Children's game program in African style "Journey to Africa". New Year's scenario in African style

A fun trip to the most amazing continent on the planet without leaving home! Feed the lion, cross the Namib, catch the rhinoceros, dance with the pygmies and hunt... the hunters! The African party will be an unforgettable journey for children into the world of burning sands and endless savannahs.

The best place for a peaceful safari is a densely planted park or a private house with a yard. But many ideas can be implemented in an apartment / rented hall if the weather is not conducive to celebrating on fresh air. The essence of the design will not change much, only contests for african party will need to be chosen taking into account the limited space.


To decorate the hall, you will need a lot of paper, cardboard, polystyrene - an impressive part of the scenery will have to be done by hand. But everything is quite simple, you can even connect to creative process children, unless it's a surprise party.

We offer simple African style design ideas:

  • close the walls with burlap, green fabric with floral pattern, african animal posters. At the children's party, let them be funny pictures, not a photo - they harmonize better with toys and colorful design. Glue pictures of the birthday boy on a tiger-striped or zebra background, decorate the corners of the resulting “frames” with silhouettes of animals, fruits;
  • creepers wherever they can be attached - in doorways with curtains, on the ceiling and walls. Remove furniture legs, chandeliers, cornices. Braid burlap or twist brown paper bags/wrapping paper. It remains to glue the leaves and / or bright flowers if the party is for girls;

Cut off the bottom of the paper bags, collect them with "beads" on a nylon rope. Twist a tight tourniquet, fastening the packages with double-sided tape one to another - it will be possible to hang heavy toys on such a garland.

  • palm trees with lush crowns, exotic fruits, animals and birds sitting on them. For the trunk of a large palm tree, roll cardboard into a tube, wrap it with tape. Tear the brown paper in strips, slightly fray the edges and glue it to the “trunk” in a circle with the same tape, moving from top to bottom - the next bottom layer will hide the gluing place.

Cute palm trees are obtained from peat cups for seedlings - make a hole in the bottom and put on a stick one by one. Without support, wide paper leaves will hang dull - make a central "vein" of wire so that the sheet bends beautifully.

  • animals - cats, rhinos, giraffes, elephants, zebras, parrots, snakes, monkeys. Let an African-style party not be able to convey even a small part of the animal diversity, but it's worth trying!

In addition to animals familiar to children, “invite” an aardvark, okapi, pangolin, civet and other amazing inhabitants of Africa to the holiday. Just be prepared to answer numerous questions: “Who is this? Where does he live? What does he eat?"

Soft toys, pictures, muzzles in garlands, printouts, drawings, glued to plywood or cardboard, etc. - lots of options! Compositions and mini-scenes look more interesting than just animals here and there. Let monkeys hang from vines, parrots drag treats right from under long nose baby elephant, zebras drink from a rag pond in which a hippopotamus bathes.

  • hang creepy funny aboriginal masks and safe (styrofoam, cardboard, foam) tools on the walls - spears, axes, clubs, especially if it's a party for boys. And decor, and additional entertainment.

In general, this is enough to interest even the most shy guest. But since this is a children's African party, it is worth adding to the interior of the holiday:

  • balloons - ordinary bright ones, foiled in the form of animals and fruits, collected in arches, palm trees, monkeys and flamingos;
  • colorful garlands of paper leaves, muzzles, fruits, butterflies;

  • congratulatory inscription in african style on a banner or banner. You can enter letters in different fruits or in the middle of flowers, "give to hold" cute little animals;
  • chair covers with tiger cubs, elephants, etc. You can just put animal masks on the backs.

An interesting idea for an African party is space zoning. In one corner there is a dense jungle with an abundance of vines, in the other - a desert (fabric the color of sand, snags, lizards), in the third - a spacious savannah with a huge baobab in the center, walking elephants and giraffes.

If you want something more elegant for the birthday of a princess girl, you can decorate the room in two or three shades. It will turn out less bright, but original - where else can you meet a pink giraffe?

photo zone

Hang the vines so tightly that they completely cover the background. Plant snakes, lizards, monkeys, parrots on them, hang fruits and flowers. In the foreground there are 2-3 large animals and a tent, near which a fire “burns”, there is a backpack, a bowler hat and other tourist utensils.

Surely someone you know has a children's tent or wigwam. If the pattern on the awning is inappropriate, completely cover it with large leaves from green wallpaper. Such "huts" can also be placed in the hall - additional entertainment.

Too difficult? Print a large poster with thematic picture and prepare photo accessories - masks, headbands with ears, binoculars, cork hats, etc.


Although the holiday is for children, an invitation is still needed - mention the scenario of the African party (you are waiting for amazing adventure!), dress code, occasion, date-time. After all, the guys go on a trip, everything should be in an adult way!

Of course, if we are not talking about kids who still cannot read. African Invitation Ideas:

  • if there is little time for preparation, download one of the templates;
  • sham personalized tickets (with the help of FS) for a plane to Africa or an invitation to a photo safari. If you like our script, write the following:

Hello Sasha"! My friend, a shaman of the Tumba-Yumba tribe, had an accident. I'm leaving for Africa on such and such a date, leaving at such and such a time. I will be glad if you help me rescue a friend from trouble.

  • postcards in the form of animals or their tracks, birds, fruits - all different or one template. You can cut out the silhouette of the mainland, write text on it and cut it into pieces - you get a game invitation-puzzle.


Many parents will be tempted to dress up their baby as a tiger cub, a monkey, etc. suits. But an African party for children is certainly an active game scenario, which means that it will be hot in fur coats. They are good for a photo shoot, but not for playing games for several hours.

You can search for an outfit from light fabric with a hood or a removable head of an animal, but the task is not an easy one - almost all costumes of African animals are sewn from fur / dense fleecy fabric. Other options:

  • sew a suit with your own hands from light fabric in the color of the skin;
  • make an applique out of pieces, sew or stick on a cobweb to a regular T-shirt;
  • choose the image of a Papuan, a shaman, a traveler, and other comfortable loose clothing.

