Tells a woman kidnaps moss. Bunker with slaves in the garage of a neighbor. The wildest stories of kidnapping, slavery and violence in the 21st century

More than anything, people are shocked by the atrocities committed against children. But sometimes these monstrous crimes do not just happen, but last for years and even decades. A "smart journal" of four victims of kidnapping and violence who managed to survive in an endless kaleidoscope of nightmare.

Natasha Kampush
10-year-old Austrian girl Natasha Kampusch was abducted on the morning of March 2, 1998 on her way to school. This was done by 45-year-old Wolfgang Priklopil, a communications specialist at Siemens.

Wolfgang Priklopil

The kidnapper kept Natasha in the basement with an area of ​​five square meters, the entrance to which was hidden behind a closet.

For the first six months, she did not leave the premises at all, and then Priklopil began to periodically release her into the house. There she cleaned and cooked, but at night she still went to the basement.

"Room" by Natasha Kampush

The perpetrator supplied his victim with books, and also let her watch TV and listen to the radio (due to which, for example, she learned English).

After she turned 18, Priklopil began to take her outside. Gradually, the detention regime weakened so much that they went together to a nearby ski resort, where they spent several hours. Kampusch claimed that during this trip she had no chance of escaping.

Natasha Search Announcement

Later, Priklopil's neighbors even recalled that they saw a girl walking in the garden of her kidnapper alone. In addition, a friend of the criminal told how he, along with Kampusch, went to his house to borrow a trailer. According to the man, the girl looked happy and contented. The victim herself then also added to the ambiguity of the situation with statements like this: “I was spared many things: smoking, drinking, or the risk of getting into bad company". At the same time, Kampusch claimed that she understood the whole abnormality of her situation, and this led her to despair. According to the girl, Priklopil told her that the windows and doors of the house were mined, and he always had a pistol with him, from which he would shoot her if she tried to escape. In addition, the kidnapper allegedly starved Kampush so that she simply did not have the strength to escape.

Kampos after liberation

The girl managed to escape when the perpetrator walked away to talk on the phone while she was vacuuming his car. Upon learning of this, Priklopil went to the nearest railway and jumped under a passing train.

The station where Priklopil committed suicide

Kampusch immediately stated that she would not share any personal or intimate details of her time in captivity. True, according to the representative of the rescued girl, she told him that she was periodically beaten, after which she was covered with bruises and could hardly walk.

When Kampusch learned of her captor's death, she sobbed inconsolably and lit a candle for him in the morgue, later calling him a "poor soul."

In 2009, the girl became the face of the animal protection organization PETA in Austria and wrote a letter to the Minister Agriculture neighboring Germany demanding the release of all animals from zoos, comparing their fate with his own.

Kampusch's first television interview was sold to 120 countries around the world. She decided to send all the proceeds from it to help the women of Mexico and Africa.

Kampusch's mother, Brigitte, also published her book, entitled Years of Despair.

Brigitte Kampusch

In 2008, the former prisoner got a job on television, becoming the host of her own talk show. Career, however, failed, and after three releases the project was closed. In 2009, Kampusch transferred 25 thousand euros to the victim of another similar crime, also committed in Austria, Elisabeth Fritzl, who was kept locked up and raped by her own father for 24 years.

Josef Fritzl - another Austrian maniac

Currently, Kampusch owns his kidnapper's house. According to her, she insisted on acquiring it in order to save the building from vandals and possible destruction. True, after that the girl began to appear there often. But the basement, in which she spent so many years, was filled up by her decision.

Ekaterina Martynova and Elena Samokhina

Ekaterina Martynova

On September 30, 2000, two girls, 14-year-old Ekaterina Martynova and 17-year-old Elena Samokhina, were returning from festivities in Ryazan. On the street they met Viktor Mokhov, a 50-year-old mechanic, who offered to give them a ride home. Together with his friend, a certain “Lyokha” (who was actually a woman named Elena Badukina), he offered the girls a drink on the occasion of the holiday.

Elena Badukina today

The friends agreed, and when they came to their senses after exposure to sleeping pills, they were already in captivity - in a specially equipped underground bunker in the city of Skopin, Ryazan Region.

Viktor Mokhov

As it turned out later, Mokhov created this room at a depth of six meters under his garage specifically in order to one day settle sex slaves there. A year earlier, he had already managed to drag one captive into the bunker, whom he had raped for two weeks, but she managed to escape. True, for some reason she did not contact the police.

Photo of Samokhina in the wanted list

The basement was equipped with a bunk bed, an electric stove, a table and a few chairs. On the walls, the owner hung pornographic posters in order to pre-set the future inhabitants in the appropriate way. Katya and Lena lived in this room for 1312 days, or a little more than 3 years and 7 months.

It is hardly appropriate to compare the fate of the two girls, but nevertheless, a very difficult test fell on the lot of the eldest of them: during her imprisonment, she managed to get pregnant three times (!) from a maniac. At the same time, the first two children were born and survived, but not thanks to the help of doctors or biological father, but through the efforts of a younger friend. True, Mokhov “helped” her by bringing a textbook on obstetrics, as well as vodka for disinfection. Lena named her sons Vladislav and Oleg, but she was not destined to raise them: the maniac took them away a couple of months after birth and threw them into the entrances of high-rise buildings.

Pregnant Elena Samokhina

Three years later, Mokhov decided that the girls completely obeyed his will and would no longer try to break free. He began to take them out into the street one by one, and then decided to use Katya to capture another slave. True, she managed not only to quietly sabotage the task of intoxicating the victim with sleeping pills, but also toss her a note asking for help. So the news from the missing girls got to the police.

In fact, something almost unbelievable happened here. During interrogation, Mokhov denied that he had any slaves in captivity, and during a search of the garage, law enforcement officers could not find the entrance to the dungeon! We must pay tribute to the locksmith-maniac, he disguised him really well.

The ill-fated garage today

But Mokhov's nerves still could not stand it, and after some time he confessed and showed where the captives were languishing.

Lena Samokhina still did not give birth to a third child - she had a miscarriage. She decided not to raise her two previous children, and in the end both ended up in foster families. Both victims of the maniac retained their health and soon continued their studies. Stars, like Natasha Kampush, they did not become. True, if Elena Samokhina prefers not to advertise her life at all, then Ekaterina Martynova appeared on the talk show “Let them talk” and said that she had married and had children. In addition, she has written a book with which she wants to finally shed the burden of nightmare memories.

