Comic congratulations on the wedding is long. Unusual congratulations on the wedding - interesting for guests and newlyweds

Marriage is an interesting thing
He's not for everyone.
After all, this is a great science -
Someone to endure at night
And with someone to be all weekend
And cook dinner together
At the same time, always understanding
What is it - for many years.
We wish you no troubles
Live life in harmony.
Without quarrels and constant resentment
Love each other immensely.

What do you wish for a wedding?
And I don't know how to start.
Many blessings to you and health,
(Drink cow's milk)
More beautiful kids.
In mom - slender, in dad - strong.
Don't forget about friends
Invite more often.
Let there be less trouble
Fresh, tasty - your lunch.
Read smart books
Do everything around the house.
Well, in general, happiness to you,
Most importantly, believe in miracles!

I congratulate you on your wedding day,
And I want to give you:
CARROT - to sleep smartly!
BOW - so that there are no separations!
MUG - so that they love each other!
SOAP - so that the house is clean and cozy and cute!
UNDERWEAR - for the first Alenka!
Rattle - for Andryushka,
kerchiefs - for the twins Irinka and Marinka,
SWIMS - for Slavochka,
TOYS - for Nastya,
PUMPS - for the twins Mishka and Grishka,
PANTS - for the fifth son,
SOCKS - for the last daughter.

Audio congratulations

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
New family.
Let the wife lead wisely
Your Treasury.
Let the husband's salary go home
Brings carefully.
Let the wife ring herself
Or does not ask for a fur coat!
Be happy together
More than anything in the world.
We wish you money
And to have children!

We wish you a long and joyful life:
Wife to be cheerful, and husband - to laugh!
And in life family soul don't get old
Wife to be beautiful, and husband - to want!
And it is necessary, of course, to give birth, to educate:
Wife to become a mother, and husband - to plow!
And, in general, we wish, what to say,
Wife to be loved, and husband to love!

Hearty congratulations on legal marriage! How many stumps are in the forest, we wish you so many sons. How many buds are on the tree, we wish you so many daughters. Society for the Protection of Nature.

Pots, pans
You are expected in a happy marriage.
Of course there will be quarrels
Or maybe fights.
And there will be passion
Rage in the apartment!
I want you interesting
I wish life.
Family is wonderful
When she is friendly.
Do love each other
Strongest ever!

We congratulate you on the legitimacy of bonds!
May the union be happy forever!
Like the sun, let your smiles shine
And past mistakes will melt away.

May your path be transparent and clean,
Start from scratch to fill in the white sheet!
And write down your day in minutes:
Minutes for business, minutes for a joke,

Minutes of luck, minutes of success,
Take a moment to laugh!
Turn minutes into hours and years
And always live according to the regime!

WITH today and for 50 years divorce applications were discontinued. Congratulations on your legal marriage! Judges of the People's Court.

Feel free to be in love
And cherish love
To make you newlyweds
You could call them all your life!
We wish you love, good luck,
And also - a foreign car in addition.
Another refrigerator for you and for the guest,
But only in it do not freeze your feelings!
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life
Keeping the fire of love holy
Until the wedding golden.
Congratulations on your legal marriage!
For 100 years and even more!
You take care of each other, respect and love,
May warmth, kindness and light,
Happiness, joy, hello,
There will be a lot in that place
What is called simply "House".

You got married today
This is very good.
There will be a lot in your life
Everything interesting.
There will be quarrels, reconciliations,
There will be jealousy, there will be passion.
Just try harder
You hug each other.
Hugging will make it easier
Survive all hardships!
We wish the couple happiness
To live and not grieve!

On your wedding day, I wish you happiness
To have a big apartment
And kids noisy swarm
Always disturbed the peace!
And I wish for a moment
Outrageous fun!
You have a long way to go
Right before the golden wedding!
You will remember the motto:
In any dispute - a compromise!

Today is your celebration
Happy fairy tale magic
And romantic Mendelssohn
Dream turns into reality.
Today is the long-awaited moment
When the groom is worried
When there is no more beautiful bride
When light shines on a couple
Hope, Faith and Love...
Happy couple, accept
Our humble but heartfelt gift,
Warm congratulations,
And wishes for many years to come.
Love to you, happiness, yes advice!

Married people left the registry office today,
The bride is the most beautiful on earth!
They put two small blots in the passport,
Two lives intertwined so that in a single destiny.
We wish you more kids
Diapers to be changed frequently.
Even if you have a big kitchen,
To cook a lot and treat us.
We wish love and wish consent,
And passion, and jealousy, and silence!
May you have undeniable happiness
So that you enjoy it without rest!

“Remember, spouse - you are the boss in the house!”
“Let the horns in your family be only on the wall!”
"So that separation does not touch you,
Take an onion head.
And for the appetite, wait a minute ...
Found here is wormwood tincture!
And let it be bitter from now on
Only onions and tincture of wormwood!

If life is a river
So the boat in it is a family.
We'll just celebrate the wedding -
The boat will move off the dock.
May the river be long
Well, swimming is happy.
And I also wish
The boat so as not to rock
Neither trouble, nor evil winds,
No resentment, no infidelity.
You take care of each other
Live for at least a hundred years.

You are married guys
So they say in the registry office.
We wish you
Happiness and everything!
Forks, spoons, pans
Friends gave you.
And now you don't have to cook
It's indecent and impossible!
And we also wish you
It is interesting to live in marriage,
And always love each other
And make friends in your own way!

In the family you do not look for excuses,
Try to help each other
And many requests and desires
Try to fulfill each other.
Wife so that the young does not become impudent,
And so that her husband would yield to her in everything,
So that the family is cheerful, courageous,
In which no one would be discouraged!

You both volunteer today
Status changed to family
For love you gave freedom
Wearing fidelity rings to each other.
What is a mutually beneficial exchange,
It can be seen from your cheerful faces.
So accept from us from all
Wishes of joy and happiness.

Be healthy, live richly,
As far as your salary will allow you.
But you know, the salary is always not enough,
Shake all the ancestors - they will add to you.
Your parents have doubled
Love them more, stay longer.
Don't be afraid of booties, don't be afraid of diapers -
Have boys, have girls.
But children bother parents
Throw them to grandmothers - they will bring up.
But most of all I wish, however,
So that your marriage does not have a marriage!

Not the groom and not the bride,
Husband and wife now.
Your wedding is so lovely
Lots of bread and wine!
All the guests are drunk with happiness,
The hall is full of wishes.
From uncle and aunt
We already raised our glass.
But we still want today
Wish children wagon,
To make everyday life brighter
The house was filled with laughter!

You have a nice day today!
You connected two destinies
And in the registry office they sealed it with a signature.
That is the first step in life
In the family - to further years of happiness!
The fire of love lit the hearth,
So that there is light in the house, and not darkness;
To take part together
In building a nest of love;
So that children grow up in joy
And wherever you are on the road
I longed to come home.
Let your house be a full bowl!
Keep love until gray hairs,
May your union be indestructible!

Sweets happy family
Waiting ahead
I wish you beautiful
Strong young family!
I wish you much happiness
Never know trouble
And helping each other
Remember - there are no ideals!

Not enough to drink today
And mountains of eaten food.
Today the wedding was celebrated
Under the leadership of the toastmaster.
Thank you for a fun holiday
You young people, I'll tell you.
May your life be wonderful
Let there be courage.

We wish you Alenka - a blond girl.
For Alenka, the brother is the boy Ignatik.
And catching up with the brother, let the sister grow up - Paradise.
They will hang out with Zina, Galya, Valya and Marina,
Nadya, Olya, Kolya and, of course, with Tolya.
Let Vitya grow up healthy, Yura - kind, Mitya - smart,
And then some more guys (oh, those imps!)
Petya, Vasya and Valery, Gena, Alexey, Evgeny.
Let Masha be smaller, and then Natasha will go,
Zoya, Polya and Stepan, and the smallest one is Ivan.
Raise these kids, and then - whoever you want!
We also wish a young couple
Survive to the golden wedding
And so that the great-grandson of Borka
Shouted at the wedding Bitterly!!!

