The longest birthday greeting to a friend. Long birthday greetings (in verse)

Posts 1 - 20 from 22

Let there be a lot of endorphins
Inside you always, always,
So that the smile doesn't go away
Never from a cute face.

Sadness and depression are all over,
We don't need such things!
And if something hurts,
Then discuss it among your friends.

Let all the sorrows and adversity
You are being passed over.
And may in any of your years
Your mood will be cheerful!

Happy birthday pretty,
This day is all for you.
All the gifts, toasts, photos,
Even the jokes are all loving.

Songs, Stuffed Toys,
Friends gathered around.
The fact that everyone is such darlings -
This is for you too.

Everyone wishes you good luck,
And love. AND all year round
So that all problems are solved,
So that there are no worries.

Well, here’s what I wish:
May I always, always be with you
He will be kind and reliable,
Brave, loyal, modest - me!

Okay, okay, I wish
I wish you happiness, my friend.
And I’m sending it as a gift
A sea of ​​love... and a poem.

I wish you happiness and luck,
Always be a shining star.
So that all the difficult tasks
You thought it was nonsense.

May all misfortunes and adversity
They pass you by far.
So that you are known as a fashion icon -
Your article makes everything easy.

Health, joy, success,
An exciting flow of love.
And so that the rich prince comes,
And he took me to the registry office by the arm!

Happy birsday, my dear!
We congratulate you,
Congratulations and wish
Always love yourself!

No need to get a boyfriend!
Get yourself a cat!
A a good man
Fate will bring you to you.

Don't be sad in vain.
It will still be good!
The gateway to happiness for you
We opened it a long time ago.

On your birthday I wish
Lots of happiness and love.
Admiring everyone with its beauty,
Live long and joyfully.

Let your eyes shine like stars.
You are beautiful, young.
Your beauty, I know
It will never fade.

Let there be no grief
And worries in your destiny.
I wish you only the best
On your birthday.

Be the most cheerful and carefree,
Free from various problems and troubles.
Be the most beautiful and very happy,
Always remain as beautiful.

And smart, and kind, and stylish, and bright.
Let fate and luck give gifts,
To make every moment wonderful.
Beautiful girl, happy birthday!

(Name), in my life I have met many different girls: beautiful, smart, and even smart and beautiful at the same time, but I have never met anyone like you. From the first minute of our acquaintance, I fell victim to your enchanting beauty, and having learned you better, I was completely captivated by your charm, sincerity and inner light. I expertly declare You are the most beautiful girl on this earth! Accept mine today my sincere congratulations Happy birthday and let me wish you an endless sea of ​​goodness, love, warmth and joy and a stormy river of opportunities, energy, positivity and beauty!

What can you wish for someone so beautiful on your birthday?
Prosperity, admiration, admiration!
Only clear and happy bright days,
Consistency and support from friends.

From people - to the spiritual qualities of attention,
Less envy, more understanding!
From relatives - spiritual closeness, warmth,
May life always be successful.

From a loved one - hope, faith in happiness
And love in the union of reason and passion,
To long the color of youthful beauty
You surprised the world to the delight of people!

Darling, you are the only one I have,
You are the best in the world for me,
And happy birthday today,
I hug and love you.

I'm ready to give you a piece of heaven,
Get the star and give the moon,
But it all sounds banal, trivial,
I'll give you something more important.

I will give you my heart and loyalty,
You are the most important thing in the world for me.
You are the one with whom I wanted to live my whole life,
You are my beloved girl.

You are my beautiful, dearest,
Smart, beloved, very dear.
Happy birthday, darling!
Always be like this: gentle,
Flying, with a pure soul.
Let everything be a holiday
Life always cherishes
He does not regret happiness and luck at all.
Let all your dreams come true, the most cherished ones,
Our feelings multiply, ardent, reciprocal.
For me, you are the sun that will always warm you.
You, my love, make my heart melt!

Today you have become more mature.
Not to admire is simply a sin:
More beautiful, kinder, sweeter,
You are the most amazing of all.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
I wish only good things in life,
Magic miracles. My darling,
I love you madly.

Let all bad weather go away
From your life forever.
I wish you only happiness
And clear, bright, warm days.

I love you, my dear,
And happy birthday.

Happy birthday, dear!
I would like to sincerely wish you at this hour,
To celebrate your wonderful holiday
You also do it many, many times!

You are beautiful both in appearance and in soul,
It’s not often you see such a symbiosis!
When you walk easily along the sidewalk,
Dozens of scarlet roses bloom around.

I wish you good health,
So that you shed only tears of happiness,
Mutual love, strong, very tender.
Let luck guide your affairs!

I wish you
Moderately wealthy
After all, life will become boring
When everything is too smooth.

Let the clothes in the closet
Everyone is overwhelmed,
Don't let your shoes bother you,
Let the car fly.

