Rules every girl should know

How to always look charming and feel confident. Golden rules everyone should know well-groomed girl.
1. Don't forget to wash your face before going to bed. No fatigue can be an excuse for not wanting to wash off makeup in the evening. You may not have time to do masks or massage, but simple rules hygiene should not be neglected. Otherwise, your skin will eventually acquire a dull color, appear early wrinkles, blackheads and enlarged pores.
2. Find your perfect shade scarlet lipstick. Red lipstick is a universal assistant for any woman who is able to revive even the dullest outfit. The main thing is to choose your color: to warm shades soft coral or carmine are suitable for skin, and scarlet, pomegranate or cherry for darker ones.
3. Follow comprehensive care. Making masks is certainly good, but no self-care methods will work if you don’t eat right, visit more often fresh air and sleep for at least seven hours.
4. Learn to do your own styling. There is one hairdressing trick that helps to achieve perfect styling at home. After shampooing, wrap your hair in a microfiber towel to absorb excess moisture, then dry your hair. natural way, and then issue long curls or short haircut by using round comb and a hand dryer. Thus, the hair will lie more evenly and smoothly.
5. Find your unique scent. Choosing your perfume does not mean using it alone for the rest of your life. All you have to do is pick the right scent to be remembered. Try to reveal your personality through it and complete the image.
6. Follow the shape of the eyebrows. Don't follow the rules of fashion. Everyone has different eyebrows: thin ones are suitable for someone, thicker ones for others. It is enough to correct the natural shape and use an eyebrow pencil slightly lighter than the hair roots. So, the face will become visually younger.
7. Sign up for hair updates regularly. Regardless of the length of your hair, you need to freshen up your hair every two months. Remember - no oils, serums and the like will save you from split ends. Do not be afraid to cut off the excess - this way your hair will look healthier.
8. Take care of your hands and nails. Important to have healthy nails. The choice of nail design is huge. But you can always choose the classic French manicure or solid color. The main thing is that the hands look well-groomed.
9. Belly fat is not burned when you work on the abdominal muscles. The press will be, but under a layer of fat. So the belly will even increase in volume. To burn belly fat, pull it in all the time and tighten your muscles.
10. Best of all, swings help from the hips, stretching from the calves, and walking for the legs.

11. In order for the muscles to swing beautifully and not grow like jocks, exercise 2-3 times a week and be sure to stretch after training.
12. In the morning on an empty stomach 2 glasses of water, you can with lemon, after 10 minutes 2 tablespoons of olive or linseed oil(so that there is the necessary fat in the body, for breasts and maintaining menstrual cycle). You can also eat green apple.
13. After 10-15 minutes - breakfast. it should be dense and full in order to signal the body that it's time to wake up, and also provide energy for the whole day.
14. Do not drink food and do not drink anything for another 40 minutes after eating! This slows down digestion, leads to heaviness, expands the walls of the stomach.
15. Eat more often, but little by little. ideally, to accelerate metabolism, you need to eat 5 times a day every 3 hours and at the same time (so that the body gets used to it and works better).

16. Baths and saunas do not burn fat, they only remove water from the body, which returns after 2 hours.
17. Not eating after six is ​​a cliché. There is no need to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.
18. After 16 - only protein food. Carbohydrates turn into fat in the afternoon.
19. Cold and hot shower- a panacea for everything. Increases blood circulation, respectively, accelerates metabolism, smoothes cellulite, improves complexion and appears willpower. forward to new habits!
20. Chew your food thoroughly, slowly and thoughtfully. Again, to speed up the metabolism. Do you know why some people eat a lot and don't get fat? Metabolism is good! This is also the secret of French women - they take their time eating and never have a snack!

21. The feeling of satiety comes after 20 minutes after you have eaten enough. Imagine how much you can eat in 20 minutes! So slow down with food.
22. Turn meals into torture. sit with a straight back, no TV / book, use all appliances, set the table according to all the rules! Imagine that a guy is sitting in front of you! and if you're really hardened, try to eat naked in front of the mirror!
23. Wanted to have a bite to eat, but shouldn't you? Do 20 squats, 50 jumps! Take a fragrant bath, go to the store and look at the clothes!
24. Do exercises every 5 minutes. you sit in front of the computer - go do some exercises for the press. After 5 minutes - you can squat.
25. You don’t want to eat from sports for two reasons: physically - the organs will shake, you will sweat, psychologically - you spent calories, you don’t want to gain.

26. Drink a glass of water every hour (preferably in small sips - it's healthier). Turn it into an exciting process - add lemon, mint. Love water.
27. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, soda, fast food, chips, mayonnaise, sausage are your main enemies. Memorize these words and associate them with cellulite and sides. hate them!
28. Nuts, butter - useful, but in small quantities. These are super calorie foods. So a handful of nuts that are so easy to get carried away with can make up your entire estimated calorie content of your day! Therefore, do not get carried away with oil when dressing a salad. From this, out of 100 kcal, there may already be 200, 300, 500 ... 8 nuts per day, no longer needed.
29. Potato - just not fried. If you really want to, eat potatoes in their skins or, at worst, mashed potatoes.
30. What is in white, what is in gray bread is the same calories. So without prejudice - get used to eating without bread or switch to rye.

