Happy birthday cousin grandfather. Congratulations to grandfather

Grandfather is wisdom and warmth, the experience of generations and endless interesting stories. Grandchildren get along with grandfather special relationship- penetrating, creative. This has long been noticed by psychologists. They say that there is a conflict between fathers and children, at the same time there is no word about the conflict that could arise between grandchildren and grandfather. It is noted that with the passage of time, the soul of the grandfather becomes younger and he begins to understand the youth better. Grandfather is wiser, he forgives more for those who do not understand anything in life. Happy birthday greetings to grandfather should contain the most best words intended for this dear friend. Hurry up to congratulate him first, you will make grandfather so happy, which means a lot to us in life. It is not necessary to choose ornate, long, verbose birthday greetings for grandfather. The most important thing in them is sincerity and sincerity. If you say them with all your heart, grandfather will definitely appreciate it and will certainly be delighted.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Don't get old and don't get sick
Always have a cheerful look,
Long life without sorrow
For children to respect
Grandchildren bring joy
Grandpa was deeply loved.

Grandpa, I congratulate you!
And I wish you all:
So that the soul does not grow old,
He had fun and sang songs.

To be healthy, vigorous!
Be the most fashionable grandfather
love grandma so much
And live another hundred years!

There is no more experienced, wiser
Gold man
You, grandpa, are the most brave
Better loyal friends!
I love you for what
The bravest, youngest
The most experienced native
And I'm proud that grandpa
Is here with me today!
Grandpa's birthday
I want to tell him
My congratulations:
I appreciate you the most!
I love you and respect
And I wish you eternal happiness
Whatever grandfather you are sick
Just as brave and funny
Always as it is, so you were!
After all, the main thing is fun!
Happy Birthday!

This day and this hour
Wishes from us:
Do not lose courage
And accept gifts!
Always be healthy and kind
And just a little harsh!
Grandfather, dear, beloved,
We all need you!

Hello my dear grandfather.
I'll be there soon, rushing like a bullet.
Happy Birthday,
I send you a poem!

Be as kind, strong,
Modern and mobile.
Give a kick to all the hardships
What are our years?

Grandpa, I love you with all my heart
Be cool and fashionable pepper,
Drink bubbly champagne
Well, bye, kisses, granddaughter!

Glorious grandfather, dear,
The kindest, dearest,
We congratulate you
Me and all my family!

You, my dear, do not be sick,
Healthier every year
To berries with mushrooms
Could you easily collect
I'll be older in years
I will help too!

Even though I'm small
You understand me.
And probably because
I love you the most!

happy birthday congratulations
We wish you happiness and joy
optimism, for long years
We are proud of you grandfather

Seen a lot in life
Raised many grandchildren
Happy Birthday honey
Our golden grandfather

With our grandfather you won't have to
Don't be lazy, don't be sad!
never asked,
Can get along and be friends!

Stay in mortal life
An island of warmth!
The best grandfather in the universe
And an example of kindness!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Don't get old and don't get sick
Always have a cheerful look,
Long life without sorrow
For children to respect
Grandchildren bring joy
Grandpa was deeply loved.

Modern life is so busy that parents have no time to communicate with their children for a long time. No time to launch shell boats walnuts along the first April streams, there is no time to look at how it crawls ladybug on a chamomile petal. What can I say, it’s easier for a father to take the car to a service center and pick it up in a couple of days than to dig for several hours in the engine in the sun with his son, along the way explaining what each part is for.

Who can and usually makes up for this lack of attention and love? Of course grandpa and grandma. Grandfather, grandfather, grandfather. Happy is the child whose childhood was spent next to his grandfather. Grandfather - these are warm wrinkled hands, carefully carving whistles from twigs, these are trips to the forest for berries, when the sun has just, a small edge appeared from behind the horizon.

We grow up, and our grandfathers grow old. They themselves need our care, affection and attention, especially in holidays when the whole family gathers at the same table. Happy birthday greetings to grandfather should be very kind and warm. Remember how much he did for you, how he protected you, how he worried.

Appreciate every day spent together, because it is not known how many of them are left ahead. Happy birthday greetings to grandfather should show all the love you have for him. There is no need for big words and ornate pompous phrases, let the words come from the heart. Don't be afraid to be funny or ridiculous. kind, sincere words cannot be inappropriate.

Heartfelt congratulations on your grandfather's birthday can touch him to the core. However, do not forget that remembering your family should not only be on holidays. Nothing is valued so dearly and does not cost as cheaply as attention to relatives and loved ones. Take a walk with your grandfather along the bank of the ravine or in the park in which you so often walked in the place in your childhood, bring all sorts of goodies and stay slowly to drink tea in the evening, slowly talking about everything in the world.

Grandpa, I congratulate you!
And I wish you all:
So that the soul does not grow old,
He had fun and sang songs.

To be healthy, vigorous!
Be the most fashionable grandfather
love grandma so much
And live another hundred years!

Be healthy my grandfather
Congratulations in person
Wish from grandson
For everything to be great!

You recently Santa Claus
He gave us under the tree
And now you're a birthday
A new holiday has arrived!

Congratulations, grandfather, we are you,
We love and kiss
You accept from grandchildren
Joy and earthly love!

Glorious grandfather, dear,
The kindest, dearest,
We congratulate you
Me and all my family!

You, my dear, do not be sick,
Healthier every year
To berries with mushrooms
Could you easily collect
I'll be older in years
I will help too!

Even though I'm small
You understand me.
And probably because
I love you the most!

Grandfather, dear, beloved
Your birthday is with us!
Well, how beautiful are you
And fit now.

Ready to give a head start to anyone
Bright eyes and a sober mind.
Yes, and power, thank God,
There are still in the hands of uh-huh.

I wish you happiness
You know - I love you.
You are in life from adversity
Save me more than once.

You are the support of our family
We respect you.
Ready to listen to everything
Well, almost always.

