The child has had a fever for three days. What to do? What to do at a high temperature, how to help a child, how to relieve a fever

A child in the house is joy and fun. His first smile, first sound, first step and first word are always pleasant moments. And parents remember those moments from the past for a long time, reviving them in their memory. How many times did you have to sit by the baby’s crib when he did not feel satisfactory, when the child had elevated temperature, snot or cough. These are moments parents often share with their children once they have children of their own. As soon as a grandson or granddaughter becomes a little ill, grandmothers always try to advise how best to get rid of this illness. They are often concerned about why the temperature of 38-39°C lasts for three days? They try to impose their approaches to this problem on young parents. But modern medicine is skeptical about many “ grandma's methods treatment", especially with or alcohol. How to solve a problem when you Why does this happen? What does the famous doctor Komarovsky advise about this?

Child's body temperature

What is high? It indicates that his body is actively fighting the infection. In fact, such a symptom is considered positive - the baby’s immune system is healthy, and it is trying in every possible way to defeat the disease. Usually its level decreases on the third day, but not always. Sometimes she can last longer long time. Typically, high body temperature is a symptom of several diseases. Therefore, it is important that parents are able to correctly determine the reason for its increase.

Normal body temperature in children

The normal thermometer reading for infants is considered to be 37.4°C. Therefore, you should not panic and not take any action if this temperature persists for more than one day. The rate may be exceeded by teething or heavy wrapping, which our grandmothers and aunties often recommend to us.

A high body temperature for children under 3 years of age is considered to be above 38°C. And in older children, the indicator is 39°C. If this indicator lasts for three days in a child, then it must be shown to a doctor. It is possible that there is an infection that requires treatment with antibiotics.

If the thermometer reading remains within 38°C for three days, it means that the body independently produces interferon - the main protector against inflammation.

It is important to know! If the temperature remains at 38-39°C for the third day in a row, then most likely you will need to use antibiotics for treatment. Therefore, consulting a doctor is a necessity at this moment.

Why does the child have a fever?

In medicine, several factors are considered that contribute to the fact that a high temperature does not subside for three days.

An infectious disease. Among such diseases, pediatricians include acute respiratory diseases, intestinal infections, measles, scarlet fever, chicken pox. With such diseases, as a rule, the temperature persists for more than 3 days and is accompanied by a cough, runny nose, weakness and characteristic rashes associated with viral infections.
. The main symptoms, in addition to high fever, loss of appetite, increased salivation, the child becomes irritable, often cries, and diarrhea.
After the vaccination period. Not all children tolerate vaccination well. For many, the thermometer rises, which can remain within 38-39°C even for more than 3 days. Sometimes children develop a runny nose and cough.
Complication after a cold. An inadequate approach to the treatment of a cold can sometimes provoke complications in the form of or. The temperature remains within 38-39 degrees for more than 3 days.
Overheat. Prolonged exposure to the sun with an unprotected head, heavy wrapping and heat in the house often causes high fever in children. If a child develops weakness, the first thing you need to do is use a thermometer. But before measuring body temperature, it is necessary to undress the child.
Nervous overstrain, hormonal disorders and pyelonephritis can also cause fever, which is quite difficult for a child’s body to tolerate.

When to lower body temperature in children

If your baby is under 3 years of age, then reduce the temperature to 38°C by medications Doctors recommend it only if it lasts three days.

For older children, indicators of 39°C and above are critical.
In addition, the baby needs professional help in the following cases:

For diseases nervous system. There is a high probability of occurrence with a slight increase in body temperature. You should not wait until the thermometer rises to 38°C, but call a doctor immediately.
diarrhea and gag reflex. Such symptoms can cause dehydration.
chills. When the heat is high, the child shakes and tries to wrap himself in a warm blanket.
if during the heat the baby has pale skin and no blush.

You need to reduce high temperatures correctly and this can be done in two ways:
2. by physical means.