31. Do not drink tea, do not have such a habit at all! Only if apart from food. And without sugar, why do you need empty carbs? This is pure poison. replace it with honey.
32. Green tea- 2 cups per day. Soothes, promotes cleansing.

Women are incredible creatures! They can do everything! They are multifaceted! They are complex, being both resourceful, determined, vulnerable and compassionate. They easily endure pregnancy and childbirth, successfully raise children and help their husband to rise, struggle with hardships and troubles, climb the career ladder, while managing to lead household(cleaning, laundry, ironing, cooking, bills for public utilities, family leisure, satisfaction of the husband…).

But how to combine all this, and at the same time look, feel and BE simply irresistible? Here are 15 little secrets everyone should know successful woman:

Taking care of others and thinking about all your responsibilities is, of course, good. But in order to fully enjoy your life and yourself, you just need to allocate more time for yourself and only yourself. This time is necessary for taking care of your beauty and health, for relaxation, for personal and professional growth, as well as for the other 14 secrets of your success!

2. "Successful" environment

surround yourself successful people that you admire. There is one intricate saying that says: "Go to the job you want, not the one you go to." So the same principle applies here. Surrounding yourself with people you admire all the time is like taking a crash course in all the things you want and achieve in life. Besides the fact that these people can often help in solving complex problems, they also have a lot to learn. So what is it shortest way to dream.

Easy to set up in a successful environment useful links by meeting new people every week, finding out what YOU can do for THEM and, if possible, DOING IT! Such a step significantly expands the circle of communication, providing unlimited access to useful people and services that will ever come in handy. Knowing you and what you have to offer, many of these people will want to help you too. And most of the time you don't even have to ask.

In your daily busyness, it's easy to forget to call friends, family, or an old neighbor just in time to find out if she needs anything. But in your life you just need the presence of people who will be there in case of need: illness, accident, accident, necessity. emergency assistance, just a friendly shoulder to cry on and receive such important support. You, in turn, will also be there. But it's much easier and more productive to ask for help or a favor when you're in a relationship, rather than ignoring others because you're busy around the clock.

For many of us, the end of a relationship is not easy. Even if these relationships are worthless and do not bode well. This applies not only to relationships with men, but also in general with the people around us. Women are often too caring and think that they can handle everything. Other times, we are simply afraid of hurting someone else's feelings, even though our own feelings have long since fallen on the battlefield.

Spend more time with your friends. Yes, you are right, there is never enough time, and you absolutely cannot afford it. But any woman just needs to communicate with other women. I mean, with normal women, and not with that grimza that poisons your life in the office. With friends, you can chat about what you don’t always tell your husband, mother or children, not to mention colleagues. These are the people to whom you can just pour out your soul and be sure that it will remain between you. You need to gossip, empathize, share and laugh. This is the place where you can safely talk about belly fat, wrinkles, old lovers, new fantasies, favorite designers and a broken fingernail, and know that you will be understood.

Grandma always said in childhood that you are what you eat! Okay, you won't be a pizza... but your body will be more attentive to you if you are more attentive to it. Good, healthy food will help support correct weight and will provide you with the necessary energy for the whole day. Remember that it is very important to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, avoid unhealthy, overly fatty, fried and modified foods and make sure that portions are appropriate. Pour into small bowls. After all, very often we eat everything that is on the plate, and it doesn’t matter whether we need it or not, even when the feeling of satiety has long come. Do not deny yourself your favorite products, pamper yourself, but know when to stop.

Actually, this should be the main rule. Physical exercise multifunctional. They help control weight, prevent osteoporosis, diseases of cardio-vascular system, cancer, relieve stress, add energy and strength, and of course, help you look, feel, and BE younger and more beautiful.

Get good sleep. This will help you acquire the necessary physical, mental and emotional resources to work more effectively, stick to your busy schedule, and relieve you of unnecessary stress.

Never stop learning and growing. It keeps you young. Do not believe? In vain! Lifelong learning is one of the most effective ways prevention of senile dementia. And besides this, constant personal development will make you comprehensively educated and more interesting for others, and the world - more interesting for you!

Find yourself a sensei. A well-chosen mentor can help make your biggest dreams come true, identify your true wants and needs, and find a path to a better life. It can be someone from work or from your daily environment at home. Life is one and it is worth using it to the maximum so that you do not have to regret at the end of the journey.

You simply have to take care of yourself in order to look and feel like a million dollars every second, even in the most unforeseen situations. It's frustrating when you have to hide your hands or toes, because, due to lack of time, you forgot to sign up for the salon on time. Remember that a successful woman is ALWAYS 150% confident in her appearance, thoroughly allocating time to maintain a decent appearance.

It should become a law for you that once a month you simply have to allocate time and money to go to the salon for manicure, pedicure, haircut / hair coloring, depilation, facial cleansing and all the procedures you personally need. At regular care it will not require special money and time costs. But you should always, remember ALWAYS, look your best. By the way, your underwear should also ALWAYS be perfect. Is there a little…

If this is not on the map of your life that you see in front of you, there is nothing to go after. If at least a tiny dot of a dream appeared on this map of your life, you have every chance to find the right way. Don't be afraid to dream. Dreams must be big. But they must be followed without fear and reproach!

