Entertainment scenario in the senior group “Visiting a fairy tale. Entertainment in the senior group. Scenario

Julia Pulyaeva
entertainment scenario in senior group"Visiting a fairy tale"

Abstract entertainment in the senior group

"Journey to the country fairy tales»


1. Creation of an emotionally positive environment and the formation of friendly relationships.

2. Consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales.

3. Educate Creative skills, creative thinking

3. Improve monologue, dialogic, coherent speech.

4. Educate emotional response to well-known and beloved fairy tales.

Equipment: balloons with a letter, cards with questions, a chest with fabulous items, split pictures. Decor hall: attributes for fairy tales"Fly Tsokotukha".

Children go into music hall to the tune "IN visiting a fairy tale»

presenter: Draws attention to the balls.

Guys, look how many balls, oh, look there is something there. Some letter. Let's read it.

“Hello dear guys d / s "Okay". In our fabulous the country was in trouble. Baba Yaga bewitched everything fairy tales Everything is messed up and we don't know what to do now. Help us please!

"Inhabitants fairyland »

presenter: Guys, help the residents « fairyland» ? How do you think we can help them?

Children: children's answers are heard.

presenter: Guys, I think we should definitely put things in order in fairy tales, otherwise we will begin to read them and understand nothing. What do you think needs to be done for this? (Children's options are heard). Let's try to get into the country where they live fairy tales.

Let's close our eyes and say magic words:

Clap twice

Stomp three times

Turn around yourself

And in find yourself in a fairyland!

(While the children say magic words Baba Yaga appears

presenter: Oh, who is it?

Baba Yaga: It's me, Granny Yagulechka in person! Who else are you? Why did you complain?

presenter: Hello Baba Yaga! We received a letter from the residents fabulous city . They ask for help.

Baba Yaga: Complained already? But you still can't help them!

presenter: And why is that! There are so many of us, and you are alone!

Baba Yaga: You, as I have already noticed, are very small, and therefore you can’t do anything and don’t know anything. If you cope with all my tasks, then I will disenchant everything fairy tales back. Do you agree?

Children's answers:

Baba Yaga: I have very difficult tasks.

presenter: And now we will check, right guys? Give Baba Yaga here your tasks.

Baba Yaga: Oh, no, I'll check on you first.

And I'll make a game for you.

Since you are asking to disenchant everything fairy tales, I will check how well you know them.

1 task:

(Collect cut pictures puzzles. All children are called, divided into teams of 2-3 people and collect pictures of who is faster and Baba Yaga with them).

presenter: Well, how is Baba Yaga, did we cope with the task?

Baba Yaga A: You're just lucky. Here is the next task you will never cope with. It lies in a magical chest.

presenter: Let's see what is in this magic chest. Look guys, there are some objects here.

Baba Yaga: These are not just objects, but magical ones. They are from the bewitched fairy tales I took them with me, just in case.

2 task

Baba Yaga: a task such: name from which fairy tales these items. If you guess right, I will give you, since you love so much fairy tales. (Invites the children to the chest, the children take turns taking out the object and calling it from which fairy tales).

Items: an arrow, a mitten, a stove, a box, a mirror, a pot, a semi-flower, a turnip

Baba Yaga: Indeed, kids are smart. well in next task I definitely mixed everything up, even the smartest adults would not have coped, and even more so children. Are you ready to play a game with me? Get in a circle.

3 task: A game «» (Baba Yaga confuses children).

Baba Yaga: And where did you come from so smart. Will have to be stronger enchant fairy tales.

(says magic words)

I'll show you a dirty trick!

I will enchant everything fairy tales,

So that children do not know affection!

4 task: A game "Fix the mistake"

1) "Cockerel Ryaba"

2) "Dasha and the Bear"

3) "The Wolf and the Seven Lambs"

4) "Ducks-swans"

5) "Chanterelle with a saucepan"

6) "Zayushkin house"

7) "Princess Turkey"

8) "Fist Boy"

presenter: And the truth is, Baba Yaga confused everything, but you were very attentive and coped with this task.

