How to sew up a big hole. How to properly sew up holes in clothes

For many, jeans are important element wardrobe But no matter how much money you pay for them, sooner or later they will show signs of wear and tear. Jeans especially often fray between the legs. What should I do, should I immediately throw away such a pair? It’s not at all necessary, because this problem can be corrected and extend the life of the jeans by several months, or even years.

Know the enemy by sight

It is much easier to monitor the condition of jeans than to try to sew up rags. For example, look at the photo below.

There are two problems here:

  • The seam begins to unravel.
  • Jeans are frayed between the legs.

What to do with such problems? First, you need to fix the bad seam. Otherwise, you may have a very awkward moment when your pants crack. This can be done manually or by machine. Sewing stores sell special strong threads for sewing denim, which are colored in popular colors for stitching on denim.

Secondly, you need to carefully mend those areas where the thread has worn out. To do this, select threads that not only match the color of the fabric, but have the same thickness.

Straighten the fabric and, being sure to secure stitches in areas that are still tight, begin making horizontal stitches over the hole. Insert a needle into the opposite edge of the tear. Then make a vertical stitch downwards and only then go back. This is necessary so that the threads do not squint or pull the fabric.

Having completed the horizontal row, start working on the vertical row, passing the needle between the threads. In fact you will weave new fabric on top of the old one.

Repair for impending damage

This method can be used for minor damage. For example, there is no hole yet, but the jeans are already frayed between the legs. What to do? It is necessary to strengthen the tissue as soon as possible. To do this, you will need denim patches or hot-melt adhesive tape (“gossamer”).

Cover the area with bad fabric with tape, place a piece of denim on top and iron with a heated iron. This patch is invisible, completely merges with the base, the glue penetrates the structure of the fabric and strengthens it. If you have a high-quality “spider web”, it will last a long time. The frequency of washing also affects it. Of course, if you additionally sew the patch area, it will last as long as you wear these jeans.

If you're lucky, you can find ready-made patches in sewing stores. They have one side made of denim, the other - hot glue. They are also attached to the fabric using an iron.

But this method has a drawback - the patches should be small, since the fabric becomes harder, creases worse and can cause discomfort if such an area occupies a large area.

The jeans were frayed between my legs. What to do?

The photo below reflects a picture familiar to many.

It would seem that this pair can be safely thrown into the trash. What to do if your jeans are frayed between your legs, how to sew them up discreetly and neatly?

There are two ways:

  • Machine darning. Manually this will be a long and painstaking process, while a special machine will mend such a hole in 5 minutes. See before and after photos.

The machine literally recreated the structure of the fabric and strengthened the edges of the hole.

Of course, you will have to contact a sewing studio, and the sooner, the better the repair will be.

  • Applying fabric patches. This is a more budget-friendly method, since you can do it yourself (if you have a machine) or ask your friends.

How to sew a patch

So, your jeans are frayed between your legs. What to do if the hole is big?

1. Trim any loose threads at the edges without touching the fabric itself.

2. Turn the jeans inside out and trace the hole, 2.5 cm from the edge. Ideally, the edges of the hole should be overlocked, but then the patch will be more noticeable.

3. Cut the “webs” or adhesive interlining to the required area. Do the same with denim for repair. It is better to cut it diagonally from the interweaving of threads. This way the fabric will not fray or unravel. Or use ready-made patches.

4. Glue the interlining and denim to the hole using a preheated iron. Lightly steam the patch, Special attention its edges. Wait for the area to cool down.

5. Then sew the edges of the patch using a sewing machine.

Turn the jeans inside out and sew new fabric diagonally from the right side. A zigzag stitch is perfect for this purpose.

6. Hide the ends of the threads and the repair is complete.

If you notice that the seam joint between the legs is starting to fray, cover it with a patch, as shown in the following photo.

What should you do to prevent your jeans from rubbing between your legs?

It is often easier to prevent a problem than to solve it. Protect your favorite jeans from an unfortunate fate by caring for them and wearing them correctly to avoid premature wear and tear. inner surface legs.

