Calendar planning "National Unity Day" in the senior group. Calendar - thematic planning Thematic block "Celebrating National Unity Day

Municipal educational institution Chastinskaya secondary school
methodological council of the school
"____" _____________ 2010
I approve:
head teacher
______________ N.N. Selivanova
"____" _____________ 2010
Calendar - thematic planning
on the subject of technology in the 7th grade
technology teacher
Bushueva Ksenia Olegovna
With. Frequent, 2010
Conceptual part: Service labor is integral part educational field"Technology". The course program is based on the program approved by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation taking into account the educational and material base of the workshops, the teaching aids available in them and the trends in their development.
The purpose of the course: to prepare students for independent working life in a market economy.
This implies:
the formation in students of the qualities of a creatively thinking, active personality, which are necessary for activity in new socio-economic conditions,
the formation of knowledge and skills to use the means and ways of converting materials into the final consumer product in conditions of limited resources and freedom of choice,
formation creative attitude to the quality of work,
development of versatile personality traits.
Course objectives:
formation of polytechnical knowledge and ecological culture,
improving the practical skills and abilities of students in economic management household, preparation and storage of products, home care,
familiarization with various types arts and crafts, folk art and crafts,
development of artistic initiative,
fostering the habit of cleanliness, conscious compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules at home and at work,
fostering respect for folk traditions and customs.
Educational and methodical set on technology for grade 7:
Program: Simonenko V. D. Technology. Primary and basic general education programs. – M.: Ventana – Graf, 2010.
Textbook: Technology. Service Labor: Grade 7: A Textbook for Students educational institutions/ [N. V. Sinitsa, O. V. Taburchak, O. A. Kozhina, and others]; ed. V. D. Simonenko. - 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2010.-176 p.: ill.
Additional literature:
for the teacher:
V. N. Chernyakova. Methods of teaching the course technology of fabric processing grade 5-9 - M .: Education, 2002.
E. M. Muraviev, V. D. Simonenko. General Basics methods of teaching technology - Bryansk, 2000.
L. D. Karachevtseva, O. P. Vlasenko. Technology grades 5-9. Additional and entertaining materials. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
for students:
Fabric processing technology grade 7-9 (Chernyakova V.N. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2000).
Number of hours per year: 52
Number of hours per quarter: I - 8 hours, II - 16 hours, III - 20 hours, IV - 8 hours.
Quantity control works: 4
Number of practical and laboratory works: 24
Content part.
Exemplary thematic plan for grade 7
Lesson No. Title common theme Number of hours Topic of the lesson Content of the topic Practical and laboratory work Types of knowledge control on the topic
1-2 Introductory lesson. Primary briefing of students on labor protection. Rules of conduct in the office "Technology"
Instruction on labor protection for students in a sewing workshop
Work plan for academic year- Survey.
Project activity 4 3-4 2 Creative project. Directions in which you can choose a creative project
Project content
Execution sequence creative project- Task card
5-6 2 Stages of a creative project. The essence of the stages of a creative project
Making a creative project - Implementation of the project during the academic year.
Cooking 6 7-8 2 Physiology of nutrition.
Meat. Briefing on the protection of ore during culinary work.
The influence of microorganisms on food products, the role of minerals in the life of the body.
Meat products, types of meat, signs of good quality meat.
P.R.: Cooking borscht.
front poll.
9-10 2 Flour products.
Dairy products.
Tools, fixtures and products for the preparation of flour products. Technology of preparation of dishes from unleavened dough.
Dishes from fermented milk products. Fruits and berries. Sweet dishes.
P.R.: Cooking homemade cookies.
P.R.: Cooking cottage cheese pancakes and apple mousse. Testing.
11-12 2
Home canning.
Preparing lunch on the go. The main methods of preserving fruits, preserving fruits with sugar.
Hiking trip, an approximate calculation of food in a trip for one person, the rules of behavior in nature. P.R.: Making jam from apples.
- Testing.
front poll.
Materials science 4 13-14 2 Chemical fibers. Technology of production of chemical fibers, properties of chemical fibers. nonwoven fabric from chemical fibers. LR: Determination of the composition of tissues and the study of their properties. Task card.
15-16 2 Care of clothing made of chemical fibers. Care Symbols L.R.: Learning about care symbols textile products from chemical fibers. Task card.
Machine learning 4 17-18 2 Zigzag stitch.
Adaptations to sewing machine. Instruction on labor protection when working with fabric and iron.
The use of zigzag stitching in products.
Buttonhole sewing, button sewing, hemming blind seam. P.R.: Performing a zigzag stitch pattern.
front poll.
19-20 2 Machine stitches Classification machine seams. P.R.: Making a sample of machine seams. Task card.
