Natalia StepanovaYour personal protector. Conspiracies and charms of the Siberian healer. Conspiracy for a successful ending

Your personal protector. Conspiracies and amulets Siberian healer

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

Natalia Stepanova
Your personal protector. Conspiracies and charms of the Siberian healer

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Your personal protector on the road

Prayer before starting any work

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls. Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I begin, to Your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without Beginning, You said with Your most pure lips, that without Me you can do nothing. My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume in my soul and heart spoken by You, I bow to Your goodness: help me, a sinner, this work that I begin, do about You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, with the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

Conspiracy for good luck

In the open field
Michael the Archangel.
He stabs with pitchforks, he stabs with knives,
All my words, all my deeds speak,
Deal with desire fastens,
To be fulfilled
He blesses him.
My talented hour
The case is controversial
From Michael the Archangel of my conspiracy.
I have, servants of God (name), a holy magician,
Everything that she said will be so.

Calling on God's help in any good deed

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.
Troparion, tone 2
Creator and Creator of all kinds, O God, the work of our hands, beginning to Your glory, hastily correct Your blessing, and deliver us from all evil, as the only Almighty and Humanitarian.
Kontakion, tone 6
Quick to intercede and strong to help, present yourself to the grace of Thy strength now, and having blessed, strengthen, and to accomplish the intention of the good deed of Thy servants, do it: all the more you want, like a Strong God, you can do.

Ask for success in any business

So that everything you have planned will work out and any of your journeys will end successfully, read the 126th psalm:
Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders toil in vain. If not the Lord will keep the city in vain bde stregy. It is in vain for you to eat mornings; you will rise after graying, eating the bread of sickness, when you give your loved ones sleep. This is the property of the Lord's Son, the reward of the internal fruit. Like arrows in the hand of a strong one, like the sons of the shaken. Blessed is he who will fulfill his desire from them. They will not be ashamed when they say their enemy in the gates.

For a good trip

So that everything turns out exactly the way you want it, read the following conspiracy before leaving the house:

In the sky star of bethlehem,
She showed the way to Christ
She accompanied the travellers.
Oh my God,
Be with me on the road
And you, star of Bethlehem,
Shine on my long journey.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

On a long journey for goods

Before leaving the house, stand on the threshold and read the following plot:

Prayer Mother of God grieving,
Deliver us from troubles, deliver us from sorrows,
Get rid of evil people, from an evil spirit.
Saint Father Nicholas,
Help us with your petitions
Before the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For a happy ending

If you have some important business ahead of you, then tie a knot on a thread and read a special conspiracy over it three times in a row - in this case, everything will turn out your way. The spoken words are:

How is this knot tied?
So it is with me, servants of God (name),
The case (such and such) soon came together.

For everything to be your way

This conspiracy is read before setting off on an important matter.

I lie down - I pray, I get up - I am baptized.
Under the earth is a worm, above the earth is a beast.
Above the sun and the moon and I am alone.
As I think
As I think
So may the Lord God bless
The Mother of God helps.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Calling for the help of the Holy Spirit

If you have a difficult task ahead of you, a long road or you need to solve some important question, turn to the Holy Spirit and ask him for help and assistance.

Help me Lord
Holy Spirit in my business
So that my enemies-enemies do not dare
It's my business to lose.
Lord, don't let the Holy Spirit kill
(briefly state the essence of your case).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer for your patronage

Each person, in need of the help of heavenly forces, can turn to his patron saint with a prayer.
Pleaser of God (name of the saint)! Remember us in your favorable prayers before Christ God, may He save us from temptations, illnesses and sorrows, may He grant us humility, love, reasoning and meekness, and may He vouchsafe us, unworthy, of His Kingdom. Amen.

If you leave your home for a long time

First of all, you need to take the earth from under the porch of your house and pour it out in a new place. There you will need to read such a conspiracy:

God's grace is endless
And earthly life is fleeting.
Mother earth bless me
To a new place, to a new life.
God bless my home.
To the servant of God (name)
She lived in the new, did not suffer,
Shed no bitter tears,
Didn't whine, didn't get bored
I don't remember the previous place.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

In order not to yearn for the father's house

Alternately open and close all the doors in your new home, while spitting and reading such a conspiracy:

How do I open and close these doors?
So I take off my longing for the old house.
Once to yourself, once from yourself, and then from yourself.

Prayer of a person going on a journey

With this prayer, travelers turn to the Most Holy Theotokos.
Oh, my Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, Hodegetria, patroness and hope of my salvation! Behold, on the path that is set before me, now I want to leave and for this time I entrust to You, my Most Merciful Mother, my soul and body, all my intelligent and material forces, entrusting everything to Your strong looking and Your all-powerful help. Oh, Good Companion and Protector of mine! I earnestly pray to Thee, that this path will not crawl, guide me on it, and direct it, All-Holy Hodegetria, as if You yourself weigh, to the glory of Your Son, my Lord Jesus Christ, be my helper in everything, especially in this far and on a difficult journey, keep me under Your sovereign protection from all troubles and sorrows that find, from enemies visible and invisible, and pray for me, my Lady, Your Son Christ our God, may His Angel be sent to help me, His peaceful, faithful mentor and guardian, yes as if of old he gave food to his servant Tobias Raphael, in every place and at all times keeping him on the road from all evil; so my path, having successfully managed and preserved me by heavenly power, may it be healthy to return me, peacefully and completely, to my dwelling to the glory of the name of His saint, glorifying and blessing Him in all the days of my life and magnifying You. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before leaving the house of St. John Chrysostom

I deny you, Satan, your pride and service to you, and combine with you, Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary

If you have a long and dangerous journey ahead, read the amulet called "The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos" before leaving the house. The same amulet can be copied onto a piece of paper and taken with you on the road. The spoken words are:

Under the vaults of heaven
Under the blue stains
On the green grass
Mother of God, Mother of God, slept,
She rested, shed holy tears in a dream.
Her son, Jesus Christ, wiped away her tears with his hand,
He asked His Most Pure Mother:
- Mother, my beloved, dear,
What are you crying about, what are you suffering about in a dream,
Why do you shed your tears?
- I slept with tears
There are seventeen days in the month of March.
I saw a terrible and terrible dream about You.
I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome,
And I saw you on the Cross.
Great reproach from the scribes and Pharisees.
At the command of Pilate you are condemned,
crucified on the cross,
They beat me on the head with a cane,
They spat in the face of the saint,
Vinegar was poured into the mouth.
Rib pierced by a warrior
Everything is filled with the blood of the saint.
crowned with a crown of thorns,
They threw stones.
The earth will shake, the curtains of the church
will break in two,
The stones will disintegrate, the dead will roll over
The bodies of the saints who have fallen asleep will rise,
The sun and moon will be darkened.
And there will be darkness all over the earth
Six to nine o'clock.
Your body Joseph with Nicodemus
Pilate will be asked
They will tie a clean shroud,
They will put it in a coffin and close it for three days.
Copper gates, iron doors.
The stones will crumble.
And on the third day you rose from the tomb
And gave the world a belly,
He freed Adam and Eve from hell forever.
Ascended to the Throne at the right hand of God the Heavenly Father.
- My Beloved Mother,
Your dream is true and just.
Who will write and read your dream
And he will carry it clean with him,
May your sleep protect him.
Guardian angel save your soul
From all executions and demonic throwings.
And he will not be afraid of hell,
Not a beast and passes death in vain.
And who will listen to this dream
With diligence and attention
That person will receive a remission of sins.
Or which pregnant woman
Will read this sheet
Listen to these words
She will give birth easily
And in longevity the child will save.
And who will read this dream for days and years,
That Mother of God and Christ will never forget.
He will not see fear in the days and nights,
Will not be crushed by the enemy.
He will read the dream - he will return from the campaign with glory,
Enemies will flee from his face.
Archangel Gabriel will show him the way.
Guardian angel will not leave
Before his worst enemy.
And who else will keep this dream in the house,
Save the house from fires
And cattle and bread will live in it.
Who will read the dream with true faith,
That person is delivered from eternal torment, from fire.
This leaf "Dream" will be written at the tomb of the Lord -
From Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Which person is true to this place,
Believes from the heart
And even if the sins of his kind -
Like sand in the sea
Leaves on the trees
That kind will be saved and forgiven
For the sleep of the Virgin,
Mother of God, and Her tears for Him.
Forever and ever, forever and ever.

Or, resort to the help of such a talisman:

The Lord Himself is coming
The Lord Himself calls His Mother.
- My mother, Mary,
Where did you live
Where did you spend the dark night?
- She lived and lived, whiled away the dark night.
She sat down at the Throne to rest,
I wasn't going to sleep.
My eyes are closed
Three crosses on the mountain dreamed.
There are robbers on two crosses, and you on one.
You, Christ, were nailed,
They crucified you on the Cross, beat you and tormented you,
They gave me vinegar to drink before death.
- Mother, your dream is fair,
The Myrrhbearer will rewrite it and give it to people.
Who will read your dream at least once,
He will never die of a needless death.
Won't drown in water
He will go into the forest - the beast will not touch him.
A thief won't steal from him
The fire of that person's dwelling will not burn.
Will go to court - will not be convicted,
He will ask for mercy - he will receive.
The Lord will add a century
And if he dies, he will save him from eternal torment.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Unbreakable amulet

This is a very strong amulet that will protect you not only from misfortune along the way, but also from dashing people, and from the intrigues of enemies. It is almost impossible to kill him, and those who try to do this are likely to suffer from a kickback themselves.

Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit.
Lord save me from all evil
From intrigues, notions, secret ideas,
Nets, stalkers, poisons, swords,
Conspiracies, answers,
Cunning, insidious negotiations,
From an enemy visit
From jail time
From bribery and sword
From a word spoken in a rush,
From the enemy meeting
From a false promise
From flooding water
From the sinking wave
From the beast, from the fire
From the violent wind, from the ice
Save me, Lord, save me!
From the evil sorcerer
Save me, Lord, save me!
From a terrible disease
From an early death in vain,
From the inverted cross
Save me, Lord, save me!
Chur, my thought, chur, my flesh,
Chur, my living red blood,
Chur, my wild dashing thought.
My guardian angel, pray for my soul
Everything that I said that, having forgotten, I did not say,
Word by word, come to me,
Servant of God (name), save from all evil.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To keep the road safe

Conspiracy words are read over a poppy, which they then take with them on a trip.

Nine measures of poppy
Tenth measure i.
Who counts nine measures of maku,
Only the one with my amulet will cope.
Guardian angels with me
God's icons on the wall.
Key, lock, tongue.

Words before a long journey

So that nothing bad happens on the way, when leaving the house, be sure to read such a protective conspiracy:

My sill, wait for me home
safe and sound
Enemies invincible.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

In order not to suffer in severe frost

Read before leaving home hard frost:

Mezen father, blizzard mother,
Don't grab, don't grab
Me, God's servant (name).
Don't cut, don't prick, don't break, don't notice
Do not put to sleep with frost.
Yar be, but not up to me,
Not for my horse.

Or like this:

Righteous Procopius and blessed Andrew!
You have been given power by the grace of God
Save souls from freezing.
You are my angels, you are my guardians!
In the forest, on the road, in the middle of the field,
Where there is no salvation of fire,
Help me,
Save me from death in the cold
As an angel brought salvation in severe frost
Righteous Procopius, blessed Andrew.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Soften the bitter cold

In the old days, this conspiracy was resorted to if someone had a long journey ahead, and there was severe frost on the street. The spoken words are:

Frost, frost, do not freeze the people of God,
Become jelly, not snow glass.
There is a bathhouse, the stove burns in it, scorches,
Fire with fire plays catch-up,
He is surrounded by heat.
Who will read these words
That the wind will not blow,
Snow will not sweep
The snowdrift will not take
He will be intact everywhere in the cold
And will not die from any frost.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

To avoid falling into ice

I go my own way
And you, grief, do not touch me.
The Lord is always with me
With His name I will not perish, I will not fall in haste.

To make the path successful and safe

Going to long way, do not forget to read a special conspiracy with which you will not only gain good luck, but also protect yourself from all sorts of misfortunes.

I'm going from field to field, to green meadows,
Distant places in the morning dawns
And starlights
On road stones.
Among the stones is the overpowering grass.
I didn't plant it, I didn't water it,
But I beat thirty-three bows.
Defeat my evil enemies,
So that they don’t let down on me,
At night they wouldn't kill me,
Food, drink not poisoned,
They didn't steal anything from me
I would be bypassed, circled.
How firmly the grass sits in the ground,
So strong will my conspiracy defend me.

So that trouble does not happen on the way

Read the conspiracy words over a handkerchief, with which you should wipe your face before leaving the house.

The shield is my guarantee, Christ is my protection.
I go, and everywhere I go
And a bright path.

Talk yourself out of trouble

If you are going on a long journey, then read once loudly, the second time in a whisper, and the third time to yourself such a conspiracy:

I stand at the Cross
Cross - church beauty,
The cross is praise to the martyrs,
And help to those in need.
Come closer to the Cross
I bow down to him.
Protect and defend from enemies and enemies,
From them evil tongues, their batogs,
From their fire and sword, from blasphemy.
Lord, send a blessing
For me to stand firm
And unbreakable
Like the holy cross.

Guardian on the way

Split the aspen twig on both sides and, after reading a special plot over it, hide it under the seat of your car.

holy traveller,
Saint Catherine,
Your feet are fast
Your legs are frisky
You walk the paths
Iron legs.
You won't get hit along the way
Nothing will happen to you
Grief will not happen.
It's not dark for you at night
In the cold you are not cold,
It won't get you wet in the rain
Nobody is screwing you.
The Lord is protecting you.
Oh my God,
Be you always with me,
Like Saint Catherine.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To avoid getting hurt on the road

So that an accident does not happen to you on the way, you need to read a special conspiracy-amulet from injuries:

How Jesus Christ Had No Wounds
From the nails on the cross
So there would be no wounds to the body of the servant of God (name).

To get rid of troubles on the way

Conspiracy words are read over a drink that you need to drink, looking at yourself in the mirror.

I'm walking across the open field
Meet me seven demons with half-spirits,
All black, all evil, all unsociable.
Go you spirits with half spirits,
To dashing people
Keep them on a leash
To keep me safe and sound
Along the way and on the road, in the house and in the forest,
In church and at a feast, at a wedding and in trouble.
My plot is long, my words are strong.
Who will refute the word
That be for worse and for good,
As I said before.

Or do the following. Before leaving the house, alternately put on three pairs of shoes (any). When for the third time you put on the shoes in which you go on a journey, read such a conspiracy-amulet:

Feet, my feet, you will walk the road.
I washed you all my life, put shoes on,
Holila, cut her nails,
She kept warm, dressed warmly.
How do you cross this threshold?
So you will bring me back.
Word and deed, I will go on the path boldly.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

From danger

Going on the road, you need to reprimand yourself in advance from all the possible misfortunes that may occur along the way - and you will be all right. To do this, resort to the help of a special conspiracy.

Lord, help, Lord, bless!
Boiled, swirled the ocean,
The ocean water has risen
Other water poured from the sky
Boiled, washed away a quarter of the land.
A church appeared on that dry land,
In the church of that Holy See.
On that holy throne sits Jesus Christ,
Next to Mother Holy Mother of God.
I'll get on my knees, I'll get the earth with my forehead,
I bow, I pray:
“You, Mother of God, forgive me.
You, Mother, save me from unbearable pain,
From an unknown illness, from a bullet, sword, fire.
Save me, Lord, save me.
My words are the keys
I make my locks.
Who will eat the alatyr stone,
Who will drink water into the ocean-sea,
Only that person will interrupt my words and my deed.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

From danger along the way

Before you leave the house, read the following plot:

Paths, paths, roads,
I baptize you with the cross,
I ask the living God.
Be easy and smooth to me,
I go without fear and looking back,
And you, thief dashing man,
Pass me by
Don't see me with your eyes
Don't listen with your ears.
Take care, Lord, my soul.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

To keep the path safe

Before leaving the house, change your shoes twice in a row and say:

Cross on me, faith in me
I am baptized with the cross
I believe in Jesus Christ
And I'm not afraid of anything with Him.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

From any danger

When you hear the peals of thunder, you need to immediately read the following conspiracy:

The power of the sky, yes, in defense of me.
The power of the sky, yes to my children in protection.
Lie down, amulet, on my threshold,
On my trail from vain tears
And from all sorts of troubles.
From the enemies I know
And from those I don't know
From lies, from water, from fire,
From wounds, from the word and from the sword,
From the youngest and from the oldest,
From the first and from the last.
As strength is from heaven, so is help from God.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Or resort to the help of a special conspiracy that is read in the morning, before leaving the house.

The Lord gave me the way
And the evil spirit made me anxious.
The Lord will conquer evil and free from evil.
God is holy and God is strong.

Path safety conspiracy

This conspiracy is read before setting off on the road.

There are three sisters, three hard fates:
One is a sharp pain
The second is a long illness,
The third sister is a road trouble.
Lord God my Jesus,
I, the servant of God (name), before You.
I ask the sky, I beg the Mother of God,
May I, the servant of God (name),
I will not suffer from these three sisters.
As established on earth
Glory to the Church and Jesus Christ,
So my words will be confirmed in this conspiracy.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Misfortune on the way to prevent

If you want your journey to go smoothly and smoothly and end safely, do not forget to read this plot before leaving the house:

Heavenly Savior, be ahead
Guardian angel, stay behind
Queen of Heaven, be above your head,
Save me whole.
From evil people and sudden death,
God save us.