If jeans are too tight or, on the contrary, too loose in the hips, then this leads to excessive friction, and in the future - to holes. Also, the lower the fit, the more stress there is on the fabric in the hip area and the more often the jeans fray between the legs. What to do to avoid this annoying phenomenon? Buy models that fit you and fit well. Of course, denim stretches, but everything has its limits, so judge your actual size wisely. Also check that there are no manufacturing defects or scuffs on the pair you are about to buy.

Proper washing

Turn your jeans inside out and wash them separately or with two or three other pairs of jeans. There is no need to resort to this procedure unless necessary. But you shouldn’t neglect it either (not only due to obvious factors), because particles of dirt and dust act as small abrasives when moving, fraying the threads of the fabric.

Wash your jeans on a gentle cycle with cold or warm water, avoid using hot water or bleach, which weakens denim.

Machine drying also causes jeans to fray between the legs. What to do to minimize harm after washing? Instead of throwing your pants in the dryer, it's better to hang them in the bathroom or on the balcony the old-fashioned way and wait patiently for them to dry.

Now you know what to do to prevent jeans from rubbing between your legs, and you can significantly extend their service life.

Sports and denim

Bike - worst enemy jeans. Frequent and monotonous up and down movements, accompanied by friction against the edge of the saddle, destroy the fabric very quickly. This is why cyclists constantly wear their jeans between their legs. What to do in this case? If you regularly ride in jeans, then you will have to come to terms with future holes and immediately put patches on problem areas. Better yet, get a pair of trousers designed for cycling. Moreover, these can also be jeans, but specially made for such use, for example, Levi’s 505 Commuter or Cadence Raw Denim Jeans. They have double or padded fabric on the seat.

Nothing is eternal

If your jeans are frayed between your legs, you already know what to do with them. But there will come a time when you have to throw them away, no matter how hard you try to distance it.

True, the Dutchman Ari Vandenberg lovingly darned and patched his Levi’s jeans for 8 years.

After this, they not only completely lost their resemblance to the original, but even attracted the attention of fashion publications and won a competition from a famous clothing store in Amsterdam. And for Ari, they became, to some extent, the embodiment of part of his life path. A fitting role for real jeans, isn't it?

A hole in the toe or heel is one of the most common sock “damages”. It happens that there are no threads at hand suitable color- for example, at the dacha or while traveling. This life hack is about how to sew knitwear with a seam in which the thread on the front side is not visible, so you can use any color. In addition, there is no need for special devices, as with darning. Please note: this method is not suitable for very visible places. It's more of a life hack for quickly fixing a torn one.

You will need:

Hand needle;

Sequence of work:

1. Thread the needle and make a small knot. Do not turn the product inside out. Pass the needle through the hole to the inside of the knitwear and leave the knot there.

2. Start sewing up the hole, grabbing one or the other edge in turn. Proceed as shown in the diagram.

3. When you finish the seam, pull the thread. Pull until the thread goes into the seam, becoming invisible from the front side, but does not pull the seam. You can always pull the seam sideways to straighten the thread a little. Bring the needle inside out and secure the thread.

More clearly - in the video:

2. How to sew a broken stitch with a hidden seam: master class

In this case it is also used blind seam from the previous life hack. Detailed master class on how to make this seam.

The method is suitable for repairing burst or torn machine stitching where it is not entirely convenient to sew up a hole from the inside out. For example, you can sew up a hole in the lining, on the inside pocket, and so on. By the way, the same seam can be used to repair a torn hem on trousers or a skirt.

You will need:

Hand needle;

Sequence of work:

Carry out the seam as shown in the photo or in the diagram from the life hack above. At the end, carefully secure the thread.

More clearly - in the video:

3. How to sew up a small hole on knitted items: master class

We have already written about how to quietly sew up a small hole on fine knitwear(master class with video). The same master class is about how to repair thicker knitwear, for example, knitted sweater, pullover, jacket. In the same way you can sew up a thick knitted sock or any knitted item.

You will need:

Thin threads to match the color of the item;

Hand needle.

Sequence of work:

1. Turn the item inside out. Thread the needle. Start casting small stitches across the direction of the threads in the knitwear. Move up and down, threading the thread all the way to the end of the hole.

