What names are suitable for female hamsters? Fluff or Snowball: choosing a suitable name for the hamster

What could be funnier than a tiny hamster busily rushing to the owner's call? To establish verbal contact with a furry animal, you must first give it a nickname. Names for hamsters are just as important as for other pets. Therefore, let's choose a nickname that suits your furry.

Do rodents even need nicknames?

Most owners, bringing a new friend into their home, immediately begin to puzzle over the name of the new family member. But there are also those who don’t bother coming up with a name; they call the cat Cat, and the hamster Hamster. Such a dismissive attitude is unlikely to please the furry ones. They are of course human language they don’t know, but they feel everything very well.

And sometimes it happens that one animal is paired with another. If married couple keep rodents together, offspring will soon appear. So should we call all fluffy creatures Hamsters? This way they won’t understand who you are addressing, and this word will cease to mean anything to the animals.

Here are the reasons why you need to choose a nickname for your Homa:

  1. The name helps in taming a pet.
  2. If the animal suddenly runs away, there is a chance that it will respond to the name and come out to the owner.
  3. When the owner affectionately calls the hamster by name every day, the animal begins to associate it with a feeling of security.

Thus, it is imperative to come up with a name for your pet. But how to name hamsters so that their nickname is interesting? We'll talk about this in detail below.

How to choose nicknames for hamsters?

Choosing a nickname for a Syrian hamster and a dwarf is not an easy task. After all, the nickname should reflect the individuality of the pet. All household members should like her, so that along with her name, the homa can hear tenderness and admiration in the owner’s voice.

We suggest you hold a family council and put on the agenda the choice of a nickname for your pet. Involve the kids, they usually show enthusiasm and sparkling imagination in such matters. Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing names for boys and girls hamsters:

  1. The nickname should be short, the optimal number of syllables is 2, maximum 3. A short word the animal will remember faster. In this case, you can choose a long official name, but when addressing the animal, use its abbreviated equivalent. For example, Businka can be shortened to Busi.
  2. Pay attention to your pet's fur, especially its color. For Syrian hamsters, due to their orange color, the names Fox, Peach, Citrus and others are perfect. You can call a white-colored Djungarian hamster Snowball or Pearl. Popular female names for Djungarians white– Cotton wool, Marshmallow, Umka, etc.
  3. Great importance has the level of activity of your pet. What to name a boy's hamster if he is hyperactive, cheerful and cheerful? The most original name- Motor. You can also give an active boy a nickname: Zhivchik, Shustrik. For a sporty pet that can't get out of the running wheel, the nickname Diesel is very suitable.
  4. When choosing a nickname, many owners are guided by the physique of their pet. This technique works well if you have purchased an adult animal (3 months or older). Over time, babies can change in appearance, as a result the nickname will no longer correspond to the appearance of the pet. The most popular name given to girls is Plushka. Sometimes there are such options: Bun, Bezeshka, Marshmallow. Here are the names for Djungarian hamsters males who have eaten their fat cheeks: Biscuit, Donut, Twix, Sandwich, etc.

You can also come up with your own interesting nicknames. For example, for a boy hamster who likes to explore labyrinths in search of a goal, the name Frodo is a good choice.

Cool nicknames for hamsters

Of course, all owners want their pets to be admired by others. The nickname of the animal is of great importance. After all, if a fluffy has an original and funny nickname, it arouses more interest.


Many people are racking their brains over what a cool name to give a girl’s hamster. First of all, we advise you to pay attention to appearance and the habits of your pet. Here is a list of several nicknames that will suit your hamster:

  • Georgette. If your furry girl is an active fan of the “night watch,” then this nickname is definitely for her;
  • Barbie. The hamster washes herself often, takes care of her appearance and is generally beautiful;
  • Fifa (with emphasis on the 1st syllable, the football association has nothing to do with it) or Kralya are names for girls’ hamsters who have a very complex character: they are reluctant to sit on their hands, they try to bite the finger;
  • Britney. If your hamster squeaks frequently, name her after your favorite singer, such as Britney Spears;
  • Pandora. Did the whole family quarrel when choosing a nickname? Then it's obvious that your girl is Pandora;
  • Hydra. Does your pet eat for three? Then name it after the three-headed mythical creature.