Cheerfulness, joy - a boundless sea,
Husband and wife, we wish you
If happiness is the most tender,
First-born if - five kilograms!

Still naive young
More funny ones
Family life was not slurped -
Even though she's been waiting for so long.
So let her be sweet
So let no one judge you
So that you do not know sorrows
And so that there is no trouble!

Today is your day, young people,
Everyone is very happy for you.
You got married, and from now on,
Must be together every hour!
Wife, be a true friend,
Gentle, faithful, dear,
You better please your spouse
To not wish for a different fate.
You, husband, bring money into the house,
And give flowers every day
Your wife is sweeter than jam
She is the goddess of beauty.
You be happy with each other
Let in your house for guests
Doors will always be open
Don't forget about friends!

Women don't need much
(These truths are simple)
Only pretty clothes
Jewelry, flowers
So that the husband had a Ferrari,
At worst - "Fiat",
A lot of money - you also need
In stores, so that there is cronyism.
To have an apartment-a fairy tale!
Dacha somewhere in the Crimea,
So that the husband is always affectionate,
I would understand what's what!

We wish to live in love and peace
In a large three-room apartment.
So that it sounds for everyone
Both yours and children's sonorous laughter.

So, dear comrade,
Do you want your wife to love -
Don't be late from the first day
Create all conditions!
How sweet is your wife!
- To always be like this
Remember, you are our dear:
Be careful with your wife.
Never cross her
Do it right
Then you will live
Long, peaceful, glorious!
Wife needs help
Fry, steam and wash.
Don't wake up early in the morning
To the store - you go.
And there will be kids -
So that you wash their pants.
On the leg to rock them,
Louder than all so as not to shout.
So that on holidays and on weekdays,
To summer and winter,
No matter how hard it is,
He kept his wife calm.

Husband and wife - our newlyweds
They left the registry office, holding hands.
We wish them happiness, health,
So that they have tenderness and passion.
We wish them comfort in their lives,
We want more children
Let there be no scandals in their family,
Jealousy and unpleasant people.
Let the days pass like in books
There will always be many kind words.
And the rest - not worth the attention!
And the rest is absolutely nonsense!

Honeymoon lasts forever
In the family, let your young
Happiness will not be fleeting
Be proud of your family
Always help each other
In everything strive to yield,
And never be discouraged
You do not be sad and do not suffer!

You have a lot of children on time,
And for everyone to be healthy
Good luck, I wish you happiness
Today created family.

They say love is not verbose
Suffer, think, bite.
It's all conditional, I think.
We are people, we are not carp.
And if you really want
To make your head spin with happiness
Speak, speak, speak
The best words!

A wedding is the beginning for a wife
New life young
So that the family does not let us down,
You build it with success.
And for the husband - with freedom
Say goodbye dear
And go through fire and water
You are with your beloved wife!

A wedding is a happy day for the newlyweds themselves, their friends and parents. On this day, no one wants to be sad at all. Funny, comical and funny congratulations will help support festive mood and make your wedding day the sunniest and brightest event.

From friends

Young friends are always present at any wedding. After all, people who have no friends are lonely and unhappy. But, of course, this is not about our newlyweds! Friends give joy, and at the wedding celebration - jokes and laughter.

joint venture

Friends! Congratulations! Today is an absolutely wonderful day - the establishment of a new joint venture. This joint venture is your young family. It is founded by a husband and wife. They have huge start-up capital - mutual love. Over time, this promising enterprise will begin to work in such a way as to generate income, and its capital will increase all the time. Then there will be new members of the joint venture - children. We would like to wish our beloved founders very high dividends, which are expressed in prosperity and family happiness. Let the main capital of the joint venture not be afraid of even the biggest inflation, and let dividends and interest on it become more reliable than even a deposit in the best bank in Switzerland. We wish all the best and prosperity to the young enterprise!

fullness of life

Friends! Answer me a very simple question: what can a lonely girl and a lonely guy have in common? How? You do not know? Then I'll have to tell you the correct answer. Lonely people are those who have not yet found their soul mate, without it, every person seems to be without hands. He is incomplete. But today we are wonderful holiday- the day of the creation of a new family, so everything said before is not about our young people. They now got rid of this inferiority together, as they found each other. Happiness to you!

Forty Thieves

Our beloved newlyweds! On your day wonderful wedding we came to congratulate you. But first let me tell you a little story. We were at a wedding last year. Then the young did not celebrate with friends and relatives, but together they read the famous fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood. But none of the invitees was offended, because in a young family, after the prescribed 40 weeks, a beautiful girl was born. And at another wedding, which was played last year, the bride and groom left the guests and went to read the magnificent novel The Three Musketeers. The guests were even glad of such inattention on the part of the heroes of the celebration, because nine months later they came to congratulate them on the birth of three hero boys. Together with our congratulations of happiness, joy, eternal love and family inspiration we want to give you main gift- the fairy tale "About Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." Let your marriage make you happy parents seven boys and a beautiful girl!

Parents mean a lot to every child. And parents who have a sense of humor illuminate the life path of children and help them get out of the most difficult situations with this light.

Sadness and seriousness are out of place at a wedding, so funny congratulations and wishes to the newlyweds should become the rule.

Our good, lovely children!

We congratulate you on this holiday!

New family freak birth -

Is this not happiness, is this not a reason for fun?

We have always protected and scolded you,

If you walked in shoes in the slush,

If you come home late.

Well, now we say goodbye.

Soon the youngest will be parents.

Remember our advice and wisdom -

Always love each other selflessly,

After all, we want to have so much fun with our grandchildren!

Here is the wedding of our children.

We will not tell everyone for a long time,

How they were loved, raised and toiled,

If they were late for dinner.

Here we have the bride and groom.

What happiness! Now we can

(if they are happy of course)

Relax and take care of yourself!

I (father of the groom) I want to congratulate my son on such a wonderful acquisition as his smart wife. His mother also joins me - now her mother-in-law! - she also rated the choice of her son as absolutely wonderful. Never quarrel, no one needs it. Love and enjoy life! *** Now the turn has come to congratulations from us. Hooray! We are now father-in-law and mother-in-law! We can no longer be afraid for our girl, because she is in good hands. We want to wish you a cloudless family sky - a common one for two. And let our future grandchildren become the sun in it!

In verse

At the wedding, everyone tries to congratulate the young couple in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time. Beautiful words sound in and just like that, but the best option such congratulations will be funny and kind poems. Here are a few examples that can be called universal and can be used at almost any wedding celebration.

What, what do you wish the young?

I'm confused, I don't know where to start.

Of course, love, good luck and health

(To do this, drink cow's milk together in the morning).

Let the children be very beautiful -

Like mom they are slender, like dad they are strong.

In these worries and joyful chores -

Washing diapers from children's bounties.

Don't forget about your friends, please.

Call for dinner more often and it's that simple.

We promise to praise your dinner,

Well, we wish - so that there are no troubles!

Be happy, live richly

(So, as the amount of the salary will allow you).

But it often happens that it is not enough,

Then your parents will generously add to you.

Which, by the way, now has become more.

You love them and stay longer.

Then do not be afraid of pipettes, diapers,

Give us new boys and girls.

And if you get tired of caring

(After all, parents get bored with children)

Throw them to your new mother-in-law and mother-in-law:

They are grandmothers! Let them educate.

I wish you the most important thing in the world -

Live together, in great love!

In prose

wedding congratulations are not just words. They must reach the heart of the newlyweds, be remembered and come true. by the most the best way to compose such a congratulation is a drop of humor with joy for new family, added to wise wishes .

