Straight lacing shoes. Types of lacing. Original ways of lacing boots

Sneakers are unique sports shoes in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail: durable and elastic sole, breathable upper, comfortable insole that adds comfort during use, stable heel, reliable laces, stylish design. Do you know how to lace sneakers to make them look even more interesting?

Features of shoe laces

Perhaps to some, the lace will not seem like the most important element of the shoe, however, it is difficult to do without it. This detail appeared at the beginning of the last century; before that, all kinds of buttons and buckles were used as fasteners. Laces are usually called ropes of a set length, made of natural or synthetic materials. Special metal, plastic or silicone tips located on both sides not only facilitate the lacing process, but also protect the lace from fraying. A tightly tightened and tied lace secures the foot; once it is loosened or untied, the foot easily leaves the shoe.

Techniques and types of lacing sneakers

Surely many people cannot even imagine how many different options for tying shoelaces exist today: from the usual versions to the most intricate weaves. By the way, these methods of lacing sneakers are suitable for any shoes with similar fasteners. The original way of threading it through holes, twisting it together, tying knots and bows will allow a person to stand out and attract attention. Let's look at the most popular types of tying shoelaces on sneakers, their advantages and disadvantages.

Cross method

It’s not for nothing that this method is called classic, because it is the most common and convenient. Light zigzag lacing can even be done by Small child. Exactly this simple option Parents and kindergarten teachers teach children how to tie shoelaces.

The process starts from the bottom: the tie is passed from the inside through the lower holes, brought out, crossed, and then similar movements are carried out with the second pair of holes. The steps are repeated until the shoes are completely tied. The lace tied in this way is practically on the outside, so it does not rub your feet at all. A small minus is that the sneakers may become wrinkled.

A variation of the crossover method

The difference between this method and the previous one is that the laces are inserted into the holes from top to bottom, crossed inside, then taken out, where they are crossed again. The advantages of this option are speed, ease, and reduced wear. However, it is worth considering that this method is suitable for shoes with a pair of holes. Otherwise, the upper ends will be directed inside the sneaker, which will cause inconvenience when tying.

European lacing

This method is also called ladder tying. The technique is slightly different from the previous ones, although no less simple and fast.


  • through the lower holes the tie is brought out;
  • one (for example, the left) end is threaded crosswise and brought out through the hole on the opposite side;
  • the other (right) - is removed in the same way only bypassing one hole;
  • repeat until completely tied.

The advantages of the European version are that shoes laced in this way fit snugly enough to the foot, the tying process is quick, and the lacing is neat. appearance. If you suffer a foot injury, when it is important to quickly remove your shoes, laces tied using this method are very easy to cut. Minus: if the distance between the holes is large enough, the attractiveness is lost.

Rectangular or straight lacing

Fashionable straight lacing of sneakers is applicable for shoes with an even number of pairs of holes. A special feature is the absence of diagonal lacing inside the shoe.

Tying technique:

  • the lace is pulled inside the lower holes;
  • the right end is lifted from the inside of the sneaker, threaded first into the right, then the left hole;
  • left side the lace is removed in the same way, bypassing only one hole;
  • The procedure is repeated until the shoes are completely tied.

There is also a lightweight version of straight lacing:

  • the lace is inserted inside through the holes at the bottom;
  • the left end is lifted up inside the sneaker, pulled first through the left, then inside the right hole;
  • the same part of the lacing is taken out through the right hole, after which it is pulled inside the left one;
  • then proceed similarly to the very top;
  • the second part of the lacing is lifted up and brought out through the last hole;
  • All that remains is to adjust the length of the lacing.

If the sneakers have 5 holes on each side, this method can be slightly modified. For example, skip the bottom pair of holes, make a cross stitch in any part, make one diagonal tie or a double stitch on the second pair of holes.

Hidden node method

A hidden knot will allow you to lace your sneakers beautifully and neatly, hiding the ends inside the shoes. In addition to its visual appeal, this method has its drawbacks. Firstly, it is suitable for shoes with a pair of holes, secondly, it may be difficult to tie a knot directly, and thirdly, the compaction formed inside the sneaker often causes discomfort. The technique is similar to the rectangular lacing method, with the only difference being that one end is made shorter than the other. Once the tying is completed, both parts of the lacing go inside the shoe. The peculiarity of the method is that the left side is left unlaced, while the right side is laced completely. The final touch is to tie both parts on the left side of the shoe.