Menu, serving

There are also many options here - the table can be served in a marching way, covered with a piece of burlap. Or a bright green tablecloth - grass, yellow - sand, striped / spotted - skin. The network sells stylized sets of dishes "Zoo", "Safari", etc.

The menu of an African party can be made up of food that the tailed aborigines “recommend” - decorate the dishes with toothpicks and pictures. A monkey on bananas, a rhinoceros on a watermelon, tiger cubs on fish-shaped cookies, etc. Ordinary food in themed skirts, jars decorated with pictures, cones. And vice versa - if the dish is in the shape of an animal / bird, the dishes are without a pattern, which does not draw attention.

  • zebra pattern on cakes/cookies- melted white and dark chocolate, using a conventional syringe without a needle;
  • fruit platter- cut out the leaves from a thin disposable tablecloth, stick with double-sided tape to the bottom of a transparent bowl with a fan so that the edges of the leaves hang over the "board";

  • fruit palm trees- collect the pieces on skewers, sticking them into a foam cone;
  • draw muzzles on sweets with icing, mold figures from mastic(it can be painted with juice at home, it's easy);
  • buy molds for elephants, giraffes, etc., even plastic ones for the sandbox will do. You can cool jelly in them, cut cookie dough, biscuit;

  • there are hundreds of MKs on the network on the topic of how to make this or that animal from fruits and decorate menu dishes. Choose simple ideas - decorating African-style food with toys, stickers and toppers is enough for a children's party;
  • don't forget the birthday cake if it's your birthday. Plus ordinary water, lemonades and juices, ice cream.


Our scenario of the African party begins with a meeting of the guys and the shaman of the tribe - an assistant or the leader himself. Competitions can be replaced with more “adult” ones, the essence will not change - for each game, the guys get a fragment of the totem (that is, how many competitions, so many fragments).

For the surroundings, download children's songs about Africa and its inhabitants, for the background between competitions - the sounds of nature. Atmospheric music will raise the degree of fun and help shy kids relax.

Fragments - tea boxes pasted over with pictures of animals. At the end, they will need to be folded in a certain way. For example, by the colors of the rainbow (the pictures on each correspond to one color) or so that there is an elephant at the bottom, then a hippopotamus, etc., until the smallest one at the top.

Shaman (hereinafter Sh): Greetings, friends. I'm so glad you agreed to help the Tumba Yumba tribe! People from the big city came to us to arrange a safari. We thought they would click their brothers or whatever to make pretty pictures.

And they, like cowardly hyenas, attack our good neighbors, masters of the savannah and jungle! They are poachers, ugh! The animals fled in fright. Elephants rushed through our camp, scattering things around. Not from evil, but in a panic, they broke our totem, which protects the tribe from evil forces. Yes, and monkeys, greedy for everything bright, dragged the wreckage God knows where. Our warriors set off to chase away the poachers, there is no one to look for the totem. Can you help? - Yes Yes.

Leading or the shaman himself, if he goes on a search with the guys (hereinafter B): Then eat these pills - they will not let you get sick if you are bitten by a snake or some kind of harmful fly. In Africa, inconspicuous living creatures are much more dangerous than huge lions and rhinos! Distribute sweet pills.

IN: I won't let you go that easily. I see that you guys are brave, but you need to prepare for a trip to Africa!


There are many similar ones on the net, the list is easy to continue or replace with more complex ones for schoolchildren. Riddles can be given out one at a time as a reward for contests for the African party. Then plant toys in the form of animals from guesses around the hall and hide pieces of the totem behind / under them in advance (competition - riddle - search for a fragment).

Great, mighty, huge mouth

He lives closer to the water (hippopotamus)

The tallest animal in the world

He is at least four meters tall! (giraffe)

This bird is so big that it will reach the ceiling with its head! (ostrich)

The most insidious inhabitant of the Nile,

Avoid the toothy one (crocodile)

There are a billion black spots on a red coat -

Rushing across the savannah record holder (cheetah)

It looks like a hedgehog, but very sharp -

His needles are longer than notebooks! (porcupine)

She likes the jungle, not the savanna

You scare away - a banana skin will fly into you (monkey)


IN: Due to the chaos that the poachers have caused here, it is difficult to understand in which direction the elephants ran. See what's wrong?

Lay paper traces on the animal figurines in advance, but incorrectly. Children must figure out which footprints belong to whom (rearrange toys or rearrange footprints, it doesn’t matter). We determined the direction (you can play with the compass), found the first fragment (it was lying nearby), set off.


IN: The second totem shard is somewhere in the Namib Desert. This is the oldest desert in the world, covered with mysterious circles - no one knows when and how they appeared. Be careful, you never know what dangers hide the ancient sands!

Piece thick fabric with holes of such size that you can put your foot on. She is held by her parents at a distance from the floor (than younger child, the lower). The goal is to cross the Namib, stepping into holes.

subdue the lion

IN: look, an African chef blocked our way - a majestic formidable (children in unison - a lion!). To pass, we need to pacify it - satisfying and tasty (children - feed!).

Shield (plywood, cardboard) with the image of a roaring lion and a hole in place of the mouth. Throw balls or red sandbags from a distance (meat from travelers' stocks).

Who is smarter?

Hooligan monkeys dragged one of the fragments to their trees. The shaman managed to agree with them on an exchange: if the guys prove that they are as dexterous as monkeys, they will be returned the stolen goods. You can include all three competitions in the scenario as test stages, or choose one:

  • dance-game libmo (pass under the creeper, falling lower and lower)
  • drag fruits from the lake-bowl to the land-tray with your teeth
  • toss air balloons(20 pieces is enough) on the side of rivals. Two teams, the winner is the one whose half of the hall has fewer balls at the end of the competition.

