The child cannot take dictation. How to teach a child to write dictations without errors in a short time

There is a very simple and effective way teach your child to write correctly. And first of all, parents can help him in this, if, of course, they have the time and desire. The basis is the theory of Dmitry Ivanovich Tikhomirov, a well-known researcher in the 19th century, who in 1888 was awarded the Great Gold Medal by the St. Petersburg Literacy Committee.



How to teach good writing

Often children, even well knowing the rules, in dictations and essays make mistakes. Illiterate adults grow up out of them, and this, unfortunately, cannot be corrected by subsequent education. Try to help your children yourself, not relying on the school.

The most important rule, according to psychologists, is: "A mistake should not be fixed in the mind." If a child asks how a word is spelled, immediately say it correctly. Phrases like: "here is written not "a", but "o".

Try to regularly conduct dictations at home at least from the textbook exercises. If the child is having difficulty or is already deducing the wrong letter, standing behind him, quietly prompt: here "o" or here "e". Do not focus on incorrect spelling, fix only the correct one.

There is a very simple and effective way to teach a child to write correctly.And first of all, parents can help him in this, if, of course, they have the time and desire.

Modern innovative educators have developed effective method helping to fight illiteracy absolutely at any age. Naturally, the sooner you start classes with your child, the faster and easier you will achieve the desired result. The basis is the theory of Dmitry Ivanovich Tikhomirov, a well-known researcher in the 19th century, who in 1888 was awarded the Great Gold Medal by the St. Petersburg Literacy Committee. The following lines belong to him: "If you want your child to write correctly, make him read as it is written, and do not be afraid that he will speak the same way, because children understand that we do not speak the way we write."

Some modern educators, based on the theory of Tikhomirov, very successfully teach children and adults literate writing. Practical use theory is more than simple. The child needs to be taught the so-called "spelling" reading. What does it mean? Any text can be divided into syllables. Each syllable has its own peak, i.e., a vowel sound. The remaining sounds of the syllable, i.e. consonants, are pronounced at a lower sound level. Each syllable can be called a separate sound unit of the word. Almost all children begin to read in syllables, and only then learn to pronounce the whole word. When the child masters reading, he no longer remembers syllables. But in order to teach him literate speech, you will have to turn his attention back to syllables.

Invite him to read aloud, loudly and clearly, some text not in the way we usually speak, but in the way we write. In this case, the child must break the word into syllables and pronounce it, emphasizing and highlighting them, but quickly enough. And if the word is simple, it can be read quickly without breaking into syllables.

In this case, visual, auditory and motor (language, larynx) memory work simultaneously. Then, when the child encounters these words in a letter, he mentally pronounces them correctly, and therefore writes correctly.

Note: for reading it is better to use the classics: I. Turgenev, L. Tolstoy, I. Bunin, etc.

If you captivate a child, such reading will be perceived by him as very interesting game. After all, children are interested in everything new and unusual. Reading, which can be loosely called "literacy reading", is likely to be fun for a child.

"Reading literacy" should be regular, and during classes, the presence of one of the adults is obligatory in order to monitor how the child read this or that word. For example, the word "which" he pronounced as we usually say, that is, "which." An adult needs mild form correct the child and ask him to read the word again.

With children under the age of ten, you can do this for a very short time, about 5 to 10 minutes. Further, motor skills no longer work, and reading does not bring the proper result. With children over ten years old, you can do a little more - about 15 minutes.

Regular classes, in which the child repeatedly pronounces various difficult-to-remember words aloud exactly as they are written, form his sense of natural literacy. Over time, he will accurately write any words, even the most complex ones. Because a trained mind automatically captures all the features of their sound.

After a few months of regular practice, you will notice an improvement in your child's writing.

Reading by syllables, with a clear pronunciation of each letter, must be practiced every day. Verification dictations, text and vocabulary, can be done 1-5 times a week. When checking your child's work, do not underline the mistakes with a red pencil. By doing this, you only fix the wrong spelling in memory. It is better to write down the words in which mistakes are made and include them in vocabulary blocks, read by a child, and then check again in dictation. Of course, there are well-established, complex methods for developing literacy. What we advise today is not difficult and requires only constant, daily work. The effectiveness has been tested over and over again.

In conclusion, we want to convey a conversation with a random fellow traveler on the train. Old man said that at school he was not certified in Russian after the eighth grade. I knew the rules, but wrote with numerous errors. The teacher advised him every day summer holidays rewrite ten pages of the novel "War and Peace". In the fall, he successfully passed the exam, making only two mistakes in the composition. Since then, he has had no problems with literacy, and now he shows his grandchildren several common notebooks with scribbled yellowed sheets, the memory of that terrible summer. Classic is great! Try it.

Greetings to all readers of the ShkolaLa blog in a new important topic.

“How to teach a child to write beautifully?” - more than one generation of parents of younger students is puzzling over this question. "Like a chicken paw!" "Dirt in the notebook!" “You explain, show, correct - but still, instead of letters, some kind of scribbles are obtained!” Familiar? And you want to help the child, but that's just how? Well, let's figure it out together.

