Scenario of the solemn presentation of certificates. Material (Grade 11) on the topic: Scenario for the presentation of certificates

Good luck!

On June 23, 2017, graduates of school 1363 gathered at the Provincial Theater together with their teachers, mentors, parents, friends, young men and women came not only to receive certificates, but also to say goodbye to childhood forever. For them, a new stage of life has now begun, full of difficulties and worries, bold decisions and the search for a path, new experiences and victories.

161 boys and girls received certificates this year. Medalists were also honored on this day. In total this year, 22 eleventh-graders were awarded medals of the Russian Federation "For special achievements in teaching". This is the pride of the school and hope, the future of Russia.

School prom- an exciting event from those few that happen once in a lifetime. Yesterday's schoolchildren gathered at the Provincial Theater. On the square in front of the provincial theater where you can’t look girls in evening dresses and young people in formal suits. Faces are happy and a little excited. On this day, they felt like real stars. Under the guns of photo and video cameras defiled along the red carpet. They were greeted with applause like real celebrities. The mood of the graduates is excellent, and the plans are the most optimistic.

Parents and teachers prepared for children holiday program, taking into account the wishes of the heroes today. The main surprise was the song performed by the director and head teachers of the school. As a gift to the heroes of the occasion, the orchestra played a waltz, and modern motives sounded.

The director of the school, Elena Valerievna Lavrinenko, congratulated the graduates: “Here we are left behind the school years, unforgettable days childhood, adolescence, youth. And today we are summing up the results of eleven years of study. The long-awaited final - a certificate of complete secondary education and a graduation party all night long! Guys, how beautiful and elegant you are today, how your soul sings, everything around blooms under the magic of your charm. Your parents and teachers admire you. We all rejoice for you together. And we wish you happiness, very, very much happiness.

We all dream of a worthy future for our country. Contribute to its prosperity. Try to respect every work. Whatever you work for, work honestly and conscientiously. Let your work be for you not only a way to earn money, but also bring great joy and satisfaction. Know how to bring joy to people, do not upset your parents, love them, strengthen family traditions, try to create good family and raise happy children.

Now you will plunge headlong into new life. But the more time passes, the more often and with more warmth you will remember the fun and unforgettable school years. Remember that the doors of the school are always open for you. Come! We will always be very glad to see you!”

Parting words were spoken and officials, members of the initiative group "Our Vykhino Quarter", wishing the children success and expressing the hope that each of them will find their right path in life, and that all dreams will come true and all the hopes of parents, teachers and, of course, the children themselves will come true . Most nice words and wishes were voiced from parents and teachers.

Graduation party - cheerful and sad, touching and solemn holiday farewell to childhood. Without a doubt, it will be remembered by all graduates as a magical ball marking the time of their growing up.

This is their most long-awaited and most deserved holiday of the year. School is over, today they are already adults. By tradition, the official part of the school ball ended with a launch into the sky balloons. Graduates made wishes and dreamed of a happy future, looking at multi-colored festive balloons flying into the sky.

From the theater, the holiday moved to the Park of Culture. Gorky. At this time, the park was closed for other visitors, only those who registered in advance and received an individual bracelet with a code could get to the holiday. theme High school prom in 2017, the 870th anniversary of Moscow was chosen in Gorky Park. The holiday was called the "Era of Moscow". The program includes a historical ball, a concert of pop stars, high-altitude fireworks at midnight, and then for the most persistent disco with DJs. The festive festivities, according to tradition, continued until the morning and ended with the meeting of the first dawn of adulthood.

The music is playing, the presenters are coming out.

On a beautiful quiet summer day
We are gathered in this hall.
Today is an endless holiday -
The school releases ninth graders to life!

Everything is ready, everything is ready:
Flowers, smiles and words.
Meet me in this bright hall
The culprits of a great celebration!

Graduates of the 9th grade are invited to the hall.

(9th graders enter to the music)

2 leads: Good afternoon!

Veda 1: Good long-awaited day for junior graduates of our ninth grade school!

Lead 2: We are glad to see in this hall

Students who passed the exam.

Parents, teachers

And all the guests who came to us!

After all, it’s a holiday at school - everyone understands:

Today the certificate will receive the ninth!

1 led. There are many guests in our hall today,
How many smiles, shining eyes!
The music is ringing, pouring,
Solemn event starts.

(Russian national anthem sounds)

Issue 1: Well, here - the ninth grade is over

It's not easy, by the way.

