Mexican party. Hot mexican party

Ah, flamenco! Mesmerizing, excites the blood, makes the heart beat faster! These girls, these burning black hair, decorated with fresh flowers, these passionate eyes, this revealing neckline. You can watch forever without taking your eyes off!

Although, why are our Russian girls worse? They are still that fire! Passion, charisma, strength! All that remains is to choose the appropriate costume, and you can go on stage! Your exit, senora! Mexican flamenco!

Classic Mexican Women's National Costume This dress has a layered skirt and a low waist. The colors can be completely different (green, blue, white, yellow), but most often there are ensembles created based on a combination of red and black (opposite passionate colors).

The peculiarity of the Mexican women's outfit is open shoulders and the length of multi-layered sleeves is ¾.

However, the difference between a Mexican national (and even dance) costume and an outfit for a party in an ethnic “hot” style is precisely that the first dictates a fashionable, strict style, and the second is not obliged to obey the dictate. The carnival costume in the style of “Mexican Fiesta” is an absolute fantasy with a free theme, in which some national colorful elements are mentioned. A few original examples:

Who said the Mexican desert is only for men? Who said that women and weapons are incompatible concepts? Cowboy boots can also have heels! The pistol holster fits perfectly on a thin waist! And a sombrero best hides the warlike look of a real Mexican Amazon!

Distant Mexicans, Spaniards and gypsies familiar to the Russian eye are people of the same hot blood. That's why female names they have similar character, habits, and even - National clothes. So why not wear a fiery Spanish dress or a gypsy outfit to a Mexican-style party?

Your personal holiday is designed to rock! Light candles and passionate lights in the eyes of the men around you! And what could be a better “combustible mixture” than a Russian girl dressed in a revealing costume with an edgy Mexican motif?

What if you received an invitation to the party at the last minute? Or - for a long time you couldn’t decide whether you would go to the “Mexican Fiesta” or not? Question carnival costume It’s too urgent for a holiday if you started “assembling” it at the last moment. But there is still a way out! Open the wardrobe and do three simple steps to Mexico:

1: looking for last year's Beach dress(blue stripes, large red flowers, black polka dots on a red background - you can’t think of a better print for a Mexican carnival outfit);

2: we select a neckerchief, a fan and a flower hair clip to match the dress;

3: We buy sombreros and maracas.

That's it, the Mexican force majeure outfit is ready!

What about men? What should they show off at a Mexican party? First of all, of course, with his erudition and fiery passionate gaze! Then - a long black mustache! And last but not least - a bright poncho casually thrown over the shoulder!

It’s not in vain that we remembered the mustache! A mustache is the pride and property of a true Mexican macho. So, dear men, try to give your facial hair the shape of a mustache for the holiday... Well, if it doesn’t work out fatally with your own mustache, take care of an artificial alternative equivalent!

Even girls will like this version of the mustache! However, we digress from the men's Mexican costume. If the poncho option seems too simple to you, and you want to wear something more fun and complex, try this: a carnival costume with a horse and rider. Really great gringos and tacos?

However, both girls and boys may experience problems during preparation for upcoming holiday force majeure circumstances. Dont be upset! Mexican men's suit can be made in half an hour! What is needed for this? Old T-shirt stripes and scissors!

We add a sombrero, a holster and a bandoleer to the elegant fringe and we get a real, sultry Mexican man who can turn any girl’s head!

Now you see that creating the image of a Mexican yourself is not at all difficult!

Menu for a Mexican Fiesta party

We've sorted out the outfits for the holiday. What will we treat our guests to at the holiday? Probably everyone knows that Mexican cuisine is famous for its heat, spices and abundance of dishes. Mexicans don't eat often, but they eat a lot. And even in a restaurant, when you order this or that dish, you can get such a large portion that it’s enough for at least two.

Culture-specific foods that are a must-have on your Mexican table include tortillas (corn tortillas), beans and hot chili peppers.

