Happy valentine's day greetings. To everyone who is in love! Collection of confessions, surprises and fun games for Valentine's Day

The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day came to us not so long ago. But many of us are already celebrating this tender and passionate holiday. And every time the same problem: what would be so original to come up with?!

Every country has its own tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day. But what is traditionally popular among all those celebrating this day, without exception, is confessions on valentines, surprise gifts and cool games with erotic motives.


Valentines are romantic confessions in love. I emphasize - romantic! Therefore, they are written, as a rule, in poetic form. And if in the usual Everyday life the sublime style is not appropriate, then just such a style is used on valentines. When choosing or composing on your own (which is more valuable) a Valentine, do not be afraid to seem naive, touching, too frank. For greater persuasiveness, I will quote the lines of Bulat Okudzhava:
"Let's exclaim, admire each other!
High-sounding words, do not be afraid!
Let's compliment each other!
After all, these are all happy moments of love!

Well, in fact, when else to speak pompously, if not on this holiday? Exclaim, admire, compliment! Create happy moments of love for each other. After all, no feeling gives a person so much strength and hope as love, even if it is not yet mutual.

I don’t know how, but I, for example, collect my personal collection of valentines. Not from the postcards that are for sale, and not from the prolific Internet. In my collection, there are only those confessions that were composed by me and my friends. If it is useful to someone, I will be glad.

I will reveal the secret to you
my beloved, my desired.
And I won't hide my love
my dear, my long-awaited!
Valentine gentle holiday,
you and me, and the evening is wonderful -
it didn't all happen in vain.
everything fit together.
Just look into my eyes
Love will unite us.

I send you a Valentine
Where is the heart in the picture?
It has everything that I am silent about
And about what, I want to say.
Solve the mystery of confession
This holiday is not accidental,
Made of inspiration
And love confessions.

"I love you," I whisper through the distance.
"Yours," I say with my eyes.
I'm waiting for a response.
Come, and I will open my heart.

My love flies to you inaudibly,
Invisible, mysterious and passionate.
Even the Almighty himself has no power over her,
And I, moreover, have no control over it.
Look, she's already knocking on the window
Frost, sun and February blizzard.
Open! And all good things will happen!
And we will give happiness to a friend for a friend.

You all the heat of my hot love,
You my dreams, hopes, dreams.
Together with you, we would flare up brighter.
And without you, I'll burn until spring.

How to talk about love decide?
How not to be afraid, how to be able to open up?
Confess as that you are dearer to me than all,
That without you my day is spent in sadness,
That without you and the sun is bad weather for me,
And only with you is my happiness possible.

Ah, Saint Valentine, the patron saint of lovers!
He knows the secret of hearts striving for love.
He knows what we have been hiding for a very long time,
And they were in a hurry to forget, and they did not forget.
But today the saint is favorable to love,
He sanctifies her with his purity.
I send my love as a valentine -
And I bless the feeling in return.


Thanks to the Internet, it's easy to find out what gifts to give on Valentine's Day. So, for example, the British give "spoons of love." Americans send sweets to their loved ones. Italians, in general, call this holiday sweet and give all kinds of sweets. The French traditionally buy their soul mate jewelry. The Danes prepare postcards from dried white flowers for this day. All gifts are traditionally decorated with symbols of Valentine's Day, each of which has its own subtext: a heart (“you are in my heart”), a red rose (“you excite passion in me”), lace (“my feeling for you is filled with romance”), gloves and rings ("I want to marry you"), doves and Cupid ("our love is sanctified by heaven").

Finding a gift is always painful. After all, I really want to please, please, surprise. Especially on this day. And yet, when choosing a gift, do not forget that it is not so much the gift itself that is dear, but the attention that you paid when making it. Therefore, it seems to me that the emphasis should be shifted in favor of the unusual, unexpected gift.

It could be such pleasant surprises:
1. Plan a romantic getaway for the day
2. Visit some exotic place where you have never been together before
3. Send a gift by mail or courier
4. Book a theatrical performance for your lover
5. Design and pull off a harmless prank
6. Unfold love notes in the most different places: in pocket, on windshield machine, on a computer monitor.
7. Order your beloved's favorite songs on the radio
8. Order a caricature of a lover from an artist
9. Make your own humor magazine dedicated to your love
10. Cook your own dish according to the original complicated recipe

Your imagination and knowledge of the tastes of your lover will help you come up with the most best idea for a surprise. On Valentine's Day, everyone subconsciously expects miracles! Become a magician for your beloved on this day!