Help the antelope

IN: Guys, look - antelope! Mmm... or an antelope? How right? The children answer. Q: That's right - a calf, because antelopes are close relatives of cows. Probably, he is lost and wants to eat, and there is sand all around. Good thing we have food with us. Let's feed him, just so as not to scare the baby, we will portray his jumping mother.

For a laugh, you can put one of the parents at the finish line in a headband with long horns, wrapped in a “skin”. And let him champ the parsley handed out by the guys with appetite.

Options: take turns jumping to the "calf" on gymnastic balls or with ankles tied with an elastic band. You can tie the right leg of one guest with the left leg of another or jump, holding the waist in front of the one standing in front - after all, antelopes have 4 legs.

Catch the Rhino

Throw cardboard rings on the "horn" sticking out of the picture. Why catch a rhinoceros? And he booty sat on a piece of totem. Let's move the carcass, pick up our own and let him go for a walk.

Chase away the hunters

IN: Oh! Ahead are the very poachers about whom the shaman spoke! Guys, attention! We need to set them on fire so that they no longer think of hunting unfortunate animals just for fun!

Throw darts, shoot suction cups at a target pattern or shoot down paper figures with balls - print, cut out and fold in a “house” to stand up.

On this, the plot scenario of the party comes to an end - it remains to lay down the African totem, receive gifts from a grateful shaman and dance the victorious dance of the Tumba-Yumba tribe. After a quick rehearsal, at the chaotic commands of the presenter:

  • rain - look at the ceiling, handles up and chorus "uuuuu"
  • tiger - palms with “claws” and loudly “rrrr”!
  • we jump around the “bonfire” like antelopes (now everyone can!)
  • elephant - we stomp our feet alternately, pulling our ears back
  • monkey - but here let them fantasize!

Gifts for the memory of the safari party: "Africa" ​​toy book (Filimontseva or Zubkova), books with thematic stories / fairy tales, regular or invisible coloring books (Leda has a series about African fauna). And, of course, sweet sets + souvenirs (key chains, magnets, animal-shaped bracelets).

Other thematic ideas read .

The degree of difficulty of training

green, brown, black, blue, white, pink, yellow

flowers, masks, garlands, bedspreads, pillows, hats, rugs, greenery, soft toys, balloons, panels with African landscapes
callas, orchids, gerberas

Initially, the term "African safari" meant hunting in the southern and eastern regions of the continent. Centuries passed, peoples stopped suffering from hunger and became much more humane. Now, for fun, men and women go to Africa for a photo hunt. After all, you will not see such beauty of wild nature as in the jungle anywhere! However, sometimes, in order to take a picture against the backdrop of an elephant or a giraffe, it is not at all necessary to go to distant lands. You just need to turn on your imagination, call a few friends (also not deprived of imagination) and arrange a real African safari at home! And to organize everything so that even the most notorious skeptics feel the atmosphere of wildlife in your home, of course, we will help! Follow our advice, and you will certainly succeed!



If you are planning for theme party, like an African safari to buy at the last moment ready-made invitation cards on some book layout, I hasten to disappoint you: you will not find anything suitable. Everything that our printing industry produces in this direction is either cartoon postcards for children, or absolutely absurd squalor created by the imagination of people who have not even seen Africa in pictures. Therefore - when preparing a grand party, please do not spoil it with completely ridiculous stamped invitation cards, better - do something original with your own hands!

I offer several exclusive options:

Option 1. Passport with visa

Well, really, what can become best start exotic travel than a passport already issued in accordance with all the rules with permission to cross the border of a tropical fairy tale? Like my idea? Then read on for how to do it!

For one "passport" you will need:

Half a sheet of dark green and orange cardboard;

Corrector pencil, a tube of yellow paint for drawing on fabric with sparkles;

0.5 m of natural fiber thread (cotton, bamboo, etc.);

Sheet - a printout for the design of the inside of the passport, stickers - African animals.

How to do it:

1. We cut out the outlines of the African continent from the physical map of the world, apply the template to the yellow cardboard and cut it out central figure front of the passport.

2. On the finished "Africa" ​​we make an inscription with a corrector (suddenly, someone does not know that this particular continent looks like this) and glue the profile of the animal that you like best (fortunately, you can find a million stickers of this type on sale).

3. We fold half of the dark green cardboard in half (in a booklet), round the edges, make the inscription “Passport” in Latin letters (using yellow fabric paint) and glue the prepared layout of Africa to the front of the base.

4. Now - we draw up the inside of the passport. To do this, you will need to find a form on the Internet - a blank and samples of visas for international passports. We combine all this with a photo of the future guest (if you have one), or with our own. Next, write the text.

Purpose of arrival: birthday of (name).

Country of destination: any of the African countries.

Exact location: your address.

Arrival: The start time of your party.

Visa Length: Approximate duration of your holiday.

Special requirements: you can enter a dress code here, etc.

5. We glue the printed blank inside the cardboard passport, tie the entire postcard with a thread and send it to the recipients!

Developing the theme of travel, you can give the invitation the shape of a suitcase. After all, you see, it will be difficult to find among your friends a person who dares to go to Africa absolutely light!

Option 2. Travel bag

What you will need:

Polypropylene structured sheet of light brown cardboard, dark brown cardboard;

Pieces of dark brown leatherette or light leather;

Pink colored paper with a geometric print (circles and pinstripe);

20 cm thick pink thread, glue, scissors.

The principle of manufacturing and the sequence of assembling a postcard:

1. Let's make a giraffe.

We cut out the silhouette of an animal from pink colored striped paper, similar to a shadow, without clear contours.

From dark brown cardboard we cut out a more detailed, but reduced by 0.2 cm, copy of the first silhouette. The “horns” and tail of the animal should be clearly marked on the cardboard. The silhouette of a brown giraffe is carefully glued onto the “pink” shadow.

From pink colored paper in a circle, we cut out the clearest silhouette of a giraffe, which repeats along the contour brown version. The only difference is that the “head” of the pink giraffe is without horns, the tail is without a tassel, and several large round holes are carved in the body. Glue the last silhouette onto the brown base and pink shadow. Really, did it work out great?