Baba Yaga: But you will never cope with this task.

5 task:

1. Remember the song of Kolobok (“I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man, mixed with sour cream, cold on the window. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather!”)

2. What words did Ivan call Sivka-Burka? ( “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand before me, like a leaf before grass!”)

3. How to turn the hut of Baba Yaga? ( “Hut-hut, stand in front of me, back to the forest!”)

4. What words does the queen refer to the magic mirror?

(“My light, mirror! Tell me, yes, the whole truth report back:

Am I sweeter than everyone in the world, All rouge and whiter?)

5. What did you say gold fish, When the old man caught her?

("Let go, older me in the sea,

Dear for myself, I will give a ransom

I'll pay off whatever you want.")

6. What words did the wolf say when he caught fish in the hole with his tail? ( "Catch, fish, both small and large!")

7. What words did Masha say every time the Bear was about to sit on a stump? ( "Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie - bring it to your grandmother, bring it to your grandfather!")

8. Remember the magic words that the girl Zhenya said from fairy tales"Flower-seven-flower". (“Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, return, making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, in my opinion, lead)

9. What you need say so that the miracle pot starts cooking delicious porridge? (“One, two, three, pot, boil!”

10. What phrase did the cat Leopold repeat, wanting to make peace with the mice? (Guys let's be friends).

presenter: And now Baba Yaga, the guys will prove to you that with fairy tales also need to be friends by performing the song.

A song is being performed "There are many in the world fairy tales»

Baba Yaga: Why is this happening, they also sing and coped with all the tasks. (Starts to cry slowly)

presenter: What happened to Baba Yaga, why are you crying?

Baba Yaga: How can I not cry, you coped with all the tasks, now you will say the magic words, they only saw you. And I'll be left alone again, because with me none of fabulous Heroes are not friends and do not play.

presenter: And you, Baba Yaga, don't cry, if you want, we'll come to you guests will come, or you come to us at the d / s. Main Remember: don't be rude, don't harm anyone. Be cheerful and friendly.

Baba Yaga: I can't! (sad)

Children: We will teach you!

presenter: Let's stand in a circle, join hands and give our smile to the neighbor on the left, and then to the neighbor on the right, smile at Baba Yaga, and she will smile at you. Well, Baba Yaga, are you ready to have fun with us?

Dance "Grandma-Ezhka"

presenter: Well, did Baba Yaga cheer you up?

Baba Yaga: Certainly. I even got better. I will disenchant fairy tales(says a spell)

presenter: Well, that's good, but it's time for us to return to the nursery. But before returning to the nursery, our children have prepared a Baba Yaga surprise for you, sit back and look.

Excerpt from fairy tales"Fly Tsokotukha"

Baba Yaga: Oh, what good fellows, how smart and kind everyone is. I will definitely be like that too.

presenter: Guys, let's believe Baba Yaga? And now everyone go out and stand in a big circle, it's time for us to return to the nursery. In order to find yourself in a d / s, let's all say the magic words together

Clap 2 times

stomp 3 times,

Turn around yourself

Find yourself in kindergarten!

presenter: Here we are at home. Guys, where have we been with you now?

Children: IN fairyland!

presenter: Did you enjoy traveling fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

presenter: Guys, residents fabulous countries send you Thanks a lot, for helping to disenchant everything fairy tales, and sweet treats.

Children come out of the music. hall to the melody "IN visiting a fairy tale»

To the cheerful music, the children enter the music room. They are met by a good Fairy.

Fairy: Hello guys! I am a good Fairy, I invited you to a holiday. It's so beautiful here. Fabulous! You like? I am very glad that distinguished guests have come to us. Let's welcome them! There is such a word - the best of words. This word is Hello! So - be healthy!