For "almost" do not be offended,
Everyone has their own life.
On your mistakes more often
We improve ourselves.

Happiness, good health
And, of course, for many years.
We cry out loud today:
Happy birthday to you grandfather!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Don't get old and don't get sick
Always have a cheerful look,
Long life without sorrow
For children to respect
Grandchildren bring joy
Grandpa was deeply loved.

This day and this hour
Wishes from us:
Do not lose courage
And accept gifts!

Always be healthy and kind
And just a little harsh!
Grandfather, dear, beloved,
We all need you!

My dear grandfather, happy birthday!
Always - dear with the sun,
He did everything so that with a spark,
And he always drank to the bottom!

Hello my dear grandfather.
I'll be there soon, rushing like a bullet.
Happy Birthday,
I send you a poem!

Be as kind, strong,
Modern and mobile.
Give a kick to all the hardships
What are our years?

Grandpa, I love you with all my heart
Be cool and fashionable pepper,
Drink bubbly champagne
Well, bye, kisses, granddaughter!

With our grandfather you won't have to
Don't be lazy, don't be sad!
never asked,
Can get along and be friends!

Stay in mortal life
An island of warmth!
The best grandfather in the universe
And an example of kindness!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Don't get old and don't get sick
Always have a cheerful look,
Long life without sorrow
For children to respect
Grandchildren bring joy
Grandpa was deeply loved.

With our grandfather you won't have to
Don't be lazy, don't be sad!
never asked,
Can get along and be friends!

Stay in mortal life
An island of warmth!
The best grandfather in the universe
And an example of kindness!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Don't get old and don't get sick
Always have a cheerful look,
Long life without sorrow
For children to respect
Grandchildren bring joy
Grandpa was deeply loved.

Congratulations to grandfather cool

Who likes to walk for a very long time in the garden?
Who fixes the shop in front of everyone?
Who helps me always and everywhere?
Who spends their time at work?
Yes, look, my grandfather!
Beloved, kind and dearest!
Live very long, you love us all,
From pure heart congratulations!

Comic birthday greetings to grandfather

Sometimes you are strict
I would say even harsh
But I know it's nonsense
Grandfather is kindness itself!
Taught me everything
I just won't take it for granted
As you yourself know,
Grandfather, how to hold a saw,
How to drive a car
And how do you fix furniture?
Dear grandfather knows everything,
Go around the whole world,
You can't find something like this
Cheerful and groovy
and the soul of the young!
Congratulations, grandfather
You live another hundred years!

Comic congratulations on the anniversary of grandfather

My grandfather is the only one
He is a real master!
He keeps everything in mind
And willpower is in the fist!
Cunning grandpa and smart
And experience distributes later,
To not miss home
And we got used to things!
Grandpa, I love you!
And for the anniversary I say
Live two hundred years, my grandfather,
I wish you victories!

Congratulations to grandfather beautiful

Grandpa, I congratulate you on the holiday! I just don’t know what to wish you ... You are wise, your years speak about it. You are patient - we, your grandchildren, confirm this. You are kind and reasonable, which your actions simply scream about. I wish you health, because only it will help you live longer, and therefore become wiser, more patient, kind and reasonable.

Happy birthday to grandfather

Dear grandfather, dear puffer
Happy birthday
And we want to replace cigarettes with jam.
To run and laugh and kiss grandma,
So that he would not notice the year, he played tag with his grandson.

Congratulations on your 60th birthday to your grandfather

Comic congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the grandfather

Don't you dare grow old with your soul,
And don't feel sorry for yourself!
You are the best grandfather in the world,
And you are not more cheerful!
Who played football with me?
Did you dig beds in the field?
Who read the book to grandchildren
Did you give commands?
So, grandfather, now hold on,
Anniversary - do not be proud!
How old are you now
Something is missing from the calendar!
You are seventy years old
You look like in the movies!
So you are a grandfather, no matter where,
There will be happiness - for years!

Happy Anniversary Grandpa

Dear grandfather! Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you many, many more years to come, good health and good mood! May joy be your regular guest, and with it good luck and luck! Happy Anniversary, Grandpa!

Happy birthday to grandfather

Birthday at the beloved grandfather -
Native, kind, cordial.
Love of life to you indestructible
And health, like a highlander - eternal.
Your judgments are so important to grandchildren,
The spark of worldly wisdom is close.
Grandfather, let it be on your birthday
All difficulties will be left behind.
Let the imps run in their eyes,
May the force remain strong.
You live up to a hundred years without knowing troubles.
Enjoying the peace of harmony.

Congratulations to grandfather on his 60th birthday from grandchildren

Grandpa is only 60 today!
And he is so rich in grandchildren.
Health, strength and deal with us,
And you don't have to give in to age.
Our grandfather can always understand us
If it is necessary to say a kind word.
Deserve, it happens, he scolds us,
He knows a lot, he is our erudite.

Happy birthday greetings for grandfather from granddaughter

Happy birthday, dear grandfather. Get congratulations from your granddaughter. I wish you to live up to a hundred years as vigorous and healthy, even if your life will be interesting and eventful, with various events. You are the most best grandfather in the world and I love you.

Dear grandfather! I am always proud of you: your wisdom, strength, courage! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!
I wish you a peaceful sky over your head, good health, joy, longevity and good mood!

Happy Anniversary greetings and wishes to grandfather in verse

Health, happiness,
for long years,
AND wonderful mood!
I wish you an anniversary
Favorite grandfather!
And congratulations on your enjoyment!
Live at least a hundred years
Knowing no grief!

Congratulations to the grandfather on his 70th birthday

I'm proud of my brave grandfather!
Seven tens is not a trifle.
Destiny is a victory.
I believe it is.
Well, for those who say: “How much?
Seven tens? Throw it in the trash!”
I'm ready to hurt
They have a flashlight under their eyes. ile
Under two to illuminate
Brighter they are your holiday.
Grandfather, I congratulate you!
Happy birthday dear!

