Did games 2 junior group goal. Card index of games on the zkr for the second younger group

Card index

didactic games on the cognitive development of children in the 2nd junior group.

“Without play there is no, and there cannot be, a full-fledged mental development. The game is huge bright window, through which in spiritual world The child receives a vital flow of ideas and concepts. Play is a spark that ignites inquisitiveness and inquisitiveness.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Games for the cognitive development of children of the second younger group

The purpose of games aimed at the cognitive development of a child is :

    development of interests, cognitive activity and motivation, curiosity;

    skills formation cognitive activity;

    the formation of the child’s ideas about himself and other people, about the objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships between them;

    familiarization with the concepts of “Fatherland”, “homeland”, the basic socio-cultural values ​​and traditions of one’s people.

Game "Find a Pair"

Target. Teach children to select objects of different proportions according to a pattern, consolidate knowledge of primary colors, develop memory and attention.

Equipment. Images of mittens and scarves in blue, green, red and yellow.

Progress of the game.

The teacher shows dolls in hats (blue, green, red and yellow color) and asks the children to choose mittens and scarves of the same color for them. Images of scarves and mittens are laid out scattered on the table. The dolls are seated on chairs around the table. The teacher shows the children how to select warm clothes for the dolls. Then he asks you to complete the task of dressing your doll yourself. Several people can take part in the game. Then the task is completed to see who is the first to assemble a kit for their doll.

Game "Cut pictures"

Target. To form in children ideas about the holistic image of an object, to teach them to correlate the image of the idea with the holistic image of a real object, to fold a picture cut into 4 parts.

Equipment. Cut pictures from 4 parts. Items and toys that match those in the pictures.

Progress of the game.

In front of the children are cut-out pictures depicting a familiar object (apple, car, tumbler, doll, ball, etc.). The teacher asks the children to put together a picture from parts so that they get a whole object. At the end of the task, children are offered two objects to select and correlate (for example: a car and a tumbler, which they compare with the image.

The child who collects first wins cut picture.

Game "Collect beads"

Target. Develop coordination of both hands of the child, emotional attitude to the result of their activities. Encourage children to group objects based on color.

Equipment. Colored ropes and rings in blue, red, yellow and green.

Progress of the game.

The teacher shows the children the dolls and says that they are going to the holiday, but the dolls don’t have beautiful beads, and they really want to be beautiful. The teacher puts beads on the dolls, but there aren’t enough of them for everyone. What to do? The dolls are very upset. Then the teacher shows a box with rings and strings, and offers to help the dolls and make beads for them. The teacher explains that you need to put rings on the rope of the same color as the rope itself, for example, on a red rope - red rings, on a blue rope - blue rings, etc.). The ends of the ropes are connected by the teacher. Multi-colored beads are put on dolls. The dolls are happy and say thank you to the guys.

Game "Guess what to do"

Target. Teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of the tambourine. To develop in children the ability to switch auditory attention.

Equipment. There are 2 flags for each player.

Progress: Children sit in a semicircle. Each person has 2 flags in their hands. The teacher begins to ring the tambourine. If the tambourine rings loudly, the children raise the flags up and wave them; if it is quiet, they keep their hands on their knees.

Game "Sun or Rain?"

Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the different sounds of the tambourine. To develop in children the ability to switch auditory attention.

Progress: The teacher says to the children: “Now you and I will go for a walk. Want to? Then, let's go for a walk. Look, it’s not raining, the weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring the tambourine, so that it will be more fun for you to walk to its sounds. And when it starts to rain, I will start knocking on the tambourine, and when you hear the knock, you should run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings and when I knock on it.”

Game "Extra item".

Target: teach children to identify an extra object by color; develop visual memory, thinking.

Equipment: red triangles and squares of different sizes; blue circles of different sizes.

Progress of the game

The teacher exhibits geometric figures on a typesetting canvas, and the children name them. Then the teacher asks the children to name the extra object and explain why it is extra.

Game “Into the forest to pick mushrooms”

Target: formation of ideas about quantitative relationships between objects “one - many”.

To play the game, you need to prepare an image of a large clearing on which several mushroom figures are located. Children need to be given baskets.

Children, we came to the forest mushroom meadow. Look how many mushrooms there are here? (A lot of).

And now each of you will pick one mushroom. Tell me one by one how many mushrooms are in your basket. How much do you have, Vitya? (I have one mushroom).

The teacher should ask each child.

Let's put all the mushrooms in my basket. How many mushrooms did I get? (A lot of). And you? (No one).

Game "Wrap a gift"

Target: form the concept of “big”, “small”, “thick”, “thin”; learn to correlate objects by size.

The presenter invites the children to go to Mashenka’s birthday party. To do this they need to buy a gift. Everyone chooses a doll (the pictures show dolls of different sizes and thicknesses).

Now you need to pack the gift, and for this the children need to “buy” a package that will correspond to the size of the doll. At the same time, each child must explain his choice of packaging: “I bought this package because my doll...”.

After this game, you can discuss how to properly give and accept gifts.

Game "What grows where"

Target: learn to group objects into vegetables and fruits; develop speed of reaction, discipline, endurance.

For the game, you need to prepare pictures depicting a vegetable garden and object pictures (or dummies) of vegetables and fruits.

Children are divided into two teams: gardeners and vegetable growers. At the signal, each team must collect their items. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Games for social and communicative development

Games aimed at the social and communicative development of a child have the following goals:

    perception of norms of social behavior;

    development of communication skills, cooperation skills with other children and adults;

    development of empathy;

    developing a sense of respect and belonging to one’s family and peer group;

    formation of a positive attitude towards work and creative activity;

    developing safe behavior skills.

Game "Let's get to know each other!"

Target: strengthen children’s ability to get acquainted, say their name, and use in their speech polite words.

Equipment: doll.

Progress of the game A new doll “came to visit” the children. She wants to meet.

Educator: “Guys, a doll came to visit us. Let's get acquainted, my name is Lyudmila Gennadievna, and yours? Very nice!". Children one by one approach the doll and say their name. Anyone who gets to know the doll can get to know the children of the group.

Game "Evaluate the action."

Target: develop children's ideas about good and bad deeds based on plot pictures; characterize and evaluate actions; cultivate kindness and sensitivity in children.

Equipment: story pictures.

Progress of the game

Children play in pairs. The teacher offers each pair a story picture. Children look at the picture, describe what they see and evaluate the action. For example: two children take turns saying: “The boy took the doll from the girl, the girl is crying. The boy did something bad, you can’t do that.”

Game "What are the names of family members."

Target: strengthen children’s ability to clearly name all members of their family; develop memory, coherent speech; cultivate love for your family.

Progress of the game

Children stand in a circle and take turns naming their family members. For example: “I live with my mother Marina, father Dima, brother Zhenya. I have grandmother Lyuda, grandmother Lena, grandfather Misha and grandfather Gena.”

Game "Yes or no".

Target: to form in children a desire to protect their health and the health of other children; teach to understand: what can be done and what cannot be done.

Progress of the game

Educator: “Guys, I will name situations for you, and if you can do so, you will clap your hands, if you cannot, you will stomp your feet. For example: you can play with a ball on the road; you can sit upright at the table; You can talk while eating; do not wash your face in the morning; you cannot handle sharp objects; you cannot play with matches; you need to wash your hands after returning from a walk, etc.

Game "Compliments".

Target: teach children to compliment each other; develop speech and thinking; cultivate friendliness.

Progress of the game

Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The teacher turns to the child standing to her right: “Sasha, you are so polite today!” Next, Sasha turns to the child, whom he holds by the hand on the right. If a child finds it difficult to give a compliment, then other children help him.

Game “All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about professions; bring to the understanding that all professions are necessary and important; develop memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: pictures with professions of adults.

Progress of the game The teacher shows pictures of adults’ professions and invites them to look at them, name the profession and talk about its importance and usefulness. At the end of the game, the teacher, summing up, says that all professions are necessary and important.

Game "Who needs what for work."

Target: consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about adult professions; find items needed for a specific profession; develop memory, intelligence, thinking.

Equipment: big pictures with adult professions (cook, doctor, driver) small cards with items needed for these professions.

Progress of the game There are large pictures of adults' professions on the chairs, and cards with the items needed for these professions are scattered on the rug. The teacher invites the children to take one card on the floor and go to the picture with the profession for which this thing is needed. Children explain why they approached this or that picture with a profession.

Game "Who needs what"

Target: introduce the main characteristics of such professions as doctor, hairdresser, baker; develop a positive attitude towards labor activity.

For the game you need to prepare items necessary to perform professional activities (syringe, scissors, comb, bowl, etc.), as well as details of the corresponding costumes. Children are assigned to roles.

First, you need to have a conversation with the children about the professions of a doctor, hairdresser, baker (you can choose others). It is necessary to find out what the kids know about their professional activities. You can ask which of the children have parents with such professions.

During the game, each child first receives costume parts. He must understand what profession he needs to represent. If children find it difficult to answer, the leader helps them.

Next, a game is played with objects that are stacked on the table. Children need to choose a subject that is necessary for their professional activities. After this, you can invite them to show how this item should be used.

Game "Yes or No"

Target: bring up careful attitude to health; learn to manage your behavior, understand what actions are correct.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher should name various situations, and the kids need, if voiced correct behavior- clap your hands, if incorrect - stomp your feet.

Game "Who to be friends with"

Target: teach children to understand people's facial expressions; develop empathy, cultivate friendliness.

Place pictures of children with different facial expressions on the board. The children are invited to look at the pictures and choose a friend. The facilitator should ask them to explain their choice.

Games for speech development of children 3-4 years old

Games for speech development are aimed at achieving the following goals:

    teach the child to use speech as a means of communication;

    increase vocabulary;

    development of phonemic hearing;

    familiarization with the basics of sound and intonation culture of speech;

    development of speech creativity;

    familiarization with samples of children's literature.

Game "Butterfly, fly!"

Target. Achieve long, continuous oral exhalation.

Equipment. 5 bright paper butterflies. Tie a thread 50 cm long to each and attach them to the cord at a distance of 35 cm from each other. The cord must be pulled between two posts so that the butterflies hang at face level standing child.

Progress: Children sit on chairs. The teacher says: “Children, look at what beautiful butterflies: blue, yellow, red! There are so many of them! They look like they're alive! They can fly. (Blows on them.) Look, they flew. Now try blowing on them yourself. Who will fly further? The adult invites the children to stand one by one next to each butterfly. Children blow on butterflies. The game is repeated several times until all the children blow on the butterflies. It is necessary to ensure that children stand straight and do not raise their shoulders when inhaling. You need to blow only on one exhalation, without taking in air, while the child’s cheeks should not puff out, and the lips should be slightly pushed forward. Each child can blow for no more than ten seconds with pauses, otherwise he may become dizzy.

Game "Loud - Quiet"

Target: develop intonation culture of speech, teach how to change the strength of your voice.

To play the game, you need to prepare paired objects of different sizes (large and small pipes, ducks, cars).

Before the game starts, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children.

Look, I have a big mother duck in my hands. She calls her children and loudly shouts “Quack-quack!” Repeat how the mother duck screams.

Children loudly repeat “Quack-quack!”

And now I'm holding a duckling. He is still very small and can only quietly say “Quack, quack!” Repeat how he does it.

Children quietly repeat “Quack-quack!” The teacher must ensure that children do not whisper.

After the introductory conversation, you can move on to the game itself. The teacher takes turns showing either a large or a small duck, and the children must independently pronounce how it quacks.

Similarly, you can play with any other pair of objects.

Game "Launching Boats"

Target: development of the articulatory apparatus, formation of the skill of prolonged pronunciation of the sound [f] on one exhalation and repeated pronunciation of the sound [p] on one exhalation; develop the ability to combine the utterance of a sound with the beginning of a sigh.

To play, you need to prepare a large bowl of water, signal flags and several paper boats. The bowl should be placed on a small table, and the children should be seated on chairs in a semicircle around the table.

Today I invite you to travel on boats. You and I live in... Let's check our location. (The presenter places a flag on one side of the bowl and places one boat next to it).

Where would you like to go? (Children name any cities or countries, and the teacher places another flag on the opposite side of the bowl).

We have a fair wind. He is calm but strong. Let's try to imitate it. You need to purse your lips into a tube and, without puffing out your cheeks, pronounce the sound [f] on one exhalation.

And now there was a gusty, sharp wind. To show it, you need to intermittently pronounce the sounds [p-p-p] several times on one exhalation.

Children must take turns going to the bowl, name where they want to go and help the boat get to its destination.

Game "Traffic Light"

Target: learn to perceive words by ear, find speech errors; pronounce words correctly.

Children receive two circles that represent traffic lights. A green circle should be shown if you hear the correct pronunciation of a word, red circles if you hear an incorrect one.

Before playing such a game, it is advisable to conduct research in the group and determine which words children pronounce incorrectly. Then include these words in the game.

Card index of games for artistic and aesthetic development

Games for artistic and aesthetic development are held for:

    laying the preconditions for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art;

    formation of an aesthetic attitude towards nature and the surrounding world;

    implementation of independent creative activity.

