Scenario of a banquet for parents, graduation in the garden. New script for the entertainment program "World Graduation!"

1 presenter:

Wonderland sends greetings to you!
All the doors are about to open.
To the sounds of a waltz, to the orchestra
They will come here...

2 presenter:

Are we waiting for someone?

1 presenter:

Have you forgotten? How is it possible?
Today is a holiday for the guys,
Who reaped the fruits of the teachings year after year!
Learned to write syllable by syllable
Read and put words together
Who became friends with mathematics?
And I learned Russian in full.

2 presenter:

Another minute and they will appear
Slightly worried and embarrassed
Heroes of the evening, princesses of the holiday
Our graduates!

1 presenter:

So, meet the participants of the holiday!

The guys come in to the tune

Let it not be silent in your souls

Let it sound and excite again

Ageless School Waltz

Echoes of prom night

(children dance the waltz)

2 presenter:

Why are we all today
So elegant and cute?
Maybe we can feel the breath
Is spring approaching?
No, spring has come a long time ago
She met us in March.
And today, on a May day,
We can't stay at home
Because we are coming in the spring
Graduation holiday has arrived.

Oh, how many times in the spacious hall

We celebrated the holidays with you

Although, I'll tell you a secret

I'm sad at this moment

1 presenter:

Dear mothers, dear dads!. We all graduated from primary school and entered 5th grade. We invite you all to celebrate this great victory in our lives.

2 presenter:

Now let’s give the floor to our graduates.

Available in the year various holidays,
And today is our holiday.
Again, like the first time, the graduates are coming
To your friendly first class.
And the parents stand on the sidelines
And they look at us with excitement

It's like everyone saw it for the first time
Your boys have grown up.

We will sing, dance and have fun here.
Or maybe a miracle will really happen...
Let's start the holiday quickly,
It's time for us, friends, to receive guests.
I know that you will certainly ask us:
Who are the main guests at the holiday?
I will answer you without even blinking an eye, -
These are 4th grade kids. "A"

In 4 years we have grown by 24 cm.

Gained 13.5 kg

Learned about 60 rules in mathematics

We studied the history of our country from Kievan Rus to the present day

We learned to sew, embroider, draw, glue.

Learned to be naughty during recess

And behave correctly in class

We learned the structure of our body and how to properly care for it.

We learned to give hints so that both the friend and the teacher could hear it.

We haven’t forgotten how to ask a lot of questions.

Learned about the structure of the solar system, about the Earth and its inhabitants

Learned about fifty poems by heart

Countless pens, rulers, erasers and pencils have been lost and broken.

Each was on duty about 80 times

We became close friends and fell in love with the school.

Uch. In 4 years, you have heard the school bell ring 6,500 times. Today this bell will ring again. This is the memory of the first school day, about lessons and changes, about how difficult but interesting it is to learn, about the fact that the time has come to part with primary school.

Teacher: It seems like only yesterday that our school life and the first textbook, and the first bell, and our very significant first lesson began. Let's dedicate this evening to memories of how we lived for 4 years.

Scene “Choice of a profession”

Ivan. How can you not understand me, mother, there are many of them, but I am alone!

Mother. Son, well, you make up your mind! Do you really dislike them all?

Ivan. Yes, yes, yes! That's the trouble, everyone is loved! How do you choose who loves you the most?!

Mother. Well, that's easy. When there is a lot, you can choose. Are you either too capricious or too picky?

Ivan. I'm not capricious!

Mother. Fine, fine. Tell me this: maybe you don’t like one of them?

Ivan. If! Each one only dreams that I would link my destiny with her.

Mother. How quick everyone is these days! Well, if that’s the case, I’m not your advisor. Let your heart tell you, and I’ll go, I have more than enough to do! (Leaves.)

Ivan. Stop! Mother! Mother!

Mother. Well, what are you doing?

Ivan (bitterly). How many years have I fought them off, but now... now I have to decide and make a choice!

Mother (cheerfully). Well, do it! The main thing is that the dowry is larger! (Leaves.)

Ivan. What other dowry? What is she talking about? Well, she left. Once again I was left alone with my unresolved problem. Eh, brother, here’s what: I’ll go to the gypsies. There they will tell me fortunes, and maybe even give me advice. Exactly! I'm on my way!

A soundtrack of gypsy songs plays. Gypsies and gypsies sit on the stage. Someone tells fortunes using cards, someone reads their hands, someone looks at jewelry, etc. Seeing the person entering, some of them rise to meet him and lead him by the arms to the edge of the stage.

1st gypsy. Look, look! Who came to us!
2nd gypsy. Ivan! Ivan!

3rd gypsy. Hello, master!

