Questions for the Ecological Olympiad for adults. Ecological quiz: These are funny animals. oil

Ecological quiz "Environmental polymath"

Target: to expand and deepen the natural history knowledge of students, to educate careful

attitude towards nature.

Equipment: task cards, signal flags


    Organizing time

In order to find out if our class knows different animals well, we will do a little quiz. You sit at 5 tables and represent 3 groups. Now, in 1 minute, come up with a name for your team, choose a captain.

Ecosystem concept It is an open system in which the matter is organized at such a level that the biological component and the physico-chemical elements are integrated harmoniously and inseparably, which makes it possible for self-regulation thanks to the energetic flow that starts from They caught the radiant energy emanating from the sun. Give some ecosystems Forest, fields, lakes, sea, etc. what are the two main types of marine terrestrial ecosystems?

Light solar, temperature, water are among the factors. abiotic factors. Plants, animals and bacteria are among the factors. biotic factors. This is a question of two concepts. All this can form the body and impress any of our senses: it has mass and it contains weight. It can be converted into energy.

After 1 minute, the teams introduce themselves and the team names are written on the board. After the drawing of lots, the teams answer the questions posed.

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small bylinochku loving.

Take care of all the animals of nature.

Kill only the beasts within you.

E. Evtushenko

2. V I K T O R I N A

Tour "Is it time to change clothes?"

Make a summary of the carbon cycle. Do a nitrogen cycle summary. A natural cyclical process in which nitrogen is introduced into the soil and becomes part of living organisms before being released back into the atmosphere. Nitrogen, an integral part of amino acids, is the basic element of life. It is found in 79% of the atmosphere, but gaseous nitrogen must be converted into a chemically usable form before it can be used by living organisms. This is achieved through the nitrogen cycle, in which nitrogen gas is converted to ammonia or nitrate.

Stage 1. Question answer

    Why do snails have horns? (it turns out that these are not horns, but tentacles with which she feels, tastes, sniffs and examines everything around, tiny eyes are located at the ends)

    What is the competitor of a pig to a spaniel? (a pig is trained like a dog - a bloodhound in search of drugs; she does it quickly and accurately)

    Energy provided sunbeams and cosmic radiation, serves to combine nitrogen and oxygen gas in nitrates, which are drawn to the earth's surface by precipitation. What is atmospheric nitrogen and soil nitrogen? No living being can consume nitrogen directly. Make an explanatory diagram of the oxygen cycle.

    It includes the functioning of the ecosystem, including the flow, use and transformation of energy. Energy is transferred to animals through food chains. What are consumers Primary consumers are herbivores and secondary consumers are carnivores What are decomposers These are bacteria and microorganisms This is a chain of predators When a consumer kills its prey to devour it What is an ecological niche Is the occupation of an organism an ecosystem i.e. the role it plays in an ecosystem .

    Is there a “water pig” in nature? (occurs; this is the name of carp - one of the important freshwater fish. It can live for more than 70 years, reaching 69 kg, very fleshy, fat - than a pig)

    Are bird nests tasty? (Swifts-salangans live in southeast Africa, which make nests from saliva. The locals collect them, boil them in chicken broth or boiling water. They say that this is very nutritious and resembles egg white)

    Ecological equivalents. There are organisms that occupy similar niches in different geographic regions and may or may not be related to each other. What is a habitat? This is the end of widespread use, used to refer to the place where an organism lives, not in a geographical sense, but in terms of the dynamic factors of that site. What is a microlibrary? What is meant by autotrophs? all major organic components from inorganic substances Nicaraguans; Thus, they do not directly depend on other organisms for their nutrition.

    Can you get drunk with your tail? (It turns out that you can. This is what African monkeys do - baboons. When they want to drink, but their hands cannot reach the water, they dip their tail into the water and then lick it. They do this several times).

(Anashkina E.N. 300 questions and answers about pets. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997).

Preparing for the quiz

What does it mean? Heterotrophs. These do not need organic and engineered compounds for their nutrition and therefore depend on their nutrition directly or indirectly from organisms that use the holosoid feeding method. use two methods of nutrition: autotrophic and heterotrophic, for example, insectivorous plants. The concept of a population This is a group of individuals belonging to the same species that have a certain geographical area, cross and produce offspring that maintain and increase the size of the group.