Game “Collect drops in a glass”

Target: teach to understand colors and their shades; learn to match objects by color.

To play the game you need to prepare cups and pictures of multi-colored drops.

The teacher addresses the children:

I'll put a drop in this glass of blue color. Let's fill the glass. Add your own droplets of the same color.

Each child should have a set of drops of all the necessary colors.

Gorobets Marina Valerievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "UNDS general developmental type No. 36 "Berezka"
Locality: Yakutia Oymyakonsky district Ust-Nera village
Name of material: methodological development
Subject:"Card index of games for 2nd junior group"
Publication date: 31.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education






Games aimed at uniting children's teams

and establishing positive relationships between children

in the second junior group"
Purpose: Formation positive emotions in the morning hours.
Spiders and mosquitoes.
Purpose of the game: creating an emotionally positive background. All children are mosquitoes; they move around the room to calm music. Two children holding hands depict spiders. The task of the spiders is to spot as many mosquitoes as possible. Those children touched by the spider sit on chairs. When all the mosquitoes are caught, the next pair is selected and the game resumes.
Purpose of the game: to teach how to coordinate your actions with all children. Children become a chain and put their hands on each other's shoulders. Thus, they begin to move around the room, overcoming various obstacles.
Find your home.
Children sit on chairs. In their hands various toys. At the words of the presenter, “Let’s go for a walk,” everyone leaves their toys “at home” (on the chairs) and follows the teacher. For some time, all participants run, jump, walk around the room, and the teacher quietly changes places of toys. Then he says: “It’s raining” and everyone runs away to their “houses.” But since it is not their toys that are now sitting on their chairs, they need to find theirs and “move” to her chair.
Purpose of the game: teach how to negotiate. Children are divided into pairs. The presenter says, “They gave Tolya a present for her birthday...”. Children in pairs agree and, at the leader’s signal, name the gift together.
Purpose of the game: to teach how to negotiate and subordinate one’s desires to the interests of others. Children are divided into pairs. The presenter says, “We are going on a trip today.” Children in pairs decide where to go and, at the presenter’s signal (clap), together they voice their decision. Options for continuing the game “We will take with us on a trip...”, “On the way we met...”. When children have mastered the ability to work in pairs well, they can be divided into smaller groups.
Guess me.
Purpose of the game: unity, establishing trusting contact between children. Children sit on chairs, the driver walks around the room blindfolded. He approaches one player, puts his hands on his shoulders and guesses who it is. If he guessed correctly, the player says “Yes, it’s me.”
Affectionate names.
Purpose of the game: establishing positive contact between children. An adult asks the children to “Name your neighbor.” affectionate name so that he would be pleased. In the game, you can use some object (toy, flower), passing it to a neighbor, the child calls it by an affectionate name.
Hello photos (for children from 3 years old)
Ritual of greeting "Sun"
Goal: creating a positive attitude in the group; develop the ability to use kind words when communicating with each other. It is carried out in the morning using the “Good Sun” toy. Children stand in a circle, holding hands. The use of a circle, as is known, is a guarantee of the protection of the one who is in it. The friendliness and warmth of the circle determine the general atmosphere of children's lives. Educator: Good morning, Guys! Look, our Sunshine has been waiting for us and we really want to say hello and warm you with his warmth. Let's say hello to him. Whoever has the sun in his hands will call his name affectionately. But first, let's talk everything together magic words and we will pass the sun from hand to hand, when the words end and whoever has our sun in his hands will begin the game. The sun walks in circles and gives its light to the children. And with light comes Friendship - sunny greetings. You can also use the following emotional moods, which can be carried out both in the morning and in the afternoon.
- What is the facial expression of mom and dad when they are angry? What do you do when you are scolded? How do dad and mom smile when they hug you?
The ray touched the cat, the cat stretched sweetly. (Image a gentle kitten asking for milk).
"Wake Up"
Educator. Let's play. It’s like I’m a daughter (son) and I’m sleeping. And you - my mom (dad) - wake me up. Just try to wake me up with kind words, a gentle voice and soft touches, so as not to frighten me from sleep (The situation is played out by roles. In this case, the “waking up” person can reach out to rub his eyes, smile at the morning and at “mom.” When repeated, the participants in the game change roles.). The child wakes up the sleeping toy with gentle, soft touches of the hand and quietly, affectionately says: “Wake up, my sunshine!” etc.
a) Draw frogs that hunt mosquitoes. They hid and froze. We caught a mosquito - we're happy. b) Now imagine that one of the frogs jumped onto your palm. What will you do? (I will carefully plant her on the grass.) Show how you will do this. (It is necessary to achieve not only the development of fine motor skills of the hands, but also the expression of the emotional state of the characters).
"Outdoor games"

"Round dance"
Purpose: to teach children how to dance in a round dance; practice squats. The children pronounce the words behind the teacher. Holding hands, they walk in a circle. Around the rose bushes, among the grass and flowers We circle and circle in a round dance, oh, we are a merry people! We were so dizzy that we fell to the ground. Bang! When spoken last sentence perform squats.
Goal: to develop children's balance in movement, running skills, and increase emotional tone. Description. The teacher invites the children to ride the carousel. Holds a hoop in his hands (being in the middle of the hoop) with multi-colored ribbons tied to it. Children take hold of the ribbons, the teacher moves with the hoop. Children walk and then run in a circle. The teacher says: Barely, barely, barely the carousel started spinning, And then, and then everything ran, ran, ran! Hush, hush, don't run, stop the carousel, One and two, one and two, that's the end of the game! The children stop.
"Sparrows and the car"
Goal: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place. Description. Children - “sparrows” sit on a bench - “nests”. The teacher depicts a “car”. After the teacher says: “Let’s fly, little sparrows, onto the path,” the children get up and run around the playground, waving their arms—“wings.” At the teacher’s signal: “The car is moving, fly, little sparrows, to your nests!” - the “car” leaves the “garage”, the “sparrows” fly into the “nests” (sit on benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".
“One, two, three – run!”
Goal: to train children in the ability to act on a signal; develop running speed and coherence of collective actions. Description. Children stand near the teacher and listen to what he says. If the teacher says: “One, two, three, run to the tree,” the children run to the tree and wait for the teacher. If the teacher says: “One, two, three, run to the sandbox,” the children run to the sandbox and wait for the teacher.
"The little white bunny is sitting"
Goal: to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away when they hear last words text; bring joy to children. Description. Children - “bunnies” are sitting on a bench. The teacher invites the “bunnies” to run out to the middle of the site (“clearing”). Children go to the middle of the playground, stand near the teacher and squat down. The teacher says the text: The little white bunny is sitting. The children move their hands and move their ears. hands, raising them to the head, Like this, like this, imitating bunny ears. He wiggles his ears. It’s cold for the bunny to sit, they clap their hands. We need to warm our little paws. Clap, clap, clap, clap. We need to warm our little paws. It’s cold for the bunny to stand, They jump on both of them. The bunny needs to jump. feet in place. Skok-skok, skok-skok,
The bunny needs to jump. (Name of the toy) scared the bunny. It is specifically indicated who scared the bunny. The bunny jumped and galloped away. (the teacher shows the toy). The children run to their places.
"My funny ringing ball"
Goal: to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken. Description. Children stand on one side of the playground, with a teacher next to them with a ball in their hands. He shows how easily and high the ball bounces if you hit it with your hand, accompanying the actions with the words: My cheerful ringing ball, where did you start galloping? Red, yellow, blue, Can't keep up with you. Then the teacher invites the children to jump, while hitting the ball on the ground. After reading the poem again, he says: “I’ll catch up now!” The children stop jumping and run away. The teacher pretends to catch them. The teacher, without using the ball, invites the children to perform jumps, while he himself raises and lowers his hand above the children’s heads, as if hitting balls.
"It is snowing"
Goal: to teach how to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game; exercise children in running, making turns around themselves. The teacher reads a poem: White fluffy snow swirls in the air, And quietly falls to the ground, lies down. Children run in circles, spinning. Outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain” Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the teacher’s signal. Description. Children squat down behind the line designated by the teacher. The teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." Children are running around the playground. To the signal: “Rain! Hurry home! - run behind the marked line and squat down. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk,” and the game repeats. Outdoor game “Planes” Purpose: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving according to the verbal signal. Description. The teacher invites the children to prepare for the “flight”, showing first how to “start” the engine and how to “fly”. The teacher says: “Get ready for the flight. Start the engines! - children make rotational movements with their arms in front of their chest and pronounce the sound: “R-r-r.” After the teacher’s signal: “Let’s fly!” - children spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and “fly” - they scatter in different directions. At the teacher’s signal: “For landing!” - children sit on the bench. Outdoor game “Bubble” Purpose: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words. Description. Children and their teacher join hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says: Blow up, bubble, swell, big, Stay like that and don’t burst. The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: “Bubble burst!”, Then they lower their hands and squat down, saying: “Clap!” You can also invite the children, after the words: “The bubble burst,” to move to the center of the circle, still holding on to
hands and while pronouncing the sound: “Sh-sh-sh” (air comes out). Then the children “inflate” the bubble again - they move back, forming a large circle. Outdoor game “Snowflakes and the Wind” Purpose: to develop children’s imagination, attentiveness, and the ability to play in a team; practice running, doing turns around yourself, and squatting. The teacher says the words: And now I’ll see: Who knows how to have fun, Who is not afraid of frost. The teacher - “wind” imitates the blowing of the wind, and the children - “snowflakes” move around the playground, depicting the flight of snowflakes. Children hide (sit down) when the teacher stops blowing.
Goal: to teach children to walk and run in a column one at a time, speed up and slow down, stop at a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push their comrades, and to be attentive. Description. Children stand in a column one at a time (without holding each other). The first one is a “locomotive”, the rest are “carriages”. The teacher blows the whistle, and the “train” begins to move forward, first slowly, then faster, faster, and finally, the children start running. After the teacher says, “The train is approaching the station,” the children gradually slow down and the train stops. The teacher invites everyone to go out, take a walk, pick flowers and berries in an imaginary clearing. At the signal, the children gather in a column again - and the train begins to move.
"Sparrows and the cat"
Goal: to teach children to jump gently, bending their knees, to run without touching each other, to dodge the catcher, to quickly run away, to find their place, to teach children to be careful when taking up space, and not to push their comrades. Description. Children - “sparrows” sit in their “nests” (in circles marked on the ground or drawn on the asphalt) on one side of the playground. On the other side of the site there is a “cat”. As soon as the “cat” falls asleep, the “sparrows” “fly out” onto the road, “fly” from place to place, looking for crumbs and grains (children crouch down, tap their fingers on their knees, as if pecking). But then the “cat” “wakes up”, “meows” and runs after the “sparrows”, which “fly away” to their “nests”. First, the role of “cat” is played by the teacher, and then by one of the children.
"Hares and the Wolf"
Goal: to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space, find your place. Description. Children - “hares” hide behind bushes and trees. To the side, behind a bush, there is a “wolf”. The “hares” run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, and frolic. At the teacher’s signal: “The wolf is coming!” - “hares” run away and hide behind bushes and trees. "Wolf" is trying to catch up with them. In the game you can use poetic text: Bunnies are jumping: hop, hop, hop - To the green meadow. They pinch the grass, eat it, listen carefully, is a wolf coming? Children perform movements according to the text. With the end of the text, a “wolf” appears and begins to catch “hares.” At first, the role of the “wolf” is played by the teacher.
Didactic games

"Guess what to do"

Target. Teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of the tambourine. Developing children's ability to switch auditory attention. Preparatory work. Prepare 2 flags for each child. Progress: Children sit in a semicircle. Each person has 2 flags in their hands. If the teacher rings the tambourine loudly, the children raise the flags up and wave them; if quietly, they keep their hands on their knees. Methodical instructions. An adult needs to monitor the correct posture of children and the correct execution of movements; It is necessary to alternate the loud and quiet sound of the tambourine no more than four times so that children can easily perform the movements.
“Sun or rain?”
Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the different sounds of the tambourine. Developing children's ability to switch auditory attention. Progress: The adult says to the children: “Now you and I will go for a walk. We go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring the tambourine, you will have fun walking to the sound of it. If it starts to rain, I will start knocking on the tambourine, and when you hear the knock, you must run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings and when I knock on it.” Methodical instructions. The teacher plays the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3 - 4 times.
"Butterfly, fly!"
Target. Achieve long, continuous oral exhalation. Preparatory work. Prepare 5 brightly colored paper butterflies. Tie a thread 50 cm long to each and attach them to the cord at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Pull the cord between two posts so that the butterflies hang at the level of the standing child’s face. Progress: Children sit on chairs. The adult says: “Children, look how beautiful the butterflies are: blue, yellow, red! There are so many of them! They look like they're alive! Let's see if they can fly. (Blows on them.) Look, they flew. Try to blow too. Who will fly further? The adult invites the children to stand one by one next to each butterfly. Children blow on butterflies. Methodical instructions. The game is repeated several times, each time with a new group of children. It is necessary to ensure that children stand straight and do not raise their shoulders when inhaling. You should only blow on one exhalation, without drawing in air. Do not puff out your cheeks, move your lips slightly forward. Each child can blow for no more than ten seconds with pauses, otherwise he may become dizzy.
"Loud quiet"
Target. Teach children to change the strength of their voice: speak loudly, then quietly. Developing the ability to change the strength of your voice. Preparatory work. The teacher selects paired toys of different sizes: large and small cars, large and small drums, large and small pipes. Progress: An adult shows 2 cars and says: “When he drives big car, she beeps loudly: “beep.” How does a big car signal? Children say loudly: “Bee-Bee.” The teacher continues: “And the small car beeps quietly: “beep.” How does a small car honk? Children quietly say: “Bee-Bee.” The teacher removes both cars and says: “Now be careful. As soon as the car starts moving, you must give a signal, make no mistake, a large car honks loudly, and a small one - quietly.” The rest of the toys are played in the same way. Methodical instructions. Depending on the number of children in the group, you can use one pair of toys or 2-3. Make sure that when pronouncing onomatopoeia quietly, children do not whisper.
Goal: To develop children's speech attention. Progress: V-l: Listen to how the clock ticks: “Tick-tock, tick-tock,” how the clock strikes: “Bom-bom...”. In order for them to walk, you need to wind them up: “backgammon…”! - Let's start big clock(children repeat the corresponding sound combination 3 times); Our clock goes and first ticks, then strikes (sound combinations are repeated by the children 5-6 times). - Now let’s wind up the small clock, the clock goes and sings quietly, the clock strikes very quietly (the children imitate the movement and ringing of the clock with their voices each time).

