Grandpa's cousin who is me. Who's Who by Kindred

Wedding is the day of creation new cell society - families, as well as associations of two genera. Have you always wanted to have many relatives? Your dream has come true, because from the moment you get married, the number of loved ones doubles. What are the names of all new relatives, who is the father of the wife to the father of the husband?

Parents of spouses in relation to children

Each of us knows that a young wife should call her husband's parents father-in-law. Accordingly, the mother of the spouse is the mother-in-law, and the father is the father-in-law. A husband calls his wife's mother mother-in-law, and father - father-in-law. And who is the father of the wife to the father of the husband, is there a separate term for defining this? Today, complex definitions of relatives “by marriage” are rarely used in everyday life. Agree, you don’t often hear the words “brother-in-law” or “daughter-in-law”. Therefore, people are often confused, and many believe that the father of the wife is the father-in-law of the husband. But this is the wrong definition. Only her husband, who, in turn, in relation to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, is a son-in-law can call this word the wife’s father.

The correct definition of kinship

In fact, the wife's father is the husband's father as a matchmaker. There is also a female version of this definition - “matchmaker”. This term is used to define mother-in-law and mother-in-law in relation to each other. Where did the word "matchmaker" come from? There is no exact answer to this question, experts put forward various versions. However, be that as it may, it is clear that the word itself is kind and pleasant. The rhyme “brother-matchmaker” is popular in proverbs and poems. But indeed, in the old days they believed that to marry children means to become related to their parents.

Who is the father of the husband to the father of the wife?

The definitions of "matchmaker" and "matchmaker" are universal. They can be used to refer to the parents of the wife and husband (in relation to the mother and father of the second spouse, respectively). It is a mistake to think that the husband's father is the wife's father. "Kum" and "kuma" is an appeal godparents child in relation to biological. Remember once and for all the correct definition of the parents of the spouses in relation to each other. This is exactly "matchmaker" and "matchmaker". There is another option for determining the father or mother of the daughter’s husband (or Speaking of a matchmaker or matchmaker in the third person, it is appropriate to say: “My daughter’s mother-in-law ...” or “My son’s father-in-law ...”. In some situations, this option for designating relatives in a conversation is more convenient, for example, if there are several children and they are all married.In this case, without going into explanations about which test is being discussed, you can briefly say: "this is the father-in-law / father-in-law (name of the child)." You can also talk about the mother-in-law or mother-in-law, refusing to use the word "matchmaker".

Matchmaker and matchmaker - new relatives of a young family

Relations between relatives of the newlyweds are very different. But it is always worth trying to fix them and make them closer. What difference does it make who the father of the wife is to the father of the husband and what is the correct name for this relationship? After all we are talking, as a rule, about two men of about the same age, representatives of the same generation. And even if they differ social status and outlook, find common interests and topics for conversation are not difficult at all. Father-in-law and father-in-law can be interesting together, it is enough to organize a common fishing or hunting trip, a picnic or find an alternative activity. Immediately after the acquaintance of relatives, the newlyweds should by all means help their parents to establish relationships. And if contact is established, you will indeed have a great and Friendly family. Often unrelated relatives blood ties become even closer to each other than brothers and sisters who grew up together. And indeed, it is worth turning to ancient wisdom and remembering that the wedding of children is an occasion to intermarry with their parents.

Each person has relatives, someone has a lot of them, someone has less. But when we get married or get married, we immediately acquire numerous relatives. And all the relatives are somehow called and it’s quite difficult to remember it right away.
Let's try to make a list of names of people related by family ties.

