Santa Claus and Snow Maiden origami from modules. Santa Claus made of triangular modules

Santa Claus from modules will be a real decoration for the New Year's forest beauty, and children are looking forward to long-awaited gifts from him. This craft can also be presented as a souvenir to family and friends.

Modular origami Father Frost made using modular origami technique from triangular modules.
At the base of Santa Claus's body there are 30 triangular modules. For the first three rows of the body, 90 white modules are needed. We assemble a chain of two rows of modules with the long side outward, and secure the chain with the third row. We ended up with three rows of modules, 30 modules in each row. Add four more rows of white modules. We get seven rows of white modules.

Turn the crafts corners up.

In the eighth row - 4 white, 26 blue modules;

ninth row - 3 white, 27 blue modules;

tenth row - 4 white, 2 blue, 1 white, 20 blue, 1 white, 2 blue;
eleventh row - 3 white, 2 blue, 2 white, 19 blue, 2 white, 2 blue;
twelfth row - 4 white, 2 blue, 1 white, 20 blue, 1 white, 2 blue;

thirteenth row - 3 white, 27 blue;
fourteenth row - 4 white, 26 blue;
fifteenth row - 3 white, 5 blue, 1 white, 15 blue, 1 white, 5 blue;
sixteenth row - 4 white, 4 blue, 2 white. 14 blue, 2 white, 4 blue;
seventeenth row - 3 white, 5 blue, 1 white, 15 blue, 1 white, 5 blue;
eighteenth row - 4 white, 26 blue;

nineteenth row - 3 white, 27 blue;
twentieth row - 4 white, 2 blue;, 1 white, 20 blue;, 1 white, 2 blue;
twenty-first row - 3 white, 2 blue;, 2 white, 19 blue;, 2 white, 2 blue;
twenty-second row - 4 white, 2 blue;, 1 white, 20 blue;, 1 white, 2 blue;
twenty-third row - 1 white module with the long side out, 1 white with the short side out, 1 white with the long side out, 27 blue with the long side out;

twenty-fourth row - 4 white short sides out, 26 blue short sides out

twenty-fifth row - 1 white with the short side out, 25 blue with the short side out, 1 white with the short side out;

We continue to lay out rows of modules without filling the central part.

Twenty-sixth row - 1 white short side out, 24 blue short side out, 1 white short side out;

twenty-seventh row - 1 white with the short side out, 23 blue with the short side out, 1 white with the short side out;

twenty-eighth row - 1 white with the short side out, 22 blue with the short side out, 1 white with the short side out;

twenty-ninth row - 1 white with the short side out, 21 blue with the short side out, 1 white with the short side out.

We connect the corners of the lower white modules with a white module with the long side outward.

We put two white modules on 6 corners, each module on 3 corners.

Then, going up from the bottom, we connect 2 white corners with white modules with the long side outward.

In the thirtieth row we reduce the number of modules - 18 white modules with the long side outward. This is the number of modules without a central part. (That is, on 21 blue modules with the long side outward and 2 white modules with the short side outward, we put 18 white modules on - 12 modules on 3 corners, 6 modules on 2 corners).

Fill the central part with white modules with the short side facing out.

Add a red module in the center with the long side facing out.

Thirty-first row - 23 white, long side out;

thirty-second row - 5 pink with the short side out, 18 white with the long side out;

thirty-third row - 6 pink with the short side out, 17 white with the long side out;

thirty-fourth row - 5 pink with the short side out, 18 white with the long side out;

thirty-fifth row - 23 white with the long side out;

thirty-sixth row - 16 blue with the short side outward - we put 14 modules on 3 corners of each module, and we put 2 modules, as usual, each on 2 corners.

The thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth rows - 16 blue modules each with the short side out;

thirty-ninth row - 11 blue ones with the long side outward - we put 10 modules each on 3 corners, and 1 module, as usual, on 2 corners.

We assemble a sleeve of 16 rows of modules: 4 rows of white modules, 12 rows of blue modules. The number of modules in rows alternates: 3 - 2 modules.

We glue the blue mittens into the pockets of the white modules.

Glue the arms on the sides of the body, glue the eyes and nose. Santa Claus from modules is ready!

Always waiting magical holiday the whole family gets involved in making New Year's decorations for green beauty and home. And the most favorite craft is rightfully considered main symbol New Year's holiday- Father Frost.