"Bear cubs eat honey"
Goal: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children. Progress: The teacher tells the children that they will be bear cubs, and bear cubs really love honey. He suggests bringing your palm closer to your mouth (with your fingers) and “licking” the honey - the children stick out their tongues and, without touching their palm, imitate that they are eating honey. Then, lifting the tip of the tongue, remove it. (mandatory demonstration of all actions by the teacher.) The game is repeated 3-4 times. Then the teacher says: “The bear cubs are full. They lick upper lip(show), lower lip (show). They stroke their bellies, saying: “Oooh” (2-3 times).
"The Frog and the Little Frogs"
Goal: To develop children's speech attention. Progress: The teacher divides the children into two groups: large and small frogs. He says: “Big frogs jump into the pond, swim in the water and croak loudly: “Kva-kva” (children imitate that they are swimming and croak loudly). Little frogs also jump into the pond, swim, and croak quietly (children imitate the actions and croak quietly). All the frogs got tired and sat down on the sand on the shore.” Then the children change roles and the game is repeated.
"Let's feed the chicks"
Goal: To develop the speech apparatus of children. Progress: (I am the mother bird, and you are my little chicks. The chicks are cheerful, they squeak, “pee-pee,” and flap their wings. The mother bird flew for tasty crumbs for her children, and the chicks fly merrily and squeak The mother flew in and started feeding her babies (the children squat down, raise their heads up), the chicks open their beaks wide, they want tasty crumbs. (The teacher gets the children to open their mouths wider.) The game is repeated 2-3 times.
“Who lives in the house?”
Goal: To reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop children's speech breathing. Progress: (The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is this? The dog barks loudly: “aw-aw.” And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks quietly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture of a cat). Who is this? The cat meows loudly: “Meow-meow.” And who is this? (children's answers) The kitten meows quietly. Let the little animals go home (the pictures are put away behind the cubes). Guess who lives in this house: “av-av” (pronounced loudly)? (Children's answers) That's right, dog (shows a picture). How did she bark? (children's answers). Guess who lives in this house: “meow-meow” (pronounced quietly)? How did the kitten meow? Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat sound combinations several times.
“Who is screaming?”
Goal: To develop children's speech attention. Progress: The mother bird had a little chick (puts out pictures). His mother taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: “chirp - chirp” (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: “chirp-chirp” (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew far away from its mother (moves the picture of the chick further away). The bird is calling its son. What does she call him? (Children, together with the teacher, repeat the sound combination). The chick heard its mother calling him and chirped. How does he tweet? (Children say quietly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How?
Role-playing games

"Let's go for a walk"

Goal: to develop in children the ability to select clothes for different seasons, teach them to correctly name items of clothing, consolidate the general concepts of “clothing”, “shoes”, and cultivate a caring attitude towards others. Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (for summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small wardrobe and a chair. Age: 3–4 years. Progress of the game: a new doll comes to visit the children. She gets to know them and wants play. But the guys are going for a walk and invite the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she can’t get dressed, and then the guys offer her their help. The children take doll clothes out of the locker, name them, choose what they need to wear now depending on the weather . With the help of the teacher, they dress the doll in the correct sequence. Then the children dress themselves and go for a walk with the doll. Upon returning from the walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the required sequence, commenting on their actions.
Goal: to teach children to classify objects according to general characteristics, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”. Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located on the display window, money. Age: 3–7 years. Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with departments such as vegetable, grocery, dairy, bakery and others where customers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, sales workers in departments, sort goods into departments - food, fish, bakery products, meat, milk, household chemicals etc. They come to the supermarket to shop with their friends, choose a product, consult with the sellers, and pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and products there may be in the supermarket.
"Toys at the Doctor"
Goal: to teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, to cultivate attentiveness and sensitivity in children, to expand their vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “patient”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”. Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, jars of medicine, bandage, robe and doctor’s cap. Age: 3–7 years. Progress of the game: the teacher offers to play, a Doctor and a Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, and come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases: the bear’s teeth hurt because he ate a lot of sweets, the doll Masha pinched her finger in the door, etc. We clarify the actions: The Doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment and are admitted to the hospital. Older children preschool age can choose several different specialists– therapist, ophthalmologist, surgeon and other doctors known to children. When they get to the appointment, the toys tell them why they came to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, and says that they need to take more care of their health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats the sick - makes bandages, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how children communicate with each other and reminds that recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.
"Building a house"
Goal: to introduce children to construction professions, to pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, to teach children how to build a simple structure,
to develop friendly relationships in the team, expand children’s knowledge about the peculiarities of the work of builders, expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “construction”, “bricklayer”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, " construction material" Equipment: large building materials, machines, a crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures depicting people in the construction profession: mason, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc. Age: 3–7 years. Progress of the game: the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and is there a light in the window? We live in this tower, and it's called? (house) ". The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys can live. Children remember what construction professions there are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of construction workers and talk about their responsibilities. Then the children agree to build a house. Roles are distributed among the children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they transport building materials to a construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationships between children. The house is ready and new residents can move in. Children play independently.
"Baiushki bye"
Swaddle the doll. Pet her, hug her. Cradling in your arms. Place in the crib, cover with a blanket, rock the crib. Sing a lullaby or read a poem, for example, like this: Here is a soft feather bed under your back. On top of the feather bed, a clean sheet. Here are white pillows under your ears. A duvet with down and a handkerchief on top.
“We must, we must wash ourselves”
Bathe the doll in the bath (instead of soap and a sponge, you can use a cube, a ball, or a piece of foam rubber). Wash the doll's head with shampoo (from a plastic jar) and dry with a napkin. Comb the doll's hair (with a comb or a stick), and let her look in the mirror. Wash the doll from the basin. Brush the dolls' teeth (you can use children's teeth) toothbrush or a stick) Place on a pot (for small toys you can use a bottle cap or the bottom of a plastic jar). The game can be accompanied short rhymes, for example, such as: Water, water, Wash my face, So that my cheeks blush, So that my mouth laughs, So that my teeth bite Who is good with us: Who is our pretty one? Katya is good! Katya is beautiful!
"We are going to walk"
Preparing for a walk (swaddling or dressing the doll). Rocking her in your arms or in a stroller. Walking by car (in a stroller). Downhill skiing by car or on a board. The doll can be worn on
hands. If the child already uses active speech, invite him to tell the doll what it can see. You can play out a walk with a doll using design elements. This can be done as follows. You put a small doll and cubes (bricks) on the table, and says to the child: “Our Lyalechka is bored alone and wants to go for a walk. Let’s build a path for her?” Take one brick, place another one next to it, then invite the child to continue the path. After the path is built, you and your child walk along it with a doll, saying: “Top-top, the baby is stomping” or: “Little legs are walking along the path. Top-top-top.” Subsequently, the game can be complicated by introducing another doll into it, which also walks and goes towards the first one. They meet, hug, talk to each other.
"The doll is sick"
The doll's complaint, questions about what hurts, how it hurts, comforting her. Take the doll by car to the hospital. Listen to the heart (with a tube; pasta; a button strung on a string; with the ear) Measure the temperature (with a toy thermometer, stick, pencil) Give an injection (with a toy or real plastic syringe, stick, finger). Give a tablet (a bead, button, pea or bean, piece of paper, empty palm are suitable for this purpose). Place mustard plasters (using a piece of paper, a piece of fabric, a leaf). Place the jars (you can use small bottle caps or simply bend your palm). Treat your throat (rinse it from a cup, lubricate it with a stick of ointment). Treat the ear (drop the medicine with a pipette or two folded fingers, lubricate it with a stick of ointment). Make a bandage with a piece of bandage. Give vitamins (peas, buttons) Give him hot tea with honey (with raspberries) Put him to bed. Sing a song, calm the doll. “Good Doctor Aibolit” During this game, the child should read excerpts from K. Chukovsky’s poem “Aibolit”, and then act out the corresponding scenes with various animals, using the actions and objects listed in the “doll got sick” game.
Invite your child to take dolls and animals to the circus. Sit them down on the sofa. Set up a circus “arena” on the rug in front of the sofa, and place “artists” on it. They can be soft and winding toys (for example, a tumbling monkey, “Thumbelina”, etc.), as well as folk toys that are driven by strings or sticks and imitate the actions of adults (for example, a bear chops wood, a hare plays a drum and etc.). You say: “Now the monkey will perform. Look how he can somersault.” Then get a monkey and show how it tumbles. - “And now the bear is performing. He knows how to chop wood.” A cockerel can sing and flap its wings beautifully, a hare can beat a drum, etc. In this game you can use masks or half masks of different animals, mitten dolls, etc. After each performance, clap your hands with your child.
"Putting Toys to Bed"
This game is good to play before bed. Kids are not always willing to put their toys back in their place. Try to play up this moment by helping the child and talking with toys. For example: “Ball, you’re tired of rolling around, lie down in the box, rest. And you, little cubes, run and run to the shelf. That’s how beautiful, you stand straight! And for you, Mishenka, it’s time to sleep too, let’s put you on a bench and cover you with a blanket ", and the dog - under the bench, let it protect you. Cups, stand on your saucers, otherwise they will miss you." So, by talking with toys, you will make a boring activity interesting for your baby and play out a new story.
Low mobility games

"Who will pass more quietly"

Purpose: to familiarize with walking in a given direction, to develop the ability to maintain balance. Progress of the game: Children walk in a free formation in one direction. The teacher offers to walk quietly on tiptoes (shows how to do it). Then he gives the signal: “Now let’s walk quickly.” The walking speed changes several times according to the signal.
Progress of the game: Children pretend to balloon gradually fills with air: slowly raise your arms up and puff out your cheeks. But the balloon “burst”: the children are slowly in a relaxed state and fall to the floor, saying: shhhhh
Goal: teach children to act according to the rules, develop endurance. Progress of the game: Educator: Planted the seeds in the ground. (Children sit on the floor, squeeze into a ball.) It rained, and then the sun shone. The grains began to sprout, sprouts appeared. (Children slowly rise, pull themselves up, raising their hands - the “sprouts” - up and turning towards the “sun”).
Goal: to teach children to act on the teacher’s command, to develop attention. How to play: Children and an adult stand in a circle holding hands. Educator: Blow up a bubble. Pout big. Stay like this and don't burst out. Children gradually move back to expand the circle. When they hear the words “The bubble has burst,” they lower their hands and say “sh-sh-sh.” The game is repeated 2-4 times
Goal: develop auditory memory and to some extent motor coordination and alertness. Description of the game: The leader is blindfolded, and the rest of the children stand around him. The presenter begins to spin around and say the words: “Here is a frog jumping along the path, stretching out its legs, Saw a mosquito, Screamed... “At the word “screamed,” the leader points his fingers in front of him. The player to whom the presenter points (or closer to whom) says: “Kwa-kwa-kwa.” The presenter must say the name of this player. If the leader guessed correctly, then the identified player becomes the next leader. Rules of the game 1. The leader is blindfolded, and the rest of the children stand around him. 2. The leader spins around and says the above words. 3. On the word “shout”, the leader points his fingers in front of him, and the player to whom he is pointing must say: “kva-kva-kva”. 4. If the leader correctly guesses who is in front of him, then this player becomes the leader, otherwise the game starts again from the second point. Notes: The GM is not allowed to touch the players. To complicate the game, it is allowed to pronounce kva-kva in an unnatural voice.
Goal: to develop artistry and dexterity. Progress of the game: The child crawls on all fours, pretending to be a cat. He stops and turns his head (the cat looks around), then tilts his head (the cat drinks milk).
For children over two years old, you can complicate the game: the cat crawls between the legs of an adult, under a chair, climbs onto the sofa, lies down, purrs.
Goal: to develop attention and thinking. How to play: Children sit on the carpet with their legs folded cross-legged. Educator: The north wind blew. It became cold and cold. (Children hunch into balls, crossing their arms over their chests.) At the signal, “The sun has come out. It has become warm and warm.” The children relax and fan themselves. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
"Find a Pair"
Find a pair - the game develops classification and sorting skills, hand-eye coordination, hand motor skills, and thinking skills. Description of the game: Objects are placed on the table that can be counted with each other based on some criteria. Mix them. The child is asked to take any object and find a pair for it, and then explain why he considers these objects to be paired. Rules of the game 1. Various objects are collected that are combined with each other (pencil and paper, sock and shoe, lock and key, etc.) 2. Place the objects on the table and mix them. 3. The child is seated at the table. 4. An adult chooses any object and asks the child to find a pair for it (or the child chooses the object independently). 5. If the child finds a pair, it is put aside. 6. They take next item and repeat the same thing. 7. The game continues until all the items are collected in pairs. Note: Instead of objects, you can use pictures from the object.
"Find by description"
Find by description - a game for children two to three years old. Promotes the development of observation, memory and attention of the child. Game description: Ask the child to show what you describe to him. For example: “Please show me the object. It is round, one side is red and the other is blue. You can play with it: roll it, throw it to each other” (this is a ball). Rules of the game: 1. Describe an object to the child: its color, shape, what it is made of, what can be done with it 2. The child guesses from the description and names the object Note: You can describe people, animals, nature - precipitation, trees. .. (yes, everything that surrounds us) and ask the child to guess who/what you are talking about.
"Ocean is shaking"
Goal: develop attention, teach to act according to the rules. According to the number, the player places chairs in two rows so that the back of one chair touches the back of the other. All participants in the game sit on chairs. The driver says: “The sea is worried.” The players get up and run around the chairs. “The sea has calmed down,” says the driver, and the children take the empty seats. Someone will be left without a seat because one chair is occupied by the driver. The one who missed out goes to drive. Rules 1. Players are not allowed to run close to the chairs. 2.Own free place possible only after the words “The sea has calmed down.”
"Finger games"

