Original birthday present. How to give a mobile phone

Good afternoon, Dear friends! Let's talk about how to give a gift in an original way?

Soon we have Valentine's Day, which means you need to mentally select options for congratulations for this cherished date. Do you know how to give a gift to those you love and appreciate in an original way?

I think that every person likes not only to receive gifts, but also to present them to their relatives, friends and colleagues. But it is one thing to hand them over with a few boring symbolic words. And quite another - to present a gift original way. So that this tribute will leave joyful memories in the memory of the recipient for a long time.

There are many ways to present a present in an original way. Let's look at a few options, shall we?

Method number 1. Delivery by courier

You can present a present to the addressee by handing it over by courier. But not with the one dressed like a postman and handing it to the addressee in a monotonous voice. It is necessary to dress the courier in the costume of a character from a movie or cartoon that the future recipient of the gift likes.

If the present is intended for a woman, it is better to complement the gift with an armful of her favorite flowers and / or multi-colored balloons.

Method number 2. Delivery in the form of a quest

It is necessary to think over and draw on a piece of paper a plan for finding the gift you have hidden. The drawing can be a diagram or a drawing with hint images.

And the more complicated this plan is, the more interesting it will be for the recipient of the gift to look for it, and for you to observe this process (by the way, my beloved friend arranged such a quest for her husband on their wedding anniversary. Oh, and he wandered around the city that day! But ... an amazing reward was waiting for him, so he definitely did not remain offended 🙂).

It is possible to complicate the process described above. So, you should divide the plan into several parts and ensure that the recipient of the gift first searches for parts of the plan, and then the present itself.

This way of presenting a present will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. After all, even the process itself captures and adds excitement and mystery! And this is so valuable! We all miss a healthy dose of adrenaline in our lives.

Method number 3. Romantic way of giving

If you are giving a gift in the summer, and you have enough spirit of romanticism and adventurism, you can raise your gift directly to the recipient's window with balloons with helium.

This is done as follows:

  • Take a long thin rope (you should calculate the footage depending on the desired floor)
  • Tie a beautifully wrapped gift to the rope (it should be light enough)
  • Attach a bunch of helium balloons to the gift (the more, the more spectacular, and the easier your gift will rise to the desired floor 🙂).

In addition, you can give a gift in this way even when the heroine of the holiday is at her workplace. In this case pleasant emotions will increase several times due to the fact that all colleagues will see and appreciate the originality of the way you present a gift.

In general, if you have a desire to do special gift— experiment! As soon as you think about how to give a gift in an original way, your imagination will immediately give you many interesting ways! And then, believe me, the hero (or heroine) of the holiday will remember this day for a long time!

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Giving a gift is a very important and responsible business. Men and women, boys and girls, adults and children should all know that a gift without the right presentation will be the most simple gift. A gift should be pleasant, bright, unforgettable, joyful, original, delightful. So, the characteristic of a gift depends on its method of presentation. If you want a shocking gift, then shock with a congratulation! Want to do an unforgettable gift? Give it so that no one will forget it!)))

Here is one small example:

magic mirror

You know that you need to congratulate your girlfriend on some day or holiday. Looking for a gift&hellip,&hellip,.keep looking for a gift&hellip,&hellip,&hellip,.don't stop looking for a gift anyway! Without inventing anything, you bought her a mirror. This is quite a beautiful mirror in an exquisite frame. Packed festively, as expected in a colorful box with a ribbon. At first glance, the gift seems very strange and ridiculous. But if you give this gift with the words: I wanted to give you something very beautiful. I searched for a long time and realized that only this embodies your unearthly beauty! After such words, the gift will gain incredible value. Well, if you want to write a poem about the appearance of your beloved on the back of the mirror, she will be very pleased. Eat unusual option: make yourself an unusual mirror.

Find a gift!

This way of presenting a gift requires the skill of surprise. You must come with a gift to the hero of the occasion home. You need to come secretly, and most importantly, before the person to be congratulated wakes up. Put a gift in the most remote room. You sneak up on the sleeping lucky person (the person you want to congratulate) and tie a ribbon to your arm or leg. Not tight! You can't wake him up under any circumstances! The tape should be long, I would say very long. Having tied one end of the tape to the sweet sleeper, pull the tape around all the rooms, confusing it a little. At some intervals, leave incentive prizes: sweets, a postcard, a cup of tea or coffee&hellip,. And in the end, tie the other end of the ribbon to your main gift. Another little moment: waking up, the birthday man (the person you congratulate) should not see you. Operation HOLIDAY must be done in secret! Only people living with the hero of the occasion can be notified of the purpose of the operation.