Remember! If the fever persists for 3 days in a row, this can lead to increased fluid loss. Therefore, the main rule is to give your child plenty to drink. In this case, drinks should be at room temperature.

You can use antipyretic drugs only on the recommendation of a doctor. The following dosage forms are best suited for children:

Suppositories based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, the effect of which begins in half an hour.
tablets, the effect of which begins after 25 minutes.
suspensions, the effect of which begins after 25-30 minutes.

It is not recommended to give aspirin-based drugs to children. They thin the blood and can cause liver disease. Medications based on analgin, they reduce the level of leukocytes in the blood.

Rules of conduct for parents in case of high temperature in children

The behavior of parents during their baby’s illness primarily determines psychological condition child. Don't panic! If you are concerned about your baby’s well-being and you don’t know how to deal with this problem, it is better to remain calm and call a doctor at home.

Before giving your baby antipyretic drugs, you should listen to the advice below.

1. Ventilate the room where the baby is.
2. Do a wet cleaning and turn off all eye-irritating lighting fixtures.
3. Provide your child with plenty of fluids.
4. Do not wrap your child if his body temperature has risen.
5. You should not bathe your child at night in this condition. There is a risk of hypothermia.
6. It is strictly forbidden to listen to the advice of grandmothers that a wet sheet or fan can relieve the fever. Even if the fever lasts for 3 days in a row.
7. Do not wipe your body with vinegar or vodka.

We will talk about the wiping process separately. In practice, our grandmothers often used such a method as wiping the body with vodka or vinegar. Never try this experiment on your children. Modern medicine categorically refers to this method of reducing fever.
But wiping with water will not do any harm, but will only help.

If a child has a fever, parents can alleviate his condition by placing a diaper soaked in cool water on his forehead. But don’t forget about the wiping method. It can be carried out with water at room temperature.

To do this, you need to undress the baby, wet a diaper or soft towel in warm water, and wipe the body from top to bottom.

Important! 38-39°C, then under no circumstances should you place a fan near it.

If the above methods of reducing fever do not help positive results, then you can give the child an antipyretic drug - suspension, suppositories, tablets. When purchasing the drug, be sure to tell the pharmacist the age of the child.

Dr. Komarovsky - when a child needs to lower his temperature

Dr. Komarovsky believes that an increase in the baby’s body temperature indicates that his immune system is independently fighting the infection. Don't bother her! Measures must be taken if the child begins to weaken, refuses to drink, and the fever has persisted for 3 days in a row.

The first step is to provide the room with normal level humidity, and not run headlong to the nearest pharmacy and sweep all antipyretic drugs off the shelves.

You need to know that fever can be infectious and non-infectious. The most common cases are non-infectious fevers, that is, overheating. The reason for this is the strong wrapping of the child and high air temperature.

Typically, in this case, there are no symptoms other than fever. Therefore, you must first ventilate the room well, do a wet cleaning and dress the child in clothes. light clothes. Soon the body temperature will return to normal.

Infectious fever is divided into


Viral fever, usually at 38°C, goes away on its own and lasts for 1 day. The use of antipyretics in this case is not advisable.
Bacterial fever, with an indicator of 38-39°C, is always accompanied by a specific symptom. For example, if a child has diarrhea and a fever of up to 39°C, then most likely there is an intestinal infection. With a sore throat, fever is accompanied by a sore throat. As a rule, with angina, body temperature can even exceed 39°C.

However, you should know that the infection urinary tract may not be accompanied by any symptoms other than fever with a thermometer reading of 38°C or higher, and lasts for more than one day.

How can parents differentiate a viral fever from a bacterial one? With a viral infection, the baby's skin may become brightly colored pink tint, and with bacterial it becomes pale.
Red ears and high temperature up to 39°C. With such symptoms, there is no need to worry - this is a normal reaction of the body. But, if there is no fever, and the baby becomes lethargic, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.
Fever is not accompanied by any symptoms and lasts 1 day or more - this is not dangerous phenomenon However, you need to call a doctor to see the patient.


