Meet your loved one at home after a long separation. How to meet your husband from a business trip

A long separation from a loved one is a test for every couple. But if you are confident in your own emotions and the emotions of your partner, try not to let sadness take over you one hundred percent. Better think about how you will meet your soul mate when he returns.

You will need it

  • – food for dinner;
  • Balloons and cellophane;
  • – beautiful underwear;
  • – disk with music;
  • - candles.

Let your partner know that you missed him very much and were really looking forward to his return. This is what your man expects most. No surprises will change your sincere emotions towards him when you meet. Subconsciously, your significant other fears that you will not be very happy with him, worries that your life is not very bad without him. Show that this is not so, that his return home is what you always wanted and thought about during your separation.

You can meet your lover after separation pleasant surprise. Although men try to be harsh, they all adore romantic gifts and surprises. For example, give him a giant bunch of balloons. Make an agreement with your friends so that they can help you have a great time meeting your lover. Draw posters with inscriptions about how much you were looking forward to it. The young man will be pleasantly surprised when he sees his friends and, of course, you, at the airport or on the platform.
Decorate your apartment with balloons, posters with declarations of love, colorful hearts and even flowers.

Prepare favorite dish your other half. Probably in time long separation he missed delicious home-cooked food. Set the table, light the candles, and enjoy the gathering by discussing the activities that happened while you were away.

If you want to meet your lover in full combat readiness, pay careful attention to your own appearance. Prepare for the meeting, go to the salon. Get a manicure, pedicure, waxing. Buy a seductive set underwear. Be beautiful well-groomed woman, because your man deserves it. Hint to your boyfriend that you were specially preparing to meet him. Your boyfriend will see that you were preparing for the meeting, and will be even more happy about his own return, and a hot, romantic night will await you. A long separation also has its advantages: when you meet, your sexual appetite for each other will be very strong.

Prepare the bedroom for romantic night. Place candles around the perimeter of the room and lay out a beautiful set of bedding. Play beautiful music that will create romantic atmosphere. Enjoy each other, be attentive to your partner and show him how much you missed him. After such a meeting, all your lover’s doubts about whether you really expected his return will disappear. And your business will become even stronger.

The first meeting after separation is very important - for those who really want to renew their relationship. This is a kind of point of no return, after reaching which your relationship will either return and become completely different, or you will break up forever. That’s why it’s important not to lose face.

Why is the first meeting after separation so important?

As a rule, the first meeting of lovers after a long separation and the meeting after separation are two different things. In the first case, fate separated you, for example, the army, study, work or something else. What matters here is how you or she waited, whether you texted, or talked on the phone.

In this context, the first meeting is, of course, important, but not that important. After all, you almost don’t need to rebuild the relationship. The situation is different if you broke up but did not communicate - this is much more like a real separation, for example, after a quarrel.

But why is the first date so important? It's just that if you had problems in the past, you have a very short period of time to show that they remain there, and you have changed in better side. In general, your ex should have the feeling of meeting you for the first time, she should be drawn to you by a feeling of novelty. It turns out that you need to make her fall in love with you again.

How to behave after separation?

When talking about the first meeting, I mean not only physical contact, but communication - by phone or correspondence. The last option, in fact, is not the best, since it is very short message you can't express everything. Besides, she may not answer you, and you won’t know her reaction, so it’s best to just call. And if everything goes as it should, then it will be possible to prepare the first meeting after the breakup. So, let’s look at where to start, point by point:
  • first of all, it is better if there is really a reason for calling, for example, some common business of your friends. But when there is no reason to postpone the call for a long time, it is also not worth it. But you shouldn’t come up with virtual reasons for it. And if she suddenly asks why you called, you must honestly admit that you just wanted to;
  • but before the call, be sure to prepare, because you will have to demonstrate in a short conversation how you have changed. A your call is a kind of bait to interest her. And therefore, what you will talk about needs to be calculated in advance as much as possible. Remember what interesting things happened to you during the time she wasn’t with you, or just remember cool stories that should interest her. It's good to have the opportunity to practice how you speak to other girls. Notice for yourself where they laugh, ask leading questions and show interest in you, and where they begin to turn away, change the subject, or even yawn demonstratively. If your story causes a similar effect, then you shouldn’t tell it to your ex. How to conduct a conversation? Start with routine questions, but then immediately move on to one of the stories. And if she laughs and starts asking questions, then everything will go as it should;
  • It’s important to be on time and demonstrate changes for the better, but mere words won’t help here. First, you must clearly understand why you broke up. And there may be one or several reasons for this, for example, her needs were not met, the balance of importance was skewed in her direction, interest was lost, or you simply did not live up to her expectations.

