How to tie a stole around your neck, head, coat, jacket in different ways? Photo of fashionable stoles. How to tie a turban in winter. How beautiful to tie a stole on your head. How to tie a scarf on your head in winter

If a girl considers herself modern and wants to be always in the spotlight, she should know how to tie a stole beautifully. Not just to tie, but correctly and different ways. A stole, beautifully tied around the neck, will enhance the beauty of its mistress and can hide some minor flaws in the upper part of the dress. The first step, of course, is to choose the right combination stole with the rest of the clothes. Under bright things it is necessary to select models with unusual prints. Images of animals, mustache contours, eyes and other unexpected drawings will be a good solution.

A stole, beautifully tied around the neck, will enhance the beauty of its mistress and can hide some minor flaws in the upper part of the dress.

In fact, what is a stole - it is a wide and long scarf, which, with a wave of a light female hand, turns into anything. Today there is a fantastic variety of ways to tie this elegant accessory women's clothing. Silk and wool stoles tied around the female neck look especially good. On the neck, on the head, wherever the stole is tied, the eyes of fashionistas are always fixed on French women. It is they who know how to tie a stole like no one else.

The classic way (and the easiest) is to simply cross the ends.

It looks like this.

  1. You need to wear a stole around your neck so that the ends hang down forward.
  2. Cross the ends of the scarf. Leave one as is, vertically down. Another must be thrown over the shoulder.

Method "Loop or knot in French"

  1. The tippet must be folded in half in length. Throw on the back of the neck.
  2. Thread both ends into the loop formed and straighten as you like.

There are also more serious decor options. For example, these are:

Alternatively, there is such an elegant way to tie a stole:

  1. You need to wind it around your neck - there will be one loop in front. And the tails will be located on the chest.
  2. The loop must be pulled out a little more, twisted once, in the form of a tourniquet resembling a figure eight.
  3. Thread the ends that hang freely into the bottom circle of the resulting figure eight on both sides. One above, the other below.

How to tie a stole on your head in winter: warm and elegant

Such a piece of clothing as a stole is worn not only as additional element for a coat or dress. From it it is quite possible to make an excellent headdress. And it will seamlessly fit into any style. What is beautiful is stylish. So, how to properly tie and cover your head.

There are a variety of options. The simplest one is described below.

  1. You need to throw a stole over your head. The middle should be at the crown.
  2. Throw one piece behind your back. The other is left hanging freely in front. It will turn out such a plan a light hood.

This option is suitable for summer, autumn and spring.

In winter, a stole made of wool will become worthy replacement any headdress - no hats can compare with it in aesthetics, and in warmth too. One has only to throw it over the head, and wrap the tails around the neck, and a beautiful warm headdress is ready. You can put the ends under the collar of a coat or fur coat.

Interesting and fashionable option wearing a stole in the form of a simple turban.

You can wear a stole on your head in the form of a bandana. There are no secrets here - every woman knows how to tie a scarf on her head.

How to tie a scarf instead of a hat to be stylish

Fashion forces women to look for ways to look more and more beautiful. Therefore, they abandon the standard elements of clothing and instead come up with replacement options. There are again several ways to use stoles, scarves and shawls.


Such methods are suitable, first of all, for those who do not like to wear hats. They are heavier than a scarf or shawl, especially when wet. What can be done to replace it. Of course, wear a tippet instead of a hat.

Here are two simple options with headband. There is nothing complicated, you just need a suitable scarf.

These options go very well with any coat and fur coat, in particular, if the clothes have a fur collar.

The algorithm is:

  1. The scarf should be folded in half lengthwise. Diagonally cover their heads with their tails crossed at the back of the head.
  2. Then bring the scarf to the forehead, covering the head again diagonally on the other side. Cross the tails at the back of the head again.
  3. From loose tails, form a bow and strengthen the stole on the head.

And more hard way"Turban", beloved by most women:

  1. The scarf must be folded lengthwise. Wrap around the head, tails to the back of the head. Wrap a scarf around your head, forming a turban.
  2. Tie the ends of the stole to the forehead, or lead to the back of the head, fixing them there.

How to beautifully tie a stole on a coat instead of a collar: simple ways

By the autumn-winter season, the question arises of how it is more rational to wear a stole on a coat. The simplest and most popular is to tie a wide scarf instead of a collar. Basic option- Throw a scarf around your neck in front. Straighten the ends. Cross them at the back and bring them forward. This will take less than a minute.

Node option.

