Who is Mabel's best friend? Animated series "Gravity Falls": characters, their names and interesting facts

Mason "Dipper" Pines- a twelve-year-old boy, Mabel's twin brother. One of the main characters of the animated series. Born on August 31 (5 minutes later than my sister). He is trying to uncover the secrets of the town of Gravity Falls and find the author of the diaries. Very smart and reasonable, but often indecisive. In love with Wendy Corduroy. His symbol in Bill's Wheel is a spruce tree, matching the one on his cap. He loves a board game called “Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons.”

Mabel Pines- a cheerful, resilient twelve-year-old girl, Dipper's twin sister. Described by her brother as a "hopeless optimist". One of the main characters of the animated series. Considers himself an expert in many areas of life, which often leads to confusion. A master of applied arts, a sculptor, he also knits well and plays mini-golf. Loves sweaters, wears a different one in each episode. Wants to have a great summer in Gravity Falls and have a summer romance. The symbol in Bill's Wheel is a shooting star, like the one on one of her sweaters. He has a cat (in his parents' house) and a pig, Pukhlya. She considers herself older than Dipper, since she was born five minutes earlier.

Stanley "Uncle Stan" Pinesgreat-uncle ear twins, 69 years old. One of the main characters of the animated series. A fraudster and adventurer, he owns the Mystery Shack tourist center. Initially, he treats his great-nephews rather coldly, which is subsequently explained by an attempt to protect them from local anomalies. For many years he lived under the name of his twin brother and hid a portal to another dimension located under the house. The symbol in Bill's wheel is a crescent moon with a fez.

Stanford Philbrick "Grandpa Ford" Pines, Also Author- Great-uncle of Dipper and Mabel, twin brother of Stanley; the author of diaries describing the anomalies of the city and one of the main characters of the animated series. In character, he is the exact opposite of his brother Stanley: calm and reasonable. Obsessed with our scientific work(for which Stan calls him a “nerd”), like Dipper, loves adventures and the board game “Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons.” Ambidextrous, has six fingers on each hand. Received twelve academic degrees. The symbol in Bill's Wheel is a six-fingered hand.

Chubby— Mabel’s pet pig, whom she simply adores. The girl won it in the ninth episode of the first season and considers this moment one of the best in her life. In one of the episodes, Pukhlya swapped bodies with Zus, and in another he was kidnapped by a pterodactyl. "Husband" of Gompers.

Gompers- a goat who lives near the Mystery Shack. Sometimes he eats anything. At the beginning of Strangemageddon, due to the Wave of Madness, it increased to gigantic proportions. "Wife" of Pukhli. He is 10 years old.

Jesus Alzamirano "Zus" Ramirez- a twenty-two-year-old repairman, a permanent employee of the Mystery Shack. Good friend of Dipper and Mabel. Clumsy, awkward, slow to think, but very kind and devoted to the Pines family and Babulite. He has a variety of talents: he acted as a DJ, a ship’s helmsman, a driver, and so on. Has an old pickup truck. Claims that he learned everything from video games. His nickname became a household name in the town, denoting any worker. In the series he becomes the new owner of the Mystery Shack. The symbol in Bill's Wheel is a question mark. Birthday: July 13th.

Babulita Ramirez- grandmother of Zus and Reggie. Widow. Very caring. He is an unquestioned authority for his grandchildren. Father Zus doesn’t like noise either.

Reggie Ramirez- Zus's cousin. Zus says about him: “He’s the same as me, only a hundred times worse!” (another option: “He’s an unfinished Zus!”). Engaged.

Wendy Corduroy- fifteen years old red-haired girl, working in the Mystery Shack. He is the object of Dipper's fascination, which he diligently tries to hide throughout the series. In her own words, she dated so many guys that she can no longer remember them all. Wendy is the oldest and most tall child in family. She is sociable and carefree, has many friends. Excellent in climbing trees and handling weapons. The symbol in Bill's Wheel is an ice pack.

Dan "Brave Dan" Corduroy- Lumberjack, father of the Corduroy family. Widower, raising four children. The biggest, boldest and strong man in the city.

Corduroy Brothers- sons of "Brave Dan" and brothers of Wendy. They help their father with his work, and also spend time with him: they go fishing and hiking.

Gideon Charles "Little Gideon" Gleeful- a ten-year-old boy, owner of the Tent of Telepathy. Stanley's longtime rival. Gideon is the main antagonist of the first season. Looks cute and harmless Small child what he successfully uses to achieve his goals. Rude, cruel and cunning so much that it keeps you in fear own family. Gideon is in love with Mabel and believes that Stan and Dipper are an obstacle to their relationship. During Weirdmageddon, he and a gang of prisoners side with Cipher, but then, convinced by Dipper, he fights back against Bill's team. His name is a play on words: "giddy'n'gleeful" - "frivolous and cheerful." The symbol in Bill's wheel is a pentagonal star with an eye, similar to the symbolism of the Tent of Telepathy.

Bad Gleeful- Gideon's father. He owns a car dealership and also works at the Telepathy Tent. A cunning, but still soft and not aggressive person. Bud is weak-willed and unquestioningly obeys his son, occasionally trying to object. Formerly a member of the Society of the Blind Eye.

Carla Gleeful- Gideon's mother. A grizzled and frightened housewife. Her uncontrolled vacuuming of the floors probably explains frequent procedures erasing memory. However, in the episodes "Blendin's Game" and "Weirdmageddon. Part 3: Bring Back Gravity Falls" she can be seen smiling.