1st gypsy. Are you thinking of having some fun, master?

Ivan. Good health to all, gypsies, but I’m not in the mood for fun today!

2nd gypsy. Why, master?

3rd gypsy. Tea, what trouble happened, our dear friend?

Ivan. I need to determine my destiny. Finally and irrevocably.

1st gypsy (sighing sadly). So you have found it, your destiny...

Ivan. That's it, not yet, but this is an urgent matter. I'm having a hard time choosing, so to speak. That's all hope for you.

2nd gypsy. Are you speaking to us? Are you looking for your destiny somewhere else? Will you forget us right away?!

Ivan. I am too educated a person, and accordingly they expect noble actions from me. And I won’t get away from you, I swear!

3rd gypsy. OK! Why did you pester the master?! That's not why he came here!

1st gypsy. Why did you come, master?

Ivan. Eh, tell your fortune, dears!

All. 0-o-oh!

2nd gypsy. But you didn’t believe in our fortune telling before!

Ivan. And now I believe, I believe! I believe in everything!

3rd gypsy. It’s not in vain, apparently, that I studied!

1st gypsy. OK then. We'll tell your fortune. Call our beautiful Roxana. Even if she tells fortunes, her words always come true.

An elegant gypsy girl appears, Ivan cannot hide his admiration, he gives her his hand, and together they go to the center of the stage.

Roxana. What, master, haven’t you changed your mind? Tell your fortune?

Ivan. Tell your fortune, honey!

Roxana. Won't you regret it?

Ivan. No, come what may!

Roxana. Well, master, it's your choice. (Looks at his palm.) I’ll tell you everything! Your whole life is in the palm of your hand! Let's start with the past!

Roxana and Ivan retreat into the background. A fragment of any song about school plays on the soundtrack, the bell rings and a group of children rises onto the stage.

Holding my mother's hand securely,
Then we went to class for the first time
For my very first lesson in my life.
Who met us first? School bell!

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From mother's warm hands
The teacher took your hand.

We remember that cheerful call,
What rang for us for the first time,
When we entered the school with flowers,
To my first, best, class.
How the teacher greeted me at the door,
Our faithful friend for many days,
And a big noisy family
New girlfriends and friends.

Sitting down at your desk carefully,
So as not to wrinkle the school uniform,
We have revealed our ABCs,
They opened a blank notebook.
Laughter and tears, joy and sadness
Over the years we have experienced
But we don’t feel sorry for our efforts -
Books are now easy for us to read.

Help me out, wands, help me out!
Get in order in my first notebook!
Don't go beyond the line! Keep your back straight!
Why are you standing there at random? I got it for you again!
But my teacher doesn't know
And even my mother doesn’t know
How hard it is to teach you
May you stand straight!

They scold Oleg
For small letters,
They scold and groan
And the letters are tiny
They play hide and seek in his notebook.
Here is the tiny “O” lurking like that,
It was as if a bead had fallen into the grass.

They scold Andryushenka
For the long letters,
For different letters -
Curves are dirty,
And the letters are devils
Well, not otherwise!
Rubbed with an elastic band
They're jumping line by line!

Yes, writing letters is a very difficult task!
Others write easily and beautifully,
And whatever I do, it’s crooked and crooked!
Sometimes you look into other people's notebooks -
Words are like soldiers standing at a parade.
And here…
It was like a storm passed across the page.
It's time, oh, it's time
And I have to learn.
It's a shame, brothers!

If I were a minister
All primary and secondary schools,
I'd be at school very quickly
Canceled the “count” rating
At your disposal
I would attribute the words
What else is there to destroy?
Subject to a rating of two.
And then, after thinking for a night
From dawn to dawn,
I would order without delay
Eliminate the “three” rating.
So that learning is not a torment,
So as not to upset mothers,
To learn with pleasure
On “four” and “five”.

Uch. The children have learned hundreds of lessons since the first school bell called them on their way. Which lessons were your favorite?

Scene "Pisalkin"


1. Scene: “Oh, hello!”

Oh, hello! I'm looking, isn't it you?

What did you pour? I didn't spill anything!

Don't pour it out! I say: “Aren’t you?

Oh, howl! (to the audience) Who? Did they howl? Why were they howling?

No...I'm talking about you - aren't you?

No, I didn't howl.

Well, they didn't howl.

I'm afraid you're the only one who understands what you want to say?

No, I’m not the only one, but we...

Who are we?

-(explains with a gesture) You, we, you, me

Who's washed up?

No, I'm talking about all of you - you, we, you, me

Are they all washed? (to the audience) Are they washed? Who do you think is unwashed? Who are you talking about? Isn't it about me?

