What kind of underwear do men find sexy? What underwear do men really like?

Does it matter for men what women's charms are “packed” under clothes? The one who says "no" is wrong. Even in a fit of passion and twilight male look able to examine in detail both the lace of the panties and the ribbons of the bra. beautiful underwear it can seriously turn on or, on the contrary, repel, and also tell almost everything about its owner. Knowing men's weakness for silk, transparent and lace sets, women often ask themselves: what kind of underwear do men still prefer? The representatives of the stronger sex themselves cannot always give a clear answer and say that it is better without underwear. But this does not mean at all that this item of clothing is not at all interesting to them!

Underwear is a cute sexy detail that complements the image of a woman and is perceived by men as festive packaging. The more beautiful the wrapper, the faster you want to unfold it and see what gift is hidden under it. On a par with long dresses, linen gives rise to intrigue: any man understands what he will see, but hardly anyone will refuse to confirm his guesses. At first glance, it may seem that men do not understand the shades and cut of panties, stockings and bras at all. But seeing a certain set on you, the stronger sex already on a subconscious level knows what to do next: run away from you without looking back, spend one passionate night, or stay with you for life. Let's try to figure out what features of underwear affect male instincts.

A bit of history

The name "linen" comes from the word "white" - the underwear of this color was worn by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers in the distant past. In those years, the mores of society were not as free as they are now, and a woman had the only sexual partner for life - her husband. Losing your virginity before the wedding was tantamount to the strongest sin: if this nuance was revealed the morning after the first wedding night, such a bride either returned to her parents, or lived in disrespect and constant reproaches from a disappointed husband.

In any case, her reputation suffered greatly. Modern morals do not put rigid limits in front of the fair sex. Yes, and men who yearn to become the first in the life of a girl are becoming less and less. But a fatal, sophisticated and experienced woman in bed promises true pleasure and passion. Therefore, it excites much more, especially when a man is young and full of energy.

White color and today it is considered a symbol of purity and innocence, but men do not seek to dress the charms of their women in it. Unless, with one condition: the kit must be snow-white, and the body is tanned. Faded and grayish shades visually make the linen "worn". So what colors attract men the most?

Red and black: two sides of the same woman

When men say that romance is alien to them, they are lying. Otherwise, the mysterious image of the “woman in black” would not have caused them such awe and indefatigable curiosity. It is even better when the underwear is transparent, and under a luxurious dark cloth smooth lines of the figure are clearly visible - this produces incredible effect on the male mind. They say that experienced and ambitious women wear black lace underwear, ready for any experiments in bed. True or not, any man can check.

Survey data show that the lion's share representatives of the stronger sex do not mind seeing a bright red or burgundy set on the female body, preferably in combination with fishnet stockings. The image of a fatal and passionate temptress does not leave any man indifferent - emancipation and self-confidence always captivate and arouse genuine interest. Passion-colored lingerie suggests that its owner knows how to deliver real pleasure both for yourself and your partner. It may be a stereotype, but it always works! In addition, some experienced seductresses claim that red or burgundy underwear is already half the success in conquering men, even if you just mention to the prospective partner about the presence of such panties under the dress.

In some European countries, red underwear is considered a talisman and an amulet that attracts money: some girls even buy such sets before exams in the hope of success, and someone hangs burgundy panties on the balcony in order to correct financial position. It is difficult to judge how these techniques work. But the fact that underwear of a fatal color attracts attention is an indisputable fact. What can not be said about panties and bras in pink, brown and blue shades. Men are almost unanimous that such sets do not cause any erotic associations.

Interesting statistics

According to sociologists, non-sexual lingerie is equally unattractive for both men and women. More 60% ladies believe that a man “correctly” dressed under his trousers can count on attention and affection. Men, on the other hand, retort with the fact that underwear it is immediately clear how sexy the partner is - there are almost 90% . But scientists are curious people; abstract statements are not enough for them. Having found out what kind of underwear excites men, they received very interesting data.
So, the vast majority are instantly turned on when they see underwear complete with stockings on a woman. At the same time, corsets are mostly liked by lovers. role playing and specific images - this detail of the wardrobe is not fully understood by the rest, and for some it seems completely impractical. Thong panties, which were at the height of fashion at one time, blow the mind of everything 20% young people, and Barbie-style “doll” bras are generally less 10% men. More 50% they believe that the details from different sets do not look very seductive, as if the woman was dressing in a hurry.