There will be a lot of interesting things at our holiday, we will dance, sing, and most importantly, we will learn to be polite, kind, to give joy to everyone around! Do you agree with me? (children answer)

Fairy: Who is talking to us?

Fairy: Guys! Is it possible to live without kindness, without smiles?

(Children answer)

We need to save our kindergarten from the evil sorceress Zlyuchka. I propose to go to the country of Kindness and Politeness, and I really need your help - together we will return joy and fun to everyone and, of course, good ones, polite words. Guys! Will you help me? Then we’ll go on a trip with you, and I have one song in store for the road, so we’ll go with it. Is everyone ready? Go!


Fairy: Here is the first stop - and the Sun meets us. Guys, tell me, please, what is it, the Sun?

(children's answer: bright, warm, kind, affectionate)

Fairy: Probably, good people live here. Each of us has a little sun. This sun is kindness! a kind person is someone who loves people and helps them. Let's remember the kind words.

Game "Tender words"

Adults: Sun

Children: Sunshine

(Bird, children, mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, etc.)

And now we sit down and rest.

Cheerful music sounds, Dunno peeks out from behind the screen.

Fairy: Hello boy!

Dunno: Hello, Good Fairy and guys!

Fairy: Tell me, please, what is your name?

3 Oh, I completely forgot to introduce myself, I'm Dunno from the Sunny City! I see that you have fun here, can I have fun with you too?

Fairy: Dunno! Of course you can. But after all, we not only have fun, but also learn polite and kind words.

Dunno: Really, you are so small and know what kindness and politeness are?

Fairy: Children know a lot of kind and polite words.

Dunno: This is very good, recently all kind, polite words suddenly disappeared in our city. Here is one word "Hello!" - that's all that's left, and I don't remember anything else.

Fairy: Guys! Let's help Dunno remember?

I will start, you continue: in unison, answer in unison!

3. The game "Rhymes"

Even an ice block will melt from a warm word (thank you)

The old stump will turn green when it hears (good afternoon)

When we are scolded for pranks, we say (please forgive me)

Children and adults say goodbye to each other (goodbye)

Dunno: Thank you all, I remembered everything - all the magic words and now I will say them to everyone: thank you, please, excuse me, good afternoon, goodbye, thank you, please ... ..

Fairy: Wait, wait, Dunno! You know kind words, but when should they be spoken?

Dunno: Yes, I know, check me, please!

Fairy: Let's see! Dunno - imagine that you need to get up early so as not to be late. Mom woke you up in the morning, and what should you say?

Dunno: Oh, mom - let's have breakfast soon, otherwise I'm late.

Fairy: What are you talking about before?

Stranger: Mom! Where are my socks? I forgot where I threw them in the evening?

Fairy: Dunno! Have you forgotten what to say to your mother in the first place, when in the morning you just - just opened your eyes and stretched? Help guys!

Children: You need to say: "With Good morning, mommy!"

Dunno: Oh, good morning ... .. I see!

Fairy: We continue, so you had breakfast and what do you say to your mother? Spa…

Dunno: Good night, whether?

Fairy: Guys! Need your help again

Children: You need to say: “Thank you, mommy!”

Dunno: Yes - yes, yes, of course, thank you - I understand.

Fairy: What should I say goodbye?

Dunno: Oh, mom - I forgot to tell you: “Please give me a chocolate bar. Now is that right?

Fairy: Dunno! Again you got it all mixed up. Guys! Help, please.

Children: You need to say: "Goodbye!"

Dunno: Now I understand and remember everything: in the morning - say hello, leaving - say goodbye, and you also need to thank you. Guys! You helped get everything back good words, thank you. Hooray! Now Kindness lives in my Sunny City! In parting, I want to give you funny song and a dance from all my friends. Bon Voyage!


Fairy: A cheerful dance led us to a glade of fairy tales. And on the meadow stands beautiful house- who lives in that house? I will quietly approach and ring the bell. (Rings, the window opens and the Storyteller appears)

Storyteller: Hello, kids! I live in this house, keep order, sing songs, and compose fairy tales.