  1. The scarf should be wrapped around the neck twice.
  2. Bring the tails forward.
  3. One to hold in the resulting ring.
  4. Then tie two tails into a weak knot, putting it under the ring.

Option "Complex knot".

  1. Cross the ends at the back, forming a large loop in front.
  2. Twist it into a figure eight.
  3. Pull the left tail up into the loop, the right tail through the bottom.

Here are some easy ways to tie a scarf with a collar. Look at the drawings and photographs, and maybe your imagination will suggest some new way.

Eleven Friends of a Girl: Additional Ways to Wear a Scarf

Below is a photo review of how to wear a stole scarf, when looking at which it becomes clear how to do it. Schemes here are superfluous - everything is visible without them.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3 "Loop"

Option 4 "Reverse loop"

Option 5 "Wide step"

Option 6 "Butterfly"

Option 7 "Strict style"

Option 8 "Evening"

Option 9 "Stars"

Option 10 "Everyday"

Option 11 "Universal"

  • try to choose the material bright colors, with different prints;
  • large flowers look very good on such a product and create a sense of celebration;
  • do not dwell on any one material: if everyone wears silk scarves, this does not mean at all that you need to follow in their footsteps - fantasize, play with fabrics and achieve the desired effect;
  • use additional accessories when wearing a stole: brooches, clasps, beautiful pins - everything that can enhance the impression should be used.

How to tie a scarf stole beautifully: 5 ways (video)

How beautiful to tie a scarf, scarf, stole (video)

A few years ago in our country beautiful scarf-stole hard to find on store shelves. If only in the markets it was possible to "dig up" a distant likeness. In addition to beauty, there must also be quality, and this has always been a problem. But as soon as this piece of clothing became trendy, the situation changed. The manufacturer understood where the wind was blowing, and a rich variety of these products appeared on the shelves. The form began to change, the artists try to overtake each other, and drawings of stunning beauty come out from under their hands. On sale there are scarves from any material that one can only imagine. It remains only to choose what you need, and fashionistas are already familiar with the science of using a stole. The point is small - to make a splash and amaze those around you with your appearance.

A selection of the most spectacular ways to tie and use a tippet. Common Accessory women's wardrobe"does real miracles."

A stole is a wide scarf of various colors and textures. An essential wardrobe accessory modern woman, it is worn at any time of the year. If it is a thin, light, flowing fabric, a stole is used in summer or spring, and wool and other dense materials will be appropriate in the autumn-winter period.

The versatility of this accessory lies in the variety of ways to tie and use it. This non-standard element of the wardrobe can radically change the image of a woman. It is tied around the head, neck, thrown over a dress, coat or jacket.

How to tie a stole in style? How to tie a stole on the head and neck? How else can you wear a stole? In this collection of material - the answers to all exciting questions and a demonstration of the most popular ways to use the stole. After reviewing the secrets and recommendations outlined in the article, any woman can look modern, fashionable and spectacular.

Which tippet to choose?

When choosing a stole, one should be guided by the main question: what will it be worn with? Decorate a coat or Evening Dress, a romantic blouse or a "rocker jacket" - there are a lot of options. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of combination in clothes, taking into account the features of the figure and face. Naturally, under floral blouse a stole with a similar one will not work floral print, and on fine fabric a stole made of dense and hard material will look rough.

When choosing a stole, pay attention to it color scheme. The shade should “fit” to the face, combined with the things with which it is planned to be worn. Options are also possible here: it can be an independent bright accent in the form of a woman or a finely selected elegant addition to clothing.

So, the more such accessories a woman has in her wardrobe, the easier it is to create any stylish images in clothes.

How to tie a stole - ways

Consider the most common ways to tie a tippet, ranging from simple to somewhat intricate.

How to tie a stole with the Loose Ends method

Having thrown a stole around the neck, the free ends are thrown forward, over the shoulders. In fact, the scarf is wrapped around the neck, and the ends are left on the chest as an ornament. The ends of the stole, depending on the length, can simply hang down, or you can tie them with a light knot.

How to tie a stole using the "Long Tail" method

Throwing a scarf around your neck, throw one end of it behind your back, beautifully arrange the front folds. For better fixation of the stole, you can fix it from the inside (on the shoulder) with a pin.

In this, the simplest, variation, both voluminous and narrow models of the stole look beautiful.

How to tie a stole using the "Loop" method

The stole is folded in half in width and thrown around the neck. The ends of the scarf are threaded into the loop formed (during addition). The degree of tightening of the stole can be different: dense and clear or loose and airy.