    Why is a mirror placed in a cage with a parrot? (a parrot is a mobile bird, does not like to be alone, it can get sick or injured from boredom. A “friend” to a parrot can be replaced by its own reflection in the mirror. A parrot can sit near the mirror for hours, communicating with its own kind.)

    In which country is a cow considered a sacred animal? (in India. It is forbidden by religious law to kill cows for meat. And when a cow stops giving milk, she is driven out of the yard. If on the street it's raining or cold, a cow can go to a store or a pharmacy - no one will kick her out.)

    What is natural selection. Organisms with an eric character that provide them with adaptability are those that are maintained by passing these characteristics on to their offspring. What are the characteristics of the population? Density, mortality, dispersion, age, biotic potential and form of development. The biomass of people per unit area they occupy is called Population Density, which is the birth rate. This property effective growth population. a population comparable to the demographics in the population.

    This is the maximum birth. These are theoretical data that indicate the maximum increase in the number of people per unit of time in optimal conditions. What is ecological birth. This is regulated by the state of the environment in which the population develops. Variations in mortality depend on physical factors, size, composition and population density. What is ecological mortality? It is determined by environmental conditions. What are the three ecological ages? Reproductive reproductive post-productive.

8. What are antlers:

a) deer antlers

b) part of the harness

c) moose antlers

9. (antlers are non-ossified horns of spotted deer and deer, which

are used in medicine. Suede is made from the skin of antler deer)

10. Why pigs wallow in mud:

a) out of boredom

b) for a specific purpose

c) how they play

As for population growth, what are its 4 directions? Maintain the same level for a long time. Zoom in slowly. Decreased and sometimes extinguished. Vibration is regular or irregular. What is the structure of the population The distribution of persons by sex and age, as well as life expectancy, calculated at birth or in different age groups What is a dynamic population? Some people move, constantly changing the distribution of the population in space. This is a static population.

This is a population created in one geographical area in which they must adapt to climatic conditions environment. The concept of competence. This is manifested in actions seeking food, with the premises potentially accessible to people of the same species being a global characteristic of the population. Competition is born and grows with increasing population density in an area, limited conditions soil and substrate. Competition between animals is mainly due to lack of space.

12. Greyhound is:

a) part women's clothing

b) dog

c) a headdress

(this is a short-haired greyhound; these dogs were bred at the court of the Egyptian pharaohs, because dog mummies were found during excavations of many tombs. The image of Italian greyhounds is found on ancient papyri)

(Alekseev V.A. 300 questions and answers about ocean animals. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997).

Competition in plants is determined by A. Intraspecific competition is very important and this becomes apparent almost immediately when getting sun for photosynthesis. What are the degrees of aggregation. Determine the internal structure of the population at the moment. What is a congregation. This is an additional phenomenon of voluntary aggregation, which gives the animals of the population certain advantages over isolated individuals. Morphological or physiological characteristics of individuals are called heterogeneity.

What is variability Is the sinus composition of the population the starting point of evolution The ability of a species to harmonize with environmental conditions Adaptation of housing is determined by adaptation to environmental conditions The concept of community This is a mixed population formed by individuals different types that live in continuous space. Who are the larger communities. Only the need for energy from the sun. What are the smaller communities. They depend to a greater or lesser extent on neighboring communities.

Stage 2 Riddles

And now I will give each team leaflets with riddles. In 3 minutes, the team must guess it and explain what guided the answer.

1. Blue whale

I am the largest animal that has ever lived on Earth. I am larger than three prehistoric dinosaurs and weigh as much as 33 African elephants.

I hear and talk with my own kind at a distance of up to 60 km. This is because sound travels better in water than in air. I also use "locator" - like a bat.

My body has a very thick layer of fat that keeps me warm in the icy waters of the ocean. Thanks to this fat, my body is very smooth and beautiful. I am a warm-blooded animal. The females of our species are viviparous and feed their young with milk. My children are born alive - I don't lay eggs. I breathe through two holes in my head. One of my relatives, who has only one hole in his head, can hold his breath for an hour and a half and dive to a depth of two kilometers. Because of the over-hunting of us, only six out of every hundred of my relatives are now alive.

What are the 5 stratifications Underground Forest Herbachea Arbustiva trees. What is Ecological Consistency A community changes over time slowly and gradually to the point where we recognize it as a community different from the previous one. The end result of the stages of development is called the climax of the community. What is a sequence of plants. It begins with the creation of small herbaceous plants, annuals, that can be adapted to live on these impoverished soils.