Lacing for thicket

For those who are going on a trip, it is important to choose a method that guarantees good tightness of the shoes:

  • the lace is passed from the inside to the outside;
  • the left end is pulled into the upper hole, then into the one located on right side;
  • both laces are lifted up, pulled inward through one hole, then brought out to the opposite side and pulled higher;
  • the end result is that both ends end up on the same side, where they are tied into a knot.

Although outwardly this method does not look very attractive, it will help prevent clinging to snags, branches and other obstacles.

Roman way

This option looks very aesthetically pleasing, but there may be difficulties when tightening it.


  • the lace is pulled through the left hole, lifted vertically, and taken out of the hole located above;
  • the upper end is inserted into the lower hole on the right side, the lower end into the upper;
  • the lower part of the lace is pulled up two holes, then to the opposite side, again up one level;
  • the second end - immediately two levels up, bypassing one hole;
  • the crossed ends are raised to a higher level and tied into a knot.


For those who want to lace up their sneakers in a cool way, tying them like a ladder is suitable. Although this option is somewhat complicated, and it’s not easy to tighten the laces, the shoes look very beautiful and unusual. This method is especially suitable for tall models or shoes with laces that are too long.

To tie your shoelaces with a ladder, it is important to follow the following chain of actions:

  • the laces are brought out from the inside;
  • the ends are lifted and pulled into the upper holes;
  • cross each other, thread under vertical sections;
  • lifted one step up, pulled through the holes, then crossed again;
  • The steps are repeated until the very top of the sneakers.


How to lace up sneakers if the ties are too short? There is a way out - it is simple and at the same time unusual option"butterfly".

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • the lace is passed inside the sneaker;
  • they are pulled vertically inside, then taken out;
  • after crossing, the ends are inserted into the next pair of holes;
  • the steps are repeated until the upper part of the sneaker.

With an odd number of pairs of holes, the lacing ends with the laces crossing; with an even number, the lacing ends without intersecting.

Double helix

The spiral method starts, as usual, from the bottom:

  • the lace comes out of the left hole and goes into the right;
  • further actions are carried out in the same way: the left part is inserted into the right hole, the right part comes out of the left.

The advantages of this technique are obvious: visual appeal, speed and ease of the process, reduced wear of the lace and the ability to tighten two parts of the lace at the same time. Tying the sneakers in a mirrored manner will emphasize the symmetry of the spiral and make the sneakers look impressive.


This method creates another knot at each level, forming a fairly strong tie that is very difficult to loosen.

Lacing technique:

  • the lace is pulled from the inside through the lower holes;
  • tie the ends of the lace, separate them different sides;
  • brought out similarly to the first row: from the inside to the outside;
  • repeat until the sneaker is completely tied.

Methods for tying shoes with different numbers of holes

Shoes with 4 holes somewhat limit the ability to create unusual patterns. Most often, lacing sneakers with 4 holes is tied with a cross outward or in the form of even stripes. Both methods (described above), although not considered difficult, look pretty decent on shoes.

The most common are sneakers with 5 holes. Here you can experiment with many options, or you can choose the “Knot or Reverse Loop” technique. The peculiarity of this method is that the laces do not cross, but gracefully intertwine with each other in the center.

Cool and eye-catching lacing in the form of a lattice or cobweb will suit sports shoes, having 6 holes. The ties, intersecting with each other, form sharp corner. If you use not very thick multi-colored laces, such lacing will become even more impressive. The disadvantage is the laboriousness of the process and the difficulty of delaying it.

Sometimes, to transform your old, slightly tired sneakers, all you need to do is change the laces and the way you tie them. The choice of lacing option depends on the individual preferences of each person. The main thing is that the chosen scheme contributes to reliable fixation of the shoes and tight tightening of both halves. Important condition- human comfort: do not tighten or loosen too much, tie the knots firmly, avoiding unraveling during movement.

Sneakers are unique sports shoes in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail: durable and elastic sole, breathable upper, comfortable insole that adds comfort during use, stable heel, reliable laces, stylish design. Do you know how to lace sneakers to make them look even more interesting?

Features of shoe laces

Perhaps to some, the lace will not seem like the most important element of the shoe, however, it is difficult to do without it. This detail appeared at the beginning of the last century; before that, all kinds of buttons and buckles were used as fasteners. Laces are usually called ropes of a set length, made of natural or synthetic materials. Special metal, plastic or silicone tips located on both sides not only facilitate the lacing process, but also protect the lace from fraying. A tightly tightened and tied lace secures the foot; once it is loosened or untied, the foot easily leaves the shoe.