But just let's find out first, but is it necessary? Or maybe let a child write for himself, as God puts on his soul. Handwriting is not the most important thing in life. Moreover, now adulthood Everyone basically types texts on the keyboard, and not manually writes.

Well, it's the same as an adult. And at school, everything is basically the old fashioned way, notebook pens and many, many notes. And if a child writes ugly and sloppy, then expect a decrease in academic performance on all fronts. Including oral subjects. After all, teachers of geography, history, biology also want to see cleanliness and order in notebooks.

And while the child is in grades 1, 2, 3 or 4, the situation with ugly handwriting can be changed. To do this, you need to know what affects the beauty of handwriting. So that letter to letter, number to number, and everyone is the same height and just like a ruler. And send all the notebooks to the exhibition.

Lesson plan:

Key Ingredients of Calligraphic Success

Developed fine motor skills

A child will not be able to write normally quickly and beautifully if his fine motor skills are not prepared for this. The muscles of the hand must be ready for the upcoming loads at school. And for this they need to be developed.

For this, tasks such as entertainment are suitable:

  • drawing and coloring with pencils;
  • modeling from plasticine;
  • construction from small parts, for example, from the Lego constructor;
  • beading;
  • origami;
  • work with scissors;
  • sorting out cereals, etc.

You can do this at least every day and not only train motor skills, but also enjoy it.

Ignore development fine motor skills stupid not only from the point of view of beautiful handwriting, but also from the point of view of the development of thinking, memory, and imagination. And without them in school life nowhere.

Strong back

It would seem, how are physical education and sports related to beautiful handwriting? It turns out that the connection is direct! A flat back, a strong shoulder girdle, a reliable posture, all this will allow the child to sit at a desk or at a desk right, right.

And posture during writing also affects handwriting. It will be hard to write beautiful letters, lounging on the tabletop or bent over in three deaths.

So, “get on the charge!” Daily simple complex morning exercises bring the child closer beautiful handwriting. Charging on the "School" blog is dedicated, be sure to read it.

Correct handle

Handles are different:

  • gel and ball;
  • thin and plump;
  • smooth and rough;
  • pretty and not so pretty.

Which one to choose for a younger student?

The choice should be guided by the physiology of the child's hand. Our hands are still small, not strong. Therefore, thick, heavy "feathers" are put aside.

It's great if the pen is beautiful, but, you see, this is not the main thing.

When choosing between gel and ball, preference should be given to the latter. Gel pens tend to abruptly stop writing or scratching paper, and the gel spreads very well on paper.

The shaft of the pen should be thin and leave a neat thin mark. When buying a pen in a store, check it in action, it should slide easily and simply over paper, without requiring much effort.

If the handle is made entirely of metal or plastic, then this is not the most the best choice. The child's fingers will slide over it. It is better to choose a pen that has a special rubber pad with ribs or pimples where it is gripped by fingers.

Oh, and also, the teacher will certainly be very grateful to you if you refuse pens with buttons that can be very fun to click in the classroom.

Proper grip on the handle

If a child holds a pen like this

or like this

Do you think he can write well? Maybe it will work, but only the letter will be very slow. Therefore, it is worth paying Special attention to hold the handle correctly.

And how is it right? And this is when the pen lies on the middle finger, is held by a pad thumb and is covered by the index. And the little finger and ring finger serve to support the hand and slide bent over the paper.

This is where the difficulties arise. Well, our little schoolchildren cannot get used to correct position handles and as soon as it is not enough.

Fortunately, Dear Parents, there are quite concrete ways to correct this situation. Now I will tell you about them and show you. We made a special video for you with my first-grader son Artem.

Method "Tweezers"

This exercise will help the child understand how to hold it, this naughty ballpoint pen. The point is to grab the pen with three fingers (thumb, index, middle) at the very top and gradually slide your fingers down. In this case, the handle itself will fall into the hand as it should. Watch the video.

Method "Checkpoint"

Before you begin any written work, draw a bright dot on your child's middle finger. This will be where the handle will land. And on the handle, you can use colored tape or tape to mark the lower limit beyond which you can’t lower your fingers.

Method "Rubber"

Correctly holding the writing instrument will help the usual bank rubber band. Excellent trainer. We put an elastic band on the handle and on the child's wrist. And voila! The handle lies in the hand as it should. By the way, it also trains the arm muscles well.

Method "Napkin"

Another great and easy exercise. Fold an ordinary napkin so that the child can hold it with his little finger and ring fingers pressed to the palm. So, the little finger and the ring finger are busy and cannot take part in the writing process. Only the correct “writing” fingers remain.

Method "Self-taught pen"

Let's not forget about a special device called a self-taught pen. This is a handle on which you can put on a special nozzle. The nozzle most often looks like beautiful toy. A pen with such an overlay is simply impossible to take wrong. We haven't tried it ourselves, but we've heard a lot of positive reviews.