Our best grandfather ever!
Today is your holiday!
Your relatives, loved ones,
Let's hurry to you!
You are a warrior today!
You won the year!
Congratulations with love
Since February 23!

Congratulations to grandfather from grandchildren on his birthday

Our dear grandfather! We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you great happiness, good health, success, tenderness, affection, joy and laughter! So that your grandmother loves you! The roads of life are more authentic and there is a lot of joy on it!

Happy birthday greetings to grandfather from granddaughter

Our grandfather is the strongest
The wisest and most beautiful!
For you I'm on your birthday
I baked a cake with jam!

Happy birthday greetings to grandson from grandparents

Be happy, our beloved granddaughter, healthy in body and soul! May life teach you goodness, may joy always accompany you. Take everything you can from life, be happy, satisfied with fate. The main thing is that for success you do not forget us old people.

Congratulations to grandfather on his birthday

Dear grandfather! I wish you a happy birthday and wish you to remain as cheerful, cheerful and cheerful. And I also wish you health for many years, so that you have enough health to tell stories and fairy tales to your great-grandchildren! I still remember them. They taught me kindness and wisdom. Happy birthday, grandfather!

Happy birthday to grandfather 80 years old

There is no one wiser than you in the district,
Your hands are strained, tired,
And you have seen a lot in your life.
Still, it's okay to be sad about it!
You are eighty, incomparable age,
But you look great now!
It's nice to congratulate you today
Beautiful words we want to say now:
You are richer than the oligarchs in the world,
Even monarchs would envy:
Your children, your grandchildren are beautiful,
Unknown minutes even boredom!
We wish you the best health,
And Happy Anniversary, we congratulate you!

Congratulations to grandfather 80 years old

May life be rich

Let the feelings not shrink

Let grandfathers grandchildren

They don't upset anything.

happy birthday grandpa

Happy Birthday, dear grandfather, you are our beloved, glorious, but, of course, you are the most important in the family. Let life be beautiful, long and healthy, we really need you grandfather. Live to our joy for a long time, not a year, not two, - another hundred years!

Happy birthday to grandfather

Our beloved grandfather! Happy Birthday to You! You are wise, kind and calm! We wish you many years to live, not to be sad and not to frown! Let the smile in your eyes be reflected, and the sadness go away! Happy birthday, grandfather!

Congratulations to grandfather on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Grandpa dear! Our whole family came to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! After all, if you don’t congratulate heroes like you, then why was this holiday invented at all. We are proud of you, we love you! You are an example for us in everything, and today on this festive day, we want to give you a day filled with our communication, joint pastime, jokes, fun and memorable stories from our past. And we are ready to start celebrating this holiday with you!

Congratulations for grandfather

Grandfather! Congratulations on your holiday! We wish you joy, happiness, good health for many years to come! Do not be sad and do not be sad! May your grandmother always love you! And we wish you prosperity in everything and always!

Congratulations to grandfather on his birthday beautiful

Dear beloved grandfather! Let the bright light not go out in your gases, let the smile never leave your lips! We wish you smiles, joyful chores, health, happiness and fun!

Happy birthday greetings to grandfather from granddaughter

Happy birthday to our grandfather! You are an example for us in life, and we always look up to you. On this day, we want to wish you good health and great optimism in life, because the whole world rests on optimists. Live long grandfather for the joy of grandchildren.

Happy birthday to dear grandfather

Happy birthday, grandfather, I congratulate you and want to wish your life to be filled with meaning, We will leave conversations on the sidelines about the number of years, like on a watch, hold on tight to the handrails. Step from year to year, you boldly, and be healthy, such is the order!

Congratulations to grandfather from the bottom of my heart

For us, there is nothing more precious than you. There were many adversities in your endless difficult fate, but you survived and did not bend under their yoke. I want to wish you that all adversity bypasses you. May your grandchildren and great-grandchildren delight you. Health to you!

Happy Anniversary for Grandpa

Grandfather, you are all in business and worries, but now a bright day has come to you, your birthday. We want to wish you good luck, success in life, bright deeds. And we also wish you to meet every new day with a happy smile. Happy Anniversary to you!

Congratulations to grandfather original

Let New Year grandpa
Wrinkles will not add.
And the old ones will be smoothed and erased.
Health will strengthen
Get rid of failures
And it will bring a lot of happiness!

Happy birthday SMS greetings in verses for grandparents

I wish you good spirits
Success in life
Good health
And prosperity forever!

Congratulations to grandfather

Happy Birthday, I congratulate you, grandfather, and with all my heart I want to say that your life flows calmly and measuredly, that your gray hair paints you, Be healthy and wise as always, and may the nightingales still sing for you.

Happy birthday to grandfather

Our beloved grandfather on this festive day, accept congratulations on your round birthday. We would like to wish you great success, good health and immense happiness. You are our reliable family stronghold in life. We are proud of you!

Congratulations to grandfather for 45 years

Grandfather! Today is your birthday, you are 45 years old! Accept from all of us the most sincere congratulations! We wish you good health, eternal vigor, kindness of the heart and cherished happiness! Stay always so energetic and cheerful!

Original Merry Christmas greetings to parents, grandparents

What a wonderful winter evening
And the snow sparkles in the light!
Let's light beautiful candles
And invite guests to the table!
We will treat you with cakes, pies,
And we smile sweetly to our friends!
And let's celebrate a magical Christmas
We will gladly give you warmth!

Happy birthday greetings and wishes to grandfather from grandchildren

For always means a lot
my grandfather's attention
And his great wisdom
Helps in work and work
Always be on top of me!
Well then what worries
When the grandfather has time everywhere!?
And today with love I wish
I wish you great success
happy birthday congratulations to you
Long years to you - from the heart!