Ekaterina Martynova today

As for Mokhov, he received 17 years in prison. He has four years left in prison. Lyokha's accomplice, aka Elena Badukina, served a 5.5-year sentence for complicity in a crime and has long been at large.

Jaycee Dugard

The story of the American girl Jaycee Dugard resembles both cases described above, but at the same time has its own unique features. Like Natasha Kampush, she was abducted on the street in the morning on her way to school. This happened on May 10, 1991, and at that time Jaycee was 11 years old. True, the criminals were not at all respectable at first glance citizens, as in the first two stories, but a rather frightening married couple.

Husband, 40-year-old Phillip Garrido, had already been accused of harassing a 14-year-old girl by that time, and later served 11 years for rape adult woman. The first wife left him because of assault, and he met the second, Nancy, right in prison (although she did not sit there, but came to visit her criminal uncle).

Jaycee's stepfather saw how the girl was dragged into a gray car by force, but he had nothing at hand except a bicycle, on which it was not possible to catch up with the car. Moreover, his testimony did not help in any way in the search that had begun. Despite all the efforts of the police and a public campaign organized by the girl's mother, the kidnappers and their victim seemed to vanish into thin air. And they, meanwhile, simply settled in their country house, having settled the "trophy" in the outbuildings adjacent to it. On the very first day, Phillip Garrido raped the captured girl, after which he began to visit her regularly, sometimes even bringing gifts and sweets. When he again thundered into prison for drug use, his wife took over the functions of the overseer.

Nancy Garrido on trial

Only three years later, the tormentors began to temporarily release Jaycee from handcuffs, and also feed her cooked, not raw food. As it turned out, it was in her pregnancy, which came before she was 14 years old. The birth was successful, and a girl was born, who was named Angel. Three years later, she acquired a sister named Starlit (“starlit”). For the upbringing and education that Jaycee tried to give her children (at the insistence of the Garrido couple who considered her his sister), more than ten years passed. The former baby became an adult and no longer lived in a barn, but in a tent specially set up for her by Phillip. In addition, she took part in the “family” printing business, and many clients saw her, but no one could see in this woman in the prime of her life a long-lost girl.

The tent where Jaycee lived

This dubious “idyll” ended when Phillip, who had completely gone crazy on the basis of drug abuse, decided to visit the University of California at Berkeley and surprise scientists with his mind control abilities. Those, however, paid more attention to the two pale and silent girls whom he had dragged with him for some reason. Soon the police warden called Phillip for questioning, and he came to him with all his “ big family". At first, Jaycee called herself Alyssa and tried to shield the maniac, but in the end her identity was established. She later said that she did it out of a habit that allowed her to survive all this time.

Jaycee today

The return of Jaycee Dugard after 18 years caused a real sensation, and soon she appeared on the cover of People magazine.

In 2010, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a document paying a girl who returned from the other world $ 20 million as compensation for the ineffective work of law enforcement agencies in her case.

Jaycee with his mother

Like Natasha Kampush, Jaycee has written two books. The first was called "Stolen Life" and was released two years after its release, becoming a bestseller, and the second, called "Freedom: My Book of First Experiences", appeared in 2016.

Currently, Jaycee Dugard continues to raise her children. The place of residence of the family was not disclosed.

As for those who caused this complex and tragic story, they got their own: Philip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years in prison, and his wife will not be able to be released earlier than 36 years after the start of her sentence.

This scary tale started in autumn 2000. On Saturday evening, September 30, in the center of Ryazan, on Cathedral Square, a city holiday called “Vera. Hope. Love". On youth disco arranged around the stage, a huge number of people gathered. There were also two girlfriends - 14-year-old schoolgirl Katya Mamontova and 17-year-old student of the professional lyceum Lena Samokhina.

The event ended late, the city transport was no longer working, and the girls were delighted when white Zhiguli slowed down near them. The harmless-looking uncle who was driving smiled affably: “Don’t be afraid, I’ll take you cheap!”

When the car pulled up to their block, the driver's companion took out a bottle. "Come on, girls, let's drink for the holiday!" Lena refused: “We don’t drink!” But the young woman insisted: “Symbolically, for the acquaintance!” The girls took a sip - the drink turned out to be with some strange taste. They woke up ... 90 kilometers (!) From the house, in the regional town of Skopin, in the courtyard of the house owned by 54-year-old car mechanic Viktor Mokhov.

The man dragged his girlfriends, who had barely come to their senses, into the basement under the garage. His companion at parting smiled nastily: "Well, you got caught, girls!"

The owner raped right on the concrete floor, first Lena, and then Katya

After sitting for several hours in total damp darkness, Lena and Katya finally waited for the key to turn in the keyhole. The owner ordered Lena to leave first. He raped the girl right on the concrete floor, then, pushing her back into the bunker, called Katya. The situation repeated itself.

Mokhov made it clear to his girlfriends that from now on they will be his sexual slaves, obliged at the first request of the owner to fulfill any of his desires. He did not even beat them - he tortured them with hunger and thirst. As soon as he did not give the captives water for several days, they became silk, and agreed to anything for a sip of moisture. He could slightly pinch the ventilation hose brought out - and the slaves suffocated from suffocation. Or directly from his house cut down the light in the bunker. And electricity is not only light from a light bulb above the table. This is also warm - after all, in a cold, damp basement, the only salvation from the cold and dampness was an electric stove.

The girls, hoping for salvation, tried to scream, call for help. They even planned, like the Count of Monte Cristo, to dig out of their dungeon. But nothing worked: the bunker was too reliable. As it turned out later, Mokhov had been building the dungeon for three years. According to rough estimates, he had to manually shovel and take out about 40 tons of earth on a wheelbarrow. He explained to his elderly mother that he was building a winter room for nutrias, "so that their tails do not freeze." The thickness of the concrete layer on the floor and walls was at least 30 centimeters. Probably, Mokhov immediately prepared a room for a prison - he lowered a bulky bunk bed and a table into the dungeon even before he set about erecting a ceiling and a manhole.

It is almost impossible to notice the hole in the cellar from the outside. The wall of the garage is littered with some rubbish. Pushing it aside, you need to pick the second metal plate from the edge with a screwdriver. Having fallen off, it will open a shallow narrow passage, where you can squeeze through only on all fours. From a small cellar there is another hole - to a depth of about three meters. Mokhov knew for sure that an 80-year-old mother moving with a stick would never get there. At the bottom there were two rooms. One is about three square meters in size, the second (where, having opened a safe door as thick as a palm, you can also climb only by crawling) - about six meters.

