African party for kids: have fun under Chunga-Changu. African, Asian, Native American Party - How to Host a Teen Theme Party

Scenario children's day birthday in safari style is suitable for a holiday in honor of both a boy and a girl. But boys prefer this topic more often than girls. As for the age of the children, by slightly adjusting the script, it can be used to celebrate the birthday of a child from 4 to 8 years old. The younger the birthday man and his guests, the easier the games should be and the less fun should be included in the script, as babies get tired quickly.

What is a safari? Initially, safari meant hunting in East Africa, but today the word "safari" is used to refer to travel, excursions, trips to the wild, most often African. Children of this age, as a rule, are interested in everything related to animals, travel, the world around them, so a safari-style birthday will definitely appeal to them.

Benefits of a safari holiday - the ability to make the nursery bright, hot and exciting, like a long trip. In addition, at the festival, kids can learn something new for themselves and demonstrate their already existing knowledge about the wildlife of Africa.

Children's birthday in safari style: preparation for the holiday

1. Invitations. In invitations, of course, you need to designate the theme of the holiday. Then the children will wait for their birthday with even greater excitement, and they will come to the holiday prepared.

It is better to choose or make your own with images of the jungle, African animals, safari, etc. You can take a photo of the hero of the occasion in a safari suit and use this image for the front of the invitation card.

Invitations can be designed as safari tickets, which indicate the date, time and place of the safari. In such an invitation, you can specify in what clothes children need to come to the holiday (for example, “tourist costume” or “safari costume”).

In the invitation-ticket, you can leave one side blank. Have the children take their tickets to the party. If possible, at the celebration, an adult will take a picture of each child by the hand with the birthday boy on a Polaroid or on a digital camera (in this case, you will need a color printer). Ready-made Polaroid pictures or images printed on a printer, while the children are having fun at the holiday, one of the adults will paste into personalized invitations. At the end of the holiday, invitations-tickets must be returned to the children as a keepsake.

2. Suits. By signing invitations, you can ask guests to come to the party in safari-style clothing. However, you can make costumes yourself: for example, make safari helmets out of paper. They can also be made from plastic deep plates with a rounded bottom and wide edges. After making holes, tie ties - for example, from jute twine. If you do not want to do needlework, buy simple and very inexpensive khaki safari-style panama hats in a hunting store.

Also buy cheap plastic binoculars and hang them around the neck of the children who came to the holiday. You can also make binoculars with your own hands with your child, preparing for the holiday. If you glue two plastic cups together, cut off the bottoms and stick cellophane or tape in their place, you get funny binoculars. Don't forget to tie a rope or cord to the homemade binoculars so the kids can put them around their necks. In addition, boys can be offered bandanas, and girls can be offered scarves with predatory prints.

3. Decor of the venue of the holiday. Try to create the atmosphere of the African jungle and the tourist camp set up in them. It will turn out bright, festive and cozy. To do this, you can use green fabric draperies, green Balloons, posters with images of the jungle, a couple of artificial palm trees, etc.

Hang from the ceiling, curtains and walls of toy animals, animal masks and air balloons predatory colors. If not too lazy, make pointers and also fix on the wall: Zimbabwe - 4000 km, Sahara Desert - 5000 km, Ngorongoro Crater - 500 km.

Animal footprints cut out of paper can be glued to the floor using double-sided tape. interiors can become following items: compasses, binoculars, old suitcases, slingshots, backpacks, etc.

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A properly organized theme party is always fun

Theme parties are new format unforgettable and bright holidays. The result of a stylized bachelorette party, a children's party, a New Year's celebration, a corporate party of a company or family holidays will be indelible impressions, pleasant memories and colorful photographs. Topics for events can be the most unexpected: mexican party, oriental fairy tale, traditional evening in Russian style and much more. Thanks to sophistication and eccentricity, ethnic-style parties are especially popular.

mexican parties

Mexico is an original, temperamental country and has several recognizable symbols: incendiary dances, guitar songs, cacti, ponchos and sombreros. A theme night in the style of hot Mexico will never be boring and will definitely leave an unforgettable experience.