The snacks are brilliant, just like everything simple. The most popular are nachos, quesadillas, tacos, tostados, chimichangas. Any of the listed dishes is prepared on the basis of an unleavened corn tortilla, only the ingredients inside the “package” change. For the filling you should stock up on: corn, beans, peppers, hard cheese, minced meat, tomatoes (picadillo is most often used). Hot dishes are prepared from several types of meat. The most famous, even here in Russia, are Mexican dishes: fried beef ribbons with a side dish of beans, chili con carne, empanadas, enchiladas, burritos. Well, the most famous Mexican dessert is Rosca de Reyes (“sweet king bread”). Inside such a “donut” - dried fruits. By the way, this dessert is also a ritual Christmas dish. Inside the bread, in addition to dried fruits, they place a miniature doll of the infant Christ.

How to spend a birthday in an original way to please both the birthday boy and the guests? If you are asking yourself this question now, then this article will 100% be interesting to you. Although, I think the article will be interesting to you in any case. So sit back and read - Mexican party script :).

A little background. My husband categorically refuses to celebrate his birthdays. Therefore, I had to use a trick and lure him with a cheerful cultural program, which would not involve pronunciation solemn speeches and other officialdom. 😉 The guests were invited from among “their own” - relatives and godfathers. Since the holiday was supposed to be celebrated at the beginning of September, they decided to hold it on fresh air— in the gazebo of one of the camp sites, which we had pre-booked for this occasion.

Two weeks before the birthday celebration, the birthday boy (Kostya, aka Don Costillo) presented the guests with “Mexican” gifts, and I began to get active.

The closer the date of the celebration approached, the more clearly Gismeteo made it clear to us that we should not expect good weather on this day... Damn, what to do - cold + rain and wind?! 🙁 Well, we decided not to despair and celebrate the holiday in our apartment (the reservation was not canceled after all, and looking ahead, I will say that we did not regret it).

Meeting with guests

Don Costillo (in a sombrero, with a mustache and a birthday badge) meets everyone at the entrance, accepts congratulations and informs them that in order to get to the ranch they need to cross the Mexican border. The birthday boy dresses everyone in a mini sombrero and gives simple instructions, without which it will be very difficult to cross the Mexican border:

1. Greet other Mexicans "Ola" or "Buenos Dias/Tordes/Noches" and call them "Amigo"
2. Smile widely, laugh and joke. In short, it's fun to have fun :)

Don Costillo also gives everyone fake passports with Mexican names that are similar to the real ones (for example, Sergei Alexandrov - Sergio Sanchez), and with photos of guests in Mexican attire. I prepared the passports in advance using Photoshop programs. They perfectly raised the spirits of everyone present at the beginning of the holiday :). The passports were left as souvenirs for the guests.

At the border, guests are greeted by a border guard (I am Olita Negros) and a customs officer (our daughter Dasha is Dashita Negros) - we have nameplates on the table.

Border guard: “Buenos Dias, senors and senoritas! We have prepared the documents."

P checks passports and begins to find fault, asking questions of individual guests:

“Komo te yamas?.. Fershtein? I ask, what is your name?
“Why did you shave your mustache, Pedro?”
“How old are you, senorita?” … “Yes?.. And you look 21 and a half”
“Purpose of visiting Mexico?”
“Who are you going to?”... “Oh, Don Costillo is a very respected lord.”

The customs officer asks, “Are you bringing weapons, drugs,... lard with you?”

If the guests say that they don’t have this, we skip it, otherwise we say: “Great, we’ll need this in Mexico” and also skip it.

However, in order to finally verify the authenticity of the Mexicans, adult guests are invited to drink a shot glass or a glass of cocktail. Non-drinking seniors and senoritas can also be offered a choice of a lime wedge or a pod of red pepper:). After the last test, the border guard and customs officer recognize “their own” and cordially invite them to Mexico: “Bienvenido a México!” (Bienvinido e Mexico City!).