Design and modeling of a shoulder product 8 21-22 2 Silhouette and style in clothes.
Taking measurements to build the basis of the drawing of the shoulder product with one-piece sleeve. Silhouette in clothes, the concept of style, the requirements for clothing.
Rules for taking measurements, necessary measurements.
P.R.: Taking measurements to build the basis of the drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve. Testing. Card - task.
23-24 2 Construction of the basis of the drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve in M ​​1: 4 Allowances for free fitting, construction of the basis. P.R.: Building the basis of the drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve in M ​​1:4 25-26 2 Modeling a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve. Changing the length of the product, the shape of the neckline, coquette modeling, artistic design of clothes. P.R.: Modeling of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve. 27-28 2 Preparing the pattern. P.R.: Building the basis of the drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve in M ​​1: 1 Manufacturing technology garment 16 29-30 2 Cutting products. The sequence of preparing fabric for cutting, the rules for laying out patterns on fabric, the rules for cutting, duplication of parts, P.R .: Cutting products. 31-32 2 Fitting. Preparation of the product for fitting, elimination of defects. P.R.: Fitting. 33-34 2 Processing darts, shoulder and side cuts. Processing of darts, the middle seam of the back, shoulder seams and bottom sleeves. P.R.: Processing of tucks, shoulder and side cuts. 35-36 2 Processing cuts of the neck and armholes of the product. Methods for processing the neck and armholes P.R.: Processing the neck and armholes. 37-38 2 Processing of the lower cut of the product. Types of processing of the lower cut of the product. P.R.: Processing of the lower cut of the product. 39-40 2 Second fitting. Elimination of defects. P.R.: Fitting. 41-42 2 Finishing the product. Buttonholes, cleaning, wet heat treatment products, sewing accessories. P.R.: Final finishing of the product. 43-44 2 Refinement of the product. P.R.: Refinement of the product. Decorative and applied art. Crochet. 4 45-46 2 Tools and materials. The main types of loops. Types of hooks, exercises in making loops with a crochet. Knitting patterned fabric. P.R.: Knitting a single crochet different ways. Task card. 47-48 2 Knitting in a circle. Methods of knitting in a circle. P.R.: Performing tight knitting in a circle. Residential building interior. 2 49-50
Indoor plants in the interior of the apartment. The role of indoor plants in human life, care for indoor plants, varieties of indoor plants. P.R.: Transplantation of indoor plants. Questionnaire card. Girl hygiene. 2 51-52 Skin and eyes of a girl. Hygiene of vision, rules for skin care around the eyes, individual skin care. P.R.: Fresh face masks. Lesson number Expected results
1-2 Know the rules of TB. Know how to put them into practice.
3-4 Know the direction, content, sequence of the creative project.
5-6 Have an idea about the essence of the stages of a creative project, be able to draw up a creative project.
7-8 Know the briefing on labor protection during culinary work, the influence of microorganisms on food products, the role of minerals in human life. Know how to cook borscht.
9-10 To know the tools, fixtures and products for the preparation of flour products, the technology for preparing dishes from unleavened dough. Know how to make homemade cookies. To have an idea about dishes from fermented milk products. Be able to cook cheesecakes from cottage cheese and apple mousse.
11-12 Know the basic methods of canning. Know how to make apple jam. Have an idea about camping trip. Be able to roughly calculate the food in the campaign for one person.
13-14 Know the production technology, the properties of chemical fibers. Be able to determine the composition of tissues.
15-16 Know the symbols for the care of chemical fiber clothing.
17-18 Know the briefing on labor protection when working with fabric and iron. Know how to do a zigzag stitch. Knowledge of sewing machine accessories.
19-20 Know the classification of machine seams. Know how to make machine seams.
21-22 Have ideas about the silhouette and style of clothing. Know the rules for taking measurements. Know how to take measurements.
23-24 Be able to build a drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve on a scale of 1:4.
25-26 Have an idea about modeling a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve. Be able to model a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve.
27-28 Be able to build a drawing of a shoulder product with a one-piece sleeve on a scale of 1: 1.
29-30 Have an idea about the cutting of the product. Know how to cut.
31-32 Have an idea about the fitting.
33-34 Be able to handle tucks, shoulder and side cuts.
35-36 Be able to handle the neck and armhole.
37-38 Be able to process bottom cut products.
39-40 Be able to eliminate defects.
41-42 Have an idea about the final finish of the product.
43-44 Have ideas about product development.
45-46 Know the tools and materials for crochet. Be able to knit a single crochet in various ways.
47-48 Know how to knit in the round. Know how to knit tightly in a circle.
49-50 Have an idea about indoor plants in the interior of the apartment. Know how to transplant indoor plants.
51-52 Know about the girl's skin and eyes. Have an idea about face masks.