A Mexican party, by definition, cannot be boring and faded.

What is needed in order to organize a bright holiday in mexican style? There are several simple rules, following which you can easily create the same Mexican mood and aura of the pampas:

  • Entourage. The first impression of a theme party is created with the help of design and decor. Homespun tablecloths, wicker rugs, satin ribbons, all kinds hand made crafts stylized as Mexico. The color scheme of the party design should be bright, you can safely combine red, blue, orange, yellow, green. Unusual contrasts will only enhance the effect and create a Mexican mood. As a decor, you can use baskets with exotic fruits, sombreros and, of course, cacti.
  • Music. Mexico is a country of creative and musical people. Therefore, a Mexican-style party should be accompanied by the incendiary sounds of maracas, drums and a romantic guitar.

Live Mexican Music

  • Dress code for the evening. National outfits, ponchos and sombreros will help you plunge into the atmosphere of the Mexican prairies.
    Bright mexican outfit
    As a simplified option, you can stop at just one sombrero
  • Scenario. You can't get bored at a Mexican party! For the entertainment of guests, you can come up with interesting and dynamic contests, a karaoke contest of Mexican songs, dances and a starry Mexican fireworks display.
    For a children's party, this could be a traditional Mexican piñata.

An evening in Mexican style is ideal to celebrate a corporate party, a birthday with friends and even celebrate the New Year. It is no coincidence that people in Mexico call each other amigos, which means “friends”. It is a friendly and cheerful atmosphere - distinguishing feature themed evening.

mexican party

In the style of the East

The East attracts with an aura of magic. In the theme of magic oriental tale you can hold a corporate party, birthday, family celebration or an evening of meeting friends. As the main idea of ​​the party, you can use the culture and history of any eastern country. Unusually bright can be a bachelorette party in oriental style. Also it can be original party V Japanese style, Chinese, Turkish or Indian. Each of the ideas will allow you to plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of mystical and mysterious culture.

You can draw ideas from popular Indian or Turkish films, Japanese fairy tales, cartoons or just enough to dream up on the theme of the East. The main rule for creating an oriental-style party is realism, harmony, and complete immersion in the theme. You can use the following methods:

  • Traditional decoration, whether family evening, bachelorette party or corporate party in the style of India - these are lotuses, ficus, star anise.
  • For a harmonious atmosphere, you can use aromatic oils, candles or musk sticks.
  • Tantra, yoga, Ayurveda or Kamasutra are bold, but without a doubt, extraordinary scenarios to hold a youth party or birthday.
  • To recreate the magical aura, Indian clothing is needed in folk style and music for incendiary dances.

Story indian party

Indian boat party

If a corporate party or a birthday is being held, guests can be invited to become an integral part of the party: the clothes of each guest should complement the atmosphere of an oriental holiday. If it's an Indian-style party, then it's a saree; if it's a Japanese-style party, then it's a colorful kimono.

Japanese style party

Hot Africa

The safari theme is perfect for spending children's day birth. But the special flavor of the safari and original culture will not leave indifferent participants of adult events.

African party is bright colorful images
And sometimes the images look completely crazy

It could be professional holiday, birthday in african style safari or just meeting old friends. To make your safari a success, here are a few tips:

  • An integral part of the safari evening is music. The rhythms of the Black Continent are especially incendiary.

African music


The African safari-style cultural program should be dynamic, all guests are involved in a colorful and original action.

  • Treat. Not only a children's birthday, but also an African-style corporate party will not do without exotic fruits, mouth-watering meat dishes and African snacks.
  • Dress code. Since the guests are familiar with the exotic theme of the party in advance, they will be able to prepare African-style costumes.

The costume must contain an animal print or African ornament
Although, you can always be creative.

source of inspiration for unforgettable evening in the style of a safari, films, stories, fairy tales can become. Universal Idea to spend a bright, funny and exotic children's holiday, birthday, corporate party, - cartoon "Madagascar". In the same scenario, but with special color on the wild prairies, a Mexican-style party can be organized.

hippie parties

The culture of any nation is always a valuable source for original ideas holding thematic events. For a youth holiday, a hippie-style party can be the basis. Freedom, friendliness and individuality are the unchanging principles of hippie culture.