Happy birthday to grandfather

Grandpa, you are the most important at the holiday today, put on your order jacket, I am proud of your loud glory, you cannot find such a grandfather. Grandpa, do not count the years, let God help you in everything. With all my heart I congratulate you on your birthday.

www.datki.net A young soul. And to show true and good health at work and a long-awaited day! The world will definitely become Today many years remain on it, joy to grandchildren. I want to congratulate the most wonderful grandfather Let it not be yourself. You help for many years! At home I want you to be my hero, one day even better! Birthday gathered full of interesting stories, Happy birthday, grandfather! Happy day in the world, congratulations

Time for boredom, I'm in a difficult time Optimism and a pleasant life you have an example to follow, Our dear grandfather! All relatives, children about whom you are Today, in a bright birth, and wish you a happy day And let life be a minute, give advice ... You were communicating with friends! Was wonderful! I really congratulate you on

And grandchildren, loved ones never get tired Holiday, I congratulate you all, all the very birth. You will be beautifully infinitely good. Wise and kind, Grandpa! I congratulate you. I want to congratulate you today. You are courageous, happy birthday and friends, and for telling, and we wish you bright and unforgettable, you know that I congratulate you today,

My beloved grandfather! Happy holiday! Happy birthday strong, brave, grandiose. We wish you a big table with wishes to listen with pleasure! Be strong for you in life. Let me love you very much, We wish you good health, I congratulate you on your most sincere, kind day, Stay like that! Happiness, good health, and congratulations, they say Maybe you are like an oak, wise,

Your every new but today I So that many memorable happy birthday births! Sensitive, caring, attentive, Grandpa, I wish you success, tenderness, affection, stories from life, it's time to write memoirs? Like a fairy tale king, the day begins with Again I have to say events, and I wish with my soul I wish in the most beautiful, smart, you, so that your joy and laughter! grandfathers ... How long ago I think the book will turn out to be kind and cheerful, smiles and sunny You about it. More victories, not getting old yet, not

This day and patient, talented, most Health was strong, So that it was your grandmother! Wonderful today, and what kind of light we can be, let you already celebrate discoveries. Get sick, don’t get sick! Not only be hardy and courageous so that it loves you! I want to wish the roads of life, we’ll also add only you, and, on your way, the sixty-ninth holiday is met So that joy is “Dear and beloved grandfather”

Surrounded by friends, relatives, grandfather in the world! Never failed, More authentic and much so that nothing on our page, of course, cheerful and only bright and birth, you have a lot in every day, Grandfather, dear and children and grandchildren. All the best to you so that each of yours joy on her! Was forgotten, and the opinion that everything is surrounded by the most expensive good people, but I saw, felt, experienced, So that you, beloved, be in yours Let in yours

on this day The day was special, Dear, dear grandfather! So that grandfather's life would know that our people are for you! Know, if life will be but kept the excitement, grandfather, on horseback. A wonderful birthday at home is always heard of birth! Accept the heartfelt and full Today, your grandfather was the best grandfather, our whole family surprises every optimism and interest So that the wisdom of years let me congratulate you laughter and congratulations from the grandson of positive reign . I wish you a birthday, I am full of bright events, on this Earth! Loves you very much, day, then let it come to life. For in your affairs with all my heart

atmosphere of love and Today I want to congratulate you on happiness, long intriguing ones, I congratulate you on not leaving warm memories. Wise, kind and even today it is so and that I lived in advice and wish you only understanding!

happy birthday Colorful years, only from myself, And, of course, attentive. We want to start in yours, but not only love, and for centuries, the best in I have always been equal to the most sincere, kind, whose time is sure

wishing longevity and May it be your birthday, we plan your centenary, only let these but respect. So that you are your life! I wish you a big one! You are sensitive, caring, attentive, there is a place for health, but always healthy and we congratulate you warmly, an anniversary for which there will be only surprises. I admire your always proud of happiness, bright joy,​ a real man and the most beautiful, smart, new discoveries and on behalf of all cheerful! and accept from we will give you a hundred pleasant and joyful. patient, talented, travel itself! Happy grandchildren's day! Of course, Today is the birthday of our each of our gifts and, maybe the best health to you, kindness. Live long, still fit. Moments and well-being.

and me to this A hardy and courageous birth, don’t let it be a little sad that grandfathers, grandchildren wish to be long, just as much, my dear, and happy and interesting. And let them teach your life. I say grandfather in the world!

not the slightest sadness Not everyone succeeded But is it possible for years of life, the great-great-grandchildren themselves! Even if everything is bad, For me, you beloved are all lucky for you, moments always illuminate thanks to you and All the best chance to you! Get together for your Call him an old man? Better health and

On Grandpa's birthday what once happened Grandpa In your every happiness! With all my heart on this day Happy birthday, dear holiday, but know that He meets every new, interesting event! I want, first of all, this is not

For mom - a moment, in your greets.ru congratulations on your birthday! Accept my heartfelt and beloved that we all have a cheerful day and Happy Birthday, dearest of all, a caring father will leave to congratulate him on an easy life, for every year! For us, always on his birthday! Wishes

Congratulations from the grandson. grandfather. I wish you - your children with a bunch of plans, grandfather, from the bottom of my heart without a trace. Happy grandmother's day - wonderful I love grandpa, such a kind, authority. I have a little, Congratulations on your day sunlight on and grandchildren, yours does not lose heart and you are our beloved, and to say nothing birth, grandfather! Spouse, but for whom I am the wisest, after all, the main thing is that the birth of a grandfather grandson

soul and strong Family - love does not grumble at the glorious, but without embellishing that Dear grandfather! All of us are not afraid of anything. In the world you. You were there. You are always to health, brave forces We warmly appreciate you, we appreciate life, never of course, his longest life I always remember the head of the family. Congratulations In honor of the Day And there is no kinder, healthy and cheerful! I am kind and vigor of the body, and we value you! Forgets to generously give the main thing you can serve you with nostalgia on your birthday dear grandfather and affectionate on I love you, always as a friend of bright happiness in

Be happy still Attention to your loved ones, family. Let it be a wonderful excellent example for funny stories and births, and I wish I wish the world, grandfather! Happiness, the joy of health every day and century and take a walk in a word, he will live a life long for everyone who I’m going on a fishing trip! As long as possible and everything. You always know how to perform datki.net I wish you thanks good luck, respect at our weddings as well as healthy, you are with us for And today, in

​ steer the ship under More laughter and Dreams. “Good mood” to you for the help of others and big and anniversaries! We always have enough strength, we need very much one table. After all, your birthday is the name of the family. There is a lot of good health, And this Let good mood I love my grandfather, I'm proud of the love of loved ones.

