Read your parents proverbs and sayings. Proverbs about parents and children and respect for parents

Proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren. Parents in proverbs and sayings for children and adults.

Proverbs and sayings about parents

The father and mother have warmth in their bosoms and in the cold.

If there is a father and mother, then grace to the child.

Although the child is crooked, it is marvelous for the father and mother.

To live in orphanage is to shed bitter tears.

Father and mother are sacred words.

The bird is glad of spring, and the child is glad of the mother.

A child without a mother is like a table without a tablecloth.

Maternal affection knows no end.

Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.

Pity your father and mother, you will not find others.

mother no one will replace you.

The stepmother is good, but not the mother of the family.

What is given by the mother's hand will go for the future.

For a mother, a child is a child up to a hundred years old.

Not the mother that gives birth, but the one that walks.

Not the father who gave birth, but the one who gave birth to drink, nurtured and taught the mind.

What the parents flies off the tongue, the child jumps on the tongue.

Parents are hardworking and children are not lazy.

To the question of the proverb about the importance of the respectful attitude of children to parents, asked by the author Wisdom the best answer is Proverbs and sayings about parents are filled with feelings of love, kindness,
respect for mother, father, old people. Proverbs teach to appreciate parents,
be proud of them, love children, whatever they may be, call for harmony
in family.
proverbs and sayings about the relationship between children and parents, education

He knew how to give birth to a child, know how to teach
Without a queen, bees are lost babies.
Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother - and the whole orphan.
Without supervision, only ants breed.
White in face, but thin in father.
The prodigal son is an early grave for the father.
There is a good sheep and from a dissolute father.
He fed a snake on his neck.
To raise children is not to count chickens.
The children are small - they won’t let you eat, the children are big - they won’t let you live.
Children are joy, children are grief.
Children are good - father-mother's crown; thin - the end of the father-mother.
The child does not cry - the mother does not understand.
The child is at least crooked, but the father-mother is cute.
The child is thin, but the father-mother is cute.
A house with children is a bazaar, without children is a grave.
Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.
An only son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.
Alive parents - read, died - remember.
And the crow praises the crow.
And the snake does not eat its children.
And a mad sheep will be born from a good father.
And the bird, having hatched and fed the chick, teaches him to fly.
From one bush, but not from one branch.
From one cell, but children are not equal.
As the father is, so are the children.
What is the uterus, such are the children.
As is the seed, so is the tribe.
What is the tree, such is the wedge; What is the father, such is the son.
The filly is a kick, and the foal is a kick.
Whom to give birth to, and to feed.
Which hand strokes the head, that one pulls the tuft.
No matter which finger you bite, everything hurts.
Who without a prize in the cradle, that whole century is not in business.
Who indulges children, then sheds a tear.
He who honors his parents never perishes forever.
Where the mother goes, there the child goes.
Break the tree while it's young.
Small children - hands hurt, big children - heart.
Little children are little troubles, and when they grow up they will be big.
The mother swings high, but it does not hurt, the stepmother swings low, but it hurts.
The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.
A righteous mother is a stone fence.
Honey is sweet, but baby is even sweeter.
You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.
If you don't feed the little one, you won't see the old one either.
Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who made him drink, nurtured and taught good.
There is no song for the crow against the native crow.
Fire is hot, and the child is sore.
From a good root, good growth.
From the moose - moose, from the pig - piglets.
That's why the guy fell off the horse, because his father planted him crookedly.
Father and mother are not enough for life.
Birds in the nest until autumn, children in the family until the age.
A child is like wax: whatever you want, then you merge.
Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.
With the guys grief, and without them - twice.
My son, and he has his own mind.
Owl - and she praises her owls: big-headed and lupasty!
Every firstborn will be born - a bright month in the forehead, stars are clear behind the ears.
Who has a good girl? - At the uterus. Who has a smart son? -
At the father.
Whoever has children has berries.
The dear child has many names.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Teach the child while it lies across the bench, but when it lies along the bench, then it is too late to teach.
Whatever the child amuses, if only he does not cry.
The apple never falls far from the tree.

Answer from legal consciousness[guru]
The prodigal son is an early grave for his father. In a family, according to this, things are going well. In a family where there is no consent, there is no good. Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace. father-mother crown; thin - the end of the father-mother. For the grandson, the grandfather is the mind, and the grandmother is the soul. The house does not warm the stove, but love and harmony. A friendly family does not know sadness. He who honors his parents, the children will also honor. Whoever honors his parents, he never perishes. It is better for a child to cry than a mother. There are no wrong parents on earth. In the world you will find everything except father and mother. There will be no good if there is enmity in the family. Do not neglect the advice of old people. not enough for a lifetime. To read a father and mother is not to know grief. Don’t poke your head in hell! Honor your parents - you won’t go astray. Treasuring a family is to be happy. An older brother is like a second father. The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children. A good daughter does not count on a dowry. If you want to succeed in something, consult three old people. .

