Anthelmintic drontal. Terms and conditions of storage. Doses of Drontal for adult cats

Instructions for use Drontal (Drontal) for deworming cats

(Manufacturing organization BayerHealthCare AG/Bayer HealthCare AG, Germany)


1. Drontal - anthelmintic medicine containing as active ingredients pyrantel embonate (230 mg per tablet) and praziquantel (20 mg per tablet), as well as auxiliary components (corn starch, polyvidone, magnesium stearate, polyethylene glycol).

2. Drontal by appearance is a white tablet weighing 350 mg with a dividing groove in the center.

3. Drontal is produced packaged in 10 tablets in aluminum foil blisters, packed in 2 blisters in cardboard boxes.

The blister is labeled with the indication in Russian of the name of the drug, the name and content of active ingredients, the trademark of the manufacturer, the batch number, the date of manufacture and the expiration date; box - indicating the manufacturer, its address and trademark, name and purpose of the drug, name and content of active ingredients, date of manufacture, batch number, expiration date, storage conditions, the inscription "For animals" and provide instructions for use.

Store Drontal in its original packaging, with precaution (list B), separately from food and feed at a temperature of 5 to 25 °C.

The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions, is 5 years from the date of manufacture.

Drontal should not be used after the expiration date.


5. According to the degree of impact on the body, Drontal belongs to low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), in recommended doses it does not have embryotoxic, teratogenic and sensitizing effects. Well tolerated by cats different breeds and age.


6. Drontal is prescribed to cats for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes with nematodes (toxocariasis, hookworm) and cestodosis (taeniasis, dipilidiosis, echinococcosis) at a dose of 1 tablet per 4 kg of animal weight (5 mg of praziquantel and 57.5 mg of pyrantel embonate per 1 kg of animal weight).

Deworming of cats using Drontal is carried out starting from 3 weeks of age.

7. The drug is given to animals individually once, in the morning feeding with a small amount of food (in a piece of sausage, meat, with minced meat).

In case of refusal of the animal to feed with the drug, as well as kittens, Drontal is forcibly administered to the root of the tongue or in the form of an aqueous suspension using a syringe and catheter.

A preliminary starvation diet and the use of laxatives before deworming is not required.

8. For therapeutic purposes, animals are dewormed according to indications, for prophylactic purposes - quarterly at the above dose.

9. side effects and complications when using Drontal in accordance with this instruction, as a rule, are not observed. With increased individual sensitivity of the animal to active components the drug may cause increased salivation, diarrhea or vomiting, these symptoms are short-lived, disappear spontaneously and do not require the use of drugs.

10. Drontal should not be used in kittens under 3 weeks of age.


11. When working with the drug, you should observe general rules personal hygiene and safety measures provided for when working with medicinal products for animals.

12. Drontal should be kept out of the reach of children and animals.

The instruction was developed by Bayer HealthCare AG (Germany) together with ZAO Bayer (Moscow).

The manufacturing organization is Bayer HealthCare AG; KVP Pharma and Veterinary product GmbH, Projensdorfer str. 324, D-24106 Kiel.

The tool contains:

Instructions for drontal plus for dogs: dosage, price
As for the dosage, it must be calculated depending on the weight of the animal.

One tablet of Drontal plus is designed for 10 kg of adult dog weight.
If the dog weighs more, then several tablets will be needed, and for a small dog, the tablet must be divided into the necessary parts.
So dogs and puppies weighing up to two kilograms are given a quarter of a tablet.
Dogs and puppies from two to five kilograms - half a tablet.
One tablet is needed for an animal weighing from five to 10 kg, two tablets - from 10 to 20 kg, three tablets - from 20 to 30 kg, and so on.
The convenience of using this medication lies in the fact that it has a taste of meat and therefore it can not be masked in food and not put in the mouth, risking your fingers. It is best to give the drug in the morning feeding the dog at the same time as eating. When using this medication, the preliminary use of laxatives and a starvation diet is not required.