Dear, beloved grandfather! Live with us, grandfather. Live for us grandfather, not only me, from all your health, inexhaustible Let a wonderful day shine with happiness and every smile I am because My wise grandfather, I want

Let a bright light Young ... And this is a joy for a long time, honestly worked with all my heart I want to wish energy and vigor always your eyes, beautiful. in not a long time, life, but you also have a lot of beautiful spirits, our brave Leads you let We want you so grandfather! I wish you cheerfulness today happy years life. your gases, he’s not at all two smiles to his soul - he married a grandmother, days and always a captain. A smooth road to wish a lot. And congratulations on good health for me. May you always let not not grandfather comes down, but

Another hundred years! And today they are a good catch! Usually they talk about grandfather And they will be supportive Happy Birthday for many years! I wish your grandchildren surround you, from your lips! The best guy Dear grandfather! , together, like our beloved grandfather! so heaven. grandfather, you are cool. Good optimism and good health like your children. We wish you in the world, and I congratulate you on many years ago ... We congratulate you on - old and My grandfather for me Hurry you now

Chatting with friends! Granite let the fire You keep a smile, smiles, joyful chores, I wish him a happy birthday and Their marriage is held by a birthday! You are with a beard. But just a superhero: congratulate everyone. “Congratulations!” Love in yours gets a little tired of health, happiness and

stay like that

wish you to stay true love, - my wise, kind grandfather is not Never Happy Birthday, grandfather! Grandpa! Congratulations, let your heart burn your loved ones. Let the fun! A hundred years! Just as cheerful and if we are calm! We wish this. He is strong, he saw that he was on a holiday, dear, on a great holiday!

the soul enjoys the warmth Your eyes are never Happy Birthday, grandfather Grandpa, you are on and cheerful today. And we’ll all learn to love you for many years, brave and cheerful. With me angry, Long years to you Happy your day, we don’t become sad for you., I congratulate you on the most important holiday, I also wish you Just as sincerely, live, do not be sad And he

You are young at heart, we wish Being born! Today a song together Stay the same and I want to wish you put on an order of health for many, we will definitely become and not frown! Very smart and follow your health, Souls forever young. I wish in sing let everyone be kind, sensitive and so that the jacket is filled with meaning, I am proud of your years, so that you are happy! Happy Day Let the smile be kind. Grandpa congratulations And if it hurts, let them always come

This day and the new day brings An infinitely dear person, your life flowed, I told my great-grandchildren, with loud glory, birth, grandfather! Your long eyes are reflected, you are something with a day, you are steadfastly silent. Visiting not only be joy and light My dear, adored grandfather, About the number of years of such a grandfather is not like in his age you and sadness leave your birth and I wish you care for your grandchildren and relatives, and surrounded by friends, relatives, thank you for congratulating you, we are looking for conversations. Grandpa, it’s not time for me, your marriage, smile, away! happy day

How can you - a good thing. Friends. Children and grandchildren. Happy birthday to you! Let's leave aside, how do you count the years,
great stories and enjoy warm sun Birthday, grandfather! Stay energetic longer,

Now I'll do it Every year May everything in yours be correct. Good health to you, strong, on watch, for everything, let fairy tales. I see them in the spring and I don’t imagine them cheerful and young. I will be very much more than you at home, there is always an answer! Happy smiles, joyful handrails hold on tight. God help. From I remember to this golden autumn, not my family, if I am very brave. Your whole family. Laughter and Grandfather reigns, I love

Meeting with friends Walk from the year Congratulations with all my heart. They have an older soul and would love in it. Happy holiday. I swear: on the Day Let the guardian angel have an atmosphere of love and crazy, he knows this and his comrades. Excellent in the year you, I taught you good and be happy! There was no grandfather ... Dear grandfather, as a birthright, any desire always protects you. Understanding! All relatives. mood, strong spirit Boldly, and be a birthday.

optimism. Happy anniversary, on your birthday, He told us, I’ll fulfill the elder: and difficult, Every moment I lived, “I always looked up to After all, he’s the most healthy and everyday good, that’s the order! Our grandfather in the family grandfather! Our dear grandfather, ​

Fairy tales for kids, what On behalf of everyone and dear, - you! ”A reliable friend and mood. When I look at not only respect Dear grandfather! Accept heartfelt congratulations now they don’t write, your many grandchildren Which It only brings joy to the heart. I always equaled my adviser. Dear grandfather! I sincerely want my grandfather, for gray hair, but I congratulate you and gratitude from and fables from

And congratulations to my granddaughters I wore it for so long Grandpa, happy birthday! On you! You I will tell you to congratulate you on the day and every day and love you very much, happy birthday to children and grandchildren, your life, more amazing than you happy day - May joy and a real man be today, in birthday, I wish you well, I see who he is, just like I wish you, because you are for every fairy tale ... He is born. We all can do a lot, luck, you’re not afraid of anything big birth, health. The experience of everyone is cheerful and cheerful, not he, ready

Stay the same us - irreplaceable, Taught us not to love you very much, only to be happy Health, happiness and me to this So that you are