The background music is turned on (music performed by mariachi - Mexican instrumental ensembles), and guests are invited to festive table to enjoy Mexican treats. My husband took the first word, thanked for the congratulations and said that today he invites everyone to rest, relax and spend the holiday without solemn speeches. Therefore, all subsequent toasts were general exclamations like:

"Viva, Don Costillo!!!"
"Feliz cumpleanos!" (Felis cumpleaños!), which means “Happy Birthday!”,
“For Don Costillo!”, “For Mexico and its noble inhabitants,” etc.

In between toasts, I invited guests to participate in competitions, some of which I borrowed from the Internet. The winners and most active participants received small prizes: a lime, a lemon, an ear of corn, a pack of Nachos, a pack of corn sticks, chili peppers and chocolate (a favorite delicacy of Mexicans).

Comic Mexican quiz

1. Popular Mexican headdress

  • Kokoshnik
  • Skullcap
  • Sombrero

2. Capital of Mexico

  • Mexico
  • Mexico City
  • Mash

3. Mexicans' favorite sauce

  • Krasnodar
  • Tobasco
  • Satsibeli

4. What bird is depicted on the Mexican flag?

  • Eagle
  • Turkey
  • Penguin

5. Mexican greeting

  • Ola

6. Outerwear Mexicans

  • Ranch
  • Sancho
  • Poncho

7. Mexican liquor

  • Tequila

And there are many ahead of you interesting scenarios. to receive announcements of new articles so as not to miss anything.

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Cacti as tall as a person, ancient pyramids, sombreros that provide shelter from the scorching sun, hot chili peppers that are even added to candies - all this is about Mexico. While one of my sisters, Sonia, is sharing photos from her trip to Mexico on her Instagram, my other sister, Sasha, decided to go with a Mexican theme for my nephew's birthday party.

It was truly the party of the century. At least all the family and friends prepared for this event almost like a celebration at Gatsby’s. True, instead of exquisite lace and feathers there was a lot of bright tissue paper.

If you are looking for ideas for a themed birthday - no matter for children or adults - feel free to choose a bright Mexican-style party. You can't go wrong. Here are the main components of our holiday.


For those who don't know, a piñata is a fairly large shape made of papier-mâché with candy hidden inside. To get them, you need to break the piñata with a stick. Although you can now buy a piñata in gift shops, we made it ourselves. The traditional piñata looks like a seven-pointed star, the sharp points of which are associated with the seven deadly sins, so when a person breaks the piñata, he defeats the devil.

To begin with, we covered a 45 cm balloon with newspaper. It is recommended to paste 6-8 layers of newspaper so that the piñata can ultimately withstand the filling. Seven cones were rolled out of ordinary A3 landscape paper. Attached the cones to the ball and covered the entire structure corrugated paper. They broke the piñata with an ordinary mop stick, but first they wrapped it in the same paper, cutting strips of it with fringe. By the way, we had enough paper for a piñata, a photo frame, and garlands.

Photo zone

All guests could take pictures with the birthday boy and with each other. There was a professional photographer at the party, so everyone got high-quality photos. And so that taking pictures would not be boring, a special photo zone was organized.

The photo area consisted of a large photo frame and accessories: sombrero, maracas, guitar, mustache and eyebrows on sticks. We made the frame from durable cardboard and decorated it with corrugated paper. Accessories were cut from beer cardboard and painted with gouache. It is better to seal the paint with varnish to preserve it. You can use the cheapest hairspray. There is an easier option - buy this design on Etsy and print it.


For food, we decided to choose light snack options and settled on nachos with guacamole and tortillas with different fillings. We bought ready-made tortillas and placed them in the center, with various fillings around them: finely chopped cucumbers and tomatoes; onions, dill and parsley; grated cheeses; fried minced meat and various sauces. Each filling is in a separate dish. Guests make their own roll – it’s fun and very tasty.

To support the party decoration on the table, we set the table with suitable disposable plates, napkins and cutlery. We bought all this at “Veselyaya zateya”.

