Test are you a good psychologist 12 questions. Test “Are you a good psychologist?

We are all sources of information. Every day we send the world a great many signals about our mood, well-being, status, work or study, hobbies and much more. The ability to “read” people is a very valuable skill. Just remember the same Sherlock Holmes! From the many details that a common person will not pay attention, he created detailed portraits of people he had never seen.

Check your mastery of the basic skills necessary to be able to establish the truth.

1) Do you think a negative experience is:

a) a life lesson that makes you wiser.
b) a mistake that should be forgotten as soon as possible.

2) Do you listen carefully to what is being said to you?

a) You listen carefully to everything that is said to you and carefully weigh every word.
b) You often forget what exactly they say to you, but remember the general meaning of what they said.

3) While traveling or during an interesting excursion you:

a) pay attention to everything that surrounds you, including small parts, sounds, smells.
b) You don’t pay attention to the little things, but you seem to be able to grasp the big picture.

4) How do you express your feelings?

a) You freely express your feelings, be it love, sympathy or, conversely, hostility.
b) Feeling an influx of feelings, you rarely express them, most often you keep them to yourself.

5) How do you treat people?

a) You tend to treat everyone around you with sympathy and love.
b) You are one of those who does not trust others and treats them with caution.

6) How often do you pay attention to the inconsistency of others’ speech or the discrepancy between people’s words and their gestures?

a) At the first meetings with this person.
b) I begin to notice after I am unpleasantly surprised by their behavior!

7) What is the first thing you remember when you need to characterize someone?

a) About a person’s manner of behaving, standing, walking, speaking, etc.
b) About what we heard about this person from different sources.

8) How quickly do you find the right thing or solution?

a) You often manage to find something first.
b) You often “graze those who are behind.”

9) When you are in high spirits, then:

a) you can laugh loudly, hum or talk loudly.
b) most often, just pour yourself a cup of tea or eat a delicious candy.

10) How do you cope with difficulties?

a) You know that you are able to withstand any blow of fate.
b) When something unpleasant happens, you are often afraid that you will not be able to survive it.

11) What makes you happy?

a) You are able to receive a lot of pleasure from the simple joys of life.
b) You are happy only if some important and exciting events happen.

Instructions. Each of us has to evaluate others. Naturally, it is not easy to do this objectively, especially when the necessary psychodiagnostic techniques are not at hand. This test will help you find out if you have abilities in the field of psychology, the ability to realistically evaluate people, or you often “sin” towards them.

1. In your opinion, those who always adhere to the rules good manners:

A) polite, pleasant to talk to;

b) strictly brought up;

V) just hide theirs true character.

2. You know a married couple who never argue. In your:

A) they are happy;

b) indifferent to each other;

V) they have no trust in each other.

3. You meet a person for the first time, and he immediately starts telling you jokes. You decide that he:

A) wit;

b) he feels insecure and thus tries to get out of this unpleasant state;

V) wants to make a good impression on you.

4. you speak interesting topic, your interlocutor accompanies the conversation with gestures. Do you think he:

A) worries;

b) insincere.

5. You decide to get to know someone you know better. Do you think it is necessary:

A) invite him to any company;

b) watch him in action.

6. Someone in a restaurant gives a big tip. Are you convinced:

A) he wants to impress;

b) he needs the waiter's favor;

V) this is from the generosity of the soul.

7. If a person never initiates a conversation first, you think:

A) he is secretive;

b) he is too timid;

V) he is afraid of being misunderstood.

8. In your opinion, a person's low forehead means:

A) stupidity;

b) stubbornness;

V) It is impossible to say anything specific about a person.

9. What do you think of a person who never looks others in the eye:

A) he has an inferiority complex;

b) he is insincere;

V) he's too distracted.

10. A person with high income always buys cheap things. You think:

A) he is thrifty;

b) he is modest;

V) he's a cheapskate.

To calculate points and determine your result, use the following “key”:

1. "a" - 2, "b" - 4, "c" - 1;

2. “a” - 2, “b” - 1, “c” - 4;

3. “a” - 1, “b” - 2, “c” - 4;

4. "a" - 4, "b" - 1;

5. "a" - 1, "b" - 2;

6. “a” - 4, “b” - 2, “c” - 1;

7. "a" - 2, "6" - 4, "b" -1;

8. "a" - 1, "b" - 2, "c" - 4;

9. “a” - 1, “b” - 4, “c” - 2;

10. "a" - 4, "b" - 2, "c" - 1;

35 or more points– it is very easy for you to form an opinion about a person. All you have to do is look at someone and you already know what kind of “bird” he is. In addition, you can immediately tell him your opinion, since you are convinced that you were not mistaken. But even if this is so, think about it: is it wise to tell everyone what you think of them? This is unlikely to change anything; rather, it will cause irritation. Or do you want to show that no one can “lead you by the nose”? But this is not the most reasonable solution.