For the purpose of prevention, Drontal plus should be given to the dog four times a year. Also, deworming is required before mating, vaccination and 10 days before the birth of puppies. IN medicinal purposes Drontal plus is given immediately after diagnosis. At this drug no contraindications.

It can be given to old and debilitated animals, as well as to lactating bitches. It is better to give the drug to pregnant dogs only in the last stages of pregnancy, starting from the seventh week. The price of one tablet of Drontal plus is 40-80 rubles. Although the drug can be bought in a package of six tablets.

Infestation with worms is an extremely serious disease that often affects cats. Therefore, you should regularly important procedure deworming. If the animal is sick, it is necessary to choose an effective antihelminthic drug. Drontal can be attributed to such means.


Drontal is a highly effective anthelmintic agent that differs from similar drugs in its broad spectrum of action.

Medicine the best way suitable for the prevention and treatment of helminthiases in felines.

With nematodosis and cestodosis (mixed helminthic infection), veterinarians usually prescribe Drontal.

Drontal is available in tablet form. white color with a yellowish tint on the break.

The drug should be stored in a dry and cool place in a special original packaging (blisters of 10 tablets). The temperature range for storing the medicine ranges from 8 to 20 0 C. The shelf life from the date of production is five years.


  • teniasis;
  • Ascariasis;
  • Defeat with trichocephalates and hookworms;
  • Damage to organs by dipilides and mesocestoids;

Contraindications include only the second and third trimesters of animal pregnancy. The drug is well tolerated by cats of all breeds and ages. Drontal can be classified as low-toxic drugs.

This means that side effects are practically not observed. Only in isolated cases is a short-term manifestation of vomiting or diarrhea possible. But this happens extremely rarely.

Drontal is allowed to be taken by old cats and very young kittens from the age of three weeks.


One tablet of Drontal is designed for 4 kg of animal weight. Definitely for all owners furry pets Cats are known to hate pills. But treatment will not be problematic if you follow the basic rules.

It is recommended to give a tablet once with food - minced meat, a small piece of meat or butter. You can grind the medicine and mix it with ready-made dry food. It is advisable to do this in the morning before starting the feeding procedure. But cats can still refuse from taking the pill, even if it is present in the feed.

In this case, it is necessary to give the medicine forcibly. Veterinarians recommend putting a tablet on the root of the cat's tongue, clamping the mouth and lightly stroking the neck. This will help induce the swallowing reflex. There is nothing wrong with this method.

To kittens, the drug can be given in the form of an aqueous suspension using a syringe or catheter.

Specialists often prescribe Drontal for preventive purposes four times a year. The frequency of admission should not exceed once every three months. Prophylactic medication can be prescribed even after treatment. She's a Drontal pill to get rid of worms. But after a certain period of time, a new infection can occur and the appearance of dangerous helminths.

Anthelmintics for cats should be used before vaccination (about ten days in advance). But in compliance special diet or taking any laxatives is not necessary.

Video: how to treat worms?

Drontal for cats has a wide range action, therefore, it can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of helminthic invasions. Infection of pets with worms can lead to development failure serious illnesses, therefore, when anxiety symptoms occur in without fail should be treated with an anthelmintic drug, the safest and most effective of which is Drontal Plus.

Indication for use:

  1. Nematodosis - toxascariasis, toxocariasis, hookworm, uncinariasis, trichuriasis.
  2. Cestodoses - echinococcosis, taeniasis, dipilidiosis, mesocestoidosis, diphyllobothriasis.

Pharmacological effects

Drontal plus belongs to the 4th class of drugs and practically does not pose a danger to pets. The drug is easily tolerated by all breeds of cats, provided that all the recommendations contained in the instructions for use are followed.