Yesterday's girls and boys

Suddenly matured, someone even too much!

Notice, not only growth and mind!

And you will give them fifteen already with difficulty!

Issue 2: For nine years of hard learning

Mind gained without a doubt!

For nine years of diligence and labor

Friendship with knowledge forever!

Those who wish to prolong these moments

There are still two years left to think about!

But it will be a new series.

Now graduation has given you a start in life!

Lead 1: Any lesson and this day
All treasures on earth are stronger.
After all, every school moment is marked
Its uniqueness.

2nd Vedas: today is a glorious date,
A moment - and the guys will be awarded certificates.
It seems to everyone that the event is
The whole planet is celebrating with you now!

Fanfare sounds.

1 Ved. And now comes the solemn moment

Ninth graders will receive their long-awaited document

2 led. I think everyone will be happy

Get your personal certificate!

Presenter 1. People are constantly surrounded by the most different flowers- bright and rustic, healing and poisonous, summer, spring, autumn.

Presenter 2. Look at our graduates! Each of them is unique flower, with its own characteristics, with its own character. We often compare beautiful girl with a rose, but too much gentle creature- with mimosa.

Presenter 1. We propose to collect today unusual bouquet, a bouquet of flowers of our release.

Presenter 2. We invite people to the stage who will lead the process of collecting our beautiful bouquet: the director of the school - N.M. Litvin, the head teacher of the school I.I. Kovaleva.

Like a chamomile field
Yellow and white shirt.
There is no miss in the horoscope:
You were born with chamomile.
To be useful to people in everything,
Be nice and kind
But in work to be iron -
It has the whole meaning of your life.

Presenter 2. TATYANA KARTYSH is invited to the stage to present a special certificate

Presenter 1. Always in care and in business.

Trouble doesn't count for her.

She will achieve any goal

And he will climb any Olympus.

Encourage with a word, deed, look

All those who are unlucky.

In the January cold next to her

Always cozy and warm.

Presenter 2. We hand over the certificate: RUDENKO TAMARA.

In the horoscope you are a beauty.
Here is some information about you:
modest and beautiful
Until old age, everyone likes it.
You work, you try
Everything works out wonderfully.
And in love you are always lucky
Though shy sometimes.

Presenter 2. We invite Valentina Sidarenko, Dmitry Meleshenko, Nikolay Prigod, Ruslan Khomenko to the stage.

You got a poppy flower.
They said this about him:
He will lure you with beauty
In the net, sweet will tighten,
Enchant, intoxicate
Himself in confusion: what is he doing?
If I knew what I wanted
The path to success has become shorter.
But success is always with you
And a supply of energy.
Beauty is truly intoxicating.
And who will resist?

Presenter 2. The certificate is awarded to Kosarim Elena.

Magnanimous and generous.
To party - so with brilliance, until the morning!
But the people are angry
That someone lives regally.
It's just her style
And she is rich in spirit.
And we love everything about you!
What energy supply!

Presenter 2. We welcome Cleaver Valentina

The bell is your flower,
There are few lines in the horoscope:
He doesn't like change
And I would definitely like
So that there is order in everything.
Life is arranged and adjusted.
And prosperity in the house is important -
A full bowl so that there is a house!
We wish you this
And we foresee success.

Presenter 2. Meleshenko Ekaterina, this poem sounded for you.

You are Tulip and everyone knows
How captivates people's hearts
Your flower with its beauty,
You are good too.
You are very nice to us:
Cheerful and energetic
Are you good at communicating?
Raise everyone's spirits.

Presenter 2. We invite Grechanik Elena, Sdobets Victoria to the stage.

The water lily is your flower.
There are very few lines about him:
This flower is sweet in appearance,
Whatever your character,
Everywhere will settle firmly, tenaciously.
And in friendship he is very strong -
Isn't that why we're happy
It is pleasant to communicate with you,

Presenter 2. We look forward to Kirill Sidorenko

You are a sunflower, that means
In life you are always lucky.
Boldly moving forward
Like the sun is guiding you
As if woven from light
You warmly carry the summer!

Presenter 2. We invite Alina Sivolobova for a certificate.

Presenter 1. The rose is beautiful,
envy is understandable
just why
weave intrigues.
If you want to,
better be friends
only you from the place
don't chase her.
never take her throne.

Presenter 2. Potapova Julia is invited.

