What week should you go to the doctor? I'm pregnant - when should I go to the doctor? Pregnancy: when to go to the gynecologist

If you are planning to conceive, you need to be examined, including being examined by a gynecologist, for the first time about six months before the expected conception. But when should you go to the gynecologist after conception?

In the first week of pregnancy after a delay, many women are simply afraid to go for a medical examination with a gynecologist. There is a common myth that vaginal examination (vaginal examination) can provoke bleeding and cause miscarriage. Many accomplished young mothers tell their friends this: don’t go to the antenatal clinic before 10 weeks, there’s nothing to do there.

Why are there such reviews about the first examination of a pregnant woman by a gynecologist?

The fact is that in Russia, mostly women who want to terminate their pregnancy turn to a gynecologist early. And four out of five women terminate their pregnancies...

Of course, the doctor may greet you with the usual unkindness, thinking that you have come, like everyone else, for an abortion. Moreover, you have already done the test and are sure of your pregnancy, and the gynecologist, until he is convinced himself, will assume that you are simply experiencing a delay.

Timidly entering the municipal office antenatal clinic, and as soon as they say about the delay, the woman finds herself in the gynecological chair, like an ordinary patient, they do not yet see her as pregnant... If they look at her not too kindly, take smears, painfully scratching her urethra, of course, such stress is unlikely to benefit a pregnancy that has just begun . And having returned home and finding brown or pink discharge after the examination, pain and pain when urinating, the woman will conclude that the gynecologist’s examination harmed the pregnancy and will regret that she went to the doctor at all.

However, he himself gynecological examination It does not harm the baby during pregnancy. Rather, the baby may suffer from your stress.

Why after examination by a gynecologist there may be brown discharge and even have a stomach ache? During the examination, the gynecologist takes smears from the pregnant woman’s vagina, cervix, and urethra. To do this, you need to not just sweep over the organ, but scrape off the surface layer of cells. Of course, this can be traumatic, and it will be painful to write due to a scratch in the urethra, there may be small brown or bloody issues. They are quite insignificant, you can’t even call them daubs, just a couple of drops...

During a two-handed examination of the uterus, when the doctor determines its position and size, during early pregnancy, the appearance of painful sensations lower abdomen. Now everything is changing there, the blood has rushed in, the ligaments are stretching, and the doctor has also disturbed me. After examination by a gynecologist, these pains disappear quickly, within a few hours.

Can a miscarriage occur after being examined by a gynecologist? Of course, maybe, just like without examining him...

There is always another reason for miscarriage and frozen pregnancy, and timely consultation with a doctor and an identified deviation in health status will most likely help prevent trouble by starting treatment.

It is optimal if you still contact a gynecologist as soon as you find out about pregnancy. If you are afraid and do not want to go to the antenatal clinic, there is always alternative solutions, for example, family planning and reproduction centers.

When a girl sees two lines on a pregnancy test, she understands that she is pregnant. So many appear in my head at once important issues Regarding the new way of life, the girl begins to ask herself about what can be done and what cannot be done. And the most incomprehensible and main question: "When to go to the doctor - I'm pregnant!"

When to make your first visit to the doctor

It is better to make your first trip to the antenatal clinic at 6-9 weeks of pregnancy. To make it clear to you, count 2 - 5 weeks from the first day of the delay. This will be approximately the gestational age. There is no need to wait too long and be lazy about going to see a doctor. After all, the sooner you see him, the more accurately the due date will be determined, and you will be examined on time. By the way, a pregnant woman will receive money if before the 12th week. This amount will be added to her maternity benefits. The establishment of such a period is due to the fact that the pregnant woman must, from the very beginning, properly take care of herself and the baby, consulting with a doctor and undergoing necessary examinations. If you come to the doctor very early, he will simply give you a number next appointment and schedule an ultrasound examination. Ultrasounds are done at least three times during pregnancy. The first occurs at 10-12 weeks.

