The use of anticoagulants during pregnancy: Fraxiparine. Low molecular weight heparin Fraxiparin: indications, instructions, reviews

Fraxiparine belongs to the category of anticoagulant drugs, which prevents the active work of blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots. The remedy is prescribed to pregnant women in exceptional cases, namely when the risk to her life exceeds the risk from drug treatment. Reading the annotation to the drug, future mom always intimidated before using it. The course is prescribed strictly by a doctor, only then can possible side effects be avoided.

What you need to know about Fraxiparine?

Fraxiparine is classified as a low molecular weight heparin that has an anticoagulant effect. Thus, the drug activates a chain of reactions that leads to blood clotting. Regular introduction medicinal product does not allow blood to stagnate on the walls of blood vessels and prevents the formation of thrombosis in women. active ingredient funds acts nadroparin calcium. This substance quickly and firmly creates bonds with protein molecules in the plasma, which prevents thrombosis.

Reference! The introduction of the drug allows you to have a pronounced effect on the blood composition and improve the properties of the blood. Adverse reactions are practically not detected. Although heparins themselves have the ability to increase the risk of bleeding.

In order for a woman during pregnancy not to encounter the formation of blood clots in the vessels, the doctor sometimes prescribes her a course of taking Fraxiparine. To prescribe a drug, the doctor must have serious reasons, namely the risk of diagnosing thrombophilia in a patient. If blood clotting is impaired to such an extent that the likelihood of blood clots exceeds its absence, then this poses a serious danger to the fetus inside the womb. Delayed treatment can lead to the death of the child.

In addition to improving the condition of the blood in a woman, the drug maintains a normal blood supply to the baby in the womb. The indisputable advantage of this drug is the fact that the substances it contains never penetrate into placental barrier and have no effect on emerging life.

When does a pregnant woman need Fraxiparine?

During pregnancy, Fraxiparine is necessary as a course therapy in cases where future mother increased blood clotting is recorded, or the risk of such a manifestation is very high. The course is appointed by the doctor individually. Some expectant mothers have to inject the drug all 9 months of pregnancy. Such long treatment, as a rule, is justified if the woman has previously had miscarriages due to blood clots. It is in these cases that even a small gap without medicinal product can lead to fetal hypoxia and cause spontaneous abortion.

Attention! The exact safety of the drug has not been clinically established, but many doctors agree that the drug can be used in all trimesters of pregnancy quite calmly. In any case, no negative effects of Fraxiparine were identified in the second and third trimesters.

For many years, the drug has been used to treat and prevent excessive blood clotting in expectant mothers, although the annotation for the drug has not been edited for several decades.

In the first trimester, the drug is the most controversial. Before prescribing Fraxiparine to a pregnant woman at this time, the doctor examines the data laboratory diagnostics and calculates the risk of preterm birth and fetal death in utero. As a rule, they try to delay the use of the drug until at least 16 weeks of pregnancy, when placental protection has already been formed.

By the third trimester, the fetus and the size of the uterus reach maximum volumes, the inferior vena cava is strongly compressed, from which the blood flow goes from the limbs to the heart muscle. During this period, there is a high risk of blood stagnation, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. Blockage of the pulmonary artery can be fatal.

The use of Fraxiparine during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the drug should be injected as accurately as possible; for this, the manufacturer has attached disposable syringes with a special needle that are convenient for use. The solution is injected under the skin in the volumes prescribed by the doctor. In the pharmacy you can find dosages of 0.3 ml, 0.4 ml, 0.6 ml, 0.8 ml and 1 ml.

During pregnancy, they often do not take risks and prescribe a minimum dosage of 0.3 ml, used no more than 3 times a day. The duration of the course is calculated depending on the individual analyzes of the patient, but should not be less than 10 days. The greater the body weight of a woman, the greater the dosage she is supposed to.

It is best to entrust the procedure for introducing the solution to a professional, namely the attending physician. But in the case when Fraxiparine is prescribed for the entire duration of pregnancy, this option is completely problematic. That is why a woman must learn how to properly inject herself.

The method of introducing the solution is as follows:

  • From syringe to without fail air is removed. To do this, turn it upside down.
  • You need to have a sterile cotton swab soaked in alcohol beforehand.
  • Having taken a supine position, you need to treat a small piece of skin with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. In this case, a few centimeters should retreat from the navel.
  • On the treated area, try to grab a small piece of skin with two fingers.
  • A needle is inserted into the apex of the fold, tilting it 90 degrees.
  • The solution is introduced to the stop by slow pressure on the piston.
  • Apply cotton wool to the puncture site for a few minutes until the bleeding stops.