Hippie party - the choice of free people

An integral attribute, without which a hippie-style party simply cannot take place, is clothing and interior design. The perfect place holding such an event will be nature. Picturesque river bank Forest Glade on a sunny day they will help create that special aura of peace, love and joy inherent in all real hippies.

You can also organize a holiday or corporate party in an ordinary apartment, or, as true hippies call it, flat. It is enough to add some ethnics, folk instruments and hippie symbols to the design.

Correct design apartments are one of the key elements

Concerning entertainment program, here you need lightness, which will help unite all participants in the event. The birthday or corporate party of a young and ambitious company in the hippie style is devoid of a strict dress code. Clothing is freedom of choice, self-expression and comfort.

The main advantage of a hippie-style party is the ability to organize interesting and bright holiday with minimal financial outlay.

Hippie Cocktail Party

The menu is devoid of deliberate sophistication, because hippies love nature and everything connected with it. Therefore, vegetables, berries, herbs, fruits are ideal as a festive treat. For adherents of meat, you can cook a simple and fragrant barbecue.

Hippie Party

Evening in Russian style

For those who are not an adherent of the exotic, you can organize a holiday in the Russian folk style, using an original and congenial folk culture. A party in ethnic Russian style is real holiday souls, cheerful walk with traditional dishes, competitions, jokes, jokes, so it certainly will not be boring at such a holiday. Walls can be stylized as a village hut

  • Decor. Details help create the right atmosphere. Clay figurines and pots, painted wooden spoons, embroidered linen tablecloths, decorations made of "gold" or "silver" will set the necessary interior accents.
    Add painted dishes, bagels, jam, pancakes and other original Russian delicacies to the table
  • Entertainment. distant dances, folk songs, games and competitions traditional entertainment evenings in Russian folk style.
  • Party in Russian style

    As for costumes, you can wear a folk-style costume, it will be the finishing touch to an unforgettable holiday.

    Anniversary in Russian folk style

    Any themed ethnic parties are always an extraordinary holiday full of events and fun. There is only one rule of holding - harmony and complete immersion in the topic. You just can't do without preparation, whether it's a Mexican party, an anniversary in the Ukrainian style, a children's birthday safari or a corporate party in the Russian style. Customs, culture, history - all this is an inexhaustible source of original ideas for the holiday.

    New Year in Ukrainian style

    (Disco program
    for children of primary school age)

    A screen depicting the jungle is installed on the stage. The musical screen saver "Bambo in Africa" ​​sounds. The face of the leader appears in the opening of the firm.

    HOST: Hello girls!
    Hello boys!
    Do you want to play?
    But not in cat and mouse,
    There is a chance to cheat
    Arrange ta-ra-ram,
    Everyone go to Africa.
    Run away from moms and dads!

    The teacher appears on the stage.

    TEACHER Small children!
    No way
    Don't go to Africa
    Walk in Africa!
    Sharks in Africa
    Gorillas in Africa
    In Africa, large
    Angry crocodiles
    They will bite you
    Beat and offend -
    Don't go kids
    Walk in Africa.
    Africa is terrible
    Yes Yes Yes!
    Africa is dangerous
    Yes Yes Yes!
    Don't go to Africa
    Children, never.

    The presenter comes out from behind the screen.

    HOST: But daddy and mommy fell asleep in the evening,
    And Tanechka and Vanechka - run to Africa!
    Guys, do you agree to go with me on a trip to Africa? Great, then hold on to this long vine, it will lead us to Africa.

    Children take hold of the liana and, to the music of "Bambo in Africa", dance around in a circle.

    HOST: Walking along Africa
    Figs-dates are plucked, -
    Well Africa!
    That's Africa!
    Let's say together: "Af-ri-ka!"

    dance block.
    An Elephant appears from behind a screen.