The girls lived in a distant "room". Mokhov lowered them a single-burner electric stove, an electric kettle, buckets with ropes tied to them - for drinking water and slops. Having got better, he brought a TV - so that they would not lag behind life. The captives existed according to the schedule of the owner. They slept on the first or second shift, depending on when Mokhov went to work. The locksmith, leaving for his auto-aggregate plant, turned off the electricity in the bunker, and night fell for the slaves. Girlfriends are used to saving provisions. Mokhov, having let them down half a bucket of water, could disappear for a week. (If suddenly something happened to him, the captives immured at a depth of three meters would never have been found). Having worked his shift, the murderer returned home, went down to the cellar, threw a wadded blanket on the floor of the neighboring three-meter room and called the concubines of his "harem" one by one. Excited by obscene pictures hung on the walls, the “sultan” satisfied his lust. At such moments he felt like a superman.

Upon learning that the older "concubine" was pregnant, the owner threw a textbook on obstetrics into the bunker

After three months of underground life, the eldest of the girls, 17-year-old Lena, realized with horror that she was pregnant. Later, after her release, she said:

I asked, prayed for this man (Lena never called her tormentor by name - only That or Bastard. - Auth.) to let me go to the hospital or call a doctor. I was so scared to give birth in this bunker! And if there had been some complication, I probably would have died underground there. But he didn't agree to anything. He threw down a textbook on pediatrics and obstetrics for us, - they say, read, girls, get ready theoretically. Then, closer to the birth, the Bastard brought bandages and cotton wool. We had scissors to cut the umbilical cord. When Vladik was born, he threw old linen tablecloths into the bunker. We tore them into diapers, sewed a cap and a vest for Vladik.

It was some kind of horror! If it wasn't for Kate...

- Did your son live with you for a long time?

Almost two months. He always wanted to take him away, and Lena and I took turns guarding the baby. And the Bastard cut off our light for more than a day, we could not stand it, we fell asleep. On January 1, 2002, I woke up and began to rummage around the bed. There was no child. Then Thoth gave us a newspaper to look at, where it was written about a foundling. He wanted to prove that he did not kill the child. A year later, I became pregnant again. Olezhek was born on June 6, 2003, the birthday of Pushkin. He was very weak, not like his older brother. And I had nothing to feed him: milk either appeared or disappeared. He lived with us for four months. When the Bastard wanted to take the boy away, I no longer objected. But Katya and I decided to use this chance! They wrote two notes, one was hidden in the baby's cap, the second in a blanket. Days passed, and no one was looking for us. We thought that the coordinates were poorly indicated. In fact, it turned out that Thoth found and burned the notes, and put his own instead. He admitted this a month later ... Last fall, when we had been in captivity for three years, he sometimes began to let us out at night on Fresh air. Maybe he was afraid that we would rot downstairs altogether.

In the fall of 2003, residents of one of the apartment buildings found a baby wrapped in dirty, torn diapers, Skopin's prosecutor Valery Maryushkin told FACTS. - The child was lying on the floor in the entrance, with him there was a note. A woman who identified herself as Lena asked to transfer the child to good hands. When the baby was taken to the hospital, his appearance shocked the doctors - the foundling looked like a little old man. With a height of 55 centimeters, a four-month-old boy weighed 2 kilograms 400 grams! There was barely any life in it. Two years earlier, a similar incident occurred in Skopin: the same baby abandoned at the entrance and a note of similar content. In both cases, we searched the whole city, looking for the "cuckoo". But no one guessed to compare the handwriting of the notes ...

In the bunker, the girls dreamed of the sun. And when they went outside, they almost went blind

The car mechanic's captives were released only on May 4, 2004 - 1340 (!) days after the abduction. The police found out about them thanks to a student at the Skopinsky medical school, who rented a room from Mokhov's mother.

First, the student lodger noticed on personal plot Badly dressed girl, from which, according to her, “it smelled of dampness and mold,” says Ryazan Criminal Investigation Officer Roman Samsikov. - The stranger was digging up beds in the garden. Then the owner approached the student with strange questions. Say, like a doctor, if you strangle a person with a plastic bag, it will be clear from the corpse that the death is violent?" The future doctor answered that, of course, the pathologist would determine death from asphyxia. The owner did not give up: "How can you kill without any expert getting to the bottom of it?" The student shrugged her shoulders and walked away from talking on this topic. But one day she found a note in her tape recorder tucked under the cassette. There were only two names: "Elena Simakhina, Ekaterina Martynova." And at the bottom there was a small postscript "Take this to the police." At first, the girl did not dare to go to law enforcement officers with such "nonsense". May holidays with her parents in the village, she realized that she somehow felt uncomfortable returning to a suspicious house. And went to her precinct. He was not too lazy - honor and praise to him! - "punched" the names of the police reports. And it turned out that the girls named in the note went missing in Ryazan more than three and a half years ago ...

At the address indicated by the tenant, on Oktyabrskaya Street, a task force immediately left. A mechanic who was repairing one of his two cars was taken to the department. He did not lock himself up for a long time: he confessed to the abduction, told how to find the captives.

I simply could not believe in the reality of what was happening, - said prosecutor Valery Maryushkin, who participated in the release of the captives. - The faces of the girls who came out of the bunker were white as snow, they shielded their eyes from the sun with their palms. Lena was eight months pregnant and had to be carried in her arms.

Going downstairs, Maryushkin saw drawings on the walls of the bunker. On the pages torn from the album, a mermaid wagged her tail, a cheerful cow looked at the flower. And above the bed, a merry sun smiled all over the wall ... The prosecutor's throat caught in pity.

Katya and Lena came out into the light of day in the same clothes in which they went to the disco in September 2000. The first is in trousers and a sweater, the second is in a jacket and a miniskirt. Clothes, of course, were dirty and "smelly". But on pale faces captives reddened with brightly painted lips. Later, the unfortunate people said that Victor, bringing them lipstick, demanded that they "always look like those girls from porn magazines."

Immediately after her release, Lena Samokhina, staggering from weakness, was taken to the Ryazan maternity hospital No. 2. When asked if she would keep the baby, the girl hesitated: “I don’t know yet ... I hate his father.”