Cheekastic- Baby Gideon's hamster. In one of the episodes he was supposed to guard the reduced Dipper and Mabel, but he turned out to be too stupid for this task.

Robert Stacy "Robbie V" Valentino- a sixteen-year-old pimply emo, a stereotype of a typical teenager. He plays in the rock band Robbie V and the Tombstones. From the middle to the end of the first season he dated Wendy, and is currently dating Tambry, but only thanks to Mabel and the God of Love. The symbol in Bill's Wheel is a darned heart. He's been wearing his signature sweatshirt with a heart since he was in seventh grade.

Greg and Janice Valentino- Robbie's parents. Owners of a funeral home. Very cheerful and cheerful people, they love guests. For them, death is a means of earning money.

Pacifica Elizabeth Northwest- a popular girl in Gravity Falls, from a rich family. Descendant of the city's fake founder, Nathaniel Northwest. Initially, Pacifica was rude, proud and arrogant. The events that occurred in the second season radically changed her character. Favorite color is hot pink. The family's last name is a direct indication of the location of Gravity Falls ( Pacific Northwest- Pacific Northwest, where the state of Oregon and the town of Gravity Falls are located). The symbol in Bill's Wheel is a llama.

Preston Northwest- Pacifica's father, a direct descendant of the fake founder of Gravity Falls. His family's wealth and fame rest on their origins and ownership of the mudguard factory. He is an unquestioned authority for his daughter. At the beginning of Weirdmageddon he was mutilated by Bill Cipher. At the end of the animated series, he goes bankrupt and loses almost everything, including his estate, which became the property of Fiddleford McGuckett.

Priscilla Northwest- Pacifica's mother. She is very proud of her beauty and status in society. According to Alex Hirsch in the "Gravity Falls: Between Pines" special, Priscilla met Preston during the 1985 Miss Mudflap beauty pageant, which she won.

Nathaniel Northwest- ancestor of Preston and Pacifica, false founder of Gravity Falls. In fact there was " idiot cleaning up manure" The US government falsified the story of the city's founding to hide the truth about the existence of the "stupidest president in history" and the true founder - Quentin Tremblay.

Candy Chubest friend Mabel and Grends. Korean. Wear glasses. For a short time, she liked Dipper. Can play the synthesizer.

Fiddleford Gadron "Old Man McGucket" McGucket- local eccentric and inventor. Lived in a landfill. Once in his youth he was friends with Stanford Pines and helped build a portal to other worlds. Founded the Society of the Blind Eye to forget about the portal incident and later went insane (at 618 days of use). Before that, he lived in his parents' garage, played the banjo and worked at his own company selling personal computers. After Strangemageddon, Fiddleford regained his sanity and bought the Northwest estate with the money he received from selling his inventions to the US government. In particular, McGucket owns such inventions as a laptop for third-party surveillance of the activation of the universal portal, a memory eraser, various robots (for example, a robot-gnawing), an elixir for changing voices, a huttron and others. During his madness, he married a female raccoon. The symbol in Bill's wheel is glasses.

Tate McGucket- son of Old Man McGucket. Works at a boat station by the lake. Doesn't want to communicate with his father. He seems to know a thing or two about the anomalies of Gravity Falls. Following the main events of the series, father and son are seen swimming together in a pool.

Tyler Cutbiker- a middle-aged man, with a soul similar to a woman. Likes to encourage fighters (catchphrase - “Beat him!”). Since the fourteenth episode of the second season, he has been the mayor of Gravity Falls.

Grady Mess- a pioneer from 1863, one of the first inhabitants of Gravity Falls. The head of a large family.

Fertilia Mess- Grady Messa's wife, mother.

Grenda- Candy and Mabel's best friend. Big, very strong and plump girl with rude male voice. Boy-crazy. Loves the Utkativa show as much as she hates graph paper. Favorite color is beige. Since the episode “The Secret of the Northwest Estate” he has been in close contact with Baron Marius.

Gabe Bahnsen- a handsome boy - a puppeteer. He is so obsessed with dolls that he often talks to them and sometimes kisses them. Last guy Mabel. Candy also liked him very much.

Tambry— friend Wendy, emo. He is a member of a group of teenage friends. Almost never leaves his phone. Gets irritated when people call her Tamburs. Dating Robbie, Nate used to like her.

Thompsonfat guy from Wendy's group of friends. He gets made fun of a lot, but he puts up with it to stay with his friends.

Nate- a dark-skinned teenager from Wendy's company. He previously liked Tambry.

Lee— teenager, Wendy's friend. Skinny blond. He likes to laugh at the failures of people and lovers, but if he gets scared, he can withdraw.

Hornia little boy, resident of Gravity Falls. In his debut, he was eaten by the Letuinsky trickster, and at the end of the episode he was freed by Zus.

Shmipper and Shmable— twin children, city residents. In many ways identical to Dipper and Mabel, but only younger. They love to play and have fun.

Charlie- a boy, an ordinary resident of Gravity Falls. He is very attached to his mother, in times of danger he clings to her (as shown in the episode “God of Love”).

Jeffy Fresh, Byron and Rosie- a group of teenagers who lived in Gravity Falls in 1980-1990. Thanks to them, the Summerween Dodger and the ghosts of Ma and Pa appeared. They love to dance to rap music and despise old people. In PinesQuest, a gravestone can be found in the town cemetery stating that "Jeff, Byron and Rosie crossed the Dodger", which implies that they were killed by the Summerween Dodger.

Susan "Lazy Susan" Wentworth- a plump elderly waitress from the Fat Lunch diner. Her name is a parody of the sound of a spinning tray. Her left eye is closed due to an injury caused by Stanley Pines. Stanley himself is not indifferent to her.

