Conspiracies from enuresis: solving a difficult problem with the “grandmother's method. Conspiracy and prayer from enuresis

Miraculous words: prayer for urinary incontinence in women full description from all the sources we found.

Enuresis conspiracy.

Three blood-water sisters.

Heavenly water - rain,

Ground water - sea water,

Groundwater is key

And there is also God's holy water,

In the human body, water is internal.

I conjure you, sea waters,

Rain, underground, saints.

Stop you in the servant of God (name)

All waters are internal.

On you, interior water, stone wilderness,

And to the servant of God (name) sandy land.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that the bed of the servant of God (name)

Was dry in the morning.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Strawberry roots - 1 tbsp. spoon

Rowan flowers - 1 tbsp. spoon

White syllant flowers - 1 tbsp. spoon

urine disappears. Keys on the horns, I'm on my feet.

What conspiracy from enuresis is effective

Are you suffering from urinary incontinence? traditional medicine powerless? Refer to traditional methods of treatment. A conspiracy from enuresis will help to completely recover from this disease.

Enuresis conspiracies

The consequence of illness and the participation of magic

Urinary incontinence is an unpleasant ailment that is quite common in both adults and babies. Although the etiology of its occurrence is not completely clear, doctors identify several main causes leading to the development of this disease:

  • infections and inflammatory processes genitourinary system;
  • pathologies in the development of organs;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • stress and prolonged nervous tension.

By the way, in a child, urinary incontinence is often the result of a strong fright or psychological trauma. Therefore, in the treatment of this disease, it is the conspiracies and prayers for enuresis in children that help parents.

Adult men and women often suffer from this disease. As a rule, patients are embarrassed to deal with such an unpleasant problem to the doctor, therefore, such folk methods treatments like various spells, prayers and rituals. So conspiracies from urinary incontinence with enuresis help, without exception, to everyone who needs it.

How to conduct a ceremony

Conspiracies from enuresis - how to pronounce correctly? This question always worries people who seek help for the first time. magical rituals. In order for them to provide desired action, consider a number of points.

  1. A conspiracy from urinary incontinence is an energetically strong text that has a huge impact on the patient. In its power and effect it can be compared to prayer. Before you perform the ceremony, carefully study all the options and choose the one that suits you best. Please note that you cannot change the sequence of performing the details of a magical ritual.
  2. When reading, concentrate and tune in to the fact that everything will definitely work out for you. Do not tell anyone that you are going to conduct the ceremony. Keep it a secret.
  3. Conspiracies with enuresis can be read on any day of the week. The exception is the holidays of the church calendar.

A simple ritual

Disease can be cured

This enuresis conspiracy will help everyone in need. It is simple to perform, but nevertheless very effective in curing both adult and pediatric urinary incontinence. In order for the ceremony to work, it is necessary to speak the water with a special prayer.

Take a glass beaker and pour clean spring water. In the early morning, immediately after you get up, say the following text:

“I will speak water - I will correct the trouble, I will drive out the disease and be cured! My bed will be dry, as warm and dry weather is outside the window. From now on and forever! Amen!".

After that, drink the prayed water. Do not forget that the conspiracy from nocturnal enuresis must be repeated three times. Within two days, the disease will recede, and you will never again suffer from frequent urination.

Rite for children

Conspiracy from childhood enuresis suitable for helping a child no older than ten years. Only the mother has the right to do it. After the baby falls asleep, you need to stand at his pastel and read the words of the following prayer:

“The sun goes to bed and with it my child falls asleep. His sleep is sound and healthy! And if he wakes up at night, he goes to the toilet on his own. I ask you to, higher power, hear me and help! Protect! Heal!"

The words must be repeated twice. A conspiracy in a child for enuresis will help solve this problem in the next seven days.

Conspiracy with enuresis in adults

Conspiracies and prayers that help an adult are much more difficult to perform and more powerful in their effect. In order to properly prepare for such a ceremony, you should go to church for a week to pray to St. Nicholas. Next, you need to conduct a conspiracy acting on enuresis. Place lighted candles on the table, and a glass bowl with poured water next to it. Whisper the magic words:

“God's power, help me cope with the disease! As the water flows, so my disease dissolves, and the body heals! Amen, amen, amen!"