Two weeks later, she gave birth to her third son. But the boy was not viable and died shortly after birth. "Maybe it's for the best..." said the doctors who were watching the woman in labor.

“I don’t need such a memory!”

Lena's mother told me that the girls were found, - Katya's mother, Irina Mikhailovna Mamontova, told the FACTS correspondent. According to relatives, for three and a half years she never doubted that her daughter was alive. “I just believed in it and waited. One day I went to see a soothsayer. She looked at the photographs and said: “I don’t see them. Either dead or somewhere underground. Glancing at the photo of Lena, she added: “This girl got worse than yours.” Now I'm so happy that my daughter is back!

- Tell us, how was such a long-awaited meeting?

Hurrying to the police, where they called me to take my daughter, I was determined to control myself. But when she saw Katyusha, tears flowed from her eyes. So thin, her hair came out in clumps! I rushed to her with questions, but she snapped: Mom, I won’t tell, I want to forget everything as soon as possible. In the prosecutor's office, they say, I wrote four sheets, I don’t want to repeat.

- Didn't she say anything?

At home it thawed a little. But if it is spoken about something, then so, in separate phrases. He refuses to eat meat: he says that Mokhov brought them such disgusting minced meat that it turned back from the soul. Katya cooked cutlets for Lena - she had to eat, because she was either pregnant or nursing all the time - but she herself could not. She sat on potatoes and cabbage all this time. When I found out that my Katya had given birth twice, I almost fainted! I learned how to sew robes, a dowry for kids. Now he doesn’t sit at home for a minute: he cleans up, then he washes the dishes. “Relax,” I say, “daughter!” And she told me: "I'm not used to sitting idle."

- Many drawings were found in the bunker. Did Katya draw well before?

No, before she was not interested in brushes and paints. Talent erupted in her dungeon. There she began to write poetry. I wrote a whole notebook: about love, about nature. Dedicated to Lena, to me, older sister Asya. But when the operatives offered her daughter to take drawings and poems from the bunker as a keepsake, she seemed to cut off: “I don’t need such a memory!”

Irina Vasilievna, did you ask your daughter why the girls did not dare to attack their tormentor? There were two of them, and he was one. In addition, they say, he is by no means a hero ...

There was no brick or stone suitable for suddenly hitting the head in the basement. There was a knife. But after all, not everyone dares to attack a living person with a knife ... She asked her daughter: maybe they could pity him? And she told me: “On your knees, mom, they crawled. They kissed his feet, but all in vain.

“According to Katya, for the past six months, Victor has taken her out to get some air. Maybe you could run away?

Together, he never let them out of the bunker. He took one out, and locked the other as a hostage. He threatened: “If you decide to run away, your girlfriend will not do well.” He tied it with a rope to his hand. Katyusha said that several times she saw an old woman, his mother, in the yard. But she was afraid to ask her for help - she was sure that she was at one with her son.

How is your daughter feeling now?

Two weeks in a row convinced that everything is fine. And yesterday she suddenly blurted out: “Mom, how everything hurts me!” I'll take her to the doctors...

“If I knew what my son was doing in the cellar, she herself would have reported him to the police”

At the auto-aggregate plant where 54-year-old Viktor Mokhov worked, they still cannot believe that the former member of the party, a trouble-free and harmless hard worker, turned out to be a sexual maniac.

A good master, - his colleagues make a helpless gesture. - By nature - quieter than water, lower than grass. He was even nicknamed the Seal...

From neighbor's eyes, they say, you can't hide an awl in a bag! But it was not possible to learn much from Mokhov's neighbors either.

I saw that Victor often went into his basement, spent some time there, - one neighbor said. -- So what? I thought he was making something ... It could not have occurred to me that he had such a horror there!

Another neighbor, knitting her eyebrows, said:

And I always thought that he was too secretive and cautious. He went in, went out - and the doors were locked.

It remained to talk with the mother of the "hero". The house of the Mokhovs outwardly does not differ from the neighbors. Strongly built, with several rows of barbed wire over high fence(everyone here). 77-year-old Alisa Valentinovna Mokhova showed me the holes dug in the garden:

This is what the police did. All the dead were looking for. They took away my son's old trousers, stained with ochre. Thought it was blood. And my boy, even when slaughtering rabbits, closed his eyes.

The old woman said that Victor was married once - in 1979, when he was not yet thirty. His wife, his age, lived in the Mokhov house for only three months and disappeared. Did not get along. Since then he has lived alone.

"Didn't you ask your son why he didn't get married?"

Yes, he went through his head with such questions. But he laughed it off: where, they say, I'm in my sixties. He had many cohabitants, and all of them were young. One 24-year-old lived with us for seven months. Then, however, she ran away.

“Did you know that your son keeps captives in the bunker?”

The old woman is crying, pressing a handkerchief to her eyes:

God, what a shame, I still can't believe it! If I had found out about the captives, I myself would have reported him to the police! The whole city is now talking about us, the neighbors are in shock.

At the mention of the fact that just a few tens of meters from her house were born (only not into the light, but into darkness!) Two grandchildren, the dream of which Alisa Valentinovna cherished for many years, the woman again bursts into tears.

Fiend my son! But such gold was - good, kind! He always brought his salary home, did not smoke, did not swear. Almost didn't drink. The neighbors were jealous. I can't wrap my head around how he could do such a terrible thing!

Judging by the stories of your son's captives, for the past six months he has taken them out for a walk. Have you never seen girls?

The woman told how once she woke up at night from fuss in her son's room. Shouting: "What kind of slut did you bring there?", She rushed to him to restore order. Then for the first time I saw a black-haired girl cowering under a blanket. (Perhaps the complexes of the 54-year-old son are the result of the inflexibility of the maternal character?) Then Alisa Valentinovna saw the brunette several more times. "Chernenkaya" together with her son dug a garden, grilled shish kebabs on a fire. She even went into the house to wash the dishes. For some reason it occurred to the mother that the girl was a Chechen refugee sheltered by her neighbors.

She didn't complain about anything to me, and I didn't pester me with questions.

Suddenly old woman abruptly changes his tone and begins to defend his son.

Why didn't she run away? Didn’t jump over the fence, didn’t rush to the neighbors? So, I didn't really want to! Such a life suited her!