Toby Determined/Gorgeous T- Former journalist and editor of the local newspaper Gravity Falls Gossip. Very ugly and unpopular, but wants to be the center of attention. Formerly a member of the Society of the Blind Eye. His name is a pun on the vague, “yellow press.” Secretly in love with Shandra Jimenez. He changed his image during Strangegeddon, leaving journalism, and became the founder of the game "Deathball" under the pseudonym "Magnificent T".

Daryl Blubs- the city sheriff, a short and fat African American. He does everything to avoid work. Edwin Durland's best friend and partner. In addition, he and Durland star in a television series about teenagers, broadcast on city television.

Edwin Durland- Tall and thin Deputy Blubs. He is his boss's best friend and shares his interests in everything. He can't read and is very stupid. Until July 13, 2002, he worked at the Mystery Shack, until Zus got there. At the end of the animated series, I learned to put my signature. According to Alex Hirsch, Durland is so stupid that he would never realize he had a name.

Sprott- farmer, owner of a small home zoo. It was on his farm that the piglet, Pukhlya, grew up. Formerly a member of the Society of the Blind Eye. Afraid of witches.

Tats- black thug, employee of the Skull Fracture bar. Gets angry when he gets pranked on the phone. Formerly a member of the Society of the Blind Eye. The owner of tattoos indicating the part of the body on which they are applied, for example, “head”, “neck”, “chin”.

Butts- biker, frequent client of Skull Fracture. Despite his rough appearance, he has a soft soul. His name is the word "stab" (stab) turned backwards.

Shandra Jimenez- a local beautiful correspondent with whom Toby the Resolute is secretly in love. Her catchphrase: "Shandra Jimenez, a true reporter."

Eustace von Bifufflefumpter— 102-year-old mayor of Gravity Falls. He died at the beginning of the fourteenth episode of the second season. For some time he was raised by a bear. During his leadership, a water tower was erected. Possibly involved in the outbreak of the First World War. His catchphrase: “Ah, this is Death! And I’m still waiting for you to come for me.”

Mister Cool- lifeguard in the city pool. Together with athletic build has an unstable psyche, obsessed with order in the pool area. Has a prosthesis instead of his right hand.

Blind Glasgow, Also Blind Ivan- leader of the Society of the Blind Eye after Old Man McGucket. Has tattoos on his head. After the events of the seventh episode of the second season, his memory was erased, and now he is a traveling musician. Woopsik-Dupsik Terrible Hairy(Mabel came up with the name).

Harry Glinka- animator in the field of plasticine animation. He lived as a hermit to keep the plasticine monsters he himself revived from meeting people. The end to this was put by Dipper, Mabel and their friends.

Jean-Luc- a waiter from the restaurant where Baby Gideon and Mabel had their first date.

Sergey— Pacifica's mini-golf coach. Olympic champion. Speaks with a pronounced accent.

Emmit and D'Shawn— Sprott Farm employees. They tried to stop the kidnapping of Octavia's cow.

Gary- employee of the pizzeria “Merry Trouble at the Old Owl”. He is proud of his youth and the animatronic Willie the Badger.

Hank- a background character, at the same time the first one shown in the animated series. Has a wife and son.

Reginald and Rosanna- young people who are members of warm relations. They can almost always be seen together. Reginald also tried to propose to her until Stan showed up with an inappropriate joke about marriage. Rosanna hides that she likes the group “Paru Raz”.

Sir Lord Squire Quentin Trembley III- the “eight-and-a-half” president “erased” from US history, as well as the founder of Gravity Falls. He ruled in 1837 for about a month, but disappeared without signing a decree on his resignation. He was married three times. Despite strange, sometimes stupid behavior (for example, trying to open the door by poking it with a key), he is a genius - he left an encrypted message in which he indicated how to find him, and also turned out to be right by immuring himself in sherbet, to survive. Only a few people know about him and try to keep it a secret because for them he is the stupidest president in the history of the country. After the adventures on the train, he gave Dipper the “President's Key” and a $12 bill, and appointed Mabel a congressman. Alex Hirsch says Trembley will return when the country needs him badly.

Do you know the name of the animated series “Gravity Falls”? The characters in this film bring great pleasure to many television viewers. And it's Walt Disney again! The company is famous for such legendary works as Aladdin, Snow White, The Lion King, etc.

"Gravity Falls": characters living in the city. Pines

So, more details. Who lives in Gravity Falls? The characters of the Pines family are probably the most striking personalities.

Let's start with Dipper. This is a twelve year old boy. The guy is trying to uncover all the secrets of a small town and find the person who wrote the mysterious diary. He is reasonable and quick-witted, but at the same time he is often indecisive. A boy is in love with a girl named Wendy.

Mabel is Dipper's twin sister. The girl considers herself a great expert in various areas of life. However, in the end, her activities lead to complete confusion. The heroine is a master of applied arts and a sculptor. She plays mini golf and knits well.

Uncle Stan is Dipper and Mabel's great-uncle. He is an adventurer and a swindler. Owner of a tourist center called "Mystery Shack". For a long time lives under the name of his twin brother and hides a portal to another dimension located under his house.

Uncle Stanley's twin brother is Philbrick Stanford. He is the author of diaries that describe everything that happens in the city. This character is the complete opposite of his brother. Reasonable, calm, immersed in his scientific work.