We suggest you make Santa Claus out of paper. With this simple material You can create real masterpieces with your own hands. You just need to devote a little time to this activity and show all your limitless imagination.

Study our master classes on making Santa Claus with your own hands and you will be able to please your loved ones with unique New Year's gifts made with soul and attention.

Modular origami Santa Claus - master class

We will need: sheets of A4 paper: of blue color- 14 pieces for 211 modules, white- 13 pieces for 207 modules, Pink colour- 1 sheet for 17 modules.

We divide each sheet into 16 rectangles, from which we will make modules.

Step one. Fold the rectangular sheet in half lengthwise. Using another fold, we outline the middle line.

Step two. We bend the edges of the rectangle folded along the middle, as shown in the photo. Turn the piece over and fold the bottom edges up.

Step three. We fold the corners, bending them over the large triangle, and then bend these corners inward. We bend the resulting figure in half - so we have learned how to make a module. Now we make it in the same way required amount modules indicated above from the rest of the paper.

Step four. Let's start making crafts. We take 5 white modules and arrange them as in the photo (we place the top row module with the smaller side up). Next, we assemble a chain of 3 rows of white modules. Each row consists of 25 pieces.

Step five. We close the chain into a ring and turn it over. Next, we perform 3 rows with blue modules. From the seventh row we make a beard. To do this, insert 2 white modules with the smaller side facing out. We insert the remaining blue modules of row 7 as usual.

Step five. In the 8th row we fasten 3 white modules, as usual, with the long side, the remaining modules are blue. With each next row we add one white module on each side of the beard.

Step six. In the 11th row we insert one red module into the middle of the beard - this is the mouth. Row 12 consists of white modules. We put them on blue modules with the smaller side facing out, and on white modules (beard) with the long side, as usual. In the 13th row, opposite the red module, we put on the white one with the long side outward, and 2 pink modules each with the smaller side (see photo).

Step seven. In the 14th row we put on 6 pink modules with the smaller side, and we put on white modules as usual. Row 15 - we put on 17 white modules and 8 pink ones. In the 16th and 17th rows we put on all the white modules with the smaller side outward - this is the hat.

Step eight. The last 18th row consists of blue modules with the smaller side facing out. We assemble hands from 3 white modules and 5 blue ones. Glue the finished eyes and insert the nose (part of a children's mosaic). Santa Claus made from paper using modular origami technique is ready. We hope that after studying the master class, the Snow Maiden, made in the same technique, will appear next to your Santa Claus.

Santa Claus made of paper using origami technique - master class

We will need colored paper and a little patience. We offer you several schemes according to which you can easily make Santa Claus with your own with skillful hands. You can hang it on the Christmas tree and decorate it greeting card or give it to friends for New Year.

DIY Santa Claus from colored paper - master class

We will need: red paper, pink for the face, White paper for the beard, cotton wool, felt-tip pens, scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Using a compass or a small plate, draw a semicircle on red paper. We cut it out, fold it into a cone and glue it together.
  2. Cut from pink paper oval, draw eyes and nose on it with a felt-tip pen and glue the face of Santa Claus to the cone.
  3. Next, glue on the beard and hat from white paper. To do this, cut out white strips, cut fringe on them and twist it with scissors. We glue strips with twisted fringe to the cone at the bottom of the face in several rows, giving the beard fullness. We make a hat from the same strip. A beard, hat and fur coat for Santa Claus can be made from cotton wool, which is glued to the cone along its bottom edge, on the face and top part cone An elegant Santa Claus made from paper, made by yourself, is ready. Using a cone, using your imagination, you can make a Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus from colored paper strips- Master Class

We will need: thick colored paper, white corrugated cardboard, scissors and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut out 6 strips measuring 1 cm by 15 cm and 6 strips measuring 1 cm by 10 cm from red paper. Glue them into rings. We assemble a ball from 6 large rings, fastening it with glue at the top and bottom. Using small rings, we assemble a smaller ball using the same pattern. The result is the body and head of Santa Claus.
  2. Cut out a small circle for the face from pink or orange paper. Cut out a mustache, beard and hat of any size from corrugated cardboard and decorate the face with them. Cut out and glue the eyes and nose. Glue the face to a small ball, which we then glue to the body. Cut out mittens and felt boots from cardboard and glue them to the craft. The New Year's symbol made from paper, created with your own hands, is ready.