Water should be drunk immediately after the completion of the ritual. Do not forget that the conspiracy affects enuresis only if you pronounce it by heart.

You can use another rite. It is necessary to dial a full pelvis clean water and place it in such a way that the decreasing month is reflected. Take in left hand knife and counterclockwise draw various signs on the water. At the same time, say the words:

“The moon is waning - the disease takes with it! The month is melting, the disease is melting! The servant of God (name) is recovering and gaining strength! Let it be so! I won't interfere!"

Other rituals

To perform the rituals below, you will need such additional attributes as holy water, bread, dry wood, threads.

  1. Dry wood. This rite will help to speak enuresis in a child of any age. To carry it out, it is necessary to find a dry tree or stump in advance, and also make sure that the baby goes to the toilet in a jar in the morning. Taking the container, go to the tree. Pouring it with urine, say: “How this tree has dried up, so my child’s bed is always dry! My word is strong and unbreakable! Let it be so!".
  2. Holy water and bread. A conspiracy from nocturnal enuresis is best done at bedtime. Pour the water blessed in the church into a cup and let the sick person take a few sips from it. After that, the glass must be taken out into the yard and covered with rye bread. Be sure to read the following conspiracy for enuresis: “A full glass is preserved until the morning, and the patient sleeps peacefully at night, does not get wet!”. In the morning, a sick person must eat bread and drink water. This conspiracy with enuresis is carried out continuously for two weeks. It is not contraindicated for the treatment of a child.
  3. Threads. This rite is also very effective in the treatment of enuresis. Take a ball woolen threads and tear off a small piece. Say a magical slander nine times in a row: “Lord, Jesus Christ! Hear my prayer! As the thread was easily torn, so I was cured in one moment! Amen!". Spend this conspiracy with enuresis for several days in a row, and the disease will disappear without a trace. When there is an improvement in well-being, the strings remaining after the ritual must be burned.
  4. Willow buds. The ritual is recommended to be carried out using buds collected from willow on a holiday such as Palm Sunday. They need to be poured with boiling water, add a few drops of holy water there, and the drink is spoken: “By enchanted drinking, my body is healed and strengthened! Amen!". Also, this rite is successfully used to treat enuresis in a child.

Since the above rituals are white magic, they will not harm you or your baby. On the contrary, after applying them, you will definitely feel an improvement and get rid of this problem very quickly. unpleasant illness. Take care of your health!

Enuresis conspiracy

Enuresis, or bedwetting, has been known for a long time. Unfortunately, the causes of incontinence are still completely unclear. In some cases, medicine is powerless in front of this. unpleasant disease therefore, traditional medicine comes to her aid in the form of conspiracies.

To date, there are several main reasons why urinary incontinence occurs:

  • Underdevelopment or disease of the genitourinary system;
  • Infectious and catarrhal diseases;
  • Stress and excessive loads;
  • Psychophysiological trauma;
  • Hypothermia of the body;
  • Unfavorable living conditions.

The conspiracy of urinary incontinence is very common in young children and is a consequence of fright. The child is inherently very curious and therefore, from a banal surprise, he can be frightened so that he will have enuresis. But not only children suffer from incontinence. This disease is quite common among the adult population. It is very common among the elderly.

Not every person suffering from enuresis is able, due to their shyness, to seek help from a specialist. Therefore, in folk medicine there are a lot of conspiracies on this topic.

Conspiracy on holy water and bread

A conspiracy from enuresis with the help of holy water is carried out in the evening, before going to bed. In a glass you need to pour holy water, recently brought from the church. A sick person should take one sip from the glass. After that, the water is taken out into the street and covered with a piece of rye bread, and they say:

“How can this glass be full until morning, so such and such a servant of God would not wet himself until morning.”

In the morning, the patient must be told to eat this piece of bread and drink all the water. At this point, you should say:

“Bread in the morning, water in the afternoon, and sleep and rest at night. So it was, so it will be, forever and ever will not decrease!

Treatment is continued daily, for several weeks in a row, and the result will not be long in coming.