Gift within a gift

This is where the matryoshka principle comes into play. It will look normal gift box in which, according to the idea, there should be a gift. That's just not so simple! Opening the box, the congratulatory person will find another box, a little smaller + a chocolate bar or a postcard. Opening the next box, the lucky person will again be surprised by a smaller box. Having opened several boxes, he will certainly get to the main gift. As you understand, this way of presenting a gift is suitable for small gifts. Even if the gift is not opened in front of you, do not be upset! You will still please a person and surprise him very much!


Gift through an intermediary. Do you know which route your girlfriend or your boyfriend takes? Perhaps you want to surprise a girlfriend or friend, this method is also suitable. Find a person who always meets along the way. Perhaps it will be some kind of merchant. Agree with him and pass a gift through him (sweets, a disk, an umbrella, flowers, whatever you wish). The gift must be with a postcard. You really try to write something beautiful, what would a person become good mood and this charge lasted all day. From surprise, the surprise will become doubly pleasant.

Kinder Surprise

This way of presenting a gift requires skill and sleight of hand. The task is painstaking, but magical. You buy a kinder surprise, very carefully get to the toy and replace it with a heart or a love note or a ring. Everything is possible at once! The main thing is not to damage the packaging foil, you then pack it back. It is important to cut the chocolate shell at the seams, and then glue it with a hot knife. Then, walking with the person you decided to surprise, you buy him a kinder surprise. Imperceptibly replace it with your own, prepared in advance and hand it to the sweet tooth. Kinder Surprise will be a huge cute surprise. This method can be used when you decide to propose to a girl.

Unusual way of congratulations

In such a marvelous way, you can congratulate a friend or girlfriend on their birthday. Gather all your friends in one place. Preferably somewhere in the center. You send one messenger for the birthday boy. His task: to come to the birthday man's home and take it with him. Of course, you can give 5 minutes to get ready, so that you can at least put on flip-flops. Having gone beyond the threshold, a bandage is put on the birthday man's eyes. It remains only to deliver it to its destination, that is, to other friends. It will be exciting if you use public transport on the way.

Try to send a strong messenger so that he can carefully deliver the birthday boy. Since the lucky one will not be able to look under his feet, it will be necessary to constantly secure him. When you come to friends, ask the birthday boy to stop. Form a circle around your friend (girlfriend) and then allow the bandage to be removed. Everyone shout: Congratulations!!! and hug the whole company of the stunned birthday boy. This birthday will be remembered for a very long time, and it is not at all difficult to arrange this.

Many have heard of the "art" of giving gifts. But in this article we will not pay attention to the chapters of etiquette. The site Koshechka.ru will tell you and give examples from life about how how to give a beautiful gift.

What is the best way to give a gift?

When presenting a gift, you should definitely consider what the gift is wrapped in (packaging) and with what words you will present it. These moments, as practice shows, are an integral part of beauty itself. solemn presentation. Therefore, do not neglect them.

Congratulations words

Before you give a gift beautifully, you need to think about what you will say. After all, even simple phrases about health, well-being and prosperity, from strong excitement, can fly out of your head. Therefore, it is worth approaching this task responsibly and preparing at home. The most successful and very original words for congratulations are quatrains, toasts (you can sing a couplet, for especially gifted and not shy). They can be both serious and comic form. It all depends on the person, on the holiday and, of course, on those present at the solemn event.


original, beautiful packaging also carries a sense of celebration and pleasant intrigue. There is room for fantasy here. You can wrap a gift in a store or do it yourself. If you decide to pack a present with your own hands, then you do not have to buy wrapping paper and multi-colored ribbons for this. For this purpose, you can use any improvised materials: colored paper, any fabric, leaves, twigs, flowers and more. You can pack a gift in the form of a piece of cake, a pyramid, a shirt, stick beads, coins on it, paint it.

How to give a gift in an original way - jewelry

How to give a gift in an original way

When choosing a way to present a gift, be sure to take into account the age, interests and personality traits of the person to whom it is intended. After all, success depends on it. website. share with you interesting ways gift giving:


This method of delivery is good to use if you expect to give an expensive gift: household appliances, a computer (laptop) and various gadgets for it, a camera, a glass for beer, glasses for strong drinks. For this you will need two absolutely identical gifts. One of which needs to be filled with everything that will ring loudly and create the effect of a broken thing. At the most crucial moment, at the moment of delivery, you can drop a gift or awkwardly put it on the edge of the table. In general, make it look like it crashed or broke. You can even put a loud cracker inside. The main thing is not to delay the presentation of the second, real gift, so as not to upset the one who is destined for a surprise.

