How best to congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding. Congratulations on your wedding day are cool. Wonderful congratulations on your wedding day

Summer has long been considered a wedding time: indeed, many registry offices are already painted on for a long time forward, and organizing a wedding in some restaurants and estates in the near future will definitely not work.

Of course, brides and grooms want to celebrate the wedding in a special way: after all, they get married once and for all. Invited guests and witnesses can help them with this. original gifts and congratulations, and Sputnik will tell you how!

We have prepared a kind of "manual", which tells what gifts you can give for a wedding, so as not to get into a mess, and how beautifully to congratulate with words if God has deprived you of literary talent.

Wedding Gift Ideas

The most difficult thing for a guest is not so much to find money to attend such a rather expensive event as a wedding, but to choose a present that both the groom and the bride would like.

More than one joke has been invented about wedding gifts. They also remember bed linen, which for some reason is given in in large numbers, and money in envelopes - you can’t imagine anything more banal. Of course, if you don’t have time to look for a gift, and money is more suitable for the spouses, then you can give them too. How much money to give for a wedding? good tone amounts from $100 are considered.

But Sputnik offers to go against the system! And pick up something creative for the newlyweds.

Gift a wedding certificate

Recently, it has become popular to give certificates for goods or services. But we propose to choose the most impractical and pleasant ones, for which young people busy arranging the hearth would spare no money. Believe me, they will give them an iron or a vacuum cleaner even without you. You can choose to fly hot-air balloon, dinner on a yacht for two, a photo shoot in the studio, swimming with a dolphin in a dolphinarium, a sightseeing flight on a sports plane and more. By the way, the cost of the most expensive of the listed options in Minsk is about 999 rubles. Other offers can be found on the Internet.

Give a wedding night

It's no secret that some freshly minted husbands and wives spend wedding night for unpacking gifts. But if you place them away from presents and, for example, book them a chic bridal suite in a hotel, then, for sure, they will finally remember each other. No wonder they say that best gift are emotions and memories.

Painting for a wedding

Incredible touching gift will be the wedding metric. For those who are not in the know, we explain that this is a hand-embroidered picture, which depicts the couple, the names of the newlyweds and the date they were painted. Modern technology allows you to develop an embroidery scheme even from a photograph. But if you have not tried yourself in embroidery before, it is better to entrust it to professionals. By the way, it is better to take care of this much in advance - pictures are not embroidered in one evening.

Salute - from butterflies or regular

And you can arrange a salute of tropical butterflies for the newlyweds. A very popular present. Impractical but effective. A box of live butterflies will cost about $300.

If the spouses did not plan to arrange a regular salute, you can take it upon yourself. The grand show will be remembered not only by the guests of the holiday, but also by the neighbors of nearby houses, this pleasure will cost from 400 to 1,000 dollars, depending on its duration.

DIY wedding gift

The last gift from the category of "made by hand". We suggest preparing a video greeting. Parents and friends of the couple can take part in the filming of the video. Invite them to remember the fun moments together with the spouses and once again confess to them warm feelings. This touching film will take its rightful place in their family video archive and will be reviewed more than once.

You can come up with other options depending on the hobbies and preferences of the bride and groom. The main thing is not to overdo it with creativity.

By the way, there has long been a tradition abroad: before the wedding, the bride and groom make a list of gifts that they would like to receive, and invite guests to choose what they can give. Tell the newlyweds about it - suddenly they will like the idea.

Soon Sputnik will tell you about the Belarusian traditions of celebrating a wedding - gifts, entertainment and scenarios in the national spirit.

How to congratulate on your wedding?

Sometimes, shortly before the wedding, the guests get up big question: how to congratulate the newlyweds on the wedding? You can find many such options: in prose, and in poetry, and in the form of playful toasts.

Sputnik has collected for you several options for congratulations on your wedding, which you can read in person, write on a postcard, or even send to the VKontakte page.

Coming up with wedding congratulations in your own words or in verse is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The union of two people by marriage is always a bright and interesting event both for the lovers themselves and for those around them.

But while the future spouses are preparing for the celebration, relatives and friends are undergoing another test - they come up with wedding congratulations. Indeed, in order for the ceremony to be remembered by the bride and groom, there are few dances and fun feast, needed nice words from loving parents and sincere or funny toasts and congratulations from close friends.

What can be congratulations on the wedding? They can be composed in prose, in their own words, funny, romantic, touching, unusual, philosophical. There can be many definitions for them, and the choice in what form to pronounce congratulatory speech, depends on the presence of imagination. But what if that very imagination is not enough?

In this case, you can resort to some tricks to come up with an interesting congratulation, for example, invent something of your own, original, or use blanks that can be adjusted at any time for a specific situation and certain people.

But we must remember that congratulations on the wedding should be with a soul, no matter what preparations or words are used for it. Indeed, for each wish, you can find your own zest, relating specifically to the couple who will soon have a wedding.

Try to have a highlight in the congratulation, so it will definitely be remembered

If the guest is only familiar with the bride or groom, he can congratulate only him on the wedding day, but at the end wish happiness and warmth to both lovers. Best of all, congratulations are perceived when they are thought up from the heart.

Congratulations on behalf of the parents

A wedding is an event when feelings are revealed, quivering love is manifested. And this applies not only to the bride and groom, who became the main characters of the celebration, but also to their parents.

This is the time when mother and father give their children parting words and best wishes for the future journey.

Often, when parents congratulate their children on this important event in their lives, their speeches bring all the guests to tears of joy. After all, this moment is very important for young people.

