Why do husbands cheat on their wives? Why a married man cheats, but does not leave the family. Is there insurance against male infidelity

Today is on the agenda important question: "Why do men cheat on their wives, but do not leave?" This causes serious scandals and rupture of relations. It is very difficult to survive, understand and forgive, to start a relationship with clean slate without looking back at what happened is even harder. Today we will talk about the causes of adultery. This will help you to see the harbingers of trouble and take action in time. In fact, cheating is not the end of a relationship, you just need to find the strength in yourself for frank conversation and the desire to go through this difficult period together.

Relationships in the family

When young people get married, it seems to them that happiness will last forever. But a year passes, then another, petty quarrels accumulate, the first disappointments appear. The partner no longer looks so perfect. Nevertheless, it is important for a man to feel a quiet, safe harbor, a reliable berth. This is an explanation of why men cheat on their wives, but not - this is stability, special status, reliability, warmth and comfort of the hearth. And a mistress is an adventure, which is so good that it ends. To go to her means to break your life and start building anew, from scratch. At the same time, a man understands that, having become a wife, his mistress will lose the special charm that is so attractive today.

Cheating is a complex phenomenon that can have many causes. Often a man does not stop loving his wife, he still wants a relationship with her. He diligently hides the connection on the side, is ashamed of her, but cannot resist the temptation. Let's look at the main reasons why men cheat on their wives, but do not leave.

Expert opinion

One of the very first reasons experts call physiology. Men are polygamous by nature, they crave sexual diversity and a large number of partners. Society taboos such desires by promoting marital fidelity, but instincts This explains why men cheat on their wives, but do not leave. They have a biologically programmed need to leave as many offspring as possible, and for this you need to have many partners. But this is not the only reason. According to Western sociologists, 99% of adultery is committed simply because of the banal boredom, the monotony of life. There are a number of other reasons that push a man to do this, we will talk about them later.

Major changes

A familiar situation. Before marriage, a woman came on dates with a perfect haircut, manicure, watched her diet and weight, and now she walks around the house in a stretched T-shirt. This is especially true for those couples where the woman does not work. Housewives are more prone to depression due to monotony and home routine, and for a man there is nothing worse than coming home, where a woman in a worn dressing gown is sitting gloomy, like a cloud. Of course, family relationships play a big role. The psychology of people is such that the more attention one person pays to another, the more heat and affection he receives in return. Therefore, if a man, instead of looking for entertainment on the side, will often say compliments, invite his wife on dates and give gifts, the more likely he is to see again the radiance of loving eyes, a romantic dinner and a new dress on his beloved.

Nobody understands me

Indeed, very often men who cheat on their wives say that they do not understand them. But in fact, it sounds strange, as if a woman would be able to fully unravel his mysterious nature from the first meeting. The thing is that you need to patiently build relationships in the family. The psychology of people is such that only primary love is given to us in advance, due to a hormonal surge. Then you have to make an effort to come real love. To do this, you need to learn to communicate, listen and hear, solve problems within the family, pronounce everything that does not suit you. Then you don't have to look for consolation on the side.

Excitement, risk, feeling of novelty

The psychology of a changing man is such that he feels like a hunter at this moment. Ancient instincts wake up, a pleasant feeling of danger and violation of the ban. All this tickles the nerves, excites the imagination, gives amazing sensations. It is akin to drug intoxication: when the fuse passes, you want to return it. However, sensations are dulled and you need to look for something new, brighter, and so on ad infinitum. A happy family is one in which spouses are able to find new sensations within their own relationship.

Relationships need to be worked on

Psychologists believe that every woman can support a spark of passion in a family. In addition, this is her direct task. This is necessary not only for men, monotony and everyday life are detrimental to both partners. New underwear and clothes in a woman's wardrobe should appear regularly, the man who, without providing for his family, demands that his wife be well-groomed is bad. And you can think of a lot of ways to revive former passion. Invite your spouse to a rented apartment, leaving the children in the care of their grandmother. Believe me a happy family worth the effort. romantic dinner And Erotic massage, signs of attention are all tools that can be used to “prevent” cheating. But psychologists say that there is the most important and reliable means: Before entering the house after work, stop for a minute. You need to take a deep breath and exhale at least 5 times, while mentally saying goodbye to work, current problems and worries. Imagine the image of your beloved man, and the way you saw him in the most happy minutes Do you want more moments like this? Try to feel again the feelings that you experienced then, smile and enter the house.