Knowing how to take, you need to know how to give. Remember point 6: nobody needs a little help. You can become a sponsor, do charity work, periodically make donations, organize a support program for someone, or just be interested in something and provide your help and support. This will be credited to you and will bear fruit.

Finally, remember that you can't do EVERYTHING. And it's not necessary. Taking care of yourself is like an investment. The more you invest, the more you get. Start putting as many of these secrets into practice as possible right now. If this turns out to be difficult for you, still resort to points 6 and 12. And remember that no one can prevent you from being successful and happy!

1. Long before there were concepts of functions human body, menstruation was a mysterious and disturbing phenomenon. In fact, how did a woman get bloody issues and you didn't feel any pain? Why did these discharges last for several days and then stop? Trying to find an explanation for this phenomenon, primitive societies developed many strange theories on this subject.

To date, we have perfectly studied the nature of menstruation based on our knowledge of human body. What are the anatomical and physiological features female body? What do we know about the internal and external genitalia?


The hollow elastic organ is similar in shape and size to a pear, it expands many times during pregnancy. The uterus is covered with an internal membrane called "endometrium", which consists of a special film, abundantly irrigated with blood.


A small, very muscular opening through which menstrual flow passes. The cervix may dilate as the baby passes.


10 cm long channel connecting the uterus with the external environment. Excreted by the body passes through this channel bleeding. The walls of the vagina and opening also expand during childbirth and return to their original size shortly after childbirth.

two ovaries

are tonsil-shaped glands approximately 3 cm long, located on either side of the uterus. In them, the maturation of eggs occurs.

Two the fallopian tubes: 12 cm long, twist over the ovary and exit into the uterus.


A small organ, located at the anterior end of the labia minora, consists of erectile tissue, in which many nerve endings are concentrated, it is especially sensitive.

Menstrual cycle

Now a few words about the menstrual cycle. Every woman is able to give birth to a child when she begins mensis - menstruation. During this period, there is a loss of blood and parts of the uterine mucosa for 4 to 7 days. More often the interval between mensis is 26-28 days. The menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of mensis to the first day of the next, and is normal if it falls within the interval of 28 +, - 7 days. Blood loss during menstruation ranges from 50 to 150 ml. Menstrual periods stop during pregnancy and usually during breastfeeding. But apart from these exceptions, mensis continues until menopause. Menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. With the completion of the menopause process, a woman loses her ability to bear children.

hygiene products

Before modern hygiene products were developed, women made them themselves. They sewed them from a piece of linen, folded them several times and attached them to an underwear fabric belt. They were washed and reused. The first sanitary napkins ready-made emerged after the First World War. They were large, voluminous, with a loop at each end, and tied to an elastic waistband.
Hygiene products introduced inside were also not an innovation: in ancient rome women twisted strips of linen and used them as tampons, and at the beginning of our century, actresses and ballerinas used cotton wool and bandages.
Sanitary pads today are made in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Modern gaskets are made with a tenacious tape on reverse side. In both Europe and the US, most women now prefer to use tampons instead of other hygiene products. There is no doubt that the inserted tampon is inconspicuous and provides more freedom of action - is the best choice for young women. For active women tampons are great advantage, as they allow them to lead an active lifestyle (swimming, aerobics, shaping, fitness, sauna, etc.) to maintain their regular figure; choosing a tight-fitting bright color clothes.

Sexually transmitted diseases and how to protect yourself from them?

And now from the normal menstrual cycle and the physiological characteristics of the female body, the use sanitary pads let's move on to issues that, for sure, concern every woman who lives sexually. What is (STD) - a sexually transmitted disease and how to protect yourself from them? How to protect yourself from pregnancy? What are the methods of contraception? STDs are diseases that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. Now there are about 30 of them; of these are more common: syphilis; Hepatitis B; AIDS; Gonorrhea; Trichomonias; Chlamydia; Genital herpes, genital warts.

1) STD pathogens can be transmitted through anal, vaginal and oral sex.

2) The body cannot get rid of STDs on its own - it needs help, therefore, if left untreated, these infections can cause serious complications.

3) Often these diseases are not outwardly noticeable, do not cause anxiety, and the person does not notice that he is sick.

4) STDs caused by viruses; eg HIV/AIDS; herpes; hepatitis B; warts are not yet curable, but only AIDS leads to death.

5) The sooner you see a doctor, the more likely you are not to infect your partner!!! Heal fast!!! Don't get complications.

6) STDs can cause serious complications during pregnancy, can be transmitted from mother to child; as a result, the child may be born already sick.

7) AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis B stand apart, since they can be infected by contact with blood, and not only through sexual contact.

8) How is STD manifested?
- itching and burning of the genitals;
- unusual bleeding or discharge from the genitals;
redness, sores or warts in the genital area and anus;
- very often painful urination.