Everything should be in moderation
In addition to personal life:
In it I wish you
Limitless love!

Happy birthday, dear.
I wish you happiness.
To make you smarter
Lots of happiness bright days.

At school there are only A's
(Well, at least without deuces),
Never get into trouble
(If anything, take a hatchet).

Be modest, kind, reasonable
(Even at night when you sleep).
And don't act thoughtlessly
(Always think about what you are doing).

And don't run after guys
(Don't run far)
Don't stay on VKontakte for days
(The connection is better at night, you know).

These "harmful" tips
Don't take it seriously.
Think it over carefully...
And choose the path yourself!

Grow up as a wonderful girl -
Wonderful, sweet, amazing,
Beautiful, kind, diligent,
And on top of that - she’s still well-mannered!

Let it flaunt on your lips
A smile is kind and bright,
And may fate admire you,
All the time delighting with gifts!

Well, today, happy birthday,
Let such a day sparkle with joy,
Let any moment
It will be a sweet treat for you!

You are 17 years old today.
I wish you happiness and goodness.
And on this day I want to congratulate
Happy birthday to you!

Let them come true soon
Yours cherished dreams,
Let adversity and sorrow
You won't meet on the way.

Let luck not fail you.
I sincerely wish you well,
Wish good health.
Let everything go with a bang!

Long congratulations happy birthday, presented on the pages of this section of the site, will help you convey to the birthday boy or girl every thought and every wish that you would like to convey to this person. This kind of congratulatory words ideal for situations where a celebration is attended by a small number of people, and each guest is given enough time to express all their wishes.

Naturally, the longer the speech, the more difficult it is to compose. After all, it should not just be long, but also coherent, beautiful, logical and consistent. It will be very difficult for a person without any writing talent to formulate all his thoughts within such a framework. And if you doubt that you can write worthy congratulations, then focus all your attention on the gift, and leave the verbal part to us.

On our website you will find a lot finished works written by talented authors. We have collected large collection from all over the Internet, and today it appears before you in all its grandeur. Touch the beauty and let the hero or hero of the occasion do the same.

I wish you sunrises and sunny days
Crystal constellations and moonlit nights,
Meadows of flooded water, freshly cut grass,
Majestic oak forests rustling in the night.

I wish you sunsets from the evening dawn,
Birch trees in the forest with silver bark,
Honey flowers, strawberry meadows,
Mirror lakes that are shrouded in fog.

I wish you reliable and loyal friends,
Health, care and joyful days.
More luck and happiness, love.
Dream, enjoy, worry, live!

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad.
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.

Birthday is a special date,
This holiday cannot be compared with anything,
Someone smart once came up with this idea
Give joy to the birthday boy.

The joy of meeting, smiles, hope,
Wishes of health, warmth,
So that happiness is cloudless,
May things be successful!

Let it rush past
Years of swift blizzard,
Happy Birthday,
My dear friend.

I wish it were
Life has plenty of feelings and passion,
The golden fish was spinning
Dazzling happiness.

So that every day is new
Step into the world of your desires,
So that fate does not turn out to be
On the verge between good and evil.

So that the one who gives roses
Didn't prick with thorns out of spite,
And protect from unexpected troubles
An angel with clear eyes.

I want to say a lot of good words,
I wish you happiness and health,
Heart and soul never grow old,
And live in the world for many, many years!

We wish that life never ends,
Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,
Eternal happiness, good friends,
Good luck, health and sunny days!

We wish you health - because it is often lacking,
We wish you fun - it never hurts!
We wish you good luck - it doesn’t come often,
And we simply wish you great personal happiness!

Happy birthday to you, dear friend my!
Let spring rage in your heart, and let your eyes sparkle with happiness,
All the sorrows that have happened in life will dissolve and sink into darkness,
Today I need to tell you how much I love you,

I am grateful to fate for many things, but there is no better gift for me,
From the moment you and I met, you are a dear person to me,
I want to wish you a lot, happiness in life, health, love,
Don't regret anything. Live with pleasure and with hope and faith.

May all your dreams come true, may you have amazing impressions,
Be attentive, gentle, cheerful, smart, kind and seductive,
May the world reciprocate your openness and love,
And with its unspeakable beauty it surprises you again and again.

Without unnecessary words, without unnecessary phrases,
With a deep sense of respect
Let us congratulate you
On the bright day of your birth.

What to wish you on this day,
What benefits, what happiness?
So that you never lose heart,
Not knowing illness and misfortune.

So that you never know
No grief, no sadness,
So that comrades, friends
You were greeted with a smile everywhere.

How many years have we known you, dear friend?
You charge souls with joy, little laughter,
And therefore she has always been the soul of the team,
You will plunge those who are sad into a sea of ​​positivity.