Fairy: Dear Storyteller! Please go out to the guys from your house, we love to sing songs, listen to fairy tales.

Storyteller: I can’t go out to you, dear children. The sorceress Zlyuchka flew into my fairytale house, yes, she made such a mess, now I can’t open the door and I can’t get out of the house. I’m not up to fairy tales - you’ll excuse me!

Fairy: Guys! Let's help clean up the house, shall we? How do you help adults?

Educator with children: (show)

We wipe the dust, water the flowers

We will wash the dishes - it will be clean everywhere!

Storyteller: Oh, yes, guys - well done! Then we get to work together.

5. Song - the game "Merry Helpers"

(The Storyteller comes out of the house)

Storyteller: Thank you, kids. Your good deeds drove away sadness, there is order in the house, and now Kindness lives in my fairy meadow! And so you can tell me a story. Shall we invent it together?

Our fairy tale is not easy, what the people told This fairy tale is different - “Gingerbread Man on the contrary”

Once upon a time there was a grandmother and she decided to bake a bun for her grandchildren.

Fairy: Guys! We know one magic recipe pie, let's try to bake our Kolobok according to this recipe!

Children with a teacher (show)

They sculpted a gingerbread man, put it in the dough

200 grams

Children: smiles

300 grams of laughter

Kilogram of health

Kilogram of success

2 glasses of courtesy

A handful of kind words

And a pinch of tenderness

Gingerbread man - ready!

Storyteller: Gingerbread Man turned out wonderful!

Kolobok - ruddy side! (a child comes out - “Gingerbread Man”)

Gingerbread man: Now I'll run away to the forest, no one will eat me there!

(Kolobok runs, dances)

Storyteller: And towards Kolobok Bunny.

Kolobok: Hello, Bunny!

Bunny: Oh! Who are you?

Bunny: No! I won't eat you. I love cabbage, I love carrots and I love to sing songs.

(Kolobok runs, dances)

Storyteller: And the Fox meets him.

Gingerbread Man: Hello, Lisa!

Lisa: Who are you?

Gingerbread man: I am Gingerbread man, ruddy side - eat me.

Fox: What are you, I'm on a diet, I eat a cutlet a day

And today is a holiday, a holiday of Kindness! They all give each other smiles.

Storyteller: Guys! Our fairy tale came to an end, so no one ate Kolobok, and he returned home to Grandma.

Did you like the fairy tale?

Fairy: The tale turned out to be kind, because you guys gave joy to everyone around. You have learned to be polite, kind. The sorceress Zlyuchka flew far into the cold swamps and will never return to our kindergarten. And polite words and good deeds will always remain with us, they are so similar to little wizards. Kind, little wizards are already rushing to you, meet them.

Children - Being kind is not at all easy, kindness does not depend on growth. Kindness does not depend on color, kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy. If kindness, like the sun, shines, adults and children rejoice.

Fairy guys, let's sing a song about what happened to the evil wolf. Maybe Zlyuchka will hear us and change his mind about harming everyone.

The song "ON THE BRIDGE"

Fairy: I brought my gifts for the guys, this is a small piece of great kindness. (Giving gifts)

Fairy: Guys! I, the good Fairy, will often meet with you. Our holiday of kindness does not end, we will continue it in the group. To all our guests at parting, we will unanimously say:

Children: Goodbye! (to the song about kindness, the children leave the music room).

Synopsis of entertainment in the senior group "Visiting the Forest Fairy"

develop speech; exercise in agreeing nouns with adjectives in gender and number; clear pronunciation of the endings of adjectives; pronunciation of tongue twisters; exercise in finger and breathing exercises; consolidate knowledge about vegetables, fruits, wild animals and their cubs, animal dwellings, forest plants.
Develop attention, memory, thinking. Strengthen the ability to put together a picture from parts.

Entertainment progress.