Light summer scarves tied with a "Loop" can be additionally decorated with a brooch or decorative flower(as in the photo).

How to tie a stole using the "reverse loop" method

Variation on the theme "Loop". Do the same manipulations as described in the previous method (stage No. 1), but first thread only one end of the stole into the loop (stage No. 2), and thread the second into another loop (stage No. 3), slightly tighten the ends (stage No. 4).

How to tie a tippet using the "Twist" method

Twisting the stole slightly along the canvas, wrap it around the neck, cross in one place, and tie it carefully, hide the ends under the bottom.

This method is great for wide and long scarves. A narrow tippet after twisting will look too short. Great for women with thin and long necks.

How to tie a stole using the "Hood" method

The tippet is twisted around the neck twice, crossing and tying a small knot at the back (according to the principle of the previous method). One layer of the stole is slightly pulled out and used as a hood or hood.

The method is convenient for its versatility, turning a scarf into a headdress and vice versa. In this form, the stole resembles the well-known snood.

How to tie a stole "Volumetric arc"

A simple way, when the ends of the stole are tied, the knot is moved under the neck, the scarf is beautifully straightened on the chest. You can also twist it slightly by adding voluminous folds.

How to tie a stole on your head?

Often the stole is tied not only around the neck, but also used instead of a headdress. It will be appropriate in the hot summer heat, instead of a hat or panama, and in cool windy weather. Warm soft stole on the head, in winter it will become unusual decoration and frost protection. Preferring a stole over a trivial hat, it will be easier for a woman to keep her hairdo, its volume and shape, even in the winter cold.

There are also enough options to tie a stole scarf on your head: with a scarf, turban, traditionally thrown over your head and throwing the free ends over your shoulders or tied around your neck. Everyone chooses according to taste and according to the style of clothing. So, how else can you wear a tippet?

How to tie a stole on your head - method 1

The stole is thrown over the head and tied under the chin in a knot (like an ordinary scarf). The free ends of the scarf remain in front or are thrown behind the back.

How to tie a tippet on your head - method 2

A variation of the first method, when the ends of the stole are not tied, but simply thrown over the shoulders (or over one shoulder).

How to tie a stole on your head - method 3

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (along the length), a knot is tied at the back, on the back of the head (like a scarf). If the length of the stole allows, you can (before making the knot) wrap the ends of the scarf around the neck again.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 4

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (along the length), tied at the back of the head (optional) and the stole is twisted into a tight tourniquet, which is wrapped around the head. To fix the scarf, a decorative knot or bow is made in front or on the side.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 5

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap your head around it, ends towards the back of the head. Having collected the ends in soft warehouses, tie a tight voluminous knot. Loose ends can be left on the back or wrapped around the neck. A braid wrapped in a stole or a hair bun will look fashionable and stylish.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 6

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap your head around it, ends towards the back of the head. Wrap your head around your forehead, forming a "turban". The ends of the scarf are tied on the forehead or taken back, fixing on the back of the head.

The photo shows several options for the formation of a "turban" from a stole.

By the way, such universal way tying a stole on your head is convenient not only in summer, but also in winter. Just choose a warm and soft scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck?

Most often, the stole is tied around the neck. There are a lot of design variations and the number of decorative knots.

Below, the photo shows several ways to tie a stole beautifully.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 1

The edges of the stole are twisted at the back, forming a voluminous loop in front. First, one free end is tied on the side (on the shoulder) into a knot, hide the tip. Then the same manipulation is carried out with the second end. The tippet is neatly straightened on the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 2

Make a voluminous arc from the stole on the chest. Twist the edges at the back and bring them to the front. Tie the loose ends around the neck, beautifully hide the ends under the stole. Straighten the scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 3

Put the stole around your neck, tie one knot at each end. Arrange the nodes asymmetrically, one above the other. Tie loose ends, twist scarf back. Hide the peeking ends under the stole, into the loop of one of the knots. Beautifully form folds.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 4

Wear a stole around your neck, align the edges. Tie the ends of the scarf into a knot. Twist the stole and pass the head through the hole. Depending on the length of the canvas, the scarf can fit tightly around the neck or fall slightly in two tiers on the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 5

Wrap the tippet around the neck, as shown in the photo. Tie loose, hanging ends. Hide the knot under the first tier of the scarf, straighten the ends.

How to tie a tippet around your neck - method 6

Wrap the tippet around the neck, leaving hanging ends on the chest. At one end, make a light, loose knot into which to thread the second free edge of the stole. The asymmetry of the arrangement of the knot looks beautiful and impressive in any image.