Answer from Maxim Pronyushkin[newbie]
Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother - and the whole orphan. The prodigal son is an early grave to the father. If you honor your father and mother, you will learn honor from your son. You will buy everything, except for the father-mother. elders. Gentlemen, old people are the first Cossacks. Children are not judges for parents. If you don't respect your parents, then no one will respect you either. Have pity on your father and mother - you will not find others. Parents are alive - honor them, died - remember. What a tree is, such is a wedge; what the father is, such is the son. Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble. Whoever honors his parents, the children will also honor him. the land of people. A righteous mother is a stone fence. There are no wrong parents on earth. In the world you will find everything except your father and mother. Do not neglect the advice of old people. Do not hide your failures from your parents. he nurtured, nurtured and taught good. A father and mother are not enough for a lifetime. To read a father and mother is not to know grief. Don’t poke your head in hell across the father! parental blessing it doesn’t burn in fire, it doesn’t sink in water. A parent’s word doesn’t pass by. Help your parents during life. An older brother is like a second father. The happiness of parents is the honesty and hard work of children. Respect the old, you should also be old. to the elder - a duty. If you want to succeed in something, consult with three old men.

Answer from Neurologist[newbie]
Proverbs and sayings about parents are filled with feelings of love, kindness, respect for mother, father, and the elderly. Proverbs teach to value parents, be proud of them, love children, whatever they may be, call for harmony in the family. Proverbs and sayings about the relationship between children and parents, upbringing. , and without a mother - and the whole orphan. Without supervision, only ants breed. White in face, but thin in father. The prodigal son is an early grave for his father. There is a good sheep from a dissolute father. .Children are small - they won’t let them eat, children are big - they won’t let them live. Children are joy, children are grief. thin - the father-mother is finished. The child does not cry - the mother does not understand. The child is even crooked, but the father-mother is cute. The child is thin, but the father-mother is cute. live in honor. The only son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son. Parents are alive - honor, dead - remember. And the crow praises. And the snake does not eat its children. , after sitting and feeding the chick, he teaches him to fly. From the same bush, but not from the same branch. From the same cage, but the children are not equal. What is the father, such are the children. What is the tree, such is the wedge; what a father is, such is a son. A filly is a kick, and a foal is a kick. Whoever indulges children, then sheds a tear. Whoever honors his parents never dies. - little troubles, but they grow up big - they will be big. The mother swings high, but it doesn’t hurt, the stepmother swings low, but it hurts. You will find everything in the world, except for the father and mother. Without feeding the little, you will not see the old. , and the child is sore. From a good root, kind and growth. From an elk - moose, from a pig - pigs. That's why the guy fell off the horse because his father planted crookedly. Father and mother will not be enough for life. Birds in the nest until autumn, children in the family up to age. A child is like wax: whatever you want, then you will merge. .Owl - and that one praises her owls: big-headed and lupasty! Every first-born will be born - a bright month in the forehead, stars are clear behind the ears. Who has a good girl? - At the uterus. Who has a smart son? Whoever has children has berries. A cute child has many names. Seven nannies have a child without an eye. If only not to cry. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree. The prodigal son is an early grave for his father. In a family, according to it, things are going well. In a family where there is no consent, there is no good. Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace. more expensive than a necklace. Children are not judges for parents. Children are good - a crown for father and mother; thin - the end of the father-mother. For the grandson, the grandfather is the mind, and the grandmother is the soul. The house does not warm the stove, but love and harmony. A friendly family does not know sadness. will fall. Whoever honors his parents, the children will honor him.

Answer from Anna Berezina[newbie]
The prodigal son is an early grave for his father. In a family, according to this, things are going well. In a family where there is no consent, there is no good. Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace. father-mother crown; thin - the end of the father-mother. For the grandson, the grandfather is the mind, and the grandmother is the soul. The house does not warm the stove, but love and harmony. A friendly family does not know sadness. He who honors his parents, the children will also honor. Whoever honors his parents, he never perishes. It is better for a child to cry than a mother. There are no wrong parents on earth. In the world you will find everything except father and mother. There will be no good if there is enmity in the family. Do not neglect the advice of old people. not enough for a lifetime. To read a father and mother is not to know grief. Don’t poke your head in hell! Honor your parents - you won’t go astray. Treasuring a family is to be happy. An older brother is like a second father. The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children. A good daughter does not count on a dowry. If you want to succeed in something, consult three old people. .Proverbs and sayings about parents are filled with feelings of love, kindness, respect for mother, father, old people. Proverbs teach to appreciate parents, be proud of them, love children, whatever they may be, call for harmony in the family. Proverbs and sayings about the relationship between children and parents, education without a mother, and the whole orphan. Without care, only ants breed. White in face, but thin in father. little ones - they won’t let them eat, children are big - they won’t let them live. Children are joy, children are grief. Children are good - father-mother is crowned; thin - the father-mother is finished. The child does not cry - the mother does not understand. The child is even crooked, but the father-mother is cute. The child is thin, but the father-mother is cute. they live in honor. The only son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son. Parents are alive - honor, dead - remember. And the crow praises the crow. And the snake does not eat its children. And a rabid sheep will be born from a good father. And the bird, after hatching and feeding the chick, teaches him to fly. From one bush, but not from one branch. .What is the father, such are the children. What is the uterus, such are the children. What is the seed, such is the tribe. What is the tree, such is the wedge; what a father is, such is a son. A filly is a kick, and a foal is a kick. who indulges children, then sheds a tear. Whoever honors his parents never dies. - little troubles, but they grow up big - they will be big. The mother swings high, but it doesn’t hurt, the stepmother swings low, but it hurts. You will find everything in the world, except father and mother.