Do not deny yourself the pleasure of making fun at the party, dedicated to the Day Valentine, exciting the sexuality of those present. A pastime filled with games with erotic motives is always fun, noisy and memorable for a long time.

Cross the stream
Men and women form pairs. The task is simple - it is necessary that the partner transfers the partner through the stream. But the method of transfer should not be repeated. The most inventive couple wins.

Covering love songs
An old children's game. Only taking into account the holiday, it is necessary to divide into 2 teams - male and female. Songs are sung in turn (literally, by verse) with words that have the same root as the word "love". Whose team sings, those are the winners.

Get to know a partner
The game is played while dancing. Men are blindfolded first. They are invited by women. Couples are dancing. It is impossible to talk during the dance, communication is exclusively through tactile sensations. After the dance, you need to name the partner. Then a similar competition is held for women. The game, as you know, is endless. And how exciting it is to dance without seeing a partner, but only feeling him!

Guess the leg/hand
This game is good for married couples. Men are blindfolded and offered to guess the wife's leg by touch, women - the husband's hand. It is allowed to feel the leg up to the knee, the arm - only the hand. The game is enjoyable in every way. As a variant of the same game: women show knee-length legs in black tights from behind a screen, men are offered to guess the woman's leg. Married couples are not required here. By the way, despite the fact that there is an opinion "a man loves with his eyes" - for some reason this contest turns out to be a failure for men.

Men and women must bring their own perfume and handkerchief. Representatives of both teams (male and female) must take turns guessing who owns the handkerchief sprinkled with perfume, comparing, respectively, the smell of the handkerchief and the owner.

For the game, the most common brands of wines are used, which the players know about in advance. Wine is poured into glasses. Teams compete again - men's and women's. WITH eyes closed it is necessary to determine the names of wines by tasting them for taste and aroma.

rolling tangerine
The hottest game ever! But also the coolest! Drop the complexes and play it - you won't regret it! The teams are male and female. Props - tangerines. Everyone splits into pairs. First, women need to temporarily roll a tangerine from one leg men's trousers into another, then the men need to temporarily roll the tangerine from one sleeve women's clothing in another. Pairs change until everyone is paired with each other. Naturally, the smartest and fastest team wins. The game is wonderful not only for the company of close friends, even on corporate party it causes indescribable delight.

* * *
Valentine's Day reminds us every year of how great it is to be in love. This is an amazing state. It inspires, inspires and makes any person omnipotent. All men and women strive to experience love, no matter what they say about it. The attraction of this wonderful feeling F. Voltaire very accurately described: "Love is the strongest of all passions, because it simultaneously takes possession of the head, heart and body."

What else can you add to this?.. Fall in love! Be happy in love! And don't get tired of giving "love happy moments" to your loved ones!

February 14 - very ancient holiday, references to it are found in history ancient rome. On this day, the pagans revered the patroness of marriage - the goddess Juno. On the holiday, the girls wrote their names on parchment and mixed pieces of paper in a common basket. The guys took turns dragging notes, thus choosing a companion for coming year.

In 496, the Pope declared February 14 to be Valentine's Day. There are many legends that tell about the exploits of the one whose name the holiday is named after. Valentine's Day peaked in popularity in the 18th century. Then young people began to give each other beautiful homemade postcards in the form of hearts. The cards were written declarations of love and poems.

Now romantic holiday celebrated in many countries. The lovers are looking forward to him to confess their feelings to each other. All .

Happy Valentine's Day
I heartily congratulate!
And love is huge, pure
I sincerely wish.

Let there be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsmiles
Let sadness and grief go away.
Let there be hundreds of confessions
The brightest expectations!

On Valentine's Day
Let dreams come true.
Not love will pass let it pass
And flowers bloom in the soul!

May this holiday be happy
Will bring good news
Becomes a little fairy tale
Where everything is joyful and clear!

I congratulate you on Valentine's Day and wish that love always lives in your heart, that your soul is warm and joyful, that everything in life succeeds, that there is always the right and beloved person nearby.

Happy Valentine's Day.
Let life be like raspberries -
Sweet, and love is mutual,
The softest, the strongest.

May it bring joy
Life brings gifts
Happiness will burst into your life.
And let everything work out.