In Gravity Falls, the characters known by this name are no less interesting. Zus Ramirez is a twenty-two-year-old repairman. He is friends with Dipper and Mabel. The guy is a little clumsy, awkward and does not always think well. However, he is very kind. And he has a lot of talents. He acted as a DJ, as the helmsman of the ship, and as a driver. He learned everything, in his own words, from video games.

Babulita is the widowed grandmother of Reja and Zus. A caring woman, an unquestioned authority for her grandchildren. He hates Father Zus and unnecessary noise.

Reggie is Zus's cousin. For his cousin, he is “almost the same as himself, but only a hundred times worse.”


No less interesting characters in Gravity Falls. The characters cannot but be remembered by the viewer.

Wendy is a red-haired girl of fifteen years old, an employee of the Mystery Shack. For Dipper, he is an object of passion. The heroine claims that she has already had so many guys that she simply can’t remember them all.

Dan is the father of the family, a woodcutter. Raises four children. The strongest man in the city. The Corduroy brothers constantly help dad at work. They also go hiking and fishing with him.


By the way, if you are a creative person, pay your attention to unusual game called “Create your own Gravity Falls character.” A wide variety of tools can be used here. There are no restrictions in the game at all. You can, for example, draw someone similar to Gleeful. By the way, who are they?

Little Gideon is a ten-year-old boy who owns the Tent of Telepathy. Most main enemy Stanley. And the main antagonist. Looks like a cute and harmless little child. This helps the hero in successfully achieving his goals. Rude, cruel and treacherous. Even his family members are afraid of him.

His father is Bud. Owner of a car dealership. The man is cunning, but at the same time completely non-aggressive and gentle. Weak-willed, unquestioningly obeying his son. He tries to object to him only occasionally.

Carla is Gideon's mother. Frightened gray-haired housewife. Suffers from regular memory erasing procedures.


Often in the game “Create your own character from Gravity Falls,” fans of the series try to create characters similar to this family. For example, such as Robbie V. This is a sixteen year old emo boy. Rock musician. Has been dating Wendy for a long time. Over time, he chooses Tambry as his chosen one.

Janice and Greg Valentino are funeral home owners and Robbie's parents. These people are cheerful and cheerful. They love to receive guests. Well, death is a means of earning money for them.


Today there are even jokes on the topic of this series psychological tests. Something like this: “How will the characters in Gravity Falls treat you?” Fans of the series often like the assessments of the Northwest family.

Elizabeth Pacifica is one of the most popular girls in the city from a very wealthy family. Rude, sarcastic, looking down on commoners like Mabel. In the second season things start to change for the better.

Preston is this girl's dad. He puts pressure on his daughter using bells. At the end of the series he is completely ruined. All his property goes to Fiddleford McGuckett.

Pacifica's mother is Priscilla. A woman who cannot help but be proud of her status and her beauty. The most important thing for her is gloss.

Nathaniel is the town's "fake" founder. In fact, he is “that idiot who removes manure.” Mrs. Northwest is his deceased wife.


Gravity Falls characters are often used by children for sketching. The Chu family is a great option.

Candy is Grenda and Mabel's best friend. Korean woman with glasses. Plays the synthesizer. Long time in love with Dipper.

Candy's parents are Mrs. and Mr. Chu. They take care of their daughter’s musical education. The little girl is horrified at the mere thought of music camp.


By the way, there are also some “real characters” from Gravity Falls. The cartoon characters were “based” on real people. Of course, they resemble them very vaguely. Let's take a look at the McGaggets.

Fiddleford Gadron - inventor. For some time he lived in a landfill. In his youth he was a friend of Pines Stanford. Helped him build portals to other worlds. Thanks to him, a special “Society of the Blind Eye” was founded. Gone crazy. But over time, his sanity returned. McGaggett's ex-wife left him several years before the events taking place in the series.

Tate works at the lake, providing boat rentals. He expresses no desire to communicate with his father, old man McGagget. Knows something about the anomalies occurring in the town.


No less interesting characters cartoon "Gravity Falls". Tyler is a man whose soul is more like a woman. Constantly encourages those who like to fight. In the second season he becomes the mayor of the city.

Mrs. Cutbiker is Tyler's mother. She can only be seen in the memories of Stanley and Stanford.


In Gravity Falls, the heroes and characters are all impressive. Grady Mess also deserves considerable attention. This is one of the very first inhabitants of the city. He is the father of a large family.

Fertilia is his wife. Her children help her with the housework. For example, melt fat.

Other residents

What would other Gravity Falls characters look like? real life? Probably very nice. Take a look at these heroes.

Mabel and Candy's best friend is Grenda. The girl is strong and plump, obsessed with boys. Hates graph paper.

Bensen Gabe is a very handsome boy who is obsessed with dolls. I really like Candy.

Wendy's friend is an emo named Tambry. Member of a group of teenage friends. Dating Robbie.

Thompson - big guy from Wendy's friends. They often laugh at him, but he endures all kinds of teasing in order not to be left alone.

Nate is the dark guy from Wendy's friends. He initially liked Tambry.

Lee is another friend of Wendy's. A thin blond man who always laughs at lovers and losers.

Horny, Billy, Shmable, Shmipper, Charlie - little boys. The most ordinary residents of the city.

Rosie, Byron and Jeffy are a group of teenagers who lived in the town in the 1980s and 1990s. They hated old people and danced rap. They were killed by the Letouin Dodger.

Susan is an older, plump waitress. Due to an electrical injury caused by Stanley Pines, her left eye is closed.

Toby is a former journalist and newspaper editor. Ugly and unpopular. Nevertheless, he wants to be in the spotlight all the time. Later he becomes the founder of a game called "Deathball".