2. Now use the same stitches perpendicularly, along the direction of the knitwear threads. With each movement of the needle, intertwine it with the laid stitches, and grab a little of the material of the item being repaired.

3. As a result, the work should look from the inside out, as in the photo below. Secure the thread with a few small, neat stitches and cut the thread. Ready.

Photo and source:

4. How to lift loops and sew up a hole in knitwear near the seam: master class

Such a hole near the seam - quite common occurrence. This tutorial is about how to carefully lift up the stitches and repair a sweater.

You will need:

Hook suitable size;

Threads that are suitable in thickness, color and composition for the knitwear being repaired;

Safety pin.

Sequence of work:

1. Using a crochet hook, pick up the escaped loops one at a time.

2. Raised chains can be fixed safety pin so that they don't run away again.

3. Having picked up all the escaped chains of loops, close them with a hook, sequentially pulling one loop through the other.

4. Secure the last loop with a thread and a needle.

5. Use the same thread to carefully sew up the hole.

5. How to lift loops and sew up a hole in knitted fabric: master class

To repair knitted items, it is good to use a knitted stitch - the work is especially invisible if you have the threads from which the item is made. Knitted seam good when the hole is not due to fraying, but, for example, due to a snag when the thread in the knitwear is pulled out and breaks.

You will need:

A hook of a suitable size (if you need to pick up runaway loops);

Well-matched threads;

Sequence of work:

1. Pick up the runaway loops with a crochet hook.

2. Thread the needle and start collecting stitches as shown in the pictures. A contrasting thread was specially taken here so that the principle of operation is clear.

3. Having collected all the loose loops, bring the thread to the wrong side. Secure it by passing it between the loops of the material, as shown in the photo. Also remove the torn thread scraps to the wrong side.

Photo and source:

6. How to mend a hole: three ways

Darning - classic way repair. Helps with holes in knitwear and fabrics. The degree of invisibility of the repair depends on the size of the hole, the material itself (silk or other delicate fabric making an invisible darn is very difficult) and dexterity. Most often, darning is used to repair things in less visible places. But it performs its main function - getting rid of the hole.

You will need:

Threads in the color of the fabric;

Hand needle;

- “fungus” or other device for darning.

Here is a diagram of a classic darning:

Before starting work, you can walk a thread around the hole so as not to stretch the material with darning. While working, you can leave this thread alone and then pull it out.

Special darning for knitwear:

First, the auxiliary threads are pulled with a thin thread, then a darning is placed along them with a thread suitable for the fabric being repaired.

Another darning option for knitwear:

First, threads are laid along the threads of the fabric, then darning is performed.

An invisible external seam, made with a thread and a needle on the front side, will save you in an unexpected situation.

Video tutorial: How to quietly sew up a hole on the outside of a garment along the seam

If you have a seam torn and it is impossible to quickly sew it up from the inside out, because... there is no access, for example, the lining is in the way.

Photo 1

It is very easy to sew up a torn area. In addition, no lines need to be drawn. The seam line on the fabric will be visible by itself, it has already been created by machine stitching, iron and time (photo 1)

Photo 2 Photo 3

Using a needle, carefully “open” the seam further (photo 2, photo 3). This will release the threads of the remaining seam. Tie them together with 2 knots, thereby securing the remaining seam. Remove the threads from the fabric inside out. Do the same with the opposite side of the opened seam.

Take a thread that matches the color. Thread it through a needle. Make a knot at one end of the thread and leave the other end of the thread hanging freely. For the photo I took a special thread contrasting color to show that the seam will not be visible.

Photo 4

Make a puncture with a thread and a needle on the left half of the seam from the wrong side strictly along the seam line, slightly above the ripped place, pull the thread with the needle to the front side of the fabric to be sewn (photo 4).

Photo 5 Photo 6

On right side product, strictly opposite the thread exit from the left half of the seam, make a puncture with a needle and thread on wrong side and immediately on the front side, also strictly along the seam line. Stitch length is about 1 mm. Pull the thread to the front side (photo 5, photo 6). Tighten the thread so that the halves of the rupture of the product are connected.