It is a community of green plants that serves as a foundation in the earth's environment. Zoocenosis is a community of terrestrial animals. Bacteriocenosis. Microbiological organisms of various organisms. Microcenosis is all mushrooms. These are biomes. These are large communities, they can be small or large ecosystem characterizes the biome. Its characteristics meet environment in which they develop and the organisms that make it up. Biomes found in Ecuador. Biomes are distributed vertically in such a way that in a small area we find the same variety of biomes.

2. Frog

I have four legs, two eyes and a spine. I - Green colour and can live in water and on land. My tongue is at the tip of my mouth. I shoot out my tongue to catch insects, my main food. I am a cold-blooded animal, swim well and lay eggs in the water. In winter, I sleep buried in the ground at the bottom of the pond. I escape in the water from those who want to eat me. As a child, I eat plants, but when I grow up, I start eating insects.

This is tundra. This is a land whose dominant vegetation consists of small herbaceous plants that completely cover the area. The tundra is located in the polar ice sheet of the Arctic, in width North America, Northern Europe and Liberia. What kind of forest do we find in Ecuador?


The growth of plants and animals in the savannas takes place in it during the rainy season. In the basins of the Santiago and Guayas rivers. What are the ecological conditions of desert edaphic and climatic factors What types of deserts exist Rocky, stony, clayey, salty, sandy and salty deserts.

3. Porcini

People respect me very much and never say: I collected so many kilograms. They talk about others, but about me: I collected so many pieces. I do not grow up in the wilderness, but you will not find me in young forests either. The forest in which I grow must be at least 60-70 years old. But my kingdom is getting smaller from year to year, because many of the people do not know how to pick mushrooms correctly.

Definition of ecology This is a science that studies the relationships that support living beings with each other and with an inert environment. The Ecosystem Concept It is an open system in which this matter is organized at such a level that the biological component and the physico-chemical elements integrate harmoniously and inextricably, allowing self-regulation through an energetic flow that begins with the capture of radiant energy emanating from the sun. Give some ecosystems Forest, fields, lakes, sea, etc. what are the two main types of ecosystems?

4. Camel

It perfectly tolerates harsh climate, frost and drought. In summer, he survives without water for 5 days, and in winter - 20. After such a long thirst, he drinks up to 120 liters of water.

5. Giraffe

This is the tallest animal in the world. But in his neck there are only 7 vertebrae, like in a human neck. It eats mostly leaves. If he wants to reach the grass, he needs to spread his legs wide to reach the ground with his head.

Stage 3 Express survey

1.) Who is heavier than an elephant?

Called the biomass of individuals per unit area they occupy. This is birth. This is the property of effective population growth comparable to the demographics of the population. This is an ecological birth. It is regulated by the environmental conditions in which the population develops.

Variations in mortality depend on. From physical factors, size, composition and population density. What is ecological mortality? Preproductive Reproductive Postproductive In terms of population growth, what are its 4 directions? Ecosystem: community plus environment. Biosphere: the sphere of life. What is the environment of the body? Conclusion of your research. Explain why ecological systems are open. Describes the concepts of community and ecosystem. What is the difference between them? What is the importance of evolutionary theory for ecology? He mentions two examples that show the relationship between technological development and the growth of ecology as a science. Ecology is the scientific study of the interactions between organisms and between organisms and their physical environment. The root of the word "ecology" is the Greek word "oikos", which means "house". Biosphere In ecology, the biosphere or biosphere1 is a system formed by all living beings on the planet Earth, together with the environment that surrounds them and contributes to their formation. Taking care of the environment, everything that surrounds us, as well as the things that we need to live. It practically helps us live. What does autoecology study? he studies the species in relation to the higher echelon, in addition to the adaptation of the species to abiotic factors. What does ecology study? Living beings and how they act among themselves and with the world.

  • Define ecology concept.
  • Define the concept of an ecosystem, what are its characteristics?
  • Ernst Haeckel. _ What are the levels of organization of the subject studied in ecology?
  • Population: organisms of the same species.
  • Community: set of populations.
Questions to solve on the topic: Basic concepts of ecology.





2.) Which bird breeds chicks in winter?





3.) Who is considered the ancestor of dogs?





4.) Who sleeps upside down?

The bats

Sea Horse



5.) What mammals lay eggs?



Guinea pig


6.) What tree is considered a symbol of Russia?





