Betrayal of the Motherland in the work The Captain's Daughter. Essay on the topic: Loyalty and betrayal in “The Captain’s Daughter” - what to write in it

In the work of Alexander Pushkin “ Captain's daughter"The theme of fidelity and betrayal can be illustrated by the example of two opposing heroes - Grinev and Shvabrin.

Pyotr Grinev, despite his youth, turned out to be true to his views, did not betray his duty, did not betray his love, and was not afraid of difficulties. His father is Andrei Grinev, a former military man. By nature he was kind and sincere. His military service turned out to be short, since he did not want to depend on anyone and “knock out” ranks, as others did. Peter's father understands the category of loyalty in his own way, in the narrow sense - loyalty to the one to whom he swore allegiance.

Peter himself, becoming more mature under the influence of his experiences and trying to fulfill his father’s instructions, expands the category of fidelity to the level of universal humanity.

He did not betray his oath, but in his enemy, Pugachev, he saw a manifestation of human traits, such as loyalty and courage. Pugachev is also able to impartially assess the feelings of duty and loyalty of the people around him. It is for this reason that Grinev appeals to him. Pushkin endowed Peter Grinev with the qualities of a real Russian officer. And in all difficult situations Peter behaves with dignity, without losing his ideals and morals.

The opposite is the theme of betrayal; it appears fully in the image of Shvabrin. In the work he is depicted as a low and cynical person. This hero did not think about the need to protect honor from a young age. He really liked the daughter of Captain Mironov, Masha, only because she did not want to marry him, Shvabrin, driven by a sense of revenge, spread gossip and rumors about her.

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Alexander Pushkin himself knew firsthand numerous examples of courage and cowardice, because he lived in an era when it was almost impossible to hide manifestations of character. Duels, military service, hunting, cards - all the entertainment of the nobility required a demonstration of courage and defense of honor. Maybe that is why the writer invested his energy in creating a historical mirror of a bygone era, where the moral virtues and imperfections of man were even more obvious. On the pages of the work, he tried to give a lesson to his generation and those who would come to replace him, to teach people the true virtue of the soul. In particular, in “The Captain's Daughter” you can find convincing arguments on the topic “Courage and Cowardice”, which will help graduates in writing the final essay in this area.

  1. An example of a brave person is main character Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". He shows his courage in defending the fortress when it is attacked by rebels. Peter was eager to fight and did not disgrace the honor of the nobleman. But what is much more shocking is his refusal to swear allegiance to Pugachev, which promises martyrdom. However, Grinev is not one of the timid, and he does not consider himself a traitor. Even his enemy respects this trait in him. Therefore, the next heroic act falls to his lot after liberation from the fortress. The young man helps Masha out, and at the same time disobeys the command. As a result, they want to condemn him for formal “treason.” But even in this situation, Grinev does not justify himself and does not regret his action, because courage in a person often coexists with conscientiousness, honor and dignity.
  2. Pushkin portrays phenomenal cowardice in his story “The Captain's Daughter.” Shvabrin becomes a traitor to the core due to his all-consuming fear. Alexey is ready to do anything to avoid danger. For example, he loses his dignity by using dishonest tactics in a duel with Peter. To avoid competition from him, he also acts vilely: he denigrates Masha in the eyes of his gentleman. But his lowest act was the oath to the rebel Pugachev, for which he had prepared in advance, anticipating defeat. Thus, cowardice became the cause of moral decay of the individual.
  3. It's not just men who demonstrate courage. The heroine of Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” became brave thanks to tragic circumstances: her family was killed by rebels during the capture of the fortress. She was left alone in the enemy camp, and even alone with a vile traitor who was forcibly forcing her to marry him. In such a situation, not every girl could cope with her feelings. But Marya patiently endured the trials until decisive action was required from her. When Peter was arrested for going to her rescue, she went to the empress and risked asking for the “traitor.” The young heroine, without connections or help at court, went to seek the salvation of her beloved. The queen was touched by her story and pardoned Grinev. This is how the city takes courage.
  4. Savelich, the minor hero of the story “The Captain's Daughter,” is also an example of courage in the work. Although he is a slave, he does not fear his master, but respects him. When Grinev loses at cards, his servant scolds him in a fatherly manner and gets angry. The young master is insolent and answers passionately, but the peasant is famous for his grip: he still convinces the young man that he is right, without fear of punishment, which any nobleman could apply. But the hero’s most courageous act is saving Peter from Pugachev’s wrath. It is Savelich who seeks Grinev’s pardon by reminding Pugachev of the service rendered to him by the master. The serf is not afraid of death and opposes the stern rebel, overshadowing the owner. But he could betray him by defecting to those who defended his interests in the political arena. This way he would gain freedom. But courage elevates a person, making him also honest towards others.
  5. Shvabrin demonstrates cowardice in love, trying to win Marya's heart through cunning and dishonest behavior. He is afraid to appear before her as he is, without falsehood and endless meanness. The hero is not capable of frank confession. He only hurts the girl in every possible way, instead of showing attention and care. His feelings are also saturated with fear, like himself, and the heroine feels this, so she gives preference to another person. It is not surprising, because people quite rightly do not like a person’s fearfulness and uncertainty in actions, words and feelings. Therefore, lack of courage can harm not only on the battlefield, but also in your personal life.
  6. Cowardice is to some extent manifested in the behavior of Grinev's father, who denies his son a blessing. His fear can be understood: his son could have been deceived for selfish reasons. Still, Marya’s condition was incomparable to Peter’s wealth. The girl hardly had any reason to claim such unequal marriage. The hero was afraid that she was just a selfish and hypocritical person who wanted to get out “from rags to riches.” But he feared for the fate of the heir - this feeling can be understood and justified, so it cannot be said that this or that cowardly act is always dictated by the baseness of a person. Sometimes such behavior is quite forgivable, because we're talking about about the most dear to my heart people.
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In the story “The Captain's Daughter” A.S. Pushkin touches on the problem of noble honor, which is very important for him and his compatriots. Showing the gradual development of the personality of Pyotr Grinev, the main character of the work, the author outlines the Russian national character who is characterized by such qualities as kindness, nobility, honesty, loyalty this word and the sovereign. Only after going through difficult life trials does the young nobleman become what we see him in the finale.