Among the heroes of the city there are also animals. For example, Mabel has a tame pig, Poohlya. The girl won the competition and considers this day the best day of her life.

Gompers the goat lives not far from the Mystery Shack. He is ten years old. He eats “whatever he has to.”

Octavia is a mutant cow with eight legs, a powerful tongue and a laser gaze. Lives in the forest.

Utkativ is a drake who stars in a popular TV show. Wears a famous detective's cap. The series is loved by many residents of the city.

Baby Gideon has a hamster named Cheeky. A very stupid animal. Unlike his parrot - the red macaw. The bird can say the phrase “Mabel, will you go on a date with me?”

Lazy Susan is the owner of the cats Sandy, Donald and Mister Scratchy. Grenda sometimes carries an iguana on her shoulder.

Zmeersuk is a pair of badger and snake, held together by the spell of the God of Love.

In addition, the city is home to many owls and squirrels. A furry chimpanzee waiter works at the Northwest estate. McGucket's pets also include chickens, a crocodile and a female raccoon. Stan illegally sells pugs. In short, there are a lot of animals in Gravity Falls.

Out of city

Blendlin is a time traveler. Eliminates various anomalies that arise in the time stream. Because of Mabel and Dipper, he ends up under arrest. True, he is reinstated in his position a little later. Becomes Bill Cipher's pawn.

Dangren and Lolf are members of the anti-paradox temporary special forces. They look like the characters from the movie “Universal Soldier”. Lolph is a very sentimental character. Dangren has a family.


There are also FBI agents in the animated series. Powers is the agent tracking the Pines. He claims to have an extremely rare disease - a physical inability to understand humor. After his memory is erased, he is forced to return to Washington.

Trigger is Powers' partner. The latter believes that Trigger has a feminine character. He's younger than Powers, but he's not new to his job. Also subject to memory erasure.

So, there are a lot of characters in the animated series. They are all interesting and original. Bright personalities cannot go unnoticed by fans of fresh television projects. In general, see for yourself. The cartoon will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

The cartoon "Gravity Falls" about the mysterious adventures of the Pines twins has become one of the most popular and controversial projects in recent decades. Millions of fans around the world are still speculating about what was left unsaid, what the author wanted to say. This is one of the most controversial stories on television.

Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bagogames/

To this day, fans find references, Easter eggs and unsolved mysteries of the animated universe. In this article we will tell you the most Interesting Facts about Gravity Falls.

1. References to your own life

Alex Hirsch, the creator of Gravity Falls, took a lot from his own life. His sister wanted to have a pet pig as a child, but her dream never came true. In the series, Mabel, as the personification of Hirsch's sister, got her own pet pig.

2. Nickname

Dipper is not actually the name of one of the twins, but a nickname. Alex Hirsch has officially stated that the boy's real name is Mason. The information was first announced in an interview, after which it could be found in the official diary of Alex Hirsch on the Gravity Falls universe.

3. Captions

In the introductory music, you can hear incoherent sounds, like whispers. In fact, this is a real encrypted message. If you play the sound backwards, you can hear the key that is used to decipher other messages hidden in each of the episodes.

Starting from the seventh episode, the messages are encoded in a different way: the letters in the word are replaced with similar ones at the other end of the alphabet. Thus, in the first episode, the creators warn the Pines twins and the viewer that Uncle Stan may be dangerous. The encrypted phrase of the screensaver is “he is not what he seems.”

4. Numbers and letters

Viewers began to notice the numbers 618 and the letter H appearing on the walls around the house. 6/18 is the birthday of the creator of Gravity Falls, as for the letter, this is a reference to the author’s last name.

5. Lies

In one episode, the letters OLHV appear on Stan's great-uncle's back. If you read them using the Caesar cipher, you get "lies", which means "lying".

6. Time Traveler

A mysterious figure, unrelated to the plot, appeared in the first, second, and third episodes of the series. Attentive spectators could not help but pay attention to the man. The guy later appears in episode nine. It turns out that the main task of the strange character is to correct time anomalies. It turns out the man was going back in time to collect the things the twins left behind while they took advantage of the mid-season time jumps.

7. Zombie

According to a fan theory, a character named Robie is a zombie. The proof is the guy's appearance, his stooped gait. The series says that zombies are accidentally mistaken for teenagers. The store where the company went on vacation is marked with an inscription made by Robie. It reads “zombies rule.” Alex Hirsch neither confirmed nor denied the theory.

8. Lost in translation

Many mysteries are difficult for Russian viewers to solve. To understand the essence and find the correct answer, you need to watch the series in the original voice acting and have an idea of ​​the features in English, figures of speech, popular puns.

9. Bill's Wheel

At the end of each cutscene, the so-called wheel of Bill, the main villain of the series, is shown. This is a cipher that contains characters related to the characters. Fans have solved almost all the mysteries associated with the wheel, except for two, it is believed that viewers should wait for the release of the third season, where everything will be explained. On this moment There are no plans to release a third season.

10. References

Almost every episode contains references to popular television projects, books, films, computer games, events that happened in show business and the world. In some cases they are associated with riddles, sometimes presented in the form of an ordinary parody.

11. Audience

Initially, the animated series was planned for children. The first season received rave reviews from viewers and critics and gained popularity among people of all ages. In the second season, the creators took a step further and made the project more complex and multifaceted.

12. Main character

The main character of Gravity Falls is Dipper. The boy appears in every episode, taking Active participation in what is happening. Twin sister Mabel is in all episodes, but in one she does not accept direct participation and doesn't talk.

13. Tyrone

In the episode when Dipper creates clones, one of the new Dippers is named Tyrone. According to the boy, he wants to bear this name.