What did they change?

I say: “Isn’t it about me?”

Oh, you weren't exchanged?

No, we can't figure it out.

Math problems

“The hen Ryaba laid an egg, and the mouse took it and broke it. Ryaba laid 3 more eggs. The mouse broke these too. Ryaba strained and demolished 5 more, but the unscrupulous mouse smashed these too. How many eggs could grandpa and grandma make scrambled eggs from if they hadn’t spoiled the mouse? (9).”

“Mom got herself some cacti. When 3-year-old Masha carefully shaved half of her mother’s cacti with her father’s razor, her mother still had 12 left. How many unshaved cacti did her mother have?

What’s heavier, a pound of twos or a pound of fives?”

Question for dads: What unit of mass and what does a horse kill? (gram of nicotine)

What fraction of kg is this? (1/1000)

Yes, we have seen a lot in 4 years. There were fun and boring lessons, difficult and easy, and then there was RHETORIC. I dedicate a poem to this subject.

Sema unfolded his notebook:
“Well,” he said, “I’ll start writing.
The essay is:
“I’m visiting my grandmother”
I'll write with one foot,
For me this is nothing!
Rest my notebook,
From mistakes this time;
I intend to write briefly,
Avoiding unnecessary phrases!”
And Sema beautifully summed it up:
“I came - she’s not at home”

“Where should Andryusha go if all year he dreams of climbing a palm tree and eating his fill of bananas?

“What mineral should Olya throw into the compote? large quantities quietly and unnoticed so that Artem couldn’t drink?

The guys sat in a row on a log

And the three of them talk quietly about school.

I like school - suddenly Dasha said

All my life, guys, I've been dreaming about school.

I like the teacher - Pasha said

He is as kind as I have ever seen.

And to me, Zhenya said after a little hesitation

I like change best.

Change is coming, all the boys are on the carpet

Someone wanted to climb the wall

Who slid down the wall.

Who is briskly jumping under the desk?

Someone is looking for their pencil case

But it simply means

That our class is up in arms

16 – in the naughty class

16- We declare loudly “We have fun”

1. Everyone has their first time sometime
Accepted to first grade!
And the children dreamed
About everything in the world

2. I will be an archaeologist!
3 Well, I’m a geologist!
4. I will be a builder!
5. And then I became the driver!
6. I want to be an artist!
7. I want to teach children!
8. I will be a writer!
9. And I am an entrepreneur!
10. I will be a businessman!
11. Well, I’m an athlete!


Quiet, children! Do not make noise!
Hurry up to class.
You will learn everything
While you're at school.
It will be easier for you to decide
What to become after school!

Scene "Family"
Everyone leaves, Roxana brings Ivan to the front of the stage, the curtain closes behind them.

Roxana. Do you remember? Do you remember? Your first teacher, your first grade, first lesson. Do you recognize yourself among these children, Ivan?

Ivan (confused). No... Although all this is so familiar. True, now I can’t believe that all this happened to me.

Roxana. You are seriously sad, Ivan, but this was your past. Now you'll start new life. Tell me, what is she like, your beloved? Did you see her?

Ivan. Whom?

Roxana. Your beloved.

Ivan. What? What other lover?

Roxana. The one you wanted to marry.

Ivan. I? Marry? This is too much!

Roxana. Well, you said it yourself: I can’t make up my mind, I don’t know who to stop at...

Ivan. Not on whom, but on which one.

Roxana. You see now.

Ivan. So I was talking about sciences.

Roxana. About science?!

Ivan. Exhausted! I can't give preference to any one. I love them all, I taught them all, and the grades are the same for all of them! I don’t know who I should become, what I should decide on.

Roxana. Is it true?

Ivan. Is it true.

Roxana. And it's all? So you haven't thought about getting married?

Ivan. Well of course not!

Roxana. Well then everything is simpler. I can give you some advice.

Ivan. Well?! Don't languish!

Ivan. Hooray! Indeed, it’s too early for me to think about work, I’ll go on studying!

Song about elementary school (“Small Country”)
1 to.

We know everything that is in the world
Little country.
The country has its own name -
“Elementary school.”
There are many discoveries waiting for you there,
There is no evil or grief there,
The teacher controls everything there
And knowledge gives light!

Chorus (2 times):

Primary school!
You are in my heart forever!
A class where the teacher is strict and gentle,
A class where it's always spring!

We remember how they brought us for the first time
Moms hold us by the hand,
And we followed the teacher
In a bright spacious classroom.
At our native school we knew for sure
That we will always be understood
That we are in any bad weather
School moms are waiting!

Chorus (2 times).