Cheating without explanation

The psychology of a cheating man is quite complex. Sometimes he himself cannot explain why he is so drawn to the left. It seems that there are no obvious prerequisites, everything is fine at home, but still he stubbornly spends time and money looking for new relationships. Perhaps he got married too early, and it seems to him that he has not yet had time to work up. Or the call of ancient instincts forces him again and again to take the path of a hunter and gatherer. In any case, women can recognize such a "macho" even at the beginning of a relationship. Just watch how he behaves outdoors and indoors, where there are a lot of beautiful women. Even if now, when between you - ardent passion, he still tries to hit on other young ladies, it will only get worse.

Just sex

As already mentioned, men are polygamous by nature. It is not so important what a woman's figure is - if she appears naked in front of a man every day, then she ceases to excite him. This object has been conquered, it's time to move on. Not all researchers agree with this statement, but nevertheless, many adhere to this particular point of view. If a man is monogamous, it is only because he realizes that friendship and love are more important things than a casual connection on the side.

What is the purpose of cheating

Why do men cheat? For them, sex and love are two big differences. A man can love his wife and have sexual relations with other females. More often these are not permanent, but one-time meetings. This separation of love and sex allows a man to easily change and not experience Although the latter is in question. Guilt appears later and is not due to the fact of sex itself, but possible consequences. What happens if the wife finds out? Will a random passion haunt him? And there is also a risk of catching one of the sexually transmitted diseases. There is a chance that, having weighed well all that he received from his adventure, the man will forever become a monogamous family man. In order not to be too late, even before you go on a date, imagine the most worst case development of events. For example, your random girlfriend will tell her wife what happened. The fact of treason, presented in this way, is very difficult to survive. Is it worth it?

Rights and obligations of the parties

It is very interesting to know how many percent of men change. Various sources report figures from 70 to 90% of the entire male population of the Earth. Impressive, isn't it? It has to do with men in sex. It is much higher than that of women. In addition, the load on the fine floor is very high. A woman works at work, performs a large number of household chores, taking care of children. As a result, very tired in the evening. You don't have the strength to intimacy, and the husband, bored at the computer, stares to the left? Obviously, the problem has matured so much that it is time to solve it. Sit down at the negotiating table. A man complains about the lack of sex? Well, write down on paper all your duties related to home, family, children, and offer him to take exactly half. Ask if he agrees with the prospect of fully providing for the family so that you are at home and have time to complete the home work front by the time he arrives? Divide all the hardships of the family burden in half, and both will feel better.

How to understand that a man is cheating

Actually, it's not difficult at all. Just watch your soulmate every day. If a man begins to regularly stay late at work, vaguely explaining the reasons, he often has things to do on weekends, and even on holidays there are urgent assignments, then you should take a closer look. Does he carry his phone everywhere, does he go to another room if he gets a call, does he get nervous if you pick up the phone? All this indirect signs that he has something to hide. Analyze your budget, does it have more unplanned expenses?

What to do if a man cheats

Rolling scandals and quarrels is useless, even if you are 100% sure that you are right in your suspicions. Another mistake would be to try to find his mistress and see who he traded you for, or take revenge. Often decides to also change in revenge - this step is also better to postpone. So far, you only need one thing - to speak out, to work out your emotions. For this, a friend or a professional psychologist is suitable. Only after experiencing the first shock, you can think about what decision to make. Divorce is not always the best way out; in some cases, you can survive the betrayal and continue the relationship. Help family psychologist will not be redundant.

Summing up

We examined the main causes of treason. Now you know how many men cheat on their wives. The statistics are ruthless, it puts almost the entire male population on the list of womanizers. In fact, this is not so, most of them, just like women, value their relationships and are not ready to risk them for the sake of a momentary hobby. In any case, forewarned is forearmed. If you have an idea about the causes and symptoms adultery then do your best to avoid it.

Almost every person at least once cheated himself or experienced betrayal. But to change a person or not is the decision of everyone. Someone cannot live in peace, without betrayal, but someone absolutely does not need them, because he found what he was looking for - appreciates and protects it.

Why do men cheat

Usually men excuse themselves by saying that “all men are polygamous, they need variety, everyone does it, etc.” There are actually a huge number of reasons for cheating, ranging from the banal “I was drunk, she is to blame, I have nothing to do with it” and ending with the dissatisfaction of their relationship or family life.

Why do men cheat on their women? One of the most common options is newfound love. This usually happens if the relationship was mutually beneficial, necessary or forced. In second place - the wife is sick, pregnant, she does not have time for the second half, since she devotes it to the child, there is no desire, she stopped taking care of herself because “he loves me like that” (disheveled, unkempt, in filthy slippers and bathrobe).