Educator. Guys, do you like fairy tales?
Children.- Yes.
Educator.- Let's go with you to a fairy-tale land. All miracles happen at night. Let's pretend it's night. We have candles burning in our hands.
(In the hands of the children and the teacher - imaginary candles)
To be in a fairy tale, let's put out the candles. We hold the candles in front of us, inhale air through the nose and slowly exhale through the mouth and blow on the candles.
Repeat after me.

Och - ouch - ouch - the night has come.
Cha - cha - cha - a candle burns in the room.
Choo-choo-choo - we extinguished the candle.

Educator.– Close your eyes and imagine a magical land.
(The teacher sets the "gate" to a fairy-tale land).
We open our eyes. Here you and I are in magical land, in front of the fairy gates. There is a padlock on the gate. Let's open the lock.
Repeat after me.

There is a lock on the door
Who could open it? (Alternately we connect the fingers in the lock.)
Pulled. (We stretch our palms in different directions.)
Twisted. (We twist hands closed in the castle forward, backward.)
They turned it over. (We twist hands closed in the castle to the left, to the right.)
And they opened it. (Palms to the sides, up.)
(We remove the lock, open the doors. There is an envelope behind the door).

caregiver. Let's read the letter.
“Hello, dear guys!
I, Forest Fairy, I ask you for help. Evil witch enchanted my castle and I can't get out of it. Help me please. The path to me is difficult and long, but you will definitely cope with all the trials. I'm looking forward to seeing you."

Educator.- Guys, can we help the Fairy?
Children.- Yes.
Educator.– We set off on a journey to the magical forest of a fairy-tale land.
Let's find out who lives in the magical forest?
(The teacher makes riddles, the children guess, the teacher puts pictures - riddles on the board).

Sleeping in winter
In the summer the hives stir. (Bear).

water masters
Building a house without an ax
House of brushwood and mud
And good dams. (Beavers).

Friendship leads only with a fox,
This animal is angry, evil.
He clicks and clicks with his teeth,
Very scary grey... (Wolf).

red cheat,
Deftly wields in the chicken coop. (Fox).

Like a whirlwind flies to escape
From the enemy shy ... (Hare).

Instead of wool needles entirely,
The enemy of mice is prickly ... (Hedgehog).

Educator. What are the houses of forest animals called?
(The teacher exposes pictures of animal houses. Children name the animal and their house: the bear lives in a den, the squirrel lives in a hollow, the wolf lives in a den, the beaver lives in a hut, the fox lives in a hole).

Educator. What are the young forest animals called?
(The teacher exposes a picture with an adult animal and its cubs, the children call: a bear has cubs, a squirrel has squirrels, a fox has cubs, a beaver has beavers, a hare has hares).

Educator.- The whole day the kids frolicked in the forest clearing. The evening came and the kids need to go home, but they played so hard that they forgot who lives where.
Let's help the little ones find their homes.
(Children are given pictures depicting animals and their houses. Children connect animals with their houses with stripes).

Educator. We continue our journey.
We entered the magical forest
He is full of his miracles: (children march in place)
The birds are talking (wave hands) and animals (depict ears)
AND magic trees. (Hands up and to the sides)
We will save the fairy of the forest
We'll take you to the kindergarten. (March in place)

Educator.- Look, we went to forest clearing. Who lives here?
(A house is attached to the screen - “The hut on chicken legs”. A doll - Baba Yaga appears from behind the screen).