Techniques and types of lacing sneakers

Surely many people cannot even imagine how many different options for tying shoelaces exist today: from the usual versions to the most intricate weaves. By the way, these methods of lacing sneakers are suitable for any shoes with similar fasteners. The original way of threading it through holes, twisting it together, tying knots and bows will allow a person to stand out and attract attention. Let's look at the most popular types of tying shoelaces on sneakers, their advantages and disadvantages.

Cross method

It’s not for nothing that this method is called classic, because it is the most common and convenient. Even a small child can do light zigzag lacing. It is this simple version of tying shoelaces that parents and kindergarten teachers teach children.

The process starts from the bottom: the tie is passed from the inside through the lower holes, brought out, crossed, and then similar movements are carried out with the second pair of holes. The steps are repeated until the shoes are completely tied. The lace tied in this way is practically on the outside, so it does not rub your feet at all. A small minus is that the sneakers may become wrinkled.

A variation of the crossover method

The difference between this method and the previous one is that the laces are inserted into the holes from top to bottom, crossed inside, then taken out, where they are crossed again. The advantages of this option are speed, ease, and reduced wear. However, it is worth considering that this method is suitable for shoes with a pair of holes. Otherwise, the upper ends will be directed inside the sneaker, which will cause inconvenience when tying.

European lacing

This method is also called ladder tying. The technique is slightly different from the previous ones, although no less simple and fast.


  • through the lower holes the tie is brought out;
  • one (for example, the left) end is threaded crosswise and brought out through the hole on the opposite side;
  • the other (right) - is removed in the same way only bypassing one hole;
  • repeat until completely tied.

The advantages of the European version are that shoes laced in this way fit quite tightly to the foot, the tying process is quick, and the lacing has a neat appearance. If you suffer a foot injury, when it is important to quickly remove your shoes, laces tied using this method are very easy to cut. Minus: if the distance between the holes is large enough, the attractiveness is lost.

Rectangular or straight lacing

Fashionable straight lacing of sneakers is applicable for shoes with an even number of pairs of holes. A special feature is the absence of diagonal lacing inside the shoe.

Tying technique:

  • the lace is pulled inside the lower holes;
  • the right end is lifted from the inside of the sneaker, threaded first into the right, then the left hole;
  • the left side of the lace is brought out in the same way, bypassing only one hole;
  • The procedure is repeated until the shoes are completely tied.

There is also a lightweight version of straight lacing:

  • the lace is inserted inside through the holes at the bottom;
  • the left end is lifted up inside the sneaker, pulled first through the left, then inside the right hole;
  • the same part of the lacing is taken out through the right hole, after which it is pulled inside the left one;
  • then proceed similarly to the very top;
  • the second part of the lacing is lifted up and brought out through the last hole;
  • All that remains is to adjust the length of the lacing.

If the sneakers have 5 holes on each side, this method can be slightly modified. For example, skip the bottom pair of holes, make a cross stitch in any part, make one diagonal tie or a double stitch on the second pair of holes.

Hidden node method

A hidden knot will allow you to lace your sneakers beautifully and neatly, hiding the ends inside the shoes. In addition to its visual appeal, this method has its drawbacks. Firstly, it is suitable for shoes with a pair of holes, secondly, it may be difficult to tie a knot directly, and thirdly, the compaction formed inside the sneaker often causes discomfort. The technique is similar to the rectangular lacing method, with the only difference being that one end is made shorter than the other. Once the tying is completed, both parts of the lacing go inside the shoe. The peculiarity of the method is that the left side is left unlaced, while the right side is laced completely. The final touch is to tie both parts on the left side of the shoe.

Lacing for thicket

For those who are going on a trip, it is important to choose a method that guarantees good tightness of the shoes:

  • the lace is passed from the inside to the outside;
  • the left end is pulled into the upper hole, then into the one on the right side;
  • both laces are lifted up, pulled inward through one hole, then brought out to the opposite side and pulled higher;
  • the end result is that both ends end up on the same side, where they are tied into a knot.

Although outwardly this method does not look very attractive, it will help prevent clinging to snags, branches and other obstacles.

Roman way

This option looks very aesthetically pleasing, but there may be difficulties when tightening it.


  • the lace is pulled through the left hole, lifted vertically, and taken out of the hole located above;
  • the upper end is inserted into the lower hole on the right side, the lower end into the upper;
  • the lower part of the lace is pulled up two holes, then to the opposite side, again up one level;
  • the second end - immediately two levels up, bypassing one hole;
  • the crossed ends are raised to a higher level and tied into a knot.


