How to hint to a classmate that I like her. What is important for a guy to know for successful communication. You can compliment her on her cuteness if she's really cute

It's not so easy to tell a girl that you like her when a guy is unsure of himself and is embarrassed to show his feelings. If you don’t dare to confess for a long time, you can end up alone. In order not to find yourself in such a situation, you need to overcome your fears, act decisively, but without pressure, and not fuss. A girl will agree to a proposal to date if the young man is polite, cheerful and pleasant to talk to.

Fears away

Most men have difficulty communicating with a woman they like and want to date. Sometimes a guy is so nervous that he cannot start a conversation and is afraid of looking stupid and funny. This is a natural psychological reaction and should not stop young man in attempts to win a girl and build a relationship.

If a guy overcomes his embarrassment, he will understand that admitting his feelings is quite simple. Girls have a sensitive nature and will meet a timid gentleman halfway if they have known each other for a long time, and during this time he has shown his sympathy. They understand what causes the young man’s shyness and insecurity. And he needs to know that he doesn't look stupid trying to impress.

Even in case of refusal, you need to remember that the girl may have different reasons for this, not always related to the fact that she does not like the boyfriend.

Psychologists assure that a shy girl will easily succumb to a brave and determined guy, and a confident lady will be interested in a modest guy.

How to confess your love to a girl

How to confess your crush

Telling a girl that you like her is easier when young people have known each other for a while.

You should not try to start a relationship after the first meeting and admit your feelings too early. We must try to become a part of her life, taking a small but important part in her daily affairs.

The next step is to tell the girl about your interest. You can confess in person, via SMS or email.

What to say and how to behave depends on what stage of dating the potential couple is at:

With whom What to say and do
With an old friendIf a guy and a girl are friends, you can see how she treats him. In the case when sympathy is felt, it is worth asking for a conversation in private, talking about the value of friendship and the desire to develop it into something more
With a stranger who often meets on the streetYou need to smile when meeting her, and after a while say hello. After a short period, say a few words about frequent meetings, and that fate brings them together
With a stranger met in the same companyAsk a friend to introduce the girl, give a modest compliment, saying that she stands out from the crowd. Briefly tell about yourself and ask a few questions about her personal life. After saying goodbye, take the phone number and promise to find her online
With a stranger on the InternetYou should check out her profile on in social networks and add as a friend. “Like” her photos and posts, write short comments, choose your words carefully and not be intrusive. Make it clear that you are serious and that you are sincerely interested. When contact is established, the guy will be halfway to rapprochement, and then confession of feelings
With an internet friendThe easiest way to propose a meeting is through correspondence. You should write sincerely, do not use cliched phrases and do not impose

How to show a guy that you like him

How to propose to meet

It’s easier to hint at a relationship through correspondence. If you choose the right and beautiful words, the girl will not refuse. A polite and delicate offer to be together will not offend or repel you. You can write the following phrases:

  • "I feel something more than just sympathy for you. Let's start dating."
  • “I care about you and I want to be with you.”
  • "We have known each other for quite a long time and I want to transfer the relationship to new level. I hope you don't mind."
  • "I think we would be the perfect couple."
  • “I’ve been wanting to tell you about my feelings for you for a long time. Let’s meet.”
  • “You are so beautiful and interesting, and I want to spend more time with you.”
  • "You are the one I have long dreamed of."
  • "It seems to me that you perfect girl, and I will be happy to take our relationship to a new level."
  • "I think we're perfect for each other."
  • “We’ve been friends for a long time, I really like you and I want to date you.”
  • "I can't imagine my life without you. Will you be my girlfriend?"
  • "I'm happy when you're around and I want us to be together."
  • “You are the closest person to me. I want you to always be there.”

Don't put pressure on her. Let him think and answer after some time.

Remember, a man is a fighter, including for his personal happiness, so be prepared. The main thing is not to complicate things as it is difficult situation. It is enough to remember how easily you expressed your sympathies in childhood. Then there was no difficult life experience, the pain of separations and grievances. Openness and directness are the first step to winning a woman’s heart.