From 26 to 34 points – You know how to objectively assess situations and those around you. You really have a “sense” for people, and it will not be difficult for you to guess a person’s character. You would make an excellent psychologist. You do not allow yourself to take other people's opinions for granted. You prefer to see for yourself what kind of person you are evaluating. This is very good quality for teachers and managers. And if you realize that you were wrong, you will not be afraid to admit it.

From 16 to 25 points– you, as a rule, are not confident in your opinion, and easily accept an outside point of view. Thus, your powers of observation become dulled and all this may ultimately lead to the fact that you will not be able to formulate your own opinions at all. Try to evaluate another person at least once in your own way.

15 or less points– you are often ready to believe anyone. You are extremely gullible and judge people only by their external signs. When it later turns out that your assessment was completely wrong, you are amazed and upset. You will face mistakes that you make for the same reason - due to an incorrect assessment of people.

How to understand yourself? Many people are familiar with this issue firsthand. Each of us has probably compared ourselves with the people around us, thought about the reasons for our actions, and found ourselves in a situation of choice. We are all different. Why does my neighbor run in the morning, my friend plays in the theater, and I spit at the ceiling? Why do I do this, what do I want, how do I know what kind of person I am? We are looking for an answer in personality psychology, which allows us to understand both the essence of human nature and individual characteristics a specific person.

What kind of temperament am I?

We are all born with a certain temperament, that is, with a set of mental personality traits that manifest themselves in our behavior. Temperament cannot be changed, unlike character. We are sure that everyone has heard about the types and poles of temperament.

Temperament types

  • Choleric is an optimist, fast, active, hot-tempered, unbalanced, impatient, impulsive, conflictual, vulnerable.
  • A sanguine person is cheerful, active, fast, friendly, responsive, sociable, and easily copes with failures.
  • Phlegmatic - peace-loving, calm, restrained, leisurely, attentive, passive, lethargic, indifferent.
  • Melancholic - reasonable, assiduous, easily vulnerable, non-conflict, slow, anxious, shy, withdrawn.

Poles of temperament

  • Extrovert - outward-oriented, sociable, open, active, adaptable.
  • Introvert - self-oriented, inward, calm, shy, focused.

The types and poles described above contain extreme characteristics of temperament. There are no 100% sanguine people or pure melancholic people. You can find out which type is closest to you using tests.

Temperament type test

There are psychological techniques that can be used to determine what type of temperament I am. We recommend quite simple online test on the temperament of G. Eysenck, which anyone can pass without having a psychological education. If you want to manually process your results, understand the essence of the Eysenck circle and give the test to your friends, then refer to the questionnaire with instructions.

Test: introvert or extrovert

We suggest you turn to the well-known method of K. Jung, which will allow you to determine online which personality type predominates in you.

What kind of character am I?

Character, unlike temperament, can be changed. Of course, it is determined by innate characteristics, but to a greater extent depends on the environment, on the person’s surroundings. Kind, polite, greedy, envious, capricious, affectionate, persistent - all these are character traits.

Diagnosis of character by a psychologist

If you take the matter seriously, we recommend studying the character accentuation method of G. Smishek and K. Leonhard. Here you will see the questionnaire, instructions for processing the results and their interpretation. Please note that character accentuations (types) in this technique are extreme variants of the norm, that is, all the traits of the described character are too strengthened and sharpened.

Online tests, what kind of character am I?

For fun, you can use the collection of popular character tests http://www.opentests.ru/personality/character.html. They really show your character traits and help you better understand and describe yourself.

  • Take the test for

Over the past decade, psychological testing has become more and more widely used in various fields social practice. Already in kindergarten, readiness for learning, the level of development of cognitive processes and other characteristics of the child are determined.

When entering school, the child again faces psychological tests and techniques. Psychologists and teachers identify characteristics of character and temperament, motivation, emotional sphere, determine the causes of academic failure, violations of interpersonal contacts in school groups. In high school, when it’s time to define oneself, psychologists help identify professional preferences and inclinations. Many professions require a person to have certain psychological qualities. Unfortunately, not all of them can be developed and corrected, creating restrictions on engaging in certain types of activities, so timely testing can help detect these restrictions and thereby prevent unnecessary costs for training and possible personal problems in connection with an unsuccessfully chosen profession.