Let goodness warm you
To the light, let him open the door,
Everything will be fine in life
And in love - everything is romantic!

Love for each other is a miracle
There is no stronger feeling in the world.
Love is the enemy of evil, disease.
The cure for all ills in life.

I wish feelings in the soul boiling,
Passion, trust, warmth,
Mutual love, inspired,
Live in the heart of magic.

May Valentine's Day
Be the happiest of days
From happiness up the soul takes off
Like a flock of white doves!

Congratulations on Valentine's Day.
I wish you sincere feelings
The brightest and most beautiful
Eyes shining, happy.

Take care of your feelings.
May they only become more beautiful
Sweeter, cleaner and warmer.
Let the hearts become kinder.

You enjoy each other
Believe in miracles, smile
Laugh, truly love
And take care of each other!

On Valentine's Day
Everything is magical and beautiful:
In romantic hearts
In petals, sweets, candles.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day.
Let love know no barriers
A February blizzard
Don't ruin this day!

I hasten to congratulate you
Happy Valentine's Day.
Never let it be
You have a reason to cry.

Rejoice, live happily
Follow your dream.
Remember, no matter what happens
I am always by your side!

I love you at night
I love you by day
You in the morning and in the evening
In my heart.

Happy Valentine's Day to you
I want to congratulate
And for your memory
I'll give you a Valentine.

For you to know for sure
And for sure
that I love you
For years, for centuries.

For me you are more beautiful
Everyone on earth.
I am for meeting you
Grateful to fate.

In this pink heart
In addition to warm tender words,
I'll add more, of course.
For you my love.

Let her keep you warm
On this clear winter day
Kiss on the cheeks smoldering
Chasing sadness shadow.

I congratulate you, my love.
I will remind you of our feelings again.
We will raise a glass of champagne to them.
Let's live so that the glow does not go out
Our speeches and views, very passionate,
And the days in fate were full of beautiful ones.
On Valentine's Day, I wish you
Embrace your own, I know for sure -
You just can't be indifferent to them.
... my heart is ready to love sincerely.
May our river of love be stormy,
Good luck to us in this amorous story.

Congratulations: 696 in verse, 149 in prose.

Everyone knows the state of falling in love, the flight of tenderness, passion and those same butterflies in the stomach when you want to kiss the whole world, and, of course, admit this to the object of your adoration.

How to do this, what moment to choose for such a crucial event? Of course, Valentine's Day, which is considered the Day of all lovers, and that is why it is ideal for declaring love to a girl!

Saint Valentine is a clergyman who lived in one of the small cities of the Roman Empire around the 3rd century. At this time, there were wars everywhere, and there were not enough soldiers in the imperial army, so a decree was issued for legionnaires, introducing a ban on marrying. The logic was as follows: if a soldier is married, he thinks about the family, and not about the glory of his state.
Valentine, risking his life, continued to help lovers: he wrote and read Love letters if the young people were illiterate, and secretly married them. In the end, the emperor found out about the willfulness of the priest and ordered his execution.
During St. Valentine's stay in custody, the daughter of one of the prison guards fell in love with him. The priest could not reciprocate her, because he devoted himself to God. But on the thirteenth night of February, before his execution, the saint sent a message to a girl in love with him with a note: “Your Valentine.”
Then the custom was born to send your beloved - "valentines" - declarations of love.

Especially for Valentine's Day, we wrote beautiful, touching poems to help you express your feelings to your girlfriend.

Poems-declaration of love

In the morning the sun woke up
All passers-by smiled,
I'm happy - because you are near -
Girl of my dreams!

Yet I confess to you
After all, I'm too shy to say
That blood rages in me
Love reigns in the heart.

Like a boy fell in love with you
I would marry you!
I want every hour
He only made us closer.

For us to have children
May the sun always shine on us!
Let bad weather pass us by -
We deserve happiness!

Sweet, gentle, sweet -
So I repeat furtively!
I always want to see you
To visit you, I'm flying like the wind.

If you knew what's in my heart
A love song around the clock in it.
My thoughts are only about you!
I am grateful to fate for meeting you.

I only ask: “Don’t drive me away!”
Give me the opportunity to talk about love.
I believe in fate: one day you will understand
That your friend is good in many ways!

I'm happy, I'm crazy, I'm in love!
In the beauty of heavenly beauty
It's like I was born again
As soon as you looked at me!