    Look guys
    It's not a dream -
    On the savannah comes to us
    Real Elephant!
    Friends, do you know how to say "hello" in African? Jumbo! Let's say hello to the Elephant the African way. Jumbo! (The elephant nods his head to the children).
    Let's dance with the elephant
    I don't think he mind!

    dance block
    A monkey appears in the opening of the screen.

    ELEPHANT: Look towards us
    Jumping Monkey!
    Almost real
    Not a picture in a book!

    Monkey appears on the stage. The elephant leaves.

    MONKEY: Jumbo, boys and girls! Somehow I don't like you, some of you are sad, some of you are boring, and don't even make faces. What, you can’t even show me the “nose”, like that! Or language, like that! Or ears like an elephant, like that! Yes, you will make wonderful monkeys. Actually, I was going to have breakfast. By the way, do you like bananas? So, whoever eats a banana the fastest will receive a prize.

    The monkey holds a competition "Who will eat a banana faster."
    A doll shark Karakula appears above the screen.

    Here is the Karakula shark
    Opened the evil mouth
    You are to the Karakula shark,
    Don't you want to get
    Right in the mouth?
    Us Shark Doodle
    Nothing, nothing.
    We are the Karakul shark
    Brick, brick.
    We are the Karakul shark
    Fist, fist!
    We are the Karakul shark
    Heels, heels!
    Shark scared
    And drowned in fear.
    Guys, we won't let her drown, we'll dance together with her!

    dance block.

    No, shark, even though you are toothy,
    Even though you're dangerous
    We won't hit you
    We will be friends with you!
    But at a distance!
    Swim yourself, shark, in the sea. And someone is flying towards us.
    Look, in an airplane
    Someone is flying across the sky.
    This is a doctor, this is a doctor
    Good Doctor Aibolit!

    Dr. Aibolit comes out.

    DR. AIBOLIT: Hello guys! Be honest about what hurts you? Throat, teeth, or maybe tummies? No? Well, then do your arms and legs hurt? Why don't you dance then? Now I will write you a very simple recipe. This is a fun dance!

    dance block.

    Oh, I'm tired! Do you know that I have one patient. It crawls, hisses and wriggles, called a spectacled cobra.

    A Cobra doll appears above the screen.

    My dear, bespectacled, why are you so nervous? Come on, have a drink. (Gives the cobra a potion, she calms down). Let the Cobra dance, but only as it should be - to the tune. Guys, who wants to play along with our little snake?

    Competition "Dudochka" is held.

    And now, friends, you will dance, and we will see!

    dance block.
    A Parrot appears from behind a screen.

    PARROT: Hello guys, why are you making noise, but there is no fight.

    DR. AIBOLIT: And no one is fighting here. We have fun and dance.

    PARROT: Yeah, it's especially noticeable how fun this Cobra is. Guys, do you remember the length of the boa constrictor from my favorite cartoon? (Guys answer: “38 parrots”). And how many parrots are interesting in this Cobra?

    The parrot measures the Cobra, and then everyone.

    DR. AIBOLIT: It's a lot of fun with you, friends, but it's time for us to go to the jungle. Goodbye!

    PARROT: Bye, bye, and you, friends - hello! Let's Dance!

    dance block.

    Phew, thanks, danced! I already want to fly. You can without applause! Chao! I'm flying away!

    The parrot is flying away. The leader appears.

    HOST: Guys, did you like Africa? Now let's check which African animals do you know?

    1. Walks calmly, slowly,
    Let everyone see how good
    Comfortable and durable shirt
    In which he walks ....

    2. He himself weighs ten tons,
    And the name of the poor man ... ..

    3. There is no better swing than branches of vines,
    For these gymnasts, you bastard….

    4. There is a river in Africa called the Nile,
    Toothy floats on the Nile ...

    5. Long neck big like a closet
    A spotted one walks across the savannah ....

    And here is the giraffe!

    A Giraffe appears with a letter around his neck.

    Let's say hello to the Giraffe the African way! Jumbo!

    The giraffe nods its head.