Important! Do not rub the injection site. Every day you need to change sides: from left to right and vice versa. Slight swelling within a few hours after the injection is normal phenomenon, there is no need to worry about this.

Contraindications and side effects

Fraxiparine is a potent drug, therefore, under certain conditions of a pregnant woman and with her existing diseases, its use is contraindicated. Prescribing the drug is contraindicated in the following pregnant women:

  • with individual intolerance to the substances included in the drug;
  • with a deficiency of blood clotting with bleeding;
  • with liver or kidney disease;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with ulcerative exacerbations of the duodenum;
  • with hypertension;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • with a zero result of previous treatment with a similar drug.

Skin rashes can be called side reactions of the body to the drug. First, the injection site turns red, and then a rash appears around it. Allergies can manifest as Quincke's edema or urticaria. An anaphylactic shock reaction is extremely rare.

Should know! In case of an overdose, bleeding is very common. If the bleeding is not severe, then the injection is delayed for several days after prior consultation with the doctor. In especially severe cases, when the blood cannot be stopped, additional protamine sulfate is introduced, which neutralizes the action of Fraxiparine.


If it is impossible to receive Fraxiparine, the doctor prescribes its analogues. Analogues include those drugs that are in the same pharmacological subgroup and have a similar mechanism of action:

  • Cibor 2500 or 3500 (subcutaneous injections).
  • Flagmin (intravenous and subcutaneous injections).
  • Piyavit (in the form of capsules).
  • Clexane (subcutaneous injection).
  • Heparin sodium (intravenous and subcutaneous administration).
  • Heparin-Ferein (intravenous and subcutaneous administration).
  • Heparin Sandoz (subcutaneous injections).
  • Heparin (internal and subcutaneous injections).
  • Heparin (amphora powder).
  • Gemapaksan (subcutaneous injections).
  • Vessel Due F (solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration, capsules).
  • Antithromin 3 human lyophilizate (infusion).
  • Angioflux (intravenous and intramuscular injections).
  • Antiflux (capsules).

Fraxiparine during pregnancy is prescribed when the doctor analyzes the indications and compares them with the well-being of the expectant mother. The drug can be injected in the form of injections throughout the entire period of bearing a child, since its effect on the fetus is not negative. On later dates the placental barrier is so large that no foreign substances can pass through it. Fraxiparine also has a number of contraindications, and with long-term use, adverse reactions of the body may occur.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I was prescribed fraxiparine from the beginning of preparation for pregnancy. The drug is expensive, but nothing can be done. Girls, advice to everyone who injects him - if you go to Turkey (yourself or friends-acquaintances) ask to buy the drug there !! For comparison: at the cost of one pack, which I bought in Moscow, in Turkey for the same money I bought 4!!! The drug is international, a prescription is not required. There were no problems with transportation and customs (Of course, if you put it in luggage). Health to you and your kids!

From Guest

I didn't have a good experience. There were 2 missed pregnancies, as soon as I found out that I got pregnant 3 times, I started to inject fraxiparin, but I started bleeding, they couldn’t stop, the doctor said that fraxiparin was to blame, that it couldn’t be injected so early, only from 7 weeks ((((

From Guest

Had 2 miscarriages early dates turned out to be hereditary thrombophlebitis. Fraxiparine was prescribed at 8 weeks of pregnancy, when D-dimer showed a value of 1337. I pricked the entire pregnancy 0.3 times a day. Canceled the day before delivery. She went to childbirth in advance precisely because of fraxiparine. She gave birth to a son, there was no bleeding in childbirth, everything went great. After giving birth, 12 hours later, she continued to inject fraxiparine + another 2 weeks.

From Guest

I want to tell you not to be afraid. I carried my first child on fraxiparine in 2002. Now he is already 11 years old. A perfectly normal child. Then the second in 2008. Everything is wonderful. Only from the second start, already knowing everything, to prick from 6 weeks. The child is normal. Well developed. Even childbirth and postpartum period went better. The only thing I will give small recommendations. Prick at the same time, preferably in the morning, alternating the left and right surfaces near the navel. It must be canceled 12 hours before delivery. Those. if contractions have begun, we do not give an injection. After childbirth, we start after 8 hours and, under the control of analyzes, we inject for another 10 days. Then you can cancel. Control of blood coagulation 1 time per month. Trust me, it's worth it.