Do these manifestations always exist? No! This is the insidiousness of STDs. Therefore, if you have reason to believe that you could have contracted an STD, you should immediately contact a specialist doctor.

Briefly about some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

GONORRHEA(in German - "tripter"). Called gonokokami. It infects not only the urogenital organs, but the rectum, pharyngeal mucosa, eyes, if it gets on them during intimacy. This is the most "popular" disease, because its signs are very noticeable (especially in men). It is difficult not to notice the purulent yellowish-green discharge from the penis and vagina. But women often have no symptoms or signs of the disease. Manifestations begin 3 days after infection. Within 10-14 days, complaints disappear even without treatment, but it’s too early to rejoice, the disease hid for the time being - for the time being, passed into chronic form. Any chronic disease has exacerbations, which means that all symptoms can reappear, and be accompanied by complications in the form of menstrual irregularities, inflammatory diseases of the external and internal genital organs, and even infertility.

CHLAMYDIOSIS- Caused by Chlamydia trahamatis. Chlamydia is very insidious, because. its manifestations are most often absent. Allocations with it are scanty, transparent, resembling glue. Chlamydia can affect not only the genitourinary organs, but also the eyes, lungs, and joints. If left untreated, chlamydia can spread to the internal genital organs, causing inflammation, adhesions, and later infertility. Chlamydia - common cause miscarriages. A pregnant woman can pass the disease on to her child and he will be born with an eye disease, and a girl with congenital chlamydia of the urinary organs.

TRICHOMONIASIS- Caused by a pathogen called Trichomonas. She can swallow pathogens of other STDs and carry them in herself, so when you are sick with trichomoniasis (or during treatment) you can expect surprises - other STDs - this Trichomonas has released its "passengers". The first signs of the disease appear within 4 days. up to 3 weeks after infection. Features of manifestations: severe itching and irritation in the genital area, copious frothy discharge with an unpleasant odor. Recovery is impossible without special treatment. Like chlamydia, trichomoniasis is a common cause of infertility.

HERPES- caused by the herpes simplex virus, which can manifest itself in the genital area, anus, on the lips.

1) Small blisters that quickly burst, leaving painful wounds.
2) Pain and burning, especially when urinating, washing, walking.
3) Making love at this time is not only painful, but dangerous, because. you can pass the virus to your sexual partner.
4) The appearance of bubbles may be preceded by headache, malaise, temperature.
5) The virus remains in the body for life and can manifest itself with any weakening of the immune system ( viral infection; stress; menses).
6) Treatment herpetic infection primarily aimed at preventing recurrence of the disease.

Where can you apply for additional information Or in case of illness? Visit the Sharitel Center, where you are guaranteed anonymity and assistance qualified specialists(psychologist, gynecologist, urologist, dermatovenereologist, neurologist, proctologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, etc.).

1) In the "Sharitel" center you will be examined using modern laboratory and other diagnostic methods, and adequate treatment will be prescribed.
2) Treatment in our center will leave you with the most pleasant impressions.

Come and check it out!!!

How to always look charming and feel confident. Golden rules that every well-groomed girl should know.
1. Don't forget to wash your face before going to bed. No fatigue can be an excuse for not wanting to wash off makeup in the evening. You may not have time to do masks or massages, but simple hygiene rules cannot be neglected. Otherwise, your skin will eventually acquire a dull color, early wrinkles, blackheads and enlarged pores will appear.

2. Find your perfect shade of scarlet lipstick. Red lipstick is a universal assistant for any woman who is able to revive even the dullest outfit. The main thing is to choose your color: soft coral or carmine are suitable for warm skin tones, and scarlet, pomegranate or cherry for darker ones.
3. Follow comprehensive care. Making masks is certainly good, but no means of self-care will work if you do not eat right, spend more time in the fresh air and sleep at least seven hours.
4. Learn to do your own styling. There is one hairdressing trick that helps to achieve perfect styling at home. After washing your hair, wrap your hair in a microfiber towel to absorb excess moisture, then dry your hair naturally, and then style long curls or a short haircut with a round comb and a hand-held hair dryer. Thus, the hair will lie more evenly and smoothly.
5. Find your unique scent. Choosing your perfume does not mean using it alone for the rest of your life. All you have to do is pick the right scent to be remembered. Try to reveal your personality through it and complete the image.
6. Follow the shape of the eyebrows. Don't follow the rules of fashion. Everyone has different eyebrows: thin ones are suitable for someone, thicker ones for others. It is enough to correct the natural shape and use an eyebrow pencil slightly lighter than the hair roots. So, the face will become visually younger.
7. Sign up for hair updates regularly. Regardless of the length of your hair, you need to freshen up your hair every two months. Remember - no oils, serums and the like will save you from split ends. Do not be afraid to cut off the excess - this way your hair will look healthier.
8. Take care of your hands and nails. It is important to have healthy nails. The choice of nail design is huge. But you can always choose a classic French manicure or a solid color. The main thing is that the hands look well-groomed.
9. Belly fat is not burned when you work on the abdominal muscles. The press will be, but under a layer of fat. So the belly will even increase in volume. To burn belly fat, pull it in all the time and tighten your muscles.
10. Best of all, swings help from the hips, stretching from the calves, and walking for the legs.