Here we became students
And made friends.
We've grown up a little here
We became a little smarter.
We studied in elementary school,
But years have passed:
We grew up and said goodbye
It's time for us!

Host: And how many talents we have, even now we can film the TV magazine “Yeralash”!

1st scene.
1st student: Did you hear? The teacher put an ink in the magazine. To the main page! I saw it myself.
2nd student: If only for my unit!
3rd student: If only I could get a bad grade!
4th student: Oh! Just not for my C!

2nd scene.
Teacher: Do you chat in class?
Student: No.
Teacher: Are you cheating?
Student: What are you talking about!
Teacher: Are you fighting?
Student: Never!
Teacher: Do you have any shortcomings?
Student: I lie a lot.

Teacher: Danil, you are giving Yulia a hint. I'll give it two for a hint.
Student: Two? But I also gave Yura a hint! Maybe you can put it at four?

4th scene.
Teacher: Misha, your essay about a dog is word for word similar to your sister’s essay.
Student: Well, we have one dog between us.

1. Two slams, two stomps

2. From heel to toe

3. Russian fairy tales dance

4. Higher nose and arms to the side

5. Solve the riddle

6. What a dance, what a style

7. Cheerful as a three-row

8. It’s called…..quadrille

They dance a dance, then invite their parents

For all 4 years, moving with you from class to class, rejoicing at your victories and upset at your failures, your parents were next to you.

The stage is decorated with a picture from an airport waiting room.

The phonogram “At the Airport” plays.

At this time, graduates come onto the stage one after another (with suitcases and bags in their hands), approach the microphone one by one and say:

- We bought tickets to Orenburg, I ask my mother and relatives not to worry... - We.... We bought tickets to Chelyabinsk, and we went to Moscow,...

The graduates remain on stage, portraying passengers waiting for planes.

When everyone is assembled, sounds sound like before an announcement at the airport (ta-ta-ta) and immediately after these sounds the “Voice of the Duty Officer” is heard:

- Attention! Dear graduates, dear teachers and parents! We invite you to take a cruise on the Anniversary Edition 2013 aircraft. Ticket registration for flight 20-13 is announced at counter 11 “B” class.

Everyone leaves the stage. The song “A Flight Attendant named Zhanna” is played, to which people come out dressed as flight attendants classroom teacher and 2 graduates.


A flight attendant comes on stage and acts as a presenter (Class Teacher)

Flight attendant 1. Dear passengers! Flight 20 -13 of the “Anniversary Edition” aircraft is dedicated to graduates of the 11th “b” class of 2013. Today we will take an unforgettable cruise around the world, the duration of which will be 11 stellar years school life. The temperature outside is 25-27 degrees above zero, on board 35-37 degrees above zero. We welcome our passengers!

All the students come on stage and sing the song “Song about school everyday life” (to the tune of “We are all birds of passage”).

We are migratory bird friends

And now we remember that

How pages flew around the classroom

About love, about benzene, about binomial.

More fun, more fun, sing from the stage

The school is ours, the school is our home

First thing, first thing change,

Well, knowledge, and then knowledge.

We remembered today guys,

As they rushed up the stairs in a crowd,

Why leave salads for the girls?

And divide the cutlets among each other.

We remember how we ran away from class,

Like looking out the window in the spring

How they decorated a spruce tree with garlands

And now we’re leaving completely.

Everyone is launching airplanes into the hall

Flight Attendant 1. We are pleased to welcome you on board our aircraft. We ask you to loosen your belts and belts and sit comfortably. During the flight it is prohibited: to be bored; eject from an airplane before it lands; pronounce words prohibited for school graduates: “I can’t”, “I don’t want”, “I don’t know”. During the flight you are allowed to: congratulate each other on successfully graduating from school; give gifts to all passengers of the Anniversary Edition aircraft.

Dear passengers! Our plane is heading for Ukraine. Please tune in to the wave of joy and Ukrainian humor, which is as diverse as Ukraine itself.


The students leave the stage, the presenters remain.

Stewardess. And we continue our unforgettable flight! Don't forget that you can spread the virus during your flight Have a good mood on others; sing songs, read poetry, improvise, confess love to each other. Our next stop is Japan.


Stewardess. Of course, it is unknown what awaits you tomorrow. Life can present you not only with happy gifts, but sometimes with disappointments. Or maybe even play a cruel joke on you. For example, this... Imagine that you find yourself at a university where three applicants have to pass exams...

SCENE “Exam at the University” - four students come on stage, one as an examiner, three as applicants, on the table there is a sign “The exam is going on quietly.”