Congratulations in your own words from parents:

  1. Time flies fast. It seems like only yesterday you were kids and held toys in your hands. But now you have already become a whole family, united in a beautiful and strong union. And we want to congratulate you on this incredible and reverent event! Keep each other, cherish and help, learn to forgive in time, because love is the foundation of a lasting union!
  2. Let your cup of happiness be filled to the brim, and bad weather always pass by your house. Laughter and happiness of adults and children will scare away any sorrows. May luck, delight and grace visit you more often.
  3. Our dear children, on this day we want to wish you only well-being and kindness. We sincerely rejoice that you were able to create such a wonderful and tender union. We wish you a long, interesting, fun and always joyful family life. A long joint road is being laid in front of you, on which obstacles will meet. But we believe and know that they will be only small obstacles for you, and you will simply step over them. Love each other always!
  4. Beautiful, joyful, full interesting events, always fun moments and unforgettable adventures of life - that's what awaits you ahead. We are confident in this and are ready to support you in everything. Love gave birth to this marriage, so let it accompany your joint life path. An example of parental congratulations, see this video:

In fact, it is not difficult for parents to come up with wishes for a wedding in their own words. The main thing is to listen to your heart, what do you really want to wish the young?

The congratulations themselves at the celebrations often begin with a background on how the parents met their daughter's companion or son's companion.

If at that moment there was something interesting or funny, it is best to tell about it. Guests are always pleased to hear such congratulations.

Congratulations from friends and relatives

Not everyone likes to hear congratulations in verse, invented by someone else. If it is not possible to compose your own rhymed wish, then it is best to convey it in ordinary words.

There is nothing wrong with this, such congratulations are perceived even more interesting, because they always sound sincere and pleasant.

Wishes to the newlyweds from close friends or relatives can be thought up in the most different form.

A festive message in the form of a lyrical or comic song will be received with a bang by guests and newlyweds

For example, it can be a short story with vivid examples from life, or a whole performance with songs and ditties can be deployed. It all depends on the imagination and desire of relatives and friends. Words can be:

  1. Your love is like a fire: it gave birth new family and brought warmth and comfort to the house. May your family hearth continue to be filled with joy, awe and delight, and may the love that gave birth to this union remain forever in your hearts.
  2. The day came when 2 hearts united and created a wonderful family. With all sincerity, we congratulate you on the beginning of a wonderful journey. Happy wedding day to you. Let it be the start for a long and happy family happiness. And on this road, let you meet fewer obstacles, but there are more fun moments and joyful events, interesting and kind people. For an example of a friendly congratulatory number, see this video:

Wishes for sister

Wishes to brother

  1. Brother, congratulations on your start true love. Today was born new family. From now on, keep the family hearth in warmth, joy and prosperity.
  2. My brother managed to perform a miracle - to win the heart of this beautiful girl. We are sure that all this is not without reason. Fate itself ordered to unite two hearts together and create this happy union.

Friends usually approach congratulations more creatively. It is the task of relatives to say beautifully and convey exciting wishes, but friends have the goal of making it as interesting as possible, adding a little humor.

Wishes with humor

On the day of the wedding, the newlyweds hear many wishes of love, happiness, joy. Wrapped in beautiful words, these congratulations become part of the traditional wedding ceremony. But what if we bring a little humor to this tradition?

It is unlikely that any of the newly-made spouses will be against having a little laugh at the wedding.

A welcome guest will be the one who skillfully weaves beautiful words of wishes into wonderful humor with a bit of irony, but always kind and respectful.

Joke - great way defuse the tense atmosphere

If a person has an excellent sense of humor, why not come up with funny congratulations with a wedding in your own words. You shouldn't be shy about it, you should be proud of it and use your quality to the maximum.

Several options for congratulations:

  1. Love is a delicate matter, but always interesting. Here you are sitting here and you can’t even imagine that a whole ocean of happiness and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blaughter awaits you, a river of luck and a lake of well-being, and even a trickle of unpredictability. And all this will not do without a drop of tar. But remember what is at the heart of this crazy mixture - love and respect for each other!
  2. I don’t know how to speak beautiful words, so I’ll say everything, as if in spirit. Groom, take care of your beautiful wife, obey her, because she is always right. Buy her boots for the winter, and a sundress for the summer, you know the rest yourself. Do not forget about the holidays and compliments every day, let her know that she is dearest to you. Bride, I instruct you to always respect your beloved and endure him, because soon you will have to collect socks around the house. With all your heart, cook borscht, salads and mashed potatoes for him, you won’t find a kinder person than a well-fed husband. Love each other and be happy in marriage!
  3. Acquaintance, the first kiss, an inexplicable desire to see each other every day - you already had all this. But not all of it passed. Now you are already married, and tomorrow you will meet the morning with a new family. Keep the beauty of relationships until the very end, do not know cruel quarrels and troubles. And most importantly, we want to wish you: give birth to girls and, of course, children, so that your house is filled with children's laughter, and the family hearth always gives warmth to you and your children. See an example of a cool congratulation in this video:

Best of all, funny congratulations on a wedding in prose sound in their own words when they contain examples from the relationship of a single couple. For example, if everyone knows unusual story their acquaintances, this can be used in a wish.

Original ways of congratulations

Such solemn holiday Like a wedding, it is remembered for a lifetime. And it is not surprising if the guests want to present some original surprise to the bride and groom.

Theatrical performance will always be unique

For example, more and more often at wedding parties, close friends or relatives come up with unusual scenes, performances through which they convey their sincere wishes to the future family.