11. In order for the muscles to swing beautifully and not grow like jocks, exercise 2-3 times a week and be sure to stretch after training.
12. In the morning on an empty stomach 2 glasses of water, you can with lemon, after 10 minutes 2 tablespoons of olive or linseed oil (to have the right fat in the body, for breasts and maintain the menstrual cycle). You can also eat a green apple.
13. After 10-15 minutes - breakfast.

it should be dense and full in order to signal the body that it's time to wake up, and also provide energy for the whole day.
14. Do not drink food and do not drink anything for another 40 minutes after eating! This slows down digestion, leads to heaviness, expands the walls of the stomach.
15. Eat more often, but little by little. ideally, to accelerate metabolism, you need to eat 5 times a day every 3 hours and at the same time (so that the body gets used to it and works better).

16. Baths and saunas do not burn fat, they only remove water from the body, which returns after 2 hours.
17. Not eating after six is ​​a cliché. There is no need to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.
18. After 16 - only protein food. Carbohydrates turn into fat in the afternoon.
19. A contrast shower is a panacea for everything. Increases blood circulation, respectively, accelerates metabolism, smoothes cellulite, improves complexion and appears willpower. forward to new habits!
20. Chew your food thoroughly, slowly and thoughtfully. Again, to speed up the metabolism. Do you know why some people eat a lot and don't get fat? Metabolism is good! This is also the secret of French women - they take their time eating and never have a snack!

21. The feeling of satiety comes after 20 minutes after you have eaten enough. Imagine how much you can eat in 20 minutes! So slow down with food.
22. Turn meals into torture. sit with a straight back, no TV / book, use all appliances, set the table according to all the rules! Imagine that a guy is sitting in front of you! and if you're really hardened, try to eat naked in front of the mirror!
23. Wanted to have a bite to eat, but shouldn't you? Do 20 squats, 50 jumps! Take a fragrant bath, go to the store and look at the clothes!
24. Do exercises every 5 minutes. you sit in front of the computer - go do some exercises for the press. After 5 minutes - you can squat.
25. You don’t want to eat from sports for two reasons: physically - the organs will shake, you will sweat, psychologically - you spent calories, you don’t want to gain.

26. Drink a glass of water every hour (preferably in small sips - it's healthier). Turn it into an exciting process - add lemon, mint. Love water.
27. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, soda, fast food, chips, mayonnaise, sausage are your main enemies. Memorize these words and associate them with cellulite and sides. hate them!
28. Nuts, butter - useful, but in small quantities. These are super calorie foods. So a handful of nuts that are so easy to get carried away with can make up your entire estimated calorie content of your day! Therefore, do not get carried away with oil when dressing a salad. From this, out of 100 kcal, there may already be 200, 300, 500 ... 8 nuts per day, no longer needed.
29. Potato - just not fried. If you really want to, eat potatoes in their skins or, at worst, mashed potatoes.
30. What is in white, what is in gray bread is the same calories. So without prejudice - get used to eating without bread or switch to rye.

31. Do not drink tea, do not have such a habit at all! Only if apart from food. And without sugar, why do you need empty carbs? This is pure poison. replace it with honey.
32. Green tea - 2 cups a day. Soothes, promotes cleansing.


1) No one should see you put on pantyhose. These jumps, squats, retractions are a terrible thing. Leave it to yourself.

2) Dresses or skirts must not be shorter than stocking elastic. It's gone.

3) Stop wearing black things!

4) Stop giving men women's gifts- clothes, perfumes and other things they will not appreciate! They don't care what the shaving cream smells like or how handmade his men's beauty kit is. Would you be pleased if you were presented with women's car covers, or a women's brush for cleaning snow from a car?

5) If you think you have several extra pounds or a few dozen - stop reproaching yourself and trying to go on a diet. Clothes will hide imperfections much better. If you look in the mirror and hate yourself, then you are wearing the wrong clothes.

6) Don't pluck brows to the state of molecules. Leave them alone, big eyebrows are not bad. You should remove only unnecessary hairs, and not change the bend given to you by nature.

7) Do not think that foundation creams are harmful. They need to be applied, not only to hide imperfections - they protect against ultraviolet radiation and harmful ecology. Just remember to take off your makeup at night.

8) Enough already to talk about your rich sexual experience, in front of men.

It doesn't suit you at all. Yes, maybe it's not fair that men can talk about it, but women can't.

9) Talking about how bad you are, what a bitch, how much you like to exhaust your nerves is also not worth it. This is an extra pathos, not an intrigue for men.

10) Shouldn't get carried away male interests like sports or computers just to please men. In general, you should not do anything that would please men. Even dress up. Everything you need to do only for yourself.

11) Yelling at a man, showing him his shortcomings, laughing at him is a humiliation of a man. You must direct him to the true path, calmly, quietly, and without saying that he is doing something wrong.

12) Never listen to others, do not live in other people's interests and someone else's life.

13) If you want stand out at an evening event - do not wear black dress. It will include all the girls.