14. Fashionista

Mabel constantly changes her clothes. In each episode, the girl changes into a new bright sweater.

15. Great Uncle

This is how the Pines twins address Stan, which initially caused bewilderment among Russian viewers. It's a play on words, something between great-grandfather and uncle.

Wall, Bill, Zus and some other characters in American version Alex Hirsch provided his own voice acting.

17. Hirsch's sister

The character of Mabel was based on Alex Hirsch's sister. However, the girl was not invited to voice the character. Instead, she became a guest star, lending her voice to Pacifica's red-haired friend.

Attentive viewers can see the face of the creator of Gravity Falls while watching the screensaver, as well as on the wall in one of the rooms and in the commercial that is shown on TV in the cartoon universe.

19. Birthday of heroes

20. Piedmont

The word can be seen at the beginning on Dipper's bag. This is the real place where the creator of Gravity Falls was born.

21. Couple

Dipper and Mabel were originally supposed to be friends who began a romance. Later they decided to abandon the idea, leaving a brother-sister relationship between the guys. This made it possible not to overload the plot, making the cartoon suitable for a children's audience.

22. Envy

According to Alex Hirsch, Dipper is jealous of my own sister. The girl is more open, sociable and willing to meet new people. She doesn't feel the same awkwardness that her brother often experiences.

The actress who voices Mabel admitted that of all the characters to whom she had the chance to give a voice, the girl turned out to be the closest to her in spirit. In an interview, the girl said that she considers herself slightly abnormal, but thinks it’s fun. According to her personal feelings, Mabel feels this way.

24. Feud

It was originally planned that there would be some kind of confrontation between the Pines twins, as is usually the case with brother and sister. Later it was suggested that Mabel would not participate in Dipper’s investigation at all; the boy would study the mysteries of the town alone. However, this move seemed too predictable. They decided to make the brother and sister closer to each other, to create a warm, harmonious relationship between them.

25. Grunkle Stan

The image of Great Uncle Stan is copied from dear grandfather Alex Hirsch, also named Stan.

26. Wendy and Zus

According to the original plan, the guys were supposed to become a couple. Afterwards, Alex Hirsch came up with the idea of ​​introducing another love line, make Dipper fall in love with Wendy, and leave Zus as a cheerful comrade and friend for Uncle Stan and the twins.

27. Jesus Chambrid

This best friend Alex Hirsch, from whom the image of the cheerful Zus is copied.

28. Wendy

According to the creator, the image of the girl was a collective one, inspired by several good people. Alex Hirsch called Wendy the most beautiful girl in Gravity Falls.

29. Theory

According to fan theory, birth mother Wendy died, so the girl had a difficult childhood, as evidenced by some of her lines. Hirsch officially confirmed the theory in an interview.

30. “Hey Arnold!”

Fans have noticed similarities between Pacifica and Dipper's relationship and the relationship between Helga and Arnold in the popular cartoon. Alex Hirsch admitted that he was inspired by this story when he thought through the concept of the relationship between the main character and Pacifica. The latter is not an openly negative character, the girl sometimes betrays true feelings certain phrases or looks.

31. Ex

The image of the arrogant, narcissistic beauty Pacifica was painted with ex-girlfriend Alexa Hirsha.

32. Benny Hill

The popular TV presenter became the prototype appearance Gideon. The drawn boy absorbed the charisma and confidence of Benny Hill, but not kindness.

33. Chipped tooth

If you look closely, you can see Robie has a chipped tooth. The creator explained the feature in the official printed version. One day a guy pulled Wendy's pigtail at school, the girl got angry and hit him sharply in the face, as a result the guy lost part of a tooth.

34. 3D version

Initially, Gravity Falls was supposed to be released as a 3D cartoon. However, the models would not have turned out as cute and pleasing to the eye as if they had been drawn in classic style, so it was decided to leave the cartoon hand-drawn and not modeled using computer graphics.

35. Cloning machine

In the story, only Dipper used the device. However, in one episode, fans noticed that Pacifica was in two places at once. This is a mistake by the writers or the girl used a machine to create clones.

36. End credits

Fans have noticed that the font in the end credits is constantly changing, almost every episode. The creators do not provide an explanation for this feature; perhaps this is another mystery or clue.

37. Real Gravity Falls

After the release of the cartoon, fans found two small American towns in Oregon, around which there are endless rumors and legends. Perhaps the creators were inspired by them when writing the script for the cartoon.

38. Message

There are many hidden messages in the cartoon that are not related to the plot, added in order to whet the interest of true fans. On thematic forums, people constantly debate about what next reference or Easter egg they managed to solve this time. According to Alex Hirsch, they were added to the plot literally at the last moment; the idea for the next encryption came spontaneously.

39. Fingers

In Gravity Falls, adult characters have five fingers on their hands, while children have four. As for the main villain Bill, he has four fingers. Is this a mistake, a clue to his age and level of self-awareness, or a quirk because he came from another world? Unknown.

40. Pitt Cola

This is a drink that appears in every episode of the series. One of the main directors of the series is named Joy Pitt.

41. Yeti

The creature was not immediately noticed by fans of the series; it appears in the title sequence of the series for only one second. Alex Hirsch claims to have personally seen Bigfoot twice.

42. Runes on the wall

There has long been controversy about the runes on the wall in the cave where Dipper passes through. Later it turned out that they do not exist and have no translation.

43. Inspiration

In the interval between the first and second seasons, the film crew went on a trip to abandoned towns and old attractions in order to get a new dose of inspiration, come up with new interesting jokes, situations, and plot twists of the series.