  • I want to congratulate our heroes today - the newlyweds - on such a decisive and correct step as a wedding. Now we have before us not just two people, but a whole ship that will sail on the waves modern life. I wish them good sailors (work), who will be able to set or take off sails (savings) on time, depending on weather forecasts. The helmsman and the captain (young) let this ship be flooded with the laughter of the youngsters (children) and guide it through all the storms and storms (family misunderstandings). Happy sailing!
  • Today is a happy day! After all, while the husband and wife did not even fully understand what had happened. So let them live to old age in the same joyful bewilderment, smiling at everyone around them and loving the whole world. At the same time, giving the world many, many healthy children!
  • From this very day - weddings - you, dear newlyweds, have only doubled: moms and dads, salaries, friends, houses, roads. Manage all this wisely, as they say, "sensibly, with feeling, with arrangement." Especially with feeling. Save it to long life together, share disappointments and sadness equally, give birth to children in whom you will find your continuation!

What to wish on this day to a friend

The bridesmaid knows all the ups and downs of the pre-wedding fever, the secrets and secrets of the bride - today's wife. At the celebration of the creation of her friend's family, she always speaks precise, succinct and funny words that warm the soul of the young and her husband.

*** So the day has come, which slightly alienated me and my girlfriend from each other. Now she has a person more important and closer than me (I even envy him a little). Let the groom not worry too much and do not worry about anything - the wife will not fight with a rolling pin and forbid seeing friends, because she is a very calm person and loves him very much (this I can confirm, as best friend). I wish you, dear, never despair, and if you suddenly feel sad, come visit - because I will always be your friend!

Dear friend!

You got married today.

Of course you understand

How sad I will be now.

But, fighting with yourself,

I bless you

I leave you to my husband

Let it deal with you now.

He does not yet know what happiness

He got it in the form of you.

So let it rejoice for now -

Happy are those who live in ignorance!

Congratulations heartily

My dear girlfriend

Happy wedding day

(and, of course, my husband)!

Satisfied with your joy

I treasure your happiness

Therefore, the young husband

I won't say anything about you!

Let him find out in time

How beautiful is his wife

And what great joy

She can give!

For friend

The groom's friends are often the funniest people at the wedding. Therefore, their congratulations, funny and cheerful, will be pleasant to the young.

  • My friend, you are no longer just a guy. Starting today, you are called a husband. Carry this big name with honor, love and appreciate your wife, help her in everything. After all, only in this way I, the best friend, can be proud of you. This step - marriage - is the most responsible in life. I'm glad you decided on it. Be a real man!
  • I want to rejoice with my friend - the groom at this wedding - his birth own family. Let him never upset his beautiful wife, but she creates for him warm comfort and a hotbed. Here, he fulfilled his congratulatory duty, and now look at everything - well, this is just a miracle, and not a groom! So - I'm also good, and so far - completely single! And so you want to keep up with a friend!

For sister

There are sisters - do not spill water. They know everything about each other: they share dreams and secrets with their sisters, they also see tears in the pillow and flushed cheeks from the first kiss. But it is the sister who can cheer the best of all.

Darling, let's give

We are your hero!

Be happy together

Love and be fruitful!

After all, I want so badly

hug your daughter

And little son

My nephews.

As yet they are not

But try very hard

Have many children

And multiply happiness.

Beloved sister, accept my wishes on this joyful day for all of us. Of course, you did not listen to either me or your mother, who asked you not to rush into such a responsible decision - marriage. But you've always made up your mind. Your husband will be very pleased with such an independent and active wife. And if you complain about an improperly cooked omelette, then come to me, I promise to teach! In conclusion, waiting for you funny video, with which friends decided to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day:

With money handed

For a new family, money is most needed, so congratulations on the wedding (funny), with the delivery of money will be appreciated! Wishes can be said out loud or written by putting a completed message in an envelope. Funny congratulations will be remembered and cheer up, and donated cash will be spent by the newlyweds with pleasure!

No wonder they say that the first wedding night the newlyweds, locked in the bedroom ... consider gifts and count money!

According to the site, everyone is interested in what lies in the envelopes, and how much others love them, because the efforts made to the present directly prove their attitude to this solemn event. Someone gave a vase? This means that thoughts about how to please the newlyweds were not long and without enthusiasm. Did you give an envelope with a large bill inside and wishes in a hand-decorated piece of paper? It means that they appreciate you, are happy for you, and approached the presentation of the gift responsibly, with soul.

Why is it convenient to give money for a wedding?

  • no need to "bother" with a gift, especially if you do not want a repetition. Why do young people need two tea sets or a tenth blanket? Collect? And money always comes in handy.
  • money is always needed and useful. Maybe, new family saving up for an apartment or a car, planning to go somewhere or cover part of the cost of a wedding - celebrations are now very expensive. Or maybe by morning the newly-made spouses will fly away for their honeymoon! There the gift will quickly be spent ...

In any case, money is the most desired gift! It remains only to provide him with memorable words.

Present with money

Short congratulations on the wedding

Sometimes you don't need a lot of words! Let's find out what congratulations on the wedding (cool), with money, short and beautiful, the newlyweds will definitely like?

Do not sigh the groom, with an unhappy look!
And the bride, do not stand a pillar:
Yesterday you were two -
Today we have become a family!
What's there? Too late to get Borjomi?
Or do you not drink now?
Well, then your house
Happiness, yes love live!

To earn happiness in life
Gotta not give up
Yesterday, today and always
Enjoy life!

Don't be discouraged and don't be sad
Dividing the worries
You try and add
Work storks!

Now you have become one family. For everything together now in the answer. Well, peace and love. Wise advice. Do not be discouraged and always lean against each other. Remember: together you are stronger! Call to yourself more often, be hospitable, and so that you always have the same rich table as now.

We'll eat beer with cancer, vodka - pickled cucumber. We will celebrate to our heart's content, and the groom - keep up the good work! The main thing is that the wedding does not become a “marriage”, but in life everything works out, comes out from the heart! A direct road for young people, parents for quick grandchildren, a daughter-in-law for a good mother-in-law! Live together, rattle frying pans rarely, love hard!

Money as a gift

Get a pack of money
And a happy person!
Can be hidden as a stash
And with a supply to live forever!
You can immediately give them a job
Or spend it all wisely!
In short, be bold
No regrets afterwards!
We will give an envelope, here is happiness
And for us there is no doubt:
Our little contribution
Save your budget!

We offer about congratulations on the wedding (cool) with the presentation of money, watch the video, where they also hold various contests and games for guests. To be honest, sometimes the most strange and shocking. Of course, just give cash gift for young people it is not too fun, and it will not be remembered. The wedding should walk and sing until the morning, this is the main point!

We wondered and wondered together
What to give the newlyweds.
Here the ideas were
Lots of presents to give.

First, the Kamasutra.
Here is the start for a wise book
Philosophy of comforts in love.
This is so that the husband does not look for an affair
Wife, look every day.

Then - a rock.
Oh, what a necessary thing in the household
Definitely come in handy at least once.
You can roll the dough with it for pies
Or give an important thrashing.

Third, naked doll.
As a hint that we are waiting impatiently
For a family of young replenishment.
Let this doll be ordinary
It will become your future hello.

The fourth present is a bottle of cognac.
Soon the guests will be dancing
They will then go home
Have fun drinking together
May you have a happy night!

Fifth prize - piggy bank.
For a dream family to live beautifully,
You need to save money carefully.
Take a pig as a present
And do not forget to feed with coins.

The sixth gift is a deck of cards (prepared by yourself, with photos of the bride and groom)
Quiet evenings how to while away?
Yes, we can play cards.
Maybe throw a party for undressing -
So we decided to give you cards.

For the seventh gift - an umbrella
After all, there is no weather in the house more important
And all the past is just vanity.
Now everything is there for you except
Such a big and beautiful umbrella.
Well, perhaps that's all, we presented the presents
Now back to the table, there's deliciousness there!