proverbs about honoring children to parents

  1. Proverbs about parents Parents take care of their daughter to the crown, and the husband to his wife to the end. Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy. Honor parents alive, remember dead! Parental blessing does not sink on water, does not burn on fire. The parental word is not spoken by. Our parents are not persecutors. The swarm does not survive without a queen. A true pointer is not a fist, but a caress. All children are even, no matter what finger you bite - everyone is sick. Every mother has a sweet child. There is the most beautiful creature in the world, to whom we are always indebted - this is the mother. Have pity on your father and mother, you won't find others. Wife with advice, vain with greetings, and dear mother with affection. Earth without water is dead, a man without a family is an empty flower. Who brings parents to tears, and he himself will not see happiness. Who was not a father himself, does not know the price of a father. Who could not take caress, do not take and severity. Whoever takes pity on his father prepares a good share for his children. Maternal affection knows no end. Who will complain about your child? Unreasonable guardianship is worse than homelessness. Not the one own daughter who runs away from business, and that own daughter who is visible at any work. There are no relatives of a friend, like a mother. No one believes in children like a mother. The best legacy is education. The most painful wound is from your child. From a bad bush and the berry is empty. Don't brag about your parents, brag about your virtues. mother's heart better than the sun warms. The wealth of parents spoils children. Son and daughter - the sun is clear, the moon is bright. An intelligent son is the father's right eye. Too many cooks spoil the broth. The son's finger hurts, the mother's heart. What you bring up in childhood, you will rely on in old age. What adults say, children repeat. A stupid son and a father will not sew a mind. Children are small, so they don’t let you sleep, but when they grow up, you won’t sleep on your own. Children are like flowers: they love care. The children are crying, and the mother's heart hurts. Parents give the first daughter in marriage, the second sister. Daughters flaunt, sons live in the mail. Bad fisherman - bad nets, bad mother - bad children. The children's hut is fun. Feed your son for the time being: it's time to come - the son will feed you. Whoever is afraid that the child will cry will cry himself. What you teach a child, you will receive from him. Small children are heavy on the knees, and big ones are heavy on the heart. Small children - small worries, big children - big worries. It was not a peasant who lived, but not a parent who died. Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt. The hut is full of children, so it's happy in it. An obedient son of fathers does not break his back. The bird is in the nest until autumn, and the children are in the house until the age. The bird rejoices in the spring, and the mother rejoices in the children. He remembers his parents for someone else's eve. Native and for the mistake will praise, and a stranger and for the truth oborvt. You can't replace your own mother. Whoever has children is lucky. Whoever has kids has worries. A smart mother is the wealth of the family. Know how to walk - know how to amuse a child. We live not people, and we die not parents. What is given by the mother's hand will go to good use.

  2. The family agrees that things are going great.
    In a family where there is no consent, good does not happen.
    Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace.
    A girl's humility is more precious than a necklace.
    Children of parents are not judges.

    For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.
    It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.
    A friendly family knows no sorrow.

    Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble.
    Whoever honors his parents, his children will honor him.
    He who honors his parents never perishes forever.
    It is better for a child to cry than for a mother.
    Holy mother, do not argue with her.
    The mother of all business is the head.

    There are no wrong parents on earth.

    There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.
    Do not neglect the advice of the elderly.
    Don't hide your failures from your parents.
    There is no good if there is enmity between one's own.
    Father and mother are not enough for life.
    Father and mother to honor grief not to know.
    Don't poke your head into hell!
    Parents honor you will not go astray from the true path.
    The parental word is not spoken by.
    Help your parents in life.
    A family where they help each other is not afraid of troubles.
    Treasure family to be happy.
    An older brother is like a second father.
    The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.
    A good daughter does not count on a dowry.
    If you want to succeed in anything, consult three old men.
    A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.
    Proverbs and sayings about parents are filled with feelings of love, kindness,
    respect for mother, father, old people. Proverbs teach to appreciate parents,
    be proud of them, love children, whatever they may be, call for harmony
    in family.
    proverbs and sayings about the relationship between children and parents, education
    He knew how to give birth to a child, know how to teach

    Without a queen, bees are lost babies.

    Without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, and the whole orphan.

    Without supervision, only ants breed.

    White in face, but thin in father.

    The prodigal son is an early grave for his father.

    There is a good sheep and from a dissolute father.

    He fed a snake on his neck.

    Little kids won't let you eat, big kids won't let you live.

    Children are joy, children are grief.

    Children are good for the father-mother crown; bad father-mother end.

    The child does not cry, the mother does not understand.

    The child is at least crooked, but the father-mother is cute.

    The child is thin, but the father-mother is cute.

    A house with children is a bazaar, a grave without children.

    Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.

    The only son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.

    Honor your parents alive, remember those who are dead.

    And the crow praises the crow.

    And the snake does not eat its children.

    And a mad sheep will be born from a good father.

    And the bird, having hatched and fed the chick, teaches him to fly.

    From one bush, but not from one branch.

    From one cell, but children are not equal.

    As the father is, so are the children.

    What is the uterus, such are the children.

    As is the seed, so is the tribe.

    What is the tree, such is the wedge; What is the father, such is the son.

    The filly is kicking, and the foal is kicking.

    Whom to give birth to, and to feed.

    Which hand strokes the head, that one pulls the tuft.

    No matter which finger you bite, everything hurts.

    Who without a prize in the cradle, that whole century is not in business.

    Who indulges children, then sheds a tear.