A few more ideas for creating Santa Claus with your own hands

By using your imagination and using the patterns we have proposed, you can make Santa Claus even from a paper napkin.

A paper cone allows you to make many versions of Santa Claus with your own hands.

And this family of Santa Clauses is made from ordinary toilet paper rolls.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden using the popular modular origami technique.

We hope that our master classes helped you understand the technique of making Santa Claus from paper and encouraged you to be creative. Use a little imagination and create your own good grandfather or even several. They will decorate your holiday and create a magical mood!

Diagrams, printouts, drawings

Santa Claus from modules

Well, what kind of New Year tree can do without Santa Claus? The color of the fur coat can be blue or, if you like, red. This toy turns out to be quite durable. If you move it a little, grandfather waves his arms funny.

Prepare for work 242 white modules, 181 blue, 19 pink and 1 red.


  • 4 row. 25 blue modules.
  • 5 row. Let's start making a beard. 3 white modules with the short side forward, 22 blue ones the same as before.
  • 6th row. 4 white modules above 3 white ones of the previous row. Place white ones, like all others, with the long side forward. Try to put them on so that they protrude more forward. 21 blue.
  • 7th row. 5 white modules, 20 blue.
  • 8 row. 6 white modules, 19 blue.
  • 9 row. 7 white, 18 blue.
  • 10 row. 25 white modules. Place on the ends of the previous row.
  • 11 row. 1 red (mouth), 24 white.
  • 12 row. 2 white (mustaches), 2 pink (short side first), 19 white, 2 pink (short side first).
  • 13 row. 7 pink (short side first), 18 white.
  • 14 row. 8 pink (short side first), 17 white.
  • 15 row. Cap. Before you start making the hat, you need to give the figure the desired shape. Apply light pressure with your finger from the inside to make the head round, fluff up the hair and beard, and from the outside to make the face flatter. Put on 22 white modules (short side first). To reduce the number of modules, put three pairs of modules on not 2, but 3 corners.
  • 16th row. 20 blue modules (short side first).
  • 17th row. 18 blue modules (short side first).
  • 18th row. 9 white modules (short side first). You need to insert through one, that is, skipping two corners.


Make another hand symmetrical to this one. Insert handles between the modules of the ninth row. Glue the face details.

When preparing for the New Year, there are no trifles. After all, you need to think through everything - decorating your home, holiday menu, as well as gifts for loved ones. Regarding the last point, it is not always necessary to run to the store. You can prepare gifts yourself, involving your children in this. For example, a lot New Year's crafts can be made. We suggest doing Santa Claus using origami technique. The process of creating it is simple if you follow step by step photos our master classes from Marina and Vasilisa.

Origami Santa Claus, option No. 1

To make Santa Claus we will prepare:

  • 2 squares of red single-sided paper;
  • glue.

Initially, the squares should be the same size, we took 10 x 10 cm. From one we will make a head with a cap, and the other square will be needed to make the body. Let's start with the head. To do this, we make small folds on both sides.

We bend a small corner from the opposite edge. This will be the top of the cap.

Now we turn the square to the other side. Here you need to bend a third first.

Then we make a symmetrical fold on the right side.

This is how we formed the Santa Claus hat.

bottom corner ok you need to bend it up.

Then we make a slight bend in the opposite direction.

We bend the top part of the cap to the side and, if necessary, glue it a little.

To make the body, take another square. We make small folds on it on opposite sides.

Fold in half.

After that we unfold, so we outlined midline. First we bend the left edge to it.

Then we make a symmetrical fold on the right side.

We turn the top part in the form of corners.

We bend the top side down. After that with wrong side You can glue it a little.

We connect the two parts together. To do this, we will use glue again.

If you wish, you can draw his eyes and mouth. This craft can become part of a New Year's greeting card.

Paper Santa Claus, option No. 2

To create Santa Claus we will prepare:

  • a square sheet of red single-sided paper;
  • black marker;
  • red felt-tip pen.

When making this craft, it is important to use red paper, which reverse side will be white. If you don’t have one, then you can take 2 sheets of red and white. First, fold the red square diagonally.

This is how we outlined the middle fold line, which will become a guide in further work.