From any trouble along the way

When going on a long journey, before leaving the house, stand facing east, cross yourself and say:

On the heavens,
On the Lord's height
Mother of the Blessed Virgin,
Saint Nicholas, God's saint,
Helper of Christ.
You stand next to the Lord
You see Jesus Christ day and night,
Pray for all those who are on the way.
Lord, save me, save me.
Pray, Lord, for me, God's servant (name).
Angels, come
Angels, go with me
Cover with indestructible protection,
Cover with an unbearable veil,
Help and Protect:
From water, fire, from the sword, knife,
From any blasphemy, misfortune, misfortune,
From seventy-seven misfortunes,
From theft, witchcraft,
From a jealous heart
Blind, from the beast of the forest,
From the snake, poison and witchcraft lining.
Fuck me!
The word is holy, strong, dear.
My God is always with me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

From grief on the way

Wanting to protect yourself from the trouble that may happen to you on a long journey, resort to the help of the following conspiracy-amulet:

As there is a trace from the heel of the Lord,
So I have no grief in my path.
I believe on the wing of an angel my long journey,
And You, Lord, do not forget me, the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever.

Prayer from the evil eye and corruption

If you have to be in a crowded place, turn to the Holy Great Martyr Nikita with a prayer request and ask him for protection from evil people.
O great passion-bearer of Christ Nikito! Hear the prayer of us sinners, and deliver us (names) from every sorrow and misfortune, from sudden death and from all evil. At the hour of the separation of the soul from the body, otzheniya, passion-bearer, every crafty thought and crafty demons, as if Christ our Lord our God would receive our souls with peace in a place of light, as from him the cleansing of sins, and He is the salvation of our souls, but every glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen
Or turn with a prayer to the holy hieromartyr Cyprian and martyr Justina.
O Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina! Listen to our humble prayer. Even if your temporary life was martyred for Christ, but you do not depart from us in spirit, always, according to the commandment of the Lord, teach us to walk and patiently bear your cross helping us. Behold, boldness to Christ God and the Most Pure Mother of God acquired nature. The same and now will be prayer books and intercessors for us, unworthy of them (names). You will be the intercessor of the fortress for us, but by your intercession we will remain unharmed from demons, sorcerers and from evil people, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Charm from the evil eye

So that no one jinxes you, when going to a crowded place, bite your tongue slightly and read such a conspiracy-amulet:

I'm not a girl, I'm not a woman, I'm a bear.
I have teeth like a wolf.
Brown eye, gray eye, blue eye.
No eye will ever jinx me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Or read special conspiracy words over the water, which you wash before leaving the house.

God is in heaven, God is on earth, God is everywhere.
And my amulet is on me, God's servant (name).
As living people do not gnaw on a dead bone,
So no one's evil eyes will take me.
My words are the key
The key is in the sea, the lock is locked.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

To not jinx

If someone stares at you or continuously praises you, then you need to play it safe and whisper these protective words a little audibly:

Look at me, don't miss me.
You don't screw me.

Conspiracy from the gypsy evil eye

Read the conspiracy words over the water, which should then be washed.

A gypsy rode on a horse, on a morocco saddle,
The horse stumbled, the evil eye turned over.
Do not spoil me from the gypsy horse.

Amulet from the evil eye and damage

Wash yourself exactly at midnight, reading such a plot:

There are two eyes in the white skull in the forehead,
And on my forehead there is not and will not be the evil eye.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Or read the following conspiracy before leaving the house:

There is a pillar to the Almighty.
I hold on to the pole with one hand,
I am baptized with the other hand.
And how lightning does not break a pillar,
So the enemies will not spoil me, do not destroy me.
I close myself from any iron,
I shrug off the enemy
I don't get off the pole.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So that no one jinxes you on the way and does not bring damage

Wanting to protect yourself from evil people, read a special plot at the moment when you put a ring on your finger. The conspiracy is as follows:

The heretic will crawl into the ring, then only spoil everything.
When a heretic crawls through the eye of a needle,
Then he will spoil me.

So that damage does not stick

This amulet is read on even days (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.). After reading it, you can already safely go to crowded places - no one will jinx you and will not cause damage. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

I step back, bow my head,
I pray to the Lord, I am baptized,
I will put on holy words.
I will rise, the servant of God (name), under the sky,
Under the sun, under the open field.
The wind is walking in the field, my words are enough,
Raises to the sky of God.
The Holy Church opens the royal gates.
I'm talking to myself
I denounce my enemies:
From all sorcerers, from all sorcerers,
From all witches, from all witches.
Who will famously think of me, who will famously think,
He considers a forest in the forest,
He considers sand in the sea.
Eat yourself, gnaw
And you, Lord, do not give me away:
Not witches, not witches
Not witches, not witches.
Evil won't come to me
Fierce sorcery will lag behind.
How the door to the jamb pretends
As the sun clings to the sky.
Be, my words, modeling, strong.
Stronger than damask stone
Above Mount Ararat.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Or read the following conspiracy before leaving the house:

I will put on the robe of God,
Cling to God's feet
Cling to God's feet.
Only then can I be betrothed,
When I eat my meat, drink my blood,
Slap your heels on your cheeks.
Freeze, sorcerer and sorceress, fall asleep,
Whisperer and whisperer.
Lord, save, save and protect from the eye
heretic widows,
From the evil harlot girl,
From a male sorcerer, from dead water.
How the hell can't get through the eye of a needle,
So I, the servant of God (name), cannot be killed with a weapon
And no witchcraft can destroy.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to report the damage found

Going on the road, remember that you can’t pick up anything on the street: neither money, nor things, otherwise you can drag someone else’s disease onto yourself. Also, do not bring home from the street someone thrown away flowers. But few people can get past the money lying on the street. Therefore, if you cannot overcome the temptation, then before you raise money, say:

I take the money and leave the lining. Amen.

If your child brought money home, saying that he found it on the street, immediately take it to that place and, putting it on the ground, say:

I took it and returned it.

If, despite the warning, you nevertheless made a mistake and realized that you had drawn other people's troubles and misfortunes onto yourself, then proceed as follows. Find a burnt tree in the forest and break off a branch from it. From this branch, make a cross and, drawing a circle on the ground with it, put the cross in the middle of the circle. Then stand facing the east and, crossing yourself three times, say:

Fire how you burned wood
So burn the damage found.
And who tied that damage to the servant of God (name),
He took her on himself.
Until this cross blossoms into a tree,
Until then, "found"
The servant of God (name) will not enter.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Or do the following. Get rid of the lining by putting it back where you picked it up. If for one reason or another it is impossible to return the lining, then take it to the cemetery and place it on an abandoned, unmarked grave. Then, after returning home, read a special conspiracy over water, with which you wash your face in the evenings for nine days. The spoken words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother Earth, my mother
Bless me to walk on you.
I bow to you, I bow
With a pure heart I turn to you.
Do a service, bestow friendship.
They store, earth, people have a treasure in you,
Take my lining too.
Let dashing trouble descend into your bowels,
Does not burn my body, does not gnaw,
He does not drink my scarlet blood,
He does not take my relatives to the churchyard.
Be, my words, modeling,
Be, my deeds, strong.
For now, for eternity, for eternity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

And here is another way. Light the oven hot and put water on the fire. Kneel before the blower and read this plot:

Smoke, you are my smoke
You fly high, you are far away.
Take trouble from the baptized body
Free from black deeds.
Who envied, told fortunes, said a bad word
Or cursed or who grinned,
Who wished death
Who sent a fierce damage to me
In a bad minute, in a bad second
They let out their voice, their hair and all their rage:
By my relics, by my bones,
On the liver, on the heart, on the scarlet blood.
Or the young ladies
Or young red girls
Widows, widows,
Old old men, middle men,
Girls, boys, little children.
From whom grief was removed and I was sent.
Lessons, prizes, court conversations,
Cheating, change, envy.
Who handed me the ransom,
Who put a disease on me
Let that soul rise
He will choke on all his blood.
He doesn't eat, he doesn't sleep, he looks in my direction.
And what skinny person gave me
To take everything for himself.
And be, my words, strong.
Keys, find your locks
Sticky, not sticky.
What I said, what I didn't say
All to make it all the same according to my word.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Amulet from crafty people

Everyone knows that prevention is better than cure, so you can be advised to read a special amulet against thieves before you go on a journey.

King David, King Solomon,
Go to distant lands
Beyond distant seas,
Bring buttermilk.
Come get smeared
The servant of God (name) body is white,
Arms, legs, wild head, zealous heart.
Go you sly, foolhardy people,
Do not grab your hands, do not cling to your legs.
Buttermilk butter will slip off
Sly and arrogant from me,
Servants of God (name), depart.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Amulet against human cunning

Before you leave, knock on your door frame and say:

Do not stick to me, evil,
Above me bright angel wing,
I am stronger than the strong
I'm cunning cunning.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

So that the market is not robbed

When you go to the market or shop, bite your tongue a little and say:

Language in the mouth in its place.
And my wallet is with me,
God's servant (name),
And not with a thief.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

In order not to be robbed in a crowded place

This plot is read three times in a row on a closed bag, and then three times in a row on an open bag.

Lead, star, a thief past my yard,
So that the thief does not see me and does not see my money.
Only when the copper lock turns to gold,
Then my slander will become empty.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the thief does not get into the bag

On an even day (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.), rewrite this plot on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet.

On the forehead of the eye, in the corner of the image.
Who will offend me with theft,
He does not see the white light.