1. “Our hands”
Where are our pens?
Where are our pens? Where, where are our pens? We don't have our pens. Here, here are our hands, Here are our hands. Pull the arms forward Show the arms. They hid their hands behind their backs. They show their hands again.
2. "Fists"
They folded their fists and beat with their fists. Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Make fists of both hands. Beat with fists.
3. "Glasses"
Grandma put on her glasses and saw the kids. And the kids put on glasses and saw Grandma. The rings are brought to the eyes. Children repeat the actions after the teacher.
4. “Rain, rain”
Rain, rain, drip, drip, drip... Wet paths. I’ll just go for a walk, let my feet get wet. . Children turn their palm up and imitate raindrops with their index finger and repeat after the adult: “Drops...”
5. "Steamboat"
The steamboat floats along the river, And it puffs like a stove: Puff, puff... Children turn both folded palms left and right, repeat after the adult: “Puff...”
6. “We’re tired of the rains”
Rain, rain! Wait! We're tired of rain! You frequented the rooftops and woke up the kids. Children take turns turning their palms up and using the fingers of the other hand to imitate raindrops, repeating after the adult: “Drip, drip.”
7. “Okay, okay”
Okay, okay, Mom baked pancakes, poured oil on them, gave them to the children: “Na-na-na.” Children clap their hands and repeat the words: “Na-na-na.”
8. "Fish"
The fish are frolicking merrily in the clean, warm water. Either they will shrink, they will unclench, or they will bury themselves in the sand. Imitate movements in accordance with the text, repeating the words of the text after an adult.
9. “Feet walk on the road”
Big feet walked along the road. Top-top-top.. Little legs ran along the path. Top-top-top. Four fingers of the right hand tap on the left hand, children repeat the text after adults.
10. “I’m going to see my grandfather, I’m going to see my grandmother”
I'm going, I'm going to my grandmother, to my grandfather On a horse In a red hat, On a smooth path, On one leg Gop-gop-gop... Children roll a pencil between their palms and repeat the words after the adults: “Gop-gop-gop”
11. “Katya is walking”
One two three four five. We're going for a walk. They tied a striped scarf for Katya. Katya walks along the path, Top-top-top.. The children roll a pencil between their palms and repeat the words: “Top-top-top.”
12. "Squirrel"
I am a squirrel in a fur coat, A fluffy tail is my assistant, He helps me jump, I have time to go everywhere. Jump-jump, jump-jump.
Children run the bristles of brushes over their palms and repeat the words after the adults: “Jump-jump, jump-jump.”
13. “Spring has come”
As in a meadow, meadow, Water spills across a green meadow, Grass spreads, Grass spreads, Silk grass. Children run the bristles of the brush along the outer hand from the tips of their fingers to the wrist, repeating the words of the text after the adult.
14. "Cabbage"
We chop the cabbage, chop it, We salt the cabbage, salt it. We three the cabbage, three. We press the cabbage, press it. Movement with palms up and down. stroking the fingertips. rub your fist against your fist. clench and unclench your fists.
15. "Horses"
Along the white, smooth road, your fingers gallop like horses, Chok-chok-chok. Chok-chok-chok. A frisky herd gallops. Fingers jump on the table, repeating the text after the adults: “chok-chok, chok-chok.”
16. “Round dance among flowers”
Round dance among flowers, Around rose bushes. Among the herbs and flowers We lead, we dance in a round dance. The child has a walnut in his palms; using circular movements of his hands, the child follows the adults and repeats the words of the text.
17. "Bells"
Ding-ding, ding-ding Days in a row The bells are ringing. Ding-ding, ding-ding. The child has a walnut in his palms. Using circular movements of the hands, the child follows the adults and repeats the words of the text.
18. “Let’s count fingers”
One, two, three, four, five Let's count our fingers. Strong and friendly. Everyone is so necessary. On the other hand again, the fingers are fast, although not very clean. Children bend their fingers on their left hand. They clench and extend their fists. Children bend their fingers on their right hand. They clench and extend their fists.
19. “This finger wants to sleep”
This finger wants to sleep, This finger went to bed, This finger took a little nap, This finger is already asleep, This finger is fast asleep. Quiet children, don’t make noise, Don’t wake up your fingers. Children bend their fingers, starting with the little finger.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten"Ryabinushka" r.p. Sosnovskoye, Nizhny Novgorod region

Card index of didactic games / GubanovaN.F. "Development play activity. System of work in the second junior group of kindergarten/

Prepared by: Tanaeva N.A.

2016 – 2017 academic year year

Physical education

Game "Walk - Run"

Didactic task. Teach children to recognize the speed of movement and reflect it in walking and running; practice proper walking and running.
Game task. Move according to the progress of the carousel.
Game rules. Until the music changes, do not change movements.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher invites the children to ride the carousel. The carousel can go both fast (running) and slowly (walking) - children should move the same way. The reference point is music.
Children stand up one after another and “ride.” The music sounds faster - the children run, the music sounds slower - the children walk. The teacher plays the game 3-4 times.
Game option. As the carousel moves, children can “change” to different animals: a horse (they gallop), a frog (they jump with frog jumps), a bunny (they jump like bunnies).

Game "Birds on a Branch"

Didactic task. Teach children to jump from a small height, landing on their toes and bending their knees.
Game task. Jump after the leader to the pond.
Game rules. Jump to the water on time when the teacher's signal sounds.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher invites the children to be birds. Spring has come, the birds are flying merrily. Then they sit down to rest on trees (benches) and clean their feathers. Birds see the lake. The leader of the pack gives the signal: swim! Birds jump from the branches to the pond. Then the birds bathe.

Game “Listen to my command!”

Didactic task. Teach to change the direction of movement while maintaining formation.
Game task. Correctly carry out the commander's order.
Game rules. When following orders, do not break formation.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher brings a drum and a trumpet and offers to play a soldier's march. At the command of the commander (educator), the soldiers march in formation one after another. As soon as the drum sounds, the soldiers move towards the drum. As soon as the signal is given by the pipe, they go to the pipe.
Game option.
Soldiers can change tactics (body position in space) during the march; on command, crouch (“go for cover”), crawl.

Game "Friendly couples"

Didactic task. Teach to walk in pairs and run in all directions.
Game task. Hide from the rain.
Game rules. Do not run away before the sound signal (change in the nature of the music).
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher draws the children's attention to the sunny weather and invites them to walk around the park (in pairs). To the accompaniment of calm music, children walk in pairs in a random direction. When menacing chords sound (“thunder struck”), children run scattered under the roof of the gazebo (umbrella).

Child and the world

Game "Housewarming"

Didactic task. Learn to group objects: dishes - furniture.
Game task. Help the doll Katya and the bear cub Misha sort out their things.
Game rules. Arrange things correctly: dishes on a shelf, clothes on a hanger.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher informs the children that the residents of the doll corner, Katya the doll and Misha the bear cub, are moving to new apartment. A car has arrived at the new house and we need to unload our things. The bear makes mistakes all the time, doesn’t know where to put what. Children help the toys group the things they brought: plates, cups and saucers are dishes; dresses, sweaters and coats are clothes. Then they put everything in its place: dishes - on a shelf in a cupboard, clothes - on a hanger in wardrobe.

Game “Who has the same?”

Didactic task. Teach children to find an object that matches the sample (by color, size).
Game task. Choose gifts for the bear and the fox.
Game rules. Choose gifts so that they fit in size and appeal to the characters.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher brings toys - a bear and a fox and places them on chairs on opposite sides of the flannelograph. He says that animals love gifts very much. Invites children to choose gifts for animals. The teacher lays out the favorite objects of the bear and fox on the flannelgraph one by one.
The bear loves honey in a blue pot and condensed milk in a yellow jug. The fox loves chicken in a blue pan and milk in a yellow bag. Children receive cards and when the teacher asks: “Who has the same subject?” - show cards and name the object. Gifts vary in size: large for the bear, smaller for the fox. Children must take into account not only the color, but also the size of the item they are looking for. Having determined who gets what gift, the children tell why the bear likes this particular thing and what he will do with this gift. If the child identifies the objects correctly, then the heroes rejoice and the children clap their hands. If it’s wrong, the heroes turn away.

The game “Who drives what?”

Didactic task. Teach children to group vehicles.
Game task. Choose transport for the animals.
Game rules. Choose a vehicle so that the animals want to ride on it (in accordance with the professions of the animals).
Equipment. Identical sets of pictures for flannelograph and individual sets of cards: with types of transport (taxi, ambulance, emergency service, "Bread" car) and with images of animals in clothes corresponding to their profession (fox - in a white cap and baker's apron; wolf - in a white coat and a doctor's cap with a pipe in his paws; a hare - in a taxi driver's uniform cap; a bear - in an emergency service suit with a set of tools).
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher brings toys: a bunny, a wolf, a bear, a fox - and places them on the table. Informs children that each hero is waiting for his car, which is delayed in the garage. All cards with images of transport (taxi, ambulance, emergency service, “Bread” car) are laid out on a flannelgraph. The teacher shows one toy and invites the children to determine what this hero will ride on. Children make assumptions, and the teacher attaches a card with images of heroes to one or another car. Children “put” (put cards in an individual set) the heroes in the type of transport that corresponds to their profession: the fox bakes bread, the wolf is an ambulance doctor, the hare works as a taxi driver, the bear works in the emergency service. If the children identify the vehicle incorrectly, the hero refuses to get into it.

Game "What has changed?"

Didactic task. Teach children to determine weather conditions; consolidate knowledge characteristic features seasons.
Game task. Take the bunny for a walk.
Game rules. Take the bunny for a walk, taking into account the weather and time of year.
Equipment. Bunny toy, warm and Lightweight clothing a bunny for a walk; cards with images of clothes.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher brings a bunny dressed in a fur coat and warm hat(it's early autumn outside). The bunny complains to the children: “Guys, I can’t walk outside because they get very tired and can’t run and jump. Maybe I'm sick? Children make guesses. The teacher encourages the children to look out the window and asks: “How did the bunny dress, correctly or not? In clothes like his, it’s hard to run and jump outside because it’s hot. When do you wear a fur coat and a warm hat? (In winter.) How do you know what to wear to go outside today?” (Look out the window and at the thermometer.)
The bunny is happy, undresses and folds his clothes, then goes to the window and looks out into the street.
The teacher shows a card, each with a picture of a sunny lawn, and says: “Tell the bunny what to wear.” Children choose clothes from their sets of cards. The bunny dresses according to the children's advice and goes for a walk.
After the walk, the bunny goes to dinner and sleep, and then goes outside again. The teacher shows another card, which shows the same lawn, only the weather is cloudy because of the clouds: “How should the bunny dress now?” The children tell the bunny. The teacher asks the bunny what has changed on the street. Children help the bunny determine what the weather is like, what has changed and how to dress for a walk.