How does the first appointment go?

Having established that I am pregnant, having found out when to go to the doctor, I am naturally interested in what they will do with me! An examination on a chair is carried out only at the first appearance (if not very early) and at 30 weeks of pregnancy, if there are no complaints. When a pregnant woman comes for an appointment, the doctor talks with her, gets a chart, measures her height, weight, arterial pressure, pelvic size and temperature. Temperature tracking - important point during pregnancy, during this period it increases slightly - up to 37.5°.

Pregnant women receive referrals for blood and urine tests at an appointment with a gynecologist. Blood is donated for clinical and biochemical analysis, to establish blood type and Rh factor, as well as the presence of AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis. At the antenatal clinic, it is mandatory to compile an anamnesis of all diseases you have suffered. Chronic and hereditary diseases are taken into account and the same information is taken about the child’s father. If a pregnant woman has had an abortion or sexually transmitted diseases before, then the doctor should be told about this so that he can note it in the chart and take it into account during pregnancy.

When you go to the doctor while pregnant, be prepared to receive useful recommendations about bearing a child and fulfilling them. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you have any, or if something is unclear. And if at the very beginning of pregnancy your stomach hurts or feels tight, do not hesitate to go to the doctor. Of course, they say that these may be natural manifestations of pregnancy, but it is better to be safe and go to an appointment.

Greetings, pregnant women! The time comes when women planning pregnancy, and those for whom positive test It was a surprise that I should visit a gynecologist. On various forums you can find tips from mothers about the best time to be examined by a specialist, but often this is an individual decision. So let’s figure out what the right thing to do in this situation is.

A little bit from personal experience. I saw two lines on the pregnancy test when, according to calculations, I was already at 9 weeks. My cycle is irregular, so the delay didn’t bother me, I did the test once, twice, it means nothing. Third positive result I was incredibly happy and for some reason didn’t think about whether or not to go to the gynecologist. How to the expectant mother It was important for me to confirm the pregnancy (in practice, I checked the unreliability of the tests), to find out whether the fetus is located in the uterine cavity, etc.

Opinion of gynecologists

Turning to the gynecologist, I asked the question whether I came to the appointment late or, on the contrary, early, to which I received a comprehensive answer. Experts believe that there is no point in postponing examination by a doctor for pregnant women. It is advisable to go to the antenatal clinic 2-3 weeks after the start of missed menstruation. The sooner a woman registers, the more accurately the pregnancy and birth dates will be determined, and the pregnancy will pass without incidents.

You should not hesitate to visit a doctor because you can independently determine whether the uterine uterus is normal or dangerous. ectopic pregnancy impossible.

It is especially important to consult a gynecologist as early as possible for women who have previous pregnancies were unsuccessful or had problems conceiving. Expectant mothers, you must understand that there are times when even a week of reflection can be decisive.

Register early and get rewarded!

In the Russian Federation, there is a factor that entices pregnant women to visit a gynecologist as early as possible. Women registered before 12 weeks are entitled to receive lump sum benefit. The amount of such payment for 2014 is 515 rubles. As a mother, I probably agree that this is a tiny amount compared to what the child needs, although something is better than nothing.

To receive benefits, a pregnant woman must take a certificate from the clinic where she is registered. Working women provide the document at their place of work, students - at their place of study, and unemployed women - to the regional department of the employment center.

Late visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy

If for some reason a woman did not visit a gynecologist in early pregnancy, this must be done no later than 12 weeks. For those who are not in the know, I inform you that when registering, it is taken into account obstetric term pregnancy, that is, it must be counted from the first day of the last menstruation.

It is the 12th week that is very important, because at this time the first screening studies are done. Ultrasound on early stages pregnancy helps to diagnose possible malformations in the embryo and various chromosomal pathologies. If ultrasound and tests reveal pathologies in the fetus, the woman can terminate the pregnancy.

How can a pregnant woman prepare for a visit to the gynecologist?