Baba Yaga. Why did you wander into my forest?
Children. We are going to visit the forest Fairy.
Baba Yaga.- Oh, I won’t let you through, you will live with me and work for me.
Children.“Grandma, let us through, please.”
Baba Yaga.- Okay, so be it, I’ll skip it, you’re asking very well, but with one condition: guess what grows in my forest. I bewitched everything in the forest, turned it into pictures, and cut them into pieces. Well, are you okay?
(Children assemble a picture from parts and name plants: trees, berries, mushrooms)

Educator.- we continue on our way.
We entered the magical forest
He is full of his miracles: (children march in place)
The birds are talking (wave hands) and animals (depict ears)
And magical trees. (Hands up and to the sides)
We will save the fairy of the forest
We'll take you to the kindergarten. (March in place)

Educator.- Look, children, who is sitting on a stump and crying bitterly?
(A bunny sits on a stump - a soft toy.)
Ask why the bunny is crying?
Bunny.- I wanted to bake a vegetable pie for my birthday, but then the fox came running, mixed vegetables with fruits and ran away. So I don't know what to do.
Educator. - Don't cry, bunny, the children will help you.
(Children take turns taking out a dummy of a vegetable or fruit from a bag, explain what it is, where it grows. Example: a tomato, this is a vegetable, grows on a garden bed; a pear, this is a fruit, grows on a tree in the garden. Vegetables are put in a basket with a picture of vegetables; fruits are put in a basket with a picture of fruit).
We leave the basket with vegetables to the bunny, and we ourselves move on.

Educator.“We have been on the road for a long time. Here is the castle ahead.
(Children approach the table on which the castle is built from the construction kit).
You and I approached the fairy castle. Let's say the magic words and free the Fairy of the Forest.

One, two, three doors lock open!
(The doors open. A doll appears - the Fairy of the Forest.)

Fairy.- You guys, I praise
And I give you a gift (Fairy gives sweets to children).
I liked the way you
All tests passed.
And now I say goodbye
IN kindergarten you have to go.
Goodbye friends!

Educator. So our magical journey has ended.

Entertainment for older preschoolers "What should we eat?"
Smirnova Tatyana Vladimirovna, MDOU teacher kindergarten combined type No. 326, Volgograd.

Description: I offer the author's development of entertainment for older children preschool age. The material can be useful for teachers preschool institutions when studying the topic: Proper nutrition". Children consolidate knowledge about useful products, substances contained in them, learn how to prepare a salad.


To form children's ideas about useful products, about the substances and vitamins contained in them;

Expand lexicon: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins;

Develop thinking, memory, cultivate cultural and hygienic skills.

Equipment and materials: a projector, pictures with products, a set of products, dummies of products, trays, napkins; pictures for the fairy tale "About two mice", a set of dishes.

Entertainment progress.

Educator:- Guys, listen to the poem and guess the hero from your favorite cartoon:

He is brown, funny,

Chubby, kind, groovy,

Loves sweet honey

Who will come to us now?

(Winnie the Pooh)

Sounds like a song from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh appears on the slide.

Guys, who came to us? (Winnie the Pooh.)

Children greet.

Winnie the Pooh:

I came here for a reason

Do you know friends

To develop normally

Jump, run and laugh

Several times a day,

You have to eat right.

I want to know from you

About proteins and about fats,

vitamins, carbohydrates,

About the useful gifts of nature.

Educator:- Yes, guys, Winnie the Pooh loves to eat! That is why he is so chubby, perky and cheerful. Do you like to eat? What is the most favorite dish does your mom cook?

Why do you need to eat well? (children's answers)

Educator:- The human body must receive with food everything that it needs for life. To help the body, one must regularly eat a variety of foods and drink water.

Winnie the Pooh offers to split into two teams and complete his tasks. At the end of the game, a prize from the guest awaits us.

(Children are divided into two teams, come up with names)

Each team for the correct answer or completed task will receive a token.

Educator:- There are three groups of important substances contained in food. Each group has a specific effect on the body.

1 team

What substances form our body and keep it in shape. Thanks to this group of substances, a person grows normally (Squirrels).

2 team

These substances give energy and develop endurance. A person is actively working, moving, playing sports. (Carbohydrates)

1 team

This group of substances helps to accumulate energy and develop the brain. When a person gets sick, it is their energy that helps fight the disease ( fats).

2 team

On the table, each team has pictures on which different products are drawn: potatoes, pasta, bread, green peas, cookies, sugar, milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, nuts, fish, eggs, meat.