The instruction of the drug "Drontal Plus" warns that in order for the pet to tolerate the therapy normally, dosing recommendations should be followed. The medicine should be given once during the morning feeding. In order for the result to be guaranteed, you should mix the tablet with food. It can be crushed to a powder or hidden in food whole. If the cat refuses to take the medicine, then you can give it to her forcibly by placing it on the root of the tongue. A more gentle method is to prepare a water-based suspension, and then inject it into the pet's mouth with a syringe.

The dosage of the drug depends on the body weight of the animal. One tablet is calculated for every 4 kg, but despite this, you should consult your veterinarian before starting treatment. For preventive purposes, Drontal Plus is given quarterly. Without fail, the prevention of worms is carried out for pregnant cats, 10 days before lambing, before mating and before vaccination. Therapy or prophylaxis with this drug does not require a preliminary diet and the use of laxatives, so the reviews of many people about it are positive.

Benefits of Drontal Plus

Anthelmintic "Drontal Plus" has a mass positive qualities, which distinguish it from analogues:

Despite the fact that the price of the drug "Drontal plus" is low, this anthelmintic agent has practically no adverse reactions. When following the recommendations for use and dosing advice, the appearance of side effects minimum.

As the reviews show, in some cases there is a possibility of diarrhea and vomiting. This occurs predominantly when there is hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug. Similar symptoms do not require treatment, but go away on their own. If the cat has any other reactions to the drug, then it is mandatory to show the pet to the veterinarian.


Regardless of the fact that Drontal Plus is well tolerated by animals, the following points should be considered before starting treatment:

  1. the drug is contraindicated during the first half of pregnancy;
  2. treatment is contraindicated in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  3. kittens can only be given tablets after they are 3 weeks old.

A cat should take Drontal Plus at least once every 3 months, which helps prevent helminthic infestations and subsequent complications. Since fleas are carriers of the larvae of some helminths, together with the use of the drug, the pet should be treated with parasitic insect agents. To do this, it is recommended to use insecticides such as Advantage or Bolfo.

Basic properties

When the drug enters digestive tract cats, absorption through the intestine immediately begins. Praziquantel penetrates into all organs, due to which the destruction of worms that live in the body occurs. After that, the drug is excreted along with the urine.

Absorption of pyrantel through the intestine occurs only partially. It is designed to kill nematodes by passing through cell membranes with increased permeability. This process also leads to paralysis of the worms. Dead helminths are excreted from the cat's body along with feces.

Reviews about Drontal are mostly positive, since this drug cannot be dangerous for four-legged pets. All substances included in the composition do not affect the functioning of the body, regardless of the age and breed of the pet.

But for this, it is imperative to follow all the recommendations specified in the instructions for the drug, and also monitor the correct dosage.

Indications and principle of action

Drontal is able to fight a large number of diseases. Among them are:

  1. Teniasis.
  2. Dipylidiosis.
  3. Hookworm.
  4. Toxocariasis.
  5. Uncinariosis.

Before use, be sure to weigh the cat. Floor scales can be used. To easily do this, you need to take the pet in your arms and stand on the scales. Then you should weigh yourself already without a pet. The difference in performance will be the required value. For cats, you need to take one tablet per 4 kg.

As a preventive measure anthelmintic should be given only once every three months, one tablet. It is advisable to do this on an empty stomach. No need to skip feedings or use laxatives. When there are a lot of helminths and they are visible in the feces, re-treatment should be carried out after 2 weeks. In these cases, the treatment regimen must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Drontal must be used before mating and grafting.

It should not be used on kittens less than 21 days old. Also, do not give if the animal weighs less than 1 kg. Not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Small kittens or pregnant and lactating cats are best given Pyrantel suspension. Big advantage is that the substance is practically not absorbed into the blood. Approximately 90-95% comes out in the same form with feces. Of course, before mating, the pet must already undergo a processing procedure, but if this was not the case, best solution will Pirantel. Babies can be given a suspension starting from the 10th day.