Or this conspiracy:

Cross on me, cross on the wall.
Whoever takes my money will die from the second cross.

So that you don't get robbed along the way

Go to the cemetery and find an unmarked grave there. Put this grave in order, put a commemoration on it, cross yourself and say:

Nameless dead, you sleep
You lie, you guard your bed.
Rise in spirit, go in spirit
Guard my good with the spirit.
Who will touch mine, who will take mine,
On that punishment of the nameless dead man will go.
Key in the sea, tongue in the mouth.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Amulet against robbery

On the east side is a golden pillar.
On that pillar is a golden bath,
In that bath there is a golden couch,
On that couch a golden woman lies,
Holds a golden needle in a golden hand,
Silk sheet.
She embroiders the words on it:
"Who steals my goods,
He won't go three steps."
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Not to be robbed on the way

Wanting to protect yourself on the road from dishonest people, before leaving the house, read the following conspiracy-amulet:

Day: hours, and half hours, and minutes.
The Lord Himself is in my house.
Who will approach the threshold with evil,
He will take upon himself the punishment of the Lord.
Here is the hand of the Savior
Beyond the threshold is a fiery river.
Egoriev threshold, Bogoroditsyn key.
Who will take that key,
He will suffer mortally.
The holy mansion was placed in a holy place,
Amenem is aminated.
Jesus eats bread, listens to my words,
Protects my hut.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Or like this:

Lord, Holy Spirit,
Forever with me.
Stone mountain, iron gate
Holy spirit locked
From all thieves, from all enemies -
From the first to the last.
And who will approach me with evil,
From this prayer, death will find itself.
Give him legs, Lord,
Take his hands, O Lord,
Close his eyes, Lord.
How the blind do not see the light,
So are the adversary enemies
White light is not welcome
They won't see me and they won't hurt me.
Forever and ever.

How to talk yourself out of thieves

Leaving the house, read the following plot three times in a row:

The dead lies
He takes care of his bed.
Watch out, dead feet,
me on the road.
Whoever takes mine on the way, punishment will come down on him.
Key in the sea, tongue in the mouth.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To avoid being robbed on the road

If you need to take a significant amount of money with you on a trip, then on any Thursday, read the conspiracy words over the handkerchief, and then wipe your face with it before leaving the house. The charmed handkerchief must be taken with you. The words of the conspiracy are:

I go with money, I hold it in my hands.
Not for the hands of strangers, but for their own hands.

Amulet against robbery

Sometimes even the most attentive and careful person cannot avoid danger. Therefore, so that no one can deceive you and take away by cunning what was acquired by hard work, read the protective conspiracy:

Bless me, Lord, on my way
Enemies, adversaries do not let in.
My hand, leg, knee, stomach,
No one will kill me along the way,
It won't break the blood, it won't crush the soul.
Nicholas the Pleasant, God's helper,
You are at home and on the road, on the road and in Heaven,
In water and on land - everywhere and everywhere.
Be my shield and sword.

Conspiracy from any danger

If you need to go on a dangerous journey, then before leaving the house, read a special conspiracy-amulet over water, which should then be washed.

The wound is not to the body, the danger is not to the point,
Blood is not for flesh, tears are not for my eyes,
Scabbard for enemy swords.
Bless me Guardian Angel
And don't leave me alone.

If you go to a dangerous place

It is necessary to break the branch and, fanning it as if you are driving away flies, read the following plot:

I take the cross with me, get away from me, every demon.
Mother of God is with me on the road.
Nikola Ugodnik, take away any trouble.
My word is strong, business with business is sculpted.
I’ll close it with a key, I’ll wash it with a word.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I bless myself.

Going on a dangerous journey

If you know in advance that your path will not be easy and full of dangers, then cross yourself and read the prayer to the Holy Cross:
Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; like wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face loving God and signing the sign of the cross, and saying with joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected the power of the devil, and gave us to you His Honest Cross to drive out every adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.
Here is another version of this prayer:
Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honorable and Life-Giving Cross and save me from all evil.
Or cross yourself and read such a protective conspiracy:

Lord God, bless.
I go, I go, I go, I go.
I came to Egoriy the Brave, the miracle worker.
He sits above the nine apostles,
Behind him are forty angels.
Archangel angels, help
Archangel angels, strengthen.
Put a holy veil on me
Above me lies the armor of God.
Who will approach me with evil,
He will not go anywhere from God's punishment.
I go, I go, I go, I go.
When the sun comes out of the moon,
Then only the enemy will offend me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Not to die along the way

If you have a long or dangerous journey ahead of you, be sure to read the following plot before leaving the house:

Jesus Christ walked with His three disciples
Along a wide forest
Stepped on a rotten deck.
You, deck, you are rotten.
How do you, the deck, do not get up,
Do not give live green shoots,
So the servant of God (name) does not beat his bones,
Do not break, do not shed scarlet blood from the white of the body.
Christ's Cross has its place,
So my words are an eternal place,
God saves, God blesses
God revives my amulet.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

From death on the road

This plot is read before leaving the house.

The sack rolled, stopped,
Saint Agrippina leaned against her.
She prayed, was baptized,
She knelt before the Lord.
The angels of God have come
All the wheels of the sack were counted.
The Mother of God blesses the road
Jesus Christ helps along the way.
Who knows this prayer
Read it before leaving
That angels will save on the way,
They won't let you die in vain.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

So that no one attacks you on the road

If you are going on a long journey, then be sure to play it safe and read such a protective plot:

Holy Sovereign Spas,
Holy Sovereign Archangel Michael,
Close, Lord, from the dashing of man
And an adversary for every hour
And for all time.
And now, and forever, and forever and ever.

Protection from bad people

With reasonable caution, before you cross the threshold and hit the road, read this amulet:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I will go to the open field.
Seven spirits and half-spirits run towards them.
They are all black and evil, especially the seventh ones.
Go you, spirits and semi-spirits, to dashing people,
And let dashing spirits stick to bad people
And keep them on a leash
To keep me safe and sound
On the way, on the road, in the house on the doorstep,
In the field, forest, with strangers, with relatives,
On the ground, on the water
In bed, at the table
In your own backyard
And outside the yard.
No one will break my word
Any dashing person will depart from me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Protection from evil people

Before leaving the house, read a special amulet that, like an invisible shield, will protect you from the machinations of dishonest people.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The true Christ washed, splashed,
Nobody was afraid.
So it would be for me, God's servant (name), not to be afraid of anyone,
Do not meet with any evil, with any misfortune.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that no one attacks at night

If you need to go outside at night, be sure to read this amulet before that:

Three sisters of Lazarus: Martha, Mary, Pelageya,
Go to your brother Lazarus, ask him:
- Who took pity on you, brother,
Who saved you from death? - Saved!
Savior, Savior, healer of the living and the dead,
Save my body and soul from robbers in the night.
Lord, save me, keep me
From a bullet, a knife, a sword, an ax, from a noose.
Save me, Lord, and save me.
How whole, unharmed was the resurrected Lazarus,
So my body is to be whole.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

If you left home at night

In order not to become a victim of robbers or hooligans, read this amulet before leaving the house:

There are three stars in the sky, the beast has eyes.
On the sides of the Lord with the Most Holy Theotokos,
With guardian angels
Deliverers from all sorts of troubles.
How bright from the face of God
Verily, so it is easy for me to travel at night.

Amulet against violence

On the road you may meet different people: both good and bad - therefore it is better to protect yourself from trouble in advance by reading a special amulet:

Remember, Lord, my name is in paradise.
So that I walk in the night, not be afraid,
Never feared anyone.
I'm following the saints
On land and water with bare feet.
My tin heel
There is an invisible glass wall around me.
God built this wall
He appointed His guardian angel.
The muscle of the Great God is unshakable,
My holy prayer is invincible.
My word is gold
Enemies - a copper penny.
What I said, everything will be so.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Ward from attack

Who knows where trouble might lie in wait? Therefore, when setting off on a journey, it is better not to rely only on your own discretion, but to read a special amulet in advance.