Life in my father's house

The text of the story is a memoir written on behalf of the main character, which gives the events described greater authenticity: no one can tell about a person better than himself.

Petrusha received a traditional upbringing for noble children. The kind uncle Savelich was assigned to him, who accompanied the young man even after his departure for service. He was taught by the French hairdresser Beaupré, who could not give a thorough education. The boy lived as a teenager, carefree and without thinking about the future.

Even before birth, the father enrolled his son in But when Pyotr Grinev reached the age of sixteen, he decided to send him not to St. Petersburg, but to Orenburg, under the supervision of an old acquaintance. Thus the future fate of the young nobleman was predetermined.

Entering an independent life

The main parting word that the father gave when seeing off his son: “Take care of... honor from a young age.” Peter will follow this principle throughout his life. In the meantime, he looks more like a spoiled little baron. For the first time he gets drunk and loses a hundred rubles to an unfamiliar Zurin, then demands that Savelich definitely repay the debt. He insists on an urgent departure to the Belogorsk fortress, where he was assigned in Orenburg, and finds himself in a strong snowstorm. But the formation of the personality of Pyotr Grinev is already beginning. He suffers, realizing his guilt before his faithful uncle, and asks him for forgiveness - the ability to admit his mistakes. He gives the counselor who helped them get out of the snowstorm a sheepskin coat - gratitude for the help provided.

Test of love

It brings Peter Grinev into life with a glorious family and the cowardly Shvabrin. The actions of the latter to a greater extent highlight the noble traits of the main character. Both fall in love with Masha Mironova, but if Shvabrin stoops to baseness after receiving a refusal, Grinev is ready to defend the honor of his beloved girl at the cost of his own life. This happens in the case of a duel, when the hero challenges a more experienced opponent to a duel, who spoke insultingly towards Masha. And also at the moment when the Pugachevites enter the fortress.

Shvabrin not only goes over to their side, but also tricks him into keeping the defenseless girl locked up, and then announces that she is the daughter of the executed commandant. The characterization of Pyotr Grinev is completely different in the current situation. He has to do Difficult choice between the duty of an officer, which obliged him to go to the unit, and the desire to protect his beloved. While the hero is sure that nothing threatens Masha, he goes to Orenburg, but at her first call, without receiving support and understanding from the command, he returns to the fortress. The hero will also remain silent at trial, when the accusation of treason based on the denunciation of the same Shvabrin could cost him his life. After all, to tell for what purpose he went to the fortress to Pugachev meant to involve the commandant’s daughter in an unpleasant story. And only Masha’s meeting with the empress will help restore justice and justify the hero.