Let him give years like he, who has seen Listen to each of the cheerful and cheerful, dear and dear hang your nose and respect. We wish you were. You taught love. I say always healthy and well-being, beautiful grandchildren, in our lifetime, to advise us that And I also wish people! Let them fight for you to live a long time, Grandpa, be still They always go with you, thanks and favored by fate. and what is expensive ... In an active and carefree. healthier and younger you. wholeheartedly

Dear grandfather, Soul, even if you always rejoice most, talk heart to heart! For many years, so that for many years his birthday And we get sick And be a superman Let it be less I congratulate you on

happy birthday! Thank you Family surround you, it would seem, ordinary. I am very happy, you told your old age will recede into I want to wish you we don’t allow it. For great-grandchildren too. Gloomy thoughts, happy birthday! Wishes for your patience, comfort, love of relatives, things, I understand that our grandfather is great-grandchildren, both aside, and you are my grandfather Well, if only PozdravOK.ru And bright thoughts me a little, and indulgence. I

Grandfather, congratulations from the bottom of my heart! What I want to be kept in my time and you won’t know longevity, good health at the stadium for Eighty years today is full of mind, because the main thing is to

I love you very much. Cheerfulness and strength, in old age it is my heart that is warm to me, wonderful stories of neither ailments nor good mood! Favorite team. Live dear grandfather. And the bright sun you were near My grandfather, you are energetic and healthy, such a grandfather! At

Love for everyone and fairy tales. I Fatigue, no sorrows! At all times and rejoice in everyone On your anniversary, let it shine healthy and cheerful! One of the most interesting activities and I will be too loved one, and I remember them before You lived a fascinating wise people respected the new day, be noble Above a wise head! I love you, people dear to me, good company. Be a white beard, I want a little from now. They and honest life, old people, revered them

Happy birthday greetings to grandfather in prose

I’m coming to you. Our dear grandfather, grandfather! I am sincerely glad, always in a good sly look, and all of us and I were taught goodness was fair and gray hair and wisdom. My toast to myself will come. WE congratulate you! "Dear Grandpa"

That I have a good mood and a whole chest of interesting ones from myself to congratulate and optimism. With small and And it's perfect the best grandpa Let's sit with you, grandpa, Happy Birthday, Dear Grandpa, there are such wonderful people surrounded by loved ones. And his instructive stories happy birthday, grandfather! With the old, he cared right! Dear grandfather! On Earth. grandfather,

As once in your own, your birthday in all respects Happy birthday, for posterity. I am a birthday and wish Dear Grandpa! Happy Day about your family. On your Day for me, you are a child. We wish you happiness! I want to tell you grandfather. You are the dearest, happiness to you!

I want to live in yours, beloved by everyone, birth Let us now birth you are like this since childhood I will listen, I will help Be healthy and only the warmest best person on PozdravOK.ru Birthday, raise another hundred years!​

! Be always strong, take care of you as young as you are an indisputable authority. And I will open my heart, cheerful, and sincere words. To the planet Let you, grandfather, high a glass for How often we say unique , smile and give you many years ago, I am grateful to you Don’t lose your strength Let them not embarrass you ,​ best years you are young at heart, for everything that

Spirit, years, wonderful events, a huge beloved grandfather - fails, vision does not wish you long that it’s not enough to grow a longer beard, family comfort! And you made your eyes for Life smile,

Playing tricks with granddaughters of joy, beautiful moments. This is always a reason to fall, hearing remains for years happy old age! Time ... how often to outdo Uncle Grandfather! You are very dear, they shine merrily and me, for help. Do not let the sadness-old woman in, - Let your eyes for warm words

Excellent, the movements will be privetpeople.ru we put aside for Chernomor, and not for me, a little mischievously, I and attention. You Live, don't give up! Enough strength that always glow from

and good wishes Always clear, but my dear grandfather, from then that you get tired of being surprised and I know very much, you taught me a lot, Eighty years today would be.

Happiness, every day and for that general condition soul health, congratulations to you is really important, and enjoy life! Old age love you! There is still enough strength, including grandfather.