Examiner for the first applicant:
- How much is 2x2?
— 5!
- What if you think about it?
— 5!
- What if you think about it?
— 5!
Examiner aside:
- FOOL! But persistent! We must accept it! Next!
- How much is 2x2?
— 3!
- What if you think about it?
— 5!
- What if you think about it?
— 6!
Examiner aside:
- STUPID, but flexible! We must accept it! Next!
- How much is 2x2?
— 4!
- What if you think about it?
- 5 minus 1!
- What if you think about it?
— Square root of 16?
Examiner aside:
- SMART, but there are no more places!

Stewardess 1. This is how life sometimes happens! Of course, it would be nice if smart, fair people came across your path and appreciated your abilities and talents and helped your dreams come true! Our next stop is Korea.


Stewardess. We continue our journey. Next stop: Greece.


Stewardess. Our next stop is sunny Brazil.


Stewardess. (off-screen) At this time, the following conversation is heard in the aircraft cabin:


— We had a good time at school!

— Yes, we managed to study and have fun.

“At the same time, we were unusually superstitious. Believed in black cat, crossing the road to school at the wrong time, so the teachers did not always see us in class, under no circumstances did we return home if we forgot our notebook, textbook and diary, and when our nose itched... they waited for news.

- For parents, our day began at 7 - 45, we all walked in a crowd..., but not towards the school... After all, we still had to go to the store, or... discuss last news... around her corner.

- That's for sure, and most of all we liked purple, green, yellow, and if school uniform If it were of such shades and consisted of jeans and T-shirts, then there would not be a more disciplined issue in wearing uniforms in the entire school!

— In general, we are very kind and nice guys, and if the teachers didn’t give us a lot of lessons, and our parents took care of our stomachs on time, then we became even kinder and nicer.

Sturdessa. Next stop is Spain.


Sturdessa. Please fasten your seat belts. Our journey continues. Our plane is heading to America.


Stewardess. Dear passengers, our plane has entered the memory zone. We ask everyone to remain calm.


A soundtrack of thunder and the sound of heavy rain sounds.

Sturdessa. Dear passengers, attention! Our plane entered a thundercloud. But there is no reason to worry; the dispatcher of one of the airports located in the Hawaiian Islands allowed our plane to make an emergency landing. We ask everyone to fasten their seat belts!

DANCE with umbrellas

Stewardess. Dear graduates of 11 “b” class, our plane “Anniversary Class of 2013” ​​successfully completed its flight. The temperature outside is 29 degrees Celsius. The ship's commander and crew say goodbye to you. We hope to see you again on board our aircraft. And now your parents are meeting you.

Surprise from parents


Here are the parents sitting on the sidelines,

And they look at us with excitement.

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

Graduation matured class.

Grandmothers, grandfathers, fathers and mothers,

We completed the school program!

You shared tears and laughter with us,

Ups, doubts, good luck, success...

Evaluations of our joint work

You will find it in your certificates today!

Our dear parents! For so many years you helped us in our studies, supported and worried about us! We promise that we will definitely continue our training. Thank you for everything!!!

Our dear teachers, for 11 years within the walls of the school you gave us not only the light of knowledge, but also the warmth of your souls. Today we say words of gratitude to you and admit how much we love you all.

Dear Olga Viktorovna! We are proud to be your first issue and recognize that we were not only your headache, but also your heartache. We are sure that you will not forget us. We will never forget you!

Our dear first teachers, for us you are the most, the most...

The most responsible ones always know the answer to any question.

The most decent ones always called us to order during lessons and breaks.

The most sensitive ones always felt who was not ready for the lesson.

Dear Yulia Anatolyevna! You became a personal nutritionist for each of us because you didn’t allow us to linger in the cafeteria after the bell rang for class. That's why we didn't consume extra calories. thank you very much

Dear Natalya Petrovna! We climbed to the heights of mathematics like sleepwalkers, but we remembered one thing: kindness and humanity are endless, as if eternity.

Dear Maria Antonovna! Someday we will read “War and Peace” from cover to cover!

Dear Irina Vladimirovna! We can easily find Antananarivo not only on the map!

Dear Tatyana Gennadievna! We believe that the Unified State Exam is an oligarchic manifestation of the tyranny of society, but thanks to you, we coped with it! We saw how you constantly updated stands about the Unified State Exam, introduced forms among us, and improved our skills in filling them out. Thank you for that.

Dear Sergei Vladimirovich! We now know everything for sure about the service, regulations and stars on uniform! thank you!

Dear Oksana Ivanovna, Sergey Anatolyevich and Nadezhda Georgievna! Thanks to you, we are always in sports shape!!!

Dear Tatyana Gennadievna! In your lessons we learned that even primitive amoebas lead active life– they drink, eat and reproduce!