How to give a gift to a man in an original way if he is not too big

You can pick him original packaging. For example, a notebook, a housekeeper, a wallet should be packed in a box from a vacuum cleaner or a TV and solemnly, smiling meaningfully, handed over big box.

mini view

You can hire or make up the participants of the event as gypsies. At the most crucial moment, a call at the door or meet a person near the entrance. Gypsies surround, sing songs (preferably in an incomprehensible language), noise, din, in general, do everything so that the congratulatory person feels all the charm of their color. At the end, they part, congratulate him, and you present a gift (possibly in an appropriate costume).

You can hire a magician, musician, artist, sand painter, conqueror soap bubbles, sword swallower, fireworker and many others. Let the person dear to you become a participant in this performance. This is not only original, but will also bring a sea of ​​emotions, not only to the congratulatory, but also to all participants in this solemn event.

How to give a gift from money in an original way

Gifts with money are interesting because they can be decorated in a very original way: canned, made a bouquet, a postcard, filled with them air balloons and scatter around the room.

You can make flowers out of money, distribute them to guests and hand them over with warm congratulatory words. It will also be very relevant if you hand over the most big bouquet from myself at the very end.

How can you give a gift to your loved one in an original way?

You can play your beloved man and give him a "new" car. But in this way you can please your lover if you are one hundred percent sure of his tastes. To do this, you can do a little tuning (covers, tidy, wheels) or interesting airbrushing on the car. The updated car can be wrapped in cloth (for intrigue) and decorated with a bow.

Theme party

You should also not write off such an interesting event as a celebration in some style. The very style of the holiday will tell you how to give a gift. For example, cowboy party- an old box with a revolver, a cigarette case, a flask, a pen, a housekeeper, a pirate one - a treasure map for a gift chest, a knight - knighting with a gift or a gift after winning the tournament.

We hope this article has inspired you and helped you decide. how beautiful and original to give a gift k. Indeed, very often, the way you presented a gift (especially if it is very non-standard) is remembered much more than the gift itself.

Bruslik Maria - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for lovers ... into yourself!

1. We are looking for a treasure!

I like to hide the treasured box and arrange a real quest. Leaflets with hints help to find the treasure. The future owner of the gift should work a little, but "walkers" always give a good mood.

2. We materialize wishes.

We always wish the hero of the occasion health, happiness, health, success and other “amenities”. So why not materialize them?!

On separate leaves (small postcards) we write “wishlists” and send them to a decorative box. Each entry must have a small prize. For example, you can form the following pairs:

Sweet life - jam or honey in a portion package, refined sugar;
- good health- lemon (in which there are a lot of vitamins);
- cheerfulness - coffee in sticks;
- bright moments– packaging of colored crayons, pencils.
- the warmth of a family hearth - a box of matches (large matches look especially impressive for tourists).

Think about what wish can be associated with the main gift. Do not mix this leaflet with the rest, but hide it while the hero of the occasion accepts small prizes. When all the "wishlists" are read, "remember" the main entry. Give her a gift with her.

3. "Let's play" with the packaging.

“And let the spirits pretend to be ... a frying pan!” - I decided on the eve of my birthday close friend. Olga (this is the name of the hero of the occasion) always said that she did not like to receive household gifts. I agree with her, because dishes, sets bed linen or a meat grinder - these are household items for the whole family, and not a source of female happiness.

I hid a bottle of perfume (literally “ordered” by a friend) in a box from under the pan. Free space filled with small sweets. From above - a layer of a beautiful wrapper and a bow.

I brought the idea of ​​a prank to life, knowing about kindness and good feeling Olga's humor Another person might be offended, but not my friend! Of course, she was surprised when she estimated the size of the container. Olga expected to receive a small bottle of perfume, but she was given a large box with no idea what.

The packaging was torn off. Hmm… Glancing at the box with the image of a frying pan, Olga was taken aback for a second. "Get it soon! You will use and enjoy every day,” I said. Self-control returned to a friend. When she realized that instead of a frying pan, she still received perfume, she began to laugh.

Olga liked my idea, and I'm glad that I amused my friend. If you want to surprise the hero of the occasion - disguise a gift!

4. The effect of surprise.

Last year, I prepared in advance for the birthday of a close relative. A week before the holiday, she hid a gift ... in her apartment! Then the birthday girl received an SMS with the exact coordinates of the hiding place. She was pleasantly surprised by the find!

If you have the opportunity to organize a temporary hiding place on the territory of the hero of the occasion, use it!