If you are still puzzling over what you can name a girl hamster, then take a closer look at her. Maybe she will remind you of some funny phenomenon or unusual person. Usually, cool nicknames, which are suitable for the pet, take root much faster.


There are many more cool nicknames for men than for women, so you shouldn’t be confused by the question of what to name a boy’s hamster. But here, too, certain difficulties sometimes arise. Therefore, we have selected for you several cool nicknames for a boy's hamster. The funniest of them are related to the resemblance of hamsters to some actor, showman, etc.

Here is the list:

  1. Messi is for the boy hamster who has a passion for the walking ball.
  2. Shiva. The nickname is given to businesslike pets who do everything quickly and are always on time everywhere. Shiva is a famous mythical character who has several arms. By the way, with the same success the nimble khomu can be called Caesar.
  3. Richard – you can name a light-colored Syrian or Djungarian in honor of your favorite actor.
  4. Afonya, Shurik - reward your home with the name of your favorite movie character!
  5. Trampoline - very cool nickname for a chubby Syrian.
  6. Funtik. Is your hamster cute and trusting? Then he is definitely Funtik!
  7. Carlson. If Khoma is the most devoted fan of sweets, and at the same time has an affable character, then name him after your favorite cartoon character.
  8. Dzhigurda is perfect for a shaggy Angora hamster or an animal with an unbridled and unpredictable character.

Using your imagination, you can come up with other funny nicknames.

Nicknames for roommates

Some owners keep several animals, sometimes even in one cage. Sometimes fluffies are housed in pairs, a boy and a girl. In this case, the following nicknames are suitable for a love couple:

  • Romeo and Juliet (abbreviated as Roma and Julia);
  • Rhett and Scarlett;
  • Jane and Edward;
  • Gray and Assol, etc.

If there are 2 boys in a cage, then these are Chip and Dale; if 3, then Huey, Louis and Dewey.


It is worth noting which nicknames it is better not to give to your pet. Firstly, they are too long and it will be difficult for you to remember them. Secondly, derogatory. There is no need to call the cute animal Fattrest, Zhirobas and other offensive “drivers”. You don't want your guests to giggle greasyly at a vulnerable animal, do you?

Choosing a nickname for your favorite pet is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Choose a nickname for your hamster with love, following our advice, because the furry animal will have to live with its name all its life.

If in the house appeared new resident- a hamster (or several at once), in addition to buying a cage, food and setting boundaries for its movement, it is necessary to solve one more problem. This is choosing a pet name. At first glance, it seems that nothing is simpler, but it turns out that everything is not as easy as we would like. Let's look at what names you can come up with for hamsters.

Choosing names for hamsters based on their appearance

The first thing people always look at is the pronounced external features of their pet. Sometimes you don’t even have to think about such a difficult issue as choosing a name, because... the animal immediately stands out as something, and the nickname itself comes to mind. But if this does not happen, then you should pay attention to its outstanding features. Based on this, several options can be proposed:

Well-fed and plump pets can be called such names as Donut, Bun, Sausage, Tanker, Pyshka, Iceberg, Elephant, Meatball and the like.

If the hamster is distinguished by its lively character and nimbleness, then Zhivchik, Skakun, Kawasaki, Falcon, Generator are suitable names for it.

If new member family is distinguished by its abundant and fluffy fur, it can be called by the names Fluff, Fluffy, Poufik.

What names for hamsters can be chosen based on their color. We are considering options

When choosing names for hamsters, you can focus on another component of their appearance - color. Sometimes just the color of an animal largely determines its future name for its owners. let's consider possible options nicknames based on this criterion:

For white pets, names such as Sour Cream, Kefir, Ice Cream, Cloud, Zaya, Snowball, Sugar or White are good choices.