I want to be with you forever
And I want to pamper you
Well, since I met a Man -
As in a fairy tale, I will gild all!

Arrows pierced my heart
I do not live now without love.
I want my heart to sing
Beat forever in your vicinity.

I see the meaning and the sky in you,
You are my rock, inspiration, heat.
I love you! Be the light
Do not extinguish this sweet fire!

If I were suddenly asked
Describe how it is, your eyes,
I'd say the oceans are blue
Can't compare to them in the sky.

You are the whole essence, the blessing of the world.
You are the love that melts in my heart.
But it gets very difficult
Let me tell you how much I love you!

You changed my life forever
When I entered it, like a beam of light.
Like a familiar person
It was always steep in moments of life.

I want every moment, as often as possible,
She was with me: I will endure everything.
You are my joy, sunshine and happiness,
After all more life I love you!

I used to think I wasn't worthy
The love that is in songs and in movies.
But you came. And the world is calm
Became completely different. It's a foregone conclusion!

Was it or not? Doesn't matter.
It is important that in the midst of the gloomy life of winters
I love... Intentionally, great!
And maybe we love you.

Once I thought I was hopeless
That the heart is simply not given to love.
That the feeling will never disturb -
This is the cup I have been given to drink.

But you came and realized: this is a miracle!
And the blood began to boil in her veins again.
Thanks for the wonderful moments
for clean and tender love!

I'm counting the minutes until we meet
Collecting them like beads.
Light up every evening!
Though my verse is crooked and ugly,

I want to frankly admit
That I love you more than life!
And I want you to always smile
I to you the whole world I will give!

They say a man is looking for the perfect:
Beautiful and smart - to match.
All this is nonsense, in my opinion, literal.
A man can choose with his heart.

And I found - beautiful, vulnerable,
With a beautiful face, fragile soul.
Found a dear, close, beloved:
I want to always be with me!

Even people began to notice
I have changed - neither give nor take!
Just gently, sincerely love,
And I give myself to you!

I don't want the feeling to go away
After all, I was incredibly lucky.
The place in the heart is occupied by you -
May it beat forever with beauty!

What to say to the woman you love?
Can you serve coffee in the morning?
Give french perfume,
Lay flowers at her feet.

And three words softly whisper,
I love, love, love, love.
I don’t expect anything and I don’t ask,
Just be with me - do not leave!

So suddenly, suddenly and spontaneously
Love came to me unexpectedly.
Young blood boils in me,
How can I see her again!
As soon as you hug her,
Whisper softly in your ear:
You are beautiful, like all flowers,
All your features are beautiful.
My love for you is pure
And life would be clean slate.
I would run away with you alone
To see earthly happiness.
Nobody touched me like that
I must have gotten older.
Your smile is often a dream
Eyes, beautiful eyelashes,
And your gentle gaze is unearthly,
Well what are you doing to me?
I ask you with all my heart
With all my heart, I'm not ashamed of feelings,
Accept me and be with me
I will still get you.
You will be happy, don't you believe?
I will give you a star
Universe - will you accept it?
I'm only waiting for you!
I will read a hundred verses to you.
Don't refuse me, I beg you
I'm sure you are my destiny
And maybe I don't know life
Can you hear my prayer?

The night has passed and the day has passed
Again I came to the park for a walk.
I'm looking for you with my eyes
I really want to meet.

I've been sick of you for a long time
But I dare not say so!
And so I write...
And for that I ask you to forgive me.

You are like air to me
I can't live without you!
Always be there, please!
I just love you!

You captivated me with your beauty
Whole White light eclipsed itself.
Eyes are like a lake of dreams!
You conquer with a smile.

Like a powerful magnet
I'm always drawn to you.
You lift your spirits
Slender, cheerful, no surprise.

And speech flows like a cheerful stream,
Even though it has a heavy text,
And if you're still angry -
Only about you my dreams!

So, a little and clumsily,
I want to tell you boldly
What I have for you is LOVE
I apologize again and again!

Please don't disappear!
Give me a chance to be with you.
I will surround you with attention
Care, kindness, understanding.

I don't need much in return
Just be by my side!
I can't force you
But know that I can LOVE!

Sweet, wonderful, dear!
I know a lot about you!
Do you like flowers, gifts
I give everything to you - it's not a pity!
Just say - I'm with you
In the cold, in the snow, blizzard and heat!
All ask, and I will fulfill!
I will fill the day and night with myself.