There is no need to worry if your baby’s fever lasts for three days, and all symptoms indicate that his body is coping well with the infection on its own. Active child A person who does not refuse to drink and eat even if he has been sick for several days does not pose any danger. Therefore, it is worth refraining from using medical antipyretic drugs and teaching his body to cope with the problem on its own. Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, systematically ventilate the room and make sure that your baby does not overheat. Only healthy image life will be able to protect your children from infectious and viral diseases.

We all want our children to always be healthy and enjoy every day, but, unfortunately, there are times when the temperature rises and our kids get sick. The temperature is different and it doesn’t always need to be brought down. As a rule, as soon as the child’s temperature rises, mothers immediately begin to panic and run to the pharmacy for pills. A child under 3 years of age may develop a fever for several reasons, but before treatment, it is necessary to determine what the baby is sick with.

Causes of fever

There are a whole range of them:

  • viral and bacterial diseases;
  • overheating or heat stroke;
  • intestinal infections;
  • chickenpox, measles or scarlet fever;
  • teething;
  • insect bites;
  • reaction to vaccination;
  • influence of stress;
  • reaction to medications.

If a child gets sick with acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and respiratory diseases, then the temperature, as a rule, rises above 38°C and lasts 3-4 days, so if your baby’s temperature does not exceed 38°C, then this is clearly not the above listed ailments. Colds characterized by cough, runny nose, painful sensations in the throat and redness.

Another common cause of fever in children is teething. Despite the fact that some pediatricians deny the influence of the appearance of teeth on an increase in temperature, the fact remains a fact. Most often, it is teething in small children that causes a temperature of 38°C.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature to 38°C?

Although the child’s body is still very small, it already has its own protective functions and can independently cope with some diseases. The body produces antibodies and fights infections on its own. That is why it is not recommended to reduce the temperature to 38°C, but if it is already above 38.5°C, then treatment should begin, since the body cannot cope with such a high temperature on its own. If you begin to reduce the temperature to 38°C with medications, then the body will simply lose its natural properties, which will entail a further decrease in immunity.

What is required from parents if a child under 3 years old has a temperature of 38°C? First of all, the baby needs to be provided with proper care. The room should not be very hot, the air should be fresh and humid, ventilate the room as necessary. The child needs to drink a lot of water; as for food, give light and nutritious food; during the period of rising temperature, do not burden the baby’s body.

Each child tolerates a temperature of 38°C individually. If the baby continues to play and behaves normally, then there is no point in panicking and giving him medication. When the baby is capricious, cries, looks lethargic and doesn’t want anything, you can use some folk remedies. The most common remedy is a vinegar compress. If your child is not feeling well, put a vinegar compress on his forehead and let him lie down for a while. Typically, a temperature of 38°C lasts 3-4 days, but when this process drags on, you should definitely consult a doctor who will do an examination and prescribe treatment. Always monitor the child’s condition and during days of illness, surround him with care and love.

Every mother should know that fever is defensive reaction body to pathogenic microflora and inflammation. At the same time, viruses and bacteria are destroyed, foci of inflammation are overheated in order to stop the process. Therefore, fever, if it does not exceed certain indicators (for of different ages- they are different) and does not pose a threat to the child’s life (causes convulsions or loss of consciousness), there is no need to knock it down.

Fever above 39 degrees is dangerous for the baby - in this case you need to know what to do. So, remember or bookmark the link.

Rule 1. What and when to do

At a temperature above 39, it must be brought down to the following levels:

  • in the armpit – up to 38.5;
  • V anus– up to 38.8;
  • in the ear and mouth - up to 38.5.