Thus, the next stage when the formation of Pyotr Grinev’s personality occurs is his love, sincere and selfless. She turned yesterday's mischievous person into one capable of taking responsibility for another person.

Meeting Pugachev

During the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev shows strength of character, loyalty to the oath and the empress, and courage. Of course, a certain role in the fact that he was not executed along with the others was played by the hare sheepskin coat that Peter gave to the counselor on the way to the fortress. But the young officer refused to kiss the impostor’s hand and swear allegiance to him. It was this moral fortitude and willingness to accept death for one’s convictions that determined Pugachev’s attitude towards Grinev. And also the ability to always tell the truth, sincerity in everything and a feeling of complete inner freedom. This could be the characterization of Pyotr Grinev in the chapters that describe his meetings with the impostor. Indeed, the latter did not invite everyone to his table, let him go on all fours after refusing to go into his service, or gave his blessing for marriage with the daughter of the commandant of a military fortress.

The image of Pyotr Grinev in the story “The Captain's Daughter”: conclusions

Thus, during the events described, the character of the protagonist undergoes changes. And several points are important in this process. Firstly, the reasonable decision of the father, who sent his son not to St. Petersburg, where an idle life and amusements awaited him, but to a remote fortress, which in fact became the place where he pulled the strap and smelled gunpowder. Secondly, the era itself and the important historical event- uprising under the leadership of Pugachev. Only in difficult life situations, as a rule, the true person is revealed. IN in this case the carefree boy turned into a real man.

Defining the ideological plan of A. Pushkin, it can be noted that the gradual formation of the personality of Pyotr Grinev was supposed to reveal in the hero those traits that every Russian nobleman should have. And the main ones are “two wonderful qualities”: kindness and nobility. They are exactly what Pyotr Grinev would like to see in his descendants. This wish of the author of the memoirs, which completed the draft version of the story, was excluded when latest edition"The Captain's Daughter"

Below is an example of a final essay for grade 11 on the topic “Loyalty and betrayal of one’s convictions” with arguments from literature.

"Loyalty and betrayal of one's beliefs"


Loyalty and betrayal are abstract concepts applicable to various areas of human life. Everyone decides for himself whether to be loyal to his state, friends, loved ones, himself.


In my opinion, the most extreme degree of betrayal is betrayal of oneself, betrayal of one’s principles and beliefs. If a person commits such treason, you can expect anything from him: strong people may break down, get sick from a sense of guilt, and weak people may not even understand what they have done.

Thesis No. 1

People are divided into two categories. You can rely on some in any situation; under pain of death, they will not betray themselves, their loved ones, or their country. Others, at the slightest danger, are ready to frame anyone, slander, slander, just to get away with it.


So in the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" features characters with radically opposite views on life. Petya Grinev is a strong spirit, true to himself and his word, a fearless person. In any situation, he is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of saving those around him, and is not afraid to talk on equal terms with the leader of the robbers, Pugachev. Under pain of death, he does not betray his convictions and remains true to his word and his Motherland.

Shvabrin, close to Grinev in age and upbringing, does not disdain cunning, blackmail and betrayal in order to achieve Masha’s love and save his miserable life. As a result, Petya Grinev appears before the readers as a real hero, rewarded for his fortitude with the love of a wonderful girl, Masha Mironova, who later saved him from execution. Shvabrin, despite his machinations, finds only death.


Only a person who is true to himself and his word is able to achieve a lot and be happy in life. Fate will sooner or later punish those who were weak and betrayed the laws of morality.

Thesis No. 2

It is especially touching and valuable when people, despite their feelings and desires, follow the beliefs that they have formed over many years.


We encounter such power of self-devotion in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The main character of the novel is so endowed with will that she refused her loved one, Eugene Onegin, not wanting to hurt her husband. She says: “But I was given to someone else and I will be faithful to him forever.” Such self-loyalty surprised even Pushkin when he finished the novel and realized that the heroine could not do otherwise. If Tatyana had acted differently, she would no longer be the girl Onegin fell in love with.


Being true to yourself is the key to the respect and admiration of others. This is what makes us whole, strong. Only a person who respects himself can command the respect of others.

Thesis No. 3

Sometimes a person does not immediately find himself. He can remain in search for a long time, changing his outlook on life.


In the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" the friendship of two young people - Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov - was built on common interests and beliefs. They were real nihilists, denying family, love, nature, art... But when Arkady fell in love, he realized that it was impossible to deny the feelings that overwhelmed him. He got married and became a real family man, gradually forgetting his friendship with Eugene. I think that in this case Arkady did not betray himself; on the contrary, he found his true self.