14) The main secret a good figure - not in a strict diet, or in eating one pea a day. And the fact that you can eat anything, the main thing is not to overeat! That is, only when hungry.

15) Slimming underwear is a savior not only for pulling in, but also for whatever folds are visible, straps from underwear and could wear a strapless dress.

16) Skill prepare This is not an infringement of women's rights. It is not necessary to stand in the kitchen all day, because a good dish is not cooked. more than an hour. Just delight your friends with unusual pastries, muffins and cakes. It will only be a plus.

17) Clothes a few sizes larger is not bad. Sometimes, it can make you look thinner and you can accentuate your waist with a belt. Just don't confuse oversized clothes with baggy items. The latter is to beware.

18) In brands - 50% you pay for the name and brand, not for clothes.

19) It is not necessary to give birth to a child, no matter what to work at an unloved job.

20) For the figure, the most effective is a rope and a hoop.

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Other news

You have probably read advice more than once in your life about what should be in every girl's purse. Basically, of course, we are talking about your favorite perfume, powder box, comb, lipstick and mirror. Often such lists are supplemented completely practical things like paper handkerchiefs, personal care products, and even medicines. The most important condition: all these things must necessarily fit even in a small handbag, so that you do not have to wear huge trunks to the detriment of your image (this is an important factor).

10 little things every girl should have in her bag

However, each individual girl in her bag has things from her personal list. must have, sometimes very unexpected, but at the same time practical and useful in every way. The list that I share with you in today's post consists of just such things. I hope they can take their place of honor in your personal list of things that you need to have with you at all times.

1. Vaseline

Vaseline is a gift from heaven to mankind. Not only does it instantly hydrate and soften skin, you can also use it on your lips instead of lipstick. Also, it can be used on the fronts of your teeth to prevent lipstick from imprinting on your teeth. This tool is sold in miniature bottles, so it is very easy to fit in a small handbag.

2. Spare wipes

Spare wipes can go with you long haul, and useful in various unpleasant situations: a sudden allergy attack, a spilled drink at the bar, or even an unbearably hot day when you have to sweat. As an option, you can try baby wipes, for especially hot days or corrosive stains.

3. Lipstick (or two)

Certainly, common sense suggests that you should always have your most iconic (aka your favorite that suits you the most) lipstick shade in your purse, but sometimes it's hard to know when you might need to change up your look quickly. The easiest way to do this is with a completely different shade of lipstick.

4. Tiny perfume bottle

Roll-on, ampoules, mini-spray: Whichever option you prefer, always keep a little trail of your iconic scent, this is a must as scents fade throughout the day.

5. Adhesive plasters

Any woman who has worn new, unworn shoes at least once in her life is familiar with this terrible agony from fresh callus and damaged skin on the foot. Why not become a victim similar situation, it is worth carrying a supply of adhesive plasters in packages one at a time, different size. In general, there is no reason to refuse the patch - anything can happen in life.

6. Cash withdrawn from the card in advance if you are going with friends

In today's digital world, it's very easy to fall prey to the idea that you can buy everything with just a plastic card. While this is largely true, it is still best to be prepared for any situation. Nobody wants to be that girl in the company who doesn't have cash when everyone else does.

7. Toothpicks (and chewing gum)

Most of us eat three (or more) meals a day, so it's a good idea to carry a toothpick, or even dental floss, with you at all times. if you are unable to brush your teeth. Carry a small case with a few toothpicks in your purse, or a small spool of floss, and use them first. than go outside.

And it's not just for aesthetic reasons: research has shown that using oral hygiene products can help keep your teeth healthy.

8. Your insurance policy

Sexual? No. Useful? Yes! If (God forbid) something happens to you, even if it's just an accidental fall from a height of heels and a sprained ankle, you will definitely have to see a doctor and in this situation without an insurance policy - nowhere.

9. Knipser (nippers) for nails

It is difficult to guess when a treacherous burr may appear next to the nail, which is one of the most annoying and unattractive things in the world. Carry a small bag with you manicure set with a clipper to get rid of the unpleasant guest immediately. Also, the nipser in some force majeure situations can replace scissors.

10. Phone charger

I would call it one of the must have in my purse modern girl, because the batteries of modern smartphones do not always withstand the active use of the device even until the end of the day, so if you have plans after work, you will not have to be left without communication if you have a phone charger with you

And what is the most necessary for you, what do you always carry with you?

Knowing what every girl should have in her makeup bag certainly makes life easier for us: we do not need to spend money on extra funds,

we save space, we don’t need a whole arsenal and it doesn’t take much time to get ready. Let's figure out what kind of beauty products have a place in our cosmetic bag?

1. Day cream. Of course, every woman chooses daily cream for myself personally, based on the characteristics of my skin, so we cannot name the best. Just note that the day cream should moisturize the skin and protect it from the sun.

2. Makeup base. Necessary, since foundation and other products (both concealer and blush) will last longer and will not peel off during the day. It comes in three shades: green (to hide redness), purple (with reflective particles) and transparent. Whatever shade you choose, don't worry, it will adapt to your skin tone and prolong the life of your makeup. It's good if the base contains silicone - it evens out the skin, filling wrinkles, making it smooth.