I go, I don't look back
I will go, the servant of God (name), I will not stumble.
Holy ground under my foot
The sky of God is above your head.
Christ walked through distant heavens.
Leaned on the first sky,
Baptized on four sides.
Baptize, O Lord, my bodies and words.
Carry, Lord, my bodies and words to heaven
From a barbarian, a human villain.
Let him fall ahead of time
To not attack me.
Let him suffer
So that I don't suffer.
The robber will become a pillar,
From me, the servants of God (name), will lag behind.
The whip will not lift, the knife will not throw,
The ax will not take me against me,
Three miles away from me
Servants of God (name), depart.
Stand up a hundred times,
Fall a hundred times.
And to me, the servant of God (name),
Evil will never work.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Mother of God herself walked,
Holy Mother of God,
Over the iron bridge
Supported by a fish bone.
To meet her three holy apostles -
Luka, Kuzma and Demyan:
- Where are you going, Mother of God?
What are you carrying in your holy hands?
- I'm going to an open field, to heat.
I'm going to help
Take out of the great misfortune.
I will not let the servant of God (name) suffer,
I will not let her white body kill,
Shed scarlet, pure blood,
To give the earth damp in vain.
I will help her, I will save her,
I'll take her out of seventy-seven evils,
I'll lock it with locks, I'll lock it with keys.
Who with evil to her body belu will do,
He will not escape My punishment.
Who will have this prayer,
That My Angel will not forget,
He will come and call me.
I will come, I will bring a golden cross,
I will enclose with a golden cross,
I will drive out all oppressors, persecutors,
By my desire
by the command of the Lord,
This time, this time.
The key to my words
Castle to my business.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

To avoid becoming a victim of dashing people

Remember that you can always protect yourself from evil, dishonorable people by reading this amulet before leaving the house:

The Queen of Heaven descended from the high heavens,
Around me, servants of God (name),
Walked around three times
Holy Protections
I took out from the holy secrets,
She dressed me in the Pokrov with her little hand.
Mother of God, protect
Queen of Heaven, save
From a sharp saber, sword, spear,
They squeaked, darts, axes.
And if someone approaches me with evil,
He will never cross the Holy Protection.
My words are forever, endless.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

A conspiracy from the hand of a killer

When going on a long journey, you should take care in advance that trouble does not happen, and read the following amulet:

I speak the word, I speak
I speak dashing fate.
You go, trouble, to where the color does not bloom,
Where neither red nor green
Not a yellow apple grows
Where bread doesn't grow, where the sun doesn't shine.
So that everything is fine and smooth with us,
How Easter Egg like a wedding ring.
If we lived, we wouldn’t grieve, we wouldn’t bury anyone early.
May the Lord God hear me
All my words will be rewritten.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Amulet against an attempt on life

Leaving the house, read this amulet:

Lord, the whole world is my grateful home.
There is a stone mountain around my house,
Indestructible, iron tyn.
The Mother of God with Christ protect,
In all ways, roads accompany me.
The cross is my baptist, the cross is my deliverer.

Guardian from death

If you need to go to a dangerous place or you know in advance that you have a long and difficult journey ahead, read a special amulet before leaving the house. Or you can copy it on a piece of paper and always carry it with you. The words of the amulet are as follows:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
How Jesus Christ was in the Jordan
So do not appear, blood, in my wound.
Rana, don't come to my body
I will go or go on any business.
Enemies can't destroy me
Don't drown me in water
Don't burn with fire
Do not cut with a saber
Don't betray a traitor
Do not torture the torturer.
What kind of death does not happen,
And me, the servant of God (name),
None of them will catch.
God is my shield
God is my army
No death can take me.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Or like this:

On the island of Buyan, in the icy ocean
Latra stone lies,
He sleeps on the latrine, trouble lies.
You, latra, don't let trouble come to me.
Let her lay on you
Let her sleep forever.
Let her forget about me
And no one will ever wake up that trouble.
I speak myself for the first time
God's hour.
Century after century, now and forever.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Protection from bad people

If you need to go to people who do not love you, read this conspiracy:

Raise me, O God, to a high mountain,
Pour, Lord, my enemies
Eyes cold water,
Shut up, Lord
And lips, and their teeth with a golden lock.

Or do the following. Approaching the door to the house where your ill-wishers live or work, cross the threshold with your left foot and read to yourself such a talisman:

My angel, my guardian
Keep my soul strong and my heart
And all enemies and adversaries
Reject me
On all four sides.

So that the enemies do not harm on the way

If you know that you have enemies ready to interfere with you, you should read the following amulet before leaving the house:

Jesus descended from God's Heaven
He took the golden cross with him.
I washed myself with dawns, wiped myself with the sun,
Crossed with a golden cross
And closed with locks.
Let these castles be in the sea.
Who will drink this sea and drive away the sands,
The enemy will not come to that.
Jesus Christ, You are the Son of God
Save, save from all evil at all times.

Driver's Prayer

Omnipotent and All-Merciful God, protect everyone with Your mercy and philanthropy, I humbly pray to Thee, through the intercession of the Mother of God and all the saints, save from sudden death and all kinds of misfortunes me, a sinner, and people entrusted to me and help deliver everyone unharmed according to his need. God Merciful! Deliver me from the evil spirit of recklessness, the unclean power of drunkenness, causing misfortunes and sudden death without repentance. Save me, Lord, with a clear conscience to live to a ripe old age without the burden of people killed and maimed by my negligence, and may it be glorified your name Holy, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Charm for the driver

Even if you are a very experienced driver, you should still put on a special amulet, because everyone knows that anything can happen on the road and, alas, no one is immune from accidents.

Lord, God, help!
Cover me and protect
From bruises, mutilation, broken bones, from deformity,
A rush of muscles, from terrible wounds and scarlet blood,
Shelter my body from the burns of the fire
Save, save, protect me.
Be, my words, strong and sculpting.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Or such a charm:

Lord Jesus Christ,
Lord Almighty,
You are the doctor of our souls and bodies,
Take away trouble, ulcer, wound, blood from me,
Fracture of bones, bed of infirmity.
To me, the servant of God (name),
Don't break yellow bones
Do not shed scarlet blood,
Do not shake the brain-mind,
Don't lose your life.
Son of God, Jesus Christ,
I beg you, I beg you
Save me, man of God
In all ways, in all roads.
Protect with your shield,
Take me under Your protection.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

And here is another protective conspiracy:

Saved at the door, Guardian Angel in all my ways.
I will rise, blessed by the Lord,
I will go beyond the threshold, crossing myself.
Glory to You God
Glory to Thee, King of Heaven.
Spasov's hand with me
The road is safe in front of me.
My guardian angel, stay with me everywhere
For the present day, for the present hour.
Close me on the way, protect me on the roads,
Thirty Savior amulets give.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

So that trouble does not happen to the driver

Before you get behind the wheel, read this amulet:

Chariot road, God's right hand,
Look at me, God's servant (name).
Be, my way, a smooth egg
With a good start and end.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

From an accident

Wanting to protect yourself from misfortune along the way, before you leave the house and drive, read a special plot.

I will go out, servant of God (name),
Out the door, I'll stop
I pray to the Lord God Jesus Christ,
I will bow on all four sides,
And on the east side below all.
There is the Church of the Mother of God,
In that temple on the Throne
Mother of God sits
He sorts out the golden rosary,
All my ways-roads counts.
Choose my path, Mother of God,
So that I don't get hurt on that road.
I bow to you to the ground.
Bless the bread
Bless the salt
Bless my roads.
Save me everywhere and save me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.
Or like this:
The red sun came out
Illuminated my path.
An angel walks beside me
Jesus Christ guides me on my way
The Mother of God blesses in the back.
My iron does not break,
The glass around me does not crumble,
Fire does not burn
And there is no smoke.
What a whole I came out, what came,
So that the same one came back intact.
The key to all my words.
Castle to all my affairs.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

This amulet will help you:

On the sea, on the ocean
There is a chest on Buyan Island.
That chest contains indestructible armor.
This armor is for me.
Lord, save, save me:
From water, fire, sword, ax,
Villains, villain-sorcerer,
From death in vain
From a terrible fate.
I dress in indestructible armor,
I dress up in indestructible armor.
With me Angel, Archangel,
Saint Panteleimon the Healer,
A deliverer from all ailments and pains.
All twelve apostles stand side by side,
They look at me, the servant of God (name).
My word is tenacious
My business is fine.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

And here is another protective conspiracy:

Mother Mary measured the way.
She said three times: "Don't be."
Don't be broken
Don't be killed
Don't be the last one this way.
The wheel is rolling
The wheel is rolling.
Rider, servant of God (name),
Will never break.
Key to my words.
The key to my business.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

To avoid an accident

Rewrite the amulet on a piece of paper and always carry it with you.

Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos Three-Handed,
You stand at the Throne
Pray for the whole Orthodox world
And pray to God for me
Slave of God (name).
Help, protect, Heavenly King,
Cover with an indestructible robe
From all enemies and adversaries.
From now on and forever.

To avoid getting hurt in an accident

First, read this prayer:
Soon, before we even become enslaved by the enemy who blasphemes You and rebukes us, Christ our God: destroy those who fight us with Your Cross, so that they understand, as the Orthodox faith can, with the prayers of the Mother of God, the One Lover of Man. Chosen Voivode Lord, hell to the Conqueror! Like get rid of eternal death, praiseworthy I will describe Thee, Thy creation and servant; but as if having mercy inexpressible, free me from all troubles, calling: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
And then the amulet:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I go from field to field, from road to road.
I'll get up, I'll stop
I humbly cross
Bow down on four sides.
Hey you, overpowered-grass!
I didn't water you
I did not sow you, I did not give birth.
Mother earth gave birth to you.
You grow through the worm
Walking past the dead
You overcame all the weight of the earth.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Overcome you dashing misfortune.
How do you get past the worms of the earth,
Bone mortals,
So I can get past troubles,
Doom would not know, do not lose your blood.
I close with thirty keys,
I wrap myself in hoops.
Who will break my hoop,
That overpowered grass does not blow.
My word is stone
The thing is right.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Charm on the car

This plot is read before getting into the car.