7.) Where do crayfish hibernate?

In Karaganda

in the silt

In your nest

In sand

8.) Why do walruses need tusks?

Dig potatoes

Get food


Paddle in the water

9.) Which insect can hear with its feet?

Beetle - dung beetle




10.) Which birds do not fly?





11.) What is the name of a baby sheep?





12.) Who breathes with his tail?

water scorpion




13.) How many legs does a spider have?





14.) What is the largest animal on Earth?




Blue whale

15.) How do you know the age of a fish?

By scales

by color


by fins

16.) Why do some butterflies have eye patterns on their wings?

To attract males

To see better

For guard

For beauty

17.) What is the zebra striped for?

To make it harder to recognize

got dirty with mud

Parents different colors: mum is white, dad is black

Nature's mistake

18.) Who wears the forest?





19.) What animals are considered sacred in India?





20.) What animals, in Australia, are worst enemies farmers?





Stage 4 Riddles about the world around

The blue tent covered the whole world (sky)

What is visible only at night (stars)

Without arms, without legs, and the tree is oppressing (wind)

By blue sea white geese swim (clouds)

Without arms, without legs, but he knows how to draw (frost)

White tablecloth covered the whole world (snow)

Red-haired playful gnaws deftly bumps (squirrel)

Yegorka is standing in a red yarmulke, whoever passes, gives every bow (strawberries)

Winter and summer in one color (Christmas tree)

Sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares mice (owl)

Stage 5 Captains Competition

1. What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)

2. Favorite delicacy of storks. (Frogs.)

3. What bird bears the name of a famous Russian writer? (Gogol.)

4. What bird is called the "forest cat"? (Owl. For her ability to hunt

at night.)

5. Do birds hibernate in a birdhouse in winter? (No.)

6. Fortune teller bird. (Cuckoo.)

7. Does the penguin belong to the order of birds or mammals? (Bird.)

8. Where is the ear of a grasshopper? (On the foot.)

9. Tadpoles hatch from it ... (Caviar.)

10. In the people, this flower is called the "flower of the sun." (Sunflower.)

11. What bird of prey can be called a "orderly"? (Black kite. He

feeds not only on rodents, but also eats carrion.)

12. Who often changes clothes without undressing? (Chameleon.)

13. What kind of fish builds a nest? (Catfish, stickleback.)

14. Who will be born three times before becoming an adult? (Butterfly.)

15. What does a toad eat in winter? (Nothing. The toad is forced to sit on a "diet", since

She usually sleeps soundly at this time of the year.)

16. What berry is white, black, red? (Currant.)

17. What forest bird is considered the most talkative? (Magpie.)

18. Who is rightfully called the “forest doctor” by the people? (Woodpecker.)

19. Which birds arrive south first? (Rooks.)

20. What is meant by the term "quiet hunting"? (Collecting mushrooms.)

21. Which bird "collects" shiny objects? (Magpie.)

22. What wood are matches made of? (From aspen.)

24. What tree is rightfully considered a symbol of Russia? (Birch.)

25. Which bird does not want to "fulfill its parental duty" in relation to

to their future offspring, throwing eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo.)

26. Grass that can be recognized even with eyes closed. (Nettle.)

27. What a bird all year round walks in a tailcoat? (Penguin.)

28. This bird is in first place in terms of flight speed among all birds. (Swift.)

29. The smallest bird on the planet. (Hummingbird. Its size does not exceed one and a half

two centimeters.)

30. Animal science. (Zoology.)

31. Which forest animal changes its “wardrobe” twice a year? (Hare, squirrel, fox.)

32. The cleanest animal. (Badger)

33. What kind of fish is called "river orderly"? (Pike. She is a weakened and sick fish

eats first.)

34. Civil Engineer" at home on the river. (Beaver.)

35. What animal is considered to be the fastest? (Cheetah.)

36. An animal of our forests that looks like a cat in an enlarged view?

37. Which animal puts forward its hind legs while running?


38. Which animal picks apples with its back? (Hedgehog.)

39. When do hedgehogs not prick? (Barely born.)

40. What animal is popularly called "oblique"? Why?

(Hare. For his unusual - slanting - shape of the eyes.)

41. What animal has the loudest voice?


42. What kind of cow do ants "milk"? (Aphid cow.)

43. Which legs of a giraffe are longer - front or back?

(All legs of a giraffe are the same size.)