Sometimes it takes time to figure out who you really are and what really matters to you.

Conclusion (general conclusion)

Being true to yourself most important quality, making a person harmonious, complete, capable of the right actions in any situation. You cannot change your views, otherwise you will not be able to survive in life.

What is treason? This is a betrayal of the interests of one’s country in the name of personal selfish goals. As a rule, this phenomenon acquires particular significance during war, when desertion undermines the foundations on which the state is based. Most people, of course, risk their lives if their homeland is in danger. Our history is rich in such examples and our literature is proud of it. However, there are always those few members of society who succumb to fear and serve only themselves, ignoring the troubles of the fatherland. Today, this problem, as before, is topical, because it manifests itself not only in wartime. That is why arguments on the topic “Treason to the Motherland” are so diverse and cover not only periods of armed conflicts.

  1. Andrei Sokolov, the hero of Sholokhov’s work “The Fate of a Man,” faces treason against his homeland. The soldier is captured and witnesses how the Germans are trying to find out which of the detainees is the Red Commissar. Members of the Bolshevik Party were shot immediately and were not taken prisoner. Their disfigured bodies served as proof that the German authorities would establish their own rules and get to every communist. A traitor appears among the ranks of prisoners and offers others to hand over the commander in exchange for safety. Then Andrei kills him so as not to sow confusion in the ranks of the soldiers. He understood that any concession to the enemy is treason, which is not only punishable by execution, but also does not find even the slightest moral justification. Because of deserters and Vlasovites, the country is losing its chances of victory.
  2. The readiness for betrayal is demonstrated by high society in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. The nobility does not risk their lives in battle, sits in salons and argues that nothing will change with the arrival of Napoleon. French they know better than their own, manners and antics are the same everywhere. They don’t care who is in power, what will happen to the country, how the battle will end, where their compatriots die every day. They will happily accept any outcome, because they have no true patriotism. They are strangers in Russia, its suffering is alien to them. The example of Prince Rostopchin, the Governor-General of Moscow, who was only capable of pathetic patriotic speeches, but did not really help the people, is widely known. Also stupid and false is the outfit of high society ladies who dressed in sundresses and kokoshniks instead of foreign dresses, supposedly supporting the national spirit. While ordinary people were shedding blood, the rich were playing dress up.
  3. In Rasputin's story “Live and Remember,” Andrei Guskov becomes a traitor by deserting the army. Front-line life was too much for him: lack of food and ammunition, constant risk, tough leadership broke his will. He moved to his native village, knowing that he was bringing a mortal threat to his wife. As you can see, betrayal of one’s homeland is dangerous because a person completely loses his moral core and betrays all the people dear to him. He substitutes the devoted Nastena, who helps him, risking her reputation and freedom. The woman fails to hide this help, and her fellow villagers pursue her to find the deserter. Then the heroine drowned herself, and her selfish husband sat in a secluded place, feeling sorry only for himself.
  4. In the story “Sotnikov” by Vasil Bykov, the handsome and strong man Rybak loses all his dignity when he meets real threat. He and a friend go on reconnaissance, but due to Sotnikov’s illness they are forced to take refuge in the village. As a result, they were captured by the Germans. Unlike the sick partisan, the healthy Rybak is a coward and agrees to cooperate with the invaders. Sotnikov is not trying to justify himself or take revenge. All his efforts are aimed at helping those people who sheltered them, to protect them with their silence. Meanwhile, the traitor wants, at all costs, to save his own life. Although he believes to the last that he can deceive the enemy and escape, joining his ranks for a while, Strelnikov prophetically notes that nothing can save his comrade from moral decay. In the finale, Rybak knocks the support from under his former colleague’s feet. So he set out on the path of betrayal and crossed out everything that connects him with his homeland.
  5. In Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" the heroes do not fight, but still manage to harm their country. Famus society lives by conservative and hypocritical foundations, ignoring progress and the rest of the world outside their ivory tower. These people usurp the people, plunge them into ignorance and drunkenness with their extravagant and cruel antics. The nobles, the support of autocratic power, are themselves mired in hypocrisy and careerism, while their whims are provided for by the peasantry. We see, for example, the stupid and mediocre military Skalozub, who only shines with shoulder straps at balls. He cannot be trusted with his daughter, let alone a regiment or a company. He is a limited and pitiful person who is accustomed to only receiving from his homeland, but not repaying it with valiant and honest service. Isn't this treason?