Meeting after a breakup: how to behave

Next we will go through these points in more detail, because correct mistakes and learn their pain
not allowing it anymore is much more important than the ability to beautifully tell stories and anecdotes over the phone.
  • So, you really want her back, and you are very worried about your breakup. Whatever the official reason for your separation, an undeniable factor is the balance of significance skewed in its direction. And this means that you need to slightly tip the scales in your direction, that is, show your importance and self-sufficiency, as well as independence from whether she is in your life or not. But she will have to not only tell it, but eventually prove it. And it would be nice for you to really start a new hobby, for example, or learn how to ride a wakeboard, start traveling, or simply find a new interesting or meaningful work, which you can be proud of. The main thing is to show that you are really interested in this, that you like doing it and being your new self. And then she will want to become part of this new life for you.
  • Loss of interest is a little different, but it is “treated” in the same way. Usually, the girl leaves, so you stop being as cool and interesting as when you met. It’s just that this is no longer so important for you, you thought that you had won her and you could calmly spend time on the couch in front of the TV, but for her it turns out that this still matters. This means we need to make sure that this interest returns. Do something nice for your girlfriend.
  • Much worse if we're talking about already about unjustified expectations. In this case, you will really have to invest in the relationship, because you definitely won’t get away with empty conversations. You already managed to promise her mountains of gold, but you delivered little. Therefore, you will have to start taking real actions. But first, in a conversation, demonstrate your interest in her problems, remember specific details, show that you remember everything perfectly. And if you really managed to fix something, for example, fixed a faucet in your apartment that had been dripping for a year before, found a job or broke up with bad habit, casually hint to her about this in conversation. In fact, this problem is so commonplace in relationships that few guys even notice it. And it all starts with the fact that you just start giving her less attention. She asks you to do something, but you consider it insignificant and often put it off until later. Everything comes to the point that she is already expressing complaints against you, but you brush it off even more, because you consider this to be a woman’s brainwashing. And such ignoring of you sooner or later ends with them getting into their heads the idea that you no longer value or love her, and your relationship is over. It’s even worse if at the same time you really mess up.

Before you meet a girl after a long separation, you need to think through everything carefully. Same phone conversation, for example, you shouldn’t delay it. So, the first conversation should not last more than ten minutes - it is important for you to have time to interest the girl in you, and not go to the stage of snot and long stories like “how I missed you” and “remember how we had with you.” She must constantly miss you in the conversation. Therefore, next time call only after a week, and continue the conversation for another five minutes, and so on. But don’t delay calling - two or three weeks and you can already offer to meet.

Nothing official: no flowers and expensive restaurants with fanfare. Will go in summer just a walk in the park, and in the cold season and gatherings in a cozy cafe. The first meeting should also not be long - an hour at most. But how to leave if she obviously shows interest and wants communication? Just make an agreement with a friend so that he can give you certain time I called and urgently summoned the guy to work.

It is also important to behave correctly at the first meeting: to show that you are coping well without her, but you are still interested in her. But, under no circumstances, do not show that you are very sad, otherwise you will immediately lose significance for her and a promising date will turn into a meeting with a friend after a long separation.