Happy birthday and wish you happiness!
I'm glad that I took part in your fate,
Were common problems, we didn't share them,
Exit to Hard time found together

Let there be no more reasons for the minor,
Never to know disappointment
So that the soul sings with happiness and the eyes glow,
To best outfits I dressed up every day.

Let your pockets never be empty.
Your cherished plans will become a reality.
Don’t let go of the steering wheel of your destiny,
Sing and fly more often for joy,
Always slow down for a happy occasion
Health and prosperity to you
In luck, like swimming in the sea,
And, like a dolphin, catch
Cheerful sparkles of happiness,
Ringing splashes of dreams!
Let the magical rainbows burn,
And the breeze of luck blows!
Always smile and be happy
Always have fun!
Happy birthday!

I wish that WOW!
And never OHHO-HO!
A little AH! Well, you can WOW!
To take your breath away.
Of course, to be WOW!!
And so that FU is very little.
So that sometimes WOW!
“WOW!” is not nonsense,
“IT CAN’T BE!” - it’s real,
“FUCK IT!” - even if it’s virtual.
WOW! - so that it surprises more often,
“WELL, THAT’S ALL, KICK-ASS!” was not enough.
And if desired, EGE-GEY!
And to make it come true, EVERYTHING FASTER!!!


12 Feb 2013

I wish you to live and be loved,
Don't grieve, don't be sad
And along the long road of life
It's fun to walk with a smile.

May there be a sea of ​​bouquets on this day
Friends will give you
Sadness will not touch beautiful eyes
And your life will be easy!

Shine like a ray of sunshine
Be gentle and affectionate always.
And let happiness be the reward
For all the coming years!!!

Happy birthday to you,
Read my congratulations
I wish you with all my heart.
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness,
Let them not pass without a trace,
Let your beauty, your tenderness.
The years will never change!
On this joyful birthday.
There is no reason to sigh and be sad,
you are not marking the date of aging,
And the day when you began to live.
Even if there are adversities,
- Life is beautiful in itself!
Let your youth not fade away,
and with it - love and kindness.

Let them be an eternal guest in your house
Peace and happiness, peace and warmth!
May the sun shine more cheerfully on you this day,
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet,
I wish you: health, happiness, light,
All that is called good.
May you always be under a lucky star
Fate led you along the road.
In the house so that there is a deep river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,
Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather passes by,
From the bottom of my heart I wish you the best in this life,
Long life, health and happiness!
I wish you to forget about illnesses, adversities,
Stay healthy for many years to come,
So that people give you complete joy,
May peace and spring reign in your heart!
For long years and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
May it always be - not only on your birthday
- Cherished dreams come true.
Dear sister, I congratulate you on beautiful day,
when everyone looks at you with admiration.
You are basking in the rays of happiness and fun.:
Champagne sparkles: in your honor
Friends and girlfriends make toasts. :
Let this magical state of the holiday
will always be with you.
I wish you health, success and fulfillment of your dreams!
For you, sister! Happy birthday!

There are many wishes in the world,
You can't count them all.
I just congratulate you
I love it the way it is.

Be beautiful all the time:
Both with soul and with yourself.
Be loved all the time:
Both in winter and in spring.

Don't bow down like a mountain ash
If there is trouble.
Be happy all the time -
On this day and always.

It's my birthday again
What can I wish for you?
To begin with, let good luck,
And love, like at 25!
Fulfillment of dreams,
Gaining new knowledge,
To become wise, but not to grow old,
Don't rush to get everywhere.
Pleasure in everything
Dark night, bright day,
In relaxation, in work,
Wherever you are - everywhere.
Break away from the routine
Finally get some sleep
Don't lose good friends
Achieve goals faster.
Safe adventures,
Impressions are sonorous, clear,
Never fly by
But soar, fly, fly!
Every day is like the first time
Gain Enthusiasm
Find out what Happiness, Loyalty, Friendship and Participation mean.
In general, don't let me down
Find everything you want!

08 Feb 2013

Let the birthday drown
In floral scents.
Joy shines in the eyes
Happy date!
Let happiness sprinkle with laughter,
And joy flows like a fountain!
We wish you come true soon
Dreams and new plans!
Let the birthday pass
To the music, with a martini!
A smile flies like a butterfly
To the beloved man.
May you continue to have good friends
And your loved ones are healthy!
May happiness give the light of love
And peace under the roof of the house!
It doesn't matter what's outside the windows.
There is sunshine in my soul today,
Overwhelm the most
Magical emotions.
Cherished desires,
Dreams will come true.
Let new ones replace them
And they will come true!
I join in the congratulations
I wish you happiness ocean!
Let them not become the main entertainment
Beer, TV and sofa!
Let dreams and adventures lead you,
Brilliant, variety of ideas
And every birthday passes
Fun, always with friends!