What original ways of congratulations exist:

  1. Film of own production. It can be a cut of video clips and photos with the newlyweds. Now video messages to the bride and groom from friends and relatives are becoming popular. To do this, someone organizes a shoot and conducts a short interview with relatives. You can ask them different questions, answers to which it will be nice to hear the newlyweds: what did you think about the bride or groom when you saw each other for the first time, how do you feel about uniting these two people into a family, what would you wish if you met them 10 years after the wedding, etc.
  2. Wall newspaper of lovers, posters, posters with additional unusual details, preferably voluminous. One of simple options- make a newspaper with photographs of lovers at different stages of their relationship. Under each image, add some words in the form of a news column about how fun, interesting and touching everything was for them. It is worth adding drawn or edited images of spouses with children already aged to these photos, dreaming up on this topic. Get a newspaper with a happy story of a couple. Another option is to combine congratulatory poster with a cash gift. To do this, make an interesting figurine from each bill, carefully stick it on the paper, and sign the wishes below.
  3. For those who are good at coming up with rhymed greetings, but do not want to read standard verses, suitable option ditties or songs of his own composition. It is always fun and interesting, and by the end of the congratulations, the guests themselves can sing along to the chorus. Having performed such an unusual and fervent congratulation, the newlyweds will definitely remember it. See an example of an original congratulation in this video:

It will not be difficult for people with a good imagination to come up with unusual ones, and for those who are deprived of imagination, you can simply use the ideas invented by others.

How to come up with your congratulations?

For those who want to learn how to independently create congratulations on their wedding day in prose, there are 2 outcomes of events: when there are just words in your head that you want to wish the bride and groom, and when they are not. In the first case, you can quickly sketch out the very words, and then add auxiliary phrases.

In the second case, you can proceed not from what you want to wish, but from the way how to do it. For example, if congratulations in simple words, then add to it interesting quote a great person, think over the beginning, then add 2 - 3 sentences about what is meant by the phrase and how it relates to the newlyweds.

  1. The person himself must believe in what he says and wishes to the newlyweds, otherwise the congratulations will convey the obvious desire of the guest to quickly sit down.
  2. All words and sentences should be logically interconnected, especially the beginning and end of the whole congratulation. If at first it was about the ocean of love, then in the end the wish should come to it or a similar topic, for example, to a paradise island located in its center.
  3. Wishes should be addressed to a specific bride and groom, and not to a generalized couple that the newlyweds will visually represent, so it’s better to use less common words, and if it doesn’t work out without them, then add at least 1 - 2 sentences with some unusual fact about newlyweds.
  4. It is best to start coming up with words for wishes a week before the celebration, so that there is time to postpone the congratulations for a while, and then re-read it with a fresh mind and correct it.
  5. Congratulatory speeches can be written on separate sheets or postcards. It is desirable that they be beautifully decorated. And there is nothing wrong with reading wishes directly from the sheet.

Another little hack to create interesting congratulations- they can use remarkable events from the season when the wedding is celebrated. For example, if the celebration takes place in winter, then the following words can be added to the wish: “may your relationship develop as beautifully as Frost patterns on the glass, and let there be as many happy moments in them as snowflakes attack on this warm winter evening.

Wedding toasts

On the day of the wedding party, guests not only congratulate the newlyweds, but also make pleasant toasts during the feast.

All newlyweds love to listen to warm and tender words.

Indeed, just at such moments, young spouses understand that their life is really changing, and it is changing only for the better.

Put more feelings and emotions into the toast

In addition, if the guest did not have time to convey his wishes during the general congratulations, he can always make a pleasant toast for the young, where he will convey all the emotions and feelings that he experiences in relation to the new family.

Toasts, like congratulations, can be said in different forms, for example, in verse, in your own words, in the form of a quote from a great person, an anecdote, a fairy tale or were.

Interesting speeches for wedding feast:

  1. As F.M. Dostoevsky, happiness is not happiness that has already been achieved, but the process itself, which is chosen to achieve it. And with these words I propose to drink for your strong family, which has just begun its journey and is in the midst of achieving its happiness.
  2. Dear newlyweds, you have created own house family happiness, in which friendship has erected walls, and love has become a roof. It remains only to add a little more comfort, and the stork will bring it to you! Let there be friendship, love and comfort in your family hearth!
  3. Newlyweds, let love, happiness and joy be the foundation of your relationship. But here are 3 more threads that will firmly hold family ties together: attention, trust and development. Be attentive to each other always, day and night, every second. Trust each other to better side your half always remained turned to you. Develop each other and develop yourself - the groom should strengthen his courage, and the bride - her femininity. So every day you will charm each other, bring novelty into relationships and save love for centuries!
  4. Bride, congratulate your beloved on what he has acquired. Bridegroom, congratulate your beloved on what she has received. The great Russian philosopher N.G. Chernyshevsky said that only one thing can be undoubted happiness: when a person lives for another. I will be brief. Dear newlyweds, live for each other!

A toast for a wedding feast can be prepared in advance. The main thing to remember is that if the speech is long, then the content in it should be with a deep meaning.

A wedding is always an exciting, solemn event, congratulations that come from the lips of the guests should be tactful, a little romantic, kind and sincere.

Congratulations can be said aloud, during a toast, written on a postcard, you can compose yourself, or you can simply borrow.

One of the most popular are congratulations from mom.

She, in her own words, should give parting words, wish happiness, point to the right path.
It is the mother who, as a rule, speaks the most touching words at the wedding.

Congratulations from the mother of the groom


1. The greatest happiness for every mother is the birth of her child. We can experience the second such happiness when our child has a family, because next to my son I see my daughter. I would like to wish the young people that in the future they could also stand at the wedding of their children and welcome new ones into their family with a smile.

2. Love and family mean a lot in a person's life. To be able to carry through the years your warm feelings for each other, you must learn to hear each other without words. I wish you that even miles apart, you hear what your other half is thinking about.

3. Parents are people who always look at their children and see children in them. When the understanding comes that the child finds his own family, I want to believe that it does not become separate, but only expands already existing families and there will be no fewer people at the table for the holidays. I wish you to expand your family when your children and grandchildren appear, but not to separate from them.

4. Indestructible is the family where the husband and wife trust each other, do not argue over trifles, and when condemning exclamations sound behind their backs, they only hold each other's hand more strongly. I wish you to always hold each other's hand and feel their warmth.