The following rite is also very effective in the treatment of urinary incontinence in an adult.

For the ritual, you will need a ball of hard thread. It is necessary to tear off a piece of thread from the ball, always from two ends (cutting the thread is by no means recommended). Read the prayer nine times in a row:

“As the Virgin Mary went for her son, so I, a creature of God, came to the road. The coarse thread has broken, so God forbid that my urine subsides! Do not suffer me any more with heaviness, I will live only joy! May it be easy and sufficient for me, and I will defecate freely! Lord, to Your glory, let everything be so! Amen".

If you perform a ritual during the waning moon for several days in a row, then there will soon be no trace of enuresis.

Conspiracies on a wet bed

Prayer is said in the morning when the bed is wet:

“Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off, rinse the urine retention from the slave (name). Like a branch dries without water, so that the bed of the slave (name) is dry, unsoaked. Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash it off and throw it away to the other side of the disease, forfeit from the slave (name). Amen".

Then they take a mug filled with holy water, so that thumb hands were at the top, they say these words:

“Spring water, not mine, do not rinse the steep banks. And wash it off, rinse it off the servant of God (name) (if the child is under three years old, they say: “from a small baby” all the lessons, all the commotion, so that it doesn’t grow, so that it doesn’t rinse. At the morning dawn of Mary, at the evening dawn of Maremyan, at red from the sun, from the golden moon, from the clear stars Wash off from the whole composition: from the hands, from the legs, from the bones, from the eyes, From the liver, from the hot blood, from the zealous heart, from the lungs and kidneys, From the sick brains and brown eyes, from black eyebrows, So that there is no pinch of alkalis, So that there is no pain in the servant of God (name) (or a small baby (name)). Mother, Holy Mother of God, let's go sleep-easily and good health. Sleep, rest, know nothing, forever and ever, from now to forever. Amen".

After saying a prayer, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder. The slander is pronounced three times, and then the slandered water is given to the sick person to drink. This ritual is good for little kids.

Here is another rite that is performed on a wet sheet. They take a sheet on which a person with enuresis urinated at night, rinse it in river water and pronounce the following spell:

“Water flows, it will take urine. Water flows away, urine knows its place. Water dries up, urine disappears. The keys of the moon on the horns, And I'm on my feet. So the urine of the servant of God (name) knew its place, stood, did not expire. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Ancient spell for urinary incontinence

When your child is sick with enuresis, then you need to talk to his wet bed. The ritual is performed with a waning moon. After your child wakes up, say this prayer three times:

“Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off, rinse the urine retention from the slave (s) (child's name). As a branch dries without water, so that the bed of the slave (s) (name) is dry, unnoticed. Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off and throw away to the other side of the disease, forfeit from the slave (s) (name). Amen".

A wet sheet cannot be washed in the house, so it must be rinsed in an open body of water (river or lake). Washing a sheet in water, say:

“River-voditsa, fast sister, carry and do not bring all pains and sins. River-voditsa, how do you flow, so my child, slave (e) (name), be dry on the floors.

The slander is pronounced seven times in a row. And in the evening, when your child falls asleep, the father should read "Our Father" over him three times in a row.

Soon after your ritual, you will notice that your child has stopped urinating on the bed at night.

Willow bud conspiracy

For such a ceremony, you need to take the palm buds collected on Palm Sunday, brew them in holy water and read the prayer:

“I strengthen, heal, lift: body, flesh, soul. Amen!"

A sick person should drink a charmed willow decoction. And his wet bed is slandered in this way:

“Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the Shores, wash off, rinse the urine retention from the slave (name). Like a branch dries without water, so that the bed of the slave (name) is dry, not soaked. Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash it off and throw it to the other side of the Illness, forfeit from the slave (name). Amen".

In an adult, urinary incontinence is much more difficult to treat than in a small child. Adults take more care of their children, dress them warmer, make sure that they do not get cold. And they themselves, in turn, walk down the street barely covered with clothes, sit on cold benches, drink alcohol. Hard working conditions and rare rest also affect the body. A good prevention against a disease such as enuresis is considered to be healthy lifestyle life.

Remember, in order not to get sick with such an unpleasant and shameful disease, try to be more careful with your body. Dress warmly, be less nervous and take care of your precious health.

