle. (Murmansk - Russia.)

3.18. What plant, also found in our gardens, is called an earthen pear in a different way? (Jerusalem artichoke)

Children's world is unique. It has its own vocabulary, its own norms, its own codes of honor and fun. These are the signs magical land named "Game". This country is unusually happy, captivates children, fills all the time and is a very important matter. Kids live and develop in the game. And not only kids. The game captures everyone with its attractive romance, magic and originality. There is an opinion that every generation is fond of their games. And it is true. Time changes, culture changes, game changes. Today, a new direction has been formed, called "Intellectual game for children."

These games help talented, extraordinarily erudite children to reveal themselves, for whom science, new knowledge, and the diversity of creativity are of paramount importance. Unlike scientific conferences, various olympiads and elective courses, the intellectual game for children turns serious activity into a colorful spectacle, into an exciting competition, into bright holiday. Therefore, such games are not only for children. Teenagers and students take part in them with pleasure. And even adults, interested in the game, are happy to join the players.

Proper organization of recreation has great importance. mental stress, the cold season greatly depletes the physical and psychological condition child. Therefore, in the summer it is simply necessary to relax. Properly organize the process creative self-realization, enrichment with additional knowledge can only be an intellectual game in the camp. Such games are a creative activity in which children demonstrate their understanding of life, reveal their thoughts, aspirations, and sometimes feelings.

Game examples

"Difficult Answer"

One of the children (chosen facilitator) asks very simple questions, meaning yes or no answers. The rest of the participants in the game must give an answer, while using the words "Yes", "No" is strictly prohibited.


All children are divided into two teams. The counselor or educator reveals a certain topic to the children. The first team must assert, trying to prove the known facts, and the second, on the contrary, must find the facts in order to prove the opposite side.

"Make a proverb"

Children are given leaflets with two words written on them. From these words you need to make a proverb. For example, the words: light - darkness. The first child to correctly pronounce the well-known proverb wins.

All children love fairy tales. That is why in Soviet time all camps held a competition for the best theatrical performance of famous fairy tales. Today's children do not really like to participate in such performances. Therefore, an intellectual game for children, which includes many different fairy tales, will be very useful.

Scenario of the game "World of Fairy Tales"

This game assumes the presence of four squads.

Contest 1

Any fairy tale is called. On the last letter of this fairy tale, you need to name a new one. The action takes place in a circle. The team that did not pick up the necessary name of the fairy tale within 5 seconds is eliminated from participation.

Competition 2

It is necessary to come up with a laudatory ode to anyone. All teams are given prepared rhymes:

jackdaw - stick,
sock - sand.

Contest 3

Think over and dramatize the meeting of three completely different characters. For example, such as:

  • The Little Humpbacked Horse, Aladdin, Baba Yaga.
  • Little Mermaid, Old Man Hottabych, Winnie the Pooh.
  • Serpent Gorynych, Cinderella, Mowgli.
  • Little Red Riding Hood, Piglet.

Competition 4

The captains draw lots. Each team gets their own story. Without using words, only in pantomime, the team must demonstrate a fairy tale so that the audience can guess its name. Fairy tale options:

  • "Teremok", "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen", "Gingerbread Man".

Contest 5

To think over and dramatize a small fairy tale-story, in which three magical objects will be used: a self-assembled tablecloth, a flying carpet, a magic mirror.

Competition 6

theatricalize famous fairy tale"The Three Little Pigs" national style. Can be used african style, Indian, English. This action takes into account the selection of appropriate animals, the transfer of color, imitation of style and even accent.

Such a scenario of an intellectual game can be supplemented with contests if the children get excited. To do this, you need to prepare several additional competitions in advance. At the end, of course, the results are summed up, and the winners are awarded - as the best storytellers.

There is some unfortunate stereotype in the world - creative development is aimed at the development of young children or primary school students. Often, in schools and camps, intellectual games for younger students are carefully selected. But teenagers and high school students also need to develop their creative and creative potential. That is why invite older children to create a club of intellectual games. Get them interested not only in the games themselves, but also in planning work with younger children.