2. While the giraffe dries, we form the base of the postcard. Fold a sheet of light brown, polypropylene structured cardboard horizontally in half. This is our suitcase. At the top we cut out the “handle”, thereby cutting off about 3 cm.

3. We decorate the front part of the “bag” with leather (leatherette) in random order, on the left we glue the finished giraffe.

4. With the help of a thread, we attach a label with the name of the addressee of our message to the "handle" of the suitcase. We write text inside. Postcard is ready!

Option 3. Safari for ladies

Yes, I agree, the design of such a postcard is a bit complicated. But how beautiful! I don’t know about you, but I personally really wanted to invite my friends to my African holiday with something similar. And I figured out how to make this masterpiece of arts and crafts more accessible to a simple man in the street, that is, to you and me.

The basis of the postcard is a dense bright blue cardboard. And for decoration, you can use glossy clippings, or (for the sake of credibility), find on the Internet a portrait of the notorious girlfriend of the lord of the jungle Tarzan - Jane, print on a color printer, cut and decorate the edges with openwork gold painting. You will also need pictures of snakeskin bags, mother-of-pearl beads, and fabric flowers. We glue all this to a cardboard base - and we get our own, creative version of a rare masterpiece!

I’ll say a few more words about envelopes for such chic invitations. Make them unique too. For example, from glossy African-style wrapping paper. I just think that both the wrapper and the content should match. Your holiday should be chic, no matter how you look at it!

Option 4. African totem

If you are planning a fire show, dances of the natives, etc., you can invite guests to the holiday with a postcard, decorated on the left edge with a strip of natural fabric and a kind of totem - a symbol of the power of the tribal leader. It will be beautiful if the same fabric, decorated with ornaments of native African peoples, will be with back side sheet with the text of the invitation. And to deliver such unusual postcard your guest can be in a box with sawdust. Like a precious artifact from an archeological dig.

Option 5. Original - for the lazy

Straw hat (safari style) + paper label with invitation text = a very unique way to invite guests to your stunning African holiday!


I hope we've offered enough original variants that can inspire you to a brilliant holiday, which in the near future will be written by all the newspapers of your city! However, having sent out invitations - do not rush to sigh with relief! The real work on the holiday is just beginning! The next stage of preparation is turning your home into a true jungle!

Bongo drums

Rent an instrument somewhere in the African community or music school populist direction. If one of your guests knows African musical art - great, invite him to demonstrate his skills during the holiday! If there are none among you - just decorate the solemn hall with drums - it will be beautiful and exotic!

African animal models in full growth

Yes, doing something similar on your own will be difficult. It is easier to take scenery with the image of African elephants, giraffes, crocodiles and hippos in the theater, or a studio specializing in organizing such holidays. But if you have a little time left, you can tinker a little, cut out the silhouettes of animals from ordinary chipboard and paint them in the desired (close to natural) color.

If you have been interested in the culture of the southern continent for a long time, then you will surely have a couple of original handmade and high-priced deities in your house. If, until now, you have practically not come into contact with the civilization of the hot mainland, make a couple of exotic papier-mâché masks and decorate the tables and walls of the hall with them for your party.

Bedspreads, pillows, hats, rugs in African style

Plaids, artificial and real animal skins, cushions, fur - all this is an excellent filling for an African safari-style party.

Paper balls, creepers and butterflies

You can decorate the ceiling with a simple mosquito net (or camouflage fabric), as well as branches of lianas, bouquets of artificial flowers, huge tropical nylon butterflies hanging on an invisible fishing line. All this entourage on the ceiling will help your guests feel the real jungle tent over their heads.

Living greenery and flowers

Arrange flowerpots with broad-leaved flowers throughout the house indoor plants and flower arrangements. Calla lilies, orchids, gerberas are suitable - all flowers that have a bright color and are not very picky about environmental conditions.

Fabric and paper garlands

If, in your opinion, there is not enough greenery in the room, add a few fabric garlands to the decor of the hall (use a green plain fabric of different shades for leaves) and paper garlands (it is best to make a fringe from green corrugated paper). By the way, as a connecting element between paper garlands flowers can be used thick cardboard. It will be safe and beautiful!

Soft toys - tropical animals

Lions, elephants, tigers, crocodiles, jaguars and monkeys - all soft toys - gifts of romantic friends and loved ones that you could not find a use for a long time, will find their place in the solemn African hall of your party! Let them watch you from sofas, wardrobes and even chandeliers, creating an invisible effect of the presence of real, wild Nature in your home!


Bright balloons (yellow, orange, or brindle) will allow you to place accents in your festive hall, highlight the different areas that you will use during the holiday.

Panel with landscapes of the jungle and savannah

Allocate a special corner in your room in order to organize a photo studio. Surely your guests will want to take some original photos from your holiday as a keepsake. Decorate this zone with a panel with tropical landscapes, and also create several options for fun banners yourself!

Decorating the hall for an African party is a pleasure! After all, this is just the option when there will not be too much decor, even if you do not leave a single corner free from decorations in the room. So - get to work, putting maximum imagination and diligence! And I'm waiting for you in the next post in order to talk about the costumes and the festive menu! I promise it will be no less interesting!

A properly organized theme party is always fun

Theme parties are new format unforgettable and bright holidays. The result of a stylized bachelorette party, a children's party, a New Year's celebration, a corporate party of a company or family holidays will be indelible impressions, pleasant memories and colorful photographs. Topics for events can be the most unexpected: a Mexican party, an oriental fairy tale, a traditional Russian-style evening and much more. Thanks to sophistication and eccentricity, ethnic-style parties are especially popular.

mexican parties

Mexico is an original, temperamental country and has several recognizable symbols: incendiary dances, guitar songs, cacti, ponchos and sombreros. A theme night in the style of hot Mexico will never be boring and will definitely leave an unforgettable experience.