To do this you need to do this:

  1. The baby needs to be undressed and the room ventilated.
  2. Give your child an antipyretic: the list and doses are given below.
  3. For a child under 3 years old, you can make a bath with a water temperature of 36.6. This effective remedy. Keep the baby in the water for 3-4 minutes and immediately wrap it in a cotton sheet.
  4. You can only wipe your baby with a diaper soaked in water at about 30 degrees.
  5. A wet diaper can be applied to the feet - this is the remedy of our grandmothers.

Rule 2. No!

  1. Give adult medications, especially aspirin. It is strictly forbidden - this can cause internal bleeding.
  2. You cannot wipe the child with alcohol and vodka - poisoning will occur, and the child may end up in intensive care. Likewise with vinegar.
  3. Do not apply cold objects, especially ice. This causes vasospasm and seizures may occur.

Rule 3. Selection of antipyretic agent and dosage

Your doctor should prescribe an antipyretic drug for you. Be sure to read the instructions before use. It is very important to follow the rules of administration and dosage. Usually the drug is calculated based on body weight. Remember, these drugs begin to act in 20-30 minutes, and the effect lasts up to 2 hours.

You cannot exceed the dose or give it more often, otherwise the temperature may drop below 36 degrees, and this is already dangerous.

Sometimes it happens that the drug does not work. Most often, this happens with medications that are given by measuring syringes or spoons. The fact is that manufacturers deliberately underestimate the dosage (due to reinsurance). Moreover, there cannot be the same dose for a 6-month and 3-year-old child. Consult your pediatrician.

Medicine form

  • Syrups begin to act within 15-20 minutes.
  • Tablets and powders – after 20 minutes.
  • Candles take 30-40 minutes, but their effect lasts longer. Before using suppositories, you must do an enema, otherwise the absorption of the drug will worsen.

Prohibited drugs for children!

  • Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid (it is strictly forbidden to give to children)
  • Analgin
  • Nimesulid, Nimulid, Nise

The latest drug, Nise, is banned in the Russian Federation and Europe due to the occurrence of toxic hepatitis.

Rule 4. How to determine “dangerous” temperature

In children under 7 years of age, fever is divided into two types:

  • Pink fever - although the baby is hot, his skin is pink, which means his thermal balance is not disturbed. If the readings do not exceed 39 degrees, it does not need to be knocked down.
  • White fever is manifested by poor skin, chills, and cold extremities.

White fever is a dangerous condition. It can be caused by dehydration, damage to the central nervous system, vascular spasms, and low blood pressure.

First aid:

  • you need to call an ambulance immediately;
  • give the baby half a No-Shpa tablet;
  • rub arms and legs with dry hands.

No physical cooling (wiping, pouring, wrapping) is allowed! This will further worsen vascular spasm!

Rule 5. Folk remedies

Among the folk remedies for children, only propolis tincture in milk can be used.

  • Buy 10% propolis tincture at the pharmacy.
  • Heat the milk well – 100 ml.
  • Add 20 drops and leave to cool to a comfortable temperature.
  • Give up to 1 teaspoon for preventive purposes - best before bed.

Fever, baby is burning, he has chills - mothers are panicking ambulance. These are the right actions. Let's consider the question: what temperature is considered elevated in children? What to do if a child has a temperature of 38? Many pediatricians consider it wrong to reduce low-grade fever, defining it as useful for strengthening the immune system. However, babies' bodies are different, and not every child can tolerate rising thermometer degrees.

Low-grade fever

This is a state of the body when the thermometer can stay at 37 - 38 for several days, in the evening and during the day. Sometimes a reading of 39 degrees is considered low-grade fever, but this controversial point. Usually, low-grade fever is well tolerated, and then this condition does not cause danger. For example, a temperature of 38 in an infant is considered normal.

Note! A temperature that does not cause discomfort to the baby is considered normal. Many babies feel comfortable at a temperature of 38 and eat well.

However, there are children with hyperthermia intolerance; raising the thermometer reading by half a degree is a dangerous condition for them - it causes convulsions. Such a child needs to immediately bring down the fever, without waiting for convulsions. If your baby has had convulsions at least once, it means they will happen again.