Mom, today is your anniversary!
50 is an immodest date!
Don't regret anything in life!
It may not have been easy at one time or another.
You know, mom, but for me it’s more important
The person is not in the world.
I beg you, just don't get sick
And live another 100 years in this world!
Mom, I admire you
The way you knew how to be tolerant,
How kind you can be
The way you are smart and fair.
You raised three children
She gave her affection to everyone,
I gave all my warmth and soul,
And she turned our childhood into a fairy tale.
And now, when suddenly it’s hard,
Only you will understand and reassure.
It's always easy for us to be around our mother,
After all, only you can love us like that.
Mommy dear, I love you
More than anyone else in this world,
I say this so rarely
I'm sorry that you have such children.
I wish that all your dreams
Fulfilled. Everything you want!
I want you to be happy
Well, the main thing is that I don’t want to get sick!
Congratulations mommy!
May you always be lucky and the sun shine!
No, just don't let it be hot!
Well, if it’s hot, let the cool wind.
Live dear for many, many years,
Be warmed by the warmth of your children and grandchildren,
Know no grief, no worries, no troubles....
Live! Kudos to you for this!

Believe it if you want
If you want, don't believe it
There is a beast wandering somewhere nearby.
Doesn't live in the dense forest,
In Russian the mighty language.
This animal is called "moose"
- It’s been like this for a long time.
Let "ELK" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
So that you would like and be able to
So that happiness does not end,
To dream about good things,
So that the matter succeeds
May everything always come true!

12 Feb 2013

I want to wish you today
Love, health, joy, good luck,
You will never know separation and grief.
The path will only be this way, and not otherwise!

I also wish to avoid debts,
Resentment and quarrels, anxiety and sadness,
So that our crisis ruins our enemies,
Friends, on the contrary, may they prosper.

I also want to wish you
In all matters of luck and success,
Peace can only be lost from love,
And crying only from laughter.

Let the glasses be filled with wine,
Make jokes, sing, fall head over heels in love.
Don't think about sad and sick things
And just enjoy this life.

I wish you happiness and goodness,
And a lot of money to boot,
May tomorrow be better than yesterday.
Let it be only this way and not otherwise.

08 Feb 2013

The years are quietly counting down,
Our days are passing quickly.
I feel anxious and sad at times
At our beloved mother's.
She had to go through a lot in her life,
And there were many sorrows,
But you managed to raise and love us,
Dear, beloved mother.

Thank you for everything: for your kindness,
For work, for sleepless nights.
We remember this, we are forever in debt,
Our dear, beloved.

Within our native walls, under this roof
We came together to wish
Good health to you
And never lose heart,
So that the cold does not creep into the soul,
So that there is no place for trouble,
And so that no one guesses,
Which year suits you?

Control yourself among the confused crowd,
Cursing you for the confusion of everyone.
Believe in yourself despite the universe,
And forgive those of little faith their sin.
Let the hour not strike, wait without getting tired,
Let liars lie, do not condescend to them.
Know how to forgive and don’t appear to be forgiving,
More generous and wiser than others.
Learn to dream without becoming a slave to dreams,
And think without deifying thoughts,
Bear praise and reproach equally,
Not forgetting that their voice is false.
Stay quiet when it's your word
The rogue cripples to catch fools,
When your whole life is destroyed again
You have to recreate everything from the basics.
Know how to put in joyful hope
On the card is everything that I have saved with difficulty,
Lose everything and become a beggar, as before,
And never regret it.
Know how to force your heart, nerves, body to serve you,
When everything in your chest has been empty for a long time, everything has burned out,
And only the will says: “Go!”
Stay simple when talking with kings,
Stay honest when talking to the crowd
Be straight and firm with enemies and friends,
Let everyone consider you in their own time.
Fill every moment with meaning
Hours and days of elusive running -
Then you will take possession of the whole world,
Then, my son, you will be a man.

Irina, bringing happiness, peace,
We are proud to know you and be friends with you.
And we're glad autumn time gold
Congratulations on your birthday, being close to you.

Kind and always with a smile on your lips.
To catch you in your thoughts, not in your dreams
Often we can, but carefully:
There is no way to disturb your peace!

Your delicacy and calmness are strength!
And it’s hard to imagine asking for anything.
Rather, you help others, lovingly,
Forgetting myself for a while.

For this we especially appreciate
And on your birthday we want you unbearably
Shower flowers, confess your love,
Give at least a piece of your soul in love!

And wish you magical and wonderful meetings -
Everything for you, for the lovely Irina!
So be you dearly loved by everyone,
Uniquely happy in life!