A Mexican party, by definition, cannot be boring and faded.

What is needed in order to organize a bright holiday in mexican style? There are several simple rules, following which you can easily create the same Mexican mood and aura of the pampas:

  • Entourage. The first impression of a theme party is created with the help of design and decor. Homespun tablecloths, woven rugs, satin ribbons, all kinds of hand made crafts stylized as Mexico. The color scheme of the party design should be bright, you can safely combine red, blue, orange, yellow, green. Unusual contrasts will only enhance the effect and create a Mexican mood. As a decor, you can use baskets with exotic fruits, sombreros and, of course, cacti.
  • Music. Mexico is a country of creative and musical people. Therefore, a Mexican-style party should be accompanied by the incendiary sounds of maracas, drums and a romantic guitar.

Live Mexican Music

  • Dress code for the evening. National outfits, ponchos and sombreros will help you plunge into the atmosphere of the Mexican prairies.
    Bright mexican outfit
    As a simplified option, you can stop at just one sombrero
  • Scenario. You can't get bored at a Mexican party! For the entertainment of guests, you can come up with interesting and dynamic contests, a karaoke contest of Mexican songs, dances and a starry Mexican fireworks display.
    For a children's party, this could be a traditional Mexican piñata.

An evening in Mexican style is ideal to celebrate a corporate party, a birthday with friends and even celebrate the New Year. It is no coincidence that people in Mexico call each other amigos, which means “friends”. It is a friendly and cheerful atmosphere - distinguishing feature themed evening.

mexican party

In the style of the East

The East attracts with an aura of magic. In the theme of magic oriental tale you can hold a corporate party, birthday, family holiday or an evening of meeting friends. As the main idea of ​​the party, you can use the culture and history of any eastern country. An oriental-style bachelorette party can become unusually bright. It can also be an original party in Japanese style, Chinese, Turkish or Indian. Each of the ideas will allow you to plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of mystical and mysterious culture.

You can draw ideas from popular Indian or Turkish films, Japanese fairy tales, cartoons, or simply fantasize about the East. The main rule for creating an oriental-style party is realism, harmony, and complete immersion in the theme. You can use the following methods:

  • The traditional design, whether it is a family evening, a bachelorette party or a corporate party in the style of India, is lotuses, ficus, star anise.
  • For a harmonious atmosphere, you can use aromatic oils, candles or musk sticks.
  • Tantra, yoga, Ayurveda or Kamasutra are bold, but without a doubt, extraordinary scenarios to hold a youth party or birthday.
  • To recreate the magical aura, Indian clothing is needed in folk style and music for incendiary dances.

Story indian party

Indian boat party

If a corporate party or a birthday is being held, guests can be invited to become an integral part of the party: the clothes of each guest should complement the atmosphere of an oriental holiday. If it's an Indian-style party, then it's a saree; if it's a Japanese-style party, then it's a colorful kimono.

Japanese style party

Hot Africa

The safari theme is perfect for spending children's day birth. But the special flavor of the safari and original culture will not leave indifferent participants of adult events.

African party is bright colorful images
And sometimes the images look completely crazy

It could be professional holiday, a birthday in African safari style or just a meeting of old friends. To make your safari a success, here are a few tips:

  • An integral part of the safari evening is music. The rhythms of the Black Continent are especially incendiary.

African music


The African safari-style cultural program should be dynamic, all guests are involved in a colorful and original action.

  • Treat. Not only a children's birthday, but also an African-style corporate party will not do without exotic fruits, delicious meat dishes and African snacks.
  • Dress code. Since the guests are familiar with the exotic theme of the party in advance, they will be able to prepare African-style costumes.

The costume must contain an animal print or African ornament
Although, you can always be creative.

Movies, stories, fairy tales can be a source of inspiration for an unforgettable safari-style evening. A universal idea to hold a bright, funny and exotic children's party, birthday, corporate party is the Madagascar cartoon. In the same scenario, but with special color on the wild prairies, a Mexican-style party can be organized.

hippie parties

The culture of any nation is always a valuable source for original ideas for thematic events. For a youth holiday, a hippie-style party can be the basis. Freedom, friendliness and individuality are the unchanging principles of hippie culture.

Hippie party - the choice of free people

An integral attribute, without which a hippie-style party simply cannot take place, is clothing and interior design. The ideal place for such an event would be nature. A picturesque river bank or a forest glade on a sunny day will help create that special aura of peace, love and joy inherent in all real hippies.

You can also organize a holiday or corporate party in an ordinary apartment, or, as true hippies call it, flat. It is enough to add some ethnics, folk instruments and hippie symbols to the design.

Correct design apartments are one of the key elements

Concerning entertainment program, here you need lightness, which will help unite all participants in the event. The birthday or corporate party of a young and ambitious company in the hippie style is devoid of a strict dress code. Clothing is freedom of choice, self-expression and comfort.

The main advantage of a hippie-style party is the ability to organize interesting and bright holiday with minimal financial outlay.

Hippie Cocktail Party

The menu is devoid of deliberate sophistication, because hippies love nature and everything connected with it. Therefore, vegetables, berries, herbs, fruits are ideal as a festive treat. For adherents of meat, you can cook a simple and fragrant barbecue.

Hippie Party

Evening in Russian style

For those who are not an adherent of the exotic, you can organize a holiday in the Russian folk style, using an original and congenial folk culture. A party in ethnic Russian style is real holiday souls, a cheerful walk with traditional dishes, competitions, jokes, jokes, so you certainly won’t be bored at such a holiday. Walls can be stylized as a village hut

  • Decor. Details help create the right atmosphere. Clay figurines and pots, painted wooden spoons, embroidered linen tablecloths, decorations made of "gold" or "silver" will set the necessary interior accents.
    Add painted dishes, bagels, jam, pancakes and other original Russian delicacies to the table
  • Entertainment. Remote dances, folk songs, games and competitions - traditional entertainment evenings in Russian folk style.
  • Party in Russian style

    As for costumes, you can wear a folk-style costume, it will be the finishing touch to an unforgettable holiday.