Album for wishes

A great way to keep guests busy is to invite them to write wishes for the birthday boy and design a page with their photo. As a result, you will receive a book as a keepsake. Cardboard pages covered with scrap paper, backings for wishes, cut-out decorations, glue, tape and a pen - that’s all we needed. Guests came to the party, they were photographed and the photo was immediately printed. Once the photo was ready, it was possible to arrange the page with the wish into an album. Who would have thought, but some guests were so captivated by this idea that they could not be pulled away!

The preparations took a long time and with the participation of a huge number of people, without whom the holiday would not have been so amazing and unforgettable. But involving guests not only at the party, but also in the preparation process is probably a topic for a separate post. In the meantime, just like on a television show, I would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to everyone who took part in this.

Share in the comments how you feel about themed parties? And if you were at a party like this, what was the theme?

Do you want to brighten up your gray everyday life with bright colors, lively music and fun games? Invite your friends over and have a Mexican party at home. It can be timed to any date. Temperamental seniors with guitars, exotic decorations, flamenco and tequila will make the holiday unforgettable.

Mexican party: paraphernalia

Let's start preparing by creating the necessary atmosphere. It’s great if you have maracas, a guitar, a drum, wicker furniture and dishes, and colored striped runners. Place bright pillows around the room, hang air balloons and ribbons of red, white and green. It is in them that the Mexican flag is painted. Place cacti everywhere, real or inflatable. IN as a last resort draw them on paper. You can decorate the room with compositions of chili peppers, corn cobs, and fruits.

Many Mexican party accessories are made from regular cardboard. Draw bright flowers and Aztec patterns on it. On the walls you can hang photographs of the streets of Mexico City, scenes from the TV series “Simply Maria”, “ Wild Rose", images of attacking bulls. Decorate the windows with shimmering garlands. To make a sombrero, paint in bright colors mayonnaise buckets, make the brim of the hat out of cardboard and glue it to a homemade crown.

Table setting

A traditional white tablecloth will not work for a Mexican party. The attributes should be bright. It’s great if you find a striped tablecloth, colored dishes and cutlery. They may be disposable. Lay out colorful napkins, fastening them with rings of colored cardboard. Light the candles.

Use your printer to print out little Mexican flags. Place them on skewers and decorate everything so that guests are warned in advance about the dangers that warn them. As decoration you can use chili peppers or a cactus in a paper sombrero.

Mexican party: menu

Even a novice housewife can handle the preparation. The simplest option: fried meat seasoned with pepper and beans on the side. Corn flour tortillas are also a must. Buy Nacho chips at the store and serve them with Guacamole and Salsa sauces. For dessert, you can offer guests fruits, fruit salad, and ice cream.

Below are recipes for traditional Mexican dishes:

  • Fajitas. To prepare the marinade, combine 50 g. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. l. ketchup or tomato paste, 2 cloves of crushed garlic, 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, a little salt, a teaspoon of sugar. Add spices based on your own taste: pepper, paprika, ginger, coriander, nutmeg. The marinade should be sweet and sour. Cut the chicken fillet into pieces and fry for 5 minutes. Pour in the marinade, simmer along with onions, bell peppers and canned corn.
  • Burrito. Fry the minced meat with onions, garlic, herbs, add spices at your discretion. When everything is ready, add canned beans and simmer for a couple of minutes. Grease tartilla flatbreads with sour cream and wrap the filling in them.
  • Quesadilla with cheese and vegetables. Place the tartilla in a heated frying pan and brush one half of the tortilla with chili sauce. Top with small pieces of mozzarella and cheddar cheese, chopped tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and spinach. Fold the tarrila in half and turn over after 3 minutes. When the cheese melts, the treat is ready.


At a Mexican party, it is customary to drink tequila to guests. A traditional drink is also the Margarita cocktail. To prepare it, mix 100 ml of tequila with the same amount of lime juice, pour in 50 g. orange liqueur (for example, Cointreau). If you cook in a shaker, use ice.