Application methods

Drontal is made with a taste that mimics meat, which is why cats often eat it willingly. But many animals are more picky. There are several ways to give a drug to a pet.

The first of them is the simplest: you need to put a pill on your tongue so that your four-legged friend swallows it. This method does not require any special actions or additional devices. However, not all hosts succeed. To successfully give the drug to a cat, you need to do the following:

  1. It is best to place the animal on the table in a seated or lying position. No need to put it on its hind legs or turn it over.
  2. Often a pet can be too shy or aggressive. In this case, it is necessary to swaddle it tightly. You can use a regular towel or a retainer bag. This will help avoid possible injury.
  3. The cat should be firmly grasped by the head so that the hand covers the area of ​​​​the ears, and the fingers reach the cheekbones.
  4. The head of the animal must be thrown back. Then with two fingers you need to press on the sides of the lips between the jaws. The mouth will open slightly, and the chin should be pulled with the other hand. The cat's mouth must be opened wide.
  5. The tablet should be pushed as deep as possible, as this will allow the cat to swallow the drug reflexively without much discomfort. About respiratory tract you don’t have to worry at all, because this position will not allow them to be blocked. It must be remembered that you should not push the pill with your fingers, as the cat can bite hard.

The second way is to use a tablet dispenser. This instrument is also called an introducer. In appearance and function, it resembles a conventional syringe equipped with a silicone tip. The animal should be positioned in the same way as in the first method. The introducer tip must be pushed deep into the mouth so that the medicine enters directly into the throat.

The third way - mix crushed tablet with food. This is a great method to keep your pet stress-free. But the problem is that many cats will not even touch such food. It will be more effective if the whole tablet is rolled into a meat ball. You can also crush the drug and dilute it in water. Pour this liquid into the cat's mouth with a syringe.

Possible side effects

Drontal is a low-risk drug, if we talk about the degree of action on the body of cats. It is well tolerated by animals of any breed and age.

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of Drontal. If you use the drug according to the instructions, then no side effects or complications are observed.

Active substances, even with a small overdose, often do not cause individual reactions. In rare cases, you may experience:

  1. Diarrhea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Excessive salivation.

These effects do not require any treatment.

Some time ago on the market you could meet a large number of fake Drontal. Such a drug very often caused symptoms very similar to poisoning. Now these cases are less common, but still happen. If the pet had a reaction, then most likely the drug was fake. When buying anthelmintic drugs, you must carefully study the packaging. It must have the lot number and serial number on it.

Drug analogues

On sale now there are a lot of anthelmintic drugs intended for cats. Often they are produced in tablet form, but there are also various gels, suspensions, drops. Medicines in the form of tablets are much better than drops that need to be applied to the withers. This is due to the fact that the active substances are almost immediately absorbed into the body. Suspensions are most often used for small kittens.

All of these products contain the same ingredients. Manufacturers just combine them in different ways. The most popular analogues of Drontal:

  1. Pyrantel embonate. It is the most common remedy used to combat roundworms. The active substance does not enter the bloodstream and is almost completely excreted from the body.
  2. Praziquantel. This drug is designed to kill tapeworms. If it is used in large doses, then it works well against flukes. A large percentage of the active substance is absorbed into the blood, and then excreted from the body along with urine. This medicine should be used very carefully if the pet has liver or kidney problems.
  3. Fenbendazole. Kills roundworms. Poorly enters the bloodstream and is largely excreted from the body along with feces.
  4. Milbemycin oxime. It is used to destroy intestinal nematodes and dirofilaria. This makes the drug an excellent prophylactic against dirofilariasis.
  5. Ferabentel. After ingestion, it becomes fenbendazole.

Manufacturers of analogues quite often contradict each other about restrictions in reception. In some cases, this information is completely missing in the instructions. Therefore, it is better to proceed from data on active substances. Pirantel can be used during pregnancy, like Fenbendazole. But Praziquantel can be dangerous during this period. In reproductive time, the best solution would be to use mono-preparations that contain only one active substance.