The main goal that we set for ourselves when studying the course “Psychology and Pedagogy” was very accurately formulated by the ancient Greeks, when they wrote on one of their temples: “Know yourself!” The most interesting object on Earth for a person is himself. It would seem that we know ourselves from birth, but the more we think about it, the more we realize that we are a mystery to ourselves. Psychological tests are aimed at lifting this veil of secrecy. During the classes, working independently and at the same time in a group, each participant will learn something new about himself. Perhaps you will discover hidden potential in yourself, or maybe you will discover something that you would like to get rid of. IN in this case Correction and development methods can help.

This manual contains materials for conducting practical classes in the course “Psychology and Pedagogy”. The collection includes classic tests developed by domestic and foreign psychologists. Tests and exercises are selected as follows: firstly, they must correspond to the course being studied, secondly, working with the test should not take more than 20-30 minutes (since class time is limited) and, thirdly, they can be used in a group setting work. In order to relieve the burden on practical classes, students can be asked to perform some tests independently, but with a mandatory discussion of the results in class. The course is designed for one semester and is intended for full-time and part-time students of all faculties of KSTU.

1 Introduction to psychology Test “What kind of psychologist are you?”

Without thinking too much, choose one of the options, write down the question number and the points next to it, then add them up.

1. In your opinion, those who always adhere to the rules of good manners:

Polite, pleasant to use - 2 points;

Strictly brought up - 4 points;

They simply hide their true character - 1 point.

2. You know a married couple who never argue. In your:

They are happy - 2 points;

Indifferent to each other - 1 point;

They have no trust in each other - 4 points.

3. You see a person for the first time, and he immediately starts telling you jokes and making jokes. You decide that he:

Witty - 1 point;

He feels insecure and thus tries to get out of this unpleasant state - 2 points;

Wants to make a good impression on you - 4 points.

4. You are talking with someone about an interesting topic, your interlocutor accompanies the conversation with gestures. Do you think that he:

Worried - 4 points;

Insincere - 1 point.

5. You decided to get to know someone you know better. Do you think it is necessary:

Invite him to any company - 1 point;

Watch him in action - 2 points.

6. Someone in a restaurant gives a big tip. Are you convinced:

He wants to impress - 4 points;

He needs the waitress's favor - 2 points;

This is from the generosity of the soul - 1 point.

7. If a person never starts a conversation first, then you think:

He is secretive or does not want to talk - 2 points;

He is too timid - 4 points;

He is afraid of being misunderstood - 1 point.

8. In your opinion, a person’s low forehead means:

Stupidity - 1 point;

Stubbornness - 2 points;

You cannot say anything specific about the person - 4 points.

9. What do you think about a person who does not look others in the eye:

He has an inferiority complex - 1 point;

He is insincere - 4 points;

He is too distracted - 2 points.

10. A person with high income always buys cheap things. You think:

He is thrifty - 4 points;

He is modest - 2 points;

He is a miser - 1 point.

The amount of points scored is compared with interpretation:

35 or more points . It is very easy for you to form an opinion about a person. All you have to do is look at someone and you already know what kind of bird he is. In addition, you can immediately tell him your opinion, since you are convinced that you were not mistaken. But even if this is so, think about it: is it wise to tell everyone what you think of them? This is unlikely to change anything; rather, it will cause irritation. Or do you want to show that no one can “lead you by the nose”?

From 26 to 34 points . You know how to objectively assess situations and others. You really have a “sense” for people, and it will not be difficult for you to guess a person’s character. You would make an excellent psychologist. You do not allow yourself to take other people’s opinions on faith; you prefer to see for yourself what the person you are evaluating is like. This is a very good quality for teachers and leaders. If you realize that you have made a mistake, you will not be afraid to admit it.

From 16 to 25 point ov . As a rule, you are not confident in your opinion and easily accept an outside point of view. Thus, your powers of observation become dulled and all this, in the end, can lead to the fact that you will not be able to formulate your own independent opinion at all. Try to evaluate another person at least once in your own way.

15 or less point ov . You are often ready to believe anyone. You are extremely gullible and judge people only by external signs. When it later turns out that your assessment was completely wrong, you are amazed and upset. You will face mistakes that you will make for the same reason - due to an incorrect assessment of people...