Then, on the left side of the product, strictly opposite the thread exit from the right half, make the same puncture 1 mm long (photo 7). Pull the thread and needle to the front side.

Photo 7

On the right side of the product (photo 8), make a puncture with a stitch length of 1 mm strictly opposite the thread exit from the left half of the product. As in photos 5 and 6.

Photo 8

On the left side of the product (photo 9) make a puncture with a stitch length of 1 mm strictly opposite the exit threads from the right half of the product, just like in photo 7.

I love and hate stretch jeans. I like them because they fit my figure well, don’t hang like regular jeans, and fit nicely, but they have a significant drawback. Stretch jeans are not as durable and tend to wear out quickly.

Last month two of my favorite couples jeans are frayed right between your legs. And this is just after I altered the buttons for a perfect fit. I was very upset, not only because these are my favorite jeans, but also because now I will have to visit a bunch of stores before finding a replacement.

Stitching stretch jeans is a little more difficult than regular jeans. At first I tried to make a regular inner seam, but it only lasted for a couple of days.

And then a “brilliant” thought came to me :) why not use old stretch jeans for repairs?

No sooner said than done.

Step 1: What you will need

  • A pair of damaged jeans
  • Another pair of unwanted old jeans or a scrap of material from them
  • Needle
  • Polyester thread of the required color
  • Pins
  • Scissors

If you're frugal enough, you probably have an unwanted pair of jeans in the right color in your closet. I'm not so perspicacious and always threw them away, I won't do that again!

You can definitely do a better job than me if you can find a pair of repair jeans in the same color. As you can see in the photo, my color is slightly different.

It is highly advisable to use a thread made of polyester; it stretches very well, while a thread made of 100% cotton will most likely not withstand the load. You can easily find them on sale here at reasonable prices, V as a last resort can be ordered from China.

Stage 2: Patch

Approximately determine what size patch you will need to hide the hole in your jeans. I recommend cutting the patch taking into account the direction of the grain. (For example: if the fabric on jeans has a more horizontal direction than vertical, then cut the patch taking this into account.)

I didn't experiment much with the shape of the patch; as you can see, it has smooth edges. You can get creative and make it any shape you want.

Securely secure the patch with pins. A secure mount will make your task easier. You could probably use special glue, but I didn’t because it would make sewing by hand more difficult.

Fold the thread in half, the length of the thread is approximately equal to the length of the arm from the elbow to the tips of the fingers. if you have beeswax, then you can rub the thread with it. This will help it not get tangled and it will be easier to pull through the fabric.

Pass the needle only through the patch with inside. Initially, do not thread the needle through the jeans and the patch at the same time - the knot inside the jeans will be very inconvenient. It would seem that a small nodule is not a big deal, but when it rubs on your skin throughout the whole day, it will begin to seem simply huge.

Stage 4: Sew up the edges

Usually, before sewing the edges around the entire perimeter, I grab the patch on several sides to secure it.

Try to make miniature stitches - up to 3 mm from the hem, with an interval between stitches also up to 3 mm. In the photo above you can see what it looks like.

After you reach the end, make a tight knot, again between the patch and the jeans.

Stage 5: Strengthen the hole

This step is optional, but I decided to sew it up just in case because it will prevent the hole from coming apart and will hold the middle of the patch firmly against the surface of the jeans. Ordinary stitching around the perimeter of the hole.

Don't forget to make a knot between the patch and the jeans.

Here. The results were beautifully repaired jeans! 😆

We repair jeans with our own hands.

Comfortable and practical jeans, like all things, wear out and become unusable over time. But the advantage of this wardrobe item is that your favorite item can be quietly repaired. Depending on sewing skills, used different ways restoration. We will consider the most common of them in this article.

How to sew a hole in jeans neatly and discreetly by hand: instructions

Hand darning is suitable for holes with right angles and cut lines. For other types of damage, other repair methods will have to be used.