Dear Irina Mikhailovna! Thanks to you, we are elegant, like English ladies and gentlemen, and at the same time we have German composure, discipline and pedantry!!

Dear Svetla Petrovna! The laws of attraction still prevent us from waking up!

Dear Vladimir Vyacheslavovich and Tatyana Alexandrovna! We banged hard with hammers, sometimes pierced our fingers with knitting needles, in all school forms we wrote “works” in the favorite subject column, thank you for preparing us for adult life.

Our dear teachers! Thank you for your hard work and patience, for your faith in each of us, for your wisdom and willingness to always come to the rescue.

And also - for the strength, nerves, and health given to us. We love you all very much! Thank you for your hard work.

We love you, dear teachers,

You gave us wings, a start in life.

So that we can fly like birds,

To the wisdom of snow-capped peaks.

Teachers - for us you are the light in the window,

The light of knowledge, the light of intelligence and warmth.

And even if you're a little angry,

There are lakes of kindness in your eyes.

Thank you for the simple truths,

Thank you for your patience and work.

Thank you for defining it for us

A delightful route into the world of knowledge.

We wish you happiness, strength and health,

Flowers, success, joy, love!

A cheerful class of students

Thanks, dear teachers!

It's all over, the difficult path is behind us,

It's time to part... This is how it usually happens.

We won’t get the year back, May each of us

Sometimes he remembers his school, his class!

How difficult it is to say to you today: “Goodbye.”

I won’t say it, but I’ll say: “Goodbye!”

I believe that it was not in vain that I gave up my strength.

Thank you for everything, and let's eat goodbye.

The final song is “Song of Children, Mothers and the Class Teacher.”

We will tell our mothers what beckons us into the distance

For the mysterious blue veil.

It wasn't easy to drop out of school

It's not easy to climb high into the sky.

But I really want to fly and meet new people,

And protect the warmth of your class friends.

Children, fly, fly,

After a while, bring your dream.

Even if it gets difficult,

Let her not leave you

Bow your head over your native threshold.

We'll tell our mothers how we want to fly,

How we want to sing our song beautifully,

Invest knowledge and strength into new things,

Live the circle of a new life in your own way.

We are attracted by the vastness of the world from all sides,

Before takeoff, bow to the cool mom.

Travel is always a holiday, and a holiday related to the theme of travel is a separate an amusing trip full of impressions and bright emotions. And although this idea is no longer new, it is so inexhaustible that everyone finds something of their own in it. We offer new script entertainment program High school prom"World Graduation!" on the theme of traveling around the world. The program consists of thirteen table and mobile competitions, invented specifically for graduates. It would be good to support such a scenario with a thematic design of the hall and equip it with a projector, but, most importantly, to create among the heroes of the occasion and the assembled adults a cheerful and sincere atmosphere, in which there is a lot of music and dancing, light sadness about the past stage of life and hopes for future victories. (Music, video, printing and explanations of the authors are attached).

Also, as a bonus, the full version offers a version of this scenario, adapted for use in primary schools

All folders with the program design are located at the bottom of the full version of the script:

- Musical arrangement of the entire scenario- in the folders “Music for script 1”, “Music for script 2”, “Music for script 3” or in the text of the full version

- Music for competitions separate folders: “Stanislavsky System”, “Australian”, “Color Dances”

Screensaver video- in the folders “Video 1”, “Video 2,3,4”

Pictures, visas, invitation cards- in the “Printing” folder

Hall decoration. In the hall you can create the atmosphere of a train station (picture 1 on the screen) or a travel agency by decorating it with a map of the world, on which flags mark the stops provided for in the scenario, advertising posts for travel in different countries and schedule of stops. You can also place several bundles of gel balloons on the ceiling of the hall (sorting them by color - as many countries as there are, so many different colors). IN invitation cards you can specify seating areas at the table.

Entertainment program "World Graduation"

Guests are greeted by the presenter or presenter (possibly in a conductor's costume) and helped to find seats.

Tracks 1,2,3,4 are played.

When the guests were almost seated in the carriages. Track 5 is playing. The presenter begins to hurriedly hurry the remaining passengers. Track 6 is playing.(departure). When everyone is seated, the lights go out. appears on the screen video 1(departing train) At 38 seconds (view from the window) of the video the presenter comes out.


Leading(speaking in the background of video 1): Dear passengers! We are pleased to welcome you to the World Graduation route! We kindly ask, if someone on the platform has forgotten their good mood, do not panic! Our journey will compensate you for this loss, adding new impressions, unforgettable emotions and reasons for joy as compensation.