For those who want to lace up their sneakers in a cool way, tying them like a ladder is suitable. Although this option is somewhat complicated, and it’s not easy to tighten the laces, the shoes look very beautiful and unusual. This method is especially suitable for tall models or shoes with laces that are too long.

To tie your shoelaces with a ladder, it is important to follow the following chain of actions:

  • the laces are brought out from the inside;
  • the ends are lifted and pulled into the upper holes;
  • cross each other, thread under vertical sections;
  • lifted one step up, pulled through the holes, then crossed again;
  • The steps are repeated until the very top of the sneakers.


How to lace up sneakers if the ties are too short? There is a way out - this is a simple and at the same time unusual version of the “butterfly”.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • the lace is passed inside the sneaker;
  • they are pulled vertically inside, then taken out;
  • after crossing, the ends are inserted into the next pair of holes;
  • the steps are repeated until the upper part of the sneaker.

With an odd number of pairs of holes, the lacing ends with the laces crossing; with an even number, the lacing ends without intersecting.

Double helix

The spiral method starts, as usual, from the bottom:

  • the lace comes out of the left hole and goes into the right;
  • further actions are carried out in the same way: the left part is inserted into the right hole, the right part comes out of the left.

The advantages of this technique are obvious: visual appeal, speed and ease of the process, reduced wear of the lace and the ability to tighten two parts of the lace at the same time. Tying the sneakers in a mirrored manner will emphasize the symmetry of the spiral and make the sneakers look impressive.


This method creates another knot at each level, forming a fairly strong tie that is very difficult to loosen.

Lacing technique:

  • the lace is pulled from the inside through the lower holes;
  • tie the ends of the lace and move them in different directions;
  • brought out similarly to the first row: from the inside to the outside;
  • repeat until the sneaker is completely tied.

Methods for tying shoes with different numbers of holes

Shoes with 4 holes somewhat limit the ability to create unusual patterns. Most often, lacing sneakers with 4 holes is tied with a cross outward or in the form of even stripes. Both methods (described above), although not considered difficult, look pretty decent on shoes.

The most common are sneakers with 5 holes. Here you can experiment with many options, or you can choose the “Knot or Reverse Loop” technique. The peculiarity of this method is that the laces do not cross, but gracefully intertwine with each other in the center.

Cool and eye-catching lacing in the form of a lattice or cobweb will suit sports shoes with 6 holes. The ties, intersecting each other, form an acute angle. If you use not very thick multi-colored laces, such lacing will become even more impressive. The disadvantage is the laboriousness of the process and the difficulty of delaying it.

Sometimes, to transform your old, slightly tired sneakers, all you need to do is change the laces and the way you tie them. The choice of lacing option depends on the individual preferences of each person. The main thing is that the chosen scheme contributes to reliable fixation of the shoes and tight tightening of both halves. An important condition is human comfort: do not tighten or loosen too much, tie the knots firmly, preventing them from coming undone during movement.

Tie your shoelaces? What is simpler and more ordinary? At first sight. Well, what's special? We have been knitting since childhood! We thought the same thing until we encountered many beautiful and extraordinary ways.

How do we tie our shoelaces? As taught in childhood. And there are a huge number of ways. Some are ideal for shoes, others for sports shoes.

And it's not about the bows or the length. Each option involves different design: from the almost invisible “reverse” lacing to the unusual “lattice”. It’s unfortunate, but we haven’t heard about some of the lacings.

Having tried it for ourselves, we offer our readers interesting options, which will decorate your shoes and help you tie your laces instantly.

“Cross-to-cross” is familiar and stuffed to the point of automaticity, but we will not ignore it. The classics do not get worse with the appearance of new products :) Recognized models of clothing, shoes, accessories and traditional methods will always be relevant. And for lovers of the extraordinary, the editors have prepared unusual lacing. We think readers will appreciate it.

Classic of the genre - criss-cross lacing

This is how most of us tie our shoelaces since childhood. This is what parents and educators teach children. The reason is simplicity and versatility. The method is optimal for a practical man. Let's not waste time. All classic models can be laced.

INTERESTING. It is generally accepted that the name of the rope pieces comes from the German “schnür”, which translates as “cord”. Such pieces, identical in length, were used to fasten shoes to the foot. The prototype of the usual laces supposedly appeared in the 13th century in Europe. The laces had copper tips in the shape of a cone.

Now let's remember :) how to lace:

  • Take the lace and pass the ends through the bottom holes from the inside. Don't forget to respect the length;
  • We thread the ends one by one into opposite holes. This creates a diagonal “cross”;
  • We repeat the previous points until the last holes.