Take a step towards getting to know each other

If you’re not even familiar with that special one, don’t hesitate. If you know each other only superficially, it's time to start a more friendly relationship. Invite her to a movie or a cafe, or take a walk in the park. Don't assume that all is lost if she refuses. Perhaps she just has other plans and you should offer another time.

You can be more interested in her affairs and mood. Be closer, more friendly. Convince her of your reliability and openness.

Don't push too hard

Even if you strive for maximum openness and directness, you should not talk about your sympathy and desire to date at the first meeting. It’s better not to rush, as you can scare the girl away with such pressure. Find the middle ground between complete openness and patient waiting.

Try to be with her as often as possible. Express your sympathy very carefully: by opening the door to the room, offering coffee, smiling. Pamper your girl with small, unobtrusive gifts or surprises.

Surprisingly, the eyes can tell a lot. The look of a person in love cannot be confused with anything, so be sure to use it. This way, you can establish a closer connection and perhaps see a reciprocal spark in her eyes.

True, this does not mean that you need to nag her with your gaze. In some situations this may be completely inappropriate. Always remember moderation.

Straight Talk

If you've tried everything we described above, you can move on to a serious offensive: frank conversation about feelings. However, we advise you not to start with an offer to meet. It is more appropriate to do this in the fifth grade, caring for a classmate. The easiest way is to say that you have certain feelings for her and ask what she thinks about it. Perhaps the girl herself has been watching you for a long time and is waiting for an invitation to a date.

An invitation to a date can be the perfect opportunity to talk about your feelings.

Don't worry too much if a girl refuses you. At the same time, don't try to push for a relationship she's not interested in. History knows many cases when a woman did not love a man, but he continued to court her, as a result of which she gave up. Don’t give up, because your life is created by them.

Hello to all readers of the old womanizer's blog! When a guy communicates with a lady and feels that he likes her, it can be difficult to admit his sympathy. Beauties can react differently, so you need to do this carefully so as not to “scare off the prey.” Today I will consider all the nuances of proper recognition and answer your main question: how to tell a girl that I like her.

Why are guys afraid to admit their feelings?

Nature endowed men with courage, strength and boldness and decided that this was all they needed for a successful existence. However, in matters of love, men are helpless and powerless like little children. A young man, under the influence of sympathy for his chosen one, gradually loses control over his mind, and this makes him vulnerable. He thinks a lot about her, strives for communication, meetings, but misses the most important thing - a declaration of sympathy. Other reasons for young people’s fear may also be added to this:

  • low self-esteem (“I’m not worthy of her”, “I’m nothing to her”);
  • the girl’s great popularity (they tell her such things every day);
  • lack of experience in communicating with ladies;
  • consequences of unsuccessful relationships with the opposite sex;
  • fear of refusal of reciprocity;
  • uncertainty about your feelings (what if it’s just sympathy?);
  • fear of becoming a laughing stock (she will tell all her friends and girlfriends, and everyone will laugh at me).

This fear especially arises when a guy communicates with a very beautiful lady, and which has many fans. But all fears can be overcome if you know the basic principles in communicating with the girl you like.

What to do before hinting about sympathy

You communicate with a girl and that you like her, but first it would be nice to find out about her attitude towards you. What is needed for this:

  • spend more time with her - this will show how she treats you;
  • communicate not only “live”, but also on social networks - people are more liberated on the Internet;
  • look into the eyes of your chosen one more often - the eyes usually “give up” those who breathe unevenly;
  • take an interest in her life - if the lady herself has warm feelings for you, then you don’t need to ask her much, she herself will tell you everything in good spirit (practice shows);
  • caring for her is elementary: hold her hand when leaving, offer a chair, if she likes you, she will certainly appreciate your efforts;
  • ask your friends about her attitude towards you - but there is no guarantee that they won’t tell her about it;
  • offer all possible help - ladies love it when men solve their problems and will refuse this only if there is no sympathy.

If such actions do not give full picture your relationship, you can make a “knight’s move” - openly ask her about how she feels about you. It’s 50/50 here - either she won’t find anything to say or will say: “You’re just a friend to me,” or she’ll be forced to admit her sympathy first. This method is suitable for confident guys.

What is important for a guy to know for successful communication?