1 syringe of Fraxiparine may contain 9500, 7600, 5700, 3800 or 2850 IU of anti-Xa nadroparin calcium .

Additional components: hydrochloric acid or solution calcium hydroxide , water.

Release form

The syringes contain a slightly opalescent, colorless, clear solution for subcutaneous injections.

Two such disposable syringes in a blister, five or one blisters in a paper pack.

pharmachologic effect

Anticoagulant And antithrombotic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Joint use with , indirect anticoagulants, NSAIDs, fibrinolytics or mutually reinforces the effects of drugs.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

  • Do not freeze.
  • Store at temperatures up to 30 degrees.
  • Keep away from children.

Best before date

Three years.

special instructions

Fraxiparine must not be administered intramuscularly.

Does not affect the ability to drive a car.


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Fraxiparine analogues: Atenativ, Heparin-Biolek, Heparin-Darnitsa, Heparin-Indar, Heparin-Novopharm, Heparin-Pharmeks, Novoparin, Flenox, Enoxarin.


Age under 18 years is a contraindication for prescribing the drug.

Fraxiparine during pregnancy (and lactation)

Nadroparin calcium crosses the placenta and is excreted in breast milk. Therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe Fraxiparine injections during pregnancy and during pregnancy, except in extreme cases.

Fraxiparine for IVF

It is prescribed to improve the rheological properties of blood, since the use of hormones causes the opposite effect, and to facilitate implantation.

Reviews about Fraxiparine

Reviews of patients about the drug are quite different, but you should not rely on them if you are offered treatment with Fraxiparine. The validity of the appointment of the drug, its effectiveness and all the risks associated with this can only be assessed by a specialist.

There are no bad reviews about Fraxiparine during pregnancy from those who have been treated. As practice shows, the drug does not affect the health of children. In the Latin recipe, the name of the remedy sounds like Fraxiparini.

Fraxiparine price, where to buy

In Russia, the price of Fraxiparin No. 10 0.3 ml is 2177-4020 rubles (it will cost about the same amount to buy in Moscow). In Ukraine, the price of the drug in a similar form of release is 510 hryvnia. The price of analogues, also used during pregnancy, is almost always noticeably lower.

  • Internet pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Internet pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine


    Fraxiparine solution 0.3 ml 10 pcs.

    Fraxiparine solution 2850 IU 0.3 mlGlaxoSmithKline [GlaxoSmithKline]

    Fraxiparine solution 5700 IU (anti-Xa) / 0.6 ml 0.6 mlGlaxoSmithKline [GlaxoSmithKline]

    Fraxiparine solution 0.6 ml 10 pcs.GlaxoSmithKline [GlaxoSmithKline]

Europharm * 4% discount with promo code medical11

    Fraxiparine solution for subcutaneous injection 3800 IU/0.4 ml 10 syringes Nanolek OOO

    Fraxiparine solution for subcutaneous injection 5700 IU/0.6 ml 10 syringesAspen Notre Dame de Bondeville/Nanolek LLC

    Fraxiparine solution for subcutaneous injection 2850 IU/0.3 ml 10 syringesAspen Notre Dame de Bondeville/Nano

The ability of blood to clot (hemostasis) is a wonderful protective device that nature has endowed a person with in order to protect him from death in the most dangerous situations. Unfortunately, even a slight increase in this ability, which does not cause a woman to ordinary life special trouble, during the period of gestation, it can turn into very serious problems. Therefore, doctors carefully monitor the parameters of hemostasis and, if necessary, prescribe Fraxiparine during pregnancy, which reduces its performance.

High blood clotting and pregnancy complications

For a future mother, blood coagulation parameters, one and a half to two times higher than those for a non-pregnant woman, are considered the norm. This is due to the fact that the body is gradually preparing for blood loss during childbirth. Nevertheless, experts note that during the gestation period, the risk of developing thrombosis increases 10 times. Situations are especially dangerous when blood vessels, through which blood carries oxygen and nutrients from mother to fetus. Their blockage entails such terrible complications as placental abruption, premature birth, developmental delay or intrauterine death of the unborn baby. Today, increased hemostasis is the cause of a quarter of cases of chronic miscarriage.