If convenience is for you more important than beauty, the statistics will disappoint you: 55% men are considered unattractive, though comfortable, but old and worn underwear on the female body. In its turn, 63% ladies are not ready to let a partner in a torn and untidy underwear approach them. Psychologists say that beautiful and stylish lingerie adds self-confidence, which, in turn, gives rise to the very mystery and brilliance in the look. This applies to both genders. Also, luxurious erotic lingerie adds zest to the relationship - after all, no one except your partner knows what is hidden under your clothes. Sexologists confirm this theory with data from surveys of married couples.
And if someone tells you that appearance underwear does not play a role, do not believe it: any detail, whether it be elegant boxers, stockings or a silk bra, always gives rise to certain erotic associations in the opposite sex and is of great importance in the development intimate relationships men and women. The main thing is that the underwear is neat and beautiful - then the partner will have no doubts about your sexuality.

Men love with their eyes. And they are also hunters. If you skillfully use these natural instincts, you can improve the intimate side of your relationship.

Glossy magazines advise to diversify as much as possible sex life to keep the romance and tie her husband to her.

1. Slimming, corrective and push-up

A great option to quickly correct the figure before an important event, but not for male eye. Moreover, not for a date with a logical continuation.

It's generally sad. What is meant to be done bigger breasts and ass - busts and panties to increase volume with different inserts and overlays ...

In general, they are only good under clothes and when no one knows about them. The men here are unanimous: to emphasize the natural virtues a little is very cool, but without excesses!

After all, if you are going to have sex with him, he will still see you naked.

He mentally undressed you ten times a long time ago, imagined all your curves - imagine his surprise when, instead of a convincing third, he finds something else.

The male psyche is tender, there is no need to injure it like that. If you have a complex and worry about the size of your breasts - believe me, this is not the main thing at all.

There is nothing more attractive than natural, well-groomed, confident female beauty.

3. Cartoons

Pink unicorns, Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse and vanilla inscriptions look, of course, cute, but they are not very exciting.

Just like not every girl is delighted with men's underpants, say, with a trunk in the same place. It's cool and fun, I guess. The kids definitely love it.

As for the color, there are no comrades for the taste, as they say. But confident leadership holds the classics - black and red. The colors of magic, passion and sex break all records.

Pink and white have fewer adherents, but they do exist. Favorite male color lingerie - translucent. That is why, by the way, flesh and brown colors excite me.

Sexy lingerie: male look

Top 5 elements of a female intimate wardrobe that turn it on looks like this:

1. Stockings

Why? I don't know, but it's fucking. Sexy and seductive, except in fishnet stockings, you probably can’t imagine.

In combination with high heels at all a win-win on any shape. And various garter belts, garters and other spicy accents simply will not leave him a chance to resist.

2. Lace set

It's very feminine and just beautiful. It can be translucent, with various inserts, ruffles, satin ribbons and without. Style and cut do not matter.

If he sits well on the figure and emphasizes favorably, this is more than enough. In addition to lace, silk, satin, leather and latex are also favorites.

3. Peignoir or shirt

It can be a light silk dressing gown for a naked body, not even silk ... And not even for a naked body, but for the same lace set and stockings with garters .... Case

4. The one that HE bought for you

This is the perfect linen for him - he himself chose for you what to take off from you. I repeat: the sexiest lingerie is the one that is pleasant to touch and that you want to take off immediately.

Like gift wrapping. Without it, it will not cease to be valuable, but the intrigue, mood and pleasure of anticipation are not the same, you must admit.

By the way, the ability not only to dress beautifully, but also to undress beautifully is also an art.

And a little more about seduction

Important: beautiful appearance, a well-groomed body is very healthy and really attracts.

But don't think that beautiful ass, breasts, lips and chic lingerie solve all problems in a relationship. This is just one of the components, but far from the main one.

There is something that men love more than sex. And your sexuality is a powerful weapon, but not the main trump card.

The main thing is always not outside, but inside. Your state, your mood, what you broadcast to the world, including the world of men - that's what attracts more than a frank image.

And although any girl really feels like a queen in chic lingerie, even knowing that no one will see him today, except for herself, this does not solve the problem of low self-esteem, if there is one.

And - believe me, it's not about appearance and not about underwear, but about the internal state. That's what men are attracted to.

your Yaroslav Samoilov.