    He who honors his parents never perishes forever.

    Where the mother goes, there the child goes.

    Break the tree while it's young.

    Small children's hands hurt, big children's hearts.

    Little children are little troubles, but they will grow up big and big.

    The mother swings high, but it does not hurt, the stepmother swings low, but it hurts.

    The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.

    The righteous mother is a stone fence.

    Honey is sweet, but baby is even sweeter.

    You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.

    If you don't feed the little one, you won't see the old one either.

    Without a mother, the sun does not warm.
    Lost without a queen and bees

  3. Whoever respects his mother, he will not offend someone else. Honor parents alive, remember dead! Don't poke your head into hell! Whoever honors his parents, his children will honor him. You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.
  4. without a mother and the sun does not warm.
    without a queen and lost bees
  5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days on earth may be long.
    He who honors his parents never perishes forever.

    You honor your father and mother, you are happy forever. !

    Everything has its price - father and mother priceless.

    You can buy everything, but you can't buy your father and mother!

  6. from an elk a calf, from a pig a piglet.
  7. do not climb across the father in hell

Parents are a gentle and reliable support that makes our lives easier. However, being a parent is certainly not easy. This is a full-time job that requires a lot of energy, strength, health, and time. Unfortunately, often their work is not appreciated enough, but after reading these proverbs about parents and children, as well as respectful attitude to parents, try to understand the full depth of parental work.

After all, all they want is for their children to grow up happy and purposeful. For this future, they work hard. Therefore, the purpose of these proverbs, aphorisms and quotes collected in this collection is the desire to encourage thinking about honoring and respecting children for their parents. Some of them are meaningful, others are touching and beautiful. In general, before you are a few minutes of positive, thoughtful reading in order to appreciate the full depth parental love and concern for us.

Proverbs about parents and children

  • Parents and children teach each other.
  • If you do not honor your parents, your children will not respect you.
  • Those who do not obey their parents do not obey God.
  • Parents are the first teachers of children.
  • Parental distrust and caution are the guarantor of the child's safety
  • A parent should not refuse to raise their children, because our ancestors never abandoned us.
  • Girls marry to please their parents, widows to please themselves.
  • Respect for parents is the highest duty of grateful children.
  • Parents are tripped by those children on whom they are afraid to stamp their feet.
  • The dignity of parents is in itself a great heritage.
  • Only having your own children, you begin to understand what you owe to your parents.
  • Parents can give their children everything except luck.
  • Once upon a time, parents taught their children to speak, and now children teach their parents to be silent.
  • The best gifts that parents can give their children are roots and wings.
  • Parents can give everything except common sense.
  • Children grow up with their parents.
  • Bad kids? Parents are to blame!
  • When parents show the moon to a child, he sees only their finger.
  • A child is a parable about the life of parents.
  • The children eat the fruit while the father sleeps on the peel.
  • Children are the loops that hold their parents together.
  • Father is a shield for children
  • When you yourself have children, you begin to understand what you owe to your own parents.

Aphorisms about parents with deep meaning

  • One father takes better care of ten children than ten children take care of one father.
  • Once upon a time, parents taught their children to speak; now children teach their parents to be silent.
  • Children are the yoke of parents in the past, present and future.
  • Parents should at least sometimes remember what it means to be a child.
  • Simultaneously with the birth of a child, parents are also “born”.
  • When parents play with their children, then they become their friends.
  • Having children makes you no more a parent than a piano makes you a pianist.
  • All parents do some harm to their children.
  • Some parents break a child's childhood into small pieces that cannot be repaired.
  • Children despise their parents until they themselves become like them.
  • Children may not obey, but they regularly imitate their parents.
  • An immoral father cannot give good advice to my children.
  • A child without parents will suck on the grandmother.

  • We want to bequeath two things to our children. The first is the roots, the second is the wings.
  • Parents give birth to the body of their children, but this does not always correspond to their character.
  • To understand the love of your parents, you must raise your children yourself.
  • It is the parents who are to blame for a bad child.
  • What the children hear from their parents at the family fireplace, they then repeat in the square.
  • Children of the same mother cannot always come to a unified agreement.
  • You can learn a lot from children. For example, how much patience you have.
  • Little kids create you headache, and big - suffering.
  • Children grow up with or without their parents.
  • Children suckle their mother when they are young and their father when he is old.
  • The best way to keep kids at home is to make the house a pleasant atmosphere by letting the air out of the tires.
  • The best way for a man to teach his son how to walk is to travel with him himself.

Quotes about parents with meaning

This part contains beautiful and touching quotes about loving parents.