Speech development

Game “Seeing off and meeting”

Didactic task. Instill in children the skills of polite and attentive treatment of others.
Game task. Help Petrushka see off and meet her grandmother.
Game rules. Tell your grandmother words of gratitude in time, greet her and say “goodbye.”
//-- Game progress --//
Parsley (bibabo doll) comes to the children. He says he is going to meet his grandmother from the store. The teacher asks Petrushka if he knows how to be polite and attentive to his grandmother. Parsley tells children how to be polite and attentive.
Children carefully watch the performance (picture theater).

One day my grandmother
I went outside.
I told my grandmother:
- Hello, how are you?
When will my grandmother
Came back home
I said “goodbye” to her, -
She smiled at me.
Friends, give me some advice:
Am I still right or wrong?
When my neighbor gave me a moped,
I said to him: “Isn’t there another?”
He shook his head in response to me,
So what did I say wrong?
When grandma goes to bed,
I'll come and wish her good morning,
And in the morning I will wake up grandma:
« Good night! - I’ll say it happily!
Friends, give me advice quickly.
Am I still right or wrong?

The teacher asks the children what Parsley is wrong about and what should really be said.

Game "The Mice Jumped"

Didactic task: to activate the articulatory apparatus; teach to pronounce text expressively (using facial expressions and intonation).
Game task. Deceive the watchman.
Game rules. Run away as soon as the watchman wakes up.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher brings the cat Vaska and tells the children that the cat loves to catch mice. Vaska purrs contentedly, he keeps the house well from mice. And now he had a delicious lunch: he ate a bowl of sour cream, drank a jug of cream and sat down on the rug. Here he waits for mice. But the mice decided to outsmart Vaska the cat. They waited until he fell asleep after a hearty lunch. Vaska lay down, began to snore, and the mice were right there. The teacher encourages the children to play the role of mice in the game.
The “mice” children, clearly pronouncing the words with the required dynamics (power of sound), slowly sneak out of the hole, stand in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem “The Mice Jumped” by N. Kolpakova: they jump, dance, narrow the circle with a springy step - “they go to the gingerbread” and all shout together: “A-am!”, sitting down on the floor.

The mice were jumping around the gingerbread,
They jumped, sang... and ate all the gingerbread!

The watchman cat wakes up and catches mice.

Game “Birds, fly!”

Didactic task. Teach children to understand general words.
Game task. Help the birds fly away.
Game rules. Fly away when the signal sounds: “Birds, fly!”
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher brings a picture showing birds and animals sitting in a cage. The teacher says: “Evil Duremar caught a titmouse, a bullfinch, a wolf and a fox. He put them in a cage and won't let them out. Pinocchio (shows the toy) wants to save all the inhabitants of the cage. He doesn’t know how to contact them so that the animals and birds can leave the cage as soon as possible.”
Children must help determine who will leave the cage and how, and clearly say: “run!”, “fly!” Who should I tell? (Titmouse and bullfinch can be called by the general word “birds”; wolf and fox - “animals”.) Time is running, and until Duremar returns, the inhabitants of the cage must be released. If the characters are named correctly with a generalized word, then the inhabitants leave the cell. (Pinocchio shows the corresponding picture.)
At the end, the children play as the inhabitants of the cage. Pinocchio (child) shouts: “Birds, fly!” - and the birds fly away from the cage. Then: “Animals, run!” - and the animals run away.

Game “Whose dress is better?”

Didactic task. Form a dictionary; learn to distinguish and name essential details and parts of objects.
Game task. Make peace between the dolls.
Game rules. Don’t make mistakes when naming objects (if the child makes a mistake, the doll becomes capricious).
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher brings two paper dolls with removable clothes - Katya doll and Vera doll. They gathered for a holiday and quarreled over whose dress was better. They quarreled so much that they turned red. Their eyes are swollen from crying, and now both dolls look equally ugly.

Roars, roars, roars,
Curly heads.
Hair is disheveled
The faces are teary.
Now how do we know
Whose dress is more beautiful?
The dress is wrinkled
The bows are torn.
Better calm down
Don't shout, don't quarrel.
Smile, don't be sad,
Forget all grievances.

The teacher asks the children to help the dolls wash and iron (imaginary actions) their beautiful dresses. Children take off the dolls' dresses and “stroke” them. The dresses are ready. Now the dolls have mixed up their clothes and don’t know whose dress is which. The teacher invites the dolls to describe their dresses, and the children must say which dress belongs to whom.
Vera doll. My dress is yellow, silk, with short sleeves, a large pocket, and a red collar.
Katya doll. My dress is woolen, green, with a white collar, with long sleeves; it has beautiful white buttons, small pockets with flowers,
Children use the description to determine which dress belongs to which doll. They repeat out loud after the dolls the description of the details and look for them on the dresses.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Game “Pick the same”

Didactic task. Learn to highlight common feature subject.
Game task. Select cubes for animals.
Game rules. Arrange the cubes in the baskets according to its color.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher shows a picture of animals playing in the forest. Animals have cubes different colors. The mothers call the animals for dinner, and they leave, leaving the cubes in the basket. Then the animals return and want to figure out where whose cubes are. Misha the bear wants to take red cubes, the fox wants yellow, and the hedgehog wants green. The teacher invites the children to help the animals.
Baskets are placed on the table - large circles cut out of cardboard in yellow (for a fox), green (for a hedgehog) and red (for a teddy bear) colors, into which children alternately place small squares (“cubes”) of the corresponding colors. The one who never makes a mistake wins. The teacher praises the children.

Game "Long - short"

Didactic task. Teach children to relate objects by placing them on top of each other.
Game task. Dress up the dolls.
Game rules. Choose a bow that can be easily tied.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher brings two dolls and a bear. Mishka invites the dolls to the party, but they can’t choose bows for their dresses. The Lala doll wants to wear a pink bow. The Nadya doll wants to wear a blue bow. The teacher invites the children to help the bear dress up the dolls for the holiday.
The children see that Lyalya’s bow is not tied well - its ribbon is shorter than the ribbon on Nadya’s bow. Children figure this out by overlay (or application). They are looking for another one, the same beautiful bow for Lyalya doll. By overlay (or application) children find new bow, which is convenient to tie; this bow is the same length as Nadya’s bow. Children tie bows for dolls. The dolls and the bear thank the children.

Game “Morning is wiser than evening”

Didactic task. To form the concept of time, an idea of ​​the parts of the day.
Game task. Wake up the hedgehog in time.
Game rules. When talking about parts of the day, show the corresponding picture.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher shows the children pictures that depict episodes of the story about Top the hedgehog.
Educator. Morning came, the sun rose and illuminated Top the hedgehog’s room, but the hedgehog was still sleeping. The sun began to wake up the hedgehog, but he did not wake up. All the hedgehogs had long since left their houses, but Top the hedgehog was still sleeping. The hedgehogs did their exercises, had breakfast, and Top the hedgehog was still sleeping. The sun rose high in the sky, and it became so hot outside that all the hedgehogs went indoors and began swimming in the pool, and Top the hedgehog was still sleeping.
Evening came, all the hedgehogs had dinner, washed themselves and went to bed. Then the hedgehog Top woke up, began to yawn and look around: “Is it morning already?” The hedgehog went outside, but it was so dark all around that nothing could be seen. "Why is it so dark?" – thought the hedgehog Top. But no one answered him - everyone was asleep. So the hedgehog slept all day and didn’t see him.
The teacher invites the children to remember how long the hedgehog slept and what he didn’t see: he slept through the morning, afternoon, evening and only woke up at night. Children find the corresponding pictures and tell what they can do at this time of day: in the morning - do exercises, wash, have breakfast; during the day – play, swim in the pool; in the evening - for a walk; at night - sleep.

In the morning we'll go out for a walk,
Lie down on the grass
Let's squat together,
Jump while exercising.

And then we'll come home,
Let's wash ourselves
AND cold water
Shower yourself in the shower.

After breakfast we go
Run on the lawn
We will play with the ball
And jump and jump.

During the day we run to lunch,
And we carry away the balls,
Let's eat the soup and vinaigrette
And we'll ask for more.

In the afternoon we go to rest,
We quickly fall asleep,
And then we go for a walk,
We play tag.

Only the evening will come,
The sun is setting
Mom is calling us home -
So the day passes.

All the kids sleep at night,
In small beds
And until the morning
He sleeps peacefully and sweetly.

You can act out the content of this poem with your children. Then the children and the teacher advise the hedgehog to have time for the day and walk, and play, and work. The hedgehog promises to go to bed on time so that the next morning, after getting enough sleep, he can get up to exercise.

Game “Mushroom, get into the box!”

Didactic task. Teach children to use ways to compare the number of objects.
Game task. Collect mushrooms into boxes.
Game rules. Start putting mushrooms one at a time into the box only after the teacher’s signal.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher invites the children to the forest to pick mushrooms. In the forest, children encounter a clumsy bear. He also picks mushrooms. Mushrooms with red and white caps grow in the forest. Bear loves mushrooms with white caps, and he invites the children to pick mushrooms with red caps. Children must help the bear select the mushrooms into the basket.
The teacher gives each child a card that shows two stripes with “body” squares drawn on them. Children “put” (put) a fungus into a drawn square (“body”) and glue it to the strip: with red hats for themselves (above the strip is the child’s face), with white hats for the bear (above the strip is the bear’s face).
Then the children compare the number of mushrooms by matching them on two stripes in square boxes: who has more mushrooms, the child or the bear. The winner is the one who makes no mistakes and correctly determines where there are more mushrooms and where there are fewer.

Moral education

Game “Water, wash my face!”

Didactic task. Form a friendly attitude towards each other; teach politeness.
Game task. Help Pinocchio follow the rules of behavior.
Game rules. Imitate the rules of behavior so that everyone knows what the rules are.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher shows the children a picture that shows how children wash themselves: they happily soap and rinse their hands and face, without interfering with each other. Then he shows another picture: children are jostling near the sink, splashing water on each other, the floor is wet, children are quarreling, their hair is disheveled. The teacher asks the children to compare the pictures and say which picture they like best. Children note that they like the first picture better, but they don’t like the second, and explain why.
Suddenly Buratino comes to the group, his pants are torn, his long nose is dirty, his cap is knocked to one side - this is how he came from the street. The teacher asks: “Pinocchio wants to eat, can he go to the table?” The children explain that first you need to wash your face.
The game “Wash Pinocchio” begins.

All the pants are covered in black spots (Children look at each other and shake their fingers.)
You, my friend, are not careful.
The cap is striped.
In response to us: (Pinocchio waves his hand.)
- It will do just like that!
All covered in sand, in swamp mud (Pinocchio sits down at the table.)
Pinocchio was dirty, (The children look at each other indignantly.)
How dirty he came
So he sat down at the table.
All the guys know this – (Children imitate washing.)
Nobody does that
Before every meal
Be sure to wash your hands! (Children show clean palms.)
Two hours from the dirty mud (Children wash Pinocchio.)
They washed Pinocchio,
Our boy has become so good, (Children praise Pinocchio.)
So handsome and so pretty.
I tied a napkin for myself (Pinocchio is tied with a napkin.)
He carefully ate the cutlet (Pinocchio is given a plate of food.)
I didn’t pour the soup on my caftan
And he said “thank you” to everyone. (Pinocchio gets up from the table and bows.)

Children participate in a dramatization, which can be carried out either with the help of a doll or with the participation of a child playing the role of Pinocchio.
Next, the children play with the teacher the game “We’ll show you what we’re doing”: the guys perform the movements, and Pinocchio guesses what they’re doing; then Pinocchio shows the movements, and the children guess (wash their hands, dig with a shovel, say hello, say goodbye, thank you, apologize).

Game “Comfort the Teddy Bear”

Didactic task. Encourage children to try to feel sorry for someone and help.
Game task. Help the little bear and comfort him.
Game rules. Show the decision in such a way that it is clear to everyone what to do.
//-- Game progress --//
A bear cub comes to visit the children. He is very upset and crying. The little bear broke his father's favorite saucer and is now afraid to go home. It will be evening soon, mom and dad will be worried. What to do? The teacher encourages the children to help the bear cub and calm him down. The children come up and say comforting words to him: don’t cry, don’t worry, we will help, don’t be afraid, don’t be sad. These words make the little bear cry even more. The teacher says that it’s all about the broken saucer from which dad always drinks tea.
The children decide to help the little bear glue an old saucer and make a new one. Children receive blanks - a “broken saucer” (a drawn saucer with a broken piece) and “glue” them together (draw a pattern). Then they draw a new saucer next to it and give it to the bear.
The little bear thanks the guys. Children play the game “Right or Wrong?” with the teddy bear.
The teacher shows the situation: a man is crying and has covered his face with his hands. Solution: come up and hug, pat him on the head, say good words.
The teacher shows similar situations several times, then the children can create them themselves, and the bear cub will depict what to do.