You are full of riddles, secrets,
You are extraordinarily generous.
And still true to the ideas
It's not for nothing that you are an Orchid.
We love you, respect you
We consider him our leader.
You are a hero in every way!
Congratulations with all our heart!

Presenter 2. Katya Rumyantseva, we are talking about you! Get a certificate.

Dandelion loves freshness
Yes, and he gives tenderness.
And there is no equal in work:
Only glorious results
Achieve in everything
He is serious and smart.
You are in business and really ace!

Presenter 2. Storozheva Nina is invited!

Vedas. 1. Presentation of the certificate - a special date!

This holiday is incomparable.

And how great that someone kind once came up with

On this day, give joy to children.

Ved.2. May your face shine with happiness

Eyes bloom in a smile

Congratulations on your graduation

And we wish you good luck always!

1 led. Today there will be a lot in this room
bright faces and kind words
Everyone now wants to congratulate
Dear graduates!

2 Ved. We made the first discoveries on this planet with a man who has a wonderful title on Earth - the first teacher.

1. Did you recognize us, our dear?

Probably, not. Here the uncles and aunts are standing.

And you, like 9 years ago,

So beautiful and young.

2. Over the years, you have not changed much,

What can not be said about us.

We said goodbye so long ago, 5 years ago,

But never, believe me, we have not forgotten you.

3. We remember your first lessons,

We remember your kind eyes.

We dedicate these lines with love

After all, the first teacher cannot be forgotten.

4. Our dear Ekaterina Trofimovna!

These years have not been given to us in vain.

Now it's time to send us to life.

Do you want to say goodbye?

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the first teacher Melnikova E.T.

(speech by the first teacher)

5. All our lives we will remember how, without melting a smile,

You returned us a notebook where there was no mistake,

How grieved were you when, though rarely,

You owe us a bad mark.

6. We were children and sometimes, alas, did not notice

In the look of your kind eyes of care and sadness.

We thank you for everything, for us you are always the first,

We thank you!

(Give flowers)

7. Nine years have already flown by,

And I can't believe it now

What was once a noisy flock

We are in our fifth grade.

8. With all my heart in quiet words
Who are we talking about today more to say,
How not about you, who have been with us for so many years,
Who taught us to read, write, count ...
Dear our teachers!

9. So that you are all healthy,

So that spring blooms in the soul!

So that students always love,

To always remember!

10. And so that you are not bored,

When this is your lot,

We wish you obedient

Not like us students!

11. May your hopes come true

Everywhere on Earth such a share,

Your ideals in life now

Embodies the young tribe.

12. Lovely, cordial, good,

Our good teachers!

We say goodbye to childhood today

And we can't say goodbye to you!

13. Thank you for loving us,

Although they were sometimes strict with us,

Because you taught us how to think,

For everything, for everything you have done for us!

14. Sincerely child "thank you"

We say to all teachers

Be young and happy.

Mira, for long years, health to you!

You will always stay by our side,

Because we always need

So you will never grow old.

All: Never! Never! Never!

15. Troubles and troubles

Let them bypass!

We wish you much happiness

Our school dear!

1 graduate. We want to dedicate our last lesson to our teachers - a music lesson. We ask you to name all the notes in turn. So the first...
All. Before!
2 graduate. Dear our teachers
All. Re!
3 graduate. Resolutely and irrevocably devoted themselves to their beloved work.
1 graduate. Next note!
All. Mi!
4 graduate. Lovely, charming, beloved!
1 graduate. Further!
All. F!
5 graduate. In fact, everyone knows about everything.
1 graduate. Next note!
All. Salt!
6 graduate. Salt on wounds pouring in exceptional cases.
1 graduate. Further!
All. La!
7 graduate. La-la-la we sing today to our teachers for the last time.
1 graduate. Further!
All. Si!
8 graduate. Deeply loving their students.
1 graduate. Last note!
All. Before!
9 graduate. Goodbye! we tell you today.
All. We love you!

(Music sounds) Give flowers
16. Who knew worries and worries
your parents when
Us - unintelligent, yellow-mouthed -
First time brought here.
They chose the path from where
Draw both wisdom and warmth:
They hoped for a miracle -
And so it happened.

17. It is not given to parents to predict what awaits their children in the world.
But every father and mother wish only happiness for children!
1 Ved. Relatives and relatives came to you, sons and daughters, who stepped into youth, to say parting words.
The floor is given to the parents.
18. Dads and beloved kind mothers!

We want to thank you.