To the champions healthy image life will love the sangria from grape juice. Place pieces of fruit and berries in a jug: orange, banana, lemon, strawberry, lime, peach, apple. You can add vanillin and a cinnamon stick. Pour the juice over all this and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Buy lemonade for the kids. If the holiday falls during the cold season, you can prepare hot cocoa.


Encourage your guests to dress up for a Mexican party. Costumes are easy to make from scrap materials. For men, jeans and an old striped T-shirt with the bottom cut into a fringe are enough. Another option is a cowboy outfit. It requires a shirt, vest, neckerchief and a holster with a toy gun. At the entrance to the house, sultry machos can be given homemade sambreros and fake mustaches on double-sided tape.

Best Outfit for ladies - dress with layered skirts in black and red colors. Perfect for these purposes, but in principle you can get by with any bright dress, any short skirt and white blouse. For decorations, choose artificial flowers that are inserted into your hair or used as a brooch. They can be given to beauties at the entrance. Will be appropriate neckerchiefs, bright jewelry, rhinestones, floral and folk ornaments.

We welcome guests

The doors are opened by the hospitable Don Pedro and his wife Anita-Rosita. To sit at the festive table, everyone who enters must undergo initiation. The Mexican party scenario involves transforming everyone present into senors and senoritas; for this you need to dress up in a sombrero and drink a glass of tequila. In case of refusal of alcohol, the guest is given a choice of a pod of pepper or a slice of lemon, which must be eaten with a joyful smile on his face.

Invite the children to pronounce the Spanish tongue twister: Mi mama´ me mima mucho (My mother spoils me a lot). When the test is passed, the newly minted Mexican receives a badge with his new name: Pedro, Juan, Diego, Marianna, Isabel, etc. Now this is the only way to address each other. The person who is at fault must eat a slice of lime or lemon.

Quiz "Is it true?"

A Mexican-style party can start with some intellectual fun. Invite guests to guess which of the statements are true:

  • In Mexico, all houses and streets are named by numbers: street one, house one, street three, house six, etc. (Is it true).
  • Here is the largest sand desert on the planet. (No, Africa has the Sahara Desert).
  • It was in Mexico that the world's first chocolate was made. (Is it true).
  • Locals love to ride tricycles, which have two wheels located in front rather than at the back. (Yes).
  • In one of the Mexico City circuses, two crocodiles were taught to dance to Latin American music. (No).
  • Mexico had a president who ruled the country for only 15 minutes. (Yes).
  • It was here that it was first bred blue Rose. (No, such plants do not exist.)
  • In Mexico, even candies are sprinkled with pepper. (Yes).
  • This country is home to the smallest volcano, whose height is only 13 meters. (Yes).
  • Some Mexicans love fried grasshoppers. (Yes).
  • The main god of the Aztecs and Mayans was half human and half iguana. (No, a jaguar).
  • If a bullfighter gets scared during a bullfight and tries to escape from the arena, he may be arrested. (Yes).

Word games

The following entertainments can be enjoyed at the table:

  1. "Favorite word". In a sombrero, fold pieces of paper with the words: “cactus”, “Don Carlos”, “beans”, “salsa”, “pepper”, “sand”, “poncho”, “ranch”. The player pulls out a piece of paper with eyes closed. The others ask him any questions. He must answer, making sure to use the word he pulled out. For example: "How old are you?" - “I danced salsa for so long that I forgot about age.”
  2. "Crocodile". The participant pulls out a piece of paper with a word written on it (cactus, iguana, pyramid, monkey, cowboy, sun, Indian, eagle, jaguar, sombrero, maracas, etc.) Without making a sound, you need to depict this with gestures. In response to questions, you are allowed to wave your head. The rest guess the word.