Enuresis is a disease of the body that is related to negative influence energy on highest level on the body. It is expressed in urinary incontinence at night. It occurs in both children and adults. Official medicine can only relieve some of the symptoms. But to cure the disease and its root cause is not in her power.

Children's enuresis is much more difficult to cure. It is often provoked by fear or the evil eye. It is much harder for children to control nighttime urination than for adults. Fortunately, there is always a way out. In order for the child not to write at night, you can read a conspiracy or prayer, perform the necessary ceremony or ritual.

Prayer for childhood enuresis

Mother in order to help the child not urinate at night can read strong prayer. In the words of the prayer lies great strength, which, in combination with maternal love, activates and tunes in for healing. energy flow is directed to the most powerful and valuable thing that a mother can have - a baby. Indeed, in addition to the fact that the baby is already so scared, as a result, he got problems with bladder he experiences discomfort in the night.

Mom should read the prayer. A rare exception and only for good reasons can be a grandmother or loving woman. There is no link to the phase of the moon. Prayer should be read every evening after the child falls asleep. Prayer words:

“As the sun goes to sleep every evening, so my baby goes to bed every night. As the sun does not shine all night with a ray, so my baby will sleep soundly. And when he needs to urinate, he wakes up and goes to the toilet himself. I beg you, the Sun, and you, the Wind, help my baby.

The mother kneels in front of the child's bed and whispers a prayer three times. The ceremony should be performed every evening for 5-10 days. During this time, the baby should be healed thanks to the love and faith of the mother. If the disease is in running form- read the prayer for so long until the disease is gone for good.

Enuresis conspiracy in children

One of the simplest conspiracies from enuresis is a ritual for water. It is performed by the mother of the child. The ceremony is performed in the morning. The moon can be in any phase. After all, the disease does not wait for a specific time. A conspiracy from enuresis is carried out once. To do this, mom is gaining a glass of water. And, before you wash the child with it and give it a drink, you should read the words of the conspiracy. Healing text:

“The water is clean, the water is spring, I ask you, dear, heal my child, the child who sleeps and suffers, who lies and tosses and turns and wraps himself in wet sheets! Take the sore to distant lands, to distant places, to other states, other kingdoms. I thank you for this, and I pass on your strength to the child! Let it be so! Amen!"

After reading the spell, wash the baby with some water and let him drink a little. At night, after a miraculous washing, the child can still describe himself, but within a day the rite should work and the child will be cured.

Conspiracies for urinary incontinence

Enuresis can be treated in other ways. Lots of options. When choosing a ritual that suits you best, pay attention to inner feelings.

With threads

A ritual with threads can be carried out, both for a child by a mother, and for oneself. To conduct a conspiracy from urinary incontinence, you should take a skein of woolen threads. Every night before going to bed, take a hank and, tearing off a piece, say the words of a whisper from the sore. Healing text:

“As I tear off the thread, I remove the sore. How easily it will come off, so my illness will quickly say goodbye to me! Let it be so!"

The ritual is carried out for as long as necessary for a complete cure. As soon as everything passes, burn the remaining skein of thread.

With water

To heal both a child and an adult, a conspiracy on water and rye bread. To enhance the energy of the ritual, you can take holy water. It is good if the water is consecrated not on a simple Sunday, but on a big Christian holiday. Thus, you will connect the power of this egregor.

Take a glass of water, cover it with bread and, before taking it out of the house, give a sip to the one suffering from a sore. Put the glass where it will stand safe and sound until the morning, and say the words:

“The glass will stand whole until the morning, and the sick person will improve his health at night and sleep peacefully! Amen"

In the morning on an empty stomach it is worth drinking a glass to the bottom and eating bread. Then cross yourself and calmly do your business. The disease will go away in the same days, and will never make itself felt again!

With urine

To heal a baby, you can perform a ritual on the baby's morning urine. A jar of urine should be taken out under the stump. You should find the largest and driest, this is important, a stump. Pour out the urine and say the magic words:

“Even the stump has dried up, the roots have dried up, which means that my baby’s bed will be able to stay dry tonight. You, stump, I will give moisture, and you will give me my baby Good night give! Let it be so!"