Instructions. Each of us has to evaluate others. Naturally, it is not easy to do this objectively, especially when the necessary psychodiagnostic techniques are not at hand. This test will help you find out if you have abilities in the field of psychology, the ability to realistically evaluate people, or you often “sin” towards them.

1. In your opinion, those who always adhere to the rules of good manners:

A) polite, pleasant to talk to;

b) strictly brought up;

V) They are simply hiding their true character.

2. You know a married couple who never argue. In your:

A) they are happy;

b) indifferent to each other;

V) they have no trust in each other.

3. You meet a person for the first time, and he immediately starts telling you jokes. You decide that he:

A) wit;

b) he feels insecure and thus tries to get out of this unpleasant state;

V) wants to make a good impression on you.

4. You are talking about an interesting topic, your interlocutor accompanies the conversation with gestures. Do you think he:

A) worries;

b) insincere.

5. You decide to get to know someone you know better. Do you think it is necessary:

A) invite him to any company;

b) watch him in action.

6. Someone in a restaurant gives a big tip. Are you convinced:

A) he wants to impress;

b) he needs the waiter's favor;

V) this is from the generosity of the soul.

7. If a person never initiates a conversation first, you think:

A) he is secretive;

b) he is too timid;

V) he is afraid of being misunderstood.

8. In your opinion, a person's low forehead means:

A) stupidity;

b) stubbornness;

V) It is impossible to say anything specific about a person.

9. What do you think of a person who never looks others in the eye:

A) he has an inferiority complex;

b) he is insincere;

V) he's too distracted.

10. A person with high income always buys cheap things. You think:

A) he is thrifty;

b) he is modest;

V) he's a cheapskate.

To calculate points and determine your result, use the following “key”:

1. "a" - 2, "b" - 4, "c" - 1;

2. “a” - 2, “b” - 1, “c” - 4;

3. “a” - 1, “b” - 2, “c” - 4;

4. "a" - 4, "b" - 1;

5. "a" - 1, "b" - 2;

6. “a” - 4, “b” - 2, “c” - 1;

7. "a" - 2, "6" - 4, "b" -1;

8. "a" - 1, "b" - 2, "c" - 4;

9. “a” - 1, “b” - 4, “c” - 2;

10. "a" - 4, "b" - 2, "c" - 1;

35 or more points– it is very easy for you to form an opinion about a person. All you have to do is look at someone and you already know what kind of “bird” he is. In addition, you can immediately tell him your opinion, since you are convinced that you were not mistaken. But even if this is so, think about it: is it wise to tell everyone what you think of them? This is unlikely to change anything; rather, it will cause irritation. Or do you want to show that no one can “lead you by the nose”? But this is not the most reasonable solution.

From 26 to 34 points – You know how to objectively assess situations and those around you. You really have a “sense” for people, and it will not be difficult for you to guess a person’s character. You would make an excellent psychologist. You do not allow yourself to take other people's opinions for granted. You prefer to see for yourself what kind of person you are evaluating. This is a very good quality for teachers and leaders. And if you realize that you were wrong, you will not be afraid to admit it.

From 16 to 25 points– you, as a rule, are not confident in your opinion, and easily accept an outside point of view. Thus, your powers of observation become dulled and all this may ultimately lead to the fact that you will not be able to formulate your own opinions at all. Try to evaluate another person at least once in your own way.

15 or less points– you are often ready to believe anyone. You are extremely gullible and judge people only by external signs. When it later turns out that your assessment was completely wrong, you are amazed and upset. You will face mistakes that you make for the same reason - due to an incorrect assessment of people.

I do not pretend that with the help of this test you can really understand whether you are a good psychologist or a bad one. But perhaps the result will make you think about your understanding of some situations. Before moving on to the test, I would like to draw your attention to the following:

  • The test will not provide results until ALL questions have been answered.
  • Some (I emphasize: SOME!) correct answers are not the absolute truth, but only reflect the personal opinion of the test author, although quite reasonable.
  • To answer MOST questions, you don’t need any special knowledge, you just need to think logically.
  • So DO NOT TAKE THE RESULT CLOSE TO YOUR HEART, especially if it is unsatisfactory for you.
  • All answers are explained on this page.
  • It is advisable to read the instructions given below (click on the word “Instructions”).

So let's get started!

Are you a good psychologist?