“I have always dreamed of procreation”

During interrogation after the arrest, Mokhov admitted that while building the bunker, he entertained himself with thoughts of how he would have sex with young captives there. On the "hunt" for potential victims went more than once. I dreamed that there were two of them: a blonde and a brunette.

He was asked why he did not kill the babies. The detainee replied that he loved children very much and could not destroy innocent souls. In addition, these were his sons, and he always dreamed of procreation.

But his slaves were doomed.

Mokhov would eventually get rid of them, - believes Prosecutor Valery Maryushkin. - He was very afraid of prison and understood that if he let the girls go, they would immediately turn to the police. However, if he had not killed the captives, they themselves would have died of disease in such conditions. And no one would ever know about their fate.

Now Viktor Mokhov is being held in a pre-trial detention center in Ryazan. He was charged with kidnapping (punished, according to the Russian Criminal Code, from 6 to 15 years in prison), rape of minors (from 8 to 15 years). Possibly, leaving in danger will be added here (meaning babies abandoned in cold porches), which provides for imprisonment for up to one year. Mokhov's companion, who treated gullible Ryazan women with vodka, was put on the wanted list.

Both boys, the sons of the rapist and his slave, are in orphanages in Ryazan. Prior to this, Oleg and Vladik were considered orphans. But now that the kids have a mom and dad, they have been struck off the list of children offered for adoption. Now the kids will have to wait until their fate is decided.

The case of the Skopinsky maniac is a story of ten years ago. The details of it are remembered only by investigators, journalists and, of course, the victims themselves. Recall that in September 2000, a 54-year-old locksmith from Skopin, Viktor Mokhov, undertook to give a lift to the house of two underage girls - 16 and 17 years old. On the way home, they drank, and woke up already in a concrete bag at a depth of several meters underground - in two tiny rooms there was a bunk bed, a table and a chair. For almost four years, Mokhov held the girls captive, forcing them to join him in sexual intercourse. During this time, the eldest of the concubines bore him several babies, whom the father carefully threw into the entrances of residential buildings. The girls were released only in 2004 after one of them managed to hand over a note to the police. Mokhov was charged under seven criminal articles and sentenced to 17 years in prison in a strict regime colony.

Then the story attracted the attention of the media not only federal level- even from abroad journalists came to see the same dungeon. As a result, the small town of Skopin "became famous" throughout Russia. And of course, while preparing the other day for the departure of the mobile editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda to the Skopinsky district, among other sights, we remembered Mokhov and began to ask everyone we had a chance to talk about it - from officials to policemen.
- So he was killed in the zone, - one of the interlocutors told me and, noticing my bewilderment, added, - yes, they say, a couple of years ago.

We try not to believe in news from the category of OBS (one woman said). But the more residents of the area I interviewed about the fate of Mokhov, the more often I heard that he really died in the zone, and not by his own death. Trying to track down Mokhov's trail, I found out the following: the criminal is almost impossible to find if, after the verdict was passed, he was transferred to another region. Neither in investigative committee, neither the prosecutor's office, nor the police, nor the court, nor the UIN could answer a simple question for me: in which region of Russia is a native of the Ryazan region serving his sentence. There are no documents, no people who could explain something. It turns out that the small homeland of a person sent a person somewhere to Kolyma to be re-educated, and even forgot about him. As they say, a crook with a cart ...

And yet one thread leads to a maniac. And it winds, in fact, from his paternal house in the Skopinsky district, from his mother. However, is Alisa Valentinovna herself alive ... When Mokhov was exposed, she was already under 80.

“After Victor’s arrest, the mother stopped communicating with people”
Arriving in Skopin, by inertia, the first thing I did was go to the local police and investigators. They, by their own admission, also heard something about Mokhov's death, but officially did not have any information. They drew me the road, explained how to get there. True, no one remembered the exact address - for ten years since the arrest of the Skopinsky maniac, neither the opera nor the investigators have visited his house.
- Yes, you ask on the street where Mokhov's house is - anyone will show you, - they unanimously advised me in the local police and the investigative committee. Everyone here knows this story.

And sure enough, the first granny stopped willingly explained how to find the infamous house. And at the same time she shared her observations on the life of its inhabitants.
“After Victor was taken away, his mother completely stopped communicating with people,” said a neighbor down the street. - She used to be closed, but now she hardly leaves the house.
- And who buys food for her, and generally takes care of household needs? - I'm perplexed.
- So now some man lives in her house, they say that he was serving in the zone with Viktor, and now he has freed himself and came to her. Helps with housework, gardening.

Rumors about the death of Mokhov in the zone, as it turned out, reached ordinary residents of the town. But whether this is true or not, no one could tell me with certainty. They heard to hear, but to ask the mother somehow ... Not that they would consider it a faux pas. It's just that over the years the story of the captive concubines has faded somewhat, and the news about the pervert neighbor has ceased to hold the first lines of the local gossip rating.

In the Mokhov zone, he eats gingerbread and solves crossword puzzles
A red wooden house... I would hardly describe it with these epithets if I myself had to explain the way to someone. An old hut, covered with burgundy paint cracked and faded from time to time - in such a house the mother of one of the country's most famous sex offenders lives her life. I push the gate - it lends itself easily, there are no tricky bolts. Instead of them, a live watchman. A black-and-white dog stops me at the door with a warning bark, but after a couple of minutes, having fulfilled his duty, he begins wagging his tail happily.

While waiting for the appearance of the hostess, I have time to look around. Since 2008, when I accompanied the English director Richard Dalton here (he makes films around the world about maniacs holding people captive), everything has fallen into disrepair. The porch is slightly slanted, the window leaf hangs on one hinge, the upholstery on front door torn into the house - loneliness, the absence of a male master's hand, is visible in everything.

Finally, Alisa Valentinovna comes out of the house, a completely decrepit old woman in a green wool sweater and with a stick. She is not surprised at my visit, over the past years she has not seen anyone in her house: the police, the prosecutor's office, and journalists of all stripes. And I always tried to stay away from them: You need to - look, shoot, but I have nothing to do with it. Mokhov's mother took this position even during the investigation. At all interrogations, she stated that she did not interfere in her son's affairs and knew nothing about the captives in the garage in the garden before her son was detained. Investigators were unable to prove otherwise. But some of that investigation team are still sure that the mother, if she didn’t know, then guessed, but preferred to leave everything to Victor’s discretion.