Fun competitions

To mexican party successful, offer guests fun entertainment from the following list:

  1. "Tricky cactus" Participants are given a cucumber and a lot of toothpicks to stick into the vegetable. The presenter times the time. After it expires, players are asked to remove the toothpicks using their teeth, and the stopwatch starts. Who is faster?
  2. "Hit the target." Throwing chili peppers in a sombrero. The hats move further each time; whoever misses is eliminated from the game.
  3. "Picking beans." At the start, a cup of beans, beans or peas is placed. At the finish line there is an empty vessel. Players are given a straw straw. You need to suck the pea through it and carry it to the finish line. Who will collect the most beans in certain time?
  4. "Bullfight". Two people take part in the competition. The "bull" is given horns. The bullfighter is given any word on his back and given a red cloth. The bull's task is to read the inscription on the opponent's back. He must dodge. You cannot touch each other with your hands or feet.
  5. "Cool macho." Men are invited to play. They should smile and say the phrase: "I'm a cool macho man." After each time, put a slice of lime in your mouth. Whose smile is closest to natural after the 7th piece of fruit wins.

Incendiary disco

Dancing is a must at a Mexican party. you can use national music performed by mariachi, modern compositions in Latin style, reggaeton. It’s better to start a disco with well-known melodies that will make everyone start dancing. These are the favorite “Macarena”, “Besame Mucho”, “La Cucaracha”, “Pina Colada” by J. Buffett, “La Bamba” by R. Valens.

You can diversify your dancing using the following games:

  • "Newspaper". To fast music, guests dance on a piece of newspaper, trying to tear it into many pieces. Whoever has more of them wins.
  • "In the bag". To the music, guests pass sombreros to each other. Suddenly she stops talking. The one with the hat on his head is out of the game. The last player remaining wins.
  • "Lime Dance" Couples dance holding a lime or lemon between their foreheads. If the fruit falls, the participants are eliminated. The winners are determined by the audience.
  • "Three legs." Couples participate in the competition. Their opposite legs are tied. In this position you need to dance flamenco smoothly. Those who did it better won.

Colorful finale

It's time to wrap up the Mexican party. Photos with a fake mustache, a sombrero and a poncho will help you remember wonderful moments. The final chord can be a fun one - a piñata.

For it you need to make papier-mâché figures in advance. Balloon paste over newsprint in several layers, then burst and carefully remove from the workpiece. We put sweets, lollipops, marmalade, and confetti inside. The top of the piñata is covered with corrugated paper, foil, flowers or feathers.

Guests are invited to take a stick (bat) and, accompanied by cheerful music, break the toy, pouring out its contents. Two adults can hold the piñata suspended by the rope. Sometimes hollow balls are prepared according to the number of children present, so that no one is offended.

Mexicans also love fireworks, but they should be launched on the street. The most popular is fireworks in the form of a shooting star, which you can use to make your amigos happy.

A Mexican party will give you a boost of energy and good mood for the coming days. It is appropriate at any time of the year, competitions are easily adapted to the company of different ages. And most importantly, you can be transported for a few hours into the world of temperamental, cheerful Mexicans and forget about all your problems.

An incredibly colorful and noisy Mexican party is the highest degree of active fun! After so much bright holiday I definitely want to add some color to the daily life. This is the ninth wave good emotions, an inexhaustible charge of vivacity and energy! Do you want to give your friends a holiday with capital letters? We will help!


To organize a Mexican fiesta, you need to constantly keep two words in your head - “a lot” and “bright”. And better yet – a lot and very bright, it’s impossible to overdo it! And this applies to absolutely everything – treats, music, drinks and, of course, decorations.

Once inside the typical house of a poor Mexican, a European tourist looks amazed, dumbfounded or even shocked. From the first minute it’s hard to believe that they live here ordinary people. And they don’t go crazy with the riot of colors!