The author of Gravity Falls is animator Alex Hirsch, who decided to create a project that would be equally interesting to children and adults. Also in student years he created an 11-minute animated film in which he talked about his experiences and personal feelings during summer holidays at my grandfather's with his twin sister. For some time, Alex worked on the Cartoon Network channel, after which he moved to the Disney Channel, having a hand in several small animated projects.

One day, Disney Channel management asked Alex to conduct a training session with novice animators, at which he decided to demonstrate his short cartoon. Those gathered were completely delighted with it, and the TV channel decided to immediately acquire the rights to the project and gave the green light for the production of a full-fledged animated series, which it was decided to put into television distribution in the summer of 2012.

Plot and production

The basic concept of the animated series remained the same, but many significant details were introduced. The twins were given fictitious names - Dipper and Mabel Pines, and for the holidays they went to their grandfather Stanley Pines, who was called "Uncle Stan". The latter lives and works in his own “miracle shack” in the small town of Gravity Falls, located in a wooded area. After their arrival, the twins realize that inexplicable things are happening in the city, the forest, and even the hut itself, and they also encounter fantastic creatures.

Each episode is most often dedicated to meeting some type of fantastic creatures or encountering paranormal phenomena. Dipper and Mabel learn how to cope with the next danger from a mysterious diary, and also always receive help from their friends Zus and Wendy. As the story progresses, everything comes up more riddles, including those associated with the personality of Uncle Stan and his “Mystery Shack,” as well as some residents of Gravity Falls.

The first 12 episodes of the animated series aired weekly on Disney Channel starting in the summer of 2012, as planned. The next 8 episodes were released irregularly and as they were completed, until August 2013. The project, which became very popular on television, was immediately decided to be extended for a second season. Episodes were released the same way as they were completed until February 15, 2016. During the production of the animated series, the creators encountered difficulties: each new episode turned out to be more eventful than the previous one, which greatly delayed and complicated manufacturing process. As a result, after the completion of the second season, it was decided to close the animated series. Alex Hirsch subsequently posted a continuation in the form of a comic on his website.

Main characters

The animated series has only five main characters:

  • Dipper Pines;
  • Mabel Pines;
  • Stanley Pines ("Uncle Stan");
  • Wendy Corduroy;
  • Zus Ramirez.

Dipper Pines is a 12-year-old boy who is Mabel's twin brother. His real name is Mason, and he received the nickname "Dipper" for his birthmark, reminiscent of the constellation Ursa Major (Big Dipper). After arriving in Gravity Falls, he finds an unusual diary in the forest, in which an unknown person described all the fantastic creatures that inhabit the area. Dipper is indecisive and has various complexes. He is also in love with Wendy.

Mabel Pines is Deeper's 12-year-old twin sister. Unlike her uncommunicative and often self-absorbed brother, she always remains optimistic, leads an active lifestyle and dreams of having an “epic summer romance,” but she is completely unlucky in her love affairs. Together with Dipper, he tries to discover the secret of the mysterious diary. She also loves animals very much, and in one of the episodes she gets a pet pig, Pooh.

Stanley Pines ("Uncle Stan") is the twins' great-uncle, whom they call Uncle. He owns the Mystery Shack, a house-museum that supposedly houses mysterious objects and creatures discovered in Gravity Falls. In fact, all the exhibits are fakes, and Stan only wants to earn as much as possible from the gullible tourists who periodically visit the town. He is distinguished by a gloomy disposition and does not encourage the hooligan antics of the children visiting him.

Wendy Corduroy is a 15-year-old teenager from Gravity Falls who works as a souvenir seller at the Mystery Shack. Has red hair and freckles. Sociable and easy-going, spends a lot of time with the twins. Dipper Pines is hopelessly in love with her.

Zus Ramirez is a 22-year-old Mystery Shack employee who primarily works on home renovations. He lives with his grandmother, is absent-minded and stupid, and also loves to eat, which is why he has a plump physique. However, Zus gets along well with the twins and often unexpectedly comes to their aid in difficult situations.

Minor characters

As minor characters“Gravity Falls” features residents of the town, as well as various fantastic creatures that can talk. These include:

  • Candy Chu and Grenda are Mabel's best friends, whom she met at a party;
  • Gideon Gleeful ("Little Gideon") is a 10-year-old rogue who serves as the main antagonist in the first season;
  • Old Fiddleford Adron McGucket is a local eccentric genius who is constantly trying to invent something unusual and gets into awkward situations because of it;
  • Robert Stacy Valentino (“Robbie”) is a goth teen who fights with Dipper for Wendy's heart.
  • Lazy Susan and Dan Corduroy (Wendy's father) are a restaurant owner and lumberjack who work near the Mystery Shack.
  • Bill Cipher is a powerful demon from a parallel reality who acts as the main antagonist of the entire series and seeks to take over the planet.

The main characters of the animated series constantly interact with various families living in Gravity Falls. Among them:

  • Northwest family;
  • the McGuckett family;
  • the Cutbiker family;
  • family of Mess.

The development of the plot is also influenced by such fantastic creatures as gnomes, ghosts, talking statues, man-taurs, lilygolfers and many others that inhabit most of the forests of Gravity Falls. Some of them help the main characters, while others want to harm.

In this article you will learn:

Mabel Pines- the main character (along with the main character - a boy named Dipper) of the animated series "".


Mabel was born on August 31, 1999. She was 5 minutes ahead of her brother Dipper, and now she is rightfully proud of it.