Causes of hyperthermia

Why does my child have a fever? The following ailments and conditions may contribute to this:

  • teething;
  • overwork and overheating;
  • nervous state;
  • colds and ARVI;
  • intestinal infections;
  • childhood infectious diseases.

A child may develop a temperature of 38 after an insect bite, an allergic reaction, or after a course of antibiotic therapy. Only a pediatrician can cope with the diagnosis: mothers will not be able to distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one.

You can navigate by the manifestations of symptoms. For example, with ARVI, a child may have a temperature of 38 5 and jump sharply. Will appear during colds characteristic symptoms- coughing, wheezing, hoarse voice, refusal to feed.

The temperature can jump to 38 or more when a new tooth appears. In this case, the gums will swell, the baby will be nervous and put his fists in his mouth to scratch sore spot. How to help? Lubricate the gums with children's dental gel, and if you feel depressed, give Panadol/ibuprofen.

If your child has a fever all day, call your pediatrician. You can help your baby by wiping with water and drinking plenty of fluids. In case of diarrhea/vomiting, it is necessary to give Regidron to restore the salt balance. Regidron also helps with dehydration - dangerous condition For child's body.

When and how to reduce the fever

Does the child have a temperature of 38? Do not rush to give an antipyretic, try to cool the body with water. Take off the diapers, undress the baby as much as possible - let him lie under the diaper. However, you can’t cool it when you have a chill: your baby may catch a cold. If a child has a hot forehead with cold extremities, he needs to be covered additionally. Hands and feet are rubbed, a wrung out towel is placed on the forehead.

If a child has a temperature of 38 - what to do? See how the baby feels: if he doesn't look depressed, just undress him. It is useful to let the baby lie naked for a few minutes, and then cover with a sheet. You cannot wipe your body with cold water - this will overcool the skin and can cause chills.

If a child has a temperature of 38 and looks tired, provide him with rest. See how he feels next. If the temperature has been kept at 38 for 24 hours, then if the baby behaves adequately, this does not threaten anything. When a child has a temperature of 38 for the third day, it is necessary to inform the pediatrician about this. A child’s temperature of 38 is not always a reason to panic, but for a long time similar condition should not last (with the exception of infants up to three months).

The child’s temperature is 38 8 after vaccination - also normal condition if he doesn't show concern. Vaccinations can be done at 4, seven and 6 months, depending on the schedule chosen by the pediatrician. The first vaccination is BCG vaccination, but it is given in the maternity hospital.

What to do - the child has a temperature of 38°C? See how you feel. If the fever appears as a result of a cold, call a doctor. If the fever appears after screaming and whims, calm the baby down. If your baby is overheated in the sun, water procedures and cool the room as much as possible.

Important! If your body is hot, give your child plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Remember that fever is always a symptom of the immune system fighting microorganisms, with the exception of overheating and fatigue. The immune system is activated, the body's resources are depleted. Therefore, you cannot tolerate a fever for more than three days. If you have a fever for 1 day, it’s not a big deal. If the fever lasts overnight, it’s also not scary. In other cases, the help of a pediatrician is necessary.

Climbing the thermometer beyond 37 degrees causes a slight panic in many mothers. And if the baby’s temperature is 38 or higher, with complete absence any additional signs, here the worries and worries of parents are off the charts.

Sometimes a slight fever is quite normal reaction the child’s body to external stimuli, but there are also not so harmless situations. Therefore, parents should be aware of the possible causes of asymptomatic fever and be able to take right decisions.

Main causes of fever without additional symptoms

1. Overheating

During the first five years, a child’s thermoregulation is not sufficiently developed. To an easy promotion temperature indicators trivial reasons may be given:

- keeping the baby in a hot and stuffy room for a long time;

- aggressive summer sun;

- clothes that are too warm and too tight;

- long and excessively active games;

- wrapping babies and long stay strollers in the sun.