In the bank

Money in the bank for a wedding with wishes

Wedding congratulations (funny) with money in the bank - a great idea, original way. Many give in ordinary envelopes and this has become commonplace. People see a beautiful or simple oblong envelope, they immediately have one thought: “The money was presented. I wonder how much is there? ”, And they try to determine the amount by light or by thickness.

How to arrange a gift with a jar? It's very simple: take the usual, you can the largest, three-liter jar, and fill it different denominations bills. You can fold them to make them look prettier from the outside. Top cover and seal with sealing wax, stick on top funny inscription: "To the newlyweds, in happy life! First investment for a new car…”. It will turn out original, and it is impossible to determine the exact amount by eye. You can also fill the jar with banknotes different countries so that the jar is not only multi-colored, but also “different national”.

An example of congratulations for a gift with banknotes in a bank:

Dear newlyweds! We solemnly present you with two gifts with a ticket to life! Please note, the most useful container in everyday life, with a value of 3 liters. You can store jam or salads in it, pamper yourself with goodies in the winter. Now the bank is fulfilling its intended purpose - it stores a thing that is useful to you - the second gift. WITH best wishes! May you have many such jars and never empty them!

In the form of a cake

In the form of a cake

Congratulations on the wedding (cool) with the presentation of money in the form of a cake - amazing latest idea! Unusual view The present will definitely not make you bored at the wedding! And it will not matter at all how much money you decide to present - the idea is worth a million!

So where does it all start?

The cake does not need to be baked, a dummy can be made from multi-colored cardboard or glue several boxes together. Choose oval or square different sizes. The main condition is the presence of a hollow space inside and a difference in size: large - small.

Money is attached to the sides. No need to glue, because young people should be left the opportunity to use the gift. Enough paper clips, scotch tape can also damage bills. Each tier is tied with a ribbon. Not necessarily several tiers, one is enough, only a large one. From above, hoist the figures of the newlyweds and rings, as expected!

Example of congratulations for a gift

Dear newlyweds, it's time for wedding cake. No matter what you have, here's another one from us. We hope you enjoy it, we tried our best! We wish you to have such gifts in the future! And each with meaning. And now, the groom, I ask for a knife, will you cut the cake?

Dear, here is a gift from us. We wish you the same delicious and unusual life as a cake! Use it to the last bite!

Umbrella? Are you joking?

Idea with an umbrella

Surprise you cool congratulations for a wedding with the presentation of money and ... an umbrella!

As they sing in the song, the main thing for the family is the weather maintained in the house. This is comfort, the relationship between spouses, especially if they just got married. Until recently, they were just in a relationship, but each went to his own house and lived his own mind. Now they are a family and everything should be divided equally. Guests can help young people protect themselves from bad weather by handing them a special umbrella.

For wonderful gift required:

  • a beautiful, new umbrella, preferably plain;
  • banknotes of various denominations;
  • staples, thread.

You can choose an umbrella with an interesting pattern, not gaudy: a couple in love, a heart, rings or doves. It will look nice big, with long handle. Having chosen the one you like, it remains to decorate with money. Threads with banknotes attached must be tied to knitting needles in an open umbrella. Do not be greedy, hang thicker so that the umbrella is "thick". Then close back and pack.

An example of congratulations for delivery

Dear newlyweds! Here is for you best gift- nice umbrella. Let it become your talisman and protection from any adversity and, of course, save you from the rain! Take care of yourself and don't lose your umbrella!

Our lovely newlyweds. Without hesitation for a long time, we decided to give you the best remedy save yourself from any bad weather - this wonderful umbrella has the properties of protection from rain, snow, frost and any shocks. Enjoy!

Dear newlyweds!
A wedding is like a responsible gymnastics competition!
We wish you to always be on horseback after successful exercises with rings, and leave the exercises with a goat and a log to others!
Today is __ January (September-December).
We have gathered not in vain.
Congratulate the bride and groom.
With the stage of their life together.

We wish you happiness and fun,
Harmony, love, happy moments.
So that you can always be proud
The child that will be born to you.

So that you never feel
Which means: "I don't have a fig ...".
And so that your union lasts a long, long time,
So that everyone falls in love for the first time.

And on the hand the presence of rings
It means sincerity of hearts.
And in conclusion, congratulations to the groom, bride,
We: "Bitter!", We will shout with you together!
If you really want
Strong male friendship
Right here at your wedding
With the father-in-law urgently start,
Don't delay anymore
Not a minute, not a second
Take father in hand
And lead the dance.
Straight from the dance with the father-in-law together
Gotta go hunting
And from hunting to fishing,
And from fishing to striptease.
Do not forget that while
Gotta smile for my father-in-law
And, talking about sex with him,
Hold your hand firmly.
The father-in-law will be stunned at first
And then, realizing what was the matter,
Lead you on the hunt
Fishing, striptease.
And of course forget
And about the mother-in-law, and about the wedding
And male friendship with you
Will definitely lead!
If right in the middle of the wedding
Hooligans have come to you
Don't kick them out right away.
Maybe that's what we are.
You put us at the table
In those places where they ate little,
And the bottle we ourselves
We can easily open.
And while we are a tutor
With uncle policeman
Not caught, along with you
Let's be for the newlyweds
Eat salad and drink vodka!
Congratulations to the newlyweds,
Be happy always!
Bring more in your beak
For a family nest!
Help clean feathers
And raise chicks
Don't feel sorry for each other
Caresses, gifts and flowers!
Dear newlyweds, congratulations. From this day on, your “black” life begins: now you will rest on the Black Sea, drive a black Mercedes and eat black caviar with spoons.
As a MINIMUM it is necessary: ​​so that the husband would be full
And ate tobacco chicken once a week
Or in the extreme case - stew (not "horns"!)
To be healthy and decently dressed,
To have a special dinner on Sunday
Taking into account the fact that the spouse is on holiday
Should be especially proud of his wife
(This shouldn't bother him too much.
Help my wife in the kitchen that day).

As the MAXIMUM is necessary: ​​so that he is loved
AND tender love we keep yours
To live in anticipation of an eternal miracle
And thus he was insured against fornication.
So that I don’t know serious disagreements with him
And in disputes he sometimes conceded.
Don't take him away from his friends.
Alienate from them and be jealous of them.
If you want everything to be normal between you,
Let occasionally go to the sauna with friends
And sees in the illusion of this "freedom"
Your independence long years
So that your boat does not break on life,
No need to hold grudges against each other,
Don't have kids too soon
Do not be afraid to love without deceit,
There is no need to swear with the mother-in-law or with the child,
Don't be afraid to be without money.
Although in the early years - you can not be a bore,
But often you can’t beat dishes “for good luck”!
No need to be timid where you need to be brave
You should not beat with a rag, where you can beat with a mop
(Husbands can endure pain and injury,
But they do not tolerate humiliation).
So that the boat of Love would not suddenly flow,
try mutual feeling save
He will not be replaced: not a ringing noise of toasts,
No furniture, paintings, carpets and sheepskin coats.
All this is not the main thing. The main thing is to swim
And in the boat - to love, help and be friends,
And if you suddenly have to part,
So that there was a desire to strive for each other!
Perhaps that's all. Well, what else do you need?
So that you live long, happily and amicably, -
You need - a child: one and the second.
And you will - complete family!
If you have a mother-in-law
Such an incomprehensible
Everything is looking at you
And wiggles his eyebrows
You quickly grab a knife
And a big ladle
And a whorl, fifteen pieces.
Get into the fridge
Take out everything you can see
And throw it all in the pot
Washed beforehand.
But don't give mother-in-law
What you got there
Still won't stop
Look at you with eyes.
Pour everything directly into your husband,
So that it is not empty.
He falls asleep, very pleased,
And the mother-in-law will go home!
If mother-in-law loves son-in-law
And he cooks pancakes
And the stopar pours
As soon as he comes to her,
You will find out from that mother-in-law
Does she have other daughters?
If not, then immediately
Give birth to a couple more.
You wait a little
For those daughters to learn
Put your signature in the registry office
And cook you an omelette
And then grab your daughter
And marry her soon.
Your mother-in-law will love you right away
And pour like a groom!
You were driven down the aisle for a long time,
To get married.
It happened, finally
This fact is irreparable!
Now the task is more difficult
Both relatives and friends:
Still unknown to science
To have children, grandchildren,
When only a pager with a telephone
Served as a bond between two lovers!
And congratulating you on your wedding,
Portrait of your wedding wish
Carry with you everywhere
To not be afraid of each other
If you happen to meet
In a newly built nest!
Comic wedding telegrams for the bride

Dear (name of the bride)! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you much happiness. Every year we are waiting for you to visit, Sincerely, the maternity hospital!