Alisa Valentinovna does not look upset and even more heartbroken, and after a few greeting-on-duty phrases, I carefully explain the purpose of the visit:
- I came to you with an unusual question, you will forgive me. They say that your son was killed in the zone ... Is this true?

These were fractions of a second, but for them animal horror flared up and went out in the eyes of the woman. The mother is not a maniac, not a pervert, not a criminal, I saw the mother of my beloved and forever small son for her in her eyes, faded from loneliness and grief.
- Didn't you know? Everything shrinks inside of me. But suddenly the old woman's face assumes its former indifferently alienated expression. She seems to remember something and says in the same slightly raspy voice:
- Alive. Just yesterday I received a letter from him, do you want me to show you? - and then, after thinking, he adds: - And they have been talking for a long time. And I even heard. Wish evil, that's what they say.

After a couple of minutes, I have a letter from the zone in my hands. On the stamp - May 23. It looks quite ordinary and even quite well written. I am allowed to read it so that I can finally make sure that Victor is alive and well. "Hello mother! Everything is fine with me ... ”- this is how the letter begins. I immediately turn the sheet over and look at the signature: “I kiss you, Victor. May 20, 2014".

And between these lines is a sheet of neatly written text, with paragraphs and even margins. What does the cruel maniac write about to his mother? He talks about how he managed to insert his teeth in time before the price increase, asks to put raisins, oatmeal cookies and, of course, several books with Sudoku crossword puzzles in the package. Mokhov regularly sends money to buy parcels and all ordered hotels to his mother. According to Alisa Valentinovna, he does not have any special gastronomic preferences: he always asks for tea, and sometimes for gingerbread.
“And the son is also very worried about the garden, how things are going on the farm, he asks if there will be pears and apples this year,” says the mother.

During the conversation, a man appears in the yard. When I asked him who he is to Victor, he answers without much confidence in his voice:
- A relative, - and adds: - I'm helping here.
Boris, that is the name of a relative, helps his grandmother to sit on the porch.
- Do you communicate with Victor? - I ask my new interlocutor.
- Certainly. He calls us once every two weeks, writes letters, Boris smiles. - And we are collecting parcels for him. More than twenty kilograms is impossible, so you can’t walk around with food.
Is he not remorseful? - I ask unexpectedly for myself. Instead of an answer, a heavy sigh from the mother, and at that moment the relative, muttering indistinctly under his breath, turns away to pet the dog.

“Nobody will be put in a flooded garage”
After awkward pause the conversation resumes. They tell me that in the ten years that Mokhov has been in prison, he has not had any unpleasant incidents with the inhabitants of the zone or with the administration of the colony.
- As you behave, so they will treat you, - explains Boris. - So he has seven years left, but he thinks that they will knock him off for a year or two and release him ahead of schedule. And the mother will not wait ... - he adds quietly.

Alisa Valentinovna does not know how many times a month, a year visits are allowed in the colony where her son is imprisoned - she has never been there.
- Where to go? I can’t, and Vitya doesn’t have anyone else, ”the mother concludes with bitterness in her voice.
So the mother will die without patting her son on the cheek. Though a criminal, but his blood.

And I flooded the garage, - Boris suddenly said out of the ensuing silence. - You won't put anyone else there.

I involuntarily cast a glance deep into the garden and immediately remembered how I was crawling down two stairs into that same underground prison. Boris hospitably allowed me to look at the garage and invited me inside the yard with his hand. The second time I walked through a garden divided into uneven squares by barbed wire and greenhouses. Again, my heart was pounding inside me. I don't suffer from claustrophobia, but in this barbed-wire garden on a narrow path, I felt cramped, stuffy and scared and wanted to run back to the exit with all my might. There were old white Zhigulis in front of the garage. The uninitiated would never have guessed where the real bunker was under it with a heavy safe door inside.

We said goodbye to the inhabitants of the house warmly, on a friendly note. I wanted, it was, to ask the phone number to be in the know. Yes, but who? The 87-year-old old woman is not very suitable for the role of an informant-commentator. And a relative ... So he is very distant. Thank you for looking after the house. And there is no more demand from him. There are still seven years to go.

Tatyana Badalova

On Tuesday Skopinsky City Court (Ryazan region) passed a guilty verdict on a mechanic of an auto-aggregate plant, who kept two girls in his basement as slaves for 3 years and 8 months. The court found 54-year-old Viktor Mokhov guilty under Part 2 of Art. 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Kidnapping of two or more persons”) and Part 2 of Art. 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Rape of a minor”) and sentenced him to 17 years in a strict regime colony.

As follows from the case file, the girls were abducted on October 30, 2000. On this day, the local cellular company, in honor of the 5th anniversary of its work, organized a mass holiday on Cathedral Square in Ryazan. In the evening, the disco "Faith, Hope, Love" began. Two girlfriends, 14-year-old evening school student Katya Mamontova and 17-year-old student of the Ryazan vocational school-39 Lena Samokhina, met at a dance with an elderly worker Viktor Mokhov and his young friend, who called himself Lesha. New acquaintances suggested that the girls ride around the city in Mokhov's Zhiguli. When the company got into the car, it turned out that "Lesha" was actually 25-year-old Lena. It's just that the girl looked a lot like young man- short haircut men's clothing and with masculine habits. However, the teenage girls were not embarrassed and responded to Mokhov's proposal to drink vodka together.

As it turned out later, Diphenhydramine was added to the vodka.

After a while, the girls woke up in a cramped, dark room - it was a garage. Mokhov’s companion said goodbye to them: “Here, girls, you got caught” - and left, leaving the captives alone with the locksmith, who immediately raped them (according to other sources, the woman also raped the girls).

Viktor Mokhov lived in the town of Skopin, 90 kilometers from Ryazan in own house along with mother. In 1997, he began to expand the garage - to dig the third level under the basement. Spent there ventilation and electricity. He explained to the neighbors that he would store potatoes there, and to his mother - to keep nutria. There he later placed his captives. From the cellar to the basement led a small hatch, carefully disguised as a floor paneling. Next came the "entrance hall", which ended with another door leading into a small room two by three meters in size. In this cell, a two-story bed, a table and a bucket were made. Not a sound came from the chamber to the surface - the thickness of the concrete walls and floor reached 30 centimeters.

In this chamber, the captives spent the first three years, never going to the surface.