Several games that high school students will like are offered to your attention.

Games for older children

"Theater of Abbreviations"

The game requires excellent acting skills.

One of the players goes out the door. The rest make up a word. The letters of this word are distributed among the playing children. Each letter characterizes a type of behavior. For example, "z" - envy, "o" - mischief. When the leader enters the room, the players must show him pantomimes. It is necessary to determine what character trait is shown to him, and from the received letters to add the correct word.

"Ocean is shaking"

All players come up with one word at a time and, in turn, call them out loud. The player who completes this chain says his word and takes on the role of the narrator. He begins to tell a fictitious story, in which it is necessary to coherently include all the words named by the players. The player whose word was spoken must leave the chain and move away from their place. The Storyteller needs to confuse the players with his narration. For example, do not say any of the words of the players for a long time, and then say several words at once. The story should end with the phrase "the sea is worried." This phrase is a signal by which all players strive to return to their places. The one who did not have time becomes the storyteller.

Mind games

In fact, all intellectual games come down to a very simple “question-answer” formula and are aimed at developing interest in one or another subject of the reality around us.

A large role, if not the main one, in all intellectual games is played by beautifully formulated and creatively presented questions.


1. The answer is in the question. Look closely at the words champion, cook, buckwheat, collar and answer the questions:

2. As in the beginning, so in the end. Make six words, each of which begins and ends with the same letters: ..no.., ..l.., ..op.., ..am.., ..pi., (splinter, tracing paper, ham, speaker , rapier).

3. What works - such fruits. Changing the words in succession "labor" - into "fruit" (4), "flour" - into "cake" (4), "bullet" - into "goal" 5). For example, you need to turn "thief" into "court" (3): thief - litter - juice -


From a change in one letter, the animal turns into a snake (hedgehog - already), a domestic animal into a bird (donkey - eagle), and a poultry into furry beast(chicken - marten).

5. Seven words. The word "order", as you can see, is read the same way from left to right and vice versa. Look for six more words that have the same fun property. Each word you choose must have at least five letters. (Possible answers: hut, trampling, income, Cossack, lump, argument.)

6. Major cities. Try to make a third word from each pair of words by rearranging the letters - the name of a large city.

Floor + cotton = ? (Poltava),

Ditch + one hundred = ? (Rostov),

Ear + slave = ? (Bukhara),

Horn + bottom = ? (Grodno),

log + water = ? (Vologda).

7. Few letters - many words. The letters D O, K, L, A are written on the card in a circle. From these letters it is necessary to make 8 words. (Report, salary, treasure, document code, fret, hell, ode.)


The competition consists in determining the truth (or falsity) of the statements proposed by the host. The facilitator reads some statement. All who believe in its truth go one way, the rest go the other way. It turns out which of them is right. Those who missed the mark leave the stage, and for those who guessed correctly, the procedure is repeated. And so on until one person remains - the winner of the game. Interest in the game is largely determined by the statements that the leader offers. They should be paradoxical, on the one hand, and curious, informative, on the other hand.

For younger age:

For seniors:

1. Each of you has certainly seen a portrait of a Barnum and Bailey circus performer named Old Joe. (Yes, it's a camel on a pack of Camel cigarettes.)

2. At the annual fair of agricultural products in Paris, cheeses are replaced with dummies. (Yes, when warm, the cheese starts to smell strongly.)

3. Prince Charles owns one of the world's largest collections of skirts. (Yes, these are Scottish men's kilts.)

4. Thrifty people starch laundry in the water in which pasta was cooked. (Yes, cited in Our Home as an example of too much savings.)

5. Two animals are nicknamed "spectacled" - a snake and a bear. (Yes.).

6. The word "sconce" comes from the word "hand". (Yes, but in French.)

8. The Kremlin chimes in Moscow used to chime the melody "Ah, my dear Augustine." (Yes.)

9. The very first name of spirits that has come down to us dates back to the 18th century. (No, 1367, and this perfume is dedicated to the Queen of Vienna.)