Not everyone likes to talk for a long time at weddings, so short congratulations were invented for them.

1. I would like to wish not only long family years life, but patience and the ability to build the ship that can withstand during them, any storm.

2. The happiness of the family depends on the ability of a woman to smooth out conflicts and the ability of a man to hug in difficult times. Let your wife be smart in your family, and your husband be sensitive, and then you can happily meet old age together.

3. If you want to be happy, you need to make someone like that. I wish you to rejoice not only with each new day, but also with the coming opportunity to once again say words of love to each other.

4. If every morning, getting out of bed, you rejoice at a new day, despite the fact that it is cloudy there, then you have done right choice with whom to wake up in the morning. I wish you that, regardless of the weather outside, your home will always be light and comfortable.


  • To understand how happy you are, you need to wake up in the morning, close your eyes and imagine that you are alone. Completely alone. And then abruptly open your eyes and understand that you will never be alone, because now your soulmate is next to you and will always be there. I would like to wish you that you never want, not in a year, not in twenty, to close your eyes and enjoy the fact that you can be alone.
  • If we imagine a man and a woman as a hand and eyes, then in a family it should be so that when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hand wipes away the tears;
  • Happy woman sees herself beautiful morning no face makeup. Clever man makes a woman not want to paint in the morning. I wish that both of you were in your family wise friend to friend.
  • Some people get married and think that they are just taking one big, responsible step in life. In fact, the share of responsibility that falls on the shoulders of a man and a woman is commensurate with only 60 kilograms of gold. You look at them and rejoice, but you cannot bear them for a long time. So that the family does not become a golden burden, it is important that both carry this treasure. I wish you to be able to support each other at the most necessary moment, so that you can appreciate the full value of your family.

Dear our children!
My husband and I are immensely glad that today we are accepting another child into the family, this time the daughter we have been dreaming about for so long. Sons, this, of course, is wonderful, and in the case of our son it is generally beyond praise, but only a loving daughter will truly understand, regret, and decorate life. So welcome to us, daughter! I know for sure that my son is the best in the world, which means that only a worthy girl could fall in love, and I don’t worry about you.
From the height of our lived family years, I can wish you, dear ones, above all, patience. Do not be surprised. Everything was in our life: love, passion, jealousy, resentment, quarrels, and again love and mutual understanding. All families go through this. It is patience, readiness to give in to each other in everyday trifles, the ability to learn from mistakes that allow my husband and I today to say with confidence that thirty years ago we made the right decision, uniting destinies. And if it were necessary, they would repeat everything from the very beginning, going through life hand in hand, supporting and forgiving each other in some way. We wish you in thirty years to tell your children the same thing at their wedding.
We will help you in everything if you want us to help. Always listen to your hearts, and let your love grow stronger day by day!

From the father of the bride

According to one ancient book, when the first man, as soon as he saw his future wife, he composed beautiful poems about female beauty and how much this means to him charming girl. How long did his admiration last? All life!
All his life, the man was not only a good head of the family, but also still in love with his dear wife. And she, in response to his feelings, gave him respect and her love. What is the secret of their family happiness? The fact that everyone tried to be for each other the best spouse, friend, reliable support in difficulties. And each of them rejoiced when the other was doing well, because they had common problems and victories.
Since then, it has become a tradition that every bride on her day, on her wedding day, is the most beautiful. Her laughter, smiles and glances sparkle with warmth and touching tenderness. Here you are, my daughter, shining with happiness - and making us all happy!
I wish this feeling never left your heart. And you could enjoy life, peace and love in your home, where mutual respect and eternal feeling love. I want you to be dedicated, if not poetry, then a pure heart and selfless devotion, and that you accept it with gratitude and complete reciprocity.
Only in this way will your family become a place where you feel good and easy in body and soul. Bitterly!

Congratulations from the mother of the bride

As a rule, at a wedding, parents are given the floor on both sides, but mothers of brides approach congratulations with greater sensitivity, as they send their daughters to someone else's house.

My dears, on this unique day I wish your life to become an amazing fairy tale, unforgettable, exciting journey. May fate save you from sharp turns, insurmountable obstacles, disappointments and falls. Will give an endless series of days filled with happiness and love. Forever illumine the hearts of mutual understanding. I wish you warmth and kindness. So that you never notice shortcomings and always appreciate each other's virtues, and with today Together, holding hands tightly, we walked towards happiness.

Dear children, here comes this wonderful holiday. I want to bless your union from the bottom of my heart and wish that your life together be filled only with bright colors and joyful moments. May love be eternal and happiness unlimited. Today you have found a soul mate, united two souls into one. I wish that from this day on, the heart of your family will never know sadness, and the word "bitter" sounded only at this wedding. Live together and be happy!

My dear and dearly beloved newlyweds, I wish you only one thing - immeasurable, endless, eternal happiness. May every year and day, every hour and moment of your life together will be filled with love, respect and mutual understanding. Give each other only joy, bitterly!

Beautiful congratulations:

  • The most difficult thing is to give birth to a child and then realize that the time has come when he has his own family and leaves his father's house. I would like to wish the young that in which of the parental houses they were not, they always feel comfortable.
  • Today I would like to wish the newlyweds that all obstacles in their way be surmountable, where it is difficult for one to cross the river, so that the other can help, and where it is scary for the other, the first one inspires confidence. The happiest families are created only by common efforts.
  • In order for a marriage to be happy, you need to not only say what worries you on time, discuss common problems. You also need to be able to be silent in time, and sometimes it is silence that becomes the key strong family. I wish you to know the golden mean and be able to always find a common language.