Diagonal lacing

The option is not complicated and beautiful. It will refresh the appearance and add zest. Lace both boots in the same direction or in opposite directions. The second option gives a “mirror image”.

FACT. From the point of view of mathematical scientists, shoes with 12 pairs of holes are laced in a huge number of combinations - about 2 trillion. This variability has long been used by scouts as a conditional signal. Outsiders will not pay attention, but a knowledgeable person will notice immediately. The information transmitted can be extensive: “surveillance detected”, “object carried out necessary actions", "ready to complete the task" and so on.

This method is less common. But there is nothing super complicated:

  • We pass the laces through the first row of holes. One end is brought inward, the other outward. Don't forget - the part that was inserted from the inside will be visible, the other will be hidden. Align the length;
  • We take the end that is visible and thread it from the outside into the hole opposite;
  • Now the other end. We pass in the opposite direction from the inside. Control yourself with the type of lacing - the invisible part is on the outside, the visible part is the other way around;
  • Repeat until the end of the holes. As a result, we get a sequence of visible and hidden areas.

The name makes it clear what will happen - a sequence of crosses. That is, one is completely visible, and the second is partially visible. The method will work for shoes with 5 or 6 pairs of holes. We get an unusual, memorable pattern. Oxfords look especially cool.

DID YOU KNOW... that the secret of self-untying shoelaces has long been discovered? During the experiment, a team of researchers found that the cause is inertia, which pulls the loops in different directions. The faster and longer person moves, the faster the bow unties.

We get an alternating cross like this:

We decide on the number of “crosses” that will be visible. If the shoes have three or four pairs of holes, you get one cross. The more holes, the more “crosses” will be visible. For three pairs of holes, the “over-under” cross looks like this:

  • Maintaining the length, thread the lace through the holes from the inside. The ends are brought out;
  • Cross the halves of the lace and thread the ends through the holes as you go. We get a visible “cross”;
  • Now we cross the lace inside. To do this, we will thread the lace from the outside, also into the opposite holes;
  • Let's repeat the steps, observing the order.

On shoes with eight holes, we do the lacing as follows:

  • Let's pass the laces inside;
  • We make crosshairs and pass the ends into the holes along the way, bringing them out. We get an invisible “cross”;
  • Now we thread the crosshairs and ends inward. You will get a visible cross;
  • Then again there is a hidden crosshair. The ends should come out from the inside. knit a bow.

INFORMATION. Laces are made from cotton, bast, leather or synthetics. The main characteristics are abrasion resistance and tensile strength. Despite more long term service, synthetic laces have a significant drawback - they have a smooth surface. Therefore, they are weakened more often than natural products.

If the shoes have at least 5 pairs of holes, do this:

  • We thread the laces from the inside. Of course, we don’t forget about the length;
  • Now we cross them and bring them out into the next holes along the way. We get a “cross” that is visible;
  • The next step is to pass the crossed ends outward. We get an invisible “cross”;
  • We carry out the previous steps.

If the shoes have ten holes, we will get alternating crosses - 2 will be invisible, and 2 will be visible.

Unusual lacing - “parallel lines”

This lacing is little known, but is not often used. It's an unusual thing. Although, classic shoes will become more interesting. But, as they say, it is not customary to argue about tastes. Straight lines make the boots easy to read. The downside is the difficult tightening.

To “lace in parallel”, follow these steps:

  • Insert the lace into the holes with outside. We bring the identical ends inward;
  • We will pass one part into the next hole from the inside;
  • With the other end we proceed as in the previous paragraph, only we thread it through from the outside;
  • Let's throw the ends in opposite directions and lace further;

Following the sequence, we lace the remaining holes, as in the previous paragraphs. We get parallel to the line.

FACT. The first “pistons” of the familiar type began to be made in Europe, presumably in the 18th century. Tips made of wood or metal were used to strengthen the ends of the lace and allow it to be threaded easily. Another type of tips - aeglets - has a decorative rather than functional purpose.

Military lacing or reverse method

A cool option if you are a lover of minimalism. We recommend this method to those who prefer military boots. This lacing is more practical than others. In this it is similar to in the classic way"Cross-to-cross". Therefore, it is used in the armies of many countries around the world.

Easy to do:

  • We will pass the lace through the first pair of holes from the outside;
  • We will pass the crossed lace through the holes along the inside. We get a hidden cross;
  • We take the left part and thread it through the hole in the same row from the outside;
  • Now the second end. We do the same as in the previous case, only from the other side;
  • We pass the crossed ends into opposite holes and bring them out. We receive the second cross;
  • It remains to repeat points 3, 4.