08 Feb 2013

Here it is again, the best, most glorious, coolest day of the year and of course the wishes are not in a dream, but in reality.
You know, dear girl, what I want to tell you, however, what are the wishes, I want to experience, you could earthly love, the kisses of the wind, so that music would sound without beginning and end, so that there would be no sadness, so that life would not be upsetting, and live without knowing any worries, only snoring, close hearts were nearby.
So that your image will shine with a joyful smile again and, of course, early in the morning only your voice will be heard. Yours, my dear daughter, is so pleasant and dear that I can again experience a breath of living love that brings inspiration to live, work and love with that special love,
should be treasured by everyone.
You know, I can’t and don’t want to make a banal wish. I carry words of confession in my heart from the bottom of my heart. Because you gave me a gift in life with your sincere attention, that you are loved and needed.
How nice it is that it happens not in a dream, but in reality, your voice again awakens joy, peace and kindness.
You're so good that I can't hide it, girl,
my dear, I can’t imagine living without you. I love you, kiss you,
I treasure you endlessly, how can you really call someone else a daughter?
May the Lord show love without beginning and end,
May it bless your whole life and fill your heart with joy,
Happy birthday is congratulated by hearts that love only you.

Happy journey, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.
I want you to always appreciate fire,
How a traveler appreciates it in cold rags.
I want it in the palm of your hand
He took bread as a hungry man might take it.
I want smoke over a bundle of firewood,
And warm bread, the smell of honey
Your father's blood was always dear to you,
It's like you're about to return to home.
Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.
Don't live where evil boils in your blood,
And live next to virtue.
Indulge your conscience
And become her servant
And rule only over your will.
And have the gift of determination:
If you cut it off -
So cut with one blow.

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.

I wish you to be happy,
If all your friends are happy too.
You only have to eat your fill then,
When your friend is not hungry either.
And after hard work, rest,
If they are also resting nearby.
Let it be a sign of friendship your name.
And let it be longer in any moment
Your wing is open above them,
Than their wing is stretched over you.

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.

Find everything words of wisdom
Before the stern debater,
To defeat him first
Not by force, but by word.

And you'll have to be in a fight -
Fight to get out of your skin!
After all, cut off your head twice
Nobody can do it for you.

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.

If you meet an elder, -
Make way for him.
Do not consider the step of veneration as torment.
And give the younger one your hand,
Like your little brother.
Don’t say that the whole world is familiar.
And the reserve of modesty will be just right,
If you can see the mountain in the hill
And how to treat a river with a stream.

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.

Wherever you get off your horse, -
Do not forget,
Where did you start? a long way.
He will extend his hand to you new friend,
But never forget those hands
That your horse was saddled
And they put bread in your knapsack,
They gave water to drink, served faithfully,
Without asking for anything for it.

Bon voyage, son!
Not on the doorstep
They give men a price
And on the road.

No matter how high you fly,
From now on
Never forget three shrines:
The mother's breast that suckled you,
And a friend's hand in stormy years,
And lips that kissed lovingly,
When you loved for the first time.


Fire, water, earth and wind.
There are four forces in the world.
We will never tame them!
The whole point is in just one person!

And this is our mother - the fifth element!
She took them into her hands in one moment.
But no, not the fifth, the first element!
And here’s our mom’s secret:

The fire in your soul is burning,
And in your pure heart!
It speaks with love
Warms everyone and creates creativity
Good, it gives us hope.

Your words that flow like a stream,
They represent the truth. And all the sadness
Sadness and grief are washed away,
Like the waves of the sea.

You want to embrace the whole earth
And plant them with beautiful gardens!
You're ready to give your whole life
For our happiness! Stay close to us!

Like clouds blown by the wind, you can disperse them
All our sorrows and all our doubts.
With your smile you can create
Comfort and prosperity in our lives!

So let the fire not go out
In your soul, let it be eternal!
And waves of joy rock
You are in endless arms.

Let the earth warm you with warmth,
Gives you fruits generously.
And let the light wind play
At your feet, and serves faithfully.

There are four elements in our world.
And they are ruled by the fifth element.
Love is her main strength,
Great mommy secret!

I thought that the main thing in the pursuit of destiny is
Painting and jewelry work on yourself:
Above all the flaws that are visible,
Over the bad inclinations that were given,
Magic patches, an iron wall
The virtues brought up by me must stand
I once thought so when I was young
It seemed that this was the main thing, but it turned out not
Of all the well-wishers, no one explained
What is most important is for someone to love you like this:
With all the flaws, tears and fits,
Scandals and changes, and a tendency to lie,
Considering them depths, considering them riddles,
The unknown secrets of your big soul.

Good luck in job! The weather is pleasant!
Love - pure, mutual and repeated!
Children of different sexes! Coat to fit!
Neighbors in the compartment - they don’t drink or smoke!
Silky hair! Snow-white teeth!
Business husbands, gentle lovers!
The bosses are smart! Spouses are in law!
Mothers-in-law - living in the neighboring area!
Submissive daughters-in-law! Dishes - washed!
Husbands who don't snore and are shaved at night!
Colleagues - not fixated only on women!
Enemies of the weak! Enemies - very weak!
Stockings - without puffs! Not a day without something new!
Husbands are on a very long business trip!
Different intentions - but better than serious ones!
Five-room and five-star housing.