    Anniversary in Russian folk style

    Any themed ethnic parties are always an extraordinary holiday full of events and fun. There is only one rule of holding - harmony and complete immersion in the topic. You just can't do without preparation, whether it's a Mexican party, an anniversary in the Ukrainian style, a children's birthday safari or a corporate party in the Russian style. Customs, culture, history - all this is an inexhaustible source of original ideas for the holiday.

    New Year in Ukrainian style

    Tarzan and Jane, lion, tiger, panther, elephant, monkey, cockatoo, caveman, natives, mother earth, wild tree, hunters

    Holiday table decor
    tablecloth, wooden utensils, "tiger" napkins, metal glasses with African print

    Chocolate Ants, Banana Fries, Tropical Fruits, South African Yellow Rice, Spinach with Garbanzo Beans, African Meat, Mango Chocolate Banana Ice Cream, Cake
    Tiger's Paw, Jungle Juice cocktails, juices

    First, a few words about the dress code. This question is very relevant on the eve of the African party, both for your friends and for yourself. After all, I hope you plan to show the most best example in respect of festive costume to your guests? You will shine against the backdrop of the jungle created by your own hand in a Tarzan loincloth, or in the outfit of a wild Bagheera panther ... However, the costume base for an African safari is so wide that an hour is not enough to describe it in full breadth and depth. But, nevertheless, I will give you several directions for the development of fantasy and the search for something of your own, corresponding to the mood and “call” of your inner, instinctive nature.

    So, we select a costume according to the main direction of the party

    If you're planning to base your African party on the adventures of Edgar Burroughs' (I'm talking about Tarzan) the monkey-raised kid, then it's only fitting that guests come to your party dressed as the protagonists of the famous novel.

    Tarzan and Jane

    For Jane a small one will do a khaki dress, or a skirt and corset laced up at the front. It will be nice if you manage to decorate the dress leopard print. If your outfit is monophonic - choose a hat and accessories (for example, bracelets, shoes) exactly to match the skin color of the jungle predators. This version of the outfit will be especially good to “play” if you are going to visit not by yourself, but accompanied by your own home Tarzan, who will be dressed in a tunic made of tiger (leopard) skin. By the way, the image of Tarzan would also not hurt to add some accessories. For example, you can tie a bandage around your head (from the same material as the tunic), and you can put a lace with a fang of a wild animal around your neck. As for shoes, Tarzan (the true hero of the novel) is used to moving around the jungle barefoot. If this form is unacceptable for you, put on soft leather moccasins. I think that E. Burroughs will forgive your Tarzan some deviation from the law of the jungle.

    Wild animals

    However, it will not be very interesting if there are 10 tarzans and the same number of his girlfriends at your party. Therefore, initially distribute the roles (as in nature) between the guests. Let's say you (the hosts of the event) will get the main roles of the notorious multi-volume epic of the great author. And the rest of the guests? They can be invited to choose the costume of any African animal with which they associate themselves!

    Girls usually like to dress up in costumes. wild cats jungle - panthers, lionesses, tigresses.

    The basis of such a suit is a jumpsuit or bodysuit of the appropriate color. You can add leggings to it (then the costume will more clearly emphasize your sexual forms), fur boots or leggings (for a more tangible effect), ears and a tail.

    very slender and tall girls can put on elegant suit giraffes. It usually consists of tight two-tone trousers, a corset and a cute beanie with horns.

    Men, on the other hand (by the way, they approach the concept of wild animals more broadly) prefer to dress up in costumes of elephants, monkeys, birds and the first, cavemen.

    Why the latter fell into the category of "wild animals" is still incomprehensible to me, but at an African party such types look simply incomparable! Someone needs to create a cheerful mood and make guests smile!

    Completely different costumes will be needed if you plan to make the theme of wildlife and the harmonious coexistence of man with it the main philosophy of the holiday. Primitive age, jungle, cave, fire, spears, mammoth hunting and ritual dances give rise to new images for your guests.

    However, making such costumes will be easier than ever!

    Wild people of the wild continent

    Although, you can add a few more ethnic-style decorations and, of course, African shields and spears! Though you are at a party, you are warriors to the marrow of your bones! What if, somewhere nearby, a mammoth will run, and you - without a weapon?

    The image of a "cave" girl - an African woman, also strives for minimalism in clothes, but involves a frilly hairstyle, a lot of accessories. In particular - earrings, beads, hair ornaments.

    Mother Earth

    This image is also very revered among the African natives. The fertile Earth, which provides food, protection, wisely helps to sort out disputes, has always been deified. Sacrifices were made to her, songs were sung and ritual dances were danced at sunset.

    However, the image of the Earth is epic, therefore, when preparing for a party, you can recreate it in a costume absolutely arbitrarily. Most likely, the outfit for the Mother is a dress, in calm green or peach colors, decorated with flowers, branches, ribbons. But your imagination can tell you something completely different. Listen to her and become the goddess of the African ball!

    Living tree

    Also unique and universal image for all variants of an African party. In addition, such a costume will work great if your goal is to be a detached observer at the holiday and not participate in any competitions. The basis of the costume is a long hoodie made of fabric, which is put on the head and hangs freely to the floor. You can decorate the hoodie by sheathing with flowers, branches, fruits.

    And finally, a few words about the costumes for white hunters who came to the black mainland to participate in an African safari.

    African safari hunter costumes

    Typically, both female and men's suit consists of a shirt (buttoned and with a collar) and trousers (shorts). Color - camouflage green, or khaki. Another required element costume - thick woolen socks combined with hiking boots. And, of course, weapons.

    Basically, if you're just going to an African safari-style party, you can simplify the strict hunting dress code a bit. For example, to refuse rough boots (applies, in particular, to sophisticated girls) and woolen socks(if the holiday falls on a hot season).