It's about important points that will help a young man take a step towards winning a girl. So, let’s figure out what principles every “inspired” guy needs to adhere to:

  1. Positive attitude.

An optimistic guy will have good luck in all his endeavors, including love ones. Here you need to be confident and purposeful, and under no circumstances back down; girls appreciate confident men. Weak-willed and cowardly boys (namely boys - you can’t call them men) risk remaining in the friend zone forever.

  1. External presentability.

The neatness of a young man wins over him faster than his appearance. Therefore, young people just need:

  • Take a bath or shower regularly;
  • shave, get a haircut;
  • wear clean clothes;
  • Don't spare money on perfume.

In the latter case, you can even do this: buy perfume and ask the beauty: does she like it, if she likes it, then you can safely use it and be sure that she likes your smell. If you feel that this is not enough to show sympathy for a girl, you can work on yourself and your body: walk around sport sections, playing sports will not only improve appearance, but they will also give you more confidence in yourself and your abilities.

  1. Tact.

A sense of tact will allow a man to develop one of the main components love relationship– respect for your other half. Therefore, if a young man intends to commit himself and his future bride to a serious relationship, then he needs to be restrained and calm in his communication. What does this mean? Do not use obscene language, slang, or tricky jokes, including those directed at her. This way the lady will easily begin to trust you, and your communication will become more relaxed.

  1. Less thoughts - more actions.

As one humorist said: “If you look at a girl for a long time, you can see how she gets married.” You can endlessly think about a beautiful person, dream, imagine yourself with her, dedicate poems, but you can miss the moment of rapprochement and someone else will win your chosen one. Therefore, if you like a girl very much, you cannot put off confessing your sympathy.

  1. Openness in communication.

This means freely expressing your thoughts and feelings, being open to different topics communication. Representatives of the fairer sex feel calmer in the company of that guy about whom everyone or almost everyone knows (a parrot strangled in childhood, or described pants do not count). This way the girl will understand that you have no secrets from her, and she will trust you with her secrets. Openness in conversation can make a difference positive role In your approach, for example, you can act like this:

  • start talking about a serious relationship;
  • to say that there are so few people in the world who value love and feelings;
  • listen to her opinion (and it will most likely be the same);
  • hint that you would like to truly love and be loved;
  • pause and watch her reaction (it may be ambiguous);
  • Continue the conversation (change the topic if she is confused, or continue if she shows interest in the issue).

If fear continues to haunt you, you can use the following technique: observing yourself from the outside, rehearsing phrases in front of a mirror, or best friend. All this will help prepare the ground for a confession of sympathy, and we’ll talk about how best to do this later.

How to hint to a girl that I like her

Every young man who has experience communicating with the fair sex already knows how to hint to a girl about his sympathy; let’s give an example of common techniques:

  1. Compliment.

This is a popular hint of sympathy, both at the first meeting and during long-term communication. You just need to remember that compliments should be appropriate. For example, if a lady is beautiful, you can definitely mention this: “You are like an orchid, more and more beautiful every day.” Or evaluate her hairstyle: “You have Cool hairstyle, did you do it yourself?”

  1. Tell the truth.

Some guys who don't like to beat around the bush prefer to say everything directly, you can use this method too. Come up and say: “You know, I’ve liked you for a long time” or “I choose you, and why I’ll decide later”, “I can’t be silent anymore, I like you!”

  1. Intrigue.

Females are very curious by nature; they do not like understatement, although they themselves use similar method more often than men. You can act according to their plan - create some intrigue, for example, say with a characteristic facial expression: “What are you doing to me?” or “Why me?” The effect will not take long to appear, believe me...

  1. Making her stand out from the surrounding girls.

This option works well if you are studying in one educational institution or you work in the same office full of other representatives of the fairer sex. You can do this: select beauties standing nearby and say: “It’s good that at least you’re nearby, otherwise there are only scary people around” (point to the girls).

  1. Good joke.

If a lady loves and knows how to joke, then you need to laugh at her jokes more often, so she will appreciate your attention and sympathy. But you shouldn’t remain in debt - you can joke and hint to the girl about the relationship: “Does your mother need a son-in-law?”, “Our children will not forgive us for this,” etc.