I love to pamper you
I'll give you stars from the sky!
Do you want all the gold?!
I do want to be with you!

Before I met you
My life was completely empty.
Filled to the brim -
Nearby I felt: alive.

You were so beautiful then
For the rest of my life I try to save
Sweet moment inexplicable
Our first, long-awaited meetings.

I know that maybe I'm not worthy
I am your beautiful, bright feelings.
Let it be trite - you can’t hide thoughts!
But there is nothing worse than our partings.

Every day I get better
For just one look, for a quiet sigh.
I'm not perfect, but listen
You are gone - and life is a nightmare.

I'm ready to move mountains for you
Cross all rivers and seas
Fly out the sky,
For you, everything for you alone!

You are my destiny - like a ray of sunshine,
And in the night - brightest star.
I want to drink you to the bottom
But I know it's not over!

I want to always be with you
Be like a shadow and keep an angel.
Just with just one look
I wished to give my soul.

I want to say: "I love forever" -
But how to use words?
'Cause words are just rivers
Phrase flows. Will you let me love?

Today is a particularly wonderful day.
After all, I will tell you something important.
Although, someone may know something,
But I don't judge them too harshly.

My heart has been aching for you for a long time,
And I dream about you at night for a long time.
As soon as the door of your entrance creaks -
My eyes are already on the window.

I want to see you every evening
Both in the morning and on an ordinary gray day.
I'm always afraid of offending something,
I see you and your face is on fire!

These symptoms mean different things.
And to be honest, only one thing:
You are good, mysterious, beautiful
And I'm in love with you like Snow White Dwarf!

I met happiness, muse, inspiration!
She's beautiful like a magical dream
And this lovely special creation
Opened the season of love for me.

I'm like the wind: light and powerful,
I can cover the whole world
Hands to disperse all the evil clouds,
I like to love you alone!

You're an angel! Light in the window! You are Lucky!
You're the girl of my dream!
You are my best work!
I want you to be happy with me!

I want to confess to you today
That for me you have become all the more important,
How I love to touch your hands
With you I want to be even more tender!

Your eyes are like a mirror of hope.
I look at them often and dream again,
To be with me, as before,
And so that Love flared up between us!

I love you alone - I will not hide.
I understood everything a long time ago.
I'm waiting for an answer and perhaps a miracle:
Tell me: "Yes!", believe me - we are destined for this!

There are many ways to confess your feelings to your girlfriend.

One of the simplest, but delightful options that can touch the depths of the soul is air balloons filled with helium, each of which contains a note with a declaration of love.

The ability to express your emotions to the person who means more to you than anything in the world is often not at all easy. Some of us are more expressive, some less. There are also those who find it especially difficult to confess their love to a person.

Since ancient times, "love" has been and remains one of the most popular topics for reflection. The reason for this is simple: most often we talk about things that we cannot understand. All of us fail when we try to explain love. This is one of the most difficult feelings that a person experiences. Since we cannot explain all the varieties of love to ourselves, we remain puzzled throughout our lives regarding this aspect. human emotions. Valentine's Day is another occasion when everyone loves to talk about love or when one of us makes a love confession.

Below are a number of tips that will help many overcome their embarrassment, gather their thoughts and confess their feelings to a loved one.

When to do it

First you need to be sure that you really love the person you are going to tell these three cherished words"I love you". This is not a phrase that can be taken lightly. So when you say it, make sure you really mean it with all your heart.

Right time and place

Now that you know that your feelings for the person are true, the next step is to determine the place and time. Valentine's Day should be a special day for the person you love. If your crush wants to be loved and pampered, or if you want your confession to be memorable, choose right place and time. This will help establish the right atmosphere, perhaps even incline the answer of your chosen one (chosen one) in your direction.

How to confess love

The best way to confess your love is to do it immediately and not delay. Say it by giving flowers, a gift, or a box of chocolates as well. You can also state your confession in a letter, which will add some romance. It's best if your Valentine's Day gift is as personal and thoughtful as possible. Then the person will understand that you really cared about him, tried to please him.

be ready

It's natural to feel skeptical or doubtful, especially when you don't know how your crush will react. But in any case, someone must always be brave enough to take the initiative to take the first step. Be that as it may, it is always better not to keep emotions in yourself and not to make other people guess about them. Whatever the result, it will not cause regrets.