Blankets, vests, dolls, nipples and pots have been waiting for a long time for mom, be kind, hurry up! The store team Child's world».

Leaving for a visit, do not forget your husband at home. Lost and found.

(Name of the bride)! Scold your husband in private, but praise in public! Vasilisa the Wise.

Dear (name of the bride)! Congratulations! Your order has been completed - you can get iron gloves at any time. Department store.

Urgently tell the size of your husband's neck. We'll send you a collar. Trade Department.

Congratulations and we send the saw as a gift for the husband. The staff of the store "Household Goods".
wedding vow wife's vow

Yesterday I was... maiden name),
Today I ... (new surname).
What can you do, friends?
It's probably fate.
I take command.
I swear there will be no boredom in the house,
I swear, it's not very capricious,
So, in a day, by the way.
I promise to load my husband with business every day
And every month regularly
Accept his salary.
And I promise gently
Prepare breakfast and lunch.
So that we live peacefully in harmony,
I will take trouble away from home.
I ... (name of the groom) will never leave,
Because he is very good
And I love him very much!
Well, if need be,
I'll beat him myself!
wedding vow husband vow

From now on, the husband is ... (name, surname of the groom)
I swear on my honor and soul
What will we live with ... (name of the bride) together
Until the wedding golden.
I swear by my husband to be excellent,
An exemplary father of his children.
I swear not to forget my friends
I will call for all births.
I will babysit the kids
Herbs any I will below.
I will sew, wash and darn
And I will not stomp on my wife.
I will be an angel, not a husband,
I ask the guests - believe me.
My wife, well, that means ... (name of the bride),
I won't let you hurt me in life
Without concealment, I will give the entire salary to my wife.
And if you suddenly start to swear,
To put out the quarrel
I will silently smile
Understand, of course, and forgive.
Comic wedding telegrams for the groom

What a lamp of reason has gone out! What a guy, brothers, lost! Bachelors.

Married himself - help your comrades. Your friends.

When you look for a shoe for your future wife, choose one that has a wider heel and a lighter sole! Experienced men.

Congratulations. We are glad to accept in our ranks. Society under the heel.

We open courses for dads to drive baby carriages. Driving licenses are issued after nine months. GAI.

The wife is not a mitten. You can’t throw it off your hand, but you can’t throw it over the fence. Lost and found.

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their legal marriage. We wish happiness and warn the groom in advance: if the bride is kidnapped, the police are powerless. ATS.

Congratulations! We wish you not to be under the heel of your wife. Shoe workshop.

At dawn, don't wake her up, and don't test her patience, She's got curlers in her head, and don't count on more. Rival.

If you drink sometimes, Your wife will suddenly become furious, There is nothing to wag your nerves, - Come to us to spend the night. Sobering-up station.

Our heartfelt congratulations on a good booty! From now on, the season of hunting for brides and catching mermaids is closed for you forever. Society of hunters.

Congratulations and announcing unprecedented discounts on the installation of an alarm that protects against the theft of his wife. Car service.

My favorite! Yesterday I found out that you are getting married. It's a pity! Well, all the best to you! For many years we lived with you in peace and friendship, enjoyed each other. Are you fed up with me and you cheated on me? I'm sorry you met someone else. She is better, kinder, more beautiful than me! Well, goodbye forever! Happiness to you, love. I take comfort in the fact that I have a lot of your brother left. Goodbye. Your single life.

Dear, dear and beloved! Who did you leave me for? How I loved you! After all, we were happy together. And now everything is behind, but I will always remember our walks with you under the moonlight, conversations in quiet evenings, I will remember our crazy and sweet life. I'm alone, but I won't cry! Your single life.
If you came to the wedding
You have to take a look right away.
Look after the curtain
Whiter and more authentic.
If you don't find white
You have to take any
And so that she becomes white,
Look for Aunt Asya.
And when the bride and groom
Take a break for a moment
Put on the curtain
Hurry up on yourself
And the mustache, covered with a fork,
Cover it up quickly with chewing gum
And shout - I'm the bride!
You will receive gifts!
Don't be upset if
You are in a load with your mother-in-law,
With the groom and with a white dress
Gets another father-in-law.
The father-in-law will be very pleased
If you send it
Having given a mandate and a new tie,
To sit directly in the Duma.
They will give him a salary
Both the car and the apartment
And to celebrate in Moscow, he
Take your mother-in-law with you.
you cry a little
And in the apartment of the old father-in-law
You will make jam and
Pickles salt.
And four years later
The father-in-law will come for the mandate
And for a tie for a new one,
You will be greatly appreciated!
It happens to everyone in life
Day of unearthly happiness!
Oh, wedding rings ring
Enchantment from troubles and sadness,
And in their ringing - as a command to you
Always stay together!
And your love is like a fairy tale
Lighthouse, star, song!

Life together - it means a couple,
And be there day and night.
Live in love, and love - tirelessly,
If the heart is attached to the heart.
Feelings never fade
If a wedding is played here -
So we got there.
If we got there -
So listen here!
If you come to your wedding
The guests did come
And brought bouquets
As many as three hundred and thirty pieces,
And they took few gifts,
Or they weren't taken at all.
Or hid gifts
In colorful cellophane
You do not take bouquets,
Still smell bad
In general, there is nowhere to put them
(Bath is filled with vodka)
And make gifts
All guests to give to you personally
And tell in detail
What do they all have inside!

Since childhood, we are all familiar with "Roman",
Where they tried three times
And three times poor Kolobok
We tried to eat breakfast during the day.
But only once our hero
Got on the tooth of a red cheat,
And in memory of the denouement of that
I emphasize: so who is offended
Unhappy? That's right, fox.
After all, the wolf, the bear and that oblique,
What first met - men.
There is a kolobok for no reason.
The fox is a woman. Dangerous
She sings songs near her teeth,
Otherwise, you have to sneak up on her,
To, having sung, to stay alive and well.
Groom! Heed the advice
What is your friend giving you right now?
In order not to become like this shortbread -
Find your wife!

Family Law Code

To your honeymoon
Stretched out for five years
Code, somewhat harsh,
Must be strictly observed.
This code is very old,
But you won't find newer
And for every new couple
He is good in his own way.

I. The duties of husband and wife in marriage are clearly demarcated.

1. The wife exercises supreme, legislative and executive power. The wife is entrusted with the duties of the Minister of Finance, Trade, Food Industry, culture, healthcare, external relations.
wife claims family budget. Subsidies are allocated for the needs of the husband. The wife is obliged to remember that timely mercy, attention, moderate severity and encouragement adorn and strengthen the supreme power.

2. The husband is the wife's substitute. He is granted the right of an advisory vote in matters of legislation.
The husband is entrusted with the duties of the Minister of Defense, Electrification, Installation and Construction Works, Motor Transport, Agriculture, as well as the supply committee.
The husband must voluntarily be always shaved, trimmed, washed, carried away by his wife, as on the first day of the meeting, attentive to her, as on this gala evening.