Perhaps each antenatal clinic, private clinic or even doctor has its own methods of confirming pregnancy. I read on the Internet that in most cases, pregnant women are sent for a blood test to determine the level of beta-hCG, and it can be taken already on the 3-5th day of a missed period.

Entering the office, the local gynecologist invited me to sit in a chair (although I didn’t even have a kit with me). After examination, the doctor confirmed the pregnancy, and, comparing the first day of the last menstruation, set the period to 9 weeks. After 3 weeks, an ultrasound showed a period of 8 weeks, the doctor explained this by saying that due to irregular cycle Conception in my case occurred much later.

Reminders for a visit to the gynecologist

  • take a shower and put on clean underwear;
  • if the inspection is planned during a lunch break or after work, use wet wipes;
  • there is no need for douching;
  • 1-2 days before the expected visit, it is better to abstain from sex;
  • intimate hairstyle does not affect the diagnosis of pregnancy;
  • when going to the gynecologist, remember the time of your last menstruation and the duration of your cycle, this is very important;
  • Buy an inspection kit just in case, it's inexpensive.

Dear women, remember - the gynecologist is not your enemy. Do not hesitate to ask the doctor even the most intimate issues. When registering, do not hide information related to your health. A qualified gynecologist should help and explain the situation that is unclear to you.

One fine day, leaving the bathroom with a pregnancy test in your hands, you discover that you are pregnant. If the pregnancy does not come as a surprise, the visit to the doctor turns into a simple visit to the doctor, who will confirm all the indicators of your body and will guide you until the birth of the baby. If pregnancy is unexpected for you, it is advisable to go to the doctor as soon as possible in order to make sure that your body is able to provide all the needs of the little man growing inside you.

So when should you go to the doctor during pregnancy? Maybe tomorrow? Or wait a week. Or maybe even come at 12 weeks?

It is very important to undergo all examinations before 11-12 weeks of pregnancy, especially if the child is not planned. This will allow you to know for sure that all the mother's organs are ready and can actually withstand pregnancy and the birth of a child.

Read more about gestational age

As a rule, a pregnancy test is used from the first day of missed menstruation - this is approximately 28-35 days after the previous cycle. This means that you are already approximately 5 weeks pregnant.

Let's explain with an example:
  • your cycle consists of 30 days;
  • last time I had my period on August 10;
  • the test was done on September 10;

Result: you are 5 weeks pregnant or 3 weeks from conception.

When to go to the doctor during pregnancy

If you come to the doctor, but are afraid to lie down in a chair, or for some other reason you are not ready, you always have the right to refuse the examination. There is no need to worry about this again.

Examination by a doctor at different stages of pregnancy

Very early stages pregnancy (4-5 obstetric weeks) a doctor cannot always recognize pregnancy, so it makes no sense to run headlong to an obstetrician-gynecologist when you see two stripes. The most a doctor can do is refer you for tests or send you home to wait a little. Your doctor may also do an examination called a medical history. In it, he will ask you about all past illnesses, operations, current working and living conditions. To better understand the situation, the doctor needs to know what kind of pregnancy it is, whether you have been sick gynecological diseases and so on.

Ultrasound and early pregnancy

At 4-5 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is still firmly fixed in the uterus, so the doctor will not carry out unnecessary checks, including ultrasound, once again and unnecessarily. Your doctor may send you for an ultrasound at 6-8 weeks. obstetric pregnancy. This is the most best time for early detection of ectopic pregnancy.

From the 7th week of pregnancy, contractions are already noticeable during an ultrasound small heart. Even at such early stages of pregnancy, ultrasound can detect various problems pregnancy, for example, the threat of its termination or the death of the embryo (frozen pregnancy). If there is no suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, it is better to postpone an ultrasound scan until the 12th week. Only from this date will the doctor be able to examine your baby in detail.

You must register with a doctor before 12 weeks of pregnancy in order to receive a one-time benefit.