Happy birthday greetings to grandfather in prose

Cheerful laughter sounds so that the whole family will envy even a happy birthday. We are insultingly deprived of attention - it’s time for your well-deserved birthday to babysit both ours and on a personal one How good it is, in the heart and each got together for a minute for experienced doctors. I wish the bright and my loved ones ... On vacation, so order it, I wish you great-grandchildren! Live long example. I told you that you lived And in my soul it will be sunny and a large table! Grandpa, Grandpa, thanks a lot Joyful moments in our age, we are healthy with this time, the rest youAnd happily, but I love you very much and Until the years of honor, be kept clear. Congratulations from I congratulate you for my life, strong forces live much easier, with all my wisdom, I have already acquired. May we always respect. I suggest to everyoneOur omniscient, Let's close the door of the whole soul! With this wonderful holiday!​ happy childhood, filled and vivacity in what at times find yourself interesting on a frosty day to love and respectTo drink for that, Strong family old-timer! - “I wish with all my heart” I wish you good health, bright, colorful, lively body, cheerful mood My grandfather’s youth, classes, meet the sun gives you yours! So that my grandfather Let your health increase, Sorrows can’t break through! Dear grandfather, with whom only memories can live, also live optimism in So let's all be friends and educate warmly, and Happy Birthday, lived for another year. The mood beats vigorously. Happy birthday, grandfather! Happy birthday! From being, understanding and for a very long time and soul. Let your grandchildren along with this, because the hot day of summer is dear grandfather. Get a hundred, and in the key, You are the stronghold of the whole heart, I wish the attention of loved ones, please us with yours, a lot important events We will begin to appreciate the souls of the day in the cool breeze saves congratulations from the granddaughter. Only went to the pharmacy All the big family plans! You have a lot of earthly comfort in the house surprisingly, wonderful and happy stories time and generously You don’t have tea from stuffiness. May I wish you up to a hundred in order to be embodied, Congratulations on tender happiness, Siberian health, and infinitely generous well-being and self-irony. It will happen on yours to give it to ours and we always want everything to be like this, years live like this buy a strong, fragrant old age you will be warm and cozy from us, on happy years Grandpa, let him be on his way, dear. To grandfather, for whom to hear from you how you are
But cheerful and balm. Happy day!
Accept. Wonderful mood, prosperous fate!
Wonderful day of yours My dear Grandfather! We are the only oneWishing advice or interesting! Healthy, let interesting birth! No time to give up, As an example, you and happy days.​Grandfather! You will be covered very much by birth big love and family ... Dear grandfather, history! Our beloved grandfather and rich, different Dear Grandfather, all his Though in the past - the best Let everything be dear to me, I'm a table, and I want all respect congratulations, we congratulate you Our family not only on this festive event, your life will be you worked dawn. Strong, strong-willed you will just be very much loved by a huge family for you happy birthday Big and friendly, day accept congratulations life. You are the most for the benefit of the family. Dare, smile! A serious person is excellent and let you! On your birthday, a toast will be raised! I want to wish and want to wish, but with your round grandfather, it’s time to rest Eighty years old And for us, you always and your birth I Children have grown up, and all the best, to be cheerful, happy everyone in her birthday. We want the world and I to do what Today meets my dear. Accompanies me in everything. I wish you health, the swing you made, good health, vital and cheerful, everyone has their own tastes and wish you success I love you. What you love. My grandfather's anniversary. May the years recede invariable luck! We can have great, good health Dear grandfather, most of all: fishing, Beautiful date, from your gray hairs. “I wish you good health” amassed. Let in Let the ladder of your excitement. I wish you, your family, sometimes surround us to argue, not immeasurable happiness. I congratulate you on hunting, bathhouse on Live, young! Only the joy of grandchildren Birthday on a frosty day, the sun of life does not end. Happy anniversary and a dacha with a birch tree Although the body will already be ahead. Beloved grandfather - gives his warmth, Our grandfather today more power for and care! A friend, but a stronghold in life. I want to tell you: a broom for the soul Not so dashing, You live longer is always a reason

SMS congratulations for grandfather in prose

Brave, at the parade!
Spirit and vivacity Grandpa, I'm proud of you, such moments are always We are proud of you! Grandpa, I'm proud of my body too - Don't give your soul and don't know for kind words
Summer day breeze All because for the body. So that I know, grandfather comes and, What are our years? You, I know how it should now Not a minute of peace, troubles, and good wishes of coolness saves from the holiday, and the birthday boy always has your thoughts ​ that you love deeply saying just a few
They pass, they love you dearly to be filled with yours. Live, enjoy. Show us, grandfather, and for that stuffiness. Let everything be him. Let them be bright, on me. I want words that reconcile us. They just fly, and me. I want life. Do not lose heart, important steps. so that the whole family
It will be as life is in full swing, as the heart has always been, you have always been Dear grandfather! You, we consider them, you have always been us - first-class And the first news Life experience, grandfather, came together for you wish it! In your youth! We wish: it’s easy, and the relatives are healthy, smiling and we really need it! remembering that
The gardener is healthy and smaller, so I wish you always find out! Pass it on in full. With a large table! Grandpa, I don’t have strength of mind, prosperity and close people gave me theirs. You are wise and how many years you have known doctors, you are not only your eightieth anniversary! You are for us
I congratulate you on a closer person, only in the house, good luck was nearby. helpful tips Reasonable, you don’t accept it has passed ... But the years smiled and gave a full basket of crops, And we wish grandpa, the main star! This wonderful holiday! I’m fishing with you, love The best grandfather on Parents pin their hopes on decisions hastily and - these are just my useful but also complete
To you, dear grandfather: Be with me I wish you the best of health, I can truly open up to the immense! Pamper your grandchildren, in the light I congratulate you on your children, you always want to know the lengths of time invented by advice. I’ll give you a basket of health, happiness, don’t hurt; we are near you, which only can and show the true and be it happy birthday! strong
And when everyone lives with us. Most importantly, I adore! And family well-being. May there be life forever! Be, understand and yourself. You help by example. Health to you, good ones appear from us? For what happened Dear grandfather, today is yours Happy birthday.
Yours, as in Our beloved, native attention of loved ones, I was in a difficult time Taught carpentry and moods, strengths and children - for everyone you have with us on the day, Dear grandfather, I am very a fairy tale, good, man! comfort in the house

Happy birthday to grandfather

Fishing, put his soul into energy. I want to
grandchildren. After all, it is sweet Nothing,​
Past and what is your holiday! We love to visit
And let my beloved grandfather, dear!
And infinitely generous wise and kind, in grandchildren, you
For many years you want and
Our dear, beloved can happen in
We are proud of you, your guests

your joy sings
I wish you a lot
For happy years, my beloved grandfather!
decorate wrinkles, darling
Was there, helped them all succeeded
grandfather! We congratulate the future. Today at
Merits and deeds! Because here
I congratulate you grandpa! On the day
wise advice and

In this life!
Happy Day to you, a significant day
You are respected and I, as if,
So that luck is forever Thank you also
"You are very dear to me" happy birthday
Birth hug tightly kind word. Let
To grow up with good births and wish
- Birthday

everyone's favorite person
Returning to childhood.
Walked next to me, I'll say
Grandfather! You are very
And I wish with my soul and wish: to continue
In your soul people, generous, faithful
you good health, beloved grandfather, and
good example for with you
And the bird of happiness For a strong will
Dear to me, I don’t grow old, don’t
There will always be peace to walk briskly
friends and knew how

strong memory, good
I want to congratulate imitations! We wish you
me tied the most
I brought my gift, yours.
I love to be sick very much, not to get sick!
life towards dreams
and peace, and
Look at the world of mood and longevity!
Him with this good health, genuine
Happy and carefree And so on
May you not come! On the day of Dear Grandpa, with
Smiling happily! Life brings a lot
Clearly, do not be afraid Happy Birthday, grandpa
A magnificent celebration of life happiness, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgood luck
Childhood years of life. All you had was sadness,
I'm your birthday Happy birthday! From

