Beautiful statuses for the new year. Statuses about the new year are beautiful

The seconds before the chimes on New Year's Eve are always very exciting, we make wishes and believe that they will come true. Seasoned with subtle humor and sincere wishes beautiful statuses about New Year will help you to congratulate your friends and relatives. Either short or long - beautiful New Year's statuses with meaning, posted a few moments before the holiday on your VK or Odnoklassniki page, will seem truly sincere to everyone.

For the New Year I will make it a present… for my birthday I will make it a present… for Christmas I will make it a present. I will get all the magical evil spirits with my desires, but they will drag IT to me!

May the wish made under the New Year's chimes be fulfilled. And the New Year will bring a sea of ​​new experiences, interesting acquaintances, useful knowledge and grandiose plans. Wish each other happiness while sitting at the festive table! May real miracles happen in your life on New Year's Eve!

I hope that the New Year will welcome me cordially, give me hopes, plans, save me from enemies, unnecessary worries and human envy ... In general, I believe in miracles for a year in a row!))

The anticipation of the New Year awakens a child in me ... As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it ... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick ..

How much New Year's fuss. And all this…..only because of one!!! seconds!!

I want to kiss you on December 31 at 23.59 and January 1 at 00.01… It will be the perfect end to the old and an amazing start to the new year!

When in the New Year the door to the new happy life don't crowd. Get on your knees and crawl towards your happiness!

Santa Claus exists, I know for sure. I see it in my eyes little son who wishes health and happiness for his family, confident that this will certainly come true! I can't let him down...

New Year's Eve - amazing, fabulous, enchanting, the night when miracles happen and the most cherished desires and dreams. So let this wonderful night fulfill all your desires!

Soon the New Year - I have only two wishes .... snow…. and you are near...

Everything froze in anticipation of a fairy tale, the snow sparkles with all the colors outside the window and, holding your breath, you wait for the clock to start counting down to a new life.

I want the New Year to be not like that one, but to be truly new, a new beginning in my life ...

I ask you, Santa Claus, let there be no tears in the New Year. Let the war end, let the wall fall between people that life has built and the one who is only waiting for this benefit ...

I have already grown up and I know that Santa Claus does not exist. Which does not prevent me from making wishes for the New Year and believing in miracles.

Do you want to be a child? ... Snow, a blizzard on the street, and you, wrapped in a jacket, are being taken on a sled ... full packages sweets and tangerines on my knees ...

When making plans for the coming year, we always hope for the best, dream, make wishes. I would like to wish that everything that you wished and wished for the New Year came true! So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, that good luck accompanies you in business, that love surrounds and fills you and your home.

I want Grandfather Frost to put three gifts under the Christmas tree for the New Year - happiness in the house, love in the family, and health to relatives.

In my letter to Santa Claus, I put a hundred dollars, otherwise he always doesn’t have enough for what I thought of and gives him what has been lying around since last year.

With a quiet step, slowly, only with rustling wings, with a red crest, the New Year is sneaking up to us without worries!

Winter was created in order to be in white colors, so that it would be possible to start your life from a white sheet.

They say New Year's Eve is the night of wish fulfillment. I wished that all people become happy on the whole planet. I am sure that this will certainly come true. Happy New Year!

In the New Year, every time I want to flip the page forward and think that from now on, the books will only have an interesting plot and not a single crumpled or torn-out sheet ...

The best gift for the New Year is when your loved ones are with you, everyone is healthy and happy, and there are many, many ahead. happy moments together.

It doesn’t matter that it’s raining, snowing, a blizzard or a blizzard outside the window. The main thing is to always be warm in the heart, which is what I wish you in this coming year!

Before we have time, dear readers, to look back, the long-awaited guest - New Year 2017 - will come to the threshold, and he will bring with him two weeks of bright and unforgettable holidays. In this fun time, everyone wants to surround their loved ones with that special magical atmosphere that comes from the smell of tangerines, a box of Christmas decorations, hot mulled wine with a cinnamon stick - in a word, from preparations for a grand celebration, coupled with eye-pleasing New Year paraphernalia.