Lacing method - “lattice”

To complete the material, we chose an unusual and difficult to implement method. It will take patience, accuracy and a little time :) But in the end we get an extraordinary pattern that will catch the eye of others. Before you begin, we recommend choosing boots with six pairs of holes.

MARVELOUS. It’s hard to imagine, but before the advent of laces, shoes were fastened with buttons and buckles. Although it cannot be said that the lace was an unfamiliar product. They have been used since ancient times as an element of sandals, moccasins, and bast shoes.

How to make a “lattice” on shoes? For 4 pairs of holes the sequence is:

  • We will thread the lace through the first row of holes from the inside. We will bring the ends out;
  • We insert the crossed parts from above into the holes on the same side, skipping one;
  • We draw each end from the inside along the same side into the holes that we missed;
  • Cross the laces and insert them into the free holes from the inside;
  • Repeat the previous steps until the holes run out. The lace must be inserted into the last holes from the inside.

For boots with ten holes:

  • The lace is threaded from the inside. The ends end up outside. In the “lattice” the same length is especially important;
  • We make a visible “cross” by missing one hole;
  • Next we will thread the ends into the missing holes on the same sides;
  • We pass the lace through the holes next in the row, leading out;
  • Create a hidden cross and repeat the previous steps for the remaining holes.

LITTLE TIPS. Shoes with more holes cause less pressure on your feet. Loosen the laces before putting on your boots. It is easier to put on shoes, the compression of the foot is more uniform, and the holes do not become loose. Start tightening from the first holes, gradually moving to the next ones.

Boots with six pairs of holes will have to be laced longer:

  • In this case, we advise you to remember the following - the ends should cross alternately - once at the bottom, once at the top, and so on in order;
  • We will pass the lace through the first holes with the outlet out;
  • We insert the crossed ends from above, skipping two holes, and make a visible cross;
  • Then, one by one, we thread the lace through the holes next in the same row and bring it up;
  • Now we pass one end, for example the left one, into the second, from the missing holes, on the opposite side. We do the same with the second part of the lace. The result is a mirror image;
  • It's time to fill in the last missing holes - the third from the bottom. Let's thread the laces through from the inside one by one;
  • We insert the ends into the last holes so that they come out. All that remains is to tie an elegant bow.

The methods considered are suitable for classic shoes. - sneakers, sneakers and sneakers - lace in their own ways. Although, the same option can be used for different shoes. The main thing is to approach the problem thoughtfully. After all, it’s your appearance, and you decide how to look :)

All that remains to be said is about health. Sometimes you have to spend the whole day on your feet. Not only comfort, but also performance depends on proper lacing. Pinched blood vessels or cramped fingers will not make a person happier, no matter how stylish he looks. We advise you to pay attention to the structure of the foot.

For narrow feet, the best option is shoes with two rows of holes. The stretch along the outer row will allow you to carefully fix your foot in the boot. A double row is also suitable for wide feet, but we recommend inserting laces along the inner row.

Using two laces at the same time is suitable for people who have a narrow heel and wide metatarsus. Just do not thread both laces along the entire length. Use one in the first 2-3 pairs of holes, and the second along the entire length. This will allow you to accurately fix the leg, preventing you from pressing too hard in one area and dangling in another.

IMPORTANT! The main cause of laces coming undone is the smooth surface. Silk or waxed laces will not hold most lacing options. There's nothing you can do about it. There is only one recommendation - to abandon such products in favor of, albeit not so durable, but reliable cotton ones.

Useful tips

A useful new trick will help teach you and your kids how to tie their shoelaces in seconds.

The method is known as " magic fingers" or " Jan's knot" allows you to halve the time it usually takes to tie your shoes or sneakers.

Moreover, the knot does not unravel longer. Although the method seems complicated at first, it becomes very simple once you master it.

The knot was invented by Australian Ian Fieggen, who is also called the “Professor of Shoelaces.”

How to tie your shoelaces?

Here most quick way tying shoelaces:

1. First tie your shoelaces as usual. Place your little fingers under the laces on both sides.

Then slide your right thumb and index finger under the right lace and your left thumb and index finger over the left lace, using your other fingers to keep the laces taut.

2. This will create two loops, one with the loose end behind and one with the loose end in front. Using your middle finger, push the free end of the right lace back while left hand simply rotates to turn the loop through the right.

3. The next movement crosses two loops. Left thumb push the free end toward the right while the middle right finger pushes the free end between the left thumb and index finger.