Mokhov regularly raped and tortured them - he blocked the ventilation and turned off the electricity (it was damp and cold in the basement, the captives warmed themselves from the electric stove), did not give water. In addition to sex, he demanded nothing more from the captives. As a token of mercy, he once brought a TV and a tape recorder into the cell. During the imprisonment, Lena was pregnant twice and gave birth to two boys - births were taken right there. When the first newborn was two months old, Mokhov threw him into the entrance of one of the houses. He did the same with the second child - when he was four months old. In the diapers of the second child, the captives hid a note asking for help, but Mokhov found it.

The fate of the children is not exactly known - according to some reports, they ended up in an orphanage.

Since the fall of 2003, the regime for keeping sex slaves has weakened - the locksmith began to take the girls out one by one for a walk. During one of the walks, Katya Mamontova managed to talk to Mokhov's lodger, a student at the Skopinsky Medical College. The captive gave her a note, which she asked to be sent to the police. The tenant did just that.

By that time, Mamontova and Samokhina had already been considered missing for three and a half years, and the Skopinsky prosecutor's office was unsuccessfully investigating a criminal case initiated under Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Murder". After the police received a note for help, they went to Mokhov. Seeing the policemen, he rushed to run through the back door, but was caught.

The operatives hardly found the camouflaged hatch (Mokhov denied everything and was silent about the manhole to the last). When the girls were brought to the surface, it turned out that Lena Samokhina was eight months pregnant.

After the captives were released, the police decided that Mokhov was involved in other disappearances of the girls. In order to find some evidence, the investigators dug up almost the entire backyard of the locksmith, but did not find anything. At first, during interrogations, Mokhov confessed everything, but then he changed his position - he said that he was digging a cellar for potatoes, and the decision to settle captives in it came later. According to him, the girls themselves asked for a ride home, and when instead of a house they ended up at Mokhov, they also voluntarily went down to the basement. In addition, Mokhov said that he met his accomplice Lena by chance and has not seen her since.

According to the Ryazan agency 7 Novosti, in June 2004, a 29-year-old resident of Ryazan, Elena Badukina, Mokhov's alleged accomplice, was detained. During interrogation, she denied her guilt. However, the prosecutor's office of the Ryazan region charged her under Art. 131 h. 2 pp. "c", "e" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Rape by a group of persons known to be minors, accompanied by the threat of murder").

According to local media, those who know Viktor Mokhov assess him as a positive, friendly person.

At the auto-aggregate plant, Mokhov, according to his colleagues, did not receive a single disciplinary remark. Didn't drink, didn't smoke. After work, he tinkered around in his backyard. For his sluggish character, he received the nickname "Seal". In 1979, he married, but divorced three months later. At the same time, in district prosecutor's office remembered that Mokhov's father was in prison for rape.

The mother of the slave owner, 80-year-old Alisa Mokhova, also praised her son. On the air of the RenTV television company, she said: “It doesn’t even fit in my head. good son and suddenly ... two! At least one, but then two! ” The investigation failed to prove that Alisa Mokhova knew about the captives, and therefore she was treated as a witness in the case, and not an accomplice. At the same time, the neighbors of the Mokhovs noticed that the mother was buying a large number of products, excessive for two people. Alisa Mokhova, according to her, really saw one bp of girls - Mokhov brought Katya Mamontova to the house and called him his friend. The girl washed the dishes, dug up the Mokhov beds. Of the "guests" she was again lowered into the basement, and Mokhov told his mother that she had gone home.

At the Serbsky Research Institute, Viktor Mokhov was recognized as sane. His captives underwent a course of psychological rehabilitation.

An 87-year-old woman showed us Viktor Mokhov's last letter and told us who flooded the basement in which he kept two girls for four years

Photo: Tatyana BADALOVA

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The case of the Skopinsky maniac is a story of ten years ago. The details of it are remembered only by investigators, journalists and, of course, the victims themselves. Recall that in September 2000, a 54-year-old locksmith from Skopin, Viktor Mokhov, undertook to give a lift to the house of two underage girls - 16 and 17 years old. On the way home, they drank, and woke up already in a concrete bag at a depth of several meters underground - in two tiny rooms there was a bunk bed, a table and a chair. For almost four years, Mokhov held the girls captive, forcing them to have sexual intercourse with him. During this time, the eldest of the concubines bore him several babies, whom the father carefully threw into the entrances of residential buildings. The girls were released only in 2004 after one of them managed to hand over a note to the police. Mokhov was charged under seven criminal articles and sentenced to 17 years in prison in a strict regime colony.

Then the story attracted the attention of the media not only at the federal level - even journalists came from abroad to see that very dungeon. As a result, the small town of Skopin "became famous" throughout Russia.

And of course, while preparing the other day for the departure of the mobile editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda to the Skopinsky district, among other sights, we remembered Mokhov and began to ask everyone we had a chance to talk to about it - from officials to policemen.

So he was killed in the zone, - one of the interlocutors told me and, noticing my bewilderment, added, - yes, they say, a couple of years ago.

We try not to believe in news from the category of OBS (one woman said). But the more residents of the area I interviewed about the fate of Mokhov, the more often I heard that he really died in the zone, and not by his own death.

Trying to track down Mokhov's trail, I found out the following: the criminal is almost impossible to find if, after the verdict was passed, he was transferred to another region. Neither the investigative committee, nor the prosecutor's office, nor the police, nor the court, nor the UIN could answer a simple question for me: in which region of Russia is a native of the Ryazan region serving his sentence. There are no documents, no people who could explain something. It turns out that the small homeland of a person sent a person somewhere to Kolyma to be re-educated, and forgot about him. As they say, a crook with a cart ...

And yet one thread leads to a maniac. Who but the mother can say exactly what happened to her son? However, is Alisa Valentinovna herself alive ... When Mokhov was exposed, she was already under 80.

“After Victor’s arrest, the mother stopped communicating with people”

Arriving in Skopin, by inertia, the first thing I did was go to the local police and investigators. They, by their own admission, also heard something about Mokhov's death, but officially did not have any information. They drew me the road, explained how to get there - a red wooden house on the edge. True, no one remembered the exact address - for ten years since the arrest of the Skopinsky maniac, neither the opera nor the investigators have visited his house.

Yes, you ask on the street where Mokhov's house is - anyone will show you - they unanimously advised me in the local police and the investigative committee. Everyone here knows this story.

And sure enough, the first granny stopped willingly explained how to find the infamous house. And at the same time she shared her observations on the life of its inhabitants.