(On screen Picture 1)

Dear Russian tourists in the form of morality, as well as crazy Russian tourists, oh, la-la!! We're leaving! And we are waiting for a round-the-world trip around the world at the most different types transport, we will visit several continents, and get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating graduation celebrations in other countries. But, we only have 5 hours to do everything, so let's accelerate our train, make it super-fast!!! Take our marching maracas in your hands and add strength to the sound of wheels and the locomotive whistle, knock and shout to the beat of “Too-too” (The presenter shows A graduates repeat after her: they take coffee cups with beans standing on the table and shake them so that a synchronized sound is heard, not forgetting to shout “Tut-tut”!)

Sounds loud Track 7 (beep).

Leading: Go! Hurray to our graduates, tireless travelers who have just completed 11 years of sailing on the ship " School years"and again ready to travel, conquer unconquered peaks and discover undiscovered lands! Hooray!

(short banquet break)

Track 8 is playing

Leading: Tell me, are there people in the room who have already traveled on a train? Or in the age of high speeds does everyone prefer more mobile means of transportation? Hands up! I see, then tell the newcomers what train passengers usually do? (guests answer) Quite right, they sleep, eat, get bored and get to know their fellow travelers better. We guarantee food - the employees of our restaurant car.... (name of the banquet hall) will offer you their best cold and hot snacks from their menu!! But we are not sure that you will be able to sleep and get bored today; on the contrary, we are: conductor …..(name of presenter) and DJ …(Name) our radio center - we will try to make your travel time fun and unforgettable! Our train, as you remember, is super-fast, but even on it it’s unlikely to be possible to quickly rush across the vast expanses of our Motherland. Well, let's make good use of this time and prepare for international travel by learning some traditions and communication skills. And let's start with the basic skill for those who are ready to have fun - the ability to enjoy entertainment, the ability to applaud.

Table game "Master class on applause"

Leading: True masters of applause believe that the ability to applaud can only be learned by going through a five-level training system. You and I will have express training, we will skip the theory and go straight to practice.

Level one: get ready! - Short polite applause (guests applaud)

Level two: Prolonged applause with standing up (guests applaud) Level passed!

Level three: get ready, the task gets more difficult! - Applause with standing up, turning into a standing ovation! Add some applause! Well done!

Level four: Are you ready? All you learned in the third is standing ovation plus vocal design: shouts like “Bravo”, “Encore”, whistling, etc. Let's start! (guests applaud) Level passed! You can sit down!

Level five: the most difficult! Used in moments of special delight and admiration! Stormy ovation, enthusiastic jumping up from their seats, shouts, whistles, stamping of feet; those who are especially exalted may burst into tears. Ready? Let's start! (guests applaud)

Not bad, not bad at all. All that's left is to pass the exam. Now I will read the text of the next toast and, as the plot progresses, raise the signs from 1 to 5, and you must react correctly.

(reads the text, picking up tablets with numbers)

Toast with applause

Dear parents, teachers and dear graduates, today is an amazing evening: sad, because this is the moment of farewell to childhood (number 1) and at the same time, joyful, because the door to a new one is opening, which means amazing life (number 5)……… ……………………............................

- Table quiz "Believe it or not"

Leading: Yes, it turns out that knowing the traditions of the country you are traveling to can not only help you avoid getting into a stupid situation, but also save your life. I propose to play the game: “I believe it or not,” I voice the tradition of celebrating graduation in one of the countries, and you, if you think that the proposed situation is true, say “I believe it,” if not, then say “I don’t believe it.” If you guess correctly, go into the hall for encouragement, if not, drink the penalty to the applause of the audience.

(The presenter goes around the hall and selectively, in turn, addresses either the boy or the girl, commenting on each answer. Those who guess correctly go to the center of the hall, questions are asked until there are 5 guessers, this is important for the next competition)

Excerpt to illustrate:

1. Do you believe that in Poland graduation is celebrated one hundred days before the graduation day?

(It’s true, this holiday is called “hundred days” and it opens with a polonaise led by the director)……………………………………………………………………

- Artistic competition "According to the Stanislavsky system"

Leading (addresses 5 participants in the center of the hall): Dear graduates, I don’t know whether you are well informed, or whether I played so poorly that you could guess from my intonation whether you should believe me or not. Therefore, before presenting you with the promised prizes, I want to test you according to the Stanislavsky system and for this I ask each of you to bring a partner of the opposite sex from the hall (lead). And now, your task is to be as natural as possible, so that even Stanislavsky himself could tell you: “I believe!” play two of the most popular plots in any drama!

(Ready musical accompaniment is attached)

- General dance entertainment "Preved, Medved!"