Three-handed Mother of God,
Don't let my blood spill
Don't let my yellow bones break
Don't let the white body suffer.
Protect the incorruptible holy robe,
Save and protect me from trouble on the way
For now, for eternity, for eternity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Important: this conspiracy may not help people who drink!

Charm on the car

This amulet is read standing facing the car on any day, except for fasting. Or you can write it down on paper and take it with you. The spoken words are:

There is an island in the ocean.
On the island stands raw oak.
In that iron oak there is an iron man.
That iron husband cannot be drunk,
Nothing to feed
Can't be broken in two
Can't be cut into pieces.
He does not beat, does not wrinkle, does not prick,
The Mother of God prays for him
Sad for him
He reads a security certificate for him.
Honor, Mother of God, and about me,
God's servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Or read the following protective plot:

The servant of God (name) got up, blessed,
She left the yard, crossing herself.
From the courtyard to the gate
From the gate to the road
By God's protection.
Be cleansed in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
From accidents, from fire,
From trouble, from a dangerous path.
Two guardian angels with me
One in front
Another behind.
Praise the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

How to speak a talisman for a car

With your right hand, cross the future talisman and read the following plot:

I baptize with the cross, I seek protection.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The cross is the guardian of the universe,
The cross is the beauty of the church,
The cross is a true affirmation,
Cross - protection and salvation,
The cross is glory to the apostles, and a plague to demons.
The cross is the praise of the martyr, and our helper.
Holy Cross, stay with me.
My cross, talisman, amulet,
Save me among all roads
From hitting, beating, stabbing,
Hunks, fire, heat, sudden fire.
So that neither I nor I are shot down, not killed.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

If you often get into an accident

Anyone who often gets into an accident should definitely read such a protective conspiracy:

God bless my way,
Send three angels to help me.
The first angel saves my soul,
The second angel protects my body,
The third angel paves the way for me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

From a railroad accident

Before you leave the house, read the following conspiracy charm:

Mother of God,
Take Christ by the right hand,
And me, the servant of God (name), for the left
And take me from start to finish
Defended, preserved and unharmed
Between any trouble, fire and water,
devilish wiles,
Take me away from death along the way,
Cover me with Your canopy, holy amulet.
Save and save Your servant on the way. Amen.
I will go and ride on iron knives.
Iron is strong, but the body is mortal.
And the Mother of God and Christ are with me.

Prayer before flying

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, command the elements and contain the whole handful, His deeps tremble and His stars are present. All creation serves You, all will listen, all will obey You. All you can do, for this sake you are all merciful, Most Good Lord. So even now, O Master, accepting these warm prayers (names) of Your servants, bless their path and air procession, forbidding storms and nasty winds, and keeping the air lodia safe and sound. Saving and calm in the air, giving them a good intention and a good intention to those who made them merrily in health and in peace, if you please, return. Thou art the Savior and Redeemer and all the good heavenly and earthly Giver, and we send glory to You with Your Beginningless Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer before sailing

Master Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who, together with His holy disciples and apostles, swam, calmed the stormy wind and calmed the waves on the sea with His command! Himself, Lord, accompany us in navigation, calm down every stormy wind and be a Helper and Intercessor, for You are a Good God and loving people and we offer praise to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that trouble does not happen during a sea voyage

First you need to read a prayer addressed to St. Nicholas of Myra:
O Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, pray for us, unworthy, our Sovereign and Master, be merciful to us create our God in this life and in the future, may he not repay us according to our deeds, but according to your goodness will reward us. Deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that are upon us, and tame the waves of passions and troubles that rise upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers, we will not be attacked and we will not be mired in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Moth, Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, give us a peaceful life and the remission of sins, but salvation and great mercy to our souls. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
After prayer, read such a protective conspiracy:

I will rise, be blessed
I will go on the road, crossing myself,
From gate to gate
Under the bright moon
Under the stars are clear, to the water.
Let that water not splash anger,
Doesn't throw blood
Wave does not cover
Does not throw into trouble
Doesn't let you drown.
Like me, a servant of God (name),
Take from the earth
So it will return to the ground later.
Word, you are my word, firmly,
Deal, you are my business, stucco,
Water, you are my water, light and shallow.
Key, lock, tongue.

Conspiracy for a safe journey on the water

Before you hit the road, read the following conspiracy three times in a row:

On Osyanskaya mountain, on father's land,
Where the sun rises
There the Blessed Virgin
He leads his Son by the hand.
I took him to the vespers,
And from vespers to vigil,
From all-night to morning,
And from the morning to the service of God,
From the service of God on the blue sea,
And on the sea the Throne stands,
There are books on the Throne,
And candles burn around the books,
And there Jesus Christ lies.
Saint Paul came before him:
"Do not suffer for My torments,
And take the holy cross in your hands.
Who should be on the sea route,
Therefore, do not die from water.

Amulet from death on the water

This amulet is read while going to the water:

A raven flew across the sea
The water rose, the trouble subsided.
Who knows these words
He reads them before entering the water,
That water will not take to itself,
It will not take you to the sandy bottom.
My word is strong, my work is sculpted.
Chur, my soul, chur, my flesh, chur, my blood.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Prayer at sea from storm and drowning

With this prayer, it is customary to turn to the Monks Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky. The saints themselves repeatedly sailed across the White Sea to the Solovetsky Islands, and therefore are considered the patrons of all those traveling by water.
O reverend and God-bearing fathers Zosimo and Savvaty, earthly angels and heavenly men, near friends of Christ and saints of God, the glory and adornment of your monastery, the invincible wall and the great intercession of the northern country and our entire Orthodox fatherland. We, unworthy and sinners, with reverent love fall down to the shrines of your honest relics and with a contrite and humble spirit you diligently pray: pray unceasingly to the merciful Master and Lord of our Jesus Christ, as if you have great boldness towards Him: May His omnipotent grace not depart from us, the protection and intercession of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos from this place, and may the true zealots of the angelic life in this holy monastery never be impoverished, where you are God-bearing fathers and rulers, with immeasurable labors and prayers, currents of tearful and all-night vigils, unceasing prayers and supplications, lay the foundation for monasticism life. She, the saints of the saints, the most favorable prayers to God, with your warm prayers to Him, protect and save us and your holy village from a coward, flood, fire and sword, invasion of foreigners and deadly ulcers, from enmity and all kinds of discord, from all misfortune and sorrow and from all evil: let me take it out in this place, in peace and silence, the Most Holy Name of the Lord and God will be piously glorified, and those who seek Him will find eternal salvation. O blessedness our fathers Zosimo and Savvatiy! Hear us sinners, in your holy abode and under the roof of your protection unworthy of living, and your pious intercessions to God, ask our souls for forgiveness of sins, correction of life and eternal blessings in the Kingdom of Heaven; to all those who believe, even in every place and in every need they call you for help and intercession, and even with reverent love flow into your monastery, do not stop pouring out all grace and mercy, preserving them from every opposing force, from every misfortune and from every an evil situation, and giving them everything they need for spiritual and bodily benefit. Most of all, pray to the Most Merciful God, may he grant our Orthodox people health, joy and salvation, victory and overcoming the enemies, and prosperity in everything; May it establish and strengthen its holy Church, and may all our Orthodox fatherland in peace and silence, in love and like-mindedness, in orthodoxy and piety, may it preserve and observe forever. Amen.
You can also apply with a prayer request to the Monk Procopius, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, the miracle worker of Ustyug, who, according to church traditions, often sat on the shore and prayed for people traveling on water.
Troparion of Christ for the sake of the holy fool, tone 1
Having heard the voice of Your Apostle Paul, he said, we are the fools of Christ for the sake of Your servant, Christ God Procopius, the fool was on earth for Your sake; the same memory of his reverence, we pray to you, Lord, save our souls.
Kontakion of Christ for the Holy Fool, Tone 8
Desiring the highest beauty and the lower bodily sweetness, you definitely left, not acquiring the vain world, passing the angelic life, Procopius died, blessed: with him, Christ God, pray unceasingly for all of us.