When the level festive atmosphere will reach its climax, active users of social networks will begin to look for suitable and appropriate mood statuses about New Year 2019

It's good that the modern settings of public portals, in which people "disappear" for hours, allow users to decorate their accounts not only with beautiful backgrounds, but also with more than interesting statuses. Such a privilege becomes especially relevant in anticipation of big holidays. And New Year 2017 is just such a case.

Without a doubt, every advanced "user" social networks memorized a simple unwritten ruleshort text at the very top of the page, coming from its owner, takes important place in the world virtual communication. And no wonder. After all, when switching to a particular profile, the eyes stumble not only on the photo of the account owner, but also on the saying that flaunts next to the photo.

It is worth remembering that a status change notification appears on each of the friends list, so you need to update the status deliberately, carefully thinking over the text and checking it for errors three times. Who wants to appear illiterate? Besides, new status appears in the news feed and you can safely use this convenient feature and all your friends in one fell swoop. Or put the original funny status, which will definitely cause a smile or even a burst of laughter from a friend or subscriber.

It’s good that at a milestone in technology, you don’t need to rack your brains over witty phrases. The Internet is literally full of all sorts of statuses - copy and paste! We have also selected New Year's statuses for you, ready to compete in sparkling humor or originality with the statuses of your friends.

Cool statuses about the New Year

  • Once, in a cold (rainy) time, I left the house ... and quickly went in!
  • I love January 1 - you just woke up and had breakfast, and it's already dark.
  • New Year's time is the time when your computer accumulates not only mugs from tea, but also peel from tangerines.
  • Santa Claus, you are no longer needed. The snowmen have arrived.
  • When you go outside on New Year's Eve, remember, friend - you can’t eat yellow snow!
  • I really hope that at least this New Year a beautiful young Santa Claus will come to me. Or at least sober...
  • Proven advice: hostesses, do not put croutons in the New Year's salad! They hurt the face...
  • Dear Santa Claus! Make sure you stop teasing me. Vanya Kakushkin.
  • Santa Claus, help! My car won't start! And since childhood I dreamed of having her ...
  • Actual advice: in the New Year, do not click your happiness with the mouse!
  • I wish everyone good health in the body, crazy love in bed, dough in the briefcase and no rigmarole!
  • Waiting for the jokes about "last year's bread" to start...
  • Childhood is over - instead of Santa Claus, I'm waiting for the Snow Maiden.
  • I've been doing very well all year! Santa Claus, can I behave very badly on New Year's Eve?
  • Good Santa Claus, cotton beard, we don't need gifts! Raise your pay...
  • Only the most persistent on New Year's Eve will fall asleep in dessert.
  • It's time to eat last year's food, watch eternal films and absolutely do not remember New Year's Eve.
  • We sit for awesome New Year's table, and in the wallet only fingerprints ... But the table is awesome!
  • What to give me for the new year? Yes, whatever! The main thing is to touch and with red headphones.
  • Santa Claus! I can’t have sweets ... but semi-sweet can be.
  • Our children are not waiting for the moment when Santa Claus will come, rather, they are waiting for their parents to finally set sail.
  • The main thing is not to forget to leave Odnoklassniki on December 31 at 23:59 and celebrate the New Year.
  • Good Santa Claus, do not put me new year gift under the tree Better get it in the garage right away.
  • I wanted to go to the matinee with a snowflake - White dress, white tights. And I looked in the mirror - I’ll go in a snowdrift.

Good New Year's statuses with meaning

  • Dear Santa Claus! I don't need gifts! Please make sure that all people on Earth are happy.
  • Getting older list new year wishes getting shorter and shorter, but what we really want, money can't buy.
  • I wish Santa Claus put three gifts for all my friends under the Christmas tree - boundless happiness, selfless love and good health.
  • In anticipation magical holiday I want to wish all my family and friends a fairy tale and a miracle.
  • Remember - if a Christmas toy is broken during the decoration of the Christmas tree - very soon the most secret desire will come true. You can't hit on purpose.
  • I want to wish everyone a short return to childhood, when on New Year's Eve the parents' house smells of tangerines, and a favorite toy hangs on the Christmas tree, which seems to reflect an unknown small world with its own New Year's wonderful fairy tale.