Great-nephews - grandson or granddaughter of a brother or sister.
Great-aunt - mother's or father's aunt.
Cousin - the son of his uncle and aunt.
Great Uncle - father's or mother's uncle.
great uncle - cousin of the father or mother.
Cousin - the daughter of his uncle and aunt.
great aunt - Cousin of father or mother.
Great-nephews children of cousins ​​and sisters.
brother-in-law - Brother husband.
Uncle - the brother of the father or mother in relation to children or nephews. The aunt's husband is also an uncle.
sister-in-law - husband's sister.
son-in-law - daughter's husband, sister's husband or sister-in-law's husband.
Kum, kuma - godfather and godmother in relation to each other.
Stepmother - father's wife in relation to his children from another marriage, Not own mother.
Daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law)
Stepfather - mother's husband in relation to her children from another marriage,
Stepdaughter, stepson - non-native children in relation to one of the spouses.
nephews - children of brothers and sisters.
twin cities - usually, they are brothers, mostly cousins, but friends who had to help each other out in life can also become. To become twin brothers forever, it is necessary to perform a certain ritual with an oath exchange of crosses and a triple kiss.
Adoptive son-in-law (primak) - son-in-law adopted into the wife's family, living in the wife's house.
Matchmaker - the father or relative of one of the spouses in relation to the parents or relatives of the other spouse.
Svatya - the mother or relative of one of the spouses in relation to the parents or relatives of the other spouse - a matchmaker, matchmaker (matchmaker) in family relations (not to be confused with a matchmaker, matchmaker (matchmaker) in a wedding ceremony).
Father-in-law, mother-in-law - Husband's parents.
brother-in-law - Husbands of sisters.
sister-in-law - Wife's sister.
Daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law) - married woman in relation to her husband's relatives: father, mother, brothers and sisters, spouses of brothers and sisters.
Father-in-law, mother-in-law - Wife's parents.
Aunt - sister of the father or mother in relation to children or nephew. The uncle's wife is also an aunt.
Second cousin - son great uncle or great aunt.
Second cousin - the daughter of a great-uncle or great-aunt.
Second cousins - nephews troy sibling or sisters.
brother-in-law - brother-in-law.
There are other, more distant degrees of kinship, which are usually said to be "the seventh (tenth) water on jelly."

Families aren't as big now as they used to be. It is enough to know who the grandchildren, nephews, grandparents, and, well, cousins ​​are. And everyone else is just called relatives. But unlike other languages, Russian is not greedy; it has its own name for everyone. It’s not easy to figure out who’s relative to whom, and if the relatives of one of the spouses have also been added, then it will already take a couple of days to remember. To facilitate this process, www..

Names of blood relatives

Before moving on to the names of future relatives, for starters, it’s worth figuring out who is who and who is in your family. There are several degrees of kinship, they count from the first to the sixth, because then the connections become too distant. So, in descending order:

  1. Father - son / daughter, mother - son / daughter.
  2. Grandfather / grandmother - grandchildren.
  3. Great-grandfather / great-grandmother - great-grandchildren, uncles / aunts - nephews.
  4. Cousins/brothers, cousins ​​grandma/grandfather - great nephews/nieces.
  5. Great Uncles/Aunts - great nephews/nieces.
  6. Second cousins ​​and brothers.

Uncles / aunts are called brothers / sisters of the mother or father, as well as their spouses, but wives and husbands, of course, are no longer blood relatives. There is also the concept of great and small uncles / aunts. The first was the sister and brother of the grandfather / grandmother, and the second - the father / mother. Now they are simply called great aunts/grandparents and great uncles/aunts.

It's just that nephews are the children of brothers / sisters, great-nephews, respectively, their grandchildren. But grandchildren are also called any second cousins. Cousins ​​and sisters today are often called cousins ​​and cousins ​​in the Western manner, and their old Russian names - sister and brother - have completely forgotten. Although the latter is in use in certain youth circles, it does not imply consanguinity. By the way, if you are thinking about how to distribute responsibilities at a wedding, then keep in mind that you can involve everyone in organizing the celebration, even people of the sixth degree of kinship, if you, of course, are familiar with them.

The rite of baptism is importance for many families, it is believed that the sooner it is held, the better. Therefore, as a rule, a child already in the first year of life has a new relative, and what are the names of the relatives who came to the family in this case, we all know well - godparents dad and mother, among themselves and in relation to the natural parents of the child, they are considered godfather and godfather. The godson and goddaughter, respectively, the girl and the boy whom they baptized. Further, the word godfather (godmother) is added to all relatives on this side. But cross brothers or sisters have a different meaning. This is the name of the people who themselves exchanged pectoral crosses. In addition to godparents, there may also be imprisoned parents. This is the name of those who replace their father and mother at the wedding ceremony.

Not related, but close

There are cases when people who are not related by blood become a family, for example, when a man and a woman get married, having children from previous marriages, or spouses adopt a child. In this case, family members will be called:

  • stepmother - stepmother,
  • stepfather - stepfather,
  • stepson - step-son,
  • stepdaughter - stepdaughter,
  • named son - adopted,
  • named daughter - adopted,
  • named mother and father are adoptive parents,
  • half brothers and sisters - native and non-native children among themselves.

Also, non-native, but close people can be attributed to people whose names these days can be found more often in films and books than in reality:

  • dairy mother - a woman who nursed a non-native child in relation to him,
  • milk brother or sister - non-native children, fed by one woman,
  • uncle, mother - a man or woman who looks after the child and raises him, today better known as nannies and nannies.