The beauty of scarlet roses,
White lilies of the valley light.
The freshness of the morning roses,
Bird trill verse.
Chic blue skies
And the fur of the clouds.
A scattering of forest berries,
Variegated meadow locust.
On this day the whole world
I'll give you a gift
Because you
I love very much.
And to earthly wonders
I want to add
Ground words
How I love you!

Happy Birthday to You,
Happiness, joy, goodness,
May you be lucky in everything
And the melancholy will soon go away.
And also love to you,
May your dreams come true,
More joy and laughter
And good luck to you too!
I wish you good luck too,
So that you give change to your enemies,
And also patience for you,
Freaky mood!


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Your happiness rejoices boldly

I wish you immodest profits,
The Swiss bank account is huge,
A large dacha outside the city,
Good health to boot.

All kinds of success in life,
And most importantly - reliable friends.
May you skillfully celebrate your birthday
Your happiness rejoices boldly.


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Health - vigor,
To dreams - submission,
Luck - constancy,
Happy space!
Mistakes - absurdities,
Victory is a taste of sweetness,
Friends - especially faithful ones,
Big career steps,
Love - drunk with happiness,
No room for deception
Money is a good account,
For travel - your own plane,
All plans - implementation,
For your birthday!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Congratulations, dear, sweetheart,
The best and most beloved!

Please accept warm congratulations
This holiday is my birthday.

The day you're the center of attention
When wishes are heard in the morning -

From your nearest and dearest.
We wish you happiness, bright colorful days.


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Congratulations to family - in Ukrainian

You are considered holy
But we want to tell you -
If I succeeded in wooing you,
May there be light in your home!

Don't stop laughing
Together with you very often,
May there be a field for you -
Field of joy and happiness!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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Today is a special day
It gives mood.
And we, helping him,
We've come for your birthday!

They brought it, it’s warm for you,
And a big bag of goodness!
A whole pot of happiness,
And good luck - two buckets!

They brought a cart of fun,
A kilogram of tender words.
Wrapped in congratulations,
Frank love!

We are not at all tired
They carried everything carefully.
So that your eyes shine,
We dragged it all!

Happy Birthday!
Well, what did they bring?
Without any doubt, you
Everything went haywire at once!


Purchased and owned by the site.

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For a man of great intelligence

Your mind is great, but it can be sharpened
The blade of reason is even stronger;
I wish you to develop it,
So that the mind becomes more assiduous and sensitive.

You have become wiser - the year has not passed in vain!
You deserve accolades on your birthday
Let your head continue
Will remain a subject of admiration!

Funny birthday greetings, long

Purchased and owned by the site.

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With the radiant light of the sun!

Happy Birthday!
Let it pass with pleasure,
With mass joyful emotions,
With the radiant light of the sun!

Let your wishes come true
Life will reward you for your efforts,
Let order reign in the family,
Peace, love, comfort, prosperity!

We wish you at work
Never be under time pressure
Let things go without stress,
Without problems and incidents!

May your health be good,
And human happiness is tenacious,
Let the century surround you
And luck pleases!

Let life, as beautiful as in a fairy tale,
Your dreams will blind you!
Let tenderness, and with love in a bundle,
Will attract Happiness like a magnet!

Let love awaken eternal bliss!
Will fall asleep with tenderness forever!
Direction - to your carefree life,
Mother will indicate again - fate!

Health, new lush color,
It will green your body!
The whole planet will warm you!
It will give you happiness and optimism!

May your beautiful dreams come
Opening your life to heaven!
Driving away all the stormy melancholy,
Doors forever, “closing” with yourself!

And simply, simply – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Respect and shine in everything!
Throw it all away! Your doubts!
Step your feet into adulthood!!

Let love warm you forever, even in moments of melancholy and sadness!
Let hope and faith greet you and caress you with all your heart!
Happiness will become huge and eternal, the big planet will smile!
Laughter and joy will put pressure on your shoulders, and your soul will be warmed forever!

Happy birthday! Wisdom! Strength! And the most faithful and reliable friends!
Let clothes always be beautiful, let their choice be so simple!
Let the treasures help you live and provide you with everything you need for life!
Happiness is the most real thing, full of strength, love, optimism!!

What can I say to young and beautiful?
On your birthday I want to wish
To be successful, healthy and strong,
So that she can easily take peaks.

To be inspired by love,
So that any dreams come true,
So that the smile never leaves your face.
May you always be happy!

I wish you clear, bright days
And eternal youth, flowering,
So that in your young life
You only knew pleasure!

May sweet fate be good luck,
He will guide you into miracles!
Let your loved ones cry with happiness,
Everyone is proud of you and loves you!

Go forward, don't fall!
Luck will harden you!
Love, you will receive it as a reward!
And my heart doesn’t hurt anymore.