10. The Statue of Liberty in the United States is prohibited from being depicted on beer mugs, dog collars, cat food and toilet lids. (Yes.)



For younger age:

For middle and older age:

1. "Overseas caviar, eggplant!" ("Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.")

2. “What a disgusting thing, this is your aspic fish!” ("The Irony of Fate".)

3. "Oatmeal, sir!" ("The Hound of the Baskervilles.")

4 “You are attractive! I'm damn attractive!" ("Ordinary miracle.")

5. “And now - Humpbacked! I said - Hunchbacked! ("Meeting place can not be Changed".)

6. “If someone here and there sometimes ...” (“The investigation is conducted by experts.”)

7. "Don't teach me how to live, better help financially." ("Moscow does not believe in tears".)

8. “And you, Stirlitz, I will ask you to stay!” ("17 moments of spring")

9. “The main thing is that the suit sits!” ("Wizards")

10. “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die from the sword!” ("Alexander Nevskiy".)

11. "It's time, it's time, let's rejoice in our lifetime." ("Three Musketeers".)

12. “There are so many wild monkeys in Brazil!” ("Hello I'm your aunt!")

13. "Who is this, why don't I know?" ("Chapaev")

14. "Normal heroes always take a detour!" ("Aibolit-66".)

15. "Ha-ha-ha-ha..." ("Fantômas")

16. "Beauty is a terrible force!" ("Spring".)

17. “Do you want big and pure love..." ("Love Formula".)

18. “So he's a monument. Who will plant him? ("Gentlemen of Fortune".)

19. "It's a pity for the bird!" ("Prisoner of the Caucasus".)

20. “Why are you silent, like a fish on ice?” (“Wedding in Malinovka.”)

21. “What a blue sky! We are not supporters of robbery!” ("The Adventures of Pinocchio".)

22. “If there were no schools, what would a person have reached ...” (“Adventures of Electronics”).

23. “What are you doing here?” ("Welcome or no outsiders allowed.")

24. “Not wolves, but orderlies of the forest ...” (“Streets of broken lanterns.”)

25. "I'm not a magician, I'm just learning..." ("Cinderella")

26. “I thought it was your heart sizzling, but it was your cigarette sizzling ...” (“For two hares.”)

27. “Shurochka, restore the status quo! " ("Golden calf".)

28. “In the evening - money, in the morning - chairs; money in the morning, chairs in the evening!” ("12 chairs".)

29. "Take away the finished one!" ("Property of the Republic".)

30. "Guys, how much is twice two - four?" ("Little Red Riding Hood").




Swedish ambassador who arrived at the court of Ivan Vasilievich. (Sergey Filippov, "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.")

- "Mustachioed nanny". (Sergey Prokhanov.)

Nyura from the movie "Three poplars on Plyushchikha". (Tatyana Doronina.)

The bride to whom Balzaminov wooed. (Nonna Mordyukova.)

Blonde around the corner. (Tatyana Dogileva.)

His best role is Budulai. (Mihai Volunteer.)

He was both on the "Height" and on the "Seventh Heaven". (Nikolai Rybnikov.)

Muller himself revealed his acting talent. (Leonid Armor.)

All his life he was an actor, played with various directors, but Leonid Gaidai offered him the role of director Yakin, in which he put all his observations of his colleagues in the shop. The image is memorable. (Mikhail Pugovkin.)

Actress who adores "Winter Cherry". (Elena Safonova.)

An athlete, a Komsomol member and, finally, just a beauty of Soviet cinema. (Natalya Varley.)

- "Perfection itself and ideal" - Miss Mary Poplin. (Natalya Andreichenko.)

floor + cotton = ?

ditch + hundred = ?

ear + slave = ?

horn + bottom = ?

log + water = ?


Op.. ..am..






"In the World of Words"

Look closely at the words champion, cook, buckwheat, collar and answer the questions:

What flower was awarded to the champion? (Peony.)

What is the name of the dish prepared by the cook? (Ear.)

What is the name of the water stream near which buckwheat grows? (River.)

Where did you put the collar? (Omut).

Funny transformations of words. Say with what words such transformations occur.