  • I wish you to be together, not only when you fall asleep in the same bed, but also when there are thousands of kilometers between you.
  • The most important thing in life is not only well-being, but also the health that brings it. In order to be prosperous, it is important that the forces expended by both are appreciated, and fatigue is an extra reason to spend time together.
  • A wedding for you is another relay race in which it is important not to rush forward, but to look back to see if the other half is keeping up with you. Let's drink to the fact that you can always move on the same level.
  • In order for the family hearth to always burn, it is necessary that the firewood be laid by a woman, and the fire kindled by a man. So the marriage will be strong and understanding in the family will not go away. I wish you that your hearth does not go out even after 20 years, but only flares up with renewed vigor.

Moms love to invest deep meaning in their own words, so they try to speak for a reason, but give parting words, focus on the features of building relationships, explain the rules for building a strong family.


  • You can say that you love, but not know what it is. You can wait and not wait. You can promise, but forget your promise. I wish you that in your family you always fulfill the promise, wait for each other and love from the bottom of your heart.
  • Love is not easy chemical reaction in the body, this is colossal patience, faith in a common future, the desire to create beauty around you. I wish the young that they, creating beauty around themselves, always allow their parents to touch it and do not forget their father's house.
  • The greatest happiness happens to us only a few times in a lifetime. first when we fall in love, and then when we have a baby. So I want to wish the young people that they can experience this feeling not once or twice in their lives, but experience it every time they are next to each other.

From the sister of the bride

Dear sister, today I want to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday, one of the most important in your life - your wedding day!

We grew up together, grew up together, studied together and trusted each other with our secrets. You told me the very first about deuces and small childhood grievances. Do you remember how you and I dreamed of beautiful princes who will definitely appear in our lives? And now your prince found you and is now standing next to you, as happy as you!

You are so beautiful, you shine with your joy! Your light illuminates everyone around, and today we are all as happy as you are! Our family rejoices at your happiness and is proud of your chosen one. I love you so much and I am sure that I will also love and respect your husband. After all, if you chose him, then he is worthy of the love of our entire family.

I wish you and your husband long and happy joint years! May your thoughts, desires and deeds always be common. Take care and respect each other! Everything happens in life: joys, problems, achievements, and difficulties. The main thing is that you solve all issues together, help and support each other. Wish you happiness!
Keep your love and trust in each other for long years!

From the brother of the bride

Dear sister!

I saw you today wedding dress- so beautiful, happy, grown-up - and remembered how small you were brought from the hospital. I can’t say that I was delighted with the replenishment in the family. I thought my parents would stop loving me. Besides, you had to get along. I confess: I ran away, and threw in the sandbox, and spanked. And then I cried on the sly, because I felt sorry for you.
You imperceptibly grew up and became me best friend. We had common games, mutual friends, shared secrets. You knew more about me than my parents. She never betrayed me, she never betrayed me. I was always proud that you have an older brother, looked at me as a protector. And I tried to comply: how much I dealt with your classmates-boys, how many cuffs I hit!
And now I relieve myself of responsibility, because next to you is a reliable support and protection - your husband. He will take care of your well-being. Son-in-law, I say with every right: you are very lucky with your wife! She is not only beautiful and smart, she will always support, advise, help. Take care of her. And my parents and I will rejoice in your happiness, knowing that your family life is a success. Love each other and know that I am the first in line for your golden wedding!


Despite the seriousness of the situation, you can always joke in congratulations. Such toasts are very welcome at the table to defuse the situation.

With humor:

  • If children similar to the father are born in the family, then he must be given a medal for his efforts, if dissimilar children are born, then for not interfering. So let's drink to the fact that with each new child the groom has a medal for his efforts.
  • Dear newlyweds, today you are so happy that you completely ignore all the stories about family life. That's right, even if marriage is called a noose, then let it be around two necks from delicate flowers. The main thing is that none of you have allergic reaction for pollen.

To save love in the house, a woman must remember a few rules:

  • smile and idolize your mother-in-law;
  • do not ask for a paycheck from her husband;
  • wait for a loved one from work and feed him in the first category.

So let's drink to the fact that the bride has the patience for all this!

From the bridesmaid

When the parents have said their word, close friends and girlfriends who want to congratulate the young on this event usually take the microphone.

Beautiful congratulations:

  • I would like to wish the young people that all their dreams someday become a reality, so that impossible tasks seemed like an example with one variable, and the word love became the key to prosperity and understanding in the house.
  • Any woman will be happy with her man if he knows when it's time for a kiss. I would like to wish that every time you start to quarrel with each other, you replace words with strong kisses that would only strengthen the relationship more strongly.
  • The most difficult thing in marriage is to keep the thrill of the first meetings and withstand the onslaught of domestic problems. I sincerely wish that this young family, despite its youth, could show how strong, indestructible, independent it is.
  • I am glad to congratulate the newlyweds on this bright event in their lives. I would like with all my heart to do something for them so that they achieve their goals through joint efforts, can experience the joy of being parents, always come in abundance and enjoy every new day.

Sincere congratulations

Everyone knows that the bride and I - best friends. But do any of you guess that even in childhood we swore not to fall in love and not get married? Then, at the age of 17, having thought well, we decided to change the oath promise. Marriage was recognized as possible, but they made a common decision: to get married on the same day. And what do I see? The oath is shamelessly broken, my beloved friend is getting married, and I am already superfluous. But I'm not offended! Over the years of our friendship, we became sisters, and on native person who will be offended?
I sincerely congratulate you on the best day of your life!
In the face of the whole honest wedding, I solemnly swear to win back the bride's bouquet today, and soon jump out to get married. I swear to regularly visit the newlyweds, listen to the complaints of both, and meet the first-born of the newlyweds from the maternity hospital.
My dears! Seeing your closest friend happy is a real joy. I admit: you can be successful in everything and have a wonderful girlfriend, but all this is far from true happiness if there is no loved one nearby. My girlfriend was lucky to meet her love, and I am sincerely happy for her, although, to be honest, it’s still a little BITTER!