  • Parents are not just those people thanks to whom you were born. They are who you want to be when you grow up. Jodi Picoult
  • We will never fully know the love of a parent until we become parents ourselves. Henry Ward Beecher
  • Parents can go from the most wonderful people in the world to complete embarrassment in three seconds. Rick Riordan
  • That's the funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when they own child- the most disgusting "little callus" they could ever imagine, they still think he or she is the most wonderful. Roald Dahl
  • No matter how far away we are, our parents are always in our hearts.
    Brad Meltzer
  • I myself realized that my parents were right only when I had children who did not believe me. Unknown
  • Being a parent is a state that is better than you were before marriage. Marcelin Cox
  • Parents are like God! Because you want to know what they are and that they think well of you. But you really only call when you need something. Chuck Palahniuk
  • When parents say: “Because I said so,” you know for sure that this is a weighty argument. Unknown

  • Parenthood is about guiding the next generation and forgiving the previous one.
    Peter Krause
  • The best part about being friends with your parents is knowing that no matter what you do, they still love you. Natalie Portman
  • Before I got married, I had six theories about parenting. Now I have six children and no theories. Unknown
  • The prayer of parents is the most beautiful poetry and pleasant expectations. Aditya Chopra
  • I believe that parents, if they love you, will always think about your safety. Sometimes this means that you will never know everything they have been through. Because of this, you may treat them in bad faith. Mitch Albom
  • Believe it or not, the truth is that no one in this world can truly love you more than your parents. Unknown
  • Let parents bequeath to their children not wealth, but a spirit of reverence. Plato
  • Parents are always more ambitious for their children than they are themselves. Geoffrey Archer
  • The family is the first school for young children, and parents are the best teachers. Alice Sterling Honig
  • Words of encouragement from moms and dads are like light switches. When they speak words of encouragement at the right time in a child's life, it is like lighting up a whole range of possibilities for him. Gary Smalley
  • All parents harm their children in one way or another. It's nothing you can do. Youth, like primeval glass, absorbs the imprints of its handlers. Some parents crack, others completely break childhood into many sharp pieces beyond repair. Mitch Albom
  • Education is the most hard work on the ground. Since parents are responsible for the physical, emotional and mental development another man. Unknown
  • Treat your parents with love, you will only know their true worth when you see their empty chair. Unknown
  • Once kids are born, everyone knows that parents have priority lists. Number one is their family and everything else just finds its place. Tim McGraw
  • Don't demand respect from a parent. Respect is something you have to earn - both with children and adults. Unknown
  • Believe it or not, the worst thing you can hear from your parents is, "I'm disappointed in you."
  • Parental love is the only love that is truly selfless and knows how to forgive. Unknown
  • Your parents were the only ones who wanted to love you selflessly. From the rest of the world you had to earn love. Ann Brashers


Parents should remember that although they can do everything right, their children will not be the people they would like to see. And vice versa, even with the wrong behavior or methods of education, children can grow up decent people. Life is complicated.

We hope you enjoyed these proverbs about parents, as well as our selection of aphorisms and quotes about parents with meaning.

Best regards, Helen

Golden words about parents!

Without a mother, the sun does not warm.

Without a uterus and a bee - lost children.

Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age.

On the road, the father is a friend to his son.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

Father will always have fun when good son will be born.

You can't rejuvenate all the good guys.

Every youth is full of playfulness.

Every well done to his example.

Where there is cheerful youth, there is joy.

You can't be young twice.

The girl is red in a round dance, like poppies in a garden.

The girl's lot is a mystery.

The tree became crooked when it was young.

Children are the grace of God.

Children of parents are not judges.

Childhood is a golden time.

The child is frail, but the father-mother is cute.

Good to teach who listens.

Became young to the point of trouble.

The daughter is like her father - happy.

To live and grow up, but also to grow wiser.

For what the father, for that and children.

Know a falcon by flight, and a good fellow by deeds.

And her face is white, and her eyes are sweet.

Of all the riches in the world, the greatest wealth is youth.

Of the young, but early: crows like a rooster.

The children's hut is fun.

Because of a bad son, the father is also scolded.

Like a swarm without a queen, so is a child without a mother.

If there is a father and mother, then grace to the child.

He who works from a young age is good for everything.

An affectionate calf sucks two queens, but a vigorous one is not given.

With a kind word you will melt the stone.

Small and daring.

Mal was born, and grew up - useful.

Small and remote and joy in the hands.

The mother of all business is the head.

You will find everything in the world, except for your own mother.

Joy does not skimp on happy youth.

Hopes and dreams love the young.

It is not the clothes that make the young man beautiful - the young man himself is red.

Not according to the father, but according to the mind.

An unlucky child is the grief of parents.

Around the uterus is good for the baby.

The son's father teaches well.

That's why the guy fell off the horse, because his mother planted him crookedly.

Father and mother do not need a treasure, if the children go well.

The first guy in the village, and there is only one house in the village.

A submissive child is all the way.

Sow a habit, grow a character.

Native mother and swings high, but it doesn’t hurt

in family.

White in face, but thin in father.

And the crow praises the crow.

And the snake does not eat its children.

As the father is, so are the children.

What is the uterus, such are the children.

As is the seed, so is the tribe.

Whom to give birth to, and to feed.

Where the mother goes, there the child goes.

Break the tree while it's young.

The righteous mother is a stone fence.

The fire is hot, but the child is sick.

Father and mother are not enough for life.

Birds in the nest until autumn, children in the family until the age.

My son, and he has his own mind.

At the father.

The dear child has many names.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Proverbs and sayings about parents are filled with feelings of love, kindness,
respect for mother, father, old people. Proverbs teach to appreciate parents,
be proud of them, love children, whatever they may be, call for harmony
in family.
proverbs and sayings about the relationship between children and parents, education

He knew how to give birth to a child, know how to teach

Without a queen, bees are lost babies.

Without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, and the whole orphan.

Without supervision, only ants breed.

White in face, but thin in father.

The prodigal son is an early grave for his father.

There is a good sheep and from a dissolute father.

He fed a snake on his neck.