The ritual will work on the first night. But, in severe cases, it can be repeated three times. Then it is recommended to take a break and allow the forces to act. At speed, the child will sleep peacefully.

On the water with a waning moon

To cure enuresis in a child or an adult, you can perform a ceremony on a sheet. This is the rare case when the time of the ritual is important. This ceremony is performed on the falling moon. Her energy will take with it all the negativity and sores that are in the family. In the morning, on a wet bed, they say the words:

“Wide river, deep river, you are strong and fast, take away all diseases, evil eye, fears and incontinence from (name of the patient). As the desert is dry, so is the bed clean. Let it be so!"

Then they take a sheet and on the same day, before sunset, they carry it to the reservoir. There is a need to wash the sheets. But, if this is not possible, at least rinse in water and say the words:

“The river gave, the river took: all the troubles, sores, evil eye, fears, fears, negativity and bad thoughts! May (name of the patient) sleep peacefully. Amen!"

With urinary incontinence in a woman, it is fashionable to carry out such a ceremony either by herself or by another woman. A man is strictly forbidden to do this. On the new moon, the result will already make itself felt!

Enuresis is a problem that brings a lot of problems, but it is not yet clear how to get rid of it. If you want to cure the disease at home - conspiracies from enuresis - this is what you need! Read one of them and the result will not keep you waiting! Most often this problem affects children, but sometimes this disease occurs in adults.

An enuresis conspiracy will help you cope with such a delicate problem

This problem brings a lot of inconvenience, so you can not relax and live full life and if your child suffers, then you cannot forget about it either. Conspiracies have already helped so many people. The main thing is to believe in the result and then it will definitely be!

Option 1 "For a glass of water"

For simple conspiracy from enuresis to water you need to take a glass of water, it is advisable to use a holy one. Before going to bed, take one sip and say:

The glass will be full until the morning, so should I.

Nothing will disturb my sleep.

Then go to bed, and in the morning you need to drink water and say:

Mother Voditsa, wash away my ailment like this,how you wash the shores.

So be it! Amen!".

The greatest effectiveness of this enuresis conspiracy is the full moon or the waxing moon. In other phases of the moon, the plot is not so effective. That is why most conspiracies are held on the new moon, for example, as.

Option 2: "Spring Conspiracy"

To carry out this plot, you need: flowers and dandelion leaves. Fresh is best, but you can dry the ingredients for later.

Chopped leaves and flowers should be finely chopped, then finely chopped, pour boiling water and let cool. Then strain, put in the lower abdomen and lie down with such a compress for at least 20 minutes. In this case, you need to pronounce a conspiracy from enuresis:

“Take my illness into you!

Forever he will leave me.

The night will pass without problems. Amen!".

After the procedure, remove the dandelion and go to bed. Nothing will disturb you tonight.

It is necessary to repeat this conspiracy from enuresis for at least 7 days.

Option 3: "Conspiracy from enuresis to salt"

For the next enuresis spell, take a pinch of salt and go outside. If there is a body of water near your home, go there. You need to stand with your back to him, throw salt over your left shoulder and say:

Where I throw salt, my illness goes there.

She will not return and life will change forever.


If there is no reservoir within walking distance, then any place will do, but the reservoir is more efficient. This enuresis conspiracy is especially effective on the rising moon. And it's best to do it before bed.

Option 4: "For a decoction of chamomile"

Take some dry chamomile and pour boiling water over it. The decoction must be well infused before use. It is best to start cooking it a few hours before bedtime, then he will have time to cook. Then you need to say the phrase and drink 3 tablespoons of the broth.

Chamomile, chamomile!

Help me find peace!

Sleep until the morning without problems!

Urine won't bother me. Amen!

This conspiracy can be carried out regardless of the phase of the moon, but no more than 3 days in a row. This is the most effective conspiracy from enuresis.

Option 5: "A strong conspiracy for water"

Very strong conspiracies from enuresis. Try to read

To carry out this ritual, you need a small basin of water, which must be placed by the window. Ideally, the moon should be visible in the reflection. Take a knife and stir clockwise and say:

Water cycle, take away my affliction.