3. Corrector. There should be two correctors in your cosmetic bag, one lighter than your skin by a couple of tones (ideal to mask bruises under the eyes, wreaths, etc.), and the second with a greenish tint and antibacterial properties (hide pimples, etc.). Concealer does not have to be used daily, but it is important to have it in your cosmetic bag - it will be very useful.

4. Foundation mousse. Tonal mousse is a mix of foundation and powders. So that it does not emphasize peeling and other imperfections, it is important to cleanse the skin by doing various masks for the face, peelings and other procedures. Apply it lightly by rubbing into the skin. This tool has many advantages, the main thing is to learn how to handle it correctly.

5. Shadows. Nude shades suit everyone. It is best to use gradient palettes, where from light shade can be done smooth transition to the dark. Best to use matte shades, and separately have a pair of mother-of-pearl light shades.

6. Eyeliner.

Eyeliners are different: gel, liquid, in felt-tip pens. It all depends on which one is more convenient for you to use. Well, if you distribute them on a pedestal, then the first place will be taken by the gel eyeliner, the second by the marker eyeliner, and the third by the standard liquid eyeliner.

7. Waterproof black pencil. This is always possible from day makeup make an evening one, just bring the kayal and lower eyelid and you're done.

8. Mascara. Mascara is different, with different brushes differences. We recommend using 3-in-1 mascara: lengthening, volume, definition.

9. Eyebrow shadow or pencil. Who is more comfortable to work with? Eyebrows are an important part of the face, and if you want to look great, then eyebrows must be well-groomed.

10. Lip balm. Very very very important. Apply it to your lips at the same time as you apply your day cream to your face. This way you get soft, moisturized beautiful lips. Also, lip balm will protect your lips from overdrying.

11. Lip pencil. At a minimum, a girl needs to have two lipsticks - one is nude, the second is bright. Same with lip pencils.

12. We have already described about lipsticks, the most important thing is to choose persistent and non-greasy, matte is best.

13. Lip gloss. In fact, it is not so necessary to have it in a cosmetic bag. But it will help you with lip makeup during the day, especially since they are now releasing lip gloss along with a mirror, which is very convenient. Also, with a drop of gloss in the middle, you will achieve breathtaking lip volume.

That's all minimum set cosmetics for girls.

Your best bet is to find your perfect fit and stick with it. I would also like to note that it is better not to save on cosmetics, as well as on shoes. It is better to buy one quality cream than many different ones that will cause irritation and go to the trash. Happy shopping, be beautiful!

How to appear smart, signs of a smart person

Beauty and cleanliness is often the determining factor in starting communication with a person, but if this person does not shine with intelligence, it is unlikely that anyone will want to continue this communication. How to seem smart if knowledge does not linger in the head!

It turns out that there is a whole system that will help you not to fall into the mud with your face and spur own interest to self-development.

How to act and what to say to seem smart

An important meeting, the desire to join in new company, job interview serious reasons to reflect on the impression you make. Are you like smart person Or are your words and deeds very mediocre and stupid? Much depends on this, but the first impression can be formed by adhering to simple recommendations about how to be smart.

1. When you first meet any person, do not rush to tell everything about yourself. Choose a couple of aspects of your life and character that could be discussed, but not emphasized. An excessive flow of information can give the wrong impression about you and scare off the interlocutor.

2. When speaking, speak clearly and thoughtfully. Avoid unreasonable assumptions and critical judgments about some activity and, especially, a person. fast speech acceptable if you know exactly what you are talking about, but it is better to postpone the verbal assault until the interlocutors are already more familiar with you.

3. Don't carry books with you unless you really read them. Books on the exact sciences and textbooks that have nothing to do with your life look especially stupid! Don't be afraid to show your interests. Fashion magazine patterns, a cactus breeding book or astrological charts - it doesn't matter, but you can tell a lot about it.

4. Don't talk more than you can. The habit of inserting one's own word into each sentence of the interlocutor is a clear feature of a not very well-mannered and not intelligent person. Build your speech on clear, short sentences that reflect the essence of your opinion on the issue raised.

5. Never interrupt your interlocutor! If you do not know how and what to say, keep silent once again.

6. The statement that a smile can save any situation is true. If appropriate, smile at the interlocutor, be open to dialogue and constructive argument. Never show aggression. If you're unsure about something, don't argue at all. When the other person's arguments are more convincing, have the courage to admit defeat and back off.

7. Keep track of your appearance. Neatness, simplicity and clarity of style, the size that suits you is the key to a neat wardrobe, which, in turn, will provide a primary opinion of you as a person who is not indifferent to the opinions of others about his person.

8. Listen and remember everything that is said and shown to you, but be sure to form your own opinion, even if you completely agree with the interlocutor.

9. Discuss only those topics that you understand.

10. Do not repeat after others! Your style, your opinion, your eating habits, your outlook on life will set you apart as a person with a mind of his own.