Little kids won't let you eat, big kids won't let you live.

Children are joy, children are grief.

Children are good for the father-mother crown; bad father-mother end.

The child does not cry, the mother does not understand.

The child is at least crooked, but the father-mother is cute.

The child is thin, but the father-mother is cute.

A house with children is a bazaar, a grave without children.

Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.

The only son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.

Honor your parents alive, remember those who are dead.

And the crow praises the crow.

And the snake does not eat its children.

And a mad sheep will be born from a good father.

And the bird, having hatched and fed the chick, teaches him to fly.

From one bush, but not from one branch.

From one cell, but children are not equal.

As the father is, so are the children.

What is the uterus, such are the children.

As is the seed, so is the tribe.

What is the tree, such is the wedge; What is the father, such is the son.

The filly is kicking, and the foal is kicking.

Whom to give birth to, and to feed.

Which hand strokes the head, that one pulls the tuft.

No matter which finger you bite, everything hurts.

Who without a prize in the cradle, that whole century is not in business.

Who indulges children, then sheds a tear.

He who honors his parents never perishes forever.

Where the mother goes, there the child goes.

Break the tree while it's young.

Small children's hands hurt, big children's hearts.

Little children are little troubles, but they will grow up big and big.

The mother swings high, but it does not hurt, the stepmother swings low, but it hurts.

The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.

The righteous mother is a stone fence.

Honey is sweet, but baby is even sweeter.

You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.

If you don't feed the little one, you won't see the old one either.

Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who made him drink, nurtured and taught good.

There is no song for the crow against the native crow.

The fire is hot, but the child is sick.

From a good root, good growth.

Moose from moose, piglets from pigs.

That's why the guy fell off the horse, because his father planted him crookedly.

Father and mother are not enough for life.

Birds in the nest until autumn, children in the family until the age.

A child is like wax: whatever you want, then you merge.

Parents are hardworking and children are not lazy.

With the guys grief, and without them twice.

My son, and he has his own mind.

The owl even praises her owlets: big-headed and bright-eyed!

For every first-born, a bright month will be born in the forehead, the stars are clear behind the ears.

Who has a good girl? At the uterus. Who has a smart son?

At the father.

Whoever has children has berries.

The dear child has many names.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Teach the child while it lies across the bench, but when it lies along the bench, then it is too late to teach.

Whatever the child amuses, if only he does not cry.

The apple never falls far from the tree.
The prodigal son is an early grave for his father.

Children of parents are not judges.
Children are good for the father-mother crown; bad father-mother end.

The prodigal son is an early grave for his father.
The family agrees that things are going great.
In a family where there is no consent, good does not happen.
Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace.
A girl's humility is more precious than a necklace.
Children of parents are not judges.
Children are good for the father-mother crown; bad father-mother end.
For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.
It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.
A friendly family knows no sorrow.
Parents are alive, honor them, died - remember.
Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble.
Whoever honors his parents, his children will honor him.
He who honors his parents never perishes forever.

The mother of all business is the head.
The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.

You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.

Father and mother are not enough for life.

The parental word is not spoken by.
Help your parents in life.

An older brother is like a second father.

and you can say the proverbs of the Perm region without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, and the whole orphan.
The prodigal son is an early grave for his father.
You will honor your father and mother, you will learn honor from your son.
You can buy everything except your father and mother.

Woe and doom to a people whose younger ones cease to honor their elders.
Gentlemen, the old men are the first Cossacks.

Children of parents are not judges.
To bring up children is not to count chickens.
Children are good for the father-mother crown; bad father-mother end.

If you don't respect your parents, no one will respect you either.
Pity your father and mother - you will not find others
Honor your parents alive, remember those who are dead.

What is the tree, such is the wedge; What is the father, such is the son.
Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble.
Whoever honors his parents, his children will honor him.
He who honors his parents never perishes forever.

Holy mother, do not argue with her.
The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.
The righteous mother is a stone fence.

There are no wrong parents on earth.
You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.
Do not neglect the advice of the elderly.
Don't hide your failures from your parents.
Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who made him drink, nurtured and taught good.

Father and mother are not enough for life.
Father and mother to honor grief not to know.

Don't poke your head into hell!
An obedient son of fathers does not break his back.

Parents honor you will not go astray from the true path.
Parental blessing does not burn in fire, does not sink in water.
The parental word is not spoken by.
Help your parents in life.

An older brother is like a second father.
The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.

Respect the old, you should be old too.
Respect for the young is a duty, respect for the elder is a duty.
If you want to succeed in anything, consult three old men.

The prodigal son is an early grave for his father.
The family agrees that things are going great.
In a family where there is no consent, good does not happen.
Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace.
A girl's humility is more precious than a necklace.
Children of parents are not judges.
Children are good for the father-mother crown; bad father-mother end.
For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.
It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.
A friendly family knows no sorrow.
Honor your parents alive, remember those who are dead.
Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble.
Whoever honors his parents, his children will honor him.
He who honors his parents never perishes forever.
It is better for a child to cry than for a mother.
Holy mother, do not argue with her.
The mother of all business is the head.
The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.
There are no wrong parents on earth.
You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.
There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.
Do not neglect the advice of the elderly.
Don't hide your failures from your parents.
There is no good if there is enmity between one's own.
Father and mother are not enough for life.
Father and mother to honor grief not to know.
Don't poke your head into hell!
Parents honor you will not go astray from the true path.
The parental word is not spoken by.
Help your parents in life.
A family where they help each other is not afraid of troubles.
Treasure family to be happy.
An older brother is like a second father.
The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.
A good daughter does not count on a dowry.
If you want to succeed in anything, consult three old men.
A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.
Proverbs and sayings about parents are filled with feelings of love, kindness,
respect for mother, father, old people. Proverbs teach to appreciate parents,
be proud of them, love children, whatever they may be, call for harmony
in family.
proverbs and sayings about the relationship between children and parents, education
He knew how to give birth to a child, know how to teach

Without a queen, bees are lost babies.