Take it away and never return!


It is best to carry out this conspiracy from enuresis to the waning moon.

Another effective method. For him, you need to find a dry tree. Taking water with you, go around the tree three times clockwise and say a plot from enuresis:

Let it be dry at night too.

I won't wet myself anymore.

The bed will always be dry, like this tree.


From the first time, this conspiracy will not help, you need to complete a whole series. At least 10 rituals, every 5-7 days.

Option 6: "Conspiracy from enuresis in children"

It must be pronounced over a child who has been baptized. Before proceeding to the ritual, it is necessary to cleanse yourself spiritually: say the prayer “Our Father”.

In children different ages at night, a type of disorder such as enuresis may occur. This violation is characterized by the fact that the child involuntarily empties at night. Bladder. Despite the prevalence of the disease, quite often medicine cannot explain the cause of enuresis and, accordingly, cope with the problem, since it does not consider that such a deviation is a disease.

Therefore, the most effective method, oddly enough, is a conspiracy from enuresis. Thanks to simple prayers or conspiracies, you can get rid of bedwetting quite quickly and without special efforts or unpleasant procedures for the child.

There are several simple rules which must be followed before reading a prayer or conspiracy:

  1. It is necessary to read special words only over a baptized child. Any healer follows this rule, so the mother or close relative should also follow it;
  2. Before reading, it is necessary to go through a kind of purification of the soul: pray, positively tune in and turn to light energy;
  3. You need to pronounce the words out loud, but you can do it quietly or in a whisper so as not to wake a sleeping child or simply not to frighten a waking child.

The most powerful motherly prayer

The most powerful prayer is the one that is addressed to the bright natural forces. This text can only be read own mother. It refers to evening prayers, which must be said over a sleeping child, standing by his bed:

“As the sun goes to sleep every evening, so my baby goes to bed every night. As the sun does not shine all night with a ray, so my baby will sleep soundly. And when he needs to urinate, he wakes up and goes to the toilet himself. I beg you, the Sun, and you, the Wind, help my baby.

The prayer is whispered three times. After five or ten days of daily reading, positive results will appear.

Prayer to the Almighty

A prayer consisting of two stages is also very effective: reading addressed to the Lord, the Almighty to bestow his mercy and forgiveness of all sins, so that the healing is successful:

“Lord, Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, affirm those who fall and raise up the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow correct. We pray to You, our God, to the servant (slave) of Yours (your) weak, visit with Your mercy, forgive him (her) any sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, Thy healing fire, tame passion and every weakness that is hidden, and from the bed of embitterment is whole and perfect, grant it to Thy Church, pleasing and doing Thy will. Yours is, hedgehog to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

And the second stage reads direct words that affect the problem of incontinence:

“There are three forces, there are three waters,
Three blood-water sisters.
Heavenly water - rain,
Ground water - sea water,
Groundwater is key
And there is also God's holy water,
In the human body, water is internal.
I conjure you, sea waters,
Rain, underground, saints.
Stop you in the servant of God (name)
All waters are internal.
On you, interior water, stone wilderness,
And to the servant of God (name) sandy land.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

Effective and simple conspiracies

The most common and effective conspiracies mostly done on water
, since it has a special energy charge that can be made positive or negative.

Charmed water for drinking and washing

Enough powerful conspiracy, which is designed for children no older than ten years. Water is collected in a volume of up to two hundred grams in a glass and special words are whispered in the morning:

“I whisper, I’m not silent, it’s not in vain that I torture water in a mortar. As a servant of God (the name of the child - if a girl, then you read - a servant of God) has a need, so he goes to the toilet to relieve himself. And it will be unpleasant for him to lie in wet sheets, as once he does it for himself, it will become disgusting for him and he will never go under himself again in his life. Amen, amen, amen"

The plot is whispered three times over the water. Such water is given to the child and washed as soon as he wakes up. Do this procedure only once. A night or two after that, the child will not urinate on himself.