3. The wife and husband, according to the mutual agreement, carry out the functions of the ministry in the family consumer services.
In connection with total absence elements of crimes and violations of law and order, as well as the resolution contentious issues amicably without third parties, the position of Minister of Justice is abolished.

II. Observance and fulfillment of the duties of husband and wife are not subject to discussion.

Order for the bride and groom.
Good people, Orthodox! You listen to our tale, our simple order. Like across the Ob river, to Novosibirsk city, the dark night is approaching, the red sun is sinking, and the human world is running along the streets, lanes, suffocating. It’s not the forest that’s on fire, it’s not the thunder that rumbles. At (Surname) the wedding is making noise all over the world. Oh, you are guests, glorious guests, not lazy, hard-working! You listen to us at least a little. We did not write a big order. Just don’t be afraid of these words, don’t burst into bitter tears. Not a mandate for you, for the bride. Our glorious, sweet: name of the bride:. Know that you grew up without goryushka, and now you have gone down the aisle. You are a daughter-in-law, a beautiful girl, do not be so sad, do not grieve to tears that a free life has ended, a free life, not married. Your husband is your falcon, he sits between us, and a command came from society: take care of him, good fellow, always be his faithful friend, gentle, unchanging wife. For his sake, you have a dozen kids to nurse them from morning to dinner. Do not knit with chains, but with diapers, sliders, and vests. Well, on holidays, talk to him, you deserve it - take a glass of merchandise. Yes, feed him sweeter dinner. So you will have a dozen children.

Parting words to the newlyweds

1. So as not to grab your head later,
Grab your mind from a young age
2. Burning ticket to life -
Get married, but after that, hold on!
3. A wise good wife
There is no price for any husband!
About the father-in-law and about the mother-in-law
She never slanders.
4. If a smart wife,
She does not scold her husband.
And drank, so sawdust
Does not take out of the apartment.
5. Wife and husband are honest friends.
In friendship, they do not need a third.
He is her friend, she is a friend,
Not a personal servant.
6. If one question is often raised,
Can he rise in the family
To its full height.
7. Take your time to burn bridges:
Did you choose the coast?
8. When the hearth went out in the family,
There is a spare TV.
9. Live on wide leg wanting
In both look, so as not to become barefoot!
10. Born to crawl
They cannot fly.
But how they crawl -
No one can catch up!
11. You still can’t earn all the money,
But you can spend everything with brilliance
So is it worth it to the detriment of your family
Outside the home, be true to yourself
12. It is necessary to feed a husband with spiritual food.
And remember about daily bread
Not out of place.
But if he is fed up to the throat, he barely breathes,
What to expect from this in bed?
13. We wish you long-term love -
But so that it does not become a hundred years' war!
14. “I myself am good,” said the boa constrictor. -
The wife is a snake, ”and he was partly right.
15. To be a family without children -
Do not keep a warm house:
What is winter without firewood
Live in a cold country house.
16. When the heart rejoices,
The beauty of the face blossoms.
In a fight, it's the other way around.
So let's make peace soon!
17. Reasonable wife
Add honor to your husband.
And the evil will blow
Bad news about him.
18. Family circle so good
That you will not find corners in it.
Create a triangle from a circle -
Look for trouble like crazy.
19. Don't build family relations
On nerves every time:
Husband has a place in reserve
Found for comfort.
20. It's easier for the young in the world,
Kohl and relatives live in the council.

Wife's oath:

You swear to love your husband all your life,
Be friendly and affectionate with him?
Wife: I swear!
You swear that you will cook cheesecakes more often,
Steeply pour a tea and sweeter?
Wife: I swear!
After dinner, when he lies down with a newspaper,
Swear you won't scold me for this!
Wife: I swear!
Do you swear not to blow your lips
Do not even let the wind blow on him?
Wife: I swear!
Do you swear to us that at any cost
You will be good and faithful wife?
Wife: I swear!

Moral code of the family

1. A husband must love his wife,
Not someone else's, but yours.
2. A wife should be a wife,
Though the head sometimes hurts.
3. Do not criticize, do not humiliate,
Count your mistakes.
4. Do not show superiority -
Looks like a peacock.
5. Don't make decisions for your spouse!
Decide together, not for each other.
6. Strive to please your mother-in-law,
Wife is easier to please.
7. Do not command, ask
Apply affection in a request,
Husband will perform from the heart
All desires are yours.
8. Laugh with your spouse, not at him:
Tact is essential in a relationship.
9. Do not be quick to blame,
After all, you are not a prosecutor in the family.
Remember: one reproach -
The whole family is in disgrace.
10. Claims, hints and reproaches
Love and marriage are shortened.
Would take into account other people's, bitter lessons:
Such vices cannot be tolerated.
11. When patience ends,
Endurance is included in wrestling.
12. Remarks to the wife
Do it alone
And teach your children
When there are no people around.
13. So that your arguments become weighty,
Don't force them with pain.
14. When dignity is out of place
Of these, only disadvantages

Husband's oath:

Swear on your wife to take care of you,
Always kiss when leaving for work!
Husband: I swear!
Sometimes things like this happen.
The wife will wear out half a paycheck in stockings.
Swear that it's your business - side -
A wife will not go to work in thin!
Husband: I swear!
You swear that you will be an exemplary husband
Defender, friend, faithful helper
Husband: I swear!
Swear that your spouse with words, deeds
You will not give offense to whoever is in front of you
Husband: I swear!
Do you swear to go through life together,
Keep each other on the road?
Husband: I swear!
hurt me
To be at your wedding.
You said that I'm a friend
To prepare congratulations.
I agreed, of course.
Giving you is not fair.
The wedding was celebrated together
How much they drank, they did not know.
I opened my eyes in the morning...
And my fiancee!
Congratulations on your wedding!
And now we wish you!
Learn by heart
Our cheerful congratulations:
Live in harmony, in love,
And don't blame each other
And do not beat the dishes often,
If you cry, then from happiness!
Do not share money with a fight,
Don't drink in vain
And don't be rude to each other
And don't go to the left!
Advice and love will tell you today
And we will celebrate your wedding in a cool way,
Well, toastmaster, pour brandy,
It's not scary that it was our groom,
Take care of your love like a treasure
Cash in the safe so that there is a lot,
So that there are no quarrels with the massacre,
And let there be no dispute between you,
Who takes out the garbage, only peacefully decide,
Neighbors so that you do not knock on the wall,
It's great to be in any question,
And the stork brings you many children!
Accept this congratulations
With all my heart - I wrote as best I could!
Happy wedding day, I congratulate you
fun life wish you.
I wish you a wife
She let me into the strip bar, but she herself,
Cooked and cleaned everything
Waiting for you in some stockings.
I wish my wife that her husband
Having bought her a dress, a fur coat, mascara,
Sparing no cash
She also paid for a bachelorette party.
Live long and beautiful
Successfully, together and happily!
Our congratulations
Let's say congratulations.
health, mood,
Good luck bag.

Good night and fairy tales
And not an ounce of sadness.
And also - so that the children
You found in cabbage.

So that you live together
Troubles were avoided.
To by all means
you loved each other

Goodness and peace!
What else, we don't know.
That's why it's beautiful
We round it all up.
tili tili dough
The groom sits with the bride
For them, I could immediately come up with
This chic congratulations!

Honeymoon in Bali
For thrill,
And thick bags of money
For strong relationship!
daughter-in-law from mother-in-law
interesting to see
How much will you endure.
You are my daughter-in-law now!
Do you want, believe it or not,
But the demand will be high
You can't turn up your nose!
Everything will be as I say
I will point and show.
You better not cross me
To save your family...
You are my sweet angel
Here's my congratulations.
Thinking proud light to amuse,
And cause, as it were, a slight shock,
We hasten to present persistently
Our excellent congratulations.