11. If you have vision problems, give preference stylish glasses. Visually, it makes a person smarter.

12. Give up constant Internet surfing on your phone and other gadgets in front of potential partners or in a new group of friends. Phone addiction is not positive quality for a smart person.

How to be smart and improve your self-image

But for a long time primary signs you can’t hold your mind, and then you should take care that curiosity and erudition are not just a mask, but objective reality of your life.

1. Expand your horizons. Check out the final news release at least once a week to keep up to date with the latest developments. Read once a month or two new book. You can give preference to the classics or study new items, but apart from fiction, do not forget to sometimes flip through dictionaries and publications about nature, countries, history.

2. Explore the world. Visit exhibitions, performances, museums, go with friends to the zoo, circus and screenings of author's films. This will help you dive into public life, develop creative thinking. Along with this, do not forget to participate in socially significant projects, try yourself as a volunteer.

3. Don't Miss Opportunities to Learn and Try different types entertainment. For example, today you can participate in many self-development trainings for free or take open lessons in dance schools in English and gain skills in other areas. In the end, you will definitely find something that will truly captivate you.

4. If the first impression of you, alas, was not the most pleasant, while developing, do not rush to demonstrate all your new skills and abilities. This will only make the situation worse. Just change your behavior gradually and use abilities as needed. The opportunity to prove yourself is sure to present itself, and then you can quickly rehabilitate yourself in the eyes of others.

Learn to laugh at yourself and develop confidence. It is foolish to be angry with someone who makes comments to you. There are two options here - accept, correct or ignore. The ability to constructively accept criticism in your address and confidence in actions will define you as a balanced person who can profitably get out of conflict situations.

6. Train your memory, because knowledge is stored here! This will help puzzles, memorizing poems and passages of text, solving crossword puzzles. Plus, one hundred points to the development of logical thinking.

7. Don't reshape yourself. Remember the film "Legally Blonde" - remaining a bright and unique girl with her own view of the world, the heroine managed to prove her worth in the "male" profession, despite the fact that many considered her a stupid blonde.

Signs of a smart person

So what distinguishes an intelligent person from one who ineptly uses his gray matter!

1. Reading. Smart people read a lot and often prefer reading to watching TV or playing games. computer games. In the hands of such a reader falls fiction and scientific literature, as well as textbooks.

2. Objective modesty. A smart person will never brag about his achievements and demonstrate outstanding skills, but will apply them with dignity if necessary. In addition, such a person will always thank you for your attention to his successes and discoveries.

3. Politeness, courtesy and insight. In a conversation, an intelligent person knows how to listen and hear, he is sensitive and courteous, realizing that what is said can be perceived differently. The speech of such a person is confident, all doubts are justified and have a chance to be challenged by other interlocutors.

4. During a dispute, a smart person does not interrupt, patiently listens to someone else's point of view and argues his answers with objective arguments. In the event of a loss, he adequately accepts his defeat or admits he was wrong.

5. A smart person never conflicts and does not accept a challenge to a conflict - he knows how to deftly leave it.

6. A smart person is far-sighted - he will not slam the door that still has to be entered. The promise he made is always kept!

7. A smart person always has his own opinion and does not adapt to others, unless special circumstances require it.

8. The ability to do everything on time is a sign of a smart person. This also applies to the ability to shut up in time, to ask for help in time or to help someone yourself.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for the women's magazine

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We constantly want something from men and make various lists of the qualities we need. What do men want from us? Of course, in view of the widespread feminization and emancipation, all more women they wanted to sneeze at men's requests: according to the principle "you need it - you do it." Red Lips Journal got confused and compiled for you a list of what every self-respecting girl over 18 simply must be able to do. So, read on, put pluses and be proud of yourself!

1. Cook

7. Simplicity is worse than theft

This is my favorite, favorite phrase, and it really fits any situation. You can be a simpleton at the age of 15, but not at 30. Even the most beautiful face, spewing absurdity and a meaningless stream of consciousness from its wonderful mouth, will quickly lose all its fans. Nowadays, a girl simply has to be smart, educated and constantly improve her intellectual level. - and you never go wrong.

8. Choose me!

A girl with brains and a twist (and you are exactly like that, don’t even doubt it!) Definitely knows how to choose shoes and clothes. As they say, the appearance that you have at 18 is the merit of nature, and what you see in the mirror closer to 30 is entirely your merit. Or "unmerit". The ability to look like a queen even in a simple black turtleneck, of course, is not given to everyone, but learning not to hobble on high heels, like a wounded ostrich, is quite within your power. A sad impression is made by a girl who is trying to blindly imitate magazines.

9. Laughter prolongs life

Including laughing at yourself. A girl who is witty, capable of self-irony and does not take herself too seriously, always wins. Leave the bestial grin of seriousness for office meetings, and in ordinary life and just as fun to answer jokes.

10. One warrior in the field?

Yes! And you, finally, must understand that you and one can have a good time, have fun and develop. If now you have, and “all the girlfriends wandered off in pairs until the morning” - this is not a reason to lie on the couch with a mournful face. You yourself are already an interesting and self-sufficient person who can even go to the cinema, even to sports, even to the pool, even to a round-the-world trip on an elephant.