And gra "Independent raccoon"

Didactic task. Learn to correctly evaluate actions; cultivate independence.
Game task. Show the raccoon how to be independent.
Game rules. Choose the right card.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that someone is puffing behind the screen. This is a raccoon, he can't tie his shoelaces. The raccoon gets angry and throws his shoes. The teacher asks the raccoon why he is in such a mood. The raccoon replies that his shoes are bad, they don’t obey, and the laces don’t want to be tied, that’s why he got angry. The raccoon does not believe that children's shoes and laces never act up.
The teacher asks the children to show how to handle shoelaces so that they are tied, and with shoes so that they fit well and look beautiful. Children take blanks with laces and show how to tie them. Then they explain to the raccoon how to care for the boots: wash, lubricate with cream, dry, put on a shelf.
Then the children play the game “What do you need?” The teacher gives them cards with images of objects and cards with images of caring for them (one card shows shoes, the other shows shoe polish; clothes - a brush; carpet - a vacuum cleaner; floor - a mop and a bucket). First, children look at the cards, then name the objects depicted and how to care for them, then select the appropriate cards.

Game "Cleaning Up"

Didactic task. Cultivate a neat, caring attitude towards objects and toys, and a desire to work.
Game task. Teach Dunno to clean his room.
Game rules. Choose the right cards.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher asks the children to help Dunno; he doesn’t know how to clean the room. Children tell how they themselves take care of everything that is in group room: they wipe the shelves in the closets, put the toys back in their place, throw the garbage in the basket. Dunno wants to remember all this, and the teacher offers to play.
The game “Put it in Place” is played. The cards show objects that need to be “put back in place,” that is, match them with other cards that show the place where this item needs to be put away: toys - on the shelves; books - in the closet; pencils - in boxes.
Children look at the cards, explain what is written on them, then select a suitable object.

Musical education

Game “Intonation calendar of nature” (“Living picture in the window”)

Didactic task. Develop an ear for intonation; activate aesthetic perception.
Game task. Match the music to the mood of nature.
Game rules. Listen carefully, without turning around while the music is playing, and determine the consonance of the piece and the mood of nature.
//-- Game progress --//
The music director invites the children to the window and offers to see what the mood of nature is on this day. Children stand in a semicircle near the window, and they see an unusual picture of nature in the window, as if in a frame. Everything in the picture is moving, as if a magician had painted a living picture: the overall mood changes depending on the lighting, the direction of the wind, and the season. Children periodically observe this picture throughout the year and find changes that can occur every minute: there was no wind - suddenly it blew, the sun was shining - instantly hid behind a cloud.
The music director talks with the children at the window about the picture that opens to them, teaches them to notice the slightest changes. Then he offers to listen and determine which of the musical pictures will suit this state of nature. Two contrasting musical works, one of which corresponds (in tune) with the mood of nature (weather) on that day.
Children, together with the teacher, note only the basic general intonation of each of the contrasting works: cheerful - sad; affectionate – anxious (angry); similar to a breeze (light, mobile) – calm.
Game plan:
children look at the picture of nature outside the window;
the music director conducts a conversation about the mood of the picture of nature, emphasizing the words that are the key characteristic of its state;
children continue to look at nature, and the music director plays two contrasting pieces of music, one of which corresponds to the mood outside the window;
children determine which play is suitable, in tune with the mood outside the window;
the music director plays two pieces again and approaches the children;
standing with the children at the window, the teacher once again compares the picture outside the window with a play that suits the mood;
the music director re-plays the piece, in tune with the mood of nature outside the window.

Game “What do I play?”

Didactic task. Develop timbre hearing; learn to distinguish the character of music.
Game task. Have time to hide from hunters (wolves, foxes).
Game rules. Hide only after the character of the music changes; run away from the hunter only after the cry was heard: “I’ll catch you now!”
//-- Game progress --//
The music director brings the children “to the lawn.” Bunnies are walking on the lawn. (Children “bunnies” dance to the tune of the pipe.) Suddenly hunters appeared from behind the forest. (The teacher plays on the spoons as if the horsemen are galloping - the children squat down and cover their faces with their hands - “hiding”.) The horsemen did not notice the bunnies, and the bunnies gallop again. (The pipe plays.)
Game option. Hunters can be replaced by other characters: wolves came to the clearing, foxes came running, etc. Children must react in time to changes in the nature of the music and the timbre of the instrument. At the end of the game, the teacher, pretending to be a hunter, shouts: “I’ll catch you now!” Children run to the chairs.

Game "Loud - Quiet"

Didactic task. Develop the ability to distinguish sounds by sound intensity.
Game task. Collect music in magic boxes.
Game rules. Collect music, distinguishing by sound strength: loud - in a bright box, quiet - in a monochromatic box.
//-- Game progress --//
Musical director (shows two boxes). This box is catchy, bright, multi-colored, but the box is modest, blue, inconspicuous. I store my music in these boxes. I put loud music in a bright, multi-colored box, quiet music in a blue, inconspicuous one. I came across some notes. (Pours circles of notes onto a large tray, stirring: bright, multi-colored and plain, blue.) They sound either loud or quiet. I will put loud music in this box, quiet music in another.
Loud music plays and the teacher takes a bright colored note and puts it in a colorful box. Then quiet music sounds, and the teacher, showing the note to the children, puts it in a blue plain box.
Musical director. Help me, guys, collect music in magic boxes.
Music is playing. Children, depending on its dynamics (degree of volume), take turns taking a note from the tray and carrying it into a multi-colored or plain box. Then the next piece of music sounds - loud or quiet, and the children again take one note at a time and take it to the appropriate box.

Game "Who's Awake?"

Didactic task. Teach children to recognize the character of music and reflect this in movement.
Game task. Cradling dolls and walking with them.
Game rules. Play with dolls in accordance with the nature of the music.
//-- Game progress --//
Musical director. In the doll corner, all the dolls went to bed, only the doll Katya is not sleeping. She can't sleep. What to do? (Addresses the child.) Olya, is your daughter not sleeping? Do you know how to help her? Usually mothers sing a lullaby to their children. How should you sing? “Bai-bai,” - just like that, quietly and tenderly. (The girl sings a lullaby.) Look, Olya, your daughter has fallen asleep. The lullaby helped the doll Katya fall asleep. Children, see if your favorite dolls are sleeping? Do not sleep? Then you need to caress them and sing a song, as Olya did.
Children take the dolls in their arms and sing lullabies to them.
Then the teacher shows the children the sun drawn in the picture.

So the sun has risen,
It became light in the sky.
The cockerel sings in the morning,
He invites the kids to go for a walk.

Children take their dolls for a walk to calm music.
The game is repeated, children play with dolls depending on the nature of the music.


Game "Let's build a fence"

Didactic task. Teach children to analyze the building, use parts of different colors in it; consolidate the ability to place building material (plates) vertically and tightly to each other; teach to measure the height and width of the gate with the size of the toy.
Game task. Build a fence and gate for Piglet.
Game rules. Build buildings so that Winnie the Pooh could drive through the gate by car.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher points to the house he built from cubes and tells the children that Piglet built new house and decided to make a fence around it to make it beautiful. He will plant a garden in the yard, and everyone who comes to visit Piglet will enjoy the apple and pear trees. Piglet's house is red with a green roof, so Piglet wants the fence to be two colors - red and green. In addition, Winnie the Pooh will definitely come to visit Piglet, and he must be able to freely pass through the gate.
The teacher invites the children to think about how to make a gate that such a big bear cub will pass through (shows the toy and puts it in the truck). Children should try on what height and width the gate should be.
Game plan:
the teacher gives a game task to build a fence and gate;
children analyze the drawing;
children select building material for the gate;
children begin to build gates using familiar methods of comparing the sizes of objects (overlaying, applying and attaching);
children check the readiness of the gate (they transport a bear on a truck under the gate);
children choose material (plates) of red and green colors for the fence;
Children build a fence by stacking the plates tightly, alternating colors.

Game "Build a barn for chickens"

Didactic task. Learn to build a building according to a model, using additional materials according to your plan.
Game task. Build a barn for chickens and an aviary for the chicken.
Game rules. Build in such a way that additional materials (trees and flowers, benches, etc.) decorate the building; explain why they are needed.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher brings yellow chickens (table toys). The chickens are squeaking.

Yellow lumps do not sleep,
The yellow lumps squeak.
They were born just yesterday
And now they run in the morning.

The chickens are cold, we should let them into the barn, but there is no barn.
The teacher encourages the children to build a barn for the chickens, but first the children look at the model building (barn) that the teacher made. Then they select a material (from cubes, plates, cylinders), name it and explain what it is for (on walls, on roof) and how to lay it (horizontally, vertically). Then the building is erected. The barn has been built. The chickens are happy and ask to play: they fly up to the roof and hide behind the barn. Children look for chickens and name where they are sitting.
So the mother hen (toy) decided to look at the chickens and was surprised why there was no place for walking near the barn. What to do? The children propose to make an open enclosure and build a fence. The hen reminds the children that she wants the enclosure to be beautiful. Children decorate the enclosure in their own way - plant flowers and trees. The hen clucks and calls the chicks to play.
Hen. Ko-ko-ko, kvokh-kvokh, chickens, come to me!
Chickens (children flapping their wings, jumping). Pee-pee-pee! Mom, we are here.
The teacher uses toys to show the children how a mother hen waits for her chickens in the enclosure, how the chickens run through her gate, and how they run around the enclosure.

Visual activities

Game “What is red?”

Didactic task. Reinforce knowledge of flower names; teach children to select red objects among objects of different shapes and colors.
Game task. Help the doll Katya pick up objects.
Game rules. Select items to match the color of the doll's bow.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher places objects along the edge of the table different color(vegetables, dishes, pencils, etc.). The doll Katya comes to visit the children. She wants to match her red bow with objects of the same color. Children come up one at a time and name the object and its color: red tomato, red pencil, etc. If the answer is correct, the Katya doll nods her head approvingly, and the child puts the object in her purse; if the answer is incorrect, then Katya turns away.

Game “Such different handkerchiefs”

Didactic task. Strengthen children's ability to draw straight lines in different directions.
Game task. Decorate handkerchiefs for Andryusha and Seryozha.
Game rules. Don't mix up gifts.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher says that an artist he knows decided to draw two of his friends, Seryozha and Andryusha (shows the drawing). They have beautiful clothes- bright, colorful, but the artist ran out of paint early, and he could not paint the handkerchiefs that are visible from his friends’ pockets. The artist asks the children to color Seryozha and Andryusha’s handkerchiefs. The teacher gives the children sheets of paper (“handkerchiefs”), and they paint them: Andryusha likes striped handkerchiefs, and Seryozha likes checkered ones. After the children draw the handkerchiefs, they must not confuse: Andryusha is a boy in a red jacket, Seryozha is in a blue one. Children take ready-made “handkerchiefs” and give them to their friends (striped ones for Andryusha, checkered ones for Seryozha).

Game "Kolobok"

Didactic task. Strengthen children's ability to roll a ball and a strip from a lump of plasticine; develop the ability to see the beauty of color against the background of different objects.
Game task. Make friends for a bun.
Game rules. Make a bun and a path of the same color.
//-- Game progress --//
Educator. Guys, do you remember the fairy tale “Kolobok”? Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. Once a woman baked a bun and left it to cool on the window, and the bun ran away. (Makes a bun from a large lump by pinching it off.)

I am a bun, a bun,
Kolobok - ruddy side,
Mesha with sour cream
Yes, it's tight in oil.
The bun rolled
Along ravines and roads.

(Under cheerful music The bun rolls on the table and sings.)

I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother.

The teacher invites the bun to visit the children. Kolobok agrees, but wants to play hide and seek. The bun hides behind objects. Children must “find” the kolobok and say where it is hidden, naming the color of the object (behind the green tree, behind the blue fence, behind the red garage, etc.)
Kolobok comes out from behind his hiding place and asks the children to make him friends. Children make koloboks from colored plasticine, choosing a color as desired. Now the koloboks need to roll along the paths. Where are the most convenient paths? Children make paths for koloboks (stripes). The paths should match the color of the bun. The koloboks ran along the paths. (Children put the koloboks, each on their own strip, and admire the koloboks and paths of the same color.) They ran and ran and came to the river, and then they decided to go on a journey.
The teacher places the koloboks on a large boat sculpted in advance, and the multi-colored koloboks “float” along the river. (Children admire the koloboks of different colors collected together.)

Game "Vegetables on a plate"

Didactic task. Strengthen knowledge about colors, the ability to select objects of a different color.
Game task. Make plates for the treat.
Game rules. Make it so that the colors of the treat and the plate do not match.
//-- Game progress --//
The teacher brings a basket with the harvest (green apples, red berries from plasticine, which the children sculpted the day before) and wants to treat the children. A hedgehog (toy) appears, he is also waiting for a treat. The teacher cannot find the plates. The hedgehog is upset, the teacher asks the children how to get out of this situation. The children decide to make plates and make them from a ball by flattening it. The hedgehog asks the children to make plates that are not the same color as the treat (for example, a red berry - a blue plate).
The teacher offers to treat the guest first. Children approach the hedgehog and offer a treat, describing it: “a green apple on a yellow plate”, “a red berry on a white plate”, etc. If the child names the colors incorrectly, the hedgehog snorts, and if correctly, he nods his head.

Card index


Educator: ZhuchkovaV.S.

Approved by the decision of the pedagogical council

MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 7

Protocol No. 1 dated _____________________

Head of MBDOU d/s-k/v No. 7

I.V. Markevich





Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 7 of the city of Kropotkin municipal formation Kavkazsky district

“Introduction to sound reality and the development of voluntary hand movements”

"Guess what it sounds like"

Target: To introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them.