After Victor was taken away, his mother completely stopped communicating with people, - said a neighbor down the street. - She was closed before, but now she hardly leaves the house.

And who buys food for her, and generally takes care of household needs? I wonder.

So now some man lives in her house, they say that he was serving in the zone with Viktor, and now he has freed himself and came to her. Helps with housework, gardening.

Rumors about the death of Mokhov in the zone, as it turned out, reached ordinary residents of the town. But whether this is true or not, no one could tell me with certainty. They heard to hear, but to ask the mother somehow ... Not that they would consider it a faux pas. It's just that over the years the story of the captive concubines has faded somewhat, and the news about the pervert neighbor has ceased to hold the first lines of the local gossip rating.

In the Mokhov zone, he eats gingerbread and solves crossword puzzles

A red wooden house… I would hardly describe it that way if I myself had to explain the way to someone. An old hut, covered with cracked and faded burgundy paint, is the home of the mother of one of the country's most notorious sex offenders. I push the gate - it lends itself easily, there are no tricky bolts. Instead of them, a live watchman. A black-and-white dog stops me at the door with a warning bark, but after a couple of minutes, having fulfilled his duty, he begins wagging his tail happily.

While waiting for the appearance of the hostess, I have time to look around. Since 2008, when I accompanied the English director Richard Dalton here (he makes films around the world about maniacs holding people captive), everything has fallen into disrepair. The porch squinted, the window leaf hangs on one hinge, the upholstery on the front door to the house is torn - loneliness, the absence of a male master's hand, is visible in everything.

Finally, Alisa Valentinovna comes out of the house, a completely decrepit old woman in a green woolen jacket and with a stick. She is not surprised at my visit, over the past years she has not seen anyone in her house: the police, the prosecutor's office, and journalists of all stripes. And I always tried to stay away from them. You need to - look, shoot, but I have nothing to do with it, - Mokhov's mother took such a position even during the investigation. At all interrogations, she stated that she did not interfere in her son's affairs and knew nothing about the captives in the garage in the garden before her son was detained. Investigators were unable to prove otherwise. But some of that investigation team are still sure that the mother, if she didn’t know, then guessed, but preferred to leave everything to Victor’s discretion.

Alisa Valentinovna does not look upset and, even more so, heartbroken, and after a few greeting-on-duty phrases, I carefully explain the purpose of the visit:

I came to you with an unusual question, you will forgive me. They say that your son was killed in the zone ... Is this true?

These were fractions of a second, but for them animal horror flared up and went out in the eyes of the woman. The mother is not a maniac, not a pervert, not a criminal, I saw the mother of my beloved and forever small son for her in her eyes, faded from loneliness and grief.

Didn't she know?! Everything shrinks inside of me. But the old woman's face almost immediately assumes its former indifferently alienated expression. She seems to remember something and says in the same slightly raspy voice:

Alive. Just yesterday I received a letter from him, do you want me to show you? - and then, after thinking, he adds: - And they have been talking for a long time. And I even heard. Wish evil, that's what they say.

After a couple of minutes, I have a letter from the zone in my hands. On the stamp - May 23. It looks quite ordinary and even quite competent for a locksmith. I am allowed to read it so that I can finally make sure that Victor is alive and well.

"Hello mother! Everything is fine with me ... ”- this is how the letter begins. I immediately turn the sheet over and look at the signature: “I kiss you, Victor. May 20, 2014".

And between these lines is a sheet of neatly written text, with paragraphs and even margins. What does the cruel maniac write about to his mother? He talks about how he managed to insert his teeth in time before the price increase, asks to put raisins, oatmeal cookies and, of course, several books with Sudoku crossword puzzles in the package.

Mokhov regularly sends money to buy parcels and all ordered hotels to his mother. According to Alisa Valentinovna, he does not have any special gastronomic preferences: he always asks for tea, and sometimes for gingerbread.

And the son is very worried about the garden, how things are going on the farm, he asks if there will be pears and apples this year, - says the mother.

During the conversation, a man appears in the yard. When I asked him who he is to Victor, he answers without much confidence in his voice:

Relative, - and adds: - Far. I help here.

Boris, that's his name, helps his grandmother to sit on the porch.

Are you in touch with Victor? I ask my new interlocutor.

Certainly. He calls us once every two weeks, writes letters, - Boris smiles. - And we are collecting parcels for him. More than twenty kilograms is impossible, so you can’t walk around with food.

Is he not remorseful? – I ask unexpectedly for myself. Instead of an answer, a heavy sigh from the mother, and at that moment the relative, muttering indistinctly under his breath, turns away to pet the dog.

“Nobody will be put in a flooded garage”

After an awkward pause, the conversation resumes. They tell me that in the ten years that Mokhov has been in prison, he has not had any unpleasant incidents with the inhabitants of the zone or with the administration of the colony.

As you behave, so they will treat you, - explains Boris. - So he has seven years left, but he thinks that they will knock him off for a year or two and release him ahead of schedule. And the mother will not wait ... - he adds quietly.

Alisa Valentinovna does not know how many times a month, a year visits are allowed in the colony where her son is imprisoned - she has never been there.

Where to go? I can’t, and Vitya doesn’t have anyone else, ”the mother concludes with bitterness in her voice.

So the mother will die without patting her son on the cheek. Though a criminal, but his blood.

And I flooded the garage, - Boris suddenly said out of the ensuing silence. “You won’t put anyone else in there.

I involuntarily cast a glance deep into the garden and immediately remembered how I was crawling down two stairs into that same underground prison. Boris hospitably allowed me to look at the garage and invited me inside the yard with his hand. The second time I walked through a garden divided into uneven squares by barbed wire and greenhouses. Again, my heart was pounding inside me. I don't suffer from claustrophobia, but in this barbed-wire garden on a narrow path, I felt cramped, stuffy and scared and wanted to run back to the exit with all my might.

There were old white Zhigulis in front of the garage. The uninitiated will never guess that under it is a real bunker with a heavy safe door inside. As well as where exactly Mokhov arranged the entrance ...

We said goodbye to the inhabitants of the house warmly, on a friendly note. I wanted, it was, to ask the phone number to be in the know. Yes, but who? The 87-year-old old woman is not very suitable for the role of an informant-commentator. And a relative ... So he is very distant. Thank you for looking after the house. And there is no more demand from him. There are still seven years to go.