For caring, for being with us

Everyone is ready to take their exams.

You went from class to class,

Gain knowledge and grow

Everything we were taught in school

You helped us to master everything.

Always be young

Beautiful like now

And we will try very hard

Nothing to upset you!

19. To you, dads, moms, turning,

We want to thank you.

We have upset you so many times

But you always forgave us.

For gray hair, sorry for everything.

We love you dearly.

2 Ved. OK it's all over Now. Suddenly the final

All your mothers smile and cry.

Perhaps your teacher hasn't told you everything yet?

Take the microphone

After all, your last word means a lot.

(Speech by the class teacher)

20. Remember friend how we came here with you
Exactly nine years ago
How everyone wanted to go home
But my mother's gaze kept us in the ranks.

21. We were sometimes unbearable
How many times have we run home?
Deuces received, glasses were beaten
The school forgave everything to you and me

22. The best days spent together,
And, it happened, they quarreled more than once.
Let us not be brothers with you -
The school made us stronger

23. Let the parting be joyful
And all the grief does not count
School is eternal date
With those who left and who will come.

Presenter 1: Dear graduates, you are given the right to light the fire of friendship and gratitude from each other.

Presenter 2: Like an ember of a flaming heart, raise your light higher! Let salute holiday victories he will protect you from boredom and from troubles.

Presenter 1: Let's take a step forward and give the warmth of your hearts to the teachers (give the candles to the teachers) and together say to the new life "Hurrah!"

Presenter 2: On this, our holiday, dedicated to the solemn presentation of certificates, is considered closed.

Scenario for the presentation of certificates to 9 classes


Again June in white light.

On the school joyful planet

Nature comes to life again, ringing, blooming, fragrant.

And it is a miracle in our hall, what kind of people we have gathered here!

Here is a sea of ​​intelligent, clear eyes, here youth enchants us.

Here the souls are full of expectation,

Love by an accidental confession

Solemn excitement reigns

Sounds like a familiar intro.

For everyone who has been waiting for this moment for a long time,

Let the ball break out, the farewell ball!

I invite to the hall of graduates ... (music)

3 SLIDE Graduates are coming!

9a class, classroom teacher

Students of this class are kind, extraordinary, unpredictable personalities. Many of the guys decided on the choice of profession and decided to continue their studies at the educational institutions of our city and republic.

9th grade classroom teacher

= This is a team of cheerful, friendly, athletic, creative graduates. The children of this class are distinguished by discipline, responsibility, and a sense of patriotism. It's no secret that many of the bottom will come to us in the 10th grade.

Good afternoon to all who have gathered in this beautiful hall:

Good afternoon school administration,

Good afternoon, the teaching staff of school No. 10!

Good afternoon parents of graduates!

Today at our school wonderful holiday- a holiday that graduates of the 9th grade were looking forward to - day of presentation of certificates of basic general education.

Solemn ceremony certificates is declared open!

I ask everyone to stand up.Anthem of the Russian Federation

Behind ninth grade.

You are at a crossroads now.

What do you dream of becoming in life?

Where to continue studying?

College or tenth grade?

You choose now.

The man is famous for his deed.

Maybe the choice is yours?

The day of receipt of documents on education is an important, solemn, joyful holiday which everyone deserves: students, teachers, and parents.

    Deputy director for educational work

Olga Valerievna Kaisheva.

Book with certificates

Certificates are awarded to 9 "A" class(poems about each of the guys from class hands.)

9 "B" class

Dear graduates!

In 2013, our school will celebrate its 45th anniversary. By this date, we launched the project – “Virtual museum of the school”.

And today you have to open "Wish Book" After the presentation of the certificate, we ask you to go to the table and write a wish to your school ...

Wide doors open wide,

And you cross the threshold.

You are young and excited

You don't even believe

What is the beginning of the road.

- To read the oath, I ask everyone to stand up


    We are graduates of the school ... in the face of parents, teachers, classmates, being within the walls of our native school, we swear:

    Become real people = swear

    Worthy citizens of Russia

    Be hardworking, decisive, honest, principled.

    Remember our native school, which brought us up, raised us, taught us, opened the way to life.

    Maintain contact with teachers who have given us their knowledge, experience, spiritual energy, warmth of hearts.

    Carry the memory of your friends throughout your life.

All:We swear! We swear! We swear!

- I ask everyone to sit down.

Today is a holiday - the end high school,

And your word is above all awards.