Are there many quarrels, scandals or reproaches in the relationship? Here it is - the reason for treason. Men do not withstand constant criticism in their address and strive to go where they will be obeyed, groomed and cherished. "The Forbidden fruit is sweet! I want new ones thrill! Joint life, routine, monotony - in this case, treason for a man is like an escape from all this.

If a woman cheated on her soulmate, then this the right way in order to take revenge on her. To hurt her with this or just to show that he, too, is worth something. And if a man has already cheated once, and a woman has forgiven, then 99% that this will happen again, because if it worked for the first time, why not try the second and third. Men feel unpunished in such cases.

Dream woman or sexual dissatisfaction. In the family sexual life the man could not realize some sexual fantasies or something is missing, he found the one who, it seems to him, can help him satisfy his desires and needs. The mistress will become a fountain of unusual emotions and sensations. And sometimes, the reason for cheating is quite banal - when another woman offers sex, she is able to resist the temptation.

Signs of male infidelity

With great care, it is absolutely easy to detect treason. But I must say - it is very visible when a man has a new relationship, but if the betrayal happened only once - drunk, in a club or on a business trip - then it will be more difficult to calculate. But at some point it will show itself. There are many signs, consider the most common.

A cell phone is nowhere without it in our century, so even the most disguised connection will show itself. They often start calling from work at night or on weekends, or “Maxim” suddenly begins to speak in a female voice, then messages from the cellular network operator will begin to arrive more often. A man always carries his phone with him, put a password, erases some calls or messages, talks on it away from you and gets angry when his second half takes his phone.

The man began to carefully monitor his appearance and his appearance. He did fashionable haircut, began to pour himself before leaving the house toilet water and his clothes and shoes are clean, ironed and polished. I updated my wardrobe, began to shave more often, and in general it sparkles like a polished teapot. If this behavior does not apply to you and your actions, then it is worth considering for whom he is trying so hard.

Frequent delays at work, working weekends or frequent trips in a sauna or a bar with friends, but without women, he is not interested in sex, cold and distant, gives flowers for no reason, often turns off mobile phone, lipstick marks on his shirt, someone else's hair on his suit, the smell of women's perfume, perhaps absent-mindedness or nervousness - all this means that the man has someone else.

How to survive cheating husband

No one will escape from the campaign of men to the left - neither smart, nor beautiful, nor excellent hostesses, nor temperamental mistresses. Of course, the first reaction will be panic, misunderstanding and shock. Thoughts in my head - how, why, why, for what and what did I do wrong, what am I guilty of? The discovery of betrayal is followed by a mass of emotions - a spiritual wound, grief, disgust, a desire to strangle a man, and at the same time himself. But, despite this, life still has not ended, and at first it is worth calming down and throwing aside an ax, a rolling pin and a bunch of sleeping pills. After all, the trip to the left has already taken place, and in a calmer state, it is worth sorting out your thoughts.

A wife can almost always understand and forgive her husband. But betrayal will never be erased in thoughts, and you won’t get away from spitting into your soul. Moving away from infidelity to a woman who is not self-confident is always more difficult. After all, women who are recognized by the male sex are always easier to endure negative emotions and resentment.

To calm down and endure humiliation - you can use different ways. Take a walk with your beloved friend, change your image, break dishes or find yourself a new passion or hobby - each person has his own methods. A new occupation will take everything free time, will help distract from loss and bad thoughts. Everything new and interesting can develop into something serious, which will make you sincerely enjoy it.

How to forgive cheating husband

How to forgive a man? Which one of you is to blame? Cheating is not easy to forgive, no matter what the reasons were. Should she be forgiven? All this can be understood only if you understand the motives. If you understand them, then it will be known - to execute or pardon. Many wives do not pay attention to betrayal - is there happiness in this? The brave ones cheat in order to take revenge on a man - but this is not an option either, because a short feeling of triumph is most often replaced by a huge disappointment.

Everyone thinks that it is not difficult for adult women to survive and forgive betrayal than young girl. In fact, the opposite is true. The young girl has everything ahead, so she will just leave the man who cheated on her and start personal life from scratch. Adult ladies who have spent many years with a man consider betrayal as the end of their lives. The main thing is to be able to accept what has already happened. Never feel sorry for yourself! It is worth convincing yourself that everything is still ahead and you are still attractive.