For adults, it is desirable to use complex drugs that can destroy any type of helminths. If the cat is fed raw fish, then it is advisable to increase the dosage of Praziquantel.

Drontal for cats was developed by specialists from the German company Bayer Animal Health GmbH. It is produced in the form of large tablets. They must be taken orally. The shape is ellipsoid. White color. There is a dividing line in the center. It is convenient to break the tablet on it. The product is packed in a silver blister. It is inside along with instructions. cardboard box. On the label you can see a gray cat on a green background.

Factory packaging is 2 and 8 tablets. The drug is sold in zoopharmacies, as well as in retail outlets at veterinary clinics. You can buy as a whole package, and one tablet at a time. This method is more profitable, since the cost of the drug is high. So, the drug Drontal for cats, its price for one tablet ranges from 150 to 230 rubles.

In another way, it is also called praziquantel, pyrantel embonate. These names are international. This is the name of the two active substances on which the action of the drug is based. Each tablet contains:

  • 20 mg of praziquantel (Praziquantel);
  • 230 mg of pyrantel embonate (Pyrantel embonate).

Auxiliary substances are also present:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • corn starch;
  • cellulose microcrystalline;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • stearic acid (or magnesium stearate);
  • polyethylene glycol, etc.

How and on whom does the medicine work?

Important! Praziquantel and pyrantel embonate are absorbed in the pet's intestines. Excreted with feces and urine.

Who can give the drug

Drontal tablets for cats are not dangerous. All details on the use are contained in the instructions for the drug Drontal for cats. She needs to follow, then the pet will not have any problems. The manual states that the drug can be used for cats of all breeds and ages. It is given to small kittens, pregnant cats, it is also effective for older cats.

However, there are exceptions. The medicine should not be given to newborn kittens who are under 3-4 weeks old. Pregnant cats are given the drug only after 35 days after mating. But not just before the birth. It is permissible to give a pill a week before childbirth.

With extreme caution, use tablets for pets whose weight is less than one kilogram. Before the procedure for such animals, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.


Drontal for cats is used for treatment or prevention. The drug is prescribed by a specialist, you can also use it yourself. Released without a prescription. The manufacturer promises that the tablets are effective both for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Drontal for cats instructions for use contains information on recommended doses. The dosage of the drug is one tablet per four kilograms of the animal's weight. If the cat weighs 2-3 kg, she is given half a tablet. With a weight of 5-7 kg, then one and a half tablets. If 8 kg or more, then 2 tablets. A pet, whose weight is from 1 to 2 kg, is also prescribed half of the whole tablet.

The therapy regimen for various diseases appoints veterinarian. For prevention, you only need one tablet. Preventive measures imply a single dose of the drug for 3-4 months. During the year, Drontal tablets for cats can be given to the pet 3-4 times.

Important! Experts strongly recommend carrying out the procedure for using the medicine in the morning. It is best during the breakfast of the animal. You can give the tablet before meals. If the pet vomits the medicine, after a while you can give another pill.

Veterinarians advise starting pet prevention from childhood. First pill little kitty should receive after he is 3-4 months old. Next reception organize when the cat starts puberty. And this will happen in about 9-10 months. Further Drontal is given every 3-4 months. It is allowed to use the medicine throughout the life of the pet.

Advantages of the drug

  • Effective immediately after taking one tablet.
  • Suitable for use by cats of all breeds.
  • Can be given as to small kittens (who are 21 days old). Also suitable remedy and older cats.
  • If you follow the instructions, then side effects will not occur.
  • Kills all common worms.
  • There are no problems in buying the drug. It is sold in zoopharmacies, animal clinics.
  • Can be given even to sickly cats.
  • Drontal for cats does not weaken the immunity of the pet.
  • It has long term storage - 5 years.
  • No special conditions for drug storage.
  • Virtually no stomach upset.