Progress: The teacher shows the objects one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different objects, and children recognize which objects belong different sounds. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and they all sound differently.



Progress: V-l: Listen to how the clock ticks: “Tick-tock, tick-tock,” how the clock strikes: “Bom-bom...”. In order for them to walk, you need to start them: “tri-truck...”! .

Let's wind up a big clock (children repeat the corresponding sound combination 3 times); Our clock goes and first ticks, then strikes (sound combinations are repeated by the children 5-6 times).

Now let's wind up the small clock, the clock goes and sings quietly, the clock strikes very quietly (the children imitate the movement and ringing of the clock with their voices each time).

"Bear cubs eat honey"

Target: Develop the articulatory apparatus of children.

Progress: The teacher tells the children that they will be bear cubs, and bear cubs really love honey. He suggests bringing your palm closer to your mouth (with your fingers) and “licking” the honey - the children stick out their tongues and, without touching their palm, imitate that they are eating honey. Then, lifting the tip of the tongue, remove it. (Mandatory demonstration of all actions by the teacher.)

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Then the teacher says: “The bear cubs are full. They lick their upper lip (showing, lower lip(show). They stroke their bellies, saying: “U-oo-oo” (2-3 times).

"The Frog and the Little Frogs"

Target: Develop children's speech attention.

Progress: The teacher divides the children into two groups: large and small frogs. He says: “Big frogs jump into the pond, swim in the water and croak loudly: “Kva-kva” (children imitate that they are swimming and croak loudly)

Little frogs also jump into the pond, swim, and croak quietly (children imitate the actions and croak quietly). All the frogs got tired and sat down on the sand on the shore.” Then the children change roles and the game is repeated.

"Let's feed the chicks"

Target: Develop children's speech apparatus.

Progress:(I am the mother bird, and you are my baby chicks. The chicks are cheerful, they squeak: “pee-pee,” and flap their wings. The mother bird flew to get tasty crumbs for her children, and the chicks fly happily and squeak. She flew mother and began to feed her children (the children squat down, raise their heads up, the chicks open their beaks wide, they want tasty crumbs. (The teacher gets the children to open their mouths wider.) The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"At the doctor"

Target: Develop children's articulatory apparatus.

Progress: The doll is a doctor. She wants to see if the children's teeth hurt.

Q: Show the doctor your teeth (the teacher with the doll quickly walks around the children and says that everyone has good teeth. Now the doctor will check if you have a sore throat. Whoever she approaches will open his mouth wide (the children open their mouths wide).

The doctor is happy: no one has a sore throat.

"Guess what it sounds like"

Target: Continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments.

Move: The teacher shows musical instruments one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to solve riddles. He closes the screen and acts with different instruments, and the children recognize what different sounds belong to.

Target: Clarify and reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Progress: The teacher shows the toys and asks who it is, asks to say how it screams. The screen is closed and one subgroup of children takes the toys and takes turns speaking for their animals. Another group guesses who shouted.

“Who lives in the house? »

Target: Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop children's speech breathing.

Progress:(The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is this? The dog barks loudly: “aw-aw.” And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks quietly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture of a cat). Who is this? The cat meows loudly: “Meow-meow.” And who is this? (children's answers) The kitten meows quietly.

Let the little animals go home (the pictures are put away behind the cubes). Guess who lives in this house: “av-av” (pronounced loudly? (children’s answers) That’s right, a dog (shows a picture). How did she bark? (children’s answers).

Guess who lives in this house: “meow-meow” (pronounced quietly? How did the kitten meow?

Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat sound combinations several times.

“Who is screaming? »

Target: Develop children's speech attention.

Progress: The bird's mother had a little chick (puts out pictures). His mother taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: “chirp - chirp” (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: “chirp-chirp” (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew far away from its mother (moves the picture of the chick further away). The bird is calling its son. What does she call him? (Children, together with the teacher, repeat the sound combination). The chick heard its mother calling him and chirped. How does he tweet? (Children say quietly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How?

"Call Your Mom"


Progress: All children have object pictures with baby animals. Educator: “Who is your picture, Kolya? (chicken) Who is the chicken's mother? (chicken) Call your mother, chicken. (Peep-pee-pee) The teacher imitates the clucking of a chicken and shows a picture.

The same work is carried out with all children.

"Answer me"

Target: Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation expressiveness.

Progress: Educator: This is a goat (showing a picture). How is she screaming? Who is her cub? How does he scream? This is a sheep (show picture). How does she bleat? And how does her baby lamb scream? etc. Pictures are displayed on flannelgraph.

The teacher hands out pictures of animals and birds to the children. The cubs are walking (children leave the tables, nibble grass, nibble crumbs. Whose mother or whose father will call the cub. He must shout - answer them - and run - put the picture next to them.

The teacher pronounces the cry of an animal or bird. The child with the cub depicted makes sounds and places the picture on the flannelgraph.

Byspeech development


Target: focus on the gender of the noun when defining an object by its characteristics.

Materials: hare, carrot, cucumber, apple, tomato, bag.

Let’s tell the children something like this: “A hare came to our kindergarten. Running bunny, what's in your bag? Can I have a look? What is this? (Carrot.) What carrot? (Long, red.) Put the carrots on the table. And what's that? (Cucumber.) What cucumber? (In the same way we take out a tomato, apple, etc.)

Now the hare wants to play with you. He hid all the vegetables and fruits in a bag. The bunny will put his paw into the bag, take a vegetable or fruit and tell you about it, and you must guess what the bunny has in his paw. Listen carefully. It is long and red. What is this? (Carrot.) It is green and long. What is this? (Cucumber.) It is round and red. What is this? (Apple.) It is round and red. What is this? (Tomato.)"

If the children answer the last two questions incorrectly, we repeat, emphasizing the pronoun in our voice: “Listen again. It is round and red. It's round and red.

Now find and put vegetables in the bag. What's left? (Apple.) Apples are fruits. Thank you, hare, for coming to us. Goodbye".


Target: We teach you to focus on endings when agreeing words in gender.

Materials: chest, subject pictures: egg, cookies, jam, apple, towel and other objects designated by middle and middle nouns female, according to the number of children.

Let's put a chest with pictures on the table. We will invite the children to take out the pictures one at a time, while asking questions: “Which egg? What matryoshka?” Etc. The interrogative pronoun agrees with the noun and helps the child correctly determine the gender of the latter.

If the pictures show 2-3 objects, the game will take on a new meaning: the child will be able to practice forming the nominative plural forms of nouns.


Target: focus on the ending of the verb in the past tense when agreeing it with a noun.

Materials: wooden house, toy animals: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.

Let's put a tower on the carpet. We will place the animals near the tower. We will tell a fairy tale, encouraging children to take part in the storytelling.

There is a tower in a field. She ran to the tower... who? That's right, mouse. (Children give hints based on the meaning of the verb and its ending.) “Who lives in the little house?” Nobody here. The mouse began to live in the little house.

A frog galloped up to the tower. Etc. In conclusion, let's summarize:

- Listen to us say: froggalloped up, and the bunny galloped; fox came running, and the wolf came running.


Materials: pairs of objects: nesting dolls, pyramids (large and small), ribbons (of different colors and different sizes - long and short), horses, ducklings, Pinocchio, bag.

Pinocchio appears in front of the children with a bag. He says that he brought toys for the guys. Children look at toys. They call them. They put it on the table.

We comment:

What is this? Matryoshka. Let's see what's inside the nesting doll. Another matryoshka. Place them next to each other. Vova, now take out the toy. What is this? (Pyramid.) Is there another pyramid? Etc.

Remember what items are on the table. There are pyramids, nesting dolls, and ducklings. Pinocchio will play with you. He will hide toys, and you will have to say which toys are missing: nesting dolls, pyramids, ducklings or something else.

Three pairs of objects remain on the table: nesting dolls, pyramids, horses. Children close their eyes. We hide the nesting dolls and put ribbons in their place. (“Who’s missing?”) Then we hide the ribbons and put pyramids in their place. (“What’s missing?”) Etc. Finally, we remove all the toys and ask: “Which toys are missing?”


Purpose: to practice the formation of genitive plural forms of nouns.

Children sit on chairs. Let's address them, inviting them to a joke or a game with intonation:

Where are our pens? Our pens are gone! (We hide our hands behind our backs. Children do the same.) Here are our hands! (We show our hands and play with our fingers.)

Where are our legs? Our legs are gone! (Children hide their legs under the chair.) Here are our legs! (They stomp their feet.)

Where are our pens? What's missing? (Pens.) Here are our pens! - Where are our legs? What's missing? (Nozhek.) Here are ours

The game is repeated 2-3 times.


Purpose: to practice the formation of plural forms of nouns (in the nominative and genitive cases).

Materials: pictures depicting objects in the singular and plural (matryoshka - nesting dolls, bucket - buckets, wheel - wheels, ring - rings, etc.).

We distribute pictures to the children, keeping the paired ones. We explain the conditions of the game:

This is a game of attention. I will show pictures. Each picture shows a toy. Anyone who has a picture with the same toys should quickly say so. For example, I have a wheel. And Vera has wheels. Faith must quickly say, “I have wheels,” or “I have many wheels.” Toys must be named.

The one who hesitates gives his picture to an adult. If the child quickly and correctly names the toy, we give our picture to him.

At the end of the game, the losers (those who have no pictures in their hands) are offered comic tasks: jump on one leg, jump high, squat three times, etc. We come up with tasks together with the children.


Purpose: to practice forming imperative forms of verbs jump, ride.

Materials: truck, mouse, bear.

We bring a truck and a mouse and a bear into the room. We address the children:

Do you want the mouse and the bear to ride in a truck? If you want, ask them. You have to say: “Bear, go!” You can also ask the mouse and the bear to jump: “Mouse, jump!” (Requests are accompanied by actions with toys.)

Oleg, who do you want to ask, a mouse or a bear? What will you ask for?

The game continues until the children's interest in it runs out.


Target: practice forming imperative forms of verbs lie down, sing.

Materials: teddy bear (voiced toy).

A bear cub comes to visit the children. We tell you that he knows how to carry out orders. You can ask the bear: “Bear, lie down on your side... lie down on your back... lie down on your tummy.” He can also sing, you just need to ask: “Bear, sing!” (The story is accompanied by actions with the toy.)

At the request of the children, the bear cub performs various tasks. If the child finds it difficult to formulate the task, we ask leading questions: “Do you want the bear to lie down? On the tummy or on the back? Let’s say together: bear, lie down on your tummy.”

You can give the bear cub other tasks: go (down the hill), jump, dance, write a letter, etc.


Goal: correctly use prepositions with spatial meaning in speech (in, on, about, under, before).

Materials: truck, bear, mouse.

The bear and the mouse are visiting the children again. The guests began to play hide and seek. The bear leads, and the mouse hides. We invite children to close their eyes. We say:

The mouse hid. Open your eyes. The bear is looking: “Where is the mouse? He’s probably under the car?” No. Where is he, guys? (In the cockpit.) Look where he got into!

Close your eyes again, the mouse will hide again. (We put the mouse on the cabin.) Where is the mouse? Guys, tell the bear!

In the same way, children look for a mouse who is hiding together with the bear. under car, near cars, before by car.

Games and exercises with grammatical content can be included in scripts group activities, or can be carried out at the request of children with small subgroups during leisure hours. You can organize games with children, with the help of which they would learn to correlate the producing and derivative words. This is done on the basis of nouns denoting animals and their young. The formation of methods of verbal word formation is closely related to form formation. It is carried out in outdoor games, dramatization games, and special didactic games.


Goal: match the name of the animal with the name of the baby.

Materials: toy house, animals (toys): duck and duckling, hen and chick, goat and kid, cow and calf, horse and foal.

Let's place adult animals around the room. Their cubs are on the carpet in the house. Let's invite the children to find out who lives in the house.

Let's get a look. Quack-quack-quack- who is this? Duck? We take out the toy from the house. Is the duck big or small? Small? This, guys, is a duckling. Little duckling. And the duck is his mother. Help the duckling find his mother duck. Vasya, take the duckling. Look for the duck.

The rest of the characters are played out in a similar way. When all the babies have mothers, the adults and cubs are placed together. Let the children look at them and say the words: duck- duckling, chicken- chick etc. Then the animals leave by car to visit other children.

Goal: to distinguish between adult animals and young animals by onomatopoeia, to correlate the names of an adult animal and its young.

Materials: toys: mouse and little mouse, duck and duckling, frog and baby frog, cow and calf.

Animals come and visit children. The animals want to play. Children must guess whose voice they heard.

- Mu-oo-oo- who moos like that? (Cow.) Who moos lowly? (Calf.)

The rest of the toys are played in the same way. After the game, children can play with toys. To receive a toy, the child must call it correctly (“Frog, come to me!”, “Duckling, come to me!”).


Goal: use the names of baby animals.

Materials: tray with toys: squirrels, hares, ducklings, mice, etc. - according to the number of children, building material.

We bring a tray of toys into the room. We say that children should build houses for the kids. Everyone must first decide for whom he will build a house, and correctly ask an adult: “Please give me a duckling (little squirrel).”