So how do you forgive cheating? If a man decided to go to a truce - give him a chance, step forward. After all, perhaps not all is lost! Another way is sincere conversation. How they found out about the betrayal - it does not matter, but it is worth discussing. How to put the conversation right? A woman must look a little angry, but strong (in no case hostile, you need to be able to restrain your emotions). After analyzing the situation, the man will feel guilty before the woman. This feeling can become retribution for him. You can’t threaten your husband with treason, but you don’t need to pardon right away.

How to forgive a man when he is with you all the time? It is worth running away for a while, leaving, leave some reminder of yourself so that he does not relax. The most important purpose of spending is a chance to think everything over and accept correct solution. You can not forgive the betrayal of her husband, thinking about the kids and many years of family life. If it is impossible to forgive, then it is better not to forgive. A woman should not be afraid of loneliness, in some cases, betrayal can be taken as a sign that the time has come to change something in her life.

Believe in what he appreciates, and you will feel happy, you always need to give a chance, because without giving it, you will not be able to draw conclusions about a man. If someone did not live up to your expectations and trust, then this is not a reason to be disappointed in the whole universe, in your beloved and in men.

How to get revenge on your cheating husband

Revenge is a dish best served cold. How can you effectively take revenge on your spouse for his betrayal, so that he feels the same pain and resentment as you? Most often, women associate revenge with the phrase “they kick out with a wedge”, that is, take and cheat on your husband, just like he did with you. Of course it will bring some satisfaction, but not for long. Two options are likely here - the husband will not know about this, and only your satisfaction will be (a woman can also change, why not, why should we suffer from this), or your spouse finds out about it here, or your betrayal will worsen the situation and a divorce will follow, or the man will start to be jealous, nervous and, in the end, your family life will improve.

Another option for revenge - you should not start scandals, sort things out - on the contrary, a woman should be calm and a little bit malicious, you need to show with your appearance that the problem is not so important, but you have other interests. This will alert a man, he will think about it all the time, because suddenly he has a rival, most often this option ends - an abandoned mistress, a conversation about family and a return prodigal husband. It will also be good if a woman stops doing what her husband is used to - cleaning, washing, cooking, washing dishes. Let him get used to independence, or let him run with his own dirty laundry to the mistress.

You can change your interests - do your favorite hobby, enroll in Gym or dance class. Look better and more interesting - buy a couple of new things, in new color or do a hairstyle - all this will force a man to take a closer look at his soulmate, because you will appear in your eyes and you will radiate energy, grooming and pleasure from life.

Of course, revenge on her husband for treason is a case when it is worth leaving all your fantasies. Pull out all the hair on the opponent's head? No way, it's redundant! And a little creativity is a small step towards recovery. In such situations, you can ruin his car (douse paint or throw seeds on the hood of his car so that birds fly in and spoil his favorite car), deprive him of his wardrobe (as in Hollywood films), cutting it with scissors, let him go naked to his new passion rather than in shirts you bought with love. Ruin his reputation, tell everyone what a slob he is, dirty and generally a bad type.

How to prevent cheating

There are several ways to avoid trips to other people's women, of course this is not a love spell for fidelity, but in many cases they will help prevent it.

So, a man and a woman must be friends. If this is not the case, you can safely forget about happiness in the family, this is in best case, and at worst - it will cause a divorce. Also important is constant and high-quality in marriage, and, whatever one may say, a woman must be the most desirable and sexy, because this is the main thing in a relationship. After all, if a woman always remains the most interesting, desirable and sexy, then why does he need others?

Naturally important - sensitivity, understanding. Spend a lot of time together, often get out for the weekend somewhere (to the forest, cafe, theater, nature or another city) or just walk in the evenings. More communication has never harmed anyone - after all, it is one of the main secrets of a happy family life. Share your thoughts, doubts, anxieties with your husband, tell him something exciting and interesting, ask for advice or opinions of a man, be interested in his affairs, work. Men need understanding in the family.

Try to stay in good shape, look after yourself and try each other. Make it so that it is not boring next to you - you common interests, you go to football, bowling or billiards together if you live different lives- this, of course, is very convenient, but there is always someone who wants to share the interests of your man instead of you, therefore, so that he does not look for interests on the side, he should be interested in you.

Never, by no means! Trust him more. With you, he should be comfortable and calm. If a man, having come home from work, tired and tortured, receives a mountain of reproaches and scandals - peace of mind family evening becomes doubtful. Respect your soul mate and he will idolize you. Do not limit his freedom (if this does not affect your relationship), do not tie him tightly, because the smaller the leash, the faster it will break, show him your trust. And when you become a mother and watch over your children, always stay loving wife for your husband, give him attention and affection.