  • Choose one of the options in each of the 23 questions;
  • Click on the "Show result" button;
  • The script will not show the result until you answer all the questions;
  • Look in the window next to the task number. If the answer is correct, then there is a (+). If you made a mistake, there is (-).
  • For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded;
  • Ratings: less than 11.5 points - UNSATISFACTORY, from 11.5 but less than 17.25 - SATISFACTORY, 17.25 and less than 23 - GOOD, 23 - EXCELLENT;
  • To reset the test result, click the "Reset answers" button;
  1. Can a person without a psychological education be called a psychologist?
    Yes, you can, if he understands people well.
    Yes, it is possible, but only if he is fully familiar with the university psychology program (for example, he studied it on his own).
    It’s impossible, because real psychological knowledge in full can only be obtained by a university graduate in psychology.
  2. A consulting psychologist should always give his client a clear and specific advice what should he do in this situation? Do you agree with this?
    Yes. This is why people go to a consultant.
    Not necessarily, it all depends on the situation.
    It is highly undesirable for a consultant to give direct advice to a client.
  3. It is known that psychological techniques conflict-free communication V real life often don't work. In your opinion, why does this happen?
    Not taken into account additional factors influencing the situation.
    IN stressful situation all the techniques just fly out of my head.
    Both previous options are correct.
  4. Does mental elaboration of complexly coordinated actions provide any practical benefit? For example, difficult movements in sports, dancing, or playing a musical instrument.
    Yes, there are benefits: it is enough to practice such actions only mentally, without physical training, and real result will improve on its own.
    There is a benefit, but only if you combine mental training with real physical training, and the share of physical training should be larger.
    There is a benefit, but it is very insignificant: nothing can replace physical training.
  5. A typical problem for unsuccessful people is this:
    They do not have a clearly defined goal.
    They lack action and activity.
    Both are true.
  6. Is it possible to change your character traits at will?
    A person's character may change during his life, but at will it cannot be changed.
    Character is generally not subject to change throughout a person’s life.
  7. If a person has a higher education, can we say that his level of intelligence is high?
    Of course, completed higher education is an indicator of a person’s high intellectual level.
    Not necessary. Receiving any education helps to increase the level of intelligence, but is not at all an indicator of it.
    Level of education has nothing to do with intelligence at all. An indicator of intelligence is completely different qualities of a person.
  8. Is using techniques to manipulate people something immoral?
    Yes, of course, using manipulation techniques is immoral!
    Not necessary. Manipulation techniques can be used for both immoral purposes and positive ones.
    There is nothing immoral in using manipulation techniques, because the laws of society are as follows: either you control or you are controlled.
  9. Which of the following is most important when a psychologist conducts professional selection (i.e. studies personal qualities candidate for a job or service)?
    Clearly define the purpose of professional selection.
    Give as many different psychodiagnostic techniques as possible.
    Both are true.
  10. Is there any reason to consider psychology a pseudoscience?
    There are reasons: all psychological knowledge is vague, the laws are imprecise.
    There are reasons: psychology is not a holistic science, it is a set of theories and hypotheses that often contradict each other.
    There are no such reasons. Psychology can easily be classified as a normal, full-fledged science, although it has its own characteristics.
  11. Is an authoritarian leadership style acceptable in modern work (office) teams?
    It is acceptable and even desirable, because then the team works more harmoniously and effectively.
    Acceptable, but only in teams with a certain composition of people and specific activities.
    Authoritarian style generally unacceptable in modern society, This worst case scenario team management.
  12. Is it acceptable for a psychologist to be hot-tempered and unrestrained?
    Yes, this is quite acceptable: a psychologist is also a person, just like everyone else.
    At work, such behavior is unacceptable (for example, when communicating with clients during a consultation), but during some personal or everyday communication it is quite acceptable.
    No. A psychologist must be able to control himself in any situation. If he is hot-tempered and unrestrained, then he is no longer a psychologist.
  13. Can a person change his temperament at will?
    Yes it is possible.
    It is impossible to change your temperament on your own. But this can be done with the help of a hypnotist or a good psychotherapist.
    This is impossible.
  14. Relaxation (i.e. relaxing the body muscles) is quite popular among psychologists corrective exercise. In your opinion, is relaxation really effective for solving some psychological problems?
    Yes, releasing muscle tension helps to automatically solve many psychological problems.
    Relaxation is useful, but it is an auxiliary action in solving psychological problems.
    Relaxation is good for health, but has nothing to do with solving a person’s psychological problems.
  15. In your opinion, are there manipulation techniques in which, with the help of certain words and gestures, you can hypnotize a person: a) quickly (for example, within 2-3 minutes, or even a few seconds), b) against his will, c) in a natural situation (for example, when meeting on the street)?
    Yes, such techniques exist, although such hypnosis does not work for 15-20% of people.
    Yes, such techniques exist, they work on about 40-50% of people.
    No, such techniques do not exist.
  16. As you know, age-related crises in children can proceed quite violently and cause a lot of trouble for both adults and the child himself. What does the rapid progress of such a crisis indicate?
    That this child’s development is proceeding normally.
    The fact that the child’s development is neglected from a psychological and pedagogical point of view.
    At proper education no child age crises It shouldn't exist at all.
  17. Is it possible to quickly (within a few seconds) and at will change your psychological condition to solve some urgent problems? For example, in the event of an emergency.
    Yes, you can.
    It's possible, but it takes at least a few minutes.
    You cannot change your psychological state at will. It changes only under the influence of external factors.
  18. The impact on the human subconscious, according to many psychologists, is absolutely effective way manipulation. Do you agree with this?
    Yes, I completely agree.
    I can't agree. This is far from it trouble-free way, as they often try to present him.
    There's a lot of talk about this, but in my opinion it doesn't work at all.
  19. If you imagine long and hard desired result, then it will definitely appear to you, and by itself (this is called the “technique of wish fulfillment”). Do you believe this?
    Yes it is possible.
    Yes, this is possible, but it concerns only the personal qualities of a person, and not material values.
    Of course I don’t believe in such nonsense! Why would this happen all of a sudden?
  20. Does the style of team leadership depend on the number of people in this team?
    Yes, it depends. Moreover, the number of people is a decisive factor for the leadership style.
    Yes, it depends, and may even be a decisive factor (or may not be).
    The number of people in the team does not affect the leadership style at all.
  21. What, in your opinion, is the main indicator of human intelligence?
    Life experience.
    General level of erudition, erudition.
    The ability to think flexibly and quickly reconfigure your thinking.
  22. Can a person who has his own unresolved psychological problems be called a professional psychologist?
    Yes, sure. A psychologist is also only a person.
    It is possible if these problems are small and not serious.
    Of course not! What kind of psychologist is this then?!
  23. How do you feel about the “25th frame” method?
    This most effective method manipulation of people using electronic media.
    This method is effectively used for teaching. For example, foreign languages.
    This is all lies and quackery.