  1. Choose threads to match the fabric
  2. Apply stitches from one side of the hole to the opposite: back and forth
  3. Then, between these threads, make dense stitches, perpendicular to those already sewn, to create a thin mesh patch of threads. In this case, we alternately pass the needle and thread from the bottom of the existing stitch, then from the top
In one direction, we make the base for the lattice

In the other direction, we form a dense lattice

Final version

How to sew up a hole in jeans neatly and discreetly using a machine: instructions

Using sewing machine you will need certain knowledge and skills. Using them, completely invisible traces of restoration will remain on your jeans.

  1. To prevent the fabric from rippling, stretch it well when sewing
  2. Lay the seam vertically so that it matches the structure of the fabric. This will make it possible to perfectly veil the damage.
  3. Baste the patch with a zigzag
  4. If there is no thread to match the fabric, combine two similar colors (insert a light thread into the needle, insert a darker thread into the bobbin)
  5. Mend a small hole using the “stuffing” method

Video: How to mend jeans on a sewing machine?

How to sew a large hole in jeans manually: methods, tips, recommendations

For large holes, it is better to make a manual patch in the form of an applique
  • For a big hole a suitable method patching
  • Requires some hand sewing skills
  • It is best to make a similar symmetrical decor on the other half of the undamaged part.
  • We attach the patch from the outside, on top of the hole
  • Fold the edges inward
  • First we make a neat simple seam to secure it
  • Then we veil with a decorative stitch

How to sew a small hole in jeans manually: methods, tips, recommendations

  • This type of work requires special care.
  • We select a flap that matches the tone of the fabric being repaired and is slightly larger than the tear.
  • We secure it with pins from the inside out, facing outwards.
  • We make a classic stitch around the hole by hand
  • We cut off the rest of the patch
  • On the front side, we select the frayed threads from the holes using neat stitches

How to properly sew up or mend holes in jeans between the legs?

Symmetrical patches

In this case, you will have to make a payment.

  • Use any of the above methods by:
  1. Patch Applications
  2. Internal patching
  • Apply stitches at your discretion:
  1. Manually
  2. By machine
  • For small damage, use a “trick”, which we will discuss later.

Video: Jeans repair

How to properly sew up or mend holes in jeans on the knee?

The fashion trend of holey clothes allows you to look very fashionable with holes in your knees. But if you are not satisfied with this option, you can carefully repair your pants using darning. Usually they use “stitching” - this is a type of stitching - forward and backward.


  1. We select the thread in unison with the tone of the jeans
  2. Rip the side seam opposite the hole
  3. Cut out the patch from thick fabric
  4. We have with reverse side pants to the hole
  5. We put a piece of non-woven fabric on it
  6. Let's iron
  7. Making a stitch middle length first forward, hammering the hole
  8. Then we go to the reverse, moving the flap to the size of the width of one thread
  9. Having finished the work, we remove the remnants of the patch and interlining using scissors.
  10. Sew up the side seam

Final result

How to properly sew up or darn holes in jeans on the butt?

Alternative option patching

For work we prepare:

  1. A 2 cm piece of thick fabric larger size holes on each side. If you have a piece of denim, take it
  2. Adhesive fabric
  3. Threads to match the color of the fabric of the jeans being repaired
  4. Sewing machine


  • Cut the patch from the prepared fabric
  • We put it on the hole
  • We apply adhesive fabric on top. It should be a little bigger than the patch
  • Cover with another piece of fabric
  • Sprinkle with water
  • Let's iron
  • On the front side, we process the hole with a frequent and widest zigzag stitch, overlapping each other 0.1 cm
  • We pull the ends of the threads to the wrong side and make knots so that the seam does not unravel
  • Cut off the remaining adhesive fabric

How to hide a hole in jeans, fill it up beautifully, decorate it?

Effective patching

You can veil a hole in a very original way using decorative patch or applications.

  • Make the blank yourself or buy a factory one
  • Secure the applique with adhesive fabric, ironing with a heated iron
  • To prevent it from coming off after washing, secure it around the perimeter with several lines

It's up to you to choose how to extend the life of your favorite things. Just consider your sewing abilities. Any reconstruction must be done very carefully. Otherwise, the jeans will look very unsightly and you will have to take them off.

A lot of interesting ideas on repairing jeans is offered in an article published on our website.

Video: How to mend a hole? Master class from Irina Timofeeva