Fraxiparine injections during pregnancy are recommended if a woman has a persistent increase in hemostasis values ​​(an increase in the amount of fibrinogen and platelets, a decrease in clotting time, etc.). One of the decisive factors in the appointment of this remedy is the presence of previous unsuccessful pregnancies. The medicine actually thins the blood, reducing the risk of developing blood clots. The drug is not completely safe; when deciding on its use, the specialist must carefully assess the ratio of the probabilities of harm to the health of the mother and loss of the child.

The use of Fraxiparine during pregnancy: real benefits and possible risks

Many women, having bought this medicine as prescribed by a doctor, are horrified: according to the instructions, Fraxiparine is contraindicated during pregnancy. In fact, everything is not so clear. The drug was first developed about 30 years ago, and studies of its effect on fetal development were not conducted then. The ban on the appointment of Fraxiparine to expectant mothers was most likely the result of the manufacturer's lack of reliable information. For three decades, data on the clinical use of the drug have accumulated. Hundreds of women diagnosed with "chronic miscarriage" due to treatment with Fraxiparine have become happy moms. In many cases, the drug was used daily for a long time (almost the entire period of gestation and a few more weeks after childbirth). At the same time, suspicions about harmful influence Fraxiparine per process prenatal development have not been confirmed.

The use of Fraxiparine during pregnancy requires compliance with a number of rules:

  • The drug can only be administered subcutaneously. It comes in the form of a solution; each dose is packaged in a disposable syringe, ready to use;
  • Fraxiparine is injected into the tissue located on the abdomen on both sides of the navel. To do this, you need to do with your fingers skin fold and hold it during the injection;
  • When administering the drug, the syringe needle should enter the skin perpendicular to the surface of the abdomen;
  • Women suffering from hypertension, pathologies of the liver and kidneys, duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcers, as well as vision problems associated with circulatory disorders, should be under constant medical supervision during the use of Fraxiparine.

Fraxiparine during pregnancy is prescribed in an individual dosage. In severe cases, daily intake can be 3-5 injections. The drug is usually well tolerated; side effects(urticaria, short-term liver dysfunction) are rare. Risk heavy bleeding during and after childbirth when taking the drug is, but, as a rule, this complication can be avoided.

Thrombus formation during pregnancy can occur not only in the lower extremities, although this phenomenon is unpleasant and dangerous. Venous insufficiency is the scourge of 30% of pregnant women, who are often unaware of the existence of a problem before its visual manifestation.

But if varicose veins can still be somehow determined “by eye” and by sensations: the lower limbs swell and hurt, heaviness and fatigue in the legs are felt, then the woman will not be able to diagnose other types of thrombosis on her own. The disease is too secretive, insidious and therefore even more dangerous.

The role of the circulatory system during pregnancy

Why repeat the well-known fact about the effect of pregnancy on the volume of blood circulating in the body? The volume begins to increase from the first weeks and reaches a maximum by 31-34 weeks. The liquid part of the blood grows at a high rate in pregnant women and, usually, its viscosity is significantly lost, and in this case, there is no risk of thrombosis.

But in some pregnant women, increased blood clotting occurs due to hormonal imbalance, sedentary lifestyle or infectious disease. Yes, and actually pregnancy causes hypercoagulability.

Increased blood clotting dangerous phenomenon both for mother and fetus. After all, due to hypercoagulation, the formation of blood clots can occur in any part of the circulatory system. It is possible that blood can stagnate in the placenta, which consists entirely of mesh blood vessels, and where stagnant blood - there and high risk thrombosis. This pathology causes chronic hypoxia fetus.

What could be the consequences for the child? oxygen starvation? If it is expressed in mild degree(that is, it was not long, they noticed it in time and got rid of the pathology), then nothing terrible will happen: the baby in the womb “knows how” to launch defense mechanisms and adapt to uncomfortable conditions.

But if hypoxia becomes chronic, there is real threat pathologies of fetal development, damage to the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The second threatening moment is the occurrence of pulmonary thromboembolism, which is a complication of thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities and can be fatal.

To avoid the risk of blood clots, it is necessary to carefully attend scheduled examinations of the attending physician, and at the slightest suspicion, initiate an unscheduled one, carry out prevention in the form of an active lifestyle and healthy eating in the absence of a clear threat, or the use of special anticoagulant drugs - in the case of its presence.

Are Fraxiparine injections dangerous for pregnant women?

One of the most effective methods prevention and control of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, physicians call modern drug Fraxiparine. Its use in the eyes of pregnant patients looks very complicated and dangerous, so many of them start to panic a little when they learn about the appointment.