Question to a psychologist

I am 18 years old. I am entering Tyumen State University: Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy, Social Management.
I passed my exams and applied to become an educational psychologist - I would like to become good psychologist talk to people and help solve their problems... which lie inside them...
I have a great desire and desire to help...
I'll give you a trivial example from my childhood
when I was a kid I wanted to become a super hero)))
then after a while in grade 4 or 5 I wanted to become a lawyer, then a couple of years later when I entered college and I had problems, I went to a psychologist who worked for us in college, I asked what interested me and so on, and then one day I asked what is the work of a psychologist and all that and I became interested in whether I could become a psychologist and help people...?
I don’t even know, but for some reason after a while I had such a desire
This is probably all nonsense... but still I’m interested in how you think I can become a psychologist...?

Hello, Alexander! the most important thing is that there is a desire (and therefore there is motivation) - however, the essence of motivation is important (after all, the reasons for which one becomes a psychologist vary - personal problems and the desire to solve them; self-realization; profit; help...) and depending on this they work differently! the most constructive motivation is, of course, helping other people - however, it should be taken into account that this is a difficult path and, in addition to the desire to be here, some personal qualities are also important (depending, of course, on the direction you have chosen), as well as high level empathy (so to speak - to be able to feel a person’s state), as well as intuition, in order to find Right way at work; Also an important factor is ability (in which direction)

If you want to find out what inclinations you have specifically for this area - abilities, personal characteristics, motivational component - then for this you can take a career guidance test to really get to know yourself and your capabilities.

Alexander, if you really decide to figure it out, feel free to contact me - call me - I’ll be glad to help you!

Good answer 4 Bad answer 0

Alexander, just the desire to “talk with people” in order to become a psychologist will not be enough. And in order to “help solve their problems... which lie inside them...” - it is important to solve their problems that lie within you.

You have already realized that without a psychologist you cannot cope with something and turned to a specialist (then, during your studies)... Contact now, find a professional who will not only ask the abstract question, “what interested me and so on” , but will help you find what creates discomfort in your life...

Good answer 4 Bad answer 1