  • hang and arrange straw, palm, woven carpets and rugs with bright colorful stripes around the hall (room). The color combinations are the craziest! Mexicans' favorite colors are pink, orange, yellow, lavender and blue, green and brown;
  • Scatter stuffed pillows, striped or decorated with floral patterns. National geometric patterns in squares, waves and triangles are just perfect! Cover the seats of the chairs with pillows or miniature rugs;
  • all paraphernalia decorates the walls from the middle to the ceiling, in chaotic dancing rows. Small things and trinkets as much as possible. These include paintings, plates, figurines, and everything that can be found or made in accordance with the theme of the party.

Stock up on gouache and paper of different densities. There will be a lot of drawing, gluing and cutting. But this is the beauty of the Mexican fiesta: it takes a long time, but it’s very inexpensive and fun! The best assistant the organizer will be a color printer. Of course, everything can be bought or rented if your budget allows:

  • hot peppers, tomatoes, corn cobs, basil and coriander leaves;
  • comical huge sombreros, colorful ponchos and other Mexican clothing;
  • maracas, violins, drums, guitarrons and guitars, trumpets;
  • deities, patterns and ornaments associated with the Aztecs;
  • cacti, agaves and other succulents. A large three-toed cactus can be dressed up in a poncho and sombrero, miniature cacti with bright flowers use for table decoration.

Cacti are easy to make from polystyrene foam, cardboard, balloons. To decorate the ceiling - garlands of pods hot pepper, tequila labels or from colorful triangular scarves tied at the ends. Throw ponchos over the backs of chairs, and fill a few new (unworn) sombreros with flowers or fruit. Collect all the simple pottery from friends, from small cups to huge tubs. At the same time, grab wicker furniture, dishes and interior items made from straw, willow, rattan, palm fiber, etc.

Hang photos of Mexican ensembles and dancers on the walls - very colorful, recognizable images! The frames are, of course, wooden and colored. Relevant footage from the Mexican TV series “Wild Rose”, “Simply Maria”, etc., beautiful views cities and attractions.


  • golden triangle nachos, text inside;
  • cactus in a sombrero, text in “hands” or inside a flat card;
  • cardboard bagel topped with a cone (sombrero), test in the margins;
  • a red pepper with a thin long mustache, a neat beard and, of course, a sombrero;
  • a rectangle of a “voucher” or “ticket”, decorated with thematic attributes.

Change the names of your friends into the Mexican style, use the Spanish words “amigo, hacienda, fiesta, senorita, muchacho” - the text will be fun and pre-set the theme of the party.


You've probably already guessed what guys should wear to transform into sultry Mexican machos. Of course, a sombrero and poncho are quite enough to get into character. Just let the handsome men not forget about shirts and trousers, loose and light: you will probably want to take off the poncho, it’s unusual to walk in it, and it’s simply too hot.

Girls can come in light striped sundresses and the same sombreros. Or transform into a simple Mexican senorita, the heroine of love series: a shirt or tunic with flounced sleeves, a long, loose floor-length skirt, ruffles and frills at the bottom. National motifs will also come in handy - a dress with full skirt, embroidered at the collar, the bottom consists of many ruffled stripes different shades. Peas, plant motifs, hints of the Mayans and Aztecs are appropriate.

National holiday clothes:

For the most cheerful guests and animators can make their own costumes or rent them. Mexico – most popular topic for the holidays, finding a pattern will not be difficult. Although everything is so simple that you can do without a pattern:


Mexican cuisine is a lot of stewed or grilled meat, tomatoes, garlic, beans, herbs and of course, hot pepper! Prepare traditional dishes very simple, although novice cooks may be intimidated by the abundance of ingredients. But there is plenty to choose from, for example, light and very tasty fajitas: white poultry, tomatoes and sweet peppers, canned beans, coriander.

Mexicans add a lot of hot pepper, finely chopped pods or powder to almost all dishes. Be careful, not all friends are ready for such experiments! Prepare some savory dishes to stay true to tradition, but be sure to mark them with miniature flags, for example (the flag of Mexico, but instead of an eagle there is a pepper).