In our society, many men do not feel self-sufficient always and everywhere.

At first time family relations the inner emptiness of the husband is closed by his wife. They think they will love each other forever.

A wife for him is a woman who will always be with him.

Now he feels self-sufficient and safe.

In your family, you yourself can deprive each other of that what you then start looking for in other people:

  • The wife may begin to deprive the husband of his sense of self-sufficiency and confidence. during frequent scandals, domestic problems or misunderstandings. This happens when spouses are together for a very long time.
  • Time passes, the wife no longer gives that love that she gave before. And the husband is looking for her in the arms of his mistress.
  • The wife no longer gives this feeling of fullness and harmony, the husband begins to look for this feeling on the side.

If this is exactly what is happening in your relationship, then that is why married man take a mistress.

This is a problem not only for the wife, but also for the husband. He had to raise his level of awareness, work on himself and be self-sufficient on his own, without relying on external factors.

2. He found a mistress who is just cool

With a wife, often the husband does not feel cool. With a wife - this is a family, this is love, an idyll and children.

And there is another girl with whom it's cool!

We will reveal in more detail the question of why men have mistresses and the psychology of their thinking, why do they secretly spend time with them:

  1. The mistress helps her husband mentally get away from family and domestic problems.
  2. He has a mistress with whom he wants intimacy and who is very turns on.
  3. He gets himself a girl who fascinates him.
  4. The mistress gives those new emotions and sensations that the wife does not give.
  5. With this new woman he can talk about things he would never talk to his wife about.

3. Routine, addiction and monotony in the family

Husbands cheat on wives because they want variety. They want adventure, something new.

The family should not have a routine life.

A person cannot eat the same yogurt in the morning, afternoon, evening and night. You won't be able to eat this yogurt for two weeks every day because it's not normal and you'll get tired of it.

The same thing can happen in your family.

4. Lost attraction and chemistry between you

Attraction and chemistry in a relationship lasts 0.5 - 2 years maximum. Then everything ends.

The opinion of scientists about why husbands cheat on their wives is getting used to the partner's pheromones. Because of this addiction, you are already fed up with each other.

These are the realities of life. Everything can get fed up.

5. The spouse is polygamous and before that he lived an open relationship

On the topic of what his psychology is and why men cheat on girls, it would be correct to mention the following facts:

  • Your spouse can't immediately suppress their instincts, if before he gave them full will. He can't stop and look at other women no more.
  • No matter how much you feed the wolf, it still looks into the forest.
  • If a man is an alpha male in life, a hunter and a lover, then it will be difficult for him to suppress it in himself.
  • The guy wants to live according to his intentions and desires but he can't do it openly and cheats.

Therefore, he secretly gets cool mistresses, with whom it’s cool and with whom you can temporarily forget about family life and all the problems arising from it.

6. She gives all her time to the child

If a child has appeared in your family, then the mother will spend a lot of time at first only with him.

How does a baby affect your sex life?:

  • These are constant screams at night that will not let you rest together.
  • This is baby care, diapers, breastfeeding.
  • A woman after childbirth cannot make love.
  • Sometimes, when a baby sucks milk from a mother, some women find breastfeeding a lot of fun. And the wife no longer wants to spend time in bed with her husband.

From here, as a rule, life in bed in your family fades into the background.

The husband does not find any other way out, how to extinguish his passion with his mistress.

IN this case psychology is that husbands cheat on their wives and want more at night, but they do not want to leave their family and child.

7. Everything is bad in bed, dissatisfaction

Some women are not yet fully aware of their femininity and attractiveness.

Your mating games in bed may not satisfy your partner.

Not all women are skilled in bed for the following reasons.:

  • Wife is very young and not so experienced.
  • Some girls are very tight, do not know how to express their passion and love at night.
  • Ignorance and knowledge limitations.
  • Not all wives want to accept the fantasies of their men. A man by nature loves to turn his extreme fantasies into reality. Some refuse to experiment at all.

If a man has tried this way and that, but it does not change and does not bring diversity in bed, out of desperation, he can find himself a mistress.

Or even just find a walking girl for one night.

After all, if the wife is very bad in bed, a man can find a girl who is simply better in many ways.

A husband can find that girl on the side who makes him just endure the brain in bed. He will secretly admire her and not tell you.