Much depends on how you behaved during the breakup, what you said and did. However, most often everything happens on emotions, and therefore not many even think about how to behave when breaking up with a girl. But the answer is simple: you must always respect yourself and her, and remain human. And then there are always prospects to fix everything.

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If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls

Young girls often think about how to survive separation from a guy when accompanying him to the army. Yes, it is difficult, but it is much more difficult for those whom life forces to be in constant separation from a loved one. This is the situation in which the wives of truckers, sailors and all those whose work involves frequent and long business trips. What to do, how to survive a long separation from your loved one? We will try to find answers to these questions throughout the article.

How to survive separation from your loved one?

Anyone who has found themselves in such a situation knows that the most difficult thing is to survive the first few days after a breakup. You immediately feel an unusual emptiness in the apartment, melancholy sets in, and you don’t know what to do with yourself. In order to prevent yourself from slipping into a dull existence before your loved one arrives, you need to pull yourself together and urgently do something. For example, remembering your hobby or acquiring one - you can find a lot interesting activities. Moreover, the more interesting the hobby, the better, you will while away more than one evening with it, and your husband’s business trip will not be his last. In addition to hobbies, you can occupy yourself with something that 100% captivates you - take care of yourself, and let it be a long-term program aimed at giving you a radiant look before the arrival of your loved one. Find a diet, join a fitness club, start going to the pool or belly dancing. May your day be busy and leave no time for sad thoughts.

And of course, if possible, communicate with your loved one, because you don’t think that it’s easy for a man to be apart from you? Men may not experience separation like women, just as emotionally, but without mental anguish and they can't get by. Therefore, write, call, send him a photo of yourself and your children, let him know what you think about him. And don’t you dare be offended by the fact that he doesn’t write or call you back very often. The point is not that he is callous, but that he simply has no time to do it.

And, besides, remember that this separation is temporary and your loved one will return soon. And you need to think about a meeting after separation, about how to organize it.

How to meet your loved one after separation?

Meeting after separation is a responsible matter, and therefore it must be approached with all seriousness. Let's start with your appearance. Of course, your man will be glad to just see you after so many days of separation, but he will be more pleased if he is greeted by a well-groomed and beautiful woman. So, don’t be lazy and don’t be ashamed to spend time on yourself before your loved one’s arrival - get a manicure and pedicure, do your hair, and don’t forget about your outfit. You can buy a new set of underwear and perfume yourself with his favorite scent.

The next thing to take care of is the house. Decorate it, think about delicious dinner with your loved one’s favorite dishes, and the bedroom should also be ready to receive your man. Usually, after a long separation, a couple cannot get enough of each other for a long time, so it’s nice if there are drinks and something tasty in the bedroom.

The very first minutes after the meeting are also very important. Many men are very afraid that during their absence the woman has stopped loving and waiting for them. Therefore, when meeting, you need to immediately dispel such doubts. Kisses, hugs, words about how you missed him, how you were waiting for him. Let your tenderness give him confidence that everything is the same, that you love him.

And finally, don’t be afraid of separation, it’s not forever. Perhaps at first it will be very difficult for you to experience such separations and meetings, but if this person is dear to you, you will get used to this rhythm of life, and separations will not bother you so much, and you will be afraid that separation will change your love, kill it, too No need. Yes, a small separation affects feelings, but like fire to a flame, the strong ones only flare up. True, the wind will extinguish a weak flame, but then is it worth regretting?

Separation is an unpleasant thing, but, alas, sometimes forced. Young people lead a busy social life: studies, trips to competitions, vacations, vacations in camps and tourist centers. A guy can’t always keep his beloved company company.

Being apart has its advantages. This good opportunity understand the depth of feelings. Young people who miss each other are discovering new facets of relationships. Heightened emotions contribute to a deeper sense of affection, tenderness and love. How to meet a girl beautifully, if your heart bursts out of your chest in anticipation of a long-awaited meeting?