  6. Loyalty and betrayal in war are always obvious. For example, in Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” Shvabrin calmly serves and receives ranks without being a brave man. When the battle broke out, he showed his true face. The traitor immediately went over to the enemy’s side and swore allegiance to Pugachev, saving his life, while his friend Peter risked himself just to honestly fulfill his duty. The oath to the rebel is not Alexei’s only betrayal. During the duel, he used a dishonest tactic, thereby betraying his honor. He also dishonestly deceives Grinev and vilifies Masha’s name without any reason. Then he finally falls into the abyss of moral decline and forces Maria to marry him. That is, the baseness of a person is not limited to betrayal of his homeland, and one cannot forgive this kind of betrayal, if only on the grounds that it is clearly not the last. If he could betray home country, then there is nothing to expect from him in relation to people.
  7. In Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" Andriy betrays his country because of his passionate love for a Polish woman. However, this is not entirely true: he was initially alien to the traditions and mentality of the Cossacks. This contrast between personality and environment is visible when the hero returns home from bursa: while Ostap joyfully fights with his father, younger son caresses his mother and peacefully stays away. He is not a coward or a weakling, he is simply a different person by nature, he does not have this militant spirit of the Zaporozhye Sich. Andriy was born for family and peaceful creation, while Taras and all his friends, on the contrary, see the meaning of a man’s life in eternal battle. Therefore, the decision of the younger Bulba looks natural: not finding understanding in his native land, he seeks it in the person Polish girl and her surroundings. Probably in in this example betrayal can be justified by the fact that the person could not have acted differently, that is, cheat on himself. At least he did not cheat and deceive his comrades in battle, acting on the sly. His honest position was at least known to everyone and emotionally motivated, because if you do not feel a sincere desire to help your homeland, sooner or later your lies will come out and do even more harm.
  8. In Gogol's play "The Inspector General" there is no war, but there is an imperceptible and more vile betrayal of the homeland than desertion on the battlefield. Officials of the city “N” plunder the treasury and oppress their native people. Because of them, the district is in poverty, and its population is overwhelmed by constant extortions and outright robbery. Position ordinary people in peacetime no better than in times of war. A stupid and vicious government is constantly moving against them, from which even a pitchfork cannot be defended. Nobles ruin with complete impunity motherland, like a Mongol-Tatar horde, and no one is able to stop this, except, perhaps, the auditor. In the finale, the author nevertheless hints that the real inspector has arrived, and now the thieves cannot hide from the law. But how many of these districts find themselves in an invisible state of siege for years due to the debauchery of the ruling elite? The writer also answers this question by making his city universal name, in order to emphasize that this is the situation throughout Russia. Isn't this a betrayal of the interests of the fatherland? Yes, embezzlement is not called that out of tact, but in essence this is real treason.
  9. In Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don" the hero changes sides of the barricades several times in search of his truth and true justice. However, Gregory finds nothing like this on either side. It would seem that a person has the right to choose and make mistakes, especially in such an ambiguous situation, but some of his fellow villagers perceive these throwings as a betrayal of the homeland, although in fact Melekhov always follows the truth and is faithful to the interests of the people. It is not his fault that these interests change so often and disappear under one banner or another. It turned out that all parties only manipulated the patriotism of the Cossacks, but no one was going to act morally and fairly towards them. They were only used in the division of Russia, talking about the homeland and its defense. This is where Gregory became disillusioned, and people are already rushing to label him a traitor. Thus, there is no need to rush to blame a person for treason; maybe he is not to blame at all, and people from above use people’s anger against him as a weapon.
  10. In Shalamov’s story “The Last Battle of Major Pugachev,” the hero honestly and selflessly went through the war. He defended the country at the cost of his life and never retreated. However, he, like many comrades from the front, was sent to a labor camp for fictitious treason. Anyone who was captured or besieged was sentenced to 25 years in prison. In conditions of hard labor, this is a guaranteed death. Then Pugachev and several other soldiers decide to escape, because they have nothing to lose. From the point of view of the Soviet leadership, this is treason. But from the point of view of normal human logic, this is a feat, because innocent people, and even war heroes, should not be compared with criminals. They had the strength to defend their right to freedom, not to become slaves of the system, powerless and pathetic. Then, in 1944, in a German camp, provocateurs told the hero that he would be imprisoned in his homeland anyway. He did not believe and did not serve the enemy. It didn't break. So what does he have to lose now that the darkest forecasts have come true? Although he goes against the state, I do not consider him a traitor. Traitors are the government that goes against its people.
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