For redheads, you can choose Ryzhik, Fox, Sun, Spark, Spark.

Gray hamsters are very often called Smokey, but you might also consider options such as Gray or Grey.

For black hamsters good name Ugolek and Chernysh are considered.

What names can you choose for male hamsters? Variety of options

If the hamster names suggested above are not suitable for your boy, then you can choose the following as an alternative:

Male name. For example, Yasha, Gosha, Shurik, Borya, Garik, Filya, Kesha, Arkasha, Fedya, Afonya.

Name famous person(athlete, politician, performer, scientist, etc.). For example, we can give the following names for hamsters: Caesar, Napoleon, Benayoun, Jordan, Einstein, Newton, Bismarck, Shakespeare, Pushkin, Byron.

Hero name literary work or character. For example, Sherlock, Holmes, Hercules, Perseus, Gerasim...

Name of the monetary unit (Ruble, Bucks, Dollar, Pound, Yuan, Penny).

Title or rank: Count, King, Prince, Tsar, Captain, Ensign.

What are the names for female hamsters?can choose

A girl is a girl. Therefore, the name for her should be gentle and consonant. Let's look at a few options:

Female name: Masha, Dasha, Nastya, Valya, Lisa, Sonya.

- Flower names are very suitable as a name for a hamster. For example, Violet, Astra, Lily, Rose.

The name of the heroine of a literary work or an animated film: Maya, Gadget, Pelageya, Sunny, Cinderella, Snow White.

The name of a famous person (performer, politician, scientist...). For example, Pink, Gaga, Josephine (abbreviated as Josie), Alsou.

When choosing a name, you need to take into account the pet's breed, its temperament and color. Many owners have the mistaken opinion that if the hamster is small, then there is no need to give it a name, they say, such a baby can simply be called Khoma. They say he has no intelligence, and anyway, why split hairs?

However a pet, even if of tiny size, is worthy of respect and an original nickname, which will emphasize cute features in behavior or appearance.

One cannot perceive a living being as funny toy, requiring attention.

However, hamsters, as the most unpretentious animals, are quite capable of attracting the immediate attention of the owner, thereby encouraging frequent communication. Here, inevitably, everyone shows up hidden talents pet, which are worth paying attention to and noticing subtleties.

Based on the individual characteristics of the pet, various nicknames are born, emphasizing the special expression of the face, the color of the fur coat or character traits. For hamsters, as the smallest pets, simple nicknames are suitable, to which the pet will learn to quickly react and respond. Names can be either short or complex. It is important that the name is easy for the owner to pronounce and for the pet to remember.

Bright fur palette

There are many breeds of hamsters and they all differ in coat color. Starting from natural color and the beauty of its fur coat, a hamster can be named by its color:

Size matters

Hamsters, like all animals, vary in size and degree of fatness. Taking into account the size of the rodent or its diminutiveness, the owner will emphasize the structure of the pet by choosing a nickname from the following list, deciding on the size of the hamster:

  • The giants will have nicknames for their faces: Krepysh, Garnet, Butuz, Kamaz, Olympus.
  • The following names are suitable for the average person: Plaintiff, Athlete, Somersault, Focus, Crocus.
  • Baby hamster will love it affectionate nicknames: Gnome, Quincie, Pixel, Polka Dot, Micron.

Naughty or cutie?

A good solution would be to choose a nickname that reflects the character of your little pet. Despite the similarity of all breeds in habits and preferences, each hamster has its own, personal temperament:

Historical roots: for Dzungarians, Syrians and others

To emphasize continental affiliation, many owners give names derived from the breed of the animal and its natural habitat, thereby emphasizing the status of “foreign” origin and the importance of the individual:

  • Dzungarian: Ermak, Saiga, Zobrik, Terek, Rusik,
  • Syriac: Fighter, Hyacinth, Akbar, Citrus, Yarlik.
  • Chinese: Asian, Tulip, Azis, Riji, Hasik.
  • Roborovsky: Sweet Potato, Knysh, Mognol, Bullet, Khan.