It is often said, "Better late than never." But, contrary to the saying, it's better to do it on Valentine's Day: a declaration of love before or after this date can get lost somewhere in time.

Happy Valentine's Day to your loved ones!

My dear! Valentine for you
With a declaration of passionate love!
With you we are two halves!
We are happy and in love!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Valentine's Day -
This holiday is not easy.
This is the holiday of all loved ones,
For me, only you are.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

My beloved, my desire,
Happy Valentine's Day congratulations to you!
You are the most dear to me
There is no favorite, never will be!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

May Valentine's Day bring you
Great luck and luck
So that there is a lot of joy in fate,
Reciprocity, warmth, kindness, patience!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

On Valentine's Day, honey
I want to confess my feelings.
I'm not happier in the world
Ever since we started dating.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Honey, Happy Valentine's Day to you!
I send you a text message simple words:
That's it more than a year we are dating,
May our love never end!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Today, on this bright day,
I give you my heart again.
I only need you, believe me
And I am faithful to you.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

On Valentine's Day
I must confess to you
You are the perfect man!
I won't stop admiring!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

May Valentine's Day
It will be a holiday of our house.
So that love forever blooms in it
And filled my heart with warmth.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Great happiness for me
Just to be next to you.
Happy Valentine's Day
And I give my love

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Happy Valentine's Day!
On this snowy day in February
Let fluffy snowflake
Kiss you for me!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Valentine is a symbol
Symbol of kindness...
Symbol of tenderness, recognition
And more love!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Happy Valentine's Day
I congratulate you
My the only man!
And I want to live loving!

Happy Valentine's Day, dear!
Let's have a feast on the mountain.
Let dreams come true
And it's just me and you...

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

No gifts or flowers needed
I only need you, my dearest.
Better express my love
Help Valentine's Day.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

A valentine is a sign
That I love you very much.
Feel the power in those words
After all, I say I love them!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Beloved, how many tender words are beautiful
I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart today!
And on this glorious day, lovers' holiday,
Like the first time, I'll bewitch you.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Valentine's Day -
Wonderful holiday!
Bright moment of love
I send a text message, you accept it.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

And here is Juliet in love
Romeo texts!
Happy Valentine's Day congratulations
And gives the beauty of heaven.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

My dear, the only man!
How long have I been waiting for you...
And today, Valentine's Day
I wish you happiness and warmth!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

I write a valentine, and my hands are shaking.
My love for you knows no barriers.
I write a letter and put an end to it.
I love you, kisses on both cheeks!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

You can do anything - light a fire in the fireplace,
And melt the heart like a snowflake
I'm bright Valentine's Day
I just want to share with you.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you
And I want that on your way
No end was found, no edge
For happy and joyful days.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

On Valentine's Day very sincerely
I want to wish you
To keep love pure
And the brightness of feelings flared up!

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On Valentine's Day I'll say
That you are my favorite guy.
I value you very much
You were sent to me by fate itself!

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My dear, Happy Valentine's Day
Happy fidelity day, burning eyes, love,
Happy day of passion, dreams. Pour into glasses of wine
Surprise with romance today.

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On Valentine's Day
I confess: I love you
And I hope for reciprocity.
You answer me. I'm looking forward to it.

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On Valentine's Day
I am in love and you are loved.
How I wish you
She confessed her love to me.

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On Valentine's Day
I'll tell you about love.
You are my reason and reason
Be grateful to fate.

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How good it is with you on Valentine's Day!
After all, you are my husband, my other half!
It's great to be silent or chat with you,
Laugh or hug quietly.

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You are like a warm, caressing wind
warm you up cold winter.
On the Day of Love on a huge planet
I dream to be only with you.

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On Valentine's Day -
Since this is our holiday -
Congratulations and kisses
Many, many, many times!

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I send a valentine
In the form of my heart.
But take a closer look at the picture -
There you will find yours.

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Congratulations on Valentine's Day!
Life is beautiful, believe me!
I wish you love
Romantic bright days.

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Happy Valentine's Day
And I wish you always live in love.
In our world so big
Find your person.

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Happy Valentine's Day!
May everything go smoothly for you:
Happiness white brigantine
Rushing ahead of you without looking back!

Happy Valentine's Day. Confessions - valentines for the holiday of February 14th. Quatrains for Valentine's Day.