Without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, and the whole orphan.

Without supervision, only ants breed.

White in face, but thin in father.

The prodigal son is an early grave for his father.

There is a good sheep and from a dissolute father.

He fed a snake on his neck.

Little kids won't let you eat, big kids won't let you live.

Children are joy, children are grief.

Children are good for the father-mother crown; bad father-mother end.

The child does not cry, the mother does not understand.

The child is at least crooked, but the father-mother is cute.

The child is thin, but the father-mother is cute.

A house with children is a bazaar, a grave without children.

Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.

The only son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son.

Honor your parents alive, remember those who are dead.

And the crow praises the crow.

And the snake does not eat its children.

And a mad sheep will be born from a good father.

And the bird, having hatched and fed the chick, teaches him to fly.

From one bush, but not from one branch.

From one cell, but children are not equal.

As the father is, so are the children.

What is the uterus, such are the children.

As is the seed, so is the tribe.

What is the tree, such is the wedge; What is the father, such is the son.

The filly is kicking, and the foal is kicking.

Whom to give birth to, and to feed.

Which hand strokes the head, that one pulls the tuft.

No matter which finger you bite, everything hurts.

Who without a prize in the cradle, that whole century is not in business.

Who indulges children, then sheds a tear.

He who honors his parents never perishes forever.

Where the mother goes, there the child goes.

Break the tree while it's young.

Small children's hands hurt, big children's hearts.

Little children are little troubles, but they will grow up big and big.

The mother swings high, but it does not hurt, the stepmother swings low, but it hurts.

The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.

The righteous mother is a stone fence.

Honey is sweet, but baby is even sweeter.

You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.

If you don't feed the little one, you won't see the old one either.

Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who brought to drink, nurtured yes

There are proverbs about the respectful attitude of children towards parents in every culture. Their prevalence indicates the moral priorities of the people - respect for family values. Comparing the age-old wisdom about the family way of life, the role of father, mother and sons in the family, one can get a complete impression of how people lived in Rus' when folklore began to be collected.

About parents

Most of the statements about the family are based on the idea of ​​respect for parents, reverence and awareness of the importance of their role in life:

  • He who honors his parents never perishes.
  • You can buy everything, but you can't buy your parents.
  • Father and mother are two sacred words.

Other proverbs about children and parents emphasize unconditional love father and mother to their children:

  • Maternal affection knows no end.

This gives the child the opportunity to understand that he is loved regardless of any factors, instills in him confidence in himself and his abilities:

  • The child is crooked, but the mother and father are marvelous.

A child who grew up on such sayings will learn from childhood the correct pattern of behavior and relationships between children and their parents. In the future, he himself will treat his offspring with no less love than the one he received in his father's house.

  • The father and mother are in the bosom and it is hot in the cold.

About mother

Mom is the first word spoken in a child's life. According to psychologists, three years of age the child does not feel like a separate subject, perceiving one with the mother.

  • The bird rejoices in the spring, and the child rejoices in the mother.

In light of this, it is not surprising that proverbs about the respectful attitude of children towards parents include a large number of sayings about mom.

IN folklore mother appears as the embodiment of tenderness, protection, care and love.

  • What is given by the hand of the mother will do good.

Russian proverbs and sayings about parents fully reflect the family way of life in Rus':

  • For a mother, a child is a child up to 100 years old.
  • No one can replace your own mother.

Proverbs about father

  • What a father, such a good fellow.

The patriarchal model of relationships in the family is emphasized by the veneration of the father.

  • Ahead of the father, do not go into hell!

The formation of folklore, which, of course, includes proverbs about the respectful attitude of children towards parents, is based on the display of a real picture.

  • Who has not been a father, does not know the price of a father.

In Rus', a man appeared in full sense the words of the head of the family, all the main hardships and troubles lay on him. Therefore, sayings emphasize the need not only to love the father, but also to be his reliable help, support, help.

  • Whoever pities his father prepares a good share for his children.

Obviously, to a greater extent, proverbs about the father are focused on sons than on daughters, because it is for them that the father should become an example to follow.

  • A good son's father's order does not break his back.

Parenting sayings

The process of raising children is hard work, and proverbs about children and parents emphasize this. Some of them speak of the need for personality formation, character polishing and moral character. In others, the futility of educational measures is affirmed because of the originality of children. You can compare this by considering the following proverbs about parents and family:

  • Mother and father are caring, but the children are not hardworking.
  • A stupid son and the father of the mind will not sew.

In contrast to them, the following sayings sound.

  • Not the father who gave birth, but the one who watered, fed, taught mind and mind.

Such a contradiction is very characteristic of folklore, because its goal is not to create a single image of the culture of the people of a certain era, but to emphasize the diversity of judgments, opinions, and situations.