(cool youth entertainment, which will be a good transition to a dance break and will give a charge of good mood for the whole evening)

Dance break


Track 7 Beep and track 6 sounds

Leading: Dear passengers, please take your seats, otherwise our graduation trip around the world will take place without your participation. Graduation trip around the world...sounds good, doesn't it? In general, graduation is one of the most significant and amazing days in the life of each of us. Significant, because our entire future life depends on the amount of knowledge and internal attitudes with which we approach it. And amazing, because on this day, more than ever, we all believe in the best, we believe that we can do everything, overcome and achieve everything, right? Then life makes its own adjustments to our rosy hopes, and maybe it will make adjustments to yours too. But let it happen later...that’s why life was given to us, to make us stronger and wiser. Let there be changes later... And today we will believe only in the best, in the fact that all roads are open to you and the whole world is at our feet, right? (addresses the audience) Do you believe this? (graduates respond). Then let's announce this to the Universe? So that she knows too! Now I will read the first three lines of the poem, and in chorus after the word “Today” you will read the fourth: “The whole world is at our feet!” Adults, join us too, because your children need your faith so much now!

Table chant "The whole world is at our feet!"


Leading: We each have our own hopes and dreams,

And grandiose plans and difficult goals,

Many roads are open to us,

We believe that today...

All (in unison): The whole world is at our feet!

Leading: Amazing! It sounds very convincing, literally like a toast! For your victories, dear graduates!!!

Track 14 is playing

Leading: On any journey, and especially on the journey called life, the support of loved ones and relatives is important, and although few of us like to listen to other people’s advice, parting words from loving parents worth a listen! A word to the parents of graduates!

(parents say parting words and congratulations)

A short banquet break

Track 15 is playing

Leading: Dear passengers, please take your seats, otherwise our graduation trip around the world will take place without your participation.

On the Video 2 screen.

- Competition "Meeting with an Italian or Chatty Man"

- Competition "Russians on the Tower"

(fun competitions for graduates with an Italian flavor)

- Musical fun "Australian show-offs"

Leading: Right! We missed this train, another one will arrive, or we’ll even rush to the airport, it will be even faster!! It’s not for nothing that they say: “Russians don’t give up!” And they also say that “Russian show-off is more expensive than the American dollar!”, so in their graduation party Australian graduates will give 100 points ahead to any Russian dude. After all, it is important for them to drive up to the prom cooler and more intricate than others! It is important to surprise your classmates: there is no limousine rolling here - it’s rustic, a deer, a tank, balloon, Wow! Let's imagine ourselves in their place and approach ours. festive table in Australian style! We break into groups of two and three people, who will go with whom and... we improvise, fantasize how it could be......

(33 ready-made musical excerpts are attached - at the organizer's choice)

- Competition "Come on boys, or a la fashion show"

- Competition "Fun Tasters"

(competitions for young men on the theme of French traditions)

Dance break


Leading: So, mysterious England! As you know, this country is famous for its old castles, full of ghosts and unsolved mysteries. It is no coincidence that the famous School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogwarts, was located here, and it was here that Sherlock Holmes solved the most complicated crimes using his deductive method. This is where we will go, or rather, to one of the most terrible places - Dragsholm Castle, in which the “eggs of fate” are hidden.

- Entertainment "Dragsholm rules or Eggs of Fate."

(mini-quest with a search for unusual predictions for graduates)

- Competition "Pyramid"

(team competition with building pyramids from disposable plastic cups)

- Dance entertainment "Colored dances with forecast"

(a new version of the popular dance entertainment with graduation eyeliner - a ready-made file with musical “color” excerpts, made in non-stop format is attached)


Sounds Track 27 .

The disco begins.



Scenario "World Graduation for Primary School"

The script was written to order - the idea and compereance of the presenter from the script, the announcement of which is presented above, is specially adapted for fourth graders, using entertainment and musical accompaniment from scripts No. 25, No. 22 and No. 8. Some specific details and names of the ordered script can be easily changed to suit your needs. Text and music for this version are included in the appendix to the full version.

To get the full version from musical arrangement It is enough to contribute a small amount (500 rubles) to the site development fund. - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, if you want to receive a link to full version scenario of your choice, download the document below from detailed instructions and read it carefully.

(download by clicking on the document)

INSTRUCTIONS FOR OBTAINING SCRIPT number 25 - World Graduation.docx

Bonus discount video greeting:

This scenario can be included as additional entertainment or a surprise from parents; it is offered separately (400 rubles), but for those who purchased this scenario there is a bonus discount of 200 rubles. Therefore, those who want to have both a video greeting and a script in their arsenal can send 700 rubles to the site’s fund; without a video greeting, accordingly, 500 rubles will be enough.