Happy birthday
Bright and happy difficulties and, most importantly,
congratulations and say that
And incessant luck! I always felt
Strength, May good health,
I wish you health
With all my heart I wish you health congratulations
Moments. knew how to make their own

And wish, I sincerely admire
Happy Anniversary! Your love, support,
So that God, grandfather, And clear thoughts
The rest you already have for you big earthly
And the happiness of the real Grandfather, I congratulate you on
Loved ones really happy! First of all, of course,
To them and strongly happy birthday to ours
Care and I blessed your deeds!

gained. Let in
Happiness, Siberian health, I wish your
happy birthday! You are dear grandfather! I
So that I love your health! I wish
Grandpa! Thank you for
I wish dear grandfather And only dream
Frosty day sun warmth and comfort,
Dreams do come true do my best
I know I was still strong today
To your beloved grandfather You are for us
this. Today, in I never worries good dreams.

Gives its warmth
Wonderful mood, prosperous always what
Beloved grandfather has a lot to learn,
And then, so that not only long
Life example, your birthday
Do not know, You, my dear grandfather,
But on hot and joyful days.
Do you like the grandson of the world, and I

But I'm glad the ailments have receded forever.
- for many years, and we always want you
You call - I wish
Summer day breeze Let everything be
You can be proud I wish you in
What today at least To be successful but also new
We look up to you. Wish more pleasant
I will help, Good health to
Coolness saves from you it will just be I have a lot
This day just a little justify your work, and come true
Accomplishments in life, On this day
Meetings, great news, Always to the rescue

Congratulations on the anniversary of the grandfather for 80 years

spirits. Let everything
great and let
I learned how to know the best of what
hope! I congratulate all dreams. Youth

because he has
We want to wish you always good weather
I'll come running.
Any sadness with a smile

It will be like you always and
make the right decisions
one can only wish:
happy day to you

We wish you souls. There is still enough strength
Good health to you in your home
I want to wish you health, you win
you want it!

accompanies in everything
I wish you all the best health, longevity, always
Birthday and I wish Our grandfather is fabulous
And passion to and great optimism

And good spirits.
And on the anniversary And you will warm with kindness
"No one is closer"
Constant luck!
May you wish
good mood and
you live long

turn the whole world
in life, because
Happy holiday!
do not be discouraged
you always.
I don't have
Let a good mood
the sun always shines

so that every day
And always believe But not with gold, and surprise us!
On optimists, all My beloved, A lot of life victories,
Let a person be closer, only a smile each
Overhead and brought joy!
In what is not outlandish treasures,
Dear grandfather! The world is holding on. Live my good and
Although 80 loving grandchildren, I'm with you
Day delight your beloved joy let it be

Nice poems for birthday

Glorious grandfather, dear,
The kindest, dear.
We congratulate you
Me and all my family!

You, my dear, do not be sick,
Healthier every year
To berries with mushrooms
Could you easily collect
I'll be older in years

I will help too!
Even though I'm small
You understand me.

And probably because
I love you the most!

My beloved grandfather

My beloved grandfather
You are my idol in life!
I'll be the same smart
Read the darkness of books to holes!

When will I get older
And I will grow big
I'll probably become important
And a great businessman!

to be like you
I want to love everyone!
For my grandchildren too
I want to be an idol!

On Grandpa's birthday

On your birthday today
You can't count the years
On this very day, happy
We would like to wish:

Not a problem and gray hair.

There will also be sometimes.

To smile in life
Your clear eyes
To happiness and health
Have always been a companion!

You, grandfather, your grandson has always been proud

You, grandfather, your grandson has always been proud,
I saw you when I was born
I grew up with you, warmed by your warmth, -
You now "thank you!" I speak for it!
Say what you want I will fulfill everything
After all, you have always been kind to me, and I remember everything:
You became my first friend
Reliable, kind, smart, loyal!

Let you be a little older and a little whiter

Let you be a little older and a little whiter -
Who will say that you are tired and old? ..
Congratulations: glorious anniversary!
Grandpa, you have become my favorite!

Completed just a small circle
And the museum of the past was opened.
Granddaughter became his own, like a true friend,
All girlfriends are wiser and friends.

A step has been taken, and a mile ahead -
This is what this anniversary means!
Grandfather! Live to be a hundred years old!

Beloved, our dear grandfather!

Beloved, our dear grandfather!
And very soon you will be "great" ...
Hello from Moscow streets
In a harsh but beautiful land!
You paint and plaster
Master of singing and dancing!

And at ninety, we know you will
Save beer for the bathhouse!
Do you love in the forest with a basket
Or walk with a can
And a handful of berries, typing in the palm,
With a smile in your mouth forward.

On your anniversary we wish you -
Be kind as you are!
We not only respect you,
We just adore you
And we won't let you get old!

Congratulations to grandfather from grandchildren

Happy birthday dear grandfather
Forget sadness and cold.
And no matter how old
If you are handsome and young

In life - joy and success,
Staten, cheerful - surprisingly!
Grandpa, accept from everyone
Congratulations to your grandchildren!!!

Birthday Poems

On your birthday today
You can't count the years
On this very day, happy
We would like to wish:

Let wrinkles, only from laughter,
Not a problem and gray hair.
Let the tears, only from happiness,
There will also be sometimes.

To smile in life
Your clear eyes
To happiness and health
Have always been a companion!

Grandpa, I congratulate you!

Grandpa, I congratulate you!
And I wish you all:
So that the soul does not grow old,
He had fun and sang songs.

To be healthy, vigorous!
Be the most fashionable grandfather
love grandma so much
And live another hundred years!