Kinship by property or who is who after the wedding

As soon as the young officially became husband and wife, the number family ties each of them multiplied by two. And it would be nice to know what the relatives you just acquired are called, because in many families it is still customary to address each other according to a long-established tradition. Let's figure out who is who and who is after the wedding.

Husband, wife and their parents

Everything is simple here, the names of the mothers and fathers of the spouses are widely known today and are still actively used. The wife's parents are father-in-law and mother-in-law, the husband's parents are father-in-law and mother-in-law. Among themselves, fathers are matchmakers, and mothers are matchmakers. And they called them that because it was with their participation that the ceremony of matchmaking of the bride took place. After the wedding, the wife receives the status of daughter-in-law or daughter-in-law (for the husband's father), and the husband - son-in-law. It is interesting that in Russian there is a special word for a husband who has settled with his wife's parents - primak. Previously, this was not accepted, apparently, therefore, popular rumor singled out such husbands.

Young brothers and sisters with their spouses

The brother and sister of the husband, respectively, are called brother-in-law and sister-in-law, and the brother and sister of the wife are brother-in-law and sister-in-law. Speakers of the Eastern European dialect also call the brothers on both sides Schwagers.

As for the wives of the brothers, their names and who they are to each other, the Russian language did not skimp on the names. There are more of them than for any other relatives - mothers-in-law, in-laws, and in some regions, like the husband's sister, they are called sister-in-law. Accordingly, the brothers' wives are also called in relation to each other.

In recent decades, it has even become popular not only to be interested in one's roots and ancestors, but also to find out and clarify who is a godfather, matchmaker, brother-in-law, and so on. It turns out that a family can be much larger, given all the intricacies of the fate of its members.

Especially people became interested in the question of the depth of family ties. For example, cousins, second cousins ​​and brothers. But what about next? Are there any fourth cousins ​​or what to call them? Or who is the daughter cousin?


The definition has always been pretty tricky business, since families in our country have traditionally been large. Yes, even now, when all relatives are going for one big festive table or just plans to do it, it is not always clear who is who's matchmaker or brother. But nevertheless, blood or consolidated, but this is relatives.

It should be taken as an axiom that the first married couple known by name, from which the family descends, are called progenitors.

Other terms require more specific explanation:

  1. Blood relatives.
  2. Not blood relatives - brothers-in-law.

In blood family ties, there is an order of kinship, determined by the proximity of lateral branches in the family tree. That is, you can be blood, but distant relatives - brothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, etc.

Blood relatives and not so

Blood relatives include all those who are connected by the real fact of birth from one of the family members.

And those who came from other families are not consanguineous or consolidated. They are also called brother-in-laws. Blood relatives include:

  • native;
  • cousins;
  • second cousins;
  • brother/sister;
  • Uncle Aunt;
  • nephews;
  • grandmother grandfather;
  • grandchildren, etc.

And these are brother-in-law, that is, not blood relatives:

  • son-in-law is called the husband of a daughter or sister;
  • sister-in-law, zolova, zolovischa - husband's sister;
  • daughter-in-law - son's wife (for his father);
  • godfather - godfathers and mother in relation to the parents of the godson and to each other;
  • matchmaker, matchmaker or matchmakers - the father and mother of the wife or husband in relation to the parents of the second spouse;
  • daughter-in-law - the wife of a son or brother;
  • stepson or stepdaughter - non-native son or daughter in relation to one of the spouses;
  • stepfather - the spouse of the mother of the children, but not their own father;
  • stepmother - the new wife of the father, but not the mother of his children;
  • mother-in-law and father-in-law are the husband's parents;
  • father-in-law and mother-in-law are the parents of the wife;
  • primak - a son-in-law who came to live in the house of his wife or her parents;
  • brother-in-law - wife's only-begotten brother;
  • brother-in-law - the husband's only-begotten or half-begotten brother.

Family ties

How close (or not so) people are determined by the distance of kinship. There are relatives of the first order, the second and so on. This kindred proximity is considered along the vertical of the family tree. That is:

The first priority is parents, children, sisters and brothers (consanguineous and uterine), grandchildren.

The second - grandparents, nephews and nieces.

Third in order of kinship are aunts, uncles, cousins ​​and brothers.

The fourth - kinship through great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers - all second cousins.

Fifth turn - Relatives through great-uncles and grandmothers, including cousins.

The sixth line is great aunts, uncles, great great grandchildren and nephews (for example, the daughter of a cousin).

Such a division allows you to determine who, to whom and by whom. Thus, wondering in this context in the circle big family who the daughter of a cousin is can be determined from this scheme. This is the furthest line blood relatives.