Without calling the animal a specific name and exchanging different nicknames, the owner puts the rodent in a difficult position.

Getting used to certain sounds, the pet remembers them, and constantly changing sounds lead the animal into a state of dissonance.

Everything according to science

Not all pets respond to the names given to them. The basis for this statement is the “inconvenient” name for an animal.

In the course of many years of research and observation, scientists have reliably established that perception different sounds Hamsters interpret in their own way. Experts say that rodents react faster to nicknames that contain the letters T, L, R, S, K, Sh, M, X, N, and Male hamsters respond better to nicknames starting with the letters S, D, K, M.

What's in your name?

It’s not difficult to choose a name for a boy hamster; just take a closer look at your pet to understand who he resembles? Maybe he looks like a comic book hero? Or at racing car? Or maybe he is a genius?

A true gentleman. Undoubtedly a beautiful and unusual name gives the pet a mysterious and romantic look. What could be more delightful than naming your favorite and being carried away into the distance by your dreams, holding a tiny body with a fearless heart in your hands? The following names are surprisingly suitable for dreamy natures:

  • Fairy-tale characters: Kai, Emelya, Miracle, Grimm, Vinnie.
  • Noble titles: Duke, Infant, Prince, Tsar, Baron.
  • Mythical athletes: Atlas, Hercules, Zeus, Jason, Perseus.

Cool and funny names

Naming a pet cool nickname, the owner emphasizes the high status or extraordinary appearance of the animal. Undoubtedly a well-chosen nickname will benefit from the shine of a fur coat or unusual shape eye. A luxurious name given to a pet with love will attract attention to intelligence and aristocratic manners: Sterling, Forbes, Wenzel, Boeing, Neftik.

Cool nicknames are awarded to pets that can make you smile in an instant.

  • Cheerful good-natured people and full-fledged alarmists can bear the name of a movie character: Afonya, Associate Professor, Shurik, Semyon Semyonich, Mityai.
  • Sports people and reckless climbers claim the names of extreme personalities: Rocky, Yukos, Risk, Tourist, Drive.
  • Leisurely bumpkins or gourmets argue over nicknames created from the names of culinary dishes: Gingerbread, Varenik, Belyash, Shanga, Tsukat.

Pet training

Teaching your pet to hear its name is not difficult. When addressing him, you need to monitor the intonation and volume of your voice. There is no need to scare the baby with harsh and rude sounds.

Affectionate notes in pronunciation will help you quickly gain his trust, and the rodent will remember the nickname. When using a treat, the hamster will quickly understand the connection between the treat and the name. The time it takes to memorize a nickname depends on the owner’s tolerance and the pet's intelligence.

When choosing a name for a pet, you need to remember that this name given to a friend. It doesn’t matter in what circumstances the nickname was given. The main thing is to love and respect your little pet.

A funny video

In contact with

When a tiny fluffy miracle falls into our hands, we immediately begin to examine it and play with it. A cute little bundle suddenly becomes dear to us, and we want to surround it with care and warmth, to provide it with good care and living conditions in our family. We observe the behavior of this creature, and instantly a thought appears in our head: what can we call a hamster? Yes, these are the names that will be discussed in our article. You will learn how interesting it is to christen your new furry friend and what principles are used to choose nicknames.


What do you call hamsters?

Hamsters, for the most part, are very sweet, kind creatures. They are mostly tame and friendly. At first they need to get comfortable and get used to it, but this will happen very quickly. Although these fluffy lumps are reputed to have a very docile character, there are exceptions. Some animals can be very active, others cunning, and still others too gentle and affectionate. Based on your hamster's personality, you can come up with many names. This may become one of the main criteria.