Women's underwear has always been and will always remain an indispensable weapon in the struggle of a woman for the favor of a man. However, the current time, with a huge selection of underwear, has brought our women real problems: what kind of lingerie, stronger than others, excites a man?

Linen color.

Perhaps the main and most traditional colors of lingerie are black, red and white.

Red the color of linen, as it were, lets a man know about the emancipation and passion of a woman. Of course, this statement is just a stereotype, but all the same, the red color is perceived as a signal for action. After all, a woman in red underwear not only looks sexy, but also feels more confident and free in her desires, ready for experiments.

Black erotic lingerie looks more elegant. The owner of a set of black lingerie knows perfectly well what she wants. Black color gives a woman a more sophisticated look in life and looks predatory. Woman dressed in black sexy lingerie, yearns for exquisite sex with an indispensable continuation, and is ready to take all the initiative into her gentle hands.

White color is loved by many women. Perhaps the sexy white underwear is the most common. And if you remember the recent past, before all women's underwear was white. These days, the color white, in men, is associated with inexperience and innocence. Well, what if female look, does not hide the specific desires of a mature personality, then the white color of underwear, on the contrary, looks quite sexy and feminine and, as it were, adds a certain piquancy to its owner.

Yellow color slightly excites a man, but quite specifically signals - a woman wants high-quality and long-lasting sex. Inexperienced partners, please do not disturb.

Children's colors- such women's underwear does not excite men at all - the mistress of this underwear, even if it looks very sexy, seems to them still too young, and relations with her are described in the articles of the criminal code. So, purple, pink and others pastel shades better left for gatherings in front of the TV or those moments when you were drawn to play in childhood.

Blue underwear on a man has a negative effect. It is generally accepted that a woman wearing such underwear is absolutely devoid of sexuality, that is, frigid. Perhaps your temperament will dispel these doubts, but the man has already received his idea and will most likely retreat.

Brown the color of the underwear, as it were, hints at the depressed sexual desires its owner. In principle, some intrigue is possible for a partner, but a man must prepare for serious work on his chosen one.

Green color - underwear of this color is not considered very successful for seduction. Perhaps green sexy lingerie looks beautiful, but this color is rarely suitable for anyone, most seductresses look in it sickly women with bad skin. Be careful when choosing this color - the effect can be sharply negative.

Women's underwear styles

Classic: perhaps the most comfortable and widespread style of women's underwear. Thousands of women wear it daily. This type of underwear, in addition to its main hygienic function, perfectly gives the body a sexy outline.
The classic almost does not excite men, therefore it is not surprising that their desire to quickly remove it from a woman and directly engage in the main action.

Sport: Sports lingerie is usually preferred by athletic girls. There are many men who are very attracted sport style women's underwear - he declares the playful, frivolous mood of the hostess, her cheerful character. But, far from all women can wear sports lingerie, it is worth critically evaluating your capabilities.

Erotic: such underwear goes to all women, besides modern industry supplies a huge variety of colors and styles of erotic underwear. From almost "puritan" transparent lace, to products from specialized stores. This underwear, although uncomfortable to wear, has an excellent "damaging" effect. Most men consider erotic underwear the most exciting, but still prefer classic version sexy lingerie - at least some mystery should remain in a woman.


Silk, of course, is not practical, not suitable for everyone and is expensive, but men consider silk the most erotic fabric for women's underwear. Although it is not worth pleasing men in everything, if, for personal reasons, silk sexy lingerie does not suit you, it is better to refrain from buying it. Men find cotton underwear too plain, but it is cotton underwear that emphasizes the female figure especially favorably.


Undoubtedly, a body shaping corset does not look sexy at all. But after all, there are corsets just designed to seduce men, so the representatives of the stronger sex really like them. Dress, experiment, this piece of clothing will only improve your figure.


Black, white, lace, with arrows - men love any. Choose you. By the way, you don't have to take off your stockings during sex. Most men admitted that stockings, on a naked woman, only excite them.


Hairpins, during sex, perhaps, perhaps, it is better to remove - after all, the heels are sharp. But, during the foreplay, it is very possible to put on shoes, only one beautiful bend of the leg is worth something.


Lace is an excellent addition to anything: cotton, silk, and any other style. In addition, it can be playful, romantic, aggressive or vice versa cute. It all depends on your momentary mood and the style of underwear that you wear. Lace always looks feminine and will never go out of fashion, use it boldly in your sexual experiments - there will be no excess!

And remember the main thing - no matter what underwear, in the end, you choose, you will have to keep your man with your attention and love.