  1. Find a common activity.

If you have common interests and hobbies, you can take advantage of this. For example, go to a concert of your favorite band and continue to show signs of attention there. The euphoria from listening to your favorite performers will enhance the effect of your rapprochement and sympathy for each other.

  1. Show interest.

As was said earlier - all ladies love the attention of the opposite sex, even if you are still in friendly relations. You need to purposefully invite her to meetings, go to her (if this is practiced), and refuse to meet with other friends in front of her (for example, by phone). She'll appreciate that it's all for her. Remember the film “Sex for Friendship”, on the screen for the couple it all started with a banal friendship, but grew into deeper feelings.

How to write to a girl that I like her

If all of the above methods do not suit you or you are not confident, you need to try hinting about sympathy on social media. networks, for example: in contact or classmates. The chat is equipped with all kinds of emoticons, gifs and pictures that can be used in the message. Examples of messages:

“Hello my princess! Can I call you that?”

“How is the most beautiful and sweetest girl doing?”

“Even your handwriting is beautiful.”

“I’m writing to you, what more can I say, let me at least invite you on a date.”

“Oh (name), you make me blush even here.”

You can write it on paper and pass it on through a friend or acquaintance, especially if you are close to each other. A lady will certainly appreciate this unusual way communication and will understand that you like her and, perhaps, will reciprocate your sympathy.

I had no problems telling a girl that I liked her because I always followed the rules that are outlined in this article. Write your reviews and wishes in the comments, I will definitely answer, always yours, the old womanizer Panteley. I wish you success!

Generally speaking, hints are not our element. Do you know a joke?

“A tractor driver is driving through the village on a tractor. He sees two girls sitting on a bench. He alone says:
- Manka, come to the hayloft at night to fuck!
And Manka says to her friend:
- Hear what Vasil said? Hints!”

But the statistics are harsh - just last month, 664 guys entered the query “how to hint to a girl that I like her” in Yandex. What to do, we need to clarify this issue.

Read it in 2 minutes.

The most manly way to hint to a girl that you like her

But still, before going into the Jesuit subtleties, we will offer an alternative. You know, now few people can just walk up to a girl and say directly what they want to say. Hence all these compliments “what are you like?” beautiful eyes”, when you think “what beautiful tits you have.” Hence the hints.

Guys do this because they think it's the right thing to do. It’s indecent to say directly about your feelings. But this is the logic of romantic melodramas. Even the girls themselves, for whose sake all these subterfuges are being started, do not share this logic.

Who does she want to be with? With a guy with such balls and determination in his eyes - or with a boy who shyly picks the sand with his foot and blushes, squeezing out “you know... I really... like you”?

So the easiest and most effective way to hint that you like a girl is to approach her and tell her “listen, I like you.” And explain exactly how she likes it and what exactly you are offering her in connection with this.

Now let's discuss the hints if you're still interested.

Ways to hint to a girl that you like her


First, he stops at her. You look at her, often look into her eyes. This means that you are interested in her.

Secondly, you look at those parts of her that she is deservedly proud of. Legs, chest, hair - don't be shy to look at what you want to look at. Just don’t stick your eyes and stare shamelessly. Looked at it, admired it - so that it was clear that you wanted it, but didn’t look disgusting.

Let me explain. Do you know how you get into the friend zone? The guy acts as if he is going to have a purely casual conversation with this girl. That's how he's really interested in her as a person. He does not let the girl understand that he wants to communicate with her not only as a person, but also as a girl. That he wants her. The girl eventually accepts this - and that’s it, “we’re friends.”


Only compliments must be correct. In particular, you should never say banal things, and you should never make insincere compliments. Listen, you really like her as a girl, and you like her for some reason. So talk about it.

Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends! Let's imagine that you liked some young lady and you want to tell her about your sympathy. But how to do that? “How can I hint to a girl that I like her?” - you ask.

Is it necessary to talk about this directly or is it better to veil feelings by hinting at them in an indirect way? And how can this information be brought to her attention? So that on the one hand everything is clear, but without putting pressure on her?

Well, since there are so many questions, it’s worth talking about this in more detail.