About a different smell

Not all men know that the wife always recognizes the smell of another woman.. Even if the spouse went to the shower or perfumed herself, she intuitively understands and feels everything. The man does not suspect anything, and the woman delves into her head and keeps wondering: “Why do guys cheat on their girls?”.

And the husband may still naively believe that everything is under control, and he owns the situation. He does not even suspect that his wife recognized the smell of another.

8. Because of the perception "You can change, as long as no one knows"

From television and mass media to the brain young man from birth lay the idea that married men are required to change.

Guys cheat, even though they love their girlfriend, because for them it is considered the norm and commonplace, as if in the order of things.

In some families, wives directly make it clear to their partner: “ If you're cheating on me, then so that I don't know».

They really voice it and say it, and the spouse remembers and draws conclusions.

Of course, then the wife will regret what she said if the betrayal comes up.

9. To create jealousy or revenge

Some men are very jealous. They may be driven by selfish motives for treason.

That is, even for a simple feelings of envy or feelings of inferiority The husband wants to make his wife jealous.

Also, the reason may be that the wife spent time with the wrong people or cheated on him once.

Then the man will want to fill the hole in his self-esteem and amuse his pride on the side by taking revenge on his wife.

For example, he sees how at some holiday his wife communicates and flirts with other men.

Her husband is often jealous of her for all the men in a row.

He remembers all this, and is looking for a mistress in order to to be jealous now.

10 Male Patriarchy

Subconsciously, the man has this belief: “ I can do it with whoever I want, but the girl can't". Maybe for girls this will be a shocking answer to the question of why men cheat. But that's how our society works.

That is, in this case, the husband puts his interests above his wife and allows himself to go to the left.

The man thinks he has some kind of privilege because of the patriarchy in the family.

Also, the cause of treason may be that as a child, the husband's father also cheated on his wife.

Now an adult repeats the mistakes of parents.

11. Selfish motives

The desire to prove to yourself and friends "what a cool lover I am"

The following selfish motives may be the reasons for a husband’s infidelity:

  1. To indulge your ego, feel superior.
    Read more about ego and selfishness here.
  2. Satisfy your libido.
  3. WITH early childhood there was a lack of female attention. And now, when a man has learned that one could always have attention, one has only to do something, the man embarks on the unknown.
  4. Because of the desire to assert themselves in front of friends, to get their approval, so that they would say to him: “Wow! Probably fried? Wow, man!"
  5. He wants to prove to himself that he is capable of owning other women.
    After all, he had never been able to do this before.
  6. Her husband's friends are bachelors and they always have something to tell about their adventures. The husband also decided that it was time to brag about something and went to the left.
    That is the reason for showing off to friends.

12. The woman stopped caring and taking care of herself.

Because the husband has already conquered his wife and won her heart. Now there is no one to conquer.

The wife relaxes, and this is what happens to her:

  1. Years later, the wife ceases to follow her figure, she is already satisfied with a fat belly.
  2. Now she does not dress as beautifully as before, she wears a dressing gown and curlers in her hair.
  3. She lost the spark in her eyes, zest and femininity.
  4. The woman is no longer attractive.

If all this is happening, then it is not surprising that a hot beauty from work replaced his wife in bed.

Of course, a woman does not always have to be beautiful, but she must be conscious and self-confident, radiate love.

For more information on how to become more self-confident for a woman, we.

13. By an alcoholic accident

There is one expression that sounds like "we saw the night, walked all night until the morning."

And if the men walked all night until the morning, along with alcohol and surrounded by beautiful women , then a drunken husband may forget about his wife by the end of the evening.

After all, an appetizing beauty sits on it and there is a lot of alcohol around. Then a man cheats because male look he sees only girls with a good figure nearby, who, moreover, breathe very unevenly towards him.

Because of alcohol, he forgets about that one.

He no longer has much control over his speech and actions.

Change happens unconsciously.

It happens both in clubs and on noisy parties, holidays and other drunk places.

Video from guru

IN next video understands the dilemma about why the husband cheats and does not leave the family and his wife. In his opinion, this is due to the lack of love. About all the pitfalls, see this video.

Why does the husband say nothing and stay in the family

Let's close once and for all the question of why men cheat on their wives, but do not leave them. The most common are the following reasons:

  1. He doesn't need all this property division mess.
  2. He does not want to pay child support all his life if he has a child.
  3. He does not want to go to court and fill out all these papers.
  4. He does not want to disturb the family idyll.
  5. The husband wants the child to grow up with the father.
  6. He does not need quarrels and scandals.
  7. He has a family hearth where there is security, harmony, food and sleep. Why break it?
  8. He is so good and cool when you can sleep with two girls.
  9. He is satisfied with the current state of affairs.