You are all so happy and cheerful,

As equals, he is glad to see today.

He knows everything about you and your families,

And paid attention to everyone

And pulled the stragglers by the ears,

And organized this holiday.

One for all in his eternal care,

Pull everyone up and give everyone a diploma,

Not forgetting carefree youth

Be a friend, and a mentor, moreover.

Delve into your problems and jumps,

And give everyone their warmth,

And you could skip classes,

And it's not always innocent to play a joke.

And you don't know his problems

And let's be honest, friends

They never asked: - How is it at home,

How are your children and family in general?

And memory in selectivity is strict,

Throw away the husk and fuss,

And you will go your own way

Carrying warmth and kindness in the hearts.

You are not destined to leave forever,

Good custom, established long ago,

Always return to your native school,

Sit down at the desk and look out the window

And listen to the farewell word.

And just smile at a cool mom

And ask her for forgiveness...

The word is given to class teachers

Today it is difficult to say who is more the hero of the occasion:

You are graduates or your parents.

After all, parents throughout all school years supported you with their participation.

The floor is given to the parents.

And now a word to you, graduates!

Answer word alumni

You will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where sunrises meet with rays of eyes,

Where are the sunny dreams, where are the star paths,

Where chuckles and sadness are heard in the songs.

Each of you has your own desire.

And it will come true only when it remains a secret.

I propose to write it on sheets and put it in wish book.

The solemn ceremony of presenting certificates is declared closed.

I ask everyone to stand up.Anthem of the Russian FederationFunny music

Congratulations on receiving a certificate, like a spotlight will illuminate a graduate. Presentation of the certificate for former student like the Oscars. Light, red carpet, award in the form of a certificate and a standing ovation - today everything is in his honor. Congratulations will delight with attention and warm words.

In prose

Receiving a certificate is a very joyful and at the same time a little sad event. This is both moving forward and saying goodbye to the school and your school friends. May you not have to be sad, because you can always meet with school friends. No matter how life throws you away. And higher education is very important. After all, yours depends on it. future life and her financial well-being. Congratulations!

Now you can be called a free person, because today you received a certificate and now you can rest easy. But, your rest will not be long, because you still need to prepare for the entrance exams. I wish you that your diploma will help you in obtaining a diploma of higher education. Let the receipt of a certificate become a truly significant event for you!

In your own words

The certificate is your first main document in life, of course, after the passport. I congratulate you on your graduation. May it be of great use to you in your life. Without a certificate, you will not be able to move forward. Therefore, you have already done a lot for your future. I wish you not to stop there and move forward with pleasure. Congratulations! Dear daughter, we are your mom and dad congratulate you on receiving a certificate. We are very glad that you tried all these years and got good grades. We wish you to always have good grades at the university, which we hope you can easily enter. Let the choice of profession not bring any special difficulties. Listen to your heart and focus on subjects that are easy for you. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. Daughter, we are very proud of you, and love you very much!

Scenario for the presentation of certificates to grade 11, 2016


1 presenter: Good evening! We welcome you near us dear teachers And

Parents of graduates, distinguished guests and simply, cordial friends.

2 leading: Good evening to you!

1 presenter: Celebration is best time in a year.
Everyone is smart, kind and considerate.
We all wish the sky to be a big star,
You must be on fire today.

2 leading: May star fate without delay
Will write in life new chapter!
Dream, love, success and inspiration,
Let you give a holiday in reality!

1 presenter: Our celebration is dedicated to the 2016 graduation - the most stellar graduation

Our school.

2 leading: Meet our heroesgraduates of 2016 And

class teacher Grade 11 Popov N.P.

Graduates of 9 A class and the Class teacher

Graduates of class 9 B and the Class teacher


1 presenter: Official part prom is declared open.


Ved.2 You are at the most long-awaited event in the life of our graduates.

Ved.1 This story began much earlier than you think, in the distant 90s.


Ved.2 In 2005, our graduates linked their lives with school number 6, they went to the first grade.

05 first grader

Ved.1 in the lower grades, next to our graduates, there was a wonderful person - a talented teacher Solodukhina G.A.

Vedas 2 . Learning was interesting and exciting.

06. long lessons

Ved.1 It was a surprise for our guys that their sweet childhood ended so quickly.


Ved.2 Already set off on a new voyage with our graduates new person, but no less wonderful, talented and wise - Popova N.P.