original, unusual congratulations

I will not congratulate the bride: she is already main man and at the wedding, and for many of those gathered here. And my congratulations, although not directly related to her, but I'm sure she will be very pleased.
I congratulate her mother. The hero of the occasion is smart, kind, beautiful! To become such is work, and a great merit in this is my mother. It was you who made your daughter the way we all know and love her. They were an example, brought up by a real person. You are not only a mother, but also the best, the most close girlfriend for our bride.
Thanks to you, she chose such a wonderful man as her husband. And thanks to all that you have invested in your daughter, this man fell in love with her. Usually daughters leave their parents, but our beloved friend did the opposite: her husband became an important part of your common family. After all good people are attracted to each other. By the way, look how sincerely and closely we are celebrating together: this is the very attraction in the center of which the newlyweds and their mothers.
There must be many people like you! When the young have children, I know exactly who they will look like - the mother of the bride with her wonderful character.
I wish you that your daughter will continue to be like you. Thank you for today's holiday. Thank you for being exactly the way we know you and sincerely love you. Congratulations, GORGEOUS!


  • One poor fellow, when he was returning home from work, stumbled upon a bandit in an alley. He demanded that he give him the wallet or he would say goodbye to his life. After some thought, the man handed over the purse. Let's raise our glasses so that in this family only the bride has the right to take away her wallet, and the groom gives his life to her voluntarily.
  • Dear groom, let's hope that the tales about the stork remain in your memory as an extra reason for your parents not to talk about it. This bird is harmful, to whom it flies, the children look like a neighbor, so don’t make a mistake yourself. Let's drink to the kids!
  • One day, two lions were running across the savannah and stumbled upon a thatched house. There was a skin on the floor in his room. One lion, seeing her, shouted: “Run! It's mother-in-law!" so I want to drink for those mothers-in-law whom sons-in-law are not afraid of.


  • I wish the young that the sun's ray looked into their window, even on those days when it is cloudy outside.
  • I would like to wish the young people that the road was always straight on their way, the sun always shone overhead, and the green light was on at the traffic light.
  • With all my heart I would like to wish that storms do not happen in the family harbor, that it is always quiet and calm there, so that you would like to return to it again and again.
  • “I wish your love to bear fruit, and best of all, if there were both a son and a daughter.”
  • “My congratulations to the newlyweds. From the bottom of my heart I wish them that they enjoy each other's presence and do not look for replacements on the side.
  • “I wish that, regardless of the distance, there will always be an invisible connection between you that would allow you to communicate in your sleep.”

From the groom's friend

At the wedding, everyone who is close to the newlyweds tries to say a few words to them, pay attention and be sure to express their feelings. After the bridesmaids, the groom's friends take the floor.


one elderly couple was asked how they managed to live up to the golden wedding without quarrels and resentments. As it turned out, they had only a single bed all their lives. So let's drink to small beds.


  • Let's drink to marriage, it is a source of great wisdom!
  • You can spend your whole life with one person and miss every day when he leaves for work. I want to wish the young people that they do not stop missing each other, even when the separation lasts no more than two hours.
  • When we go to school, we realize with horror that we will have to gnaw textbooks for 10 years. When we get married, life gnaws at us for the rest of our lives. If you try hard, then at school you will be awarded an A, and in life you will be infinitely happy.
  • The morning after marriage is comparable to skydiving. It becomes very scary, but after a while you get used to it and start to enjoy it. Let's drink to understanding in the family, which would bring this pleasure.


  • I wish you, dear ones, that everything works out for you, you do not know the sorrows of disappointment, smile more often and always stick together.
  • Love! Keep peace at home, do not let quarrels enter into it.
  • It's nice to come back to the house if you know that there are other slippers by the bed besides yours. Love each other and appreciate!
  • To be absolutely happy, you need not only to be loved, but also to be able to love. I wish you to surround each other with care and value your relationship.
  • It is not always important what the weather is outside the window, sometimes it is much more important what is happening at home. I wish you that the sun always shines in your home.
  • “Let the ray of the sun please you with its warmth today, the laughter of loved ones resounds around, and happiness never leaves you.”
  • “I would like to wish you not only to always be together and never part, but also the ability to appreciate the opportunity to be always there.”
  • “I would like to congratulate you on this bright day in your life and wish you mutual patience and understanding, no matter what difficulties you will have to endure in the future.”
  • “I wish you all the best, bright, warm, joyful, and that all this be every day in your home.”
  • “I would like to wish you sincere happiness, love, understanding for each other, patience. May you always be a reliable shoulder and support for each other.

Humor at the wedding

You can not do at a wedding without humor. The most popular lately are congratulations over which you can have fun laughing at the entire wedding table.

With humor:

  • Usually men choose either smart or beautiful, but our groom has an unusual taste, he decided to kill two birds with one stone and chose a beautiful and smart one. Now she will correctly calculate the balance of the wallet and save her husband's nerves in the morning.
  • One thief decided to rob a bank and leave instead of his fingerprints, traces of his mother-in-law. Let's drink to good sons-in-law, because a good son-in-law cannot think badly of his mother-in-law.
  • Today you must drink for a kiss, this is the only one real way close a woman's mouth when she screams.
  • You probably know that only good people become happy. Groom, everyone here knows for sure that our bride is sooo good man, which means that the rest falls solely on your shoulders.

Congratulation is the best way to characterize the relationship of a person to the newlyweds. Through it you can convey your blessing, direct it to right direction, point to traditional family foundations.

Congratulations are always directed to the transfer only positive emotions, feelings, so its content is thought out as carefully as possible.

And, if it’s hard to come up with something on your own, you can always borrow a congratulation.

Preparing for the wedding: where to start, and most importantly, do not forget step-by-step instruction for newlyweds and witnesses, .