  • What the parents flies off the tongue, the child jumps on the tongue.

To one person, the lines about the impossibility of instilling intelligence, strength of character, decency, even through education, will seem more true. Another, on the contrary, will like proverbs that emphasize the need parental influence, demonstrations on personal example correct behavior attitude to work, leisure, study.

  • Mother and father are hardworking, then the children are not lazy.
  • Whom you bring up in childhood, you will rely on in old age.

Thus, proverbs about the respectful attitude of children towards parents are a huge layer folk culture. All these sayings are still relevant, which once again emphasizes the purpose of folklore - to carry the truth through time.

“Happy is he who is happy at home” (L. N. Tolstoy).

My family is my treasure!

In the field, neither father nor mother - there is no one to intercede.

IN native family and thicker porridge.

A widower is not a father to children: he himself is an orphan.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Although the child is sickly, the father and mother are nice.

A good family will add intelligence-mind.

Goodness does not flow like a river in the world, but lives as a family.

A young wife cries to the morning dew, a sister to the gold of her crown, a mother to her age.

You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.

Baba-grandmother, golden lady! You pray to God, you feed with bread, you take care of the house, you guard the good.

Brother will not betray brother.

Brother and brother go to the bear.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

IN friendly family and warm in the cold.

There is no goodness in an unfriendly family.

A diligent house is dense, and a lazy house is empty.

Everyone in his family is big.

In your home, the walls help.

There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.

The family agrees that things are going great.

In a good family good kids are growing.

Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace.

Twins - and happiness twice.

A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family.

For a grandson, grandfather is the mind, and grandmother is the soul.

Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.

At home, everything is arguable, but living in a stranger is worse.

Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.

A friendly family knows no sorrow.

The life of parents in children.

Food tastes better at a communal table.

Like a brother, like a sister.

When there is no family, there is no home.

Where the mother is, there the child goes.

There are no better brothers and sisters.

I love my children, but grandchildren are sweeter.

Brotherly love is stronger than stone walls.

Love and advice - there is no grief.

A loving mother is the soul of the family and the decoration of life.

Maternal prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.

The mother of all business is the head.

Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.

The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.

Welcome mother - a stone fence.

What a treasure, when the family is in harmony.

Hints and reproaches are family vices.

There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.

Don't hide your failures from your parents.

There is no friend against a brother.

The father punishes, the father praises.

The parental word is not spoken by.

Your home is not someone else's: you can't leave it.

Your own is not an enemy.

Family consent is the most precious thing.

The family pot is always boiling.

A family where they help each other is not afraid of troubles.

Treasure family - be happy.

The family and peas are threshed.

A family without children is like a flower without a smell.

Family is the backbone of happiness.

The family is in a heap, and the cloud is not terrible.

The family gives a person a start in life.

The family is strong.

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

The mother's heart is outgoing.

Sister with sister is like a river with water.

Consent and harmony - a treasure in the family.

A consonant family and grief does not take.

A quarrel in his family - to the first sight.

An older brother is like a second father.

The happiness of parents is the honesty and diligence of children.

Son and daughter - the sun is clear, the moon is bright.

A mother's patience knows no bounds.

There is nothing to grieve about who knows how to live at home.

Whoever has a grandmother and grandfather knows no troubles.

Though closely, but better together.

What you do not want for your sister and brother, do not wish for your offenders either.

A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.

A man without a family is like a tree without fruit.

What is - together, what is not - in half.

Proverbs about family

In a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the road.

Where there is advice, there is light; where there is agreement, there is God.

Earth without water is dead, a man without a family is an empty flower.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

Honor your parents - you will not go astray from the true path.

Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.

The parental word is not spoken by.

Family is the backbone of happiness.

The family is strong.

Without a father, a child is half an orphan; without a mother, a child is a complete orphan.

Be not only the son of your father, but also of your people.

Children are the grace of God.

Good children are the crown of the house, and evil children are the end.

To live and grow up, but also to grow wiser. For what the father, for that and children.

The children's hut is fun.

Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble.

Whoever honors his parents, God helps him.

Whoever honors his parents lives a happy age.

The boy is the joy of the father, and the girl is the mother.

A young mind is strengthened by an old mind.

On the young White light holding on.

There is no such friend as a dear mother.

The son's father teaches well.

You don’t honor your father and mother, you don’t respect anyone.

The first-born in the mother was born - he will be happy.

The bird is glad of spring, and the child is glad of the mother.

An obedient son of fathers does not break his back.

Until a son is born, you will not appreciate your father; until you become a mother, you will not appreciate your mother.

For an obedient son, the parental mandate is not burdensome.

Birds in the nest until autumn, children in the family until the age.

The heart of a child rejoices from an affectionate child.

Parents not only respect, but also help them.

The parental word is not spoken by.

The child's finger hurts, the mother's heart.

You can find bird's milk even in a fairy tale, but you will not find other parents anywhere.

The native mother swings high, but does not hurt.

The young have strength, the old have intelligence.

Woe to him who lives in disorder in the house.

Where there is love, there is God.

Advice and love, this is the light.

Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.

Not an outfit paints a girl - house building.

Thin world better than a good fight.

To live in the world - to live in the world.

Where there is harmony, there is treasure.

Without a friend - an orphan; with a friend - a family man.

The family pot is always boiling.

Its own stove and unheated heats.