Initially, paying attention to the appearance of the hamster: color, coat type, size, people call them Ryzhiki or Gray, but such nicknames are very banal. It’s worth admitting that I’m pretty tired of them and I want to bring some creativity and freshness. If you want to name your pet based on its external characteristics, then try to choose something more interesting. Perhaps study dictionaries and see how this or that color will be in German or English, or even Italian.

If your animal is too fluffy, then you don’t need to immediately call it Fluffy or Fluffy. Imagine, remember movies or cartoons, perhaps there were interesting names pets
Don't forget about general rules names for your hamsters.

The main ones will be:

  1. The name should be liked by all family members so that there are no disputes or conflicts about this later. On family council decide on a nickname for your hamster, you can nominate several names and vote.
  2. The names of any hamsters, regardless of breed or character, should be harmonious and such that they can be pronounced easily and quickly. Especially if you have small children. It is worth noting that if the nickname is short and easy to pronounce, then it will be easier for the hamster to get used to it.
  3. If you have several pets, it is advisable that the nicknames be radically different in sound. Otherwise, the animals will confuse them.

Don't waste your days and nights thinking about names for your hamsters. The most best ideas– these are the ones that come quickly. Taking these rules into account, you can quickly and successfully figure out what to name your hamster. Next we will take a closer look at the names for males and females.

Classification of names for boys

So, if you purchased a hamster and it is a male, then you can give it a name based on different criteria. We will try to list them, or rather classify nicknames suitable for a pet, and you can quickly decide what to name your boy’s hamster.

Main groups of names:

  1. Colorful. Based on the color of your hamster, you can choose a suitable name for him. So, if he is red, then ideal options will be: Ruddy, Persian, Apricot, Iris. If the fur coat is white, then the nicknames for the hamster can be: White, Snowball, Light. Black, Nochik, Night are suitable for a black pet. The following would be suitable for a gray pet: Gray (you can even do Dorian), Fog, London (after all, it’s gray and cloudy there, isn’t it?). If you have a spotted rodent, it will be more difficult to name it based on its color, so it is better to rely on other criteria.
  2. Appetizing. All hamsters, and especially males, eat a lot, which is why they can be called: Zhora, Sandwich, Hrum, Donut, Belyash.
  3. Professional. Very creative idea related to what names to give for boys’ hamsters is to christen them with nicknames similar to your profession or terms from it: Batman, Fleet, Gluck, Boatswain.
  4. Stellar. You can also rely on your preferences and hobbies, if you are into football, then the hamster can be called Zidane or Beckham, and if you like films or comics, then you can call the furry Rambo, Terminator, Zorro.
  5. Comical. A tiny and harmless rodent can be named using the principle of contrast. That is, we give him the nickname of some kind of super hero or boxer, or maybe, on the contrary, some evil and omnipotent creature. Such names could be: Lucik (Lucifer), Batman, Balthazar, Hulk.
  6. Classic. In the very as a last resort, if you don’t like all these options or are skeptical about this kind of invention, then the easiest way is to name your pet usually, you can give the following nicknames for hamsters: Yasha, Grisha, Nafanya, Sneeze, Pyzh, Foma or simply Khoma.

As you can see, the variety of names is very large and these classifications are not the limit, everything will depend on your imagination. You can name your pet whatever you want by looking at any object in the apartment or by pointing your finger at any word in the dictionary. The choice, of course, is yours. Remember, you should like the nickname, and then your new furry pet will like it too.

Classification of names for girls

In principle, if you purchased a female hamster, then the picture with choosing a name is the same as for males. The classifications will be similar. It is important that the name is to your liking, because the pet will respond to almost any name. The main thing for him, or rather for her, is to be regular care, delicious food, the presence of entertaining moments.