So, you are invited to the wedding. A million questions immediately arise: what to give, how to congratulate, what to wear? The head is spinning, thoughts are confused.

It is especially difficult to always come up with congratulations.

After all, it should be something that will be remembered for a long time, bring joy to the newlyweds and present you in a good light. Naturally, it should be something original and non-standard.

Do I need to prepare an original wedding greeting in advance?

There is only one answer - of course you do! And that's why. Usually for everyone wedding events there comes a moment when the guests need to present gifts to the newlyweds, and the guests line up in order to stammeringly read some poem or squeeze out a banal congratulatory phrase seen somewhere on greeting card, and then, quickly handing over the gift, with a pure soul, give way to others.

At the same time, the rest of the invitees are talking to each other, paying little attention to the confused speeches of the congratulator. In the resulting noise and uproar, the young themselves do not really understand what exactly they are being told.

And only when a prepared and rehearsed congratulation sounds, everyone calms down and watches with curiosity what is happening.

Of course, this is one of the most memorable moments for the newlyweds. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to help you create an unusual, bright congratulations which will be remembered by the newlyweds for many years.

Let's start with the simplest moments that do not require financial investments

  • create a greeting, all the words of which will begin with the same letter. Of course, the longer it is, the more fun it will be for others.

    Invite guests to join you and also come up with a congratulation with the same letter. Thus, you will interest others in your congratulations and revive the usually boring process of presenting gifts;

  • invite guests to compose a rhymed congratulation consisting of four words (for example, “young - two - accept - share”, and as a result, let something like “Congratulations to the young, a lot of happiness for two, accept wishes, divide them for two”).

    Naturally, the words should be prepared in advance, and also discussed with the guests so that there are no hitches in congratulations. The funnier and funnier the poems are, the more joy they will bring to the newlyweds and others;

  • pretend that you are interviewing young people, prepare in advance funny questions. The need to answer questions will invigorate future spouses and add a touch of interest to the course of the wedding.

    If you will congratulate together with someone, you can make a TV show out of this. Cut out the frame of the TV screen from cardboard and read your congratulations from there. At the same time, behave as if you are an announcer on television;

  • if you are invited with a group of your friends, be creative. Put on a small scene from a cartoon or a fairy tale, depicting in it the love story of the newlyweds or any other interesting, and most importantly, recognizable story from their life. Don't be afraid to be original! Your efforts will certainly be appreciated;

  • if one of the newlyweds is your friend or girlfriend, then you can make a small selection of joint photos, burn them to disk and comment on them while they are being shown on the screen;

  • you can also prepare a speech in verse or prose in advance, depending on what your heart lies more in.

    For example: “Dear newlyweds! I would like to congratulate you on joining legal marriage! Today, on the day of your marriage, you have become one, your hearts beat for each other. Remember that love is like a fragile candle flame. Protect it, do not let the cold winds of everyday adversity extinguish this flame. Take care of each other" ;

  • or you can invite young people to write on two pieces of paper all the pros and cons of their halves, dividing the sheet into two halves.

    When they have done this, tear off the halves with negative traits and throw them away, and fasten the halves with positive traits together and frame them so that they always remember the good that they see in each other;

  • if you are the sister of someone young, you can do original congratulations, but remember that you are one of the most important guests on wedding celebration. Your congratulations will always be listened to very carefully, so you need to make sure that it is sincere and warm.

    You can make a huge poster on which each of the guests will write their wishes and congratulations, and then solemnly read it to the bride and groom;

  • Also original idea is to create a collage of photographs of the bride and groom from the very beginning of their lives until the wedding.

    Talk to the parents of your brother's fiancee or your sister's fiancé, take photos in advance, come up with some cute and touching captions for them. Such an original and sincere congratulation will not only not be forgotten, but will also decorate the family nest of the young;

  • You can also give them a wedding website. Agree in advance with the person who will do this, discuss the details, and shock the young at the wedding with your original congratulations;

  • you can also organize an unusual greeting for them on sky lanterns. Arrange in advance with the guests, buy a lot of lanterns (preferably light ones so that congratulations can be seen on them), write your wishes on the lanterns and launch them. This option is also good because you can invite young people to make wishes on lanterns;

  • if you are a creative person, you can come up with something like family coat of arms. Draw it or make a print with it;
    if you have musician friends, then you can write a song for young people, playful, cheerful, solemn - at your discretion. The main thing is that it will be from the heart and very original;

  • you can also take a small aquarium filled with water in advance, put it in front of the young, then present the bride and groom with a cognac glass, each of which will contain a goldfish, and invite the young to release the fish into the aquarium as a symbol of the creation of a new young family;

  • you can also play a trick on the young. Present them big box, in which you put, for example, a saw (“so that the wife saws her husband”), hedgehog gloves (“so that the husband keeps his wife in them”), a grater (“so that they grind everyday problems”), a rolling pin (“a device for solving family quarrels") etc. This will amuse the bride and groom and stir up those around them;

  • you can give a hat that "reads minds". Just select the music in advance so that when the groom puts on a hat, some kind of melody begins to play glorifying his wife, when the bride - a song praising their passionate love.

    There can be a huge number of options, you can attract guests to this so that you can put a hat on them too. Then it will turn out even more funny and interesting.

Most importantly - do not worry and do not worry, because any ideas and congratulations should come from the heart. After all, it is attention that is most important, and each of the options described above will help you decorate the celebration and prove yourself as a caring, creative personality. Good luck with your creativity and have a good time!

The wedding celebration is rich in beautiful, very touching and memorable moments. Often, not only professionals contribute to their organization, but also the guests themselves, who come up with dear to my heart newlyweds, unusual congratulations.