Ved.1 Swimming was wonderful, but as always, there are reefs along the way. This time these reefs were called exams. raven

Vedas. 2 But the guys coped with this test.

10.children's laughter

Ved.1 In the 10th grade they were told: “think about the future, you still have to act. Who will take the exams for you? But our graduates did not seem to hear anything.

11 want nothing

Vedas. 2 Well, the moment has come that our graduates have been waiting for for 11 years, they were sure that they would have everything

12 good

Vedas. 2.

Books are closed, parting words are said ...
The year flew by in a string of days
Long - for those connected with the school,
Brief - for those who say goodbye to her.


Who will measure beings with the unknown?
This task is difficult, but
Your lucky ticket to the future
You will become a graduate.
Vedas. 2.

Today, home, family, school, escort you to a distant, unknown, but interesting world of goodness, a world of romantic dreams, a world of hopes and new meetings.

And confirmation that you have successfully passed all the exams will be your certificate of general secondary education.…..

13 Background (Removal of certificates to music)


For the presentation of certificates, we invite the director of the school Mulduyanov G.S., and the deputy director for educational work Vasilyev M.S.

Vedas. 2.

Real men, real eagles!

It does not matter that their Olympic records are not equal.

Strength, vigor, will, stamina will always remain in them.

And the athletic posture will last for years.

1 presenter: In the nomination "Real Eagles"certificates are awarded to Vladislav Melnichenko, Egor Aponyuk, Vyacheslav Polishchuk, Bykovsky Bagdan.

Vedas. 2 Graceful and plastic
Sweet and artistic

Any role will be played
Shine with talent!
2 host: In the nomination "Z everywhere school scene » certificates are awarded to: Vereshchaka Daria, Kornechuk Anastasia, Rogaleva Natalia.

1 presenter:

Today I want to say the most good words to those graduates whose stellar heights are yet to come and who have always been distinguished by their decency, kindness, optimism, love of life, originality, charm, sensitivity.

2 host: In the nomination "Creative natures"certificates are awarded to: Kolesnikova Anna, Yakovleva Natalia,

1 leading: We invite graduates to the stage, who for 11 years have been stubbornly, step by step, approaching their today's victory.

1 presenter:

I heard when a star falls, you have to make a wish, and it will definitely come true.

2 leading: And each person has their own stars. For those who travel, they point the way. For others, they are just little lights. For some, they are like a task that needs to be solved.

1 Graduate : We light this star to our childhood, which will never return.
2 Graduate : We light this star to our teachers. Thank you for understanding and support.
3 Graduate : We light this star with our careless school days. We had such a great time here.
4Alumnus: We light this star to our classmates. thanks for true friendship.
5 Graduate : We light this star to our parents. They have been with us all these years.
6 Graduate: We light this star home school. School, you have become our home.
7 Graduate: We light this star for our future. Great things await us!
8 Graduate: New stars lit up. And this is fortunately.
Together: This means that our wishes will come true.

14. Song. "Angels"

15. Music " Class teacher"

1 presenter:

As old as the world, this school drama -
A cool mom says goodbye to the children ..

She recently drove them for deuces,
She called home, scolded for absenteeism.
Well, now he says: “These children ...
The best on the planet!”

2 leading: We will ask the class teacher of our graduates to come up to the stage.

16.BACKGROUND Roses with ribbons.


We must say at this hour

About those who gave us life

About the closest people in the world

About those who helped grow

And it will help a lot


Strict dads, sweet moms

Together we mastered the school program

It's hard to say who had it harder

From the side it is generally more visible.


Well, assessments of joint work

You will find in our certificates

Too bad it's only one per family.

We are given a certificate of maturity.

1 presenter: Parents of graduates are invited to the stage

17. Waltz of dads with daughters.


A new day is coming! We wish you happiness!
Ahead of luck awaits, let there be no bad weather there!


A hundred ways, a hundred roads - all are open. Before you!
Which way you go, you decide for yourself!

Together : From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you good luck this evening
Congratulations on the certificate!

18. Song " Parents Sign of Aquarius»

Spinning in the school dance of the kids

To the sounds of an ageless waltz.

We are all one family for you now

And in our memory schoolyard remained.

And after the bola, everyone to meet the dawn.

And everyone will guess what they want.

And I wish you, you the whole wide world.

And may fate take care of you!

Let you scatter in all directions.

And let the conversations become different.

But just remember, you only have one.

We all left the walls of our beloved school.

19. Waltz + 20. Flash mob.