Whose fault is this and how to solve the problem

It should be understood that both partners are to blame for the betrayal. You decide what to do with it next.

But in order to prevent adultery, the wife should realize the following things:

  1. She can be both a lover and a wife at the same time..
  2. A wife can play several roles at the same time and there will be no change.
  3. Wives just don't get enough correct model behavior mistress, where she will delight her husband.

All this will help to avoid betrayal and have a happy and harmonious family.

Subconsciously, every woman understands that her loved one can cheat on her. However, it seems to us that betrayal is possible only between a couple, in whose relationship problems have long been brewing, and between loving people betrayal is impossible. But, according to the statistics of various psychological and sociological studies, men can change regardless of the presence of feelings for their soulmate. Since every action has its own root cause, having learned about the betrayal of a loved one, we all want to understand why this happened. Trying to answer such a difficult question, specialists from various psychological centers conducted a global survey and identified 25 reasons why men cheat. Of course, in reality, there can be much more motives pushing a man to cheat, but it is the factors listed below that most often become the main “triggers” before cheating.

Top 25 reasons pushing a man to cheat

1. Inability to say "No"

Not always a man is the initiator of treason. But, if he attracted the attention of a woman who is interesting to him, and this woman unambiguously hints to him about the desire to continue acquaintance, most likely, he will agree. On the one hand, subconsciously, a man will not want to refuse a girl, and on the other hand, his pride, of course, will be flattered by attention from the outside.

2. Desire to assert yourself

Some men perceive mistresses as a kind of trophy that increases own significance. This is especially true for middle-aged men, because the presence of new connections is proof of male attractiveness.

3. Influence of friends

Very often, men, having close friends whom they value and trust, unwittingly copy each other's behavior. First, it is important for a man to earn no less than his best friend, then - to marry no less attractive and loving girl, and after - to find no less young mistress than a friend. This behavior is explained by the natural male desire for rivalry.

4. Boredom

Cheating is perceived by a man as a kind of adventure and experiment, which dispels boredom and spiritual sadness very well. At the same time, a man can be satisfied with everything in his family life, but a little intrigue or a hasty romance gives him the opportunity to feel free from routine and obligations.

5. He sees cheating as a status symbol.

Sometimes men perceive betrayal as a symbol of their prosperous life in which there is a family, position in society, prosperity and other signs of happiness. As a rule, in this case, men choose mistresses much younger than their years.

6. He wants to feel young

Even while living in happy marriage and tenderly loving his wife, the man sadly recalls the time of carefree bachelor youth, in which he could afford to change mistresses without thinking about responsibility. Very often, the desire to feel young and free again pushes a man to change.

7. He wants variety

Men who had limited sexual experience before marriage will subconsciously seek to satisfy their curiosity and look for opportunities to make love with another woman.

8. He is sure that you will not find out about the betrayal.

If a man at least once managed to hide the fact of his betrayal, most likely he will cheat again.

9. Inflated self-esteem.

Some men, often suffering from inflated self-esteem, believe that their attractiveness and dignity give them the right to cheat with impunity. At the same time, they are unlikely to experience remorse, perceiving treason as commonplace.

10. To prove your courage

Some men are sure that the concept of masculinity and male solvency is directly proportional to the number of sexual relationships. For this type of men, cheating is a kind of sport.

11. He is an adventurer

In a way, cheating is a gamble that raises the level of adrenaline in the blood. Some men enjoy being in danger and thinking up moves to hide their actions so much that this entourage becomes main reason treason.

12. He is a player

What distinguishes a player from an adventurer is only a purposeful desire to deceive and deftly cheat not only his wife, but also many other women. A man of this type of character perceives himself as a real Don Juan and a macho, masterfully breaking the hearts of young ladies in love.

13. Confidence in your love

Perhaps the man deceived you before, and you generously forgave him. Perhaps for some time his conscience tormented him and he honestly tried to be an exemplary spouse. But at one point the situation developed in such a way that he changed again, believing that since you forgave him once, forgive all subsequent ones.

14. He fell in love

The most banal and at the same time the most serious reason that makes a man change. No one is immune from new hobbies and, perhaps, even from new love, plunged into which, it is impossible to remain faithful.