Divide these pictures into three groups. In the first group of products should be a lot of proteins, in the second - carbohydrates, in the third - fats.

(Children complete the task. The teacher checks, corrects mistakes with the children).

Even in our lives, there are six different vitamins that play a role in the development of our body.

The teacher invites the children to the table, where there are five trays covered with napkins.

1 team

Listen to the riddle and recognize one of the foods that is hidden on the first tray.

Red hidden spine

Only an inch is visible from above.

And you will deftly pick up

And in the hands... (carrot).

Children take off the napkin and name the products (models) that lie on the tray: carrots, cabbage, eggs, butter, meat, milk.

Which vitamin is the most in these products? It is good for vision and skin.

(Vitamin A").

The teacher treats the children with carrots, they determine the taste, shape, color.

2 team

Listen to the riddle:

There grew a bush in the garden,

Only a crunch and a crunch is heard.

In cabbage soup, thick in hodgepodge -

It's me … (cabbage).

Children take off the napkin and name the products that are on the tray: cabbage, lemon, orange, kiwi, apple, green peas.

Which vitamin is the most in these products? It is essential for disease resistance. (Vitamin C")

Children eat cabbage, determine the taste.

Go to the third tray.

1 team

Listen to the riddle:

Here the fire burns brightly for us,

We sit next to each other - it's very hot.

And the fire went out a little -

Relish baked (potato).

They take off the napkin and name the products that are on the tray: potatoes, fish, black bread, beans, chicken legs.

What vitamin is found in these products in greater quantities. It is essential for digestion. (This is vitamin "B").

Children try boiled potatoes, determine the taste.

Go to the fourth tray.

2 team

Listen to the riddle:

Although he is not very fragile,

And hid in a shell.

Of the fruits, he is the hardest of all

It's called... (nut).

On the tray: nuts, meat, corn, loaf, vegetable oil, parsley.

What vitamin is found in these products in greater quantities. (This is vitamin "E").

Vitamin "E" is necessary for the skin, from aging, for the prevention of heart disease.

Children eat nuts, determine the taste.

Go to the fifth tray.

1 team

Go to the fifth tray.

Listen to the riddle:

The house is round, the house is white,

The house was at first whole,

And how it finally cracked

And so the tenant jumped out.


Children take off the napkin and name the products that are on the tray: milk, fish, cheese, sour cream, egg.

What vitamin lives in these products? (Vitamin D") It is necessary for growth.

2 team

Listen to the riddle:

Liquid, not water

White, not snow.


I will begin to tell a fairy tale, and you must come up with an ending based on these pictures.

Educator: - Once upon a time there was a mouse. She gave birth to two mice: Yasha and Fedya. Yasha, a big, strong and fast mouse, ate wheat grains, because he loved to eat ... ..

(Meat and loved to drink milk very much! And Fedya ate grains of wheat, meat, but did not like milk at all. Mama mouse scolded Fedya, but he was a very stubborn little mouse.

After a while, the mice grew up. But it turned out that Yasha had become. He had strong, hard bones and teeth. And Fedya remained a small, weak and frail mouse).

Educator:- That's how useful milk is.

Children drink milk

Task for both teams "Healthy salad"

Guys, something our guest is sad. He asks each team to prepare a healthy salad.

(Children come up with a salad from the proposed fruits and vegetables, cook together with the teacher, “treat” Winnie the Pooh).

Winnie the Pooh:

Well done guys, how well do you know healthy foods. Substances and vitamins found in them must be consumed every day, because our body does not produce them! And in order to grow normally, develop and not get sick, we must eat all these foods. As a gift, I will give you a pot of honey. After all, honey is also a very healthy product: it normalizes the work of many internal organs, improves blood composition, improves immunity, is a powerful source of energy, protects the body from premature aging. Eat for health!

(Winnie the Pooh says goodbye and leaves)

Children drink tea with honey.