In these cases, the temperature can rise from 37 to 38.5 degrees. The mother should sit the baby in the shade, remove excess clothing, give him something to drink and wipe the baby’s body with cool water, and the room should be well ventilated. If the cause of the rise in temperature is overheating, the thermometer will drop to normal levels within an hour.

2. Teeth cutting

Some children frighten their parents by having an abnormal temperature due to teething, although doctors have differing opinions on this matter. However, if the mother sees swollen, reddened gums, and the baby is restless and does not want to eat, this may be one of the reasons. The maximum mark on the thermometer can be 38°C; this indicator is usually present for 2-3 days. To alleviate the sufferer’s condition, special pain-relieving gels, plenty of heat, the abolition of too active games and, of course, increased attention and mother's affection.

3. Reaction to vaccination

Some children have a feverish reaction to the vaccine. However, in this case the baby does not experience any additional discomfort, although the temperature can rise to 38-38.5 degrees and last for 2-3 days.

4. Presence of a viral infection

On the first day, the insidious virus can only manifest itself in the presence of a fairly high temperature, causing the mother to worry and worry possible options its reasons. But on the second or third day they appear associated with the disease symptoms - cough, runny nose, rash or reddened throat, which indicate a viral infection. Don't rush to bring down the temperature medicines, it's better to create comfortable conditions For effective fight with it the child’s body - provide plenty of fluids, fresh air and a temperature of 20-22 degrees in the room, rest for the sick baby. Wet rubbing of the skin, timely change of sweaty clothes, attention and calm communication will alleviate the child’s condition. Remember! Antibiotics are ineffective for viral infections.

5. Sudden exanthema

Viral infections also include a disease that most often affects children from 9 to 24 months. The disease is caused by the herpes virus and is manifested by fever, temperature 38.5-40 degrees without other symptoms. However, a maculopapular rash soon appears, and enlargement of the lymph nodes - cervical, submandibular, occipital - is possible. All manifestations of the disease disappear after about 5-6 days.

5. Bacterial infection

After an acute respiratory viral infection, and sometimes independently, a bacterial infection can occur. It is characterized by a number of signs, which sometimes only a doctor can notice on the first day of illness. Diseases that arise for this reason include:

- sore throat - plaque and pustules on the tonsils, pain when swallowing, high temperature. Only children get sick over a year old, most often after two years;

- stomatitis - refusal to feed, salivation, fever, blisters and ulcers on the mucous membrane oral cavity;

- otitis media - the child does not eat, is capricious, grabs the sore ear, the temperature is elevated;

- pharyngitis - the baby’s throat is red, there are rashes and sores on it;

- infections of the genitourinary system - quite common in children under three years of age. Sometimes elevated temperature is accompanied by not very pleasant symptoms - pain during urination and increased frequency. To clarify the diagnosis you will need to do laboratory test urine.

Among other possible causes of fever in children, in the absence of other symptoms, it should be noted birth defects heart, inflamed wounds on the skin or mucous membranes, allergic reactions.

What should a mother do if her child has a fever without symptoms?

Any increase in temperature is a sign that the child’s body is fighting unwanted infections or unfavorable conditions. external influences. Do not panic and immediately give an antipyretic. First of all, it is necessary to measure the temperature without relying on tactile sensations. If the baby does not have congenital anomalies or chronic diseases, mother’s actions are as follows:

- at a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees, no medication is required, the body tries to cope with the problem on its own;

- if the thermometer readings are in the range of 37.5 - 38.5 degrees, only physical intervention is required from the mother - wet wiping of the child, ventilating the room, providing plenty of warm drinks;

- a temperature of 38.5 degrees or higher requires antipyretic drugs. Most often, children are given Panadol, Nurofen and other drugs. Every mother should be prepared for similar situation and, after preliminary consultation with the doctor, have it in your first aid kit the right remedy.