15. He accepts cheating as the norm.

Some men perceive cheating as the norm. Most often, this perception is programmed in men whose fathers did not keep family fidelity.

16. To fulfill your sexual fantasies

17. He takes revenge on you

Cheating for revenge is more inherent women's behavior. However, it is not uncommon for men to change, guided precisely by this motive. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that a man takes revenge on his wife for her novels on the side. It is possible that in this way he takes revenge on you for resentment, indifference and any other family conflicts.

18. He wants attention

Unfortunately, after living together for several years or even decades, people get used to each other and become less romantic and attentive. In this case, cheating is an attempt to feel loved and needed again.

19. He has a midlife crisis

When a man reaches a certain age and realizes that he has already achieved all his goals, it may seem to him that there will be nothing new and interesting in his life anymore. A midlife crisis is often accompanied by depression, in which infidelity is a kind of painkiller and an opportunity to bring newness into your life.

20. You don't share his interests

If spouses other than common family budget and the upbringing of children is no longer connected, they will inevitably become bored with each other. The lack of spiritual unity with his wife will sooner or later push a man to change.

21. He is a womanizer

Womanizer men have a special scale of values, in which there are no such concepts as love and fidelity. He does not see anything reprehensible in treason, so he easily makes new acquaintances.

22. He doesn't love you anymore

If love ends, but habit or life circumstances do not allow terminating the relationship, the man will cheat on his wife, trying to find the former feeling.

23. You don't love him

Feeling the lack of love on your part, a man will surely look for this feeling in someone else.

24. He wants to end the relationship

So many men begin to cheat at the moment when they realize that their marriage is doomed. They do this consciously, not particularly hiding their deceit, hoping that after learning about the betrayal, you will initiate a divorce.

25. He overdosed on alcohol

Nearly half of all men surveyed admitted that they had cheated on their wives at least once under the influence of alcohol. At the same time, many traitors, after sobering up, repented of their deeds.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from change. However, in order to prevent sad consequences, it is very important not to turn a blind eye to existing problems, try to build your family life on trust and always pay attention to the behavior of your spouse..

9 Common Causes Of Male Cheating

Men in their sights on adultery often adhere to a double morality - women are not allowed, but men are allowed. Moreover, some men do not consider one-time contacts to be treason at all.

Why do men cheat but don't leave? This can happen because a man loves his wife and considers his marriage successful. After all, there are many reasons why a man cheats, and not all of them are associated with dissatisfaction with his wife.

Featured on the site: victims, do mercy, suffer beautifully and let the other side atone - Eraser for treason (approx. ed.)

The 9 most common causes of male infidelity:

1. Increased sexual desire.

In this case sexual contact deprived intimacy And emotional attachment. This is a short-term relationship and occurs, as a rule, with unfamiliar partners or with old acquaintances - employees or wives of friends.

2. Striving for diversity.

A man wants to get new impressions and sensations at a time when there is calm and boredom in family life. Why do men cheat on their wives? Most often because of the monotony in sex.

3. Random circumstances.

Lung alcohol intoxication raises sexual attraction and lift restrictions. Some men consider drinking alcohol the main reason for infidelity.

4. Feelings for another woman.

In this case, fornication is a completely natural act, because it is part of a relationship based on love.

5. Women's perseverance.

IN modern world about a third female population are not married. Many of them are ready to have sexual relations with a man, regardless of whether he is married or not. Man facing women's initiative often cannot offend a lady with a refusal. In addition, some are afraid that they will be considered incompetent.

6. Self-affirmation.

For men who have not realized their career ambitions, it is typical to flatter their vanity with the number of sexual victories. Thus, they try to compensate for their professional failure. Psychological studies agree that the more successful things are, the less a man has a tendency to cheat.

7. Revenge.

Some men enter into a relationship out of a desire to avenge their wife for infidelity or humiliation, or to assert their freedom.

8. Temporary separation from his wife.

The absence of a spouse who has gone on a business trip, vacation, or is undergoing treatment is often perceived as good reason looking for a temporary replacement.

9. Bonus for success.

A similar reason for betrayal is typical for a man who spent a lot of strength and energy on his professional self-realization. When after for long years hard work, he finally achieves serious success, then decides to reward himself with a mistress.

Very often, men who are prone to betrayal are guided by the principle "life is short and given only once." It is worth noting the public condescension towards male cheating am, which practically encourages them.

Male adultery is perceived as an innocent prank, or as a biological need, the satisfaction of which is necessary in order to avoid health problems. However, to be true or false is not innate quality, but the solution.