Water conspiracy for the waning moon

Such a conspiracy is also made on the water. When the moon starts waning, before the child goes to bed, in a ceramic or glass container, the glass is being collected drinking water. From this glass they give the child just one sip, and then they take him out of the house or put him on the threshold, balcony, cornice. The container is covered with a piece of black bread and they say:

“How can this glass be full until the morning, so the servant of God (name of the child) would not wet himself until the morning”

In the morning, when the child wakes up, he eats this piece of bread and drinks it with water from this glass. In the process of this, you need to pronounce special words:

“Bread in the morning, water in the afternoon, and sleep and rest at night. So it was. So it will be, forever and ever will not decrease!

An old spell on a sheet

They make such a conspiracy on the waning moon. Before going to bed on the child's bed, one of the parents or close relatives reads a plot three times:

“Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off, rinse the incontinence of urine from the slave (s) (child's name). As a branch dries without water, so that the bed of the slave (s) (name) is dry, unnoticed. Mother river, underground water, how do you wash the banks, wash off and throw away to the other side of the disease, forfeit from the slave (s) (name). Amen"

In the morning wet sheets should be taken out of the house before lunch and rinsed in any available body of water: river, lake, stream and so on. Rinse sheets need to pronounce:

“River-voditsa, fast sister, carry and do not bring all pains and sins. River-voditsa, how do you flow, so my child, slave (e) (name), be dry on the floors "

In the evening, when the baby falls asleep, the father should read the prayer “Our Father” over him three times. After such a prayer, improvements will come in a few days.

A conspiracy on a dry tree

Such a conspiracy can be carried out for a child of any age. For its implementation, the morning urine of the child is needed.. A jar of urine is carried to a dry stump. It is best if it is a stump of a large and strong tree that has been cut down and has already dried. Urine is poured onto a stump, saying:

“As the stump is dry and dry, so the servant of God (name of the child) will now have a dry bed. With a word on the lock, with a key across, and no one can break my verbal seal.

The plot is pronounced once, and the jar is taken away to the trash can.

Conspiracy at the crossroads

Coming to the crossroads of two roads, it is necessary to unwind a ball of coarse thread. Tear off the thread from both ends, reading the special words nine times:

“As the Virgin Mary went for her son, so I, a creature of God, came to the road. The coarse thread has broken, so God forbid that my urine subsides! Do not suffer me any more with heaviness, I will live only joy! May it be easy and sufficient for me, and let me defecate at will! Lord, to Your glory, let everything be so! Amen"

It is better to wrap a charmed piece of thread in dark cloth and burn. It is not necessary to leave at the intersection, as another adult or child can take over such an ailment.

Do you suffer from urinary incontinence, and traditional medicine is powerless? Refer to traditional methods of treatment. A conspiracy from enuresis will help to completely recover from this disease.

The consequence of illness and the participation of magic

Urinary incontinence is an unpleasant ailment that is quite common in both adults and babies. Although the etiology of its occurrence is not completely clear, doctors identify several main causes leading to the development of this disease:

  • infections and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • pathologies in the development of organs;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • stress and prolonged nervous tension.

By the way, in a child, urinary incontinence is often the result of a strong fright or psychological trauma. Therefore, in the treatment of this disease, it is the conspiracies and prayers for enuresis in children that help parents.

Adult men and women often suffer from this disease. As a rule, patients are embarrassed to go to the doctor with such an unpleasant problem, therefore they widely and successfully use such folk methods of treatment as various spells, prayers and rituals. So conspiracies from urinary incontinence with enuresis help, without exception, to everyone who needs it.

How to conduct a ceremony

Conspiracies from enuresis - how to pronounce correctly? This question always worries people who first turn to magical rituals for help. In order for them to have the desired effect, consider a number of points.

  1. A conspiracy from urinary incontinence is an energetically strong text that has a huge impact on the patient. In its power and effect it can be compared to prayer. Before you perform the ceremony, carefully study all the options and choose the one that suits you best. Please note that you cannot change the sequence of performing the details of a magical ritual.
  2. When reading, concentrate and tune in to the fact that everything will definitely work out for you. Do not tell anyone that you are going to conduct the ceremony. Keep it a secret.
  3. Conspiracies with enuresis can be read on any day of the week. The exception is the holidays of the church calendar.