Beautiful statuses in verse

New Year is coming
The rain is pouring for the third day.
The grass is green in the field
Santa Claus is sweating in a fur coat.
Water is pouring down the collar...
Happy New Year gentlemen!

Let there be a New Year
The beginning of all beginnings
And everything will come true
What I dreamed of in my life.

May the holiday be magical
It's going great!
prosperity, success,
Bright year!

In the year of the Rooster, be happy
Wealth is full and health,
And don't forget to make friends
With luck, friendship and love.

New Year is here again!
With new happiness! Good time!

In a red coat, with a red nose
Grandfather figachit in the cold,
In a hat with a stick and a bag,
And a fluffy snowman.

Near a rabbit in heels and
Snow Maiden on the horns.
If you meet this rabble,
So soon NEW YEAR!!!

Problems don't scare
And the crisis will not beat!
We are still beautiful
We welcome the New Year!

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall
He will look into your window.

On this wonderful night
Can't be without a smile
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy new year friends!

Good luck - smile!
End of the world - canceled!
Life goes on!
New Year is coming!
Christmas trees - dress up!
The garlands are on fire!
The light of the soul - turns on!
Miracles happen!
The holiday is starting...

May the holiday be magical
It's going great!
prosperity, success,
Bright year!

The toilets will also have a holiday,
Their New Year is also in for a surprise,
And instead of boring bare asses,
They will see many new faces!!!

Let the New Year caress
Brings happiness in life.
Let hope warm
And let fate protect!

Santa sleeps and his deer sleep
And Frost is still full of worries.
We Russians cannot be brought to our knees!
On the 13th we drink for the Old New Year!

Let New Year's Santa Claus
Will give you happiness
Good health in addition,
In everything conceived - good luck.
Peace, friendship, happiness, affection,
So that life is like in a fairy tale!

On New Year's Eve I will throw out all the rubbish ...
And I will wipe the dust everywhere where they have inherited ...
Only in my head is a complete bedlam ...
There are cockroaches ... they dressed up the Christmas tree ...

Tangerines are on the move, which means that the New Year is coming soon!

Under the beat of the clock
To the sound of a waltz
New Year's Eve
We wish again
Raise a glass
For peace and happiness
Hope, faith and love!

For this, there are statuses, kind, funny, original, touching, which will help you express your thoughts on this wonderful holiday.

We offer the best and interesting statuses on the theme of the New Year for social networks, with which you can express your thoughts in an unusual way or just make the visitors of your page in VK or Odnoklassniki laugh.

Post a cool New Year's status or saying on your page and maybe you will find yourself new real friends in the coming year!

Dear Santa Claus!!! I want to apply! Put only five boxes under the Christmas tree for my friends, Fill the first with health, the second with good luck, the third with kindness, the fourth with patience, and put faith in the fifth! And one more thing - I beg you, tie all these boxes with a ribbon of happiness! Thanks Santa Claus. I will be waiting very much...

And you know. Thank you for the outgoing year! For the fact that everyone is alive and well. For the smiles of children and the hugs of relatives. For the friends who remained loyal and who showed up. For the joy of meetings and the science of parting. For what has become ... No, not older - wiser for one year.

Tangerines are on the move, so the New Year is coming soon!!!

The New Year is coming soon!!!... Let all of you... be next to someone who will clean your tangerines... And the one who will steal these tangerines from both of you...

Hooray! She is with us again! Tangerine peel next to the computer!

Now everyone is scratching their heads where to celebrate the New Year, and I took care of this back in August by buying a sofa.

Happy New Year, everyone!!! I wish all lonely hearts on the 1st of the year to find their soul mate under the tree!

They say that everything always comes true on New Year's Eve, even the fact that whole year fails to come true...