Despite the fact that Fraxiparine is not available in a form other than liquid for injection, and it must be injected directly into the umbilical zone, which causes extremely negative associations in most pregnant women, the drug does not cause any harm to the fetus. Therefore, future mothers suffering from increased blood clotting need to discard all stereotypes and start restoring their own health, which during this period is important not only for herself, but also for the baby.

In the pharmacy chain, Fraxiparine can be purchased immediately in a syringe equipped with a thin needle. The drug is injected subcutaneously, creating a fold on the abdomen and firmly squeezing it with your fingers.

It is the moment of insertion that is psychologically unpleasant for pregnant women, because during this period they subconsciously consider their stomach to be a specially protected area and try not to allow anyone or anything that poses a potential or even far-fetched danger to it.

In addition to a purely psychological barrier, the overcoming of which is often included in the tasks of the attending physician, there is no danger in using the drug for pregnant women. Moreover: Fraxiparine helps eliminate the threat of miscarriage and fights thrombosis at any stage.

There are no contraindications to the use of this drug during pregnancy, but each case requires individual approach and mandatory assessment by the attending physician of the benefits to the mother and possible risks to the fetus.

Composition, action, pharmacokinetics

The active substance of the drug is nadroparin calcium.

Excipients - calcium hydroxide solution or hydrochloric acid (diluted).

The drug has a high antithrombotic potential, as well as immediate and prolonged antithrombotic activity.

After administration, the active substance is absorbed almost completely (88%) and reaches a maximum in plasma after 3-5 hours. It is metabolized in the liver, the elimination time is more than a day, while the main component of the drug remains active for 18 hours after administration.

In special clinical situations (in patients with kidney failure) you can observe the accumulation of the active substance of the drug in the body, so they are recommended to reduce the dose.

Contraindications for use

The drug should not be prescribed to a pregnant patient in case of:

  • individual intolerance to the main substance of the drug;
  • coagulopathy (deficiency of blood clotting factors);
  • absence therapeutic effect when using antiplatelet agents (known as Aspirin Cardio or Cardiomagnyl).

Chronic ulcers, liver or kidney dysfunction, increased arterial pressure contraindications for use are not, however, these problems should not be silent. Your doctor must know everything in order to be able to carefully, competently and effectively carry out therapy.

Side effects

The use of the drug can lead to a number of side effects, expressed in:

  • violations of liver functions (the phenomenon is temporary and rapidly passing);
  • decrease in platelets;
  • bleeding;
  • itching, hives, redness of the skin;
  • Quincke's edema.

Individual dosage

Fraxiparine is prescribed individually, depending on the complexity of the case. In severe cases, a pregnant woman can receive 3-5 injections daily, and after the patient's condition stabilizes, the dose is reduced.

Some pregnant women, genetically predisposed to increased blood clotting, the drug was administered for almost the entire pregnancy - starting from 7 weeks and continuing until childbirth. As a result, healthy active babies were born on time.

Although many pregnant women report this unpleasant consequence injections, like itching and burning, they state as a fact that these troubles are a trifle compared to the ability to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Price and efficiency

Fraxiparine is a highly effective new generation drug presented on international market. Expensive, price - up to 2800 rubles. In other countries, you can buy many times cheaper.

It has a high anticoagulant effect, does not penetrate the placental barrier.

Fraxiparine by trimester

1 trimester

If necessary, the drug is used starting from the seventh week of pregnancy. Indications - the threat of unauthorized termination of pregnancy or hereditary thrombophlebia. Can be used throughout further pregnancy to keep the patient stable.

2 trimester

Application is possible with the same indications as in the first trimester.

3rd trimester

Apply according to the indications, the course of therapy is interrupted the day before delivery. After delivery, if necessary, continue to inject the drug.

When a woman is carrying a child, her greatest concern is that the baby be born healthy. Therefore, the desire to know if the medicines that the doctor prescribes to her is safe is natural and reasonable. In most cases, these are drugs approved for pregnant women. But, for example, fraxiparine during pregnancy is contraindicated - as it is written in the instructions for the drug, but it is, nevertheless, sometimes prescribed, and the course of treatment can be quite long. This is not the incompetence of a doctor, but a decision justified by necessity, which we invite you to verify.

What is fraxiparine and how does it work

When blood vessels in the body of warm-blooded animals are damaged, defense mechanism, and a special substance, thrombocin, begins to be intensively produced. It increases the viscosity of the blood and promotes the "gluing" of its cells. As a result, a clot (thrombus) forms at the site of injury, which acts as a plug.