If the temperature quickly drops after taking an antipyretic drug, but soon rises again to its previous level, this may indicate the presence of a viral infection - measles, chickenpox, rubella. In such cases, you should invite a doctor to your home.

Fever without symptoms - when to see a doctor

If the elevated temperature persists on the fourth or fifth day, it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician. The symptom may indicate the presence of an inflammation or bacterial infection. Blood and urine tests will help the doctor clarify the picture and prescribe effective treatment. But there are situations when specialist help is required immediately. Call emergency services if your baby has:

- severe pallor and lethargy;

- difficulty breathing;

- increased temperature while taking antipyretics;

- convulsions.

Be attentive to your baby, do not leave him unattended if there are no obvious signs any disease. The mother’s task is to help the child cope with the unusual condition and find out its cause.

Low-grade fever - what does it mean?

Sometimes the little one feels quite comfortable, does not show any complaints, and only a random measurement of the temperature reveals an increase in the range of 37-38 degrees. This condition can last for a whole month, and is defined by doctors as low-grade fever. Apparent external well-being can be deceptive, since a prolonged increase in temperature signals problems in the child’s body that occur hidden. There are many diseases characterized in this way - anemia and helminthic infestation, allergies and diabetes, brain diseases and various hidden infections. Special tools will help you find them. diagnostic studies and analyses.

Considering the constant stress that a child’s fragile body experiences under the influence of a constantly elevated temperature, there is no point in delaying a visit to the doctor. It is quite possible that you will need to consult such specialists as an endocrinologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, or immunologist. Only after carefully examining the baby will it be possible to correctly diagnose and prescribe necessary treatment. Reason low-grade fever there may be decreased immunity, impaired thermoregulation, infectious and inflammatory processes.

If the diagnosis excludes the presence of hidden infections, attention should be paid to increasing the defenses of the child’s body. Hardening, long walks on fresh air, good nutrition, strong healthy sleep- all these measures will increase immunity and allow you to return to normal thermometer readings.

Fever without symptoms in an infant

Newborn babies do not have a clearly established thermoregulation system, so a temperature of 37-37.5 degrees in babies should not cause concern. Of course, if the baby eats with appetite, sleeps soundly and is not capricious. If your temperature rises, you should not resort to the use of medications; it is better to seek advice from a doctor. To avoid overheating, you do not need to wrap your baby up and neglect to ventilate the room.

Doctor Komarovsky about temperature without symptoms

The doctor, whom the vast majority of young mothers trust, believes that in the summer the main reason for a rise in temperature without accompanying symptoms is simple overheating, and in the cold season - viral infections. Usually half of the parents similar cases See a doctor immediately, others prefer to wait a little while watching the baby. If a mother takes a doctor as an adviser, then in the fight for the child’s health there are already two of them, which is always more reliable and better. In case of waiting for the appearance of certain signs, you need to remember the reasons why contacting medical institution becomes mandatory:

1. On the third day after the temperature rise, no improvement is observed, that is, the thermometer has not dropped even a few notches.

2. On the fifth day, the temperature still persists, when it should already be normal.

You need to start fighting the disease not with fever-reducing syrups, but with humidifying the room, regular ventilation and drinking plenty of fluids. That is, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions so that the baby’s body can fight the disease.

Dr. Komarovsky divides the reasons for the increase in temperature into:

- non-infectious - overheating;

- viral infections that go away on their own. Distinctive feature- bright pink skin;

- bacterial infections - accompanied by certain symptoms that may not be felt immediately - rash, diarrhea, sore throat or ear. Skin covering usually pale, and the baby is lethargic and indifferent. This is almost one hundred percent confirmation of the diagnosis, due to the release of toxins by bacteria. In these cases, doctors use antibiotic treatment, which helps to effectively cope with the problem.

Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that a simple increase in temperature often does not pose a particular threat, but in order not to scold yourself later for being slow, it is still better to consult a doctor.