You first need to bend the right corner to this line.

After this, we perform a symmetrical fold of the left corner.

For further convenience, let’s slightly rotate the blank of the future Santa Claus.

Now you need to fold the workpiece in half. To do this, bend the bottom corner up, aligning it with the top corner.

The next stage we will form the beard of Santa Claus. To do this, bend the top corner down.

Let's make a small border. To do this, we will again bend the upper part in the form of a narrow strip.

We bend the left protruding part back.

Now you need to do the same with right side our workpiece.

Let's take a red marker. We will use it to draw a nose. Using a black marker we will mark the eyes.

Our Santa Claus made from paper using the origami technique is ready.

Such a craft can later become part of a New Year’s greeting card.

Marina's master class on how to make paper Christmas tree, look .

Option No. 3

You will need:

  • felt-tip pens (or pencils) black and red,
  • square sheet of paper 10 by 10 cm (you can take more or less). The paper should be two-colored - white on one side, red on the other. If you don’t have such paper, you can glue together sheets of white and double-sided red paper.

We need to bend our square diagonally.

Unfold the workpiece and also bend it in half along the second diagonal.

We bend the outermost corner to the top of the workpiece.

We see we have a line drawn, we need to turn the corner back.

We turn back. We see that we have a line; we need to bend a corner to it.

Now we can completely wrap up our lapel along with the corner. You will get it like this.

We work with the bottom of the craft. We bend the bottom corner to the top point.

We make a bend to the bottom point.

Turn over:

We make narrow stripes on the sides.

The same on the opposite side.

We see the middle line and bend both sides towards it.

And the second one.

We take the white parts and make a fold along the red line to the white one.

We bend this strip and make a square.

We do the same on the opposite side.

And a square.

And when we turn the figure over, we can see Santa Claus.

You need to draw his eyes and nose.

DIY Santa Claus from modules

Master Class. "Santa Claus" craft from paper modules

Purpose: This master class is intended for fans of modular origami. This toy can be a decoration Christmas tree either as a gift, or to take part in the New Year's exhibition.

Target: Learn to create a figure of Santa Claus from an ordinary one paper sheet. To cultivate imagination, perseverance and interest in volumetric modules when collecting the figure.

Master class: “Santa Claus” craft from paper modules

Modular origami. Father Frost

When a whole figure is assembled from large quantity identical triangles, sometimes glue is used when gluing the bottom row for strength. The art of origami itself is a very common type of technique for working with paper. Creating various figures from an ordinary sheet of office paper is a very exciting activity, but it requires patience and perseverance. A figure is made up of many small parts, the texture itself finished crafts looks like a knitted fabric, which is knitted from thick threads. When assembled, origami modules are held together by friction and allow the figure to be given a variety of shapes.

This is the kind of Santa Claus we will make with you

Santa Claus - Red Nose

There is a hut in a dense forest,

It has carvings with patterns,

And a feather bed

Which one is hard to sleep on:

Instead of fluff in that feather bed

Only stars-snowflakes,

Ice blanket

Replaces a blanket.

And Moroz lives in the hut

And it's called Red Nose.

It's cold at times

Covers the ground with white snow.

Helps animals too -

Gives snow pillows,

Covers with white fluff,

Whispers songs in your ear.

The gray wolf howls -

She can't sleep from the cold.

And Frost from night to morning

Insulates her hole.

And in the den there is a clubfoot,

Instead of honey, he licks his paw.

Let the frost crackle on the roof,

The bear doesn't hear anything!

Perched on a pine tree,

An owl hoots in his sleep:

"Wow, and the cold is cold,

Never get warm!"

Santa Claus walks through the forest

And he puts things in order:

He pine nuts

Sprinkles it for the squirrels for fun.

I met a red fox -

Gave her mittens.

And he gave his sheepskin coat to the wolf,

Because the wolf was trembling.

This Santa Claus

What is called Red Nose,

Helps all animals

And it saves you from the cold.


Introduce in detail the technique of performing origami

Learn how to create a three-dimensional toy

Teach basic techniques

Step-by-step process for completing the work:

For work we will need: red, pink and white paper, eyes, nose, scissors

First we make triangular modules from a red sheet of office paper

We take a sheet of paper and prepare it for making triangles as shown in the photo