So first - be together
And secondly, you kids.
Health to the groom, the bride.
And, of course, matchmakers.

So that a house is a house. Or an apartment.
And to have everything inside.
Live many years, health, peace.
And, of course, love.
On this day, a young young girl pinches her ass,
So that the matter is sooner by the night - he dreams about it,
Guests every moment shout "Bitter!",
And stealing a bride is cleverly accepted,
Young, you live without worries,
Let your love grow stronger every day
Let the family boat not destroy your life,
And we wish you to be rich like Rockefeller!

We wish our young
To be together until gray hairs,
The groom to supply the family,
He adored his bride
The bride cooks excellent borscht,
She was appreciated so that by all means!
So that rap thundered in your house,
Not subsided so that ringing laughter,
A whole basket of children
So that you are always happy!

Today you have a big celebration,
Your family and friends will congratulate you.
After all, this is happiness, and now there are two of you,
May the new family be strong!

Dear our friends! On this beautiful and joyful day, you leave the ranks of an unconnected sacred marriage union youth and join new age of your life. You have taken this crucial step by simultaneously stepping on the rug in the registry office. Pigeons surround you today, and tomorrow white storks will circle over you in search of a landing site ...

I am very happy for my best friend. Today he has become a real family man. And although I am not yet threatened with such a fate, I will nevertheless tell you, dear newlyweds, a few parting words. First, be a wonderful example for your unmarried friends, that is, us. Secondly, be sure to invite all of us to the first christening. And thirdly, live happily. Advice to you, yes love!

Dear my friends! I have been attending your wedding from the very beginning, but I have not yet seen such happy faces from you as now. You shine with happiness and share your joy with all of us. And looking at you today, I dream of getting myself into similar situation a year, so, in two. And I want you to share the joy with me that day, but already as guests. Moreover, I invite you to my wedding for sure the three of us.

I'm happy for you, my dear friends! Today you are husband and wife! From this day on, fun times will begin for you, and you will have to go through them together. You will now go through life hand in hand, you will always be next to each other. Family life This is a very serious and important matter. Always remember this happy day - your wedding day!

Do not describe to me now all the feelings that boil in my soul. I am not only very happy with your happiness, but I certainly want, just like you, to create my own family. I really liked your wedding and I, without delaying the matter, from tomorrow I begin to look for a candidate suitable for the role of my husband. And I give you an order: do not lose that great happiness that surrounds you on your wedding day.

Today everything is as you wished:
The desired hour of light has come -
You put on chastity rings
And congratulations to all of you.
Always live very friendly
And do not twist the path of life,
It is necessary to save the holy love,

I will not repeat everything that has already been said before me. I just want to once again congratulate you on your wedding day. I saw today how much my dear friend was worried, how timidly she stepped on the carpet in the Wedding Palace. And now I see what a happy face she has. So, let the rest of your life, all the best is on the rise, as it is on this day!

I, the bridesmaid, in the face of all those present, want to congratulate you, dear newlyweds, on your marriage! I solemnly promise that I will catch today bridal bouquet and get married within one year. I swear to come visit you every month, bore you with long stories about my adventures and become the godmother to your firstborn!

congratulations on your wedding

congratulations on your wedding

Congratulations on your wedding 1

We wish you great luck
To make your life richer
So that you have success in everything,
May you all live happily ever after!

Congratulations on your wedding 2

Even though I don't go to the wedding,
But I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life
Love keeping the holy law
Until the wedding golden.

Congratulations on your wedding 3

What is planned, let it come true
All good things - let them be remembered.
Let love shine in your heart
Good people will meet in life
Let love be old
We wish you only joy.

Congratulations on your wedding 4

Our good knight, our dear falcon,
Be bold as a hawk, be as beautiful as the sun!
Let your house be a full bowl!
Let your wife give birth to your daughters -
Be faithful to your wife, do not walk for no reason,
Be honest and proud - that's the valor of a man!
Health to you for a thousand years
And so much happiness!

Congratulations on your wedding 5

We wish you Alenka - a blue-eyed girl.
For Alenka, a brother is a boy Ignatik.
And catching up with the little brother, let the sister grow up - Paradise.
They will hang out with Zina, Galya, Valya and Marina,
Nadya, Olya, Kolya and, of course, with Tolya.
And you surprise us with Vitya, kind Yura, curly Mitya,
And the guys will go fasting (oh, those imps!)
Petya, Vasya and Valery, Gena, Alexey, Evgeny.
Let it be smaller - there will be Masha, and then Natasha will go,
Zoya, Polya and Stepan and the smallest - Ivan.
Raise these kids, and then - whoever you want!
We also wish a young couple
Survive to the golden wedding
And so that the great-grandson of Borka
Shouted at the wedding "Bitter!"

Congratulations on your wedding 6

We'll raise our glass
To become a reality for both
Tall, light ideal

Congratulations on your wedding 7

We wish you happiness, we wish you good luck,
We wish you fun and joy in addition,
So that grief bypasses your house,
So that at one o'clock the sun shines on you!

Congratulations on your wedding 8
We wish the newlyweds
Behind it wedding table
Bloom all my life in happy May,
Walk the same path for the rest of your life.

Congratulations on your wedding 9
Everything became the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on chastity rings
Flowers and music for you.
Live together, do not distort,
Keep in life Right way,
Save the holy love
Don't let happiness slip away!

Congratulations on your wedding 10

May there be peace under your roof,
And in the house - happiness and peace,
To hear the beat of each other's hearts
Until the wedding golden!
Let everything come true that dreamed
Everything that pleases the eye
For happiness to settle
In your house easily,
So that you don't drop
This is happiness on the fly
And kept forever
The first meeting warmth!

Congratulations on your wedding 11

Life is given to you
With all my beauty,
Look - she is a priceless gift,
Feel free to use it.
Decorate it, the years fly by
It's time, enter into your halls
Handsome husband!

Congratulations on your wedding 12

Deciding once and for all
Connect your destiny
We cordially invite you
To share our joy with us,
Say parting word
And shout "Bitter" many times,
We will be forever happy
See you at our wedding!

Congratulations on your wedding 13

Let joy live in this world
For simple, dear people,
Many times let the sun rise for you
Be happy in your life!

Congratulations on your wedding 14

Congratulations, congratulations
From the heart we are young
We wish you happiness, joy
200 years for you for two,
Bunch of cute kids
Kind, gentle, big
Both girls and boys
And all this for two.
Happiness, joy, smiles.
So that before the wedding is golden
You lived without mistakes
Becoming a big-big family
So that all joys, sorrows
You divided in half
So that insults are not remembered.
Let it shine for you everywhere
The sun is kind and gentle.
Good luck to you big, big,

Congratulations on your wedding 15

I wish you great happiness
To always have spring
To never know bad weather,
To have pure hearts!
For everyone to trust each other
Lived did not count the years
Loyalty has not been lost over the years
And they were not afraid of different troubles,
So that you go through life rejoicing,
And friends would say:
"Here is an exemplary family!"

Congratulations on your wedding 16

We congratulate you on marital happiness,
And we really want to live without bad weather,
So that everything in life is like in youth - it's easy,
How in summer nights- bright and beautiful
Love-kiss from dawn to dawn,
So much at the wedding you would be bitter.

Congratulations on your wedding 17

Congratulations to the newlyweds!
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them.
Let love inspire them
Friendship makes hearts happy
Let dreams know no barriers
Happiness will be endless!

Congratulations on your wedding 18

We wish you that your life is brighter,
Like a warm spring day, dear
Well, in a word, so that she was,
Spring, joyful, beautiful,
Was full of spring dreams
Bloomed like the morning dawn
I propose this toast
For everything, for your happiness.