A woman's tendency to wear underwear of a certain color characterizes her sexual preferences.

If you do not consider such cases as: “I did not find other panties in the closet, so I put on whatever,” or “this was the only bra that suited me, so I didn’t care about the color,” then you can track down a pattern between the prevailing color of underwear women and their sexuality. So...

Those who like to wear black are practical women first of all, they understand that black lingerie is universal and will suit any outfit, whether Evening Dress or skinny jeans. In addition, black always looks clean ... Now about the sexual characteristics of those who prefer black. Such women love variety - it is not necessary, of course, that they are drawn to have sex with strangers in train vestibules or in a car in the middle of the morning Arbat. But they may well dream about it. These women are not necessarily active - they like to let their partner do all sorts of nice things with them. Although, if they don’t like something, they will definitely stop the process and ask you to move on to the next position. Usually men perceive black underwear as a request to keep loose,

Uninhibited, without any restrictions.

White color is a classic, the second most popular color among women. A man looking at a woman in white does not receive any associative impulses, he does not seem to see underwear, but sees female body. Sometimes a woman wears plain white to emphasize her natural beauty and contempt for any ornaments like lace. White is worn by self-confident ladies who do not get hung up on underwear and know that this is not how they conquer men. These are amateurs natural materials And daytime look life. Or the other extreme - cotton white under a dressing gown for a woman who is sitting at home with her children without getting out. It is comfortable in such underwear, "Krasnaya Zarya" mainly sews underwear of this color (it is practical and inexpensive), it can also be thrown into washing machine with sheets.

Blue color women rarely prefer. Usually these are those who consider themselves creative natures and suffer about this. Such women do not always have sex out of desire and for pleasure. They are passive and rely entirely on the partner's initiative. But they are very attractive with their mystery - they remind of the sea and smell of frosty freshness.
Yellow color is chosen by a woman who is ready to completely surrender to her partner, she is loving, cheerful and frivolous. Yellow linen and its owner call the partner to sincere and complete dedication. And although this color, according to men, does not excite them, it shows the desire of a woman to seriously approach pastime in bed, to give and receive quality sex. Such a woman will change, without much hesitation, and without feeling remorse at the same time.

Those women who like to wear pink lingerie are mostly blondes. They think that pink suits them very well. They a little want to be Barbie dolls and Britney Spears, to be groomed and cherished, to give a lot of pleasure. This is a color in which sissies, vulnerable souls are comfortable. Pink attracts with its helplessness, candy, fluffiness

A man, accidentally seeing pink underwear on a girl who is not going to undress in front of him, smiles and barely restrains himself so as not to squeeze, pinch her behind

Butt. Pink color improves their mood.

Green color- for those women who rarely fall in love. They are cats that walk by themselves. They can incredibly excite their partner, and then smack on the forehead and leave, i.e., just throw in such important point. They love sex, but they don't care who they have sex with.

Red color is probably the most telling. Here and ardor, and passion, and energy. This woman is serious and you can’t get rid of her just by flirting - she wants to break hearts, break families, burn traitors. Often red underwear is found under strict business suit. Men love such finds, but are often cautious about taking further action.
Crimson underwear - almost red. It is for temperamental women, almost like those who wear red. Only among them are many infantile.

A woman wearing orange or light green underwear is young at heart. She loves to experiment. She always wants something new. She will offer her partner to watch a porn movie together to learn, and then, without finishing halfway, she will knock him over on the carpet. This woman is very inquisitive and constantly asks her man questions - how do you do it, and you can do it upside down, but how is it to be a man?

Brown color speaks of a predisposition to sex as a physical act. A woman in brown underwear is afraid of many things, she may have been deceived many times, and therefore she is afraid to trust someone, to bestow tenderness. She is shy about kissing and caressing her partner's body. They almost habitually have sex, often without much pleasure.

Shopping is an activity that brings a lot of pleasure to the fair sex. Women enjoy the process of choosing and buying new fashion items and knick-knacks. Most of the time is spent on finding underwear that can bewitch a loved one and for a long time rivet his passionate gaze to himself.

Beautiful women's underwear is like an orgasm for men. They do not have to understand it and know the name of this or that model of panties. It is only enough that it excites and can give the mood that is necessary for a long and unforgettable night of love.