    What is this letter? (Is reading)"Lovely, dear, most best boys and girls! Is it time for you to return home? Your moms and dads. Indeed, friends, Africa is good, but home is better. Grab the liana, we're going home!

    hot african party original version to celebrate the New Year. Just imagine - it's cold outside, and around you people in bright colorful costumes are having fun and dancing to the incendiary drum rhythms. Every minute you are filled with the hot breath of a distant mysterious continent, forgetting about all the problems and oppressive burden of civilization.

    You must have seen it on my blog. Today I will tell you how to have a real African party at home.

    African Party Decor Ideas for Adults

    Start preparing for this theme night no less than three weeks. In order for guests to get into the spirit of the holiday from the doorway, be sure to take care of the appropriate decorations.

    You can start with the simplest, for example, sofa cushions and a blanket. Let them be with a tiger, zebra or leopard pattern.

    Order or make your own African animal silhouettes. For example, cut them out of ordinary chipboard, paint them, and place them along the walls. Or let them watch you different corners rooms Stuffed Toys- tigers, lions, monkeys, giraffes, elephants. Create the effect of presence wildlife in your house!

    On the walls you can hang printed photographs from the life of African tribes, masks-totems. By the way, making an exotic papier-mâché mask is very simple and everyone can do it.

    Find jewelry, figurines, any decor items that match the theme New Year's Eve.

    If you are a lover of indoor flowers, then create compositions from living greenery. Give preference to broad-leaved plants. Monstera, dracaena or yucca will look spectacular. From flowering plants, callas, gerberas, orchids will decorate the interior.

    If space permits, organize a photo zone. Order a large panel with an African landscape, arrange attributes that match the theme of the party. Surely your guests will want to take original photos as a keepsake.

    The main decoration of the New Year holiday is the Christmas tree. But since you celebrate the New Year in African style, order a palm tree instead of a green beauty or original composition from balloons.

    For inspiration, I offer you a few more photos with African-style interior items.

    Perhaps you or someone you know is interested in the culture of Africa, then it will not be difficult to assemble decorations for a theme party. Remember, the more decor elements you find, the more realistic you will reproduce the flavor of African life.

    What to eat at an African themed party

    African cuisine includes the traditions of all countries of the continent. One thing unites them all - love for bread, legumes, cereals, meat. Also, the menu of the African people is replete with local vegetables and fruits.

    Based on this, it can be concluded that the holiday table there must be an appetizing fried meat dish (leg of lamb, turkey or chicken), exotic fruits, cocktails decorated with bright umbrellas.

    You can experiment and cook real African dishes: couscous, boboti meat casserole with dried fruits and almonds, trout baked in Moroccan style.

    For appetizers, serve: Algerian spicy eggplant and small pies stuffed with tuna interesting name"fetcook".

    Delicious desserts will delight and surprise your guests: banana cream, charek nut cookies, pastries with bananas and other exotic fruits.

    If culinary experiments scare you, limit yourself to a table setting that matches the theme of the party, as well as a beautiful and original presentation dishes.

    The simplest option for table decoration is monochrome dishes and themed attributes placed everywhere.

    What to wear to an African party

    African costumes are a huge variety of materials, all kinds of styles, colors. Outfit ideas for an African New Year's Eve party are inexhaustible. It can be a frank "palm" outfit and a cape made of "skins of wild animals."

    An excellent solution would be clothes of a modern cut with national ethnic patterns.

    The main condition of this evening is that the costume should be bright in African style. Also, do not forget about large accessories made of beads, wood, leather, feathers.


    Some decorations for a theme party are not enough. Be sure to think over the entertainment part that will not let your guests get bored. I propose to hold the following games and competitions for adult company.

    At the bottom of the ocean

    To play this game you will need plastic cups by the number of invited guests, who will need to be divided into teams. Write on the bottom of each glass the word from the New Year's phrase-congratulations.