There are a lot of ways to show a young lady that you care about her. Starting from languid glances addressed to her and ending with a marriage proposal. In purely masculine fashion, we will divide them into two parts for ease of study.


You've probably heard the phrase that women love with their ears. This is true. It is really very important for the fair sex to hear what they want. That is, of course, simple chatter cannot replace actions.

But doing something without expressing your admiration for a woman in verbal form is also a gross mistake, fraught with doubts, suspicions and resentments towards you.

Therefore, try to tell your beloved more pleasant, warm and, of course, sincere words. She will appreciate it!


Compliments – great way show the young lady that you like her. Moreover, they can be both direct to the point of impossibility, and very distant. Feel, as they say, the difference: “Yes, yes, it was for these pies that I fell in love with you!” and “Pies are garbage! I love business girls.”

In general, directness is, of course, an excellent quality. But, unfortunately, it is not always appropriate. For example, if you are not yet sure that the beauty will perceive the news of your feelings positively. In such a situation, it is better to first “test and prepare the ground.” This is exactly why you can use these same compliments.

You can say something pleasant not only about her appearance, but about her professional, humane and purely feminine qualities. You can praise her talents, sense of humor, pleasant timbre of her voice.

Moreover, if you regularly shower her with laudatory remarks about the most different sides her personality, then this will be the best way to let her know that you like her.

And then look at the reaction. If she perceives your words with obvious pleasure, keeps the conversation going with jokes and gives playful glances, then you can safely work on the further development of the relationship.

Consolation, discussion of her problems

A guy in love differs from an ordinary guy, in particular, in his willingness to listen to women's difficulties. What happened to her at work? Why is there discord in the family? For what reason does she no longer communicate with her best friend?

Listening to a girl, sympathizing with her, discussing issues that are important to her - isn’t this the main proof of caring?!

Of course, there is no need to specifically try to extract any personal information from her. It’s just that if suddenly such a topic comes up in communication with a young lady, then your sympathy and ability to pity, reassure, and encourage her will probably be very much to her liking.

And when the relationship develops into family life– listening to your wife every day will generally become your sacred duty. So if you are ready to climb the wall after five minutes of such communication with a girl, think twice about whether this is your person.


Don't know how else to show a girl that you like her? This is obvious - you just need to move from words to deeds! This applies to all areas of life, including love.

A man who can only talk beautifully, but does nothing concrete at the same time, is just a buffoon who does not deserve either the trust or respect of a woman. Therefore, be prepared to prove your feelings in practice.

Candy and bouquet manipulations

Traditionally, a man gives flowers and all sorts of goodies to the young lady he likes, invites her to restaurants, cafes, cinemas, for walks, and on trips.

Moreover, in order to present a lady with a bouquet or treat her with a cup of coffee and dessert, you do not need to wait for any special occasion. After all, you are caring for your love, so try to do it beautifully!

Nobody obliges you to hit up your girlfriend every time you meet. gorgeous gifts. Moreover, if such financial opportunity Not yet.

Bringing her a cute bouquet of tulips or a box of fragrant donuts to work is also very cool. Such gestures of attention should make her understand that you would like to see her as more than just an acquaintance/friend/colleague.


Many guys stop at the previous point, forgetting that only kind words and spectacular presentations are not enough to conquer woman's heart. Especially if we're talking about about a smart young lady who needs not just a friend for the evening, but a soul mate for a serious relationship.

Is your friend sick? Offer to bring her fruit, medicine, and groceries. Is it raining outside? Call her and offer to pick her up from school/work. E

Her parents went on a business trip, and she herself is in a hurry, because... Do you need to write a thesis and look after your little brother at the same time? Take custody of the baby for a couple of days, give her the opportunity to exercise normally.

Offer your help sincerely and selflessly. Let her feel like she is behind a stone wall with you. Just try not to impose yourself and not to do more than is required of you.

And remember that if she is not ready for something more than friendship with you, then no words, actions or gifts from you can change this attitude. At least this happens very rarely. But if you want, then of course try...

There is a lot more material on this topic awaiting you ahead. romantic relationships. Subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss anything!

I was glad to talk. Until we meet again, love and reciprocity to you! Yours, Yuri Okunev.