Let it go old year, taking with it misfortunes, and the new one will bring more health, joy and happiness!

In Russia, the 13th month of the year was invented. It is the shortest: from December 31 to January 10 and is called - Bukhabr!!!

New Year's mood is when I'm glad to see even those who made a mistake by the door.

As we get older, the New Year's wish list gets smaller and smaller, and what we really want for the New Year can't be bought with money.

The blackmailing of children begins - Santa Claus sees, Santa Claus hears ...

The New Year is coming soon: women will decorate the Christmas tree, and real men will dress up their woman!

No matter how much Santa Claus poi, he will not forget his bag ...

Dear women. Never ask Santa Claus for a "fabulous life". Wouldn't make her a princess anyway. But, Ivan the Fool - he will definitely send.

If in the midst of the celebration of the New Year, Santa Claus collapses, stuffs you into a bag and takes you away, do not panic, someone just ordered you as a gift.

Where will you celebrate the new year?
- Yes, we will probably gather with friends in Odnoklassniki.

My children are already writing a letter to Santa Claus! And Santa Claus sits next to him on the couch and goes nuts!

From the explanatory note of the traffic police: ... I affirm that ... blinking headlights, ... not warning ... about the traffic police post, ... but creating ... NEW YEAR'S MOOD!

Let in new year's eve Happiness will knock on your door!!! And God forbid that you are at this moment at home !!!

New Year is the only day of the year when a lonely person realizes how lonely he is.

The biggest bummer of the New Year - Santa Claus gave such an awesome gift, and my husband ... nothing at all!

The toilets will also have a holiday,
Their New Year is also in for a surprise,
And instead of boring bare asses,
They will see many new faces!!!

“We need to come to the store early so that there are few people and quickly buy everything and not stand in lines” ... the whole city thought ...

Only in our country on New Year's Eve the congratulations of the president go through all channels, but they watch it only through the first one.

New Year is coming soon ... We must bring ourselves as a gift ...

70% of people decorate the Christmas tree only from the side that is visible)))

Don't sweat it!!! Soon everything will be ... LAST YEAR!!!

I report ... Ready for the New Year ... The table is dressed, the tree is set, the children are packed, the gifts are dressed, the dress is made up, the eyes are stroked, the husband was walked, the dog was congratulated ... It seems that she has not forgotten anything ...

If you want to feel like a star - sit on the Christmas tree!

I have only 2 wishes for the new year:
1. A big plus in the bank on my account ...
2. And a big minus on my scales...
Please, Santa Claus, do not confuse ...

How can you live like a human if every year is the year of some ... cattle !!!

This morning I saw a man carrying a Christmas tree to the trash heap, GIVED WEAK!

Dear Grandfather Frost… I was a good girl all year… Hmm… Well, almost the whole year… Hmm… Well, sometimes… Hmm… Well, I definitely was a couple of times… OH C'mon, I'll BUY EVERYTHING MYSELF!

The New Year's mood is like that, even decorate a Christmas tree, even hang yourself on a garland ...


Every man should be a little Santa Claus for his family, help his Snow Maiden create a fairy tale and give gifts, well, and if this does not suit anyone, there is also a deer vacancy.

New! Electric rotating Christmas tree and the holiday was a success! (postscript: for children who are too lazy to dance)

The New Year is the official chance to start new life. Just to be honest. Delete unnecessary people, stop being lazy, and do what was promised.

Dear Santa Claus, cotton beard, I don't need gifts! Raise your salary!!!

Tomorrow is the first page of a 365 page book. Write it well.

Dear Santa Claus! Let the president, government and deputies live on childcare allowance in the New Year!

I want Santa Claus to put 3 gifts under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve - Happiness in the house, Love in the family, Health to loved ones.

Christmas tree better mistress. You part without a scandal, and do not take gifts.

This New Year is such a time when a call at 3 am is more glad than a call at 10 am.

I wonder if anyone thought of me for the New Year?