    But you should not refuse a cute accessory - a classic straw hat or a cork hunting helmet. As a rule, the recognition of the image always arises precisely because of this headdress!

    And a few more words about interesting details that can be matched to a safari suit. As we have already mentioned, in our time, tourists go to Africa mainly to participate not in real hunting for wild animals, but in the so-called photo hunting. Therefore, for the sake of credibility, when going to a party, you can hang binoculars or a camera around your neck.

    Also, bring an interesting bag with an African print and large sunglasses.

    Perhaps your guests have received enough "food for thought". It remains to have time to turn all our and our own ideas into a real fabric and enter the image. And we, dear hosts of the holiday, have a lot of things ahead of us! In particular, it is high time to discuss the festive menu! What are you going to treat all wild animals, natives and hunters, who will soon gather in your house? After the safari, they will all be very hungry for sure! Because - the advice of the best chefs to help you!



    The festive table should not differ in the general style of the composition from the ceremonial hall, where the main part of the event will take place. Therefore, I advise you to lay the tablecloth in black and white, you can choose a cover for the “leopard skin”, and decorate the center of the table with a strip of shiny brown organza. It will be very beautiful and tasteful!

    Dishes. Treats are best served on wooden flat plates, and drinks are poured into tall iron rough glasses (by the way, they can be decorated with a strip of fabric to match the tablecloth).

    The only thing that "white hunters" can leave at their festive table from the signs of civilization is metal cutlery. When setting the table, they can also be wrapped in a napkin that matches the tone of the tablecloth.

    Decorations. You can decorate the festive table with wooden figurines of the inhabitants of the jungle, as well as cute pots with young tropical greenery.

    Well, now - let's talk about what will be nice to put on beautiful plates!


    Real hunters (and their "trophies" too) will not be able to pass up a fresh green banana fries. This dish comes from Kenya, and tastes like potatoes, familiar to Europeans, dried in oil.

    Preparing this dish is quite easy. You just need to cut not quite ripe bananas into strips and deep-fry over medium heat, in in large numbers oils. Serve with fresh herbs and sauce to the table, and, preferably, I will fight after frying.

    You can also serve as an appetizer an original African delicacy - fried ants. If there are gourmets among your guests, they will surely appreciate your dish! However, true connoisseurs of the taste of insects are very rare among Russians - therefore, I propose to replace real ants with chocolate ones. Or, at least, decorate tartlets with cream or green cheese paste with them!

    Also throughout the evening, guests should have free access to dishes with exotic tropical fruits such as pineapple, bananas, mangoes and pomegranates.

    African national motifs are now very popular in the world. African blues, the sound of bongo drums mixed with the many-voiced chime of the real nature of the jungle gives rise to incomparable exotic music of romance, passion and freedom. This music wins hearts, makes many nations rise from their knees and proudly raise their heads. This music relieves tension, destroys the oppression of complexes and allows primal instincts to break free. This music gives rise to an incredible force of erotic magnetism even in the most ugly women, conquering them to itself, forcing the blood in the veins to run in unison with its rhythm.


    I have no doubt that you will find a lot of good music for your African party playlist, but I still recommend you a few colorful, truly African melodies!

    Also, don't ignore contemporary popular music in Africa, based on the choral melodies of ethnic African peoples, and performed in the rhythm of "black blues". You will surely like the motifs of VA, Ismal Lo, Rokia Traor, Soul Brothers, Johnny Clegg & Juluka, Balla Et Ses Balladins. And as a backdrop for the holiday, the sound of the jungle is perfect!

    Well, now, listening to the sound of wild, multifaceted Africa, and being inspired by it, let's prepare entertainment for the guests!


    1. Romantic love story of Tarzan and Jane

    Remember the plot of the brilliant story? Tarzan (the little heir of the British from the lost ship) is taken under their care and raised in the wild jungle by monkeys. Among animals, he acquires the glory of the king of beasts. And everything would be fine, but then a refined Jane appears in the life of a young tanned guy, the daughter of a fanatical research scientist, also an Englishwoman, from the other side of the island ...

    It is this plot that can become a completely worthy basis for the entertainment part of your party!

    Game 1. "The King of Beasts"

    The struggle for survival and prey is the basis of existence in the wild jungle. Only those who have proven their strength, dexterity and cunning in battle eat and move freely in the thicket! Monkeys and tigers have been competing for the main values ​​of the jungle since ancient times! It's time to prove to Tarzan, adopted son of the monkeys, who's in charge here!

    Number of participants: at least 10 people.

    Rules: all participants are divided into two teams - "Tigers" and "Monkeys". The task of the monkeys is to get from one end of the room to the other (from the open area to the safe trees). The task of the tigers is to prevent them from doing this. Indeed, on the trees, monkeys are inaccessible and, practically, not vulnerable! If, when trying to cross an open area, a tiger at least touches a monkey, it passes into a tribe of tigers and helps to catch its own. The only monkey that has "immunity" is Tarzan. He - manages the maneuver of the monkeys, and helps them overcome the distance to the saving trees with almost no loss. If Tarzan failed to lead the tribe to the trees, the tigers won, and he lost the crown of the “King of Beasts”. In this case, a new Tarzan is chosen and the game starts over. Winners - incentive prizes!

    Game 2

    Props: 4 paper lilies(you can take flowers from fabric).

    Number of participants: at least 6 men and 2 women.

    Rules: All players (men) are divided into two teams. They are "tarzan". Girls (they are "Jane") - stand on the opposite side of the room. The task of each team of "tarzans" is to reach their "jane" and return back without touching the ground with their feet, that is, along the lilies. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

    Game 3. Tarzan's Kiss

    Having overcome the path to Jane, Tarzan already wants more ... Kiss! And, of course, he will do it in his own way, like a monkey!

    Number of participants: all wishing couples (boyfriend + girl).