Congratulations on your wedding 19

We wish you to walk hand in hand through life,
So that neither storms nor troubles frighten you along the way,
So that young love only grows stronger over the years.
Remember that people are the blacksmiths of happiness themselves.
After all, nature has generously endowed people so,
She gave us everything, she didn't forget anything,
Pay tribute to nature and love each other.
Like a precious vessel, take care of each other
And then your life will sparkle like a diamond
There will be tenderness, love - and trouble will not happen!

Congratulations on your wedding 20

Live happily and amicably
Argue if needed.
But know it's hard
That you can't live without each other
That you can not be sad at all ...
Friends, let's shout "bitterly"

You swore in love to each other
That is why we have gathered here.
A new family has arrived
Happy marriage, friends!
Happiness guiding star
Let it always be with you,
The light of magic burns for you,
But he gives earthly joys!
You were just a bride and groom
Now they are husband and wife.
And I raise my glass to that
So that trouble does not touch you,
And from pure heart Wish
You love to keep forever!
Happiness, joy to you, young people,
And forget sadness forever!
Like golden bouquets of flowers,
You also have a beautiful life!
Everything will be according to your heart.
But she conquers herself
Let other people
And the flexible subtlety of the mind,
And its beauty.
And let her give birth to her husband
Rich sons.
Raise a family!
That's why I drink!
Wealth, peace and warmth.
A family warmed by love
Always reliable and strong.
So that the children are near you,
To you, young people, we will simply say:
"Live together, in a good hour!"
Today you got married
Once you lit the beacon of love,
Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on chastity rings
Flowers and music - for you!
You are wearing wedding dresses
In the midst of our merry feast.
Complied with articles, rituals,
Love, Advice to you, eternal peace!
If 10 children are born in a family, and only half of them look like their father, then the father is awarded the medal "For part-time employment."
If 10 children are born in a family, and none of them looks like their father, then the father is awarded the medal "For non-intervention".
And if 10 children are born, and everyone looks like a father, then he is awarded the medal "Father-well done!".
So let's wish our fiance to become a father-well done!
Young people join hands
The bonds of marriage have bound you firmly,
Life together is, therefore, a couple,
And be there day and night.
Live in love, and love tirelessly,
If heart is tied to heart
Feelings never fade
And love will be pure, clear!
All the best to you in life and health,
Wealth, peace and warmth.
Family warmed by love
Always reliable and strong.
So that the union is only a joy to you,
So that the children are near you,
Friends, let's shout "Bitter!".
Live together in good hour!
And now the desired hour has come:
You put on chastity rings
Flowers and music - for you!
Let the bride, entering your house,
Everything will be according to your heart.
But she conquers herself
Let other people
And the flexible subtlety of the mind,
And its beauty.
And let her give birth to her husband
Rich sons.
May they succeed every year
Raise a family!
Let them live like butter and honey...
That's why I drink!
Have you everything that the years bestow,
Not exchanging gold for copper,
So that a million for petty expenses
And have a billion for other things!

And the tower so that it is more beautiful and taller,
And a big table for dear guests!..
And above all - under your own roof
Have happy children of your own!

May your day be lustfully bright
And the path is clear - without friction, without interference!
We wish you all the best in the world,
Life's joys and sweet pleasures! ..
Like the wings of a mountain eagle
Husband and wife - in agreement are similar:
On the stroke of one wing
The eagle cannot be lucky.
I wish this toast here
Agree to the newlyweds
To get their flight -
Through life - successful!
Today you got married.
For you - a happy day in the world!
Once you lit the beacon of love,
May it shine on you for the rest of your life!
Everything turned out the way you wanted
And now the desired hour has come -
You put on chastity rings
Flowers and music for you!
You are wearing wedding dresses
In the midst of our merry feast,
Complied with articles, rituals -
Love, advice to you, eternal peace!
We are for your fiery love
Let's drink our glasses to the bottom.
New life before you
Happiness to you HUSBAND and WIFE!
We want to wish you:
Do not grow old, do not lose heart,
Eat in moderation, sleep well
And don't forget your friends!
And there is another wish:
For festive table
Laughter, fun, jokes, songs
Didn't leave your house!
Be together on weekdays and on holidays,
Be together in joy and in sorrow.
Stay together even apart
Be together in a seething dispute!
What do you wish for this day?
Love - so you do not take it!
Wish you happiness?
So it's in your eyes
You are on earth and you are in heaven!
And yet we wish you love,
We wish that from now on and forever
With each other you divided in half
Everything that a person has in life:
Victory is joy, defeat is pain,
Friends smile, sweet tear,
Labored bread and salt,
And the first snow and the first thunderstorm!
We wish that children's laughter
Ringing behind your doors
So that your house is rich
Love, happiness and friends!
For happiness, you have to walk uphill
And take more than one height.
So let unnecessary quarrels
Bypass your house a mile away.
May your hearts not grow old
And love is not melting.
And let year after year
Lives more friendly
Happy your family.
We to you, young spouses,
We wish you happiness and good.
May the path be bright
Let it be friendly family.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
Don't forget the first meeting.
And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.
We wish you a beautiful life
Your marriage without marriage should be.

What do you wish for a wedding?
And I don't know how to start.
Many blessings to you and health,
(Drink cow's milk)
More beautiful kids.
In mom - slender, in dad - strong.
Don't forget about friends
Invite more often.
Let there be less trouble
Fresh, tasty - your lunch.
Read smart books
Do everything around the house.
Well, in general, happiness to you,
The main thing is to believe in miracles!

Be healthy, live richly,
How much will your salary allow you to.
But know that the salary is always not enough -
Shake all the ancestors - they will add to you.
Your parents have doubled
Love them more, stay longer.
Do not be afraid of pipettes, do not be afraid of diapers.
Have boys, have girls.
But children bother parents.
Throw them to grandmothers, they will bring up.
But most of all I wish, however:
So that there is no marriage from your marriage.

Not enough to drink today
And mountains of eaten food.
Today the wedding was celebrated
Under the leadership of the toastmaster.
Thank you for a fun holiday
You young people, I'll tell you.
May your life be wonderful
Let there be courage.

We give money to young people!
Here is copper money for you,
So that you are not poor!
Here's your silver
To be good to you!
Here's your paper money
So that you go important!

Feel free to be in love
And cherish love
To make you newlyweds
You could call them all your life!
We wish you love, good luck,
And also - a foreign car in addition.
Another refrigerator for you and for the guest,
But only in it do not freeze your feelings!
Live happily and amicably
Have everything you need in life
Keeping the fire of love holy
Until the wedding golden.
Congratulations on your legal marriage!
For 100 years and even more!
You take care of each other, respect and love,
May warmth, kindness and light,
Happiness, joy, hello,
There will be a lot in that place
What is called simply "House".

The husband is a horse, the wife is a horse.
I wish for order
To keep the horse smooth
Well, a horse so that there is fire,
To walk in a team together,
There was what was needed on the cart,
For the road to be long
And in a team they are not lazy!

The best wedding I've ever seen
I had to drink bitterly there,
From great love children will be born,
So that you can babysit more often!

You were driven down the aisle for a long time,
To get married.
It happened, finally
This fact is irreparable!
Now the task is more difficult
Both relatives and friends:
Still unknown to science
To have children, grandchildren,
When only a pager with a telephone
Served as a bond between two lovers!
And congratulating you on your wedding,
portrait of your wedding wish
Carry with you everywhere
To not be afraid of each other
If you happen to meet
In a newly built nest!

Congratulations to the newlyweds
We wish them love and happiness
Husband - obey your wife
And love her alone
And the wife - to give birth to children,
Dear, glorious rascals!
We are waiting for heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
And we also wish you
To be young forever
Us for a golden wedding
Don't forget to invite.

We wish to live in love and in peace,
It looked like it was like a fairy tale!
And that there is enough space in it
Diapers, nipples and strollers!