If the body constantly produces thrombocin in large quantities, thrombocytosis can develop - a disease in which blood clots form in intact vessels, creating a direct threat to life. Then you have to use drugs that "thinn" the blood, that is, reduce its coagulability.

Fraxiparine belongs to the pharmacological group of direct anticoagulants - drugs that reduce blood viscosity. The active substance in it is Nadroparin calcium - a derivative of heparin, which is produced by the liver in humans and animals.

Fraxiparine is available in disposable syringes with a thin hypodermic needle. Depending on the amount of active substance, syringes have a volume of 0.3 to 1 ml. They contain a clear or slightly opalescent solution, which, in addition to calcium nadroparin, contains excipients: calcium hydroxide and water for injection. The drug is produced by the French pharmaceutical company Glaxo Wellcome Production.

Why is fraxiparine prescribed during pregnancy

Fraxiparine is prescribed to pregnant women in cases where the risk obstetric complications higher risk of possible side effects from the drug. If a woman has increased blood clotting during pregnancy, and the body does not produce an anticoagulant, this medicine must be used without fail. Otherwise, there is a real threat of miscarriage or intrauterine death of the fetus: due to the "thick" blood, the embryo will not be able to properly attach to the uterine wall, and the placenta will not be normally formed.

Indications for the appointment of fraxiparine during pregnancy may be signs of fetal hypoxia or impaired placental blood flow, confirmed by blood tests for coagulability and anticoagulability. In the first trimester of pregnancy, they try not to prescribe the drug, although in some cases the expectant mother is forced to take an anticoagulant for almost all 9 months in order to safely bear the child. Fraxiparine treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of a physician.

Doctors believe that the ban on its use during pregnancy indicated in the instructions for the use of fraxiparine is based on outdated data. Annotation to the drug was compiled more than three decades ago, large-scale clinical studies that would evaluate the degree of its safety have not been conducted. At the same time, practice shows that sufficient big number patients endured pregnancy on fraxiparine, and the drug did not affect the condition of the newborns, since it does not penetrate the placental barrier.

Contraindications and side effects

Absolute contraindications to fraxiparine are:

  • allergy to its active substance nadroparin calcium or any of the heparins;
  • a condition in which the risk of bleeding is increased;
  • peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum in the acute stage;
  • a history of evidence that thrombocytopenia (increased bleeding) has developed with the use of nadroparin in the past.

This drug should be used with extreme caution if a pregnant woman has high blood pressure or serious violations kidney and liver function. Without prior consultation with a doctor, it is not recommended to take Fraxiparine simultaneously with salicylates (aspirin, asphene, askofen, anacin, etc.), as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Taking anticoagulants can have some side effects. These include:

  • thrombocytopenia (a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood),
  • bleeding,
  • hyperkalemia (increased levels of potassium in the blood due to a temporary violation of liver function),
  • pruritus and redness at the injection site,
  • urticaria (in rare cases up to angioedema).

How Fraxiparine is Introduced

The drug is intended for subcutaneous or intravenous administration; during pregnancy, the subcutaneous method is used mainly. Fraxiparine is not administered intramuscularly.

If a pregnant woman is prescribed long-term treatment anticoagulant, injections of fraxiparine can be done at home. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Take the syringe with the needle up and slowly squeeze the air out of it (until a drop of medicine appears at the end of the needle).
  2. Wipe with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, the place where the injection will be made. This is the area for middle line the abdomen, located two fingers above the navel (there are no large blood vessels in this area).
  3. Grab the skin with two fingers in a vertical fold.
  4. Insert the needle into upper part folds perpendicular to the surface of the skin.
  5. Inject the drug slowly.
  6. Remove the needle and press a cotton swab moistened with alcohol to the injection site. Rubbing the skin in the injection area should not be.

Fraxiparine analogues

Among the analogues of fraxiaprin - direct anticoagulants made on the basis of heparin derivatives, the most popular is. This is a drug of the same pharmacological group, the active substance in it is enoxaparin sodium.

The principle of action and effectiveness of these two drugs are the same, fraxiparine is slightly cheaper. As for the tolerance of drugs - in the reviews, some women write that Clexane injections are less painful and do not leave bruises, while others, on the contrary, believe that Fraxiparine is better tolerated than Clexane. In any case, the choice is more suitable remedy carried out by the doctor based on clinical picture and condition of the pregnant woman.