The first disappointment of the New Year: Food doesn't fit anymore!

And for bad girls, Santa Claus will give menstruation for the New Year! ..and for bad boys, Santa Claus will give bad girls with periods for the New Year

If you see a sober Santa Claus, then most likely it is Santa Claus.

Having learned my innermost desires, Santa Claus decided to go in person.

Let the New Year be the year of… friendship.
So that the head is friends with the heart, desires - with opportunities,
finance - with needs, logic - with emotions.

Soon we will sit on the Internet, we will not celebrate the new year, but update it.

In the New Year ... That Strange feeling when an unfamiliar number calls you and begins to congratulate you on the New Year, describe events from your life, and you cannot understand who you are talking to. But you are silent, because it is inconvenient to ask who it is after ten minutes of conversation.

Do you want to be a child? … It’s snowing outside, a blizzard, and they wrap you in a jacket and take you on a sled =)) … with full packages of tangerines and sweets on your knees …

Promotion: "DO NOT Eat, THIS IS FOR THE NEW YEAR" has ended. Now another one began: “EAT, OR IT WILL GO GOOD!!!”

And I hope that for the new year 2015 there will be many beautiful young Santa Clauses :)) and at least a little sober ..

Dear Santa Claus, I want for the New Year your list of boys who misbehaved.

For the New Year I will dress up as Santa Claus and take three Snow Maidens with me. Because one will not drag me home later!

Dear Santa Claus, I can’t have sweets, so send me a box of semi-sweet ones!

Grandfather Frost, cotton beard, I beg you ... in next year somehow without DEER… okay?

Martini, candles, whiskey, dances, love ecstasy will captivate us, and at night you spoil everything with the cry “give me a basin”!

At my liver new problem- New Year!

On the night of December 31 to January 1, fate opens the doors to a new life for you, but how difficult it is to get into them at this time!

Along the way, this New Year we will throw asphalt.

New Year is when, in addition to empty mugs, the peel from tangerines begins to accumulate at the computer.

Dear Santa Claus! I don’t ask you for anything in particular, but may the person who is reading this status now be happy in the New Year!

The New Year is the official chance to start a new life. Just be honest. Delete unnecessary people, stop being lazy, and do what was promised.

I really want to walk around the city in the evening on New Year's Eve, when everything will be lit with lights, congratulations on the new year and the air will smell of the approaching new year.

Nothing will save you from a New Year's hangover like a glass of milk, a cool shower and sex. Did not help? Then the old, grandfather's ...

Oh, this New Year's Eve craziness! It feels like we didn’t clean all year, didn’t shop, didn’t cook, didn’t repair and didn’t dress ... And only in December they remembered all this!

The inevitable continuation holiday table- holiday chair

Cool statuses for the New Year: There is no sadder story in the world than the New Year and thoughts about diet...

Never stop believing in miracles! All with the upcoming!

Grandfather Frost, for the last New Year, I asked you for a boyfriend. So, take this goat back and let's better felt-tip pens.

Grandfather Frost, please don't give me more sweet... no, don't... semi-sweet is better.

Well, it's New Year's again. Farewell to my 42 size, hello "you got fat" and "everything with tomorrow on a diet"

Well, thank God, we took a walk ... We finished the damn Olivier ... Fireworks were launched at midnight ... I wish I could remember ... with whom and where ...

She: - Who will you dress for the new year? Him: Shrek. Did you buy a mask? - Not yet, but who will you be? - Beauty!!! Did you buy a mask?

My status went into the forest, probably behind the Christmas tree.

The frost pleasantly stings the nose. With his hand, diving under the jacket, Santa Claus pleasantly pinches, ... for the ass of the young Snow Maiden.

We are waiting for Santa Claus, Santa Claus, St. Nicholas or any other man, most importantly with GIFTS!

New Year! As noted - and you will hangover!

New Year! Again, the irony of fate and vodka with Olivier.

If you want to be good. Put chocolate under your pillow for the new year and in the morning you will have EVERYTHING covered in chocolate.