Sisters and brothers

Who are the sisters and daughters or sons of the same parents, if relatives. If cousins, then the cousin (brother) is the daughter (son) of the brother or sister of the father or mother.

Now let's try to understand who the cousin's daughter is, who she is to me. That is, this is a child from the daughter of my relatives uncle or aunt. This is already considered kinship from the second tribe (generation). A second cousin- this is the third knee in descending order.

According to one of the Russian terminologies, such a sister is called a "sister". There is also a tendency to refer to all cousins, second cousins, etc. as cousins ​​(cousin or cousin).

If this is the daughter of a cousin of mom or dad, then she is not their cousin. In this version for parents, she great niece, and for their children a second cousin.

If this is the daughter of a cousin of a grandmother or grandfather, then the latter is a second cousin, although a distant blood relative for dad and mom. The first is their fourth cousin.

So who is my cousin's daughter? Is there a difference from intimacy and bloodline relationship in this case? There is definitely a consanguinity in this option, but regardless of whether the daughter of a brother or sister from the side of the father or mother is called a niece. And if this is the daughter of a cousin or brother, then the niece, respectively, is a cousin.


Unfortunately, we do not always remember family ties in order to strengthen or increase family circle loved ones. The presence of a wealthy relative in one of the branches of the family tree gives a rather strong impetus to determine the proximity of kinship in the event of an inheritance. And here, as they say, Civil Code help if there is no will.

In any case, the compilation of a family tree, the search for distant branches of relatives is not only fashionable, exciting, but also useful. After all, every family necessarily has at least one mysteriously lyrical story of relationships, which can serve as a plot for a fashionable novel.

  1. Husband (husband)- a man in relation to a woman with whom he is married
  2. Wife (wife)- a woman in relation to a man with whom she is married. Married woman.
  3. father-in-law- wife's father
  4. mother-in-law- wife's mother
  5. father-in-law- husband's father
  6. mother in law- husband's mother
  7. brother-in-law- Brother husband
  8. brother-in-law- brother-in-law
  9. sister-in-law- husband's sister
  10. brother-in-law- sister-in-law's husband
  11. sister-in-law- wife's sister
  12. son-in-law daughter's husband, sister's husband, sister-in-law's husband
  13. daughter-in-law- the wife of a brother, the wife of a son for his mother, the wife of one brother in relation to the wife of another brother; also used instead of daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law
  14. daughter-in-law- son's wife in relation to father
  15. Matchmaker- the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  16. Svatya- the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other
  17. grandfather (grandfather)- the father of the father or mother.
  18. Grandmother (grandmother)- the mother of the father or mother.
  19. Great Uncle- father's or mother's uncle
  20. Great-aunt- mother's or father's aunt
  21. Grandson, granddaughter)- son (daughter) of a daughter or son in relation to a grandfather or grandmother. Accordingly, a cousin (granddaughter) is the son (daughter) of a nephew or niece.
  22. Great-nephew (niece)- grandson (granddaughter) of a brother or sister.
  23. uncle (uncle, uncle)- the brother of the father or mother, the husband of the aunt.
  24. Aunt (aunt, aunt)- the sister of the father or mother in relation to the nephews. Uncle's wife in relation to his nephews.
  25. Nephew niece)- son (daughter) of a brother or sister (relatives, cousins, second cousins). Accordingly the child cousin(sisters) - great nephew, second cousin (sister) - second cousin nephew.
  26. One womb (brother, sister)- having a common mother.
  27. Half-blooded (brother, sister)- having common father but different mothers.
  28. Consolidated (brother, sister)- being a brother (sister) by stepfather or stepmother.
  29. Cousin- the son of a native uncle or native aunt.
  30. Cousin- the daughter of a native uncle or native aunt.
  31. Second cousin- the son of a great-uncle or great-aunt.
  32. Second cousin- the daughter of a great-uncle or great-aunt.
  33. Kum, kuma- godfather and mother in relation to the parents of the godson and to each other.
  34. Stepfather- mother's husband in relation to her children from another marriage, stepfather.
  35. Stepmother- father's wife in relation to his children from another marriage, stepmother.
  36. Stepson- a non-native son of one of the spouses, who is related to the other spouse.
  37. Stepdaughter- a step-daughter of one of the spouses, coming native to the other spouse.
  38. Adoptive father (mother)- adopting, adopting someone.
  39. Adopted son (daughter)- adopted, adopted by someone.
  40. Adoptive son-in-law (primak)- son-in-law adopted into the wife's family, living in the wife's house.
  41. Widower A man whose wife has died.
  42. Widow A woman whose husband has died.
  43. twin cities- brothers, mostly cousins, friends who happened to help each other out in difficult times.