Chinese girls in disarming and candid shots by photographer Luo Yang. The most beautiful Chinese women in the world

We bring to your attention an article that reveals the details of the relationship between foreigners and Chinese women. The author of this material is a young student who lived for several years in.

“I'll start with the most important. Over the years of living in China, I have seen hundreds of couples "foreigner + Chinese", but they were ordinary couples. Before the wedding, it comes much less often. I myself met with several local girls, but, remembering them, I cannot single out the one with whom I would really like to link my fate.

You can meet - there is nothing wrong with that. But to marry a Chinese woman is not an easy question. The main problem for me is the language barrier. I can close my eyes to flaws in appearance or character, but I do not believe that it is possible to fully communicate with a girl who speaks and thinks in a foreign language. Moreover, plan to connect your life with her. It is even worse when you have to communicate with a friend in an intermediary language, for example, English. The quantity and quality of spoken words suffer. For marriage, I personally would choose a girl for whom Russian would be native. But this is solely my opinion.

Feature Story Chinese girls would be incomplete without a description of their physical data. Alas, things are very bad with them. Someone highlights the types of figures of girls from the north and south of China, but every day on the city streets I see the same thing - the lack of attractive female figures. It is almost impossible to meet a curvy Chinese woman. Russian girls are much more lucky in this regard. I wonder why nature decided to rest on Chinese women?

Someone may ask - what about the models and stars of show business? First, it is a piece goods. Secondly, the queue for them is scheduled for years ahead and an ordinary guy without money and connections has nothing to do there. By the way, you can’t just drive up to real beauties from Shanghai or Beijing - girls know their own worth. Ordinary foreigners are of little interest to them. However, a wealthy foreigner still has a chance if he manages to break through the dense cordon of her Chinese fans.

In this regard, I was somehow more lucky, my friends were more interesting than those of many foreigners. They were not models, on a personal scale I would rate them at 7 points out of 10. Often I became an eyewitness of the situation - a normal foreign guy met with a nondescript Chinese woman, who barely reached 1 on the same scale. And there are many such couples. The Chinese themselves often laugh at such relationships - they say, they pick up horror stories for themselves.

Why do Chinese women attract foreigners? Everyone has their own reasons. To be honest, I personally reviewed anime as a child. Do not repeat my mistakes: sexy and passionate beauties from anime and live Chinese women have little in common. If you want Japanese flavor - go to Japan. It is possible that Chinese girls are attracted primarily by accessibility. What else to do for guys who were not lucky with female attention in their homeland? Do not flatter yourself, all attention will be artificial, not real.

Also I would like to add the following. Perhaps China is now demonstrating success in terms of economic development, but so far this has not had a very strong effect on its inhabitants. The local girls have an old-fashioned outlook on life. And they are frankly illegible in fashion. I think that Chinese women are significantly inferior to Japanese and Korean women in terms of style. Personally, I would single out the following advantages of Chinese women - good hair, a pretty face and beautiful teeth. The last statement is controversial, I know. But honestly, even without visits dental office their teeth are very beautiful. Or maybe I just got lucky again?

We must not forget the atmosphere of something exotic, which usually appears after a couple of cocktails and meeting another cutie in the smoky twilight of the bar. That exciting atmosphere is main mistake foreigners. All the exotic quickly disappears, the very next morning. It is worth being extremely honest - there are no Chinese women in bed. And this is in the country that gave the world a treatise on love. In most cases, Chinese women build ideas about relationships based on frames from television series or Hollywood melodramas, so you should not expect enchanting oriental sex from them.

Building relationships according to serial patterns is a real fact. But a series is one thing, and quite another usual life, and when the plot does not go along the knurled track, the Chinese woman begins to break into hysterics. By the way, Chinese women are incredibly hysterical and love to throw tantrums in public places. Forget the hackneyed stereotype about obedience Oriental beauties, these are just fairy tales for naive tourists who have not yet seen how Chinese couples furiously beat each other in public.

You may have heard of the so-called Laowai Bonus. Yes, this really does happen. Chinese women continue to believe in fairy tales about beautiful white princes. English-speaking foreigners are the most preferred here. Citizens from the Russian Federation and the CIS countries are not in special demand, so you should not be surprised that some plump bespectacled man will be preferred just because he is from the USA. I recommend that you pay due attention to your appearance and manners. It is also desirable at least an average knowledge of English.

You should not waste time on rude show-offs, demonstrating expensive smartphones and puffy wallets. Do not be like rich sock merchants who feel like they are the true masters of life. But no one canceled the art of subtle show-offs. It is useless to explain here, you need certain skills and understanding of the process.