How to wear a stole with a coat?

Fashionable stoles are indispensable with outerwear: coat, fur coat, jacket. Sometimes, it is quite simple and random to throw a scarf over the shoulders or slightly throw one edge behind the back, and the image will be fashionable and creative. Sometimes women of fashion twist a scarf tightly around their neck or fix hanging scarves with a belt. long ends tippet.

A headdress was considered a couple of centuries ago important element attire. Modern young ladies try to refuse it, putting it on only in case of cold weather. But in the last few years, fashion has encouraged the wearing of practical hair ornaments. How to tie one of these - a stole - on your head so that it is cute and stylish?

Finishing touch

A wide scarf, or stole, tied around the head, completes the look and unique style. Such a detail draws attention to the face and clothes of a woman, so, having decided to complement your image with this accessory, be sure to thoroughly study the question of how to tie a stole on your head beautifully. And you also need to take into account the nuances of choosing a “miracle scarf”:

  • the color of the accessory, matched to the eyes, is a win-win option;
  • good quality. A stole is not the kind of thing you can save on. It is worn directly on the face, so there is absolutely no need to spoil the look with cheap stuff;
  • season. Scarves made of dense fabrics are not suitable for summer, and thin, silk stoles will look awkward in winter.

How to tie a stole on your head: 11 different ways

A wide scarf as a headdress should be tied not only beautifully, but also practical, convenient, and safe (so as not to repeat the fate of Isadora Duncan).

Slavic tradition

handkerchief in national costumes Slavs occupies a special place. This tying option is somewhat reminiscent of this old style.


  1. Throw a scarf over your head.
  2. We bend one end and throw it on the opposite shoulder.
  3. We straighten the edges of the scarf.

This bohemian way of tying is best done on silk or chiffon models.


  1. We throw a scarf over the head so that the ends are at the back.
  2. Wrapping the hair tightly, tie the edges.
  3. We wrap them in bundles.
  4. We lay them around the head so that the last skein ends at the back.
  5. We fill the free edges under the turns.


If the “snake” is a summer version, then its variety “bow” can be worn both in spring and autumn.


  1. We fold the stole into a triangle.
  2. We throw it on the head so that the three corners are behind.
  3. We tie the side edges over the middle one.
  4. Loose ponytails are hidden under the knot or left hanging freely.

A stole tied in this way gives a special solemnity and glamour.


  1. Fold the scarf in half.
  2. We throw on the head, leading the end back.
  3. We twist them and put them in a tight tourniquet - you're done. This model allows you to round the face.

If you move the tourniquet forward, then the headdress will turn out to be no less original - on the one hand. On the other hand, this great way lengthen the face of women with a round shape.

In the hot summer, hair is stressed from high temperature. And they also strive to get into the eyes. To eliminate these inconveniences, a bandage was invented.


  1. Fold the scarf horizontally several times.
  2. We wind it under the hair from behind, fix it with a knot on the forehead, as on pioneer ties.
  3. We put the free ends under the bandage and fasten them in the neck area or, if they are not too long, leave them to fall.

Stylish ladies are very fond of tying stoles in the manner of companions of the leader of the tribe. Only here there is one subtlety: the hair should be quite long.

Instruction #1:

  1. We tie curls in a high ponytail ik.
  2. We cover the head with a stole, bending the back slightly.
  3. We cross the free edges, we lead them to the forehead.
  4. We cross again and hide the ends under the stole.

Instruction #2:

  1. Repeat steps 1-3 of the previous method.
  2. We twist the free ends with a tourniquet and tuck the ends under the stole.

This method, which describes how to tie a stole over the head to expressively emphasize the eyes, especially suitable for owners oriental type faces.


  1. Fold the stole in half.
  2. We cover the head, hiding all the hair.
  3. We start the ends back.
  4. We tie a strong knot.
  5. We twist the edges with dense bundles.
  6. We wind the flagella on the base knot.
  7. We hide the free ends.

A simple and at the same time very original option to tie a wide scarf is to build a turban out of it.


  1. Fold the scarf in half.
  2. We lower our head and put on a stole from the back of the head.
  3. Without raising your head, twist the ends with a tourniquet.
  4. We hide the ends under the knot.

This variation of the turban requires an asymmetrical folding of the stole, which will look bad on winter scarves.


  1. Fold the scarf horizontally, slightly shifting the panels.
  2. We cover the hair, leaving one end long and the other not.
  3. We tie a knot, wrap the head with a long edge.
  4. We fill the tip under the resulting layers.