Exercise machine for right-handers "Self-taught pen" | Buy with delivery |

Simulator for left-handers "Self-taught pen" | Buy with delivery |

These five ways, if you practice them constantly, will be quite enough for the child to understand and remember how to hold the pen correctly.

Well, we train motor skills, we learn to hold the pen correctly. What else? What is the third principle?


Without constant training in this matter nowhere! You need to train constantly, both in the process of preparing for lessons, and outside of this process. Here you will come to the aid of various recipes. For students in grade 1, you can take prescriptions by age, you can even purchase additional set prescriptions are the same as in school.

Well, for older kids for students in grades 2, 3 and 4, the cheating exercise is perfect. Just take any text and copy it into a notebook. This exercise, among other things, will help the child get used to cheating. Indeed, in schools now they not only write essays, presentations and dictations, but also periodically conduct so-called control cheating.

Nobody canceled exercises for hatching, stroking and drawing by cells. You can read more about them.

All of the above, dear parents, is enough to make a child's handwriting, if not calligraphic, then at least very, very pleasant. Oh, and also, I advise you to read an article about dysgraphia, it can make beautiful handwriting impossible.

I wish you patience and perseverance, and your little schoolchildren success in their studies and good health.

Until we meet again, in new interesting articles!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich

How to teach a child to write correctly is a very broad topic. Today I want to touch on the question of how to teach a child write without errors?

Starting from the middle of the first grade, children are offered a task - to write off from a printed or written text. Copying from a written text, as a rule, does not cause great difficulties, because it is a simple copying.

But here, too, children manage to make many mistakes: either they miss a letter, or they lose a word, or they insert extra letters from other words. We begin to scold for inattention, but scolding should not be a child, but ourselves. For not being taught write off correctly.

Do you doubt that this should be taught? Does it seem to you that copying a text is very simple? Of course, it’s just for us adults, because we have been copying for more than a year, we write from dictation, from memory, and all our skills have long been automated. That is why we think that everything is so simple.

And our baby is only, and even the simplest thing, in our opinion, is still difficult for him to do. So, you need to help.

So, how to teach a child to copy without mistakes?

Usually cheating starts with small words. How does a child write? It copies each letter individually. He looked at the letter - wrote it down, then looks at the next one - and also writes it down, and so he transfers each letter separately.

This is where the potential error lies. While the child shifts his gaze from the notebook to the book or board, he may forget which letter he wrote, which means he will see a completely different letter. The child can look at the same word, but at a different syllable with the same letter. And that means it's spelled wrong. Very often you can observe how a child wanders around the page in search of the word that he is currently writing. And in the mass of all words he can find right word very hard. The child loses strength, time, interest, which means it gets worse and worse for him, because fatigue prevents him from working well.

Want to help your child write easily and without mistakes? Teach him how to do it effectively.

We write down the word.

1. Read the word.

2. Repeat it.

3. Say how many letters are in the word. You can directly count in the book with a pencil.

4. Read the word again. Moreover, it is very important to read the word as it is written!!! We read "kaza" and write "goat". The child needs to read exactly “goat”! If he read it the way we say it, ask him to read it again the way it is written. If this word is “tooth”, then we read “tooth” with a clear “B” at the end.

5. Cover the page of the textbook and write the word in the notebook.

6. Check if all the letters are in place. Read. Demand a letter-by-letter reading of what he wrote, and not a repetition from memory.

7. Check your note with your textbook. At this stage, the first time you can check each letter. This point is very important. It's very hard to see your mistakes.

If everything is done correctly, then there will be no errors. If there is still an error, then do not rush to correct it. Let the child find it himself, checking all the letters one by one with the book.

Writing begins with words. If you teach your child to write off words in this way, then when writing off sentences, there will be much fewer mistakes. Writing off a child will be faster and easier.

What does a child get by learning to copy words and text in this way?

By reading the whole word and memorizing it, the child develops visual memory.

Relying on visual memory when writing, he makes much fewer mistakes, writes faster and better.

By memorizing a word, and then part of a sentence or the entire sentence, the child increases the angle of vision. After all, at first the child writes off small words for 2-3 letters, and then the words increase. There is a growing need to grasp many letters at once, which.

The next step is to write off proposals. If a child learned to spell words according to this algorithm, then it will not be difficult for him to write off the proposal.

We write down the offer.

1 Read the sentence.

2. What is the proposal about?

3. How many words are in the sentence? Count. Are there small words (prepositions, conjunctions)? With what letter do we write the first word?

4 We read the first word - we write. We read the first and second word - we write the second.

We read the first 3 words - we write the third word. And so on until the end.

5. We read the proposal. Is it spelled correctly (according to the child)? Is everything clear?

6 We check by comparing what is written with the book. We read every word in the book and in the notebook.

Everything seems very simple, but this is for us, because we have all the skills already automated. And the child needs to explain all this, show, teach and consolidate.

Of course, everything is taught in school. Sooner or later, the child will learn to do it himself. But this is the case when it is better to be early. If a child learn to write without mistakes, write off correctly, then he will immediately form the correct position of a successful student and .

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