4. You need to make sure that the left big and index finger grab the free right end, and use your right thumb and middle finger to grab the free left end.

5. Pass the free ends of the opposite loops through your own loops.

6. Tighten the knot. With practice, you will be able to tie a knot much faster than usual.

How to tie laces on sneakers or sneakers beautifully?

Laces serve not only to keep sports shoes on your feet, but also to give a creative look. Fashion trends dictate their terms, and types of lacing multiply at high speed.

Not only the factory appearance changes, but also their color. The combination of two colors takes first place, thanks to this it gives a special look, which emphasizes the originality of the design.

In 1790, an unknown inventor from England introduced the first shoelaces to the world. That's when the first sneakers with rubber soles appeared.

Over the centuries, they turned into the sneakers we know. In 1924, sneakers made a name for themselves on an international scale. Zigzag lacing is the first type to be used on athletic shoes with rubber soles.

Lan Fieggen- the first person who changed traditional lacing, offering the world a large number of other options. European and straight, checkerboard and sports, twisted and reverse - this is only a small part of the lacing that was invented by him. Below we will consider in detail each lacing option.

Basic methods

Commonly used types of lacing:

  • traditional;
  • European;
  • straight;
  • chess;
  • sports;
  • twisted;
  • reverse loop;
  • lacing with two laces using the straight lacing technique;

For lacing, you will need the sneakers themselves and several pairs of colored laces.

Popular and traditional way lacing sneakers. Usually it comes already as a factory option. One lace is used.


  1. The lace is passed through the first holes at the base of the shoe.
  2. Adjustable in length on both sides.
  3. The ends are crossed and passed through the inside of the next holes.
  4. The action continues until the end holes.
  5. Next the bow is tied.

The bow can be hidden behind the tongue of the sneaker or left on the outside.


  1. Doesn't rub your foot, the lacing is completely on the outside.
  2. A fast and affordable option.


  • He crushes his sneaker.
  • A hackneyed, uninteresting method.

This method is also commonly called the staircase method.


  1. We pass the ends of the lace through the holes located near the toe of the shoe on the outside and bring it to the outside of the sneaker.
  2. We bring one end out through the next hole located above.
  3. We bring the other end out crosswise through one hole.
  4. We continue weaving in the same way until the last holes.


  1. Fast and convenient option.
  2. Creative appearance.
  3. Reliability of lacing.

Cons: untidy appearance at the beginning of the shoe.

Advice! Do not use this method with a large distance of holes, otherwise the appearance will be untidy.

The second name for straight lacing is rectangular, in which the internal diagonal weaving is not visible.


  1. The lace is passed through the first holes at the toe of the shoe with the ends facing the inside.
  2. The left end is pulled through the next hole on the same side and goes into the opposite hole.
  3. The two ends are pulled out through one hole, then through the opposite side and stretched higher.
  4. Continue the lacing order until the end of the holes.
  5. The right end goes through the last hole of the shoe.


  1. Aesthetic appearance
  2. Suitable for both sneakers and basketball shoes.


  1. Heavy equipment.
  2. Models of sneakers with an even number of holes.

To weave this technique you need two laces different shades and a size longer than the usual standard.


  1. Find the middle of the lace, move about 2 cm from it and cut it off.
  2. Do the same with the second lace.
  3. Connect one short end of the first lace to the long end of the second lace.
  4. Reach out long end to the knot in the right hole.
  5. Then the lacing proceeds according to the direct type principle.

Using the remaining cut laces, do the same work for the second shoe.


  1. Modern style.
  2. Beautiful appearance.


  1. Labor-intensive process.
  2. Discomfort from the internal knot.

Advice! The feeling of discomfort can be reduced if the knot is hidden near the little finger. To prevent the knot from coming undone, it is better to treat it with special glue for strength.

Checkerboard lacing

Two flat laces with different color scheme, giving the look of a modern checkerboard sneaker.


  1. With one cord we weave in a straight style.
  2. The second lace begins weaving from the bottom, and in a wave-like manner we draw it through the first lace to the very top.
  3. We wrap it through the top strip of the first lace and lower it down in a wave-like manner.
  4. Continue lacing as long as there is room.
  5. The ends of the lace are tied inside the sneaker.


  1. Creative appearance.
  2. No knots.


  1. Long weaving option.
  2. The sneakers don't fit well, especially the upper part is loose.

Advice! This lacing option is best used for loose-style sneakers that do not require tying. For greater tightening, it is better to use this type of lacing in the reverse order, so that the weak ends remain on the bottom of the shoe.