If you deprive a predator of one letter, it becomes a pet (wolf - ox).

Add one letter to a sea animal - it will turn into an insect (lobster - mosquito).

Take away one letter from the insect - a fish will appear (tick - bream).

From the change of one letter, the animal turns into a snake (hedgehog - already),

pet - into a bird (donkey - eagle),

and poultry - into a fluffy beast (chicken - marten).


1. The most toothy animal on Earth is a garden snail. (Yes, she has 14175 teeth).

3. Carlson's little friend was called Pippi Long Stocking. (No baby.)

4. The girl who visited the starship on the Third planet is called Alice. (Yes.)

5. Violin bow is a bundle horsehair, which is stretched on a stick curved at the end. (Yes.)

6. Dolphins have the largest and best developed brains of any animal. (Yes.)

7. For a tiger, in order not to feel hungry, it is enough to eat only 7-8 kg of meat per day. (Yes.)

8. An adult elephant drinks about 90 liters of water per day. (Yes.)

9. The largest land predator is the lion. (No, polar bear.)

10. A pair of sparrows catch about 400 harmful insects every day. (Yes.)

11. Eagles can carry a small sheep in their claws. (Yes.)




I From among those who wish, several teams (8-10 people) are formed. Each team receives cards with letters. Having chosen one card for themselves, the players of each team line up in a row. The host thinks of a word, and the players, having guessed it, must quickly “write”, that is, line up in a row so that the word can be read. Which team "writes" the word faster wins a point.

1. The best defense from rain and sun. (Umbrella.)

2. Very, very loud screaming. (Or.)

3. An attempt by the two parties to agree on a successful purchase and sale. (Bargain.)

4. Musical instrument, the sounds of which were quickly collected - together all the children. (Horn.)

5. He can be friendly or threatening. (Tone.)

6. A place where everyone can test their eyesight and accuracy. (Tir.)

7. A distant line, which we strive for, but cannot get close to. (Horizon.)



Drake saving the world. (Black Cloak.)

Drake is a miser. (Scrooge McDuck.)

Russian version of Tom and Jerry. (Wolf and hare.)

Three heirs to a huge fortune. (Willy, Billy, Dilly.)

The friendliest ghost ever. (Casper.)

Second soloist in a duet with a lion cub. (Big Turtle.)

The cat that swallowed the beast. (Leopold.)

The name of the most famous crocodile. (Gene.)

Two round investigators. (Koloboks.)

A boy who was not afraid to stay at home alone. (Kevin.)

A tavern where Pinocchio feasted with Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat. ("Three minnows.")

The motor ship on which Semyon Semyonovich Gorbunkov and Gennady Petrovich Kozodoev made a cruise. ("Mikhail Svetlov")


The presenter calls a phrase from a movie (cartoon), you must name this tape. (Note: given order questions are not required, they can be changed at the discretion of the presenter.)

For younger age:

1. “And I love money!” ("The Bremen Town Musicians".)

2. "We are of the same blood." ("Mowgli")

3. "It won't be enough." (“Last year’s snow was falling.”)

4. "We want to tell one simple fairy tale, or maybe not a simple one." ("Plasticine Crow")

5. “Hare? Hare, Hare ... "("Well, wait a minute!")

6. “So-and-so ran away from her father!” ("In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians.")

7. "Do you have a plan, Mr. Fix?" (“80 days around the world.”)

8. “Whatever you call a yacht, so it will float!” ("The Adventures of Captain Vrungel")

9. "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass." ("The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.")

10. "From a smile it will become brighter for everyone." ("Little Raccoon".)

11. "Pull the rope, the door will open." ("Little Red Riding Hood".)

12. "Little children, for anything in the world do not go, children, to walk in Africa." ("Barmaley")

13. “I’ll sing right now! I’ll definitely sing right now!” ("Once upon a time there was a dog.")

14. “Do you remember when you invited us to dinner this Wednesday?” ("Cat house".)

15. "Do you want me to hit him, and he will turn purple, speckled." ("The Secret of the Third Planet.")