    For example, you divided the guests into two teams of 4 people. Then you need to take 4 cups, at the bottom of each write one word: “with”, “new”, “year”, “congratulations”. Similarly, for the second team, the phrase is written: "We wish you happiness in life." Glasses are filled with drink. The task of the players to find out what is on the "bottom of the ocean" is to empty the glasses and read out the phrases.


    Cheerful dance team competition to the famous children's song from the cartoon "Katerok". Let your guests arrange a real dance battle, in which the main prize will be a bunch of bananas. The winner is the team that will dance the most incendiary and synchronous "Chunga-changa".

    Be sure to add to the program creative contests. Someone is good at dancing and singing, and someone can prove himself in something else. Pick up such entertainment so that everyone has fun.

    rock painting

    We call for participation a few guests who want to show off their artistic talent. Everyone will have to draw a symbol of the coming year on one condition - the artist's eyes will be blindfolded. We do not forget to reward the most talented with a memorable souvenir.

    For the next competition, you need to stock up on balls and darts for playing darts.

    lion hunting

    Glue images of the king of beasts onto the balls. We fix it on one of the walls or on a specially constructed stand. We call the daredevils, we offer to arrange a hunt for African lions. We give the participants three attempts. Memorable souvenir We reward the most accurate shooter.

    When the guests are sufficiently relaxed and liberated, you can arrange dance games and bolder contests.

    mating dances

    Choose yourself active man, invite him to seduce any woman he likes with the Papuan dance. As a prize - a kiss of beauty!

    We continue the game, only now the girl performs a seductive dance. Prize - the lucky one fulfills any desire of a hot African beauty.

    For an adult company, you can hold cocktail making contests. It evokes strong emotions and fun. Especially for those players who taste the received drinks.

    Shaman Potion

    By the method of drawing lots or voting, we make one of the guests the “leader of the tribe”. The rest of the participants are divided into two teams. The task is to prepare a dope potion for the elder, who, after tasting the drinks, chooses the most delicious, beautifully designed and “knocking down”. After that, you can treat everyone present with a similar potion.

    Another option for such a competition is the game "Festive Cocktail". Speak preparatory speech that Africa is a generous continent that indulges its inhabitants with an abundance of exotic fruits. It is customary to prepare a variety of cocktails here.

    Divide the guests into tribes, each of which will have to prepare a refreshing New Year's drink. Not only the taste of the cocktail is evaluated, but also the festive decoration.

    stubborn elephant

    This game is for men, but with a strong desire, girls can also play. You will need a rope or a thick rope tied so that several (according to the number of participants) ends extend from a common center.

    These ends must be fastened around the waists of the "elephants". At the command of the leader, the players begin to pull the rope, each in their own direction. The one who outweighs the rest is declared "the most stubborn elephant" and receives a bag of peanuts as a reward.

    The next game can be made a continuation of the previous one.

    call of the jungle

    Prepare leaflets with the names of African animals - cobra, giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, elephant, lion, crocodile, ostrich, monkey, flamingo and others. Put in a bag or box. Participants of the event take turns taking out papers, depicting a hidden animal.

    To make it easier for others to guess, you can play the sounds of a wild animal. We are rewarding players with new playful titles: “King of Beasts”, “Cowardly Macaque”, “Swift-footed Ostrich” and so on.

    The game described below may seem childish at first glance. But, as practice shows, adults are happy to play trackers.


    We divide guests into teams. We each give a box with “footprints and hooves”, which must be printed and cut out in advance. One minute is given during which the players identify the animals by their tracks. The team that gives the largest number correct answers. The award is the title of "Best Hunter-Ranger".

    Now on the Internet in the public domain you can find dance lessons that can be used to entertain guests.

    Dance master class

    Arrange not just a musical break, but give the party participants the opportunity to learn a real ethnic dance. You can also invite a dance coach for this purpose. It will be a lot of fun, unexpected and really memorable for a long time!

    For the accuracy contest, which will be discussed below, it is best to divide the participants into two teams: women against men.

    keen eye

    We put two metal or clay mugs on the table. We divide the participants into teams. We give the first players a bowl of peanuts. The task is to get a nut into a mug from a predetermined distance (for example, 7 steps).

    After the first throw, the baton is passed to the next team member. You can compete against time. Turn on the music that matches the theme of the party and start the game. Don't forget to reward the winning team.

    Complete competitive program you can congratulate all the guests. Then arrange an incendiary disco until the morning.

    New Year's greetings of the leader of the tribe

    Choose from among those invited who can be the "leader" and say congratulatory speech. Let him sum up the outgoing year for your company: remember the fun and significant events. After that, your friend should give parting words to all those present and congratulate you on the upcoming holiday. Then he will knock on the tam-tam 12 times and everyone will clink their glasses to the cheerful, sonorous, friendly “Happy New Year!”

    Now you know how to throw a real African New Year's party. It diversifies leisure, brings the sea positive emotions, energize next year. Happy, unforgettable holidays!

    Have you already thought about where and how you will spend the New Year 2020? New Year's scenarios for a corporate party, just for home, as a rule, involve buying a Christmas tree, compiling a menu, preparing an outfit. But that's just the so-called props. New Year's scenario.

    All these obligatory components of the holiday do not guarantee fun if you celebrate the new year with at least one other person. In this case, you need to think about what you will do for several hours until midnight and all the following night: maybe you are used to going to bed relatively early - an hour or two after the chiming clock, and your passion prefers to spend the first day of the new year without sleep and , for example, unlike you, does not tolerate television programs at all.

    It will be even more necessary to take care of the fun if you plan to host many guests - friends or acquaintances - or even organize a sweeping party. In this case, scenarios for the New Year will not be complete without competitions, dances, drawings, which will become the basis of the New Year's Eve, and the President's congratulations are just a small fragment of it.

    Pay attention to the crown chips for corporate evenings:

    • Drawing a picture ”A professional artist with an easel and paints is invited. On a large canvas, the guests of the evening, under the strict guidance of the artist, draw a joint work of art. Then this picture can be hung in the office or at the factory as an example of corporate work.
    • Caricaturist At the party, the artist draws express caricatures of the guests, which further enhances the entertainment part.
    • Percussionists Drums of the peoples of the world will interesting guests evenings! Under their hot rhythms, dancers with oriental and Latin American dances will perform.
    • Butterfly salute or live invitation….

    New Year's script "Around the World"

    New Year's holiday according to the scenario "Around the World" combines the maximum number of show numbers with an ethnic bias, which makes this scenario one of the most spectacular, beautiful and interesting.

    The premises of the corporate New Year's holiday according to the scenario "Around the World" are designed in accordance with the name of the scenario - in the style of different countries, styles and architecture. The design of the premises may contain elements of the most famous places in the world, wonders of the world and memorable countries and cities.


    In accordance with the scenario, all waiters and service personnel must be dressed in certain outfits (negotiated in advance).

    Meeting with guests

    While guests arrive at the New Year's corporate party, according to our scenario, they should be greeted by various interesting surprises: you can take a picture with a tiger or a panther that are waiting for guests at the entrance, you can submit to a caricaturist who will draw your portrait in a fighting hunting style, you can listen to the beautiful ethnic music of the Indians from Ecuador and even take a picture with them.

    New Year's menu

    This New Year's Eve guests will be presented with cuisines from different countries. In the process of traveling around the world, participants in the corporate new year will be able to try and experience taste preferences peoples of the world. The diversity here is not limited to anything: rare fruits from Indonesia, South America and Africa; meat dishes Georgia, Mexico, East; fish snacks from Scandinavia and Japan, various dishes from all over the world…

    Artists and show groups

    Scenario of the New Year “Around the World” is a real New Year's celebration. The brightest national and ethnic shows throughout the New Year's Eve will surprise and entertain guests New Year's corporate party. African drummers and dancers will scare you a little, but will set a rhythm that will be impossible to resist, guitarists from Mexico will bring a little romance, but will immediately cheer up the guests, and a Brazilian show with stunningly beautiful girls will not leave you indifferent male part team. From popular performers on new year event in such a scenario, artists from different countries can be invited, for example, Boney M or other similar artists can be invited as a headliner.

    New Year's Disco

    Ends corporate new Year party a noisy and cheerful disco, where you can break away to the sounds of different countries, to the most famous hits of the last 20-30 years. A variety of compositions in modern dance arrangements will not let you stand still and the New Year's holiday will be remembered for a long time, and good mood will be in your team for a long time to come!

    Scenario “African Party”

    (a holiday for lovers of adventure and exotic)

    This scenario of the corporate New Year will allow guests of the holiday to visit different countries to feel the color and originality of the peoples of the Earth. Brazilian feather dancers, African drummers, Mexican musicians and many other surprises await guests at the New Year's party.

    Decorating the New Year's scenario in African style

    Bright, colorful, multicolored - the scenery should convey the spirit and mood of Africa.

    The African-style New Year's scenario will be decorated with an abundance of palm trees, both real and artificial, made from balls or plastic bottles.

    Paintings depicting Africa, ethnic masks and caveman tools will add a special atmosphere to the party. Don't forget to decorate the room juicy fruits: bananas, oranges, tangerines, pineapples, etc.

    It is better to lay leopard-colored tablecloths on the tables.

    Meeting guests for the New Year's scenario in African style

    Guests are greeted by girls in traditional African costumes. Festive mood create ethnic rhythms.

    The most daring guests can take pictures with the main character of the celebration - a python (a snake can be both real and fake). If you hold on to the tail of an animal and make a wish, it will certainly come true.

    Fruits, multi-colored cocktails, skewers on skewers - a light African-style buffet should be not only tasty, but also colorful and bright.

    African New Year's Eve Program

    Under the rhythms of the drums, the presenter appears holiday program New Year's scenario in African style - a dark-skinned shaman (in last resort- a very tanned shaman).

    After a welcoming cry, the shaman divides the guests into tribes. Ahead - many adventures and acquaintance not only with new year traditions Africa, but also with rituals and rituals associated with the veneration of the main animal of the coming year - the Snake.

    Competition for the New Year's script in African style " Christmas coloring book»
    Newly minted tribes will decorate their faces with the help of face painting. The main thing is to turn on fantasy and imagination, and paint your face with bright ethnic symbols.

    Competition for the New Year's script in African style " Christmas costumes»
    For the New Year, the people of Africa prepare their own festive costumes. This is what the guests of the holiday will do: skirts made of bright ribbons, necklaces made of stones and shells, straw skirts, leopard and tiger capes, multi-colored feathers, pigtails, scarves with ethnic patterns - the outfit should be colorful. Each tribe presents its models festive costumes to the incendiary African rhythms.

    Competition for the New Year's scenario in the African style "Festive Cocktail"
    Africa is a generous continent. All year round nature gives a lot of fruits, and for the holidays, and especially for the New Year, it is customary to cook here delicious cocktails. Each tribe will have to prepare a refreshing drink: the taste of the cocktail and its unusual design are judged.

    Competition for the New Year's script in the African style "Portrait of a snake: rock art"
    Guests will be able to show their artistic talent by capturing a snake. But which one is decided by the tribal council. In any case, this drawing will bring good luck in the New Year of the Snake.

    Competition for the New Year's scenario in the African style "New Year's Palm Tree"
    In Africa, the main new year's beauty- palm. It is customary to dress her up, which is what the guests of the holiday will do. And the most originally designed palm tree will be awarded the main prize - a dance around it.

    Santa Claus is also Santa Claus in Africa. But on the hot continent he is dark-skinned, as well as his faithful assistant Snegurochka. For guests, they will hold interactive ethnic New Year's dances around a palm tree, will arrange a competition for collecting and eating bananas, as well as a safari on wild lions(pictures depicting a lion are attached to the balls, on command, the participants throw darts, the one who “kills” more predators wins).The program of the New Year's scenario in African style can be supplemented by performances of black drummers, circus performances with animals, a bartender show, a master class in making African dolls or masks.
    Author of the idea: Anastasia Zadorozhnaya