Often, sports weaving laces are used on skates, as it secures the foot well, so it is recognized as one of the strongest options.


  1. We insert the lace through the holes located at the bottom, bringing it out.
  2. We skip, crossing the ends under the first stretched stitch.
  3. Next, we insert the ends into the next upper holes with inside to the outside and also make a crossing under the second stitch.
  4. We carry out this operation up to the top holes.


  1. Strong fixation of the foot.
  2. Creative look.


  1. Labor-intensive process.
  2. At first glance, it seems to be an unkempt appearance.

Sports lacing is divided into several types depending on the type of sport or foot size.

There are two types of twisted lacing:

  1. Knotty horizontal.
  2. Knotted vertical.

This ideal options for ski and snowboard boots, as well as rollers.


  1. The ends are inserted into the first holes at the toe and brought out on both sides.
  2. Cross the ends of the lace and tie once on each tie.
  3. We separate the ends in different directions and pass them through the holes and also bring them out.
  4. We carry out the procedure until the end of the holes.


  1. Strong leg fixation.
  2. Available technology.
  3. Additional contraction.

Minuses: it is impossible to loosen the shoe after it is finished weaving.

Advice! It is better to equalize the binding strength immediately, otherwise there will be inconvenience and you will have to completely unlace the shoes.

Reverse loop

When using this method, it is possible that the pattern will shift from the middle and therefore correct weaving is important.


  1. We pass the lace through the holes on the inside of the toe and out to the upper side of the shoe.
  2. We lift the lace up on the left side, creating a spiral pattern, while leaving small gaps.
  3. The right end of the lace also goes all the way, but at the same time as each hole it is threaded through the loops of the left lace.

Pros: beautiful appearance (with proper weaving).


  1. The lace quickly wears out due to friction.
  2. Off center due to incorrect weaving.

Advice! reverse loop It is better to use on dark shoes with light laces, which will emphasize the created pattern.

What methods of non-standard lacing are there?

There are a lot of interesting non-standard lacings, and the “butterfly” lacing is more popular.


  1. We pass the lace through the holes located at the toe of the shoe.
  2. Align the ends of the lace and move them inward.
  3. We draw each lace vertically, pulling it out through the following holes. This leaves a small gap.
  4. We cross from above and follow the same path.
  5. A bow is tied at the end of the lace.


  1. Nice appearance.
  2. Ease of technology.
  3. Comfort.

Minuses: non-standard look.

Advice! This look is more suitable for women's elevated sneakers. It is better to use for this option bright colors laces.

Non-standard options also include:

Why do you need custom lacing?

A good question with a long overdue answer. Everyone is ready to stand out among the gray crowd of people and non-standard lacing is one of many reliable and proven options.

For some, non-standard lacing is needed in order to emphasize their individuality and show their “I”. Regular sneakers with an unusual weave get creativity and a chance to be imitated by others.

U-lace lacing

U-lace lace trend? This is putting it mildly - this is a super fashionable trend that is gaining popularity day by day. New generation elastic laces allow you to add regular sneakers stylish appearance.

The main advantage of U-lace– does not require constant tying of shoelaces. The elastic composition allows you to tightly fix the leg. And the bright and rich colors will match any style of clothing. Your laces (an exact translation of the brand) will forever remain in your heart.

One package contains 6 laces measuring 6 cm. Each end of the lace has a plastic tip, thanks to which there is no need to tie bows. With their help, the laces interlock with each other after they are threaded through the holes.

The American company has offered more than 9 trillion lacing options for this particular lace model.

The near future - automatic lacing system for sneakers

Automatic lacing of sneakers has been the dream of all sneaker lovers since 1989. It was then that the film “Back to the Future 2” was released, where main character I received sneakers with automatic lacing.

Power Laces tried to release something similar in 2010. There was a chip on the back side that began to perform its function when pressure was applied to the sole of the shoe. That is, when a person stepped on the sole, a sensor was triggered, which automatically laced.

And so, in 2015, as promised in the film, NIKE released Nike Mag.

A mini electric motor is built into the sole, electronic system controls and battery. The laces are attached to a shaft, which begins to move under the influence of a motor.

Sensors trigger the control system in response to the weight of the leg. Additional sensors regulate the degree of tightening of the laces. To “untie” them, you need to press one button, which is located on the side of the sneakers.

They work on recharging via mini-USB. The entire structure is quite weighty and therefore it does not go on mass sale. The developers hope to improve their self-lacing super sneakers in the near future.