If necessary, you need to suggest the whole word or just the beginning and ask the child to repeat the name.

We lay out building material on the carpet. Children build houses for their animals and play.


Goal: name baby animals.

Materials: toys: squirrel and kitten.

We imitate the meow of a cat. We ask the children: “Who is that meowing? Where?" We go out with them into the next room. - Guys, guests have come to us! Look, they are very small. It's not just a squirrel and a pussy. This is a kitten and a baby squirrel. Animals want to play with you. They can be given instructions. If you ask correctly, the baby squirrel will jump. Little squirrel, jump! That's how it jumps! And you can ask the kitten: kitten, sing! This is how a kitten sings! Who do you want to ask? About what?

After the game, the animals say goodbye to the children and leave (leave).


Goal: to correlate the names of adult animals with the names of their babies, to activate the names of baby animals in speech.

Materials: squirrel and fox.

Let's explain to the children the content of the game:

Now we will play the game “Friendly Guys”. Get into pairs. Now line up in two columns. The first column is squirrels, the second is fox cubs. Here are your houses (we put them in different ends rooms, chairs on which we sit the squirrel and the fox). If you hear dance music, dance and run - frolic on the lawn. At the command “Danger!” run home to your mothers. The one who gets it together the fastest wins.

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Plastic sketches and exercises also contribute to the activation of the names of baby animals and their correlation with the names of adult animals. For example, an adult takes on the role of a mother hen, children take on the role of chickens. A hen with chicks walks through a clearing. Everyone is raking the grass, looking for worms, drinking water, and cleaning their feathers. At the command “Danger!” The chickens run under the wing of their mother hen.

To activate the names of baby animals, variants of the games “Hide and Seek”, “Where are our hands?” can be used. (“Where are our little animals? Are there no our kittens? Are there no our little squirrels? Here are our little animals. Here are our little squirrels”), “Loto”, “Who’s missing?..”, “Wonderful bag” and other games, descriptions of which are given below.


Goal: match the names of actions with your own movements.

Children stand in pairs, facing each other, holding each other by the right hand. They recite a poem, imitating the movements of sawyers (they move their closed hands from one to the other).

We'll cut the log now. Saw-saw, saw-saw, One-two! One-two! There will be firewood for the winter.

(E. Blaginina. There will be firewood for the winter.)

Where are the palms? Here?

Is there a pond on your palm?

Thumb - This is a young goose. Index - caught. The middle one plucked a goose,

This finger cooked (cooked) the soup.

The smallest one stoked the stove.

The goose flew into the mouth

And from there to the stomach...

(Kalmyk folk song, trans. N. Grebneva.)

To an adult’s question: “Where are your palms? Here?” - the children stretch their arms forward, palms up. Next, they pronounce the text together with the leader, bending their fingers in the order indicated in the poem (from thumb to little finger). For the last three lines, children pretend to fly with their hands, then touch their hands to their stomach, and at the word “Here” they drop their hands down and shake them freely.


Target: Correlate the words of the poem with your own movements.

The children are standing. An adult reads a poem, and children accompany the reading with rhythmic movements.

All summer the swings swayed and sang, and we flew on the swings to the sky.

(Children swing their arms back and forth, slightly springing their legs at the knees.)

We've arrived autumn days. The swings were left alone.

(By reducing the swing, children spring in their knees and reduce the swing of their arms until they gradually stop.)

Lying on a swing V

Two yellow leaves. And the wind swings slightly.

(V. Danko. Swing.)

(Children perform a slight swing with their arms extended forward left and right.)


Goal: follow the adult’s word.

Materials: hand rattles (2 for each child); boxes (baskets) for folding rattles.

Children stand in front of an adult who holds a box of rattles and says:

Everybody run to me quickly, you'll get some rattles!

The adult quickly distributes rattles to the children. (You can put the rattles on the gymnastics bench, the children will take them themselves.)

Preschool education does not aim to prepare the child for school and in no case should copy the forms school life. Development and learning should be carried out through games and other children's activities.

Games for social and communicative development

Games aimed at the social and communicative development of a child have the following goals:

  • perception of norms of social behavior;
  • development of communication skills, cooperation skills with other children and adults;
  • development of empathy;
  • developing a sense of respect and belonging to one’s family and peer group;
  • formation of a positive attitude towards work and creative activity;
  • developing safe behavior skills.

Game "Who needs what"

Purpose: to introduce the main characteristics of such professions as doctor, hairdresser, baker; develop a positive attitude towards work.

For the game you need to prepare items necessary to perform professional activities (syringe, scissors, comb, bowl, etc.), as well as details of the corresponding costumes. Children are assigned to roles.

First, you need to have a conversation with the children about the professions of a doctor, hairdresser, baker (you can choose others). It is necessary to find out what the kids know about their professional activities. You can ask which of the children have parents with such professions.

During the game, each child first receives costume parts. He must understand what profession he needs to represent. If children find it difficult to answer, the leader helps them.

Next, a game is played with objects that are stacked on the table. Children need to choose a subject that is necessary for their professional activities. After this, you can invite them to show how this item should be used.

Game "Yes or No"

Goal: to cultivate a caring attitude towards health; learn to manage your behavior, understand what actions are correct.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher should name various situations, and the kids should, if the correct behavior is announced, clap their hands, if incorrect, stomp their feet.

Game "Who to be friends with"

Goal: to teach children to understand people’s facial expressions; develop empathy, cultivate friendliness.

Place pictures of children with different facial expressions on the board. The children are invited to look at the pictures and choose a friend. The facilitator should ask them to explain their choice.

Games for speech development of children 3-4 years old

Games for speech development are aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • teach the child to use speech as a means of communication;
  • increasing vocabulary;
  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • familiarization with the basics of sound and intonation culture of speech;
  • development of speech creativity;
  • familiarization with samples of children's literature.

Game "Loud - Quiet"

Goal: to develop the intonation culture of speech, to teach how to change the strength of the voice.

To play the game, you need to prepare paired objects of different sizes (large and small pipes, ducks, cars).

Before the game starts, the teacher conducts a conversation with the children.

- Look, I have a big mother duck in my hands. She calls her children and loudly shouts “Quack-quack!” Repeat how the mother duck screams.

Children loudly repeat “Quack-quack!”

- And now I’m holding a duckling. He is still very small and can only quietly say “Quack, quack!” Repeat how he does it.

Children quietly repeat “Quack-quack!” The teacher must ensure that children do not whisper.

After the introductory conversation, you can move on to the game itself. The teacher takes turns showing either a large or a small duck, and the children must independently pronounce how it quacks.

Similarly, you can play with any other pair of objects.

Game "Launching Boats"

Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus, formation of the skill of prolonged pronunciation of the sound [f] on one exhalation and repeated pronunciation of the sound [p] on one exhalation; develop the ability to combine the utterance of a sound with the beginning of a sigh.

To play, you need to prepare a large bowl of water, signal flags and several paper boats. The bowl should be placed on a small table, and the children should be seated on chairs in a semicircle around the table.

- Today I invite you to travel on boats. You and I live in... Let's check our location. (The presenter places a flag on one side of the bowl and places one boat next to it).

—Where would you like to go? (Children name any cities or countries, and the teacher places another flag on the opposite side of the bowl).

“We have a fair wind.” He is calm but strong. Let's try to imitate it. You need to purse your lips into a tube and, without puffing out your cheeks, pronounce the sound [f] on one exhalation.

“And now there’s a gusty, sharp wind.” To show it, you need to intermittently pronounce the sounds [p-p-p] several times on one exhalation.

Children must take turns going to the bowl, name where they want to go and help the boat get to its destination.

Game "Traffic Light"

Goal: to teach to perceive words by ear, to find speech errors; pronounce words correctly.

Children receive two circles that represent traffic lights. A green circle should be shown if you hear the correct pronunciation of a word, red circles if you hear an incorrect one.

Before playing such a game, it is advisable to conduct research in the group and determine which words children pronounce incorrectly. Then include these words in the game.

Games for the cognitive development of children of the second younger group

The purpose of games aimed at the cognitive development of a child is:

  • development of interests, cognitive activity and motivation, curiosity;
  • formation of cognitive skills;
  • the formation of the child’s ideas about himself and other people, about the objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships between them;
  • familiarization with the concepts of “Fatherland”, “homeland”, the basic socio-cultural values ​​and traditions of one’s people.

Game “Into the forest to pick mushrooms”

Goal: developing ideas about quantitative relationships between objects “one - many”.

To play the game, you need to prepare an image of a large clearing on which several mushroom figures are located. Children need to be given baskets.

- Children, we came to a mushroom clearing in the forest. Look how many mushrooms there are here? (A lot of).

- And now each of you will pick one mushroom. Tell me one by one how many mushrooms are in your basket. How much do you have, Vitya? (I have one mushroom).

The teacher should ask each child.

- Let's put all the mushrooms in my basket. How many mushrooms did I get? (A lot of). And you? (No one).

Game "Wrap a gift"

Goal: to form the concept of “big”, “small”, “thick”, “thin”; learn to correlate objects by size.

The presenter invites the children to go to Mashenka’s birthday party. To do this they need to buy a gift. Everyone chooses a doll (the pictures show dolls of different sizes and thicknesses).

Now you need to pack the gift, and for this the children need to “buy” a package that will correspond to the size of the doll. At the same time, each child must explain his choice of packaging: “I bought this package because my doll...”.

After this game, you can discuss how to properly give and accept gifts.

Game "What grows where"

Goal: learn to group objects into vegetables and fruits; develop speed of reaction, discipline, endurance.

For the game, you need to prepare pictures depicting a vegetable garden and object pictures (or dummies) of vegetables and fruits.

Children are divided into two teams: gardeners and vegetable growers. At the signal, each team must collect their items. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Card index of games for artistic and aesthetic development

Games for artistic and aesthetic development are held for:

  • laying the preconditions for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art;
  • formation of an aesthetic attitude towards nature and the surrounding world;
  • implementation of independent creative activity.

Game “Collect drops in a glass”

Goal: to teach to understand colors and their shades; learn to match objects by color.

To play the game you need to prepare cups and pictures of multi-colored drops.

The teacher addresses the children:

— I’ll put a drop of blue in this glass. Let's fill the glass. Add your own droplets of the same color.

Each child should have a set of drops of all the necessary colors.

Game “Find out and complete the drawing”

Goal: to develop a sense of symmetry in children; learn to accurately convey the shape of an object, to use shading.

To play, you need to make cards with only halves drawn on them. various items: flower, sun, leaf, etc. Children are asked to complete the missing part of the object, and then shade the drawing.

Game “Beautiful - Ugly”

Goal: to learn to identify violations in the composition of a drawing, its color scheme, and to form aesthetic taste.

Children are offered different pictures. They must determine what color scheme each drawing is made in, and then find and name an object that is painted in the wrong color and disrupts the overall composition.

— Guys, look at the drawing. What do you see here?

— Which color predominates? What colors are similar to it?

— What object stands out in color, seems out of place here?

This game can be played frontally or divided into groups.

Games that promote physical development

Games that promote physical development, are aimed at:

  • developing children's skills motor activity;
  • development of coordination, balance, hand motor skills and flexibility;
  • proper formation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • education correct execution basic sports movements;
  • skills formation healthy image life.

Game "Swing"

Goal: learn to perform various rhythmic movements; development of coordination and balance.

The presenter invites the children to repeat the lines of the poem after him and perform the appropriate movements.

All summer swing

They swayed and sang,

And we're on a swing

They flew to the sky.

(Children begin to swing their arms back and forth, slightly springing their legs at the knees when squatting).

Autumn days have arrived.

The swings were left alone.

(Reduce the intensity of movements and gradually stop).

Lying on a swing

Two yellow leaves.

And the wind swings

It shakes slightly.

(They slowly begin to move their hands again.)

Game "Musical chair"

Goal: to develop motor skills, learn to run in circles, develop attentiveness, learn to act on a signal.

To start the game, you need to place several chairs in a circle in the center of the room (one less than the number of participants). Children should stand in a circle around the chairs. The teacher turns on the music.

While the music is playing, the children run in a circle. As soon as the music stops, everyone should sit on a separate chair. There is not enough chair for one child. He leaves the game and the chair is removed. Then the game repeats. This continues until there is only one child left.

Game "On a walk"

Goal: to learn physical exercise in motion, prevention of flat feet.

Before the game starts, children line up in a column. The teacher tells them that they are going for a walk and asks them to listen to his story and repeat all the movements.

— We are walking along the path (the children follow each other).

- We need to cross the puddle (they walk on their heels).

— We approached the apple tree and wanted to try its apples. Reach for them (walk on your toes).

- We need to jump over the stream (they jump).

- You met a bear cub, show how he walks (they walk on the outside of the foot).

The presenter can suggest different variants movements. For one game session, children are given no more than five different tasks.

Implementation of all five educational areas provides A complex approach to the development of the child. In the second younger group, such work should be planned and carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children 3-4 years old. When conducting games, it is necessary to create an atmosphere conducive to the child’s emotional well-being and the formation of a positive attitude towards himself, others and cognitive activity.