Bohemian chic

For this method, you need to take a tippet made of light thin fabric.


  1. We throw a double folded stole over the head in front.
  2. We cross the edges at the back.
  3. We bring the ends forward again.
  4. We return them back, hide them under the folds of the scarf.

Headdress - perfect way finish your image. And therefore, we offer you to get acquainted with the many options for how to beautifully tie a stole on your head, allowing you to decorate the look of a beautiful lady at any time of the year.

To tie a stole on your head correctly is quite simple. Its one edge is slightly bent, the ends are evenly lowered to the sides, after which one of them is thrown over the shoulder opposite to the end. This option of tying a stole is quite simple and accessible to any lady, reminiscent of the way of wearing scarves in a Slavic costume. But stylists offer other options, for example, "Snake".

How to tie a stole on the head of the "Snake"? It should be noted right away that this method is intended to create a sophisticated image, and therefore it is recommended to use silk or chiffon model tippet. Scheme further action tying is quite simple: it is laid over the hair, tying from the back at the base of the neck. After that, knots are made at the ends, and the ends themselves are twisted into bundles and laid around the head in several rows so that they are again at the main knot. To complete the tying of the stole, stretch and hide the knots of the ends under the rows of bundles.

A variation on the “Snake” theme can be tying a stole on the head in the form of a “Bow”. For him, chiffon or silk models are also chosen, which will perfectly fit into images designed for both summer and autumn or spring. So, to perform this method of tying, you should throw a stole over your hair, hiding it completely under it.

You can look fashionable using a tippet if you use the Charleston knot with it. To create it, you need to throw a stole over your head so that it completely hides your hair, and the ends of the same length fall down your back. Next, you need to carefully grab them at the base of the neck and start twisting a tight tourniquet, and then form a tight knot, spreading the ends beautifully. For the summer version, your preference should be given to silk or chiffon options, and in winter - linen.

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No less solemn is the Tango method. To do this, the stole is folded in half and thrown over the hair so that the ends are connected at the base of the neck. Then twist them into a tight tourniquet and lay it around the head, finishing and securing the ends again at the base of the neck. Stylists note that this method can be somewhat changed if you grab the ends not at the base of the neck, but in the middle of the forehead. Using the original version, the beautiful lady will visually round her face, and the modification will lengthen it.

For hot summer days, we recommend wearing a stole on your head in the form of a bandage. To do this, it is folded several times horizontally, depending on how wide they want to get the bandage. At the base of the neck from the back, under the hair, and lead to the forehead. Next, the ends should be crossed twice and again lowered to the base of the neck, where a strong knot is formed, and the ends are hidden under the stole.

For owners long hair you can use the stole as part of the crown hairstyle. For this method of tying, the hair is divided at the base of the neck into two different parts. After that, one end of the stole begins to twist with a half of the hair from their tips into a bundle, passing, without interrupting the weaving, to the other part and leaving a third of the stole free. Next, the resulting tourniquets are placed with a crown around the head, and lay the end free from hair near the forehead, and then fasten it at the base of the neck.

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Photos of stylish beauties offer to lay the stole in the African manner. To do this, the hair is first lifted into a high ponytail. Next, the head is covered with a stole over its entire width, bending slightly the side that is located at the base of the neck from the back. At the forehead, the stole is intercepted by hands and gently crossed, directing the ends to the back of the head. There the ends cross and again go to frontal part, again intersect and are fixed at the back of the head.

The beauty of oriental style

But the most elegant ways of how to beautifully tie a stole on your head are offered oriental beauties who have reached true heights in this art.

A simple, but at the same time elegant option for tying a stole is often used by many. oriental women way. To do this, it is folded in half and the head is covered so as to completely hide the hair and leave the ends hanging down the back freely. Further, a strong knot is made at the base of the neck, and the ends are twisted into tight bundles. After that, both bundles are wound onto the formed knot, crossing them. Loose ends are gently pushed through the knot, securing them in this way.

Another great way to tie a tippet on your head, stylists consider "Turban". As in the previous version, it is folded in half, but at the same time it is applied obliquely, leading the ends to the base of the neck from the back. Then they should be crossed and again transferred to the forehead, forming a parallel diagonal. And again, the ends of the stole are lowered to the base of the neck, after which they envelop it and form a bow. This tying option is perfect for wearing a stole on your head with a fur coat. And for summer options stylists recommend excluding the last step - wrapping the ends of the neck - and carefully bring the free part under the already formed turban.