There are all the beloved faces around,
After all, it's your birthday!
We wish you happiness, we get drunk!
And life is a wonderful game!

Huge romantic love,
In the heat of fire, suffering and happiness!
You will drown in this stormy ocean,
All problems and bad weather will go away!

The sun will warm you with a smile and warmth!
And the breeze will dispel the evil boredom!
And next to me is a friend, wonderful and dear,
He will always extend his hand of friendship!

Happy birthday, congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Always go forward with an eternal smile!
You will live approximately 1000 years,
May happiness be wonderful and endless!

Let among us, careless people,
Your life will become fortune!
And all the sadness will go away - forever,
The star of joy will light up!

Let your clothes be stylish,
Happens often! No! Always!
Let a gentle kiss cover
Your hot lips!

Let people give only tenderness from all sides, and warmth!
So that serenity settles where there used to be evil!
So that faith, with wise power, inspires forever!
So that the road to the world is not difficult, but inspired!

Happy Birthday, little man! Take our words
What the soul saved and prepared in our thoughts!
We love you with all our hearts! We admire you!
Open the doors quickly, we have come to you in droves!!

All beautiful songs! And magical flowers!
Friendship is not in vain! And work - “bread”!
Rainbows - good luck, so that as a heavenly bridge,
Difficult problems, solved with interest!

Let the bird caress your heart with love!
With tenderness and bliss, it will miraculously shine!
And health, like a river, “healthy” and beckons.
Stinging words never hurt!

Near the world and shoulders, all good friends,
Happiness is endless, so scoop it up with a spoon!
Happy birthday, joy! Our miracle, Happy Birthday!
Away with melancholy - sadness! Away with all evil and boredom!!

Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
All poems and songs are for you!
All flowers will bring admiration!
And your smile and eyes will light up!

Honey, happy birthday!
Happiness in life and good luck,
The best compliments,
A lifetime of joyful moments!

Always be your beautiful self
An excellent, sweet lady,
Kind, affectionate, simple,
With a pure, sincere soul!

You are young and so beautiful.
Today is your birthday.
May I follow you always and everywhere
Health and love are coming.

Let success accompany you
Prosperity goes with it.
Be happy! Let it go through life
You are always lucky in everything.

I congratulate you today,
I wish you all the best
For your birthday,
Live with a smile on your face!

You are young, smart, beautiful,
Let there be more positivity
And happiness will be overflowing,
And do everything in the world!

Beautiful, young, successful,
Protected by fate.
So good angel, the most tender,
Let him be with you everywhere.

May he save you from all sorrows
AND evil people he will take you away
So that only good people meet
You among your worries.

May birthday gifts
It will bring a lot of priceless ones.
And let your life be bright,
And it will be bright every year!

Happy birsday, my dear.
You are beautiful as always.
Let happiness always shine
Your wonderful eyes.

Sophistication, charm, charisma
Mixed in you.
Keep it up no matter what happens
Be true to yourself.

Let love swirl in a waltz.
There are true friends nearby.
Know, the very charm,
We love you very much.

Please accept our congratulations
On a wonderful day - birthday!
Let him smile today
The sun is kind to you
And will give many bright ones,
Dear gifts to the heart!
Let life smell and bloom,
The soul sings like a nightingale.
May he always guide you
Guiding star!

Happy birthday! Good luck,
Fresh, sincere ideas.
Better days, lively laughter,
Amazing friends.

Let your eyes light up with light,
Love reigns in the heart.
And, of course, more often summer:
Sea, sun - again and again.

Happy birthday! You are wonderful
And today and always.
Stay pretty
Be pure and young.

May luck inspire you
Let there be peace at your feet,
Let your loved one inspire
And God protects you everywhere.

Let luck make it easy
And heavy is the wallet,
So that this birthday
It could have been repeated hundreds of times.

So that dreams always come true,
Life's complex locks
They opened up before you,
Like flowers before a butterfly.

Happy birthday to you
And we wish women's happiness.
Health, joy, success,
More humor and laughter!

What else do you need to be happy?
Love, warmth and chocolate.
And your feminine beauty
Let anyone admire it.

And finally, good luck to you,
Good luck, many years to come,
Satisfy you in everything -
And this is the whole secret of happiness.

Let the sun please you with a smile,
Let spring sing in your soul.
And let there be women's happiness
Accompany you all the years.

May your wishes come true
And the problems will be forgotten,
Good luck in your endeavors,
Good changes to you.

We wish you eternal beauty,
Love and patience to you.
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy birthday!

What to wish a beautiful lady -
Wife, friend, mother-in-law, mother?
All the stars of the sky! All the laurels of the world!
May your apartment be filled with happiness!

So that love does not leave,
So that there are few sorrows.
Good health, prosperity,
So that life flows smoothly!