At the time of the cartoon, the girl was 12 years old. Little is known about Mabel's life before the events of Gravity Falls, as well as about the other characters in the series. Already at the age of 2, the girl discovered her talent for needlework, which she continued and continues to develop. Since the age of 3, Mabel has traditionally spent her favorite Halloween with Dipper. And from the age of 9, the girl begins to develop her skills as a mini-golf player - at this age Mabel wins her first victory in the tournament.

Mabel's first adventures begin immediately upon her arrival in Gravity Falls. A girl goes on vacation with her main desire - to start an amazing and interesting romance with a cute boy. In the first episode, Mabel meets Norman, a strange guy who eventually turns out to be five forest gnomes. The monsters wanted to make Mabel their queen, but with the help of Dipper, the heroine manages to defeat them. When they first meet Uncle Stan, he allows the twins to take some item from his store - and Mabel chooses her favorite attribute in the future - a grappling hook.

In the first season of the animated series, Mabel constantly participates in all adventures with Dipper. The girl's brother finds a secret diary and begins to unravel the secrets of Gravity Falls. And Mabel, who takes life much more simply, is just trying to have fun. She doesn't give up on her idea of ​​finding a guy for the summer, but such passion leads to problems. The main antagonist of the first season falls in love with Mabel and tries with all his might to win her. However, he fails (here Dipper helps his sister again), and Gideon begins to hate the entire Pines family. The confrontation between the little villain and the twins lasts the entire season, in the end Gideon takes the Mystery Shack from Stan. The twins are forced to go home, but already on the way out of Gravity Falls they are attacked by Gideon's robot. Mabel helps Dipper defeat the enemy, saving her brother with the help of her grappling hook. The Mystery Shack is returned to the Pines.

In the first season, Mabel gets her own pet - a pig named Puzzle. A girl sees a pet at a fair and immediately falls in love with the cute pig. Later, Waddles becomes a full member of the family, thanks to Mabel's efforts. Even in the first half of the series, the girl gets two true friends– Candy and Grenda (they and Mabel share the status of “strange” and “not like everyone else”). And, in conclusion, Mabel begins to quarrel with the first beauty of Gravity Falls - Pacifica. The girls openly hate each other and compete, but already make up in the second season. The feud with Pacifica again illustrates Mabel’s character - the girl is not evil and knows how to forgive, but she is ready to destroy anyone for those close to her.

The second season turns out to be less eventful. Mabel and Dipper continue to unravel the mysteries of the city - and meet their great-uncle's brother, Ford. The situation gets tense when old enemies return - Gideon and Bill Cipher, an evil demon. The latter watches over Mabel when she runs away into the forest in despair (the girl is upset by the departure of her friends and Dipper’s desire to become Ford’s companion). Bill deceives Mabel and causes the Apocalypse...

Mabel and friends

Bill locks Mabel in her fantasy world of Mabelland, where she became the happiest person in the world. The girl became the mayor and came up with a cool brother - Dipchik (instead of Dipper). But everything is not what it seems. Soon, her friends and her real brother came to save the girl. Although Mabel was breaking down, she soon realized that all this was just her illusion, the girl believed her brother and fled with him from Mabelland.

Mabel was among the group that stormed Bill Cipher's castle in a robot made from the Mystery Shack. As a result of this, the demon was defeated.

After the end of Weirdmageddon, Mabel and Dipper celebrated their 13th birthday. Soon, they left Gravity Falls, hoping to return to the city during the next vacation.


Mabel is 12 years old and looks like a pretty typical girl her age. Her height is unique - she is exactly 1 millimeter taller than her twin brother Dipper. Mabel wears braces, but that doesn't stop her from smiling charmingly. The girl has Brown eyes and long and Thick hair to the hips, which curl at the ends. Mabel's clothing style is constantly different, but her love for knitted sweaters(she created most of it herself). Mabel is usually dressed in a bright sweater, skirt and black ballet shoes with socks. The main attribute has also remained unchanged since the first series - the grappling hook.


Mabel's character contrasts sharply with the seriousness and tenacity of her twin brother. The girl is cheerful, spontaneous and active. She never loses heart and is always ready for new adventures. Mabel quickly sparks interest in any thing, but also cools down quite quickly. Mabel is no less curious than Dipper, and a double dose of research interest leaves no chance for the mysteries of Gravity Falls. All sorts of troubles and failures cannot unsettle the girl, and she is proud of this. Due to her naivety and childish simplicity, Mabel sometimes finds herself in ridiculous situations, but comes out of them with her head held high. It’s worth mentioning separately about relationships with guys. Mabel is incredibly amorous, and is ready to do anything for the sake of her next idol. It is rare that luck smiles on her, but this does not stop the girl - apparently, the process itself is important to her, and not the relationship as the end result.

Mabel has several skills and abilities. First of all, she is an excellent craftswoman. The girl knits her own clothes and holiday costumes. Her creativity is also evident in sculpture – Mabel’s wax figures are incredibly detailed. Among the heroine's other skills: the ability to pick locks, the ability to copy animal voices, and excellent mini-golf skills.

  • Mabel, Dipper and Stan spent some time in prison for counterfeiting in the first season.
  • Mabel is exactly 1 millimeter taller than her brother Dipper.
  • Mabel's hand-to-hand combat skills are no worse than her twin's.
  • Mabel is left-handed.
  • The girl was born 5 minutes earlier than her brother.
  • Mabel is afraid of plasticine monsters.
  • The character himself was created based on the sister of the author of the series, Ariel Hirsch.
  • The heroine's name is derived from the Latin word for "dear" ("amabilis").

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