Prayer during the storm

Lord, Lord, our God, even with Your hypostatic and beginningless Word, and Your life-giving, and Your one-hearted Spirit from those who do not exist, in the hedgehog to be, you brought everything, setting the sand limit to the sea, and setting the mountains and valleys as a rule, measuring the sky with a span, and containing sorrow earth, measures and rules, limits and ranks are more visible and sensual to this given creature, and the times of change and the return of the sun, and the dissolution of the elements, by your mania contain inexpressibly. Himself, O All-good King, visit Thy hand of deeds, and do not take away from us Thy mercies and Thy bounties, destroy Thy Covenant below, leave our many sins by exceeding the multitude of Thy bounties, elevate Your creature to a single rank, show us the usual great sowing silence of the abyss, and the proper storm and turmoil of the air cut. Commandment by the wind is a temporary and consonant breath to give. Forbid the excitement of the sea, let the stormy spirit become, and let the rebellious silence be changed, as if Your works, and miracles are seen by those descending on the sea in ships and doing deeds in the waters of many. Arrange e, Lover of mankind, Lord, with Your inexorable love of mankind, even Your Only Begotten Son, and our Lord Jesus Christ, deigning to be a man, and swim with Your holy disciple and apostle, and forbid the storms of the winds, and command the waves of the sea to calm down. Himself and now, sleep every resisting wind, and tame the waves, and quench the storm and raise up the deliberate and prosperous times and winds, the Ruler and Helper everywhere being Your servant, I instruct in the haven of salvation, even Your exact name is knowing, and unless You know another God , and to Your help I take out with contempt, prayers and prayers of the Most Blessed Mother of God, God-like angels and all the saints: by the goodwill and goodness of Your Only Begotten Son, blessed be Thou with Him, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Your Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
And here is another prayer with which you can turn to the Lord, begging him to grant you salvation.
Lord Jesus Christ our God, who, for the sake of our salvation, chooses to wear flesh, glorify the wonderfully verbal nature, with your inexpressible goodness and goodness, and who, in true knowledge, turn from the depths of sinful forgiveness, promise: when they will look at you in a servile way and the true fulfillment of your Divine commandments then with boldness they will be able to have thee of God, merciful and merciful. Now, therefore, leave all our iniquities, and incline your ear to us, and hear us humble and sinners, as sometimes you heard Elijah the Thesbite, as if with a single verb bind heaven to the chastity of these recalcitrant people: the same way, using the usual philanthropy, commanding the earth Thou didst drink all the good water; and now pack the prayers of that saint of yours, and with warm prayers despise our iniquities and sins, and accept our prayers, and hear us at this hour of the warmth of those who pray, and resolve this earthly dryness, with the confession and cry of your people, and send good rain on us , as if we were satisfied with water, and our land will give fruit at the right time for our food, and those dumb animals will appear. Yes, Lord our God, hear us sinners and your unworthy servants, and do not despise our prayers, let your mercy conquer our iniquity, but bow, Lord, your ear and hear us. See contrition and have mercy, see from your holy dwelling, see the sigh of the poor. See the immature age of babies, exhausted with the greatest thirst. See innocent babies embittered. See the womb. See dried out teats, slaughtered babies. See the aged and the young men, as if you trust in the hands of the lawless ones and despise our sins, even in knowledge and not in knowledge, even in mind and thought, and do not reject us to the end, not only we thirst for water, but also other evil darkness , for our sins, and we can see it for you, may the most ripe and abundant rain fall on us. Yes, and your righteous anger is tired, this fierce captivity. We ask both of you, and we pray to you, Humane-loving, that fill our wells and villages with water, and fill our spiritual fields with satiety, and fulfill your goodness: and wells, that is, our hearts with joy, and inexpressible joy and joy, intoxicate, and set the lying on us the unbearable aspiration of the godless Hagarians. You are the liberator of our souls and bodies, and we send glory to you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Guardian during a storm

During a storm, you need to throw a piece of bread sprinkled with salt overboard and say:

Remember, Lord, all about health,
And icons for the salvation of our souls.

Prayer for going to church

Rejoice over those who said to me: let us go to the house of the Lord. But with the multitude of Thy mercy, O Lord, I will enter Thy house, I will bow down to Thy holy temple in Thy fear. Lord, guide me in Thy righteousness, for the sake of my enemy, correct my path before Thee; Yes, without stumbling, I will glorify the One Godhead, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that in the church they don’t damage you

Read the following plot before leaving the house:

The Lord is one, in three faces one,
He will save me, protect and protect me.
Whichever temple I go to, I will come back like that.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Charm from damage in the church

Before entering the church, say:

Whichever I enter, I will leave.

Or like this:

What I came with, I leave with.

You can also, before leaving the house, read this amulet:

I will go to the house of the Lord
I bow down to Your holy temple.
Lord, save me from trouble.
Angels of God, come near
So that the enemies neither by deed nor by sight,
Neither curse nor witchcraft
Not in revenge, not for fear,
Neither in envy nor out of evil
My body was not crushed
My soul was not destroyed.
Lord, save, save and defend!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

How to protect yourself from the curse of beggars

A few years ago, there were not so many people begging for alms on the streets of Russian cities. Every month there are more and more of them. Many of them involve young children in their work. Even in winter you can see people sitting in the snow with babies. Children surround passers-by, unceremoniously pulling their sleeves and asking, and sometimes simply demanding, money. Annoyed and fighting off beggars, passers-by are rude to them and often in response they hear curses being sent from those who did not get money.
Here is the ward that you should cast when needed.

Take away, Lord, from me all the bad.
The word of God is first, and the curse is empty.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

Before this, you can read the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos "Softener of evil hearts."
Oh, the Long-suffering Mother of God, who excelled all the daughters of the earth in her purity and in the multitude of sufferings that you transferred to the lands! Accept, O most painful, our sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Otherwise, as a refuge and a warm intercession, perhaps you, not vem, but as if you have boldness to those who are born of you, help and save us with your prayers, so that we unstoppably reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity of the One God, always, now and forever and ever. Amen.

End of introductory segment.

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White magic. Rituals for money and luck from Elder Zacharias! Zachary

A conspiracy so that the business started will end in success

Lord God bless. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into the open field, into the green oak forest, I will wash myself, the servant of God (name), with water and dew; I will wipe myself with woven, spun, and I will stand, the servant of God (name), between heaven and earth; otnyussya frequent stars; I will gird myself with white light; I, the servant of God (name), will close in the young bright month. And I will pray, servant of God (name), to the Most Pure Mother of God: Most Pure Mother of God, close and protect from all misfortune, all sin and poverty. And what will I pray to you about, and what will I worship you about, Most Pure Mother of God: pray for me, the servant of God (name), and for my providence to Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King. Jesus Christ, the King of Heaven, created heaven and earth, and all the holy saints of Christ, and all the disciples of Christ, and us sinners, and have mercy on all. Amen.

From the book The Miracle of Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stephanie

In order for the matter to converge During the conspiracy, tie a thread in a knot, put it over the threshold, whisper three more times and go on the case for which the conspiracy was made: As this knot is tied, so it would be with us, the servants of God (names or name) business (such and such) soon

From the book Conspiracies of the Ural healer against damage and the evil eye author Bazhenova Maria

Conspiracy for an important matter - "Knot of Luck" Good, true conspiracy and suitable for every person. If you have an important business ahead of you, take a silk thread and tie it in a knot, saying three times: As the end meets the end, so it would work for me. Amen. After,

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

A conspiracy to make things come together Tie a thread in a knot, put it over the threshold, speak three times, then go. As this knot is tied, so with us, the servants of God (name), the case (such and such) soon came together.

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 16 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

If you have some important business ahead of you, in order for everything to turn out as you planned, tie a knot on a thread before leaving the house and read the following conspiracy three times: As this knot is tied, So it is with us, slaves God's (names), Case

From the book of 300 protective conspiracies for success and good luck author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

To win a case in court From a letter:

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To win a case in court From a letter: “For several months now we have been suing people who occupied part of our site. I know that according to the law, the truth should be on our side, but still we walk as if in a vicious circle. Whether those with whom we are suing know some word,

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Az: to start a business at the right time This word-doctor will help you:? at the right time to start solving a complex problem, to start the business right? create a "mental wave" in the environment that will help you get off to a good start Apply it:? before any important

From the book Conspiracies, amulets, rituals the author Luzina Lada

A conspiracy, if your case is being considered by officials You will need: water, a cup, a candle, a silver coin Place of the ritual: room Time: before going to the institution What to do: On the eve of the case, you need to go to church, buy three candles there. Put

From the book How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye the author Luzina Lada

For the matter to come together As this knot is tied, so with us, the servants of God, the case (indicate which one) came together soon. Tie the thread in a knot and say three times

From the book Anastasia. Items of power, luck and prosperity author Ignatova Maria

To win the case in court I will get up, blessed, go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. I will go out into an open field, in this open field there are iron locks, damask gates. I will become, slave (name), between iron locks, damask gates and on my head

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Sharpener for business. So that your business has always been successful - Now they use different devices for sharpening knives, but once only a grindstone was used for such a thing. They used to say that the grindstone is powered by its strength from iron. Also, sometime

From the book The Secret of Slanders and Attitudes of Sister Stephanie. Hidden words of light and words of power author Stephanie Sister

A conspiracy so that the work begun ends with success. Lord, God bless. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself, into the open field, into the green oak forest, I will wash myself, the servant of God (name), with water and dew; I will wipe myself with woven, spun, and I will stand, the servant of God (name), between

From the book A Little Book for Getting Big Luck author Pravdina Natalya Borisovna

From the book Practical Book of White Magic. How to manage people and money the author Zachary

To do a good job I am a good person and everything I do is good! I like what I do! I like the way I work. I'm doing great. I deserve approval. I am worthy of praise. And I praise myself and approve. I am happy when I get a good result. I

From the author's book

Share your success! The ability to give is a sine qua non for life satisfaction. Donald Trump We must give as we receive, willingly, quickly and without hesitation, because there is no nobility in giving reluctantly. Seneca Wanna be