Do you like to be “original” by giving gifts? Share ideas!

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In addition, to give a gift, you also need to present it enchantingly, because the atmosphere in which you give a present is the basis of the emotions, impressions and good memory received by the birthday man.

Ideas for an original presentation

The main thing is to soberly assess which presentation in which cases will be appropriate so as not to violate the etiquette of relationships. A bright presentation is needed in order to please a person on his birthday, and not to shock him when you give something.

Surprise on the phone

In addition to the gift, you can make a little surprise for the birthday boy: design some kind of quest, and hide the gift at the end. In order to find it, the birthday boy will need to follow the instructions and guess the original riddles. At the same time, notifications should come to the hero of the occasion by phone from a number unknown to him. Who was on the other side of the "tube", he learns only at the end. Of course, giving items in this way is appropriate only when close acquaintance with the hero of the occasion.

gift quest

This method of congratulating a birthday is similar to the previous one, the only difference is in the method of presenting the material. You give the birthday person the first item, which has a small note with a riddle or rebus attached to it. It must contain the location next gift. In this way, you can stretch a chain of small presents that will lead the birthday boy to the main large gift.

Sudden present

Most a pleasant surprise- one that appears where it is not expected. This is how you can come up with original idea for submission. For example, you can buy a regular household item(hat, socks or gloves) and hide a more significant present in them. This method is best used for small gift options, such as perfume or a lighter.

The birthday boy will be delighted, because at first he will be delighted pleasant trifle, and then find another and larger addition to it! So you can give things in small and medium sizes. The main thing is that it is not immediately clear what lies inside.

original character

The point is that a birthday present is given by some character from a loved one. children's cartoon or a popular book. A gift can bring Mickey Mouse or lower Spiderman from the roof. This character can be dressed up by one of your mutual friends, a specially hired person, or you can become one yourself. The choice of character depends only on your imagination:

Compositions from balls

It is wonderful to arrange and present a gift with the help of balloons. Can be ordered beautiful composition or just inflate yourself and magnificently arrange a bouquet of balloons. Such a small birthday addition will significantly raise the degree of happiness and, in fact, inflate any, even modest, gift to incredible size and significance.

Even more holiday option will inflate the balloons with helium so that they stay in the air beautifully. Such balls can be tied to a gift box and placed under the door of a birthday person. A sharp knock on the door will make an unusual surprise.

original boxes

Even simple gift boxes, if you make them correctly and beautifully, brightly and with soul. For example, you can make a gift presentation in boxes folded according to the principle of nesting dolls. That is, take some huge box and put a smaller box into it, then even smaller, and so on until the smallest one, in which there will be a gift. This method is suitable for small gifts, because then maximum intrigue is created.

For fans of the development of intelligence

This method is simple, but at the same time very interesting. A birthday crossword puzzle is compiled for the birthday man, which he must solve. There may be thematic issues that he is interested in, or funny riddles. The main thing is that everyone should have fun. In the center of the crossword puzzle, a word must be encrypted, which is the goal of the whole game, because this word indicates the location of the hidden gift.

holiday explosion

When the gift is small and not fragile, you can present it in a special surprise ball. The peculiarity of this ball is that it has enough big sizes, transparent texture, and inside it there are many small balls, sparkles, serpentine and a gift. You bring the ball to the celebration room and blow it up at the most unexpected moment. What is inside the ball should scatter beautifully into different sides, and the birthday boy - to rejoice at the beauty, enchantment and a festive gift.


The point is to arrange a small concert at the birthday before presenting the gift. For this, special artists are hired who will present a performance or a mini-performance: it can be a song, a dance, a funny scene.

The entourage of presenting a birthday present is set off by a huge number of soap bubbles that are blown in the room. In this atmosphere, a present is given. Such a presentation will appeal to young romantic girls.

A bit about etiquette

Presenting a birthday gift is a process that has its own characteristics, depending on rationality and etiquette. Giving is a whole art that shows the greatest integrity in certain laws. Not everyone knows how to give correctly, although the rules for polite delivery are very simple:

  • According to the rules of etiquette, the gift must be wrapped. It can be anything: a beautiful package, a box or wrapping, the main thing is that the birthday person has the opportunity not to disclose the contents of the package to everyone.
  • You need to give a gift with a soul, but even according to the laws of etiquette, the delivery process is accompanied by warm regards. Therefore, it is better to prepare wishes suitable for the presentation in advance.
  • If you decide to make a birthday surprise and send a gift with a specially hired courier, then you must definitely put a postcard with a signature inside the box. This rule of etiquette prevents the possibility of embarrassment and disorientation in the situation.