Project type: information - practice-oriented.
Duration:1 week (short-term) - from 31.10.2016 to 03.11.2016

Project participants: educators and pupils preparatory group, parents of students, music director.

Problem: the younger generation of modern Russia is losing interest and respect for Russia's past. Patriotism is the moral basis of the viability of the state. Everyone knows the expression: "A people that does not know its past has no future," and modern children they are very little aware of the past of their country, their people. I think that to start educating children about the historical past home country should start from childhood. The children of the school preparatory group are already ready for a correct perception of the events of the past, and work on patriotic education should be carried out throughout the year.

Thus, civil-patriotic education today is one of the most important areas of educational work. It should be taken into account that patriotic education preschoolers is not only the education of love for home, family, kindergarten, to the native nature, the cultural heritage of one's people, one's nation and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, but also the upbringing of a respectful attitude towards the worker and the result of his work, native land, defenders of the Fatherland, state symbols, state traditions and public holidays.

Childhood - everyday discovery of the world

and therefore it is necessary to make

it became, first of all, the knowledge of man

and Fatherland, their beauty and grandeur.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Target: the formation of a sense of patriotism in children of senior preschool age.

Project objectives:

Expand children's ideas about national holidays.
Continue to cultivate love and respect for Russian national heroes.
Continue to develop cognitive activity as a system of the most important worldview ideas.
Involve parents in cooperation with the kindergarten.
Continue to instill in children a sense of love for their city, region.

Expected results:

Improving the level of knowledge of children about their country.

Increasing the level of knowledge of parents.

Formation of a sense of patriotism in children.

Showing children's interest in the history of the country.


I. Organizational and preparatory

* Setting goals and objectives of the project;

* drawing up a work plan for the implementation of the project;

* coordination of the action plan with project partners;

* selection fiction, musical accompaniment.

II. Main (project implementation)

Cooperative activity educators and children


Situational conversation“In what country, in what region, in what city do you live?” -Clarify the knowledge of children about their place of residence.


cognitive development. FTsKM + Speech Development

Theme: My Fatherland - Russia»

Program content: to form children's interest in learning about Russia; to cultivate a sense of belonging to a particular culture, respect for the cultures of other peoples; the ability to talk about the history and culture of their people.

Informative conversation “The President of Russia - V.V. Putin” - to consolidate knowledge about the president of our country, to discuss what qualities the leader of the country should have.

poems by A. Tolstoy “You are my land, my dear land!”


Situational conversation“My native country is wide” - to summarize the knowledge of children about their country, about the diversity of cities, about Moscow.

Viewing images Red Square in Moscow, Moscow Kremlin.


1. Cognitive development. FEMP.

2. Cognitive development. Productive (constructive) activity.

Subject: Kremlin.

Program content: to expand children's ideas about Moscow - the capital of Russia. To consolidate children's ideas about the Kremlin as an ancient fortress. Get acquainted with the variety of towers of the Moscow Kremlin. Strengthen the ability to embody your own plan. Learn how to create a team building.

Informative conversation"Who are Minin and Pozharsky?" - to enrich children's knowledge about the history of their country, to cultivate a sense of pride.

Reading fiction: reading a poem by A.S. Pushkin "Moscow ... how much in this sound ..."


Situational conversation "What does 'popular unity' mean?" - develop an interest in the history of their country.

Hearinganthem of the Russian Federation.


1. Development of speech.

Theme: Day national unity.

Program content: to consolidate the ideas of preschoolers about the history of the holiday, its significance for Russia. Cultivate a sense of patriotism. Continue to expand the vocabulary. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.

2. Drawing.

Theme: Doll in national costume.

Program content: to consolidate the ability to draw a human figure, conveying the structure, shape and proportions of the parts; easy to draw outline with a simple pencil and paint over the drawing with pencils and paints. Learn to portray characteristics national costume. Raise interest in the past of Russia.

Reading fiction: epic tale "Ilya Muromets".

Thematic week "National Unity Day"

Theme of the week: « National Unity Day»

Theme of the day: "What is Motherland" Working with parents

The first half of the day. SOD

Home visits for frequently ill children.