Lovers of relationships for one night will be able to organize adventures in Chinese clubs or bars without any problems. Here it is easier than ever. Even the most nondescript foreigners are valued here. Undoubtedly, dozens of Chinese women will not rush at a foreigner, but a little assertiveness and self-confidence are enough and the chances of having a pleasant evening increase significantly. In general, it is easy to “dissolve” a Chinese woman into sex, unless, of course, we are talking about some terribly insecure persons. But these are hard to find in clubs. In addition, Chinese women are always interested in how foreigners do it and whether it is true that all whites have huge penises. There is someone who is much into it, but, as noted above, one should not expect miracles from Chinese women in bed. And you shouldn’t forget about safety either, who knows whose hands the club girls managed to visit.

Many Chinese women sleep and dream about marriage with a wealthy foreign husband. Correct play on a given desire will always bring positive result. Do beautiful things, emphasize the seriousness of your intentions and everything will definitely work out. Don't be fooled by the behavior of impatience. No, it means no - let him look for another naive laova. Conquered, achieved, what to do next? Questions about marriage will come from her side more and more often. And don't forget the tantrums. If you were initially set up for an easy relationship and you got a hysterical Chinese woman, then it will not be easy to get rid of her. Be prepared for constant calls, spam in messengers, as well as unexpected visits and hysterical knocks on the door. In the event of a breakup, some kind of sophisticated revenge is possible on her part.

Miracles sometimes happen and maybe someone will be able to meet the same girl. It is not difficult to legitimize relations in China, it is enough to rely on the lady of the heart and she will organize everything. However, there is one bold but. Often a Chinese wife is accompanied by an impressive set of close and distant relatives. Ah and parents so at all deal sacred. Be prepared for serious wedding expenses and further contributions to the benefit of your new family. Moreover, the poorer her family, the greater their appetites.

And finally, about Chinese wives. I heard a couple of stories, nothing special for myself from them. The usual family routine without frills - sometimes smaller hemorrhoids, sometimes more. If you want a meek and obedient slave, marry naive provincial women. City girls are more demanding and capable of high-quality brainwashing. Household they lead well, but with Chinese characteristics. Children are loved and taken care of, but in accordance with their own concepts, therefore, certain disagreements are possible. In general, it is difficult for me to tell something about Chinese wives, since I myself have not been in such a situation and will not be.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you. I hope that some advice will be useful, but I repeat that I do not pretend to be a guru. This article is based on my personal experience and experience of my friends. Almost all foreigners who come here sooner or later succumb to the influence of "yellow fever". Some people get through it, some don't. Personally, I don't mind just dating a Chinese woman, but serious relationship I will build only with a Russian-speaking girl.”

China is the largest country in the world by population. And its inhabitants are distinguished not only by their enviable diligence, but also by their extraordinary beauty. It's not in vain for many international competitions beauty is often won by girls from the Middle Kingdom. This ranking contains the most beautiful Chinese women. Who are these girls and what do they do?

This Chinese woman can be called the most famous in the world, as she starred in Hollywood a lot, and is also a director and producer. And all thanks to the fact that her parents once decided to move to New York when she was still a little girl. Already in America, Lucy became interested in cinema and began to go to auditions. Her role in the film "Charlie's Angels" brought her worldwide fame, after which her career rapidly went uphill.

Another Chinese actress who conquered Hollywood with her beauty and talent. The film “Memoirs of a Geisha” brought her worldwide fame, after filming in which all the doors opened for her. And People magazine even included her name in the list of the most beautiful women on the planet.

After filming in the film "Lust", Tang was recognized all over the world. And in their homeland they began to condemn the girl, and some producers even refused to cooperate with her, breaking the already signed contracts. Therefore, for several years she did not appear on the screens. Over time, she still managed to restore her reputation and continue her film career.

The girl was born in a simple family in the Chinese province. While studying at the university, she began to attend various auditions and take part in beauty contests. In 2012, she unexpectedly even for herself received the title of Miss World. But the victory in it did not turn the girl's head. Yu Wen Xia continued her studies at the university and will soon become a music teacher in one of the Chinese schools. She successfully combines her studies with filming a movie.

This beauty managed to work on the same platform with Jackie Chan. Her beauty and talent made Maggie the most popular Chinese actress of the 1980s. In addition to filming a movie, she tried herself as a model and took part in various competitions beauty, but the maximum that she managed to reach the semi-finals. But the girl was not upset, as she was able to focus more on her film career, thanks to which we were able to see her on the screens.

This talented girl acts in films and plays on the theater stage. During the Olympics, which were held in 2008 in Beijing, she was an honorary torchbearer. The first film in which the young actress played was the tape "Spicy Soup of Love", released in 1997. Everyone who knows her notes that Gao is unusually attractive, kind and modest.

Incredibly, this beauty is over 50 years old. Today she actively acts in films, takes part in projects on television and is a popular model