The main criteria by which you can choose names for female hamsters are:

  1. Colored. As with the opposite sex, a furry female can be named based on how she looks. Red-haired or golden-haired ladies are called Sunshine, Golden. Snow-white beauties can be called like this: Snowflake, Pearl, Snow. Black females are called, for example, like this: Panther, Bagheera.
  2. The nature. If you notice that small miracle sleeps often, then you can certainly call her Sonya, and if she works a lot or is constantly busy with something, then Maya will suit her; if she is gentle, friendly, then she can be dubbed Laska.
  3. Delicious. In order not to think and observe for a long time, you can choose the nickname “food”. We all know that hamsters and hamsters constantly chew on something; you can choose a name by opening the refrigerator or simply by going into the kitchen. There are Marshmallows, Cinnamon, Raspberries and even Frishka.
  4. Stellar. If you have a favorite actress or singer, then why not make sure that she ends up in your apartment. You can name your female, for example, Jolie or Adele. Make your pet a star!
  5. Standard. For the more skeptical and those who prefer something simpler, you can call the hamster Masha, Shusha, Shura, Lusha.

Similar groups of names can be continued and continued. However, these are the main criteria that will help you decide on a wide variety of names. We hope that after reading them, you now know what to call your new friend.

Video “How to accustom a hamster to a name?”

The video will tell you how to teach a hamster to respond to its name using a variety of treats. Training is no different from training dogs.

Many people decide to keep a hamster as a pet, because they don’t require a lot of space or too much care. And hamsters eat almost everything that you and I eat, without delivering special troubles. These include fruits, vegetables, seeds, and cereals. And although hamsters are kept in a cage almost all the time, they should also have a name, like any other pet.

How to choose a name for a hamster based on its color?

When choosing a name for your hamster, you can first of all pay attention to its color.

  • For red hamsters, suitable names are Peach, Mandarin, Apricot, Ryzhik, Fox, Honey.
  • For a gray hamster - Gray, Smokey or Gray.
  • For white, you can choose from the names Kefir, White, Snowball, White, Angel, Zephyr, Ice Cream.
  • For a black hamster, the names Chernysh, Black, and Coal are suitable.

Names for hamsters based on their appearance and behavior

You can choose a name for a small pet based on the characteristics of its appearance and behavior.

  • For well-fed hamsters, the names Mars, Sandwich, Hot, Snickers, Donut, Pukhlyak, Tolstyak, Thin, Kamaz may be suitable.
  • But for a lively and nimble hamster - Drive, Rogue, Diesel, Meteor, Tyson, Zhivchik, Shustrik, Boy, Baby, Ferrari.
  • If your hamster is very fluffy, the names Zhorik, Fluff, Poufik, Fluffy will be perfect.

What to name a boy hamster?

  • If you purchased a boy hamster, you can give him a regular male name: Yasha, Afonya, Fomka, Shurik, Fedya, Arkasha, Borka, Senka, Gavryusha, Garik, Kesha, Filya.
  • You can take the names of famous heroes or people: Churchill, Caesar, Franklin, Clinton, Watson, Sherlock, Shakespeare, Giordano.
  • For lovers of originality, the names - Baron, Duke, Crown Prince, Count - will be just a godsend.
  • Popular names for hamsters are Zipper, Chip, Byte, Space, Cupcake, Dale, McDuck, Lolik, Marzipan, Bams, Chips, Screw, Jerry, Bosun, Gag, Dominic, Gluck, Pepper, Yogurt, Knopik, Coconut, Chubchik, Marsik , Matvey, Cursor, Pascal, Dream Interpretation, Pixel, Treves, Chester, Crunch.

There are no special recommendations from experts when choosing a name for such a small ornamental animal. The main thing here is that the owner himself likes the name. When choosing a name, try to use your imagination. If difficulties still arise, you can always turn to the Internet and special sections that will help you make your choice.

Try to choose a name that suits you for a small pet. If it makes you and those around you smile, that’s great. Your pet will be able to delight you not only with its presence, but also with the sound of its name.

Especially forLadySpecial. ru- Julia