1. Conversation "What is Motherland" Tasks: to form ideas about the Motherland, to cultivate love for one's land.

2. Finger. Gymnastics "Family" Tasks: develop fine motor skills of the fingers, activate the cerebral cortex.

3. Looking at the album "The nature of our region" Tasks: learn to describe in a picture.

4. Problem situation "Why share toys" Tasks: Cultivate friendly relationships.

5. P and "Hit the target" Tasks: the ability to concentrate when performing a movement

6. Presentation environmental action "Observation of the white-trunked birch".

FEMP. Subject: "Dunno prepare for the journey" Tasks: learn to distinguish and name the spatial direction from myself: left, right, on, under, develop the ability to see common feature objects in shape and color.

Drawing. Subject: "Friendly Rings" Tasks: learn to draw objects about round shape, create a certain ornament.


1. Observation "I love Russian birch..." Tasks: introduce the symbol of Russian nature.

2. Labor defamation "Rowing the Leaves" Tasks: learn to help an adult, enrich the vocabulary.

3. P and "Colored Cars" Tasks: learn to follow the rules during the game.

4. D and "One and Many" Tasks: learn to find one and many objects, use these concepts in speech.

5. Air baths walking on massage mats. Tasks: prevention of flat feet.

II half of the day. SOD

1. Riddles about autumn natural phenomena. Tasks: enrich the vocabulary with figurative expressions.

2. D and "Collect the Pyramid" Tasks: learn to assemble the pyramid in descending order and growth of the shape of the rings.

3. Making up a story "How Dunno went to the forest" Tasks: teach safe behavior in the forest.

4. Games for the development of emotions "Happy-sad" Tasks: develop mimic musculature.

5. Study game "I myself!" Tasks: to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Theme of the week: « National Unity Day»

Theme of the day: "When united, we are not defeated " Working with parents

The first half of the day. SOD

1. Conversation "What is friendship" Tasks: nurture friendships.. Conducting a survey to compile "Group family portrait".

2. Dating people. creative "Friendly nesting dolls" Tasks: continue to acquaint with handicrafts nar. masters.

3. Tetralization. games "Turnip" Tasks: show kids strength unity.

4. Eco. a game "Whose kids?" Task: Form nouns in speech.

5. C p game "Friendly cleaning" Tasks: show that act together every now and then goes faster.

Music. Work according to the plan of music. leader

Application Subject: "Balls big and small" Tasks: Learn to find round objects in the environment. Learn to evenly apply glue to the entire surface of the part.


1. Observations of the games of older children. Tasks: how adult children make friends, help each other, give up toys.

2. Development game emotions: "Mood" Tasks: Talk about the fact that everyone has different moods.

3. Conversation "Don't tease the dogs..." Tasks: develop an understanding of dangerous situations with animals.

4. P and "Hide and Seek" Tasks: perform movements according to the text.

5. D and "Round-not round" Tasks: consolidate knowledge about geometric shape circle.

II half of the day. SOD

1. Air baths game "Kitty" Tasks: prevention of postural disorders.

2. Let's fix toys problem situation. Tasks: educate diligence.

3. D and "Who am I" Tasks: continue to teach the names of your family members.

4. Action by the Day national unity"Let's live in peace!"(November 4) Tasks: to rally children and parents in joint activities.

Theme of the week: « National Unity Day»

Theme of the day: "I love Russian birch..." Working with parents

The first half of the day. SOD

1. Ras. illustrations depicting a birch. Tasks: to summarize knowledge about autumn changes Selection of illustrations, postcards, photos, clippings from newspapers and magazines, riddles, proverbs and sayings about birch.

2. game situation "Journey to the Forest" Tasks: remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

3. ZKR game "Sounding Brook" Tasks: to develop the articulatory apparatus.

4. D and "Let's Build a Forest" (Kyuzner) Tasks: create objects based on a picture-scheme.

5. Choir. a game "There was a birch in the field" Tasks: learn the lyrics of a song. Continue to acquaint with Nar. games.

Modeling. Subject: "I love Russian birch" Tasks: learn to roll balls between your fingers and flatten them onto the depicted tree; to consolidate knowledge about the birch in its appearance.