From the author's book

A conspiracy for every good deed and an honest trade Glory to Thee, our God, Glory to Thee! I will go at sunset, at the dawn of a bright month. Give, Lord, the golden horns to the young month for good deeds and for fair trade, yes to me, Your servant (name), Your God's blessing on

There are times when an outside influence jeopardizes all the efforts you have made. To prevent this from happening, do this. At the morning dawn, light a wax candle and place it on the table, fixing it in a silver candlestick. Take right hand a handful of salt, put your palm to your lips and whisper three times: “Where there is salt, there is also cleanliness. Where the salt fell, there the goal disappeared. As the broom swept, so did the garbage from the house. The path was opened, the intrigues of the enemy were ruined. Let it be so! Amen!"
Put on your outer garment (without letting the salt out of your palm!) and go to the third crossroads from the house. Open and close the front door with your left hand. Throw the spelled salt in front of you with the words: "Paid in full!" Turn around over your left shoulder and, without looking around, without looking back, return home. Now open and lock the door with your free right hand. Wash your hands under running water and dry them over a lit candle flame. Then extinguish it with your fingers and hide it in a secret place until the next use. If necessary, you can reproduce this ritual only after a month.
Before an important meeting, rub your palms together, put them together as if holding a balloon in your hands, and in this position bring them to your lips. Blow inside and whisper: “As the wind hovers freely in the field, as the sun shines brightly in the sky, so the soul of the human soul meets, all matters are resolved in peace and harmony. Amen". These manipulations are especially effective for business people when meeting with partners, concluding contracts, and large transactions.
You can read this conspiracy to solve various problems after you hear the rooster crow.
“The rooster sang, he ordered me to read: against a black eye, against various infections, against painful and itchy pain, against bad luck. And what does not leave, then I will send it to the swamp, where the rooster itself sits, pecking not for one, but for two. I type with a cock's crow, but on the mustache of grandfather Philip I wind that he sits on a dry branch and praises the cock's "crow". The conspiracy was taken out and hidden, sealed with a word of a cock. It is usually read for any drink an even number of times; at the front door before leaving for an important (including romantic) meeting; before starting any business (for tools) an odd number of times, but not less than three.
If it is problematic for you to hear the rooster crow, then in this case your own crowing is allowed (as it will) * At the same time, you should stand facing the east and read only at sunrise or at noon. During the reading of this plot, no one should be present.

Conspiracies of the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for good luck and wealth Smorodova Irina


There is a good Russian saying that a good start- that's half the battle. It may be so, but there is still half left. And very often, having started something, we still cannot finish it: maybe out of laziness, maybe out of cowardice. Well, if the matter is not urgent, and you can wait, but if not? Do what you don’t want to do, rape yourself, suppress your will? Of course not! Violence is unacceptable not only to others, but also to yourself.

We need to tune in to a decisive breakthrough that will help complete the job, but we do not always know how to do this, and it is not always possible to persuade ourselves. Do you think that our great-grandmothers did not encounter such problems and were happy to take on any business? You are wrong. This problem has been with people at all times. Therefore, they put together a special conspiracy that helps you tune in to finish what you started, so that you are lucky and no troubles happen.

They talk about lump sugar. Choose the piece that is slightly broken or has an uneven surface. Put a sugar cube on a white upturned saucer, and drop a drop of red wine on it, it is better to take homemade. After that say:

Eat yourself, good luck

Wine and sugar

Come to us good luck

Even at night, even during the day,

Help us, Lord Jesus Christ,

Help, ever-virgin Mary,

Finish the job

happiness to receive

Yes, without delay

Yes, non-stop.

For the business to burn

So that everything in your hands burns,

For everything to grow

Our business succeeded.

Sugar is sweet

And things will go smoothly!

Don't break my word

Don't break

Yes, do not turn back.

Forever and ever.


You can do this plot at any time, but the hexed sugar is left in the kitchen for the night. Leave the saucer with sugar on the kitchen table, and leave the window ajar.


With this conspiracy

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To go on a successful journey All paths are open before me! Wherever I go, luck follows me everywhere. I believe in myself. I am strong, confident man. waiting for me happy road! My path is even, smooth, I succeed in everything on it the way I want. I love

From the book Moon and Big Money author Semenova Anastasia Nikolaevna

Ritual for a successful investment of money Full Moon. For the ritual you will need: candles - orange, black, white, green; mint leaves (can be dry), cinnamon oil. Light a green altar candle on the altar table. Rub the black and orange candles with oil from the wick to the base.

From the book Treatment with conspiracies and prayers author Melnikov Ilya

Matters of the heart, family matters If you bought wedding rings Without entering the house with a purchase, you need to say: “To a good life, to a faithful family. Amen". How to prevent a divorce A rooster's heart is boiled and given to the wife to eat, and the husband is given a boiled heart to eat at the same table

From the book Women's Conspiracies for Love, Health and Happiness. 147 most powerful women's conspiracies author Bazhenova Maria

A conspiracy for those who fear that money matters may go badly What are the times these days? Either the crisis, then they are fired, then the salary is delayed. Vaughn, a relative was sent on unpaid leave. You can frighten away such adversity and trouble from yourself in such a simple way.

From the book Conspiracies of the Ural healer against damage and the evil eye author Bazhenova Maria

Conspiracy for a successful ending to the case People quite often fail because they do not bring things to the end. Many good undertakings get stuck in half. And there is not enough strength to finish the job. Many write it off as a syndrome chronic fatigue, mad

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A protective conspiracy from the enemy of the human race, so that things do not spoil In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I’ll become a tongue, a servant of God (name), blessed, I’ll go, crossing myself, on God’s affairs, on God’s path, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates - into a clean field, from a clean field, into

From the author's book

A conspiracy for the well-being of the cause, requiring the departure of the Lord Jesus Christ our God, the true and living path, to wander your imaginary father Joseph and the Most Pure Virgin Mother to Egypt, and Luce and Cleopa to Emmaus traveled! And now we humbly pray to Thee,

From the author's book

A protective conspiracy from the enemy of the human race, so that things do not spoil In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I’ll become a tongue, a servant of God (name), blessed, I’ll go crossing myself, on God’s deeds, on God’s path, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates - into a clean field, from a clean field, into

Each person wants the business he started to be successful, so the conspiracy to business is in constant demand.

To attract success and good luck in business in your life, you can use several ways:

Conspiracy to deal number 1.

This conspiracy guarantees the success of any undertaking, especially it, it is good to apply it for business success.

Each of us knows that a good start is a very important thing, because the outcome of the case depends on how it was started. It is desirable even before the start of any event, to attract good luck and ensure a successful start. Exists a large number of conspiracies that allow you to attract luck and good luck to your side, to avoid various troubles and problems. If you have any risky business ahead of you, then in order to minimize the risk, you need to read the conspiracy for business.

This conspiracy is read on water. Subject to all conditions, it will become reliable protection for you when starting a business.

Pour into a glass of water and place it next to your bed overnight. In the morning, without touching the glass with your hands, you need to bend over and whisper the words of a magical conspiracy three times into the water:

“The holy martyrs followed me. They carried a bowl of water! In order for our cause to develop, so the saints will be for us (the names of all business partners) to pray. Fold once, fold two, fold three for today, for tomorrow, for all time. The saints are standing guarding the treaty! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

After reading the plot, you need to drink three sips from a glass, and wash your face with the rest of the water.

Conspiracy for a successful business number 2.

Pick up a piece of sugar that has an uneven or slightly broken surface. Then sugar should be put on an inverted white saucer, and a drop of red wine should be dripped on top.

Then on this piece of sugar you need to read the plot for the case:

Treat good luck with wine and sugar,

Come to me luck at least during the day, at least in the evening!

Help us Lord God

Help Virgin Mary

Our task is to complete and get happiness!

So that everything is without delay, without stopping,

So that my business will burn out, so that everything will grow together, so that everything will be possible!

Sugar is eaten sweetly, but things are going smoothly! Amen!".

The charmed sugar should be left on the kitchen table for the whole night. In this case, the window must be open all night.

Conspiracy for good luck and attracting happiness

To attract good luck, you can do the following rite:

You need to take a small white plate and pour it carefully, first three tablespoons of coarse salt, then three tablespoons of sugar, and on top three tablespoons of rice.

Remove the pin from your clothes (you can take the pin that you wear to protect yourself from the evil eye). Unfasten the pin and stick it up the hill on the plate. Thus, the pin should stand all night. In the morning it can be taken out and fastened back to wrong side clothes. In this case, you need to cling the pin so that it is not visible to others.

Conspiracy for an important matter.

On the day before some fateful business, you need to wake up at sunset, and looking at the first rays of the sun, smiling, pronounce the words of a magical conspiracy:

The sun, you shine from the sky for everyone, and bestow your warmth!

Give me good luck so that my case is resolved successfully!

The sun, you are the source of life, the light of the life-giving stream,

Give me success and good luck so that I am the happiest of all!

Charged like this solar energy you can do all the important things.