I wish you in the coming year: no worries, no money to measure, love, hope and believe!!!

I wish next year to freeze your ass to the ice!

And I will not watch the blue light on New Year's Eve. It has already become so blue that it is impossible to see

It is useless to try to get Santa Claus drunk, many have already checked, he never forgets his bag ...

In a red coat, with a red nose, Grandfather plays in the cold: in a hat, with a stick and with a bag, and with a boozy snowman. Nearby is a rabbit in heels and a snow maiden on horns. If you meet this rabble, then the New Year is coming soon !!!

To all the thumping comrades, congratulations on the upcoming!)

Cool statuses for the New Year: Happy New Year everyone! And I want to buy a fur coat for myself!!!

With each access to the Internet "for five minutes" you bring the New Year closer by at least an hour and a half.

With whom you will meet the new year with that and get drunk!

Only in our country on New Year's Eve the congratulations of the president go through all channels, but they watch it only through the first one.

This year, as always, we will not have time to move away from the celebration of the New Year, when the Old Year comes. Damn, I'll have to drink again ...

That's what a new year you are, the night is thumping, the week is rushing!

Santa Claus, come out! - shouted the children dancing near the toilet.

Grandfather Frost, for the last New Year, I asked you for a boyfriend. So take this goat back and let's better felt-tip pens :)

New Year's Eve good husband decorates the Christmas tree, and a very good one - his wife!

In 2019 I wish you 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love, and 315360000 seconds of pleasant moments.

* * *
- And what date is it today?.. -January 2nd... -What, the first was not?

* * *
Dear Santa Claus, please give me his New Year, his eyes, his smile, his kisses and the touch of his hands... and not a cold monitor and a desire to be near him...

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The Old New Year is an opportunity to spend all the money if this did not work out at the end of December. Don't miss your chance!)))

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New Year is a kind of birthday, which is simultaneously celebrated by all people on the planet.

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Soon we will sit out on the Internet, we will not celebrate the New Year, but update it.

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How you celebrate the New Year, so you need it!

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I'm a year younger again than I'll be next January!

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New Year holidays- this is a nationwide booze, which was easier to legitimize than to ban.

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Wishing you the happiest New Year imaginable! Let it be so new and successful that you yourself will be surprised!

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I do not need gifts for the New Year 2019! Give me the days when I was happy with him.

* * *
So that your New Year's gift does not seem useless, give your friends a bottle of vodka, they will definitely find a use for it)))

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We have a tradition: every year on December 31, we go with friends, but on January 1 we can no longer ... ;)

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Coming New Year's feasts, remember about etiquette! -> forks in the left pocket, knives in the right!

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We have a tradition in the office: before the New Year, we hold a competition "Where the hell did we remove Christmas decorations?!”

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In the morning I will personify the whole coming year: headache will be piggy, and the complexion will be yellow.

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It is useless to try to get Santa Claus drunk, many have already checked, he never forgets his bag ...

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Dear Santa Claus! I have photos where you are in a bathhouse with three Snow Maidens ... I will send a list of my requirements in a separate letter ...

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If you see Santa Claus crossing your path, you should know: either on the right or on the left, the New Year of the Pig is celebrated very cheerfully!)

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Hello Dedushka Moroz. Here is such a thing ... In short, he brought a bag, you need to hide the body ...

* * *
Here abroad, Santa Claus puts gifts in socks. Well, how can this be in Russia?! Our owner himself cannot find his socks, but how can Santa Claus do it !?

I want the New Year faster... To go out at midnight exactly, look at the sky... And catch the snow with my lips to realize... life goes on...

* * *
Every New Year, you plan to celebrate especially, but it turns out a banal booze

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In the new year, you need to get so drunk that Then you wake up on December 7 and start drinking further.

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Promotion! Buy for the new year in our supermarket, and you will get a spare liver and a second stomach for free!

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Nothing dilutes the brain like New Year's TV.

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The year has changed on Earth! The country falls into an olivier)

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Who will send the same new year greetings- to ignore until the first of April!