Physical Culture Work according to the plan of the instructor in physical. education


1. Observation of garbage collection. Tasks: learn careful attitude to nature.

2. Orders "Get up in the morning, clean up the planet" Tasks: to form an active life position.

3. Ind. work with Vanya, Stasik, Ulyana. "Where are our pens" Tasks: correctly build sentences.

4. P and "Children and the wolf" Tasks: learn to act according to the text.

5. Verse readings. “We stood around the birch in a round dance” Tasks: take care of nature, protect it.

II half of the day

1. Walking on a tightrope exercise. throat "Horse" Tasks: prevention of flat feet and acute respiratory infections.

2. Costing subject"My city, my home" Tasks: to form the ability to create a collective building.

3. Instructions "Let's fix the masks" Tasks: nurture a desire to help.

4. C p game "We are forest animals" Tasks: consolidate knowledge about wild animals.

5 .Days observations "Our Tree" Tasks: Deepen before about late autumn, about the state of birch in late autumn.

Irina Lenkina
Calendar planning "National Unity Day" in senior group

Theme of the week: « National Unity Day» .(4 weeks from 24.10 to 28.10.)

24.10.16 Joint activities with children SDS

Morning With Sasha D, Artem K. d / y "Compare by stripe width". Target: exercise in comparing strips in width.

Conversation: "My country". Target: acquaintance with the history of Russia, public holidays, to cultivate pride in their country.

Experience "How not to get burned?". Target: bring to the understanding that objects from different materials heat up differently (thermal conductivity of materials). Duty in a corner of nature, watering plants. Target: development

value attitude to work.

NOD day group: 1. Cognitive development "Walking in the Forest". Target: expand children's ideas about the diversity of the plant world.

2. Drawing Theme: "How we played mobile game: Bear and bees». Target: to promote the development of the ability to create plot compositions determined by the content of the game.

3. Music.

Walk Birdwatching. Target: to form the ability to choose the conditions for the observation; describe the results; formulate conclusions.

P/game "Martin". Target: improve the ability to run easily, rhythmically; observe the coordination of movements of the arms and legs.

Labor activity: "sweep the area". Target: promote the desire to help adults.

Ind. Work with Ulyana B., Andrey L. "walk the bench". Target: exercise in balance.

Independent games with remote material.

evening With Kolya M. d / y "how many syllables?". Target: to promote mastery of the ability to determine the number of syllables in words. Reading a poem « National Unity Day» . Target: clarify children's ideas about public holiday; encourage them to listen carefully to the text.

Finger gymnastics “Here they sit on horseback, look, Russian heroes”. Target: improve the ability to bend and unbend fingers for each word.

Independent activity children. Target, cultivate friendships

Theme of the week: « National Unity Day» .

25.10.16 Joint activities with children SDS

(independent activity of children)

Ind. work of NOD, ind. ODRM work

(educational activity in regime moments)

morning With Lesha M, Alena M. D / y What does the subject say about itself? Target: improve the ability to highlight the features of objects. Informative conversation "From the past of our Motherland". Target: continue to acquaint children with the history of our country.

D/ and "Pick a Pair". Target: to improve the ability to select pairs of objects that match on a given basis.

Organize an exhibition of books about the country, the history of the city. Target: Maintain an interest in fiction.

NOD day group: 1. Development of speech “Learn to be polite. Memorizing a poem by R. Sefa Council ". Target: continue to exercise children in the ability to be polite.

2. Application . Target (1 subgroup)

(2 subgroup) .

3. Physical culture.

Walk Observation "The sun has gone below the horizon". Target: improve the ability to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena and human life.

mobile game "We are funny guys" (run). Target: Develop dexterity, dodge; improve the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Labor activity: sweep the trash off the table. Target: promote the desire to help adults.

Individual work "Movement Development". Target: to develop the skills of throwing the ball at the target with Danil P, Varya L.

Free games for kids fresh air with pull-out material (blades, panicles).

evening With Sasha D, Andrey L d / i "Say the word for the given sound". Target: to improve the ability to select words for a given sound. Invite to review the album "Symbols of the country". Target: bring to the understanding that state symbols are called unite residents of one country.

Reading poems about Moscow. Target: activate nouns and adjectives in children's speech; cultivate respect for the love of the motherland.

Independent play activity children in the center mathematical development. Target: create conditions for the development of logic, thinking.

Theme of the week: « National Unity Day» .

26.10.16 Joint activities with children SDS

(independent activity of children)

Ind. work of NOD, ind. ODRM work

(educational activity in regime moments)

morning With Arseniy P, Varya L. drawing a tree. Target: improve the ability to depict a tree (trunk, branches, tree proportions). Conversation « The most beautiful places my town". Target: to awaken feelings of pride in their small homeland, to intensify speech in dialogue.