44. What insect was popularly called the "big-eyed hunter"?


45. What fish is named after a person? (Carp.)

46. ​​The cubs of what animals feed on the milk of another mother?


47. How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)

48. How many legs does a beetle have? (Six.)

49. What animal loses its “headdress” every winter?

(Moose. Once a year, in winter, he sheds his antlers.)

50. What animal likes to sleep upside down? (Bat.)

51. What animal is called the "orderly" of the forest? (Wolf.)

52. What animal is considered the smallest?

(A shrew. Her height is 3.5 cm.)

53. What insect do we have to clap our hands not at all as a sign of our

admiration and approval? (Moth when we want to kill her.)

54. What forest bird is considered long-lived?

(Forest crow. Life expectancy is two hundred years or more.)

55. What is a well-known and terribly annoying insect that can move around

upside down and taste food paws? (Fly.)

    Summing up the quiz.

Definition, rewarding of winners.

Quizzes for schoolchildren with answers are good opportunity test students' knowledge. Quizzes can be held in a lesson with one class, or you can combine several to make the event more interesting and informative.

Ecology is a science that studies the interactions of living organisms, with each other and with their environment. An environmental quiz for schoolchildren will help check how well the children understood and consolidated the material for the whole academic year, and how erudite they are, because some important and quite interesting questions were not taught in class.

The quiz can be held in the senior and junior grades, the main thing is that the questions asked are not too easy or too simple for the students. The questions should be interesting.

Sample questions for an environmental quiz for high school students

Question: Which sea will soon die and disappear from the face of the earth?

Answer: Aral. The area of ​​this sea has decreased three times. This happened due to the fact that people urgently needed a territory for planting cotton and rice. On the rivers that flowed into the Aral Sea, a network of canals was built to divert water. For almost fifty years, the volume of water in the sea has decreased several times, the concentration of salt has increased, all the fish and plants that were in the sea have died. It is no longer possible to correct this ecological catastrophe created by human hands.

Question: Where is the largest nature reserve on earth located today?

Answer: The largest area where any activity and human intervention is prohibited is Antarctica. Over 810 species of plants grow and many species of birds and animals live in a vast area covered with ice.

Question: Pollution with what substance is dangerous for sea and ocean water.

Answer: Oil. Oil is not diluted in water, but accumulates on the surface, forming a huge multi-kilometer film. Fish, birds and marine animals die in oil spill areas. But man has learned to destroy oil stains on the water with the help of an artificially bred oil-eater bacterium.

Question: Why do some forest animals and birds eat poisonous fly agaric?

Question: Infrared or ultraviolet radiation most dangerous for all living organisms on earth?

Answer: Ultraviolet. This radiation is invisible to the human eye and is highly reactive. Especially ultraviolet is dangerous for the skin and retina. This radiation can provoke the development and growth of oncological tumors.

Question: What berry ripens in autumn and is well preserved in winter under snow, being a source of food for many forest animals and birds.

Answer: Cowberry. This evergreen plant does not shed its leaves, and the berries, which are not afraid of frost, become sweet and juicy by spring.

Question: Why forest birds sit on an anthill, spend some time on it and do not eat ants.

Question: Why do crocodiles climb ashore, look for stones on it and swallow them?

Answer: They need stones in order to increase their body weight and dive deeper under water.

Question: What is the danger of synthetic household chemicals?

Answer: Washing powders, shampoos, shower gels and others chemical substances able to change the surface tension of water, destroying microorganisms and beneficial bacteria that live in water. Also, chemistry is toxic to humans, birds, fish and animals. Made from synthetic compounds detergents do not decompose in water, but accumulate.

Q: Cause of acid rain

Answer: In acid precipitation, with a pH scale of 0.2 to 5, the presence of sulfuric and nitric acid is detected. In nature, these acids enter the atmosphere through volcanic activity and forest fires. Harmful and dangerous chemical production, fuel combustion in cars have violated the normal natural concentration of these acids in the atmosphere and increased their concentration. Most often, acid rain falls over large cities, to which there are many cars and factories.

Question: What animal cannot jump?

Answer: Elephant.

Question: What contributes to climate change?

Answer: The greenhouse effect, which occurs due to the widespread cutting down of trees and the drainage of swamps.

Ecological quizzes help children get to know the flora and fauna of the earth better. Also, these activities are necessary to ensure that children take care of the nature around them.