How to meet a girl after a trip

  1. The most important thing is to think carefully about how you will spend the first day. If a couple has reached adulthood and sex takes place in their relationship, then you need to take into account that in the first time after separation, sexual appetite increases a hundredfold. Find a decent place where you can fully enjoy each other and where no one will bother you.
  2. Consider the gastronomic aspect of your meeting. Find a good restaurant or cafe. You can order food at home. You don't have to spend money on expensive delicacies. But pizza, in the event of a meeting after separation, will not be appropriate. If a guy knows how to cook, then this is a wonderful opportunity to show off his culinary skills. The girl will be able to appreciate the talent of the chef and understand how much they were waiting for her.
  3. Prepare small present It could be a small trinket, a piece of jewelry, tickets to a theater or an exhibition. What to choose depends on your income young man. If a guy works and earns good money, then you can buy a more expensive thing. If a young man is a student or schoolboy, then Jewelry and dinner in an expensive restaurant are clearly not appropriate. Loving girl will understand that such gifts are beyond the means of her loved one, and will be sincerely glad to receive a small teddy bear.
  4. Don't forget the flowers. Again, we focus on wealth. Modest daisies, given from the heart, are no worse than a bouquet.

Basic rules for greeters

  • Prepare for the meeting in advance. Think carefully about how you will spend your time together.
  • Decorate the place where your first day together will take place. Air balloons, bright posters talking about love, candles, flower petals, here the restrictions are only on the possibilities of imagination and means.
  • Prepare a bouquet. It can be given at the train station or airport, or later - before dinner.
  • Prepare dinner (lunch or breakfast).
  • Take time to talk. Let the girl speak and share her impressions. Perhaps it is at this meeting that you can hear words of recognition from her.
  • When your loved one arrives, be sure to give her time to get herself in order. That is, take a shower, change clothes and renew your makeup. You shouldn’t force her to go to a restaurant wearing what she wore on the train.
  • Don't forget to tell them how much you missed them and how much you love them. If you are not a master of words, then all this can be written on a postcard and presented with a bouquet.

No matter how long the separation may be, it must end. You went through so much while you were away from each other, but all this torment has come to an end. And the closer that cherished day is, the more pressing the question becomes of how to meet your loved one after a long separation.

Immerse yourself in pleasant chores

Think about it what you need to do before his arrival. Maybe finish the repairs, do general cleaning, wash and iron bed sheets? Don’t forget about yourself, your beloved: you should meet him with a dazzling smile, impeccable makeup, pedicure, manicure and... beautiful outfit. Return loved one- this is big celebration. There is a very pleasant detail in all these worries: having immersed yourself in them, you simply will not notice how time flies by until the most important moment - when you throw yourself into his arms. The more time left, the more things you will have time to do.

If you sit, looking at the clock, you will not be able to do anything and, as a result, you will become very nervous. Then you will not be able to feel all the joy of the end of separation.

Organize a meeting

If it's a long way to get to you, your loved one will probably be very tired. Whether it's a long flight, a train ride or a car ride, prolonged immobility is as tiring as hard physical work. Therefore, try to make sure that he can get there comfortably from the airport or train station. If among his friends or relatives there are also people who want to see him, explain to them that the guy will be very tired, so it is better to postpone friendly gatherings until later. However, you both will be pleased if they come to greet him.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, ask what he wants. Maybe he likes to get off the plane, train or bus and go straight to a cafe or bar to have a drink with his friends? Don't be offended by him, you still have the whole night ahead of you.

Don't be afraid of primary alienation

You have lived apart from each other for too long: unaccustomed to voice, smell, touch. After all, you both have changed in some ways during this time. If we lived side by side, we wouldn’t even notice, but here the difference can be serious. Therefore, aloofness at the first meeting is absolutely normal. It’s even good that you have become a little strangers to each other - it stirs the blood and makes your relationship non-trivial and interesting.