"Games - rpg". Target: contribute to the mastery of the rules of the games. Independent activity of children. Target: to form the ability to find an occupation of interest, team up to play together.

NOD day group: 1. FEMP " "Score within 8". Target: to improve the ability to count within 8.

2. Physical culture in the air.

Walk Observation: properties of air. Target: help children during observations to confirm the knowledge that the air has no taste, color, smell, m. b. different temperatures; Every living thing on earth needs air.

mobile game "Zhmurki". Target: improve the ability to accurately perform game actions; develop creativity in motor activity.

Individual work on FIZO with Vika F, Sasha D., Grisha G., Nastya G. Target: exercise in walking in pairs with the performance of various tasks of the educator.

Labor activity . Target

Free play activities for children on a walk.

evening With Sasha D., Dima B, Kolya M. "drawing a person". Target: to promote the mastery of the ability to draw a human figure, observing proportions. Role-playing game at the request of the children. Target: continue to form the skill unite in the game, distribute roles; develop play activities.

mobile game "Who will run to the flag faster?" (run) Target: exercise in running; exercise the execution of actions on a signal.

Games in the gym. Target: creation of conditions for the development of motor activity.

Theme of the week: « National Unity Day» .

27.10.16 Joint activities with children SDS

(independent activity of children)

Ind. work of NOD, ind. ODRM work

(educational activity in regime moments)

morning With Vika F. "say the numbers". Target: help memorize the names of numbers. The game is a journey across the map of Russia. Target: expand ideas about country: territory, inhabitants; provide memorization in finding the country on the globe, world map

Didactic game « affectionate names» . Target: to consolidate the ability to form diminutive derivatives of names, to compose speech structures with the received words. Activate the attention of children by looking at the album "The city where I live".

NOD day group: 1. Development of speech (diploma) "Mastering the sound analysis of words". Target: exercise in comparing words by sound composition.

2. Application (2 subgroup) "Our favorite bear and his friends". Target: improve children's ability to create an image of their favorite toy from parts. (1 subgroup)

2. Social - communicative development (1 subgroup) .

3. Physical culture.

Walk Observation of the clouds. Target: continue acquaintance with inanimate nature, consider the clouds (shape, color, direction of their movement).

Labor activity "Clearing paths from debris and leaves". Target: to develop the desire to work together, helping each other.

P/ and "Fifteen", "Aircraft". Target: exercise in running without bumping into each other.

Individual work with Andrey L., Arseniy P. "development of movements". Target: exercise walking with tasks.

Free play activities for children with remote equipment.

evening With Arseny, Varya L., Dima B., Andrey L. "cutting shapes". Target: to promote the mastery of the ability to cut neatly. Games with a small designer "lego". Target: promote development fine motor skills hands

Reading books for children. Target: to involve in listening to works; perceive the meaning of what is read.

"Orientation in group room » . Target: improve the ability to navigate in the space of the room. Games with theater on cups. Target: lead to the creation of the plot, help in the distribution of roles.

Theme of the week: « National Unity Day» .

28.10.16 Joint activities with children SDS

(independent activity of children)

Ind. work of NOD, ind. ODRM work

(educational activity in regime moments)

morning with Sasha D. "count within 5". Target: to promote the mastery of the ability to count within 5.

Conversation on the topic "Rules of conduct in in public places» . Target: lead to an understanding of the norms of behavior in transport and other places.

Handbook review "How to behave in case of fire". Target: to promote the assimilation of the rules of behavior in case of fire, the ability to act according to the situation. Games in the corner of disguise. Target: create conditions for creative games children.

NOD day group: 1. Drawing "What do you like to draw the most". Target: to improve the ability of children to think about the content of their drawing, to remember the necessary ways of depicting.

2. Music.

Walk Observation of the sky. Target: develop cognitive interest, admire the beauty of the autumn sky.

P / i "To the named tree - run". Target: find the named tree.

Labor activity: collection of leaves for the herbarium. Target: continue to promote the desire to help adults.

Ind. Working with Danil P, Arseniy P "Who will throw further". Target: develop an eye, coordination of movements.

Free play activities for children.

evening With Grisha G, Artem K. d / i "Guess what I play?". Target: to promote the ability to sound to determine musical instrument. Reading fairy tales. Target: to promote the ability to reason after listening to the work.

Labor activity in play areas groups. Target: promote the desire to tidy up group after games.

Non-traditional types of drawing (toothbrushes, corks). Target: to promote the development of creative abilities.

Free play activity in the center artistic creativity (sculpting, drawing, application).