We offer several options - original congratulations - gifts for the wedding, which will be a wonderful addition to useful and cash gifts heroes of the occasion

Original congratulations to the young "Capsule of love" .

This is a touching and beautiful moment at the wedding, in order to emphasize its significance and solemnity, you need to prepare for it in advance: pick up lyrical background music, prepare the “capsule” itself (it can be a chest with a lock, a pretty piggy bank or a hermetically sealed vase), paper, pens and text that will accompany this ritual.

The creation of a "capsule of love" by newlyweds can become a separate issue entertainment program, or it can become a beautiful occasion for a toast and be organized not by the presenter, but by one of close friends or relatives, as an original congratulation on the presentation of a gift. It is better to spend it in the second feast, when traditional toasts and rituals are behind.

An eyeliner to this congratulation can be short story that every year of married life should be celebrated as a kind of personal anniversary: ​​the first anniversary is called " print wedding”, the fifth - wooden. But the tenth anniversary of married life is. How do young husband and wife today imagine their life together ten years from now? What will they become and how will they feel for each other? Let both answer this question in writing, and what they write down will be stored in a “time capsule” for the next ten years. It is better that the newlyweds do not interfere and embarrass each other, organize the writing of their forecast-wishes in turn by the bride and groom, and at this time take their second half with any wedding entertainment.

For example, while the groom is writing, the bride can be offered, since it is the woman who creates the atmosphere in the house, to learn one of the “recipes for family happiness”, and even cook it (you will need salt or sand different colors, coffee beans, a glass of red wine, rose petals and beautiful tableware)

- Recipe for family happiness

“We take three heaping tablespoons of optimism, to which we add a large handful of faith and five teaspoons of patience, and a pinch of respect and trust. On this fertile soil we throw seeds of fidelity. All this is generously filled with love and decorated with petals of kind attention. ready mix serve at any time of the day with a side dish of smiles and compliments.

- Important dates

Then, taking the word from the bride that she will follow this recipe in her family life, we send her to write a letter, and entertain the groom. Here you can talk about the most important wedding dates, because men run the risk of forgetting about it and thereby offending their beloved wife. You can give him a reminder wedding anniversaries and gifts that are recommended for everyone to give, some can be voiced. For example, on the fifth anniversary of living together - “ wooden wedding"- will be good exquisite accessories, trimmed with birch bark, for the night table of your beloved wife. But on " pink wedding”, that is, after 10 years of marriage, the husband traditionally gives his wife a bouquet of eleven roses, ten of which are red (they symbolize love), and one is white. This is the color of hope for an equally happy married life in future.

Then, to the applause of the guests, the newlyweds pack and seal both messages in a “capsule of love”, which can be opened exactly after 10 years. And, of course, happy birthday to the family and a toast to love!!

Congratulation-game "Amulet with magic beads for the newlywed".

This general is appropriate to carry out at small celebrations, otherwise it will be too long.

For this game - congratulations will need big and beautiful beads by the number of guests and fishing line. When pronouncing his toast, each speaker strings one bead onto a fishing line. And so on until you get a real necklace. Then these beads, charged with the benevolent and cordial wishes of all the guests, are handed over to the groom, and he puts them on the bride's neck.

For this gift you can think of beautiful wish about the beads protecting the young from all troubles, and helping the young wife in difficult moments gain strength and wisdom.

General congratulations at the wedding "From heart to heart".

For this surprise - congratulations - a gift, you need to prepare a large cardboard heart, which is decorated with the inscription of the names of young people (Maria + Victor), their portraits and a beautiful wedding backdrop (cupids, doves, flowers). Such a heart can be specially ordered at any salon that provides printing services. In the "set" for a big heart, miniature hearts are prepared, on which several can fit kind words towards lovers. You will have to stock up on double-sided tape.

Secretly from the newlyweds, the presenter or one of the friends distributes small hearts, the guests write their wishes on them. Hearts are picturesquely attached to a large heart with adhesive tape so that the main surface is closed. A big heart acquires bulge, volume, and in itself becomes an entertaining decoration wedding hall. At the end of the celebration, this heart is given to the newlyweds, with the most Best wishes and recommendations to peel off all the hearts and read all the kind words at the same time, because only by peeling off all the miniature notes, the newlyweds will discover what holds one heart for two.

Original gift "Calendar sheet".

By organizing this, any presenter can decorate his program with a memorable beautiful moment, but it will be even more touching if someone from close young people starts it, especially since organizing it is quite simple - you need a tear-off calendar and beautiful frame(a calendar sheet with the date of the wedding is beautifully glued into the frame).

By presenting this gift, it can be emphasized that from this moment on, an ordinary calendar leaf becomes their family heirloom. It is worth reading the time of sunrise and sunset, the length of the day, decorating this, in fact, banal information, with a romantic veil: “Years will pass. You look at this yellowed sheet and remember that the first day of your life together lasted ... hours ... minutes. And only for you the sun rose at ... hours and the village - to your pleasure! - at ... hours. And this leaflet will remind you of all of us, your relatives and guests!” At this moment, it would be quite appropriate to toast about future happy years married life.

It would be great to add a beautiful folder or album to this family present, prepared specifically for all those present to write their wishes to the newlyweds in it. This can be done throughout the evening - the host officially invites guests to this action and shows a place where you can safely make your entry.

"A gift of a lifetime"

At the end of the event, the presenter takes out a box. This box contains beautiful pictures. On each frame, the guest must write his own sincere wishes young. When everyone has written, the bridesmaids fasten the frames together satin ribbon(holes will be prepared in advance). The ribbon of wishes is wound on a reel and solemnly handed over to the newlyweds. Spouses throughout their lives, if the wish came true, untie the frame, if not, then they have something to strive for. For example: the mother of the bride wished to give birth young beautiful daughter. When the spouses have a girl, they untie the frame or put a tick on the tape marked: “done”