Let everything always be the way.
Let the house be filled with joy,
May you live happily for a long time.
Everything that was planned has come true!

I wish you on this birthday
See wonderful moments
Get more flowers
And still be just as sweet.

I wish you to live your life like in a fairy tale,
After all, you deserve only affection.
Smiles, happiness and fun
I wish you on your birthday.

I wish you to be loved
And for friends - irreplaceable.
And everyone was looking at you
After all, you are a wonderful star!

Be beautiful like a goddess
Proud like a princess
Be as slim as a figurine
And desired like candy.

Be luxurious. In personal life
Be loved endlessly.
To the men's gasps
Avoid the pitfalls of fate.

Let with a reliable companion
Everything in life will be possible.
And from friendly applause
Let your eyes sparkle.

I wish you not to be sad,
To be loved and to love forever.
I wish you clear days
And the cup of health is fuller.

And may luck be eternal,
And the fun is to the point of exhaustion.
I wish you beautiful love,
Much joy lies ahead.

Our beauty, we congratulate you,
We wish you good luck, love, warmth,
We wish you spring smiles and sunshine,
After all, our sunshine, of course, is you!

Today let them say compliments,
Let them give gifts, look - you can’t count them!
More pleasant moments in life,
Thank you for being in the world!

We hasten to congratulate you on this holiday,
One of best women in the world,
May life give you happiness,
Let your smile shine wider.

Success, health and luck,
Let them follow through life side by side,
Always be bright and beautiful
Such a woman is a reward!

Charming and tender
I wish you to always be there!
And so that they fly into the sky
Sadness and grief without a trace!

Flowers, champagne, sweets
Let them bring it on your birthday.
And the main ray of light
Let there be sunshine around.

Health, joy and luck,
Let them give you love.
And maternal care,
Let it suddenly become the meaning of life!

Beautiful and irresistible,
Mysterious, unique,
I wish you immeasurable love,
And reasons to be proud of yourself.

Let life be bright in everything,
There is always a fair breeze.
I wish you joy, fun and goodness,
You are like a rare and exquisite flower!

Let all the moments be happy,
Full of tender words and smiles,
Life gives beautiful emotions,
And the aroma of novelty will captivate you!

Complements, flowers, admiration,
Dreams come true, new meetings,
Find inspiration in every day
And keep the warmth in your heart!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest,
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique.

And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
Let everything you want come true.
Love, faith, hope, goodness to you!

You are so beautiful at this hour -
An outfit suits your face, a smile suits your face!
To the face and the look of crafty eyes -
It’s no wonder we love you so much!

Let your star shine
Star of love and inspiration,
Never goes out in life
Doesn't fade even for a moment.

Look at the sky. Where the milky way is
You will see a great cluster of stars,
Take one of them and don't forget,
It's your birthday today!

There is no more beautiful woman on earth,
You decorate this world with yourself.
And all the flowers today are just for you,
And today I will not hide beautiful words.

You were born on this day,
And the sun illuminated everything around.
I wish you many bright years,
May she give joy and a smile to everyone!

Congratulations to you again
From beautiful and sincere words.
We wish you on your birthday
Fulfillment of fairy-tale dreams.

May you always be fate's favorite
For men - the queen of hearts,
And in spite of enemies and envious women
You will be wearing a crown of happiness!

Great happiness, love and luck
I wish you from the bottom of my heart on your birthday.
Let there be gifts, flowers, compliments,
Let the fun moments be remembered for a long time!

I wish you confessions and a tender look,
Let the music in your heart sound like a reward!
Let joy sparkle in your eyes with a wondrous light,
And the sun shines in winter as if it were in summer!

Today you get all the compliments,
Words of congratulations and a sea of ​​flowers.
Admirations and sentiments are heard in your address,
Warmth and love surround you.

May joy be with you endlessly,
And may your happiness know no bounds.
May these moments last forever.
You are worthy of the honors of empresses!

Happy Birthday, sweet, bright,
The ideal of beauty, kindness,
All of you sunlight warmed up
Everyone needs your warmth!

We wish you only goodness,
Nearby loyal, reliable people,
Always be as cheerful as you are
Be in harmony with your life!

And let it be like this for millions of days,
Let love flow in your eyes,
Be more joyful, perky, more cheerful
And may luck knock on your house.

Today is the birthday of the most beautiful of women.
And let fate not promise you an easy path,
You walk along the road of life without despondency.
Inaccessible to some, but dear to others.

And I sincerely want to wish you now,
May joy come to your home exactly so many times,
How many smiles you gave to your family and friends.
Let them share everything in life with you.

Let the smile never leave your beautiful lips,
I wish you luck with people,
To spoil life with crazy happiness,
And the sun is hot-summer warmth.

The most feminine and seductive,
Tender, affectionate, charming
I want to be you, my dear.
You are always so beautiful!