    Rules: Tarzan must kiss Jane suddenly, from an unusual angle: hanging over her from a tree, standing on his head or on his hands, in a jump, etc. All possible and creative options on the theme of “kissing a beautiful monkey”, those guests who do not participate in the game are evaluated by voting.

    Remember that moment in the novel when Jane started teaching Tarzan "the manners of the English court"? Everyone should have been able to dance the waltz at that time decent man! And Lord John Clayton (the real name of the adoptive monkeys) was simply obliged to know every step of the aristocratic dance! And, of course, along with Tarzan, all members of his monkey tribe also learned to dance in the jungle! And the members of a competent jury should evaluate the original waltz of the wild jungle!

    To begin with, you must decide for yourself which of the vast African subjects is closer to you. I offer three lines of conducting a holiday (as a rule, any of them gives a huge scope for the development of the personal imagination of each of my readers). And, accordingly, each direction draws its own, specific "picture" of the entertainment program.

    2. Life of a tribe of natives in the jungle

    And this direction of the African party is interesting because it gives you the opportunity to feel like a small part of the great and powerful Nature. Live, feeding on her gifts, serve her, make sacrifices and obey her dictates. So, for many centuries in a row, ethnic tribes of natives live in the deep (far from the eyes) white man) regions of Africa.

    Game 1. "Hunting for peanuts"

    Preliminary preparation: in all your impromptu jungle (hall), even before the start of the holiday, you need to hide the unpeeled peanuts.

    Props: buckets (bowls) for found peanuts.

    Number of participants: all comers.

    Rules: within 5 minutes, you need to find as many peanut grains as possible in the jungle. But! Native gatherers (according to the beliefs of the ethnic group) should not touch the sacred grains with their hands! Their task is to collect peanuts in any other way, without using their hands!

    Now this is going to be fun!

    Game 2. "Sounds of the jungle"

    Can you roar like a lion, howl like a monkey, and laugh like a hyena? Then the next game is for you!

    Props: leaves with the names of animals.

    Rules: Each participant has a minute to read the name of the animal, whose voice will have to convincingly address the audience. At the end of a minute, the participants demonstrate their abilities, and the audience guesses who owns this or that sound. At the end of the fun, all participants are awarded with new names: “Proud Lion”, “Cowardly Macaque”, “Sharp Eye”, etc.

    Game 3. "Traces of unknown animals"

    Every real jungle warrior must accurately determine which animal the footprints on the ground belong to. Let's find out the name of the best hunter-tracker?

    Number of participants: all comers.

    Props: paper-cut footprints of an elephant, tiger, monkey, cockatoo, and other animals of tropical Africa.

    Rules: each participant is given a basket with paper traces of paws and hooves. Within 1 minute, he must determine to whom they belong, name the animals. Whoever gives the most correct answers wins.

    African ethnic dance master class

    In honor of your African party, give your dear guests the opportunity to feel with all your heart the freedom of a real, rhythmic ritual dance of the natives! Invite an ethno-dance coach to your party! A lot of positive emotions are guaranteed for everyone!

    3. True African safari

    And, finally, the third direction of the entertainment program - wild fun for the real "Kings of Nature" - hunting in Africa. True safari! Chase, wilds, thirst and heat, danger and adrenaline! True, even hunters in Africa cannot deviate from the law of the jungle!

    Game 1. "We're going on a safari!"

    Accuracy, reaction speed and dexterity - these are the main advantages of a real hunter who is going on a safari to Africa! This wild land does not tolerate amateurs!

    Props: two bags with a set of clothes: shorts, shirts, hats and boots.

    Number of participants: minimum 6 people.

    Rules: All participants are divided into teams. In front of each team (at a distance of 10-20 steps) is a bag with safari clothing. The task of each player is to run to the bag, open it, put on its contents, then take everything off, put it in the bag, close it, and return to the starting line. The team whose members complete the entire chain of tasks faster and better than others wins.

    Game 2. "Save the cub"

    The first law of the hunter says: you can not kill females that have recently had offspring! But what if you suddenly found a child (elephant, tiger cub) who was lost? Of course, hurry to return it to mom!

    Props: hoops, pillows, rope, soft animal toys, balloons, blanket.

    Number of participants: no more than 3 people.

    Essence: each hunter, with a rescued cub on his back, must go through a jungle obstacle course in order to return the child to his mother.

    Overcome a ridge of rocky caves (climb through hoops installed at different heights);

    Get over the big canyon (jumping on stones - pillows);

    Feed the hippo ("feed" a soft toy with small sweets);

    Fly over a swamp (imitate a balloon flight);

    Overcome quicksand (stay on a blanket that will be rocked in all directions).

    The winner, of course, is rewarded with a kiss (from the mother of the rescued cub)!

    Game 3. "Checking the accuracy of hunters"

    Props: two tables (7-10 paces apart), two bowls of peanuts, two metal camping mugs

    Number of participants: couples (at least 6 people).

    Rules: two bowls of peanuts are placed on one table, and two mugs on the other. The task of the team members is to take one grain of peanuts from the bowl and get them into the mug on the other table. The winning team is determined by the number of grains in the circles.

    Game 4. "Real safari"

    Props: Darts, pictures of animals.

    Rules: in the center of the target is a picture of the animal being hunted. The one who hits the bullseye with a dart is considered the lucky owner of the trophy.

    And to complete the holiday, you certainly need an enchanting show. For example, invite an African folk group who owns bongo drums


    Be sure to reward the most active participants in the entertainment program with symbolic prizes at the end of the evening! And in general, all guests should give some pleasant trifle as a keepsake of the holiday. For example, a bar of tropical chocolate, a sweet banana (you need to distribute to all the best party monkeys), a hat or mask (these trophies will come in handy for hunters and natives).

    But, most importantly, check before you close the door behind the guests, does each of them leave your holiday in a good mood? After all, it is positive emotion- the highest rating of your holiday, for the preparation of which you spent so much time and effort! Everyone smiles and asks to repeat the encore party? So the holiday was a success! With what I, personally, congratulate you!