Everyone has long known the fact that men love with their eyes. And, no matter how hard it is to admit it, but, yes, first of all, a woman should be attractive and sexy, and all other qualities take pride of place in the background. Therefore, it is worth pampering your beloved more often not only with branded meat in French and dumplings, but also with brand new sets of underwear from the most various types and models. 🙂

What to choose to please your loved one? What underwear do representatives of the strong half of humanity prefer to see on their women? This is what we have to figure out now.

Delicate lace panties-shorts

About 60% of men want to see panties of this style on their half. Why are they so popular? But because not all men like it when the most “interesting” parts of the body are open. What is much more attractive is what is a little visible, but not yet available. Sexy fishnet panties-shorts will be able to excite the fantasy of your loved one, awaken in him a feeling of hunger and a desire to quickly release your beautiful body from any underwear.

Transparent lace shorts will draw attention to the body of their owner by the fact that through them you can see the intimate parts and the man cannot help but fantasize a little, which makes him even more excited.

Isn't that the result and is the main goal of a woman? After all, it is for this that they choose their underwear so carefully.

Sexy cutout panties

These panties are the exact opposite of shorts. They were created in order to excite a man from the very doorstep, as they say.

If he sees his beloved in such open panties, he will immediately understand what awaits him today unforgettable night love, full of long and violent orgasms. Such open underwear is also very popular with men. They find it erotic because it can be worn by a woman even during intercourse.

Cutout panties are designed so that a man can see and touch them, not only during foreplay. Playful panties of this style will help you get back to bed former passion. They will be the ones secret weapon, with which you can unnecessary problems fix your intimate life and diversify it a bit.

Alluring corsets

Not every woman believes that a corset should be present in her wardrobe, not only as underwear for body shaping. Believe me, hiding figure flaws is far from the only purpose of corsets. They can also emphasize its main advantages, while arousing a partner.

One of the most erotic fantasies men is a fantasy in which a brutal and determined woman approaches them, dressed in a tight-fitting bright red corset. Such a woman definitely knows what she wants and is ready to please her beloved in every way. The man does not know what to expect from her.

Now she can give him some magical and violent orgasms, and in a few minutes she will turn him into her slave and make her most depraved desires come true all night long. Do you want to be the woman of your dreams? So run to the store and get the sexiest corset you will ever see!

Together with a corset (any color), black stockings will look great. Imagine only surprise and irresistible desire in the eyes of your beloved when he sees you in this way. ABOUT the best gift he couldn't dream.

Graceful thong panties

Panties of this type have gained popularity for a very long time. They can be safely attributed to the category of open and frank underwear. Are they erotic in the eyes of males? Absolutely yes!

If corsets and panties with a slit are not always the inhabitants of every woman's wardrobe, then thongs are found there very, very often. To get your man and set him up for the necessary wave, you need to get thong panties that will not seem too ordinary and banal to your beloved.

To do this, it is better to give preference to classic thong panties, which will be decorated with many beads, sparkling rhinestones or colorful feathers(they can tickle your beloved a little during foreplay).

Appeared not too long ago new model thong - C-strings (so called because they have the shape of the letter "C"). They do not have side rubber bands, and are held on the body only with the help of a strong and elastic frame.

This model will not leave your partner indifferent and cold-blooded, because he has never seen anything like this, and men like to learn everything new. Do not deprive your loved one of such pleasure.

Cheeky open bra

So amazing and sexy model bra, unfortunately, is not suitable for all ladies. It will look great only on owners of a small elastic chest.

All the eroticism of such a bra lies in the fact that it has transparent inserts, under which the nipples or any other part of the breast are clearly visible. Another highlight of an open bra is that its cups can be easily unfastened in an instant.

Men prefer just such a model because they do not need to suffer for several minutes in search of a place where the bra is unbuttoned. It is enough just to pry the hooks over the cups with your finger - and the breasts of your beloved will appear before them in all their glory.

What does the color of underwear tell men

If you choose the right color for underwear, you can give your man new shades of excitement. Red underwear is associated in men with love, passion and insatiability. Seeing his beloved in lingerie of this color, a man understands that he is dealing with a woman who is open for experiments and knows how to give unreal pleasure to her partner.

A woman who prefers black underwear is seen by men as a notorious person who will be very difficult to satisfy.

Wearing white underwear, a woman can convey to a man all the honesty and sincerity of her feelings, her readiness to focus her attention only on satisfying her beloved, while forgetting about herself.

Men don't often find colored underwear sexy. Unless it is in leopard or brindle colors - which, however, are not in fashion now.