A simple ritual

This enuresis conspiracy will help everyone in need. It is simple to perform, but nevertheless very effective in curing both adult and pediatric urinary incontinence. In order for the ceremony to work, it is necessary to speak the water with a special prayer.

Take a glass beaker and pour clean spring water into it. In the early morning, immediately after you get up, say the following text:

“I will speak water - I will correct the trouble, I will drive out the disease and be cured! My bed will be dry, as warm and dry weather is outside the window. From now on and forever! Amen!".

After that, drink the prayed water. Do not forget that the conspiracy from nocturnal enuresis must be repeated three times. Within two days, the disease will recede, and you will never again suffer from frequent urination.

Rite for children

A conspiracy from childhood enuresis is suitable for helping a child no older than ten years. Only the mother has the right to do it. After the baby falls asleep, you need to stand at his pastel and read the words of the following prayer:

“The sun goes to bed and with it my child falls asleep. His sleep is sound and healthy! And if he wakes up at night, he goes to the toilet on his own. I ask you, higher powers, hear me and help! Protect! Heal!"

The words must be repeated twice. A conspiracy in a child for enuresis will help solve this problem in the next seven days.

Conspiracy with enuresis in adults

Conspiracies and prayers that help an adult are much more difficult to perform and more powerful in their effect. In order to properly prepare for such a ceremony, you should go to church for a week to pray to St. Nicholas. Next, you need to conduct a conspiracy acting on enuresis. Place lighted candles on the table, and a glass bowl with poured water next to it. Whisper the magic words:

“God's power, help me cope with the disease! As the water flows, so my disease dissolves, and the body heals! Amen, amen, amen!"

Water should be drunk immediately after the completion of the ritual. Do not forget that the conspiracy affects enuresis only if you pronounce it by heart.

Simple and fast getting rid of enuresis Alexander Zakurdaev

WSM against enuresis

Conspiracies - prayers for various diseases

You can use another rite. It is necessary to collect a full basin of clean water and place it in such a way that the waning month is reflected. Take a knife in your left hand and draw various signs on the water counterclockwise. At the same time, say the words:

“The moon is waning - the disease takes with it! The month is melting, the disease is melting! The servant of God (name) is recovering and gaining strength! Let it be so! I won't interfere!"

Other rituals

To perform the rituals presented below, you will need such additional attributes as holy water, bread, dry wood, threads.

  1. Dry wood. This rite will help to speak enuresis in a child of any age. To carry it out, it is necessary to find a dry tree or stump in advance, and also make sure that the baby goes to the toilet in a jar in the morning. Taking the container, go to the tree. Pouring it with urine, say: “How this tree has dried up, so my child’s bed is always dry! My word is strong and unbreakable! Let it be so!".
  2. Holy water and bread. A conspiracy from nocturnal enuresis is best done at bedtime. Pour the water blessed in the church into a cup and let the sick person take a few sips from it. After that, the glass must be taken out into the yard and covered with rye bread. Be sure to read the following conspiracy for enuresis: “A full glass is preserved until the morning, and the patient sleeps peacefully at night, does not get wet!”. In the morning, a sick person must eat bread and drink water. This conspiracy with enuresis is carried out continuously for two weeks. It is not contraindicated for the treatment of a child.
  3. Threads. This rite is also very effective in the treatment of enuresis. Take a ball of woolen thread and tear off a small piece. Say a magical slander nine times in a row: “Lord, Jesus Christ! Hear my prayer! As the thread was easily torn, so I was cured in one moment! Amen!". Spend this conspiracy with enuresis for several days in a row, and the disease will disappear without a trace. When there is an improvement in well-being, the strings remaining after the ritual must be burned.
  4. Willow buds. The ritual is recommended to be performed using buds collected from willow on a holiday such as Palm Sunday. They need to be poured with boiling water, add a few drops of holy water there, and the drink is spoken: “By enchanted drinking, my body is healed and strengthened! Amen!". Also, this rite is successfully used to treat enuresis in a child.

Since the above rituals are white magic, they will not harm you or your baby. On the contrary, after applying them, you will definitely feel an improvement and get rid of this unpleasant disease very quickly. Take care of your health!