A little about hCG analysis

The hCG test is harmless to the mother and child, so it can be taken at least every week and monitor the progress of pregnancy. Dynamics hCG level may detect ectopic pregnancy.

Summing up

If your condition does not cause any concern and the baby is planned, then you can register at 10-11 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. If you have significant aching pain in a stomach, frequent nausea, it is better to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

What other examinations can a doctor prescribe during pregnancy?

General blood analysis

To determine the level of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as to determine the presence of infections and inflammation in the body.

General urine analysis

Helps detect inflammation of the urinary system: urethra, Bladder, and most importantly - the kidneys.

Blood chemistry

Additional blood testing. Allows you to evaluate the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

Blood test for syphilis, viral hepatitis B and C, HIV

Blood group and Rh factor analysis

Necessary to prevent conflict of immunities between mother and child.


This is a study of the blood coagulation system.

Blood test for thyroid hormones

The increased level of her hormones leads to the threat of miscarriage, bleeding and early toxicosis, reduced leads to abnormalities in the development of the child’s brain.

Great joy for every couple - the offensive desired pregnancy. Waiting for the coveted two lines on the test is akin to waiting for a miracle. And this miracle came true in your life: the first delay, the first test and a positive result.

A woman, of course, may wonder if the test can deceive? But this happens quite rarely, especially if you did not use the cheapest option. If you still have doubts, you can take it. There certainly cannot be any mistakes here.

The next question is when to go to the doctor during pregnancy? Some stubbornly believe that it is better not to rush and register in the second trimester. They say that during such a crucial period they will force you to rush around hospitals, take tests and collect certificates. Others, at the first hint of pregnancy, rush to check their guesses. What does medicine say about when to go to the gynecologist during pregnancy?

When to go to the doctor during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you should not postpone your first visit to the gynecologist until long term. Doctors unanimously call for registration as early as possible. This is necessary in order to make sure from the very beginning that the pregnancy is progressing correctly. You may be surprised - how can you understand something about the course of pregnancy in such a tiny period? In fact, it is possible.

First of all, you need to make sure that the pregnancy is intrauterine. That is, that the embryo, after its wanderings through the tubes and uterus, attached to in the right place. The danger is that with it all the symptoms of pregnancy are identical to normal: there is a delay, and the test is positive, and even the breasts become full. But over time and the growth of the embryo, the tube may not be able to withstand it and burst. This is usually accompanied heavy bleeding V abdominal cavity. The condition is very dangerous for the health and life of a woman.

Another reason to make your first visit to the gynecologist early during pregnancy is the need to exclude diseases of the genital area. Of course, if the couple really planned to have a child, then both future parents had to undergo all tests in advance and be cured of all kinds of chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections, if any were discovered. All these unpleasant diseases may negatively affect the development and health of the unborn child.

In addition, you also need to make sure that pregnancy has occurred in order to stop taking medications that are prohibited in this situation. And again - with proper pregnancy planning, you need to consult your doctor in advance and decide which medicines should be abandoned at the planning stage, and which ones can be replaced with ones that are less harmful to the unborn child.

The first appointment with a gynecologist during pregnancy is a slightly tedious and time-consuming procedure. You will be questioned in detail to fill out certain forms and history, given directions for numerous tests, weighed, measured your pelvis and blood pressure, and examined in a chair. Your doctor may send you to ultrasonography.

Be prepared for this mentally and physically, be sure to have a snack before your first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy, and take a bottle of water with you. And believe me, it’s better to go through all this before toxicosis sets in, that is, before 5-6 weeks.

Once registered, you will be required to visit your doctor monthly and take all required tests, such as urine and blood tests, before each visit. Ultrasounds are also required at the 12th, 20th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy. In addition, when registering and at 30 weeks of pregnancy, you need to visit an ophthalmologist and ENT doctor. But all this will be told to you in more detail at the antenatal clinic. So, don’t be afraid of anything and go to the appointment with confidence!