You can do it simpler: burritos, nachos, tacos. There are endless recipes! And you don’t have to stand at the stove - delivery is at your service! No Mexican-themed party is complete without a selection of vegetables and meats wrapped in wheat or corn tortillas, a few sauces and tortilla chips. For dessert there are a lot of different fruits and ice cream (traditional corn ice cream will certainly surprise the guests!), and drinks are always Tequila and Margarita.


Start the scenario by immersing your friends in the holiday atmosphere. Place a small table at the entrance with a barricade of glasses full of tequila and topped with a slice of lime. The guest who enters must drink a “cactus” drink and choose one of the sticky peppers (or cardboard on a pin). Write Mexican names on cardboard, male and female, according to the number of guests. The initiation ritual is completed, you can try the treats!

While your guests are enjoying the gastronomic delights, play a few question-and-answer games. Any topics related to Mexico. Of course, the questions should be simple, because you are here for fun, not for educational purposes. You can offer guests answer options that are humorous or deliberately confusing for guests. You can remake Russian proverbs, and let your friends call the original (for a caballero and a sombrero - for Senka, a hat is for a bad tequilero and a poncho - for a bad dancer...).

1. Sombrero, pepper pods (or props).

The guests line up in one line, the host places a sombrero in front of them (one hat or each his own - it doesn’t matter). The distance from guests to hats is about a meter. The task is to throw the pepper so that it lands in the sombrero. Did they throw everything? The presenter moves the hats another meter, and so on until the most accurate participant is identified.

Any competitions for accuracy can be easily remade to stay within the theme. For example, throwing rings at the “paws” of a large cactus, shooting coyotes with pneumatic guns, throwing darts at “banditos.”

2. Beans, cocktail straws, plastic plates.

The beans are on one plate, the other is empty. You need to draw air through the tube so that the beans stick to the tube, and transfer the bean to an empty plate. This is a speed competition - who can “drag” the most beans in a minute? You can play everyone for themselves or in teams, putting the beans into a common plate (1 plate - 1 team).

3. Mexican toast sheet, pin or Velcro.

Bullfighting is almost more popular in Mexico than in Spain. How to get around such a striking association? Let one guest play the role of a bull (horns made of cardboard), and the other - the role of a matador, who needs to attach a piece of paper to his back. short toast. The bull's goal is quite peaceful - to read a toast. The goal of the matador is to spin as he pleases, without letting the bull get behind him. You cannot grab with your hands or press against walls.

Incendiary folk music will add atmosphere and make any game more fun! And your friends will probably want to dance in the pauses between devouring goodies and the next competition. There are not many famous Mexican performers, but Latin American tunes are also quite suitable - the Internet is at your service.

4. Cucumbers, toothpicks, tweezers, cutting boards and not too sharp knives.

Guests are divided into teams of three people; there can be as many teams as you like. The first participant stands at the start, the second a meter (or a little further) from him, the third a meter from the second, at the finish.

You need to make cacti out of cucumbers, sticking 10-15 toothpicks into each. Cucumbers are distributed to the first participants, sombreros to the second, boards and knives to the third. Let's make tequila at speed! The first participant takes out all the “thorns” from the cucumber cactus with tweezers. Then he throws the plucked “cactus” to the second participant, who must catch his sombrero. Got it? Let's run to the last one in the chain! The third participant must chop the “cactus” with a knife, preparing it for squeezing the juice.

Keep your “Most Smartest” medal handy. Surely one of the guests will chide the host for his mistake: “But tequila is not made from cacti at all, but from agave, which doesn’t even look like a cactus.” Bingo, we reward the expert!

When everyone has completed the task, you can give your friends gifts - bottles of tequila with a memorable label, miniature sombreros and neckerchiefs.

5. Let the ending of the scenario rain down on the guests with colorful and bright rain!

Did you guess it? That's right - prepare several piñatas or one large one in advance, filling paper toy small candies, streamers and colorful confetti. Hand out cactus sticks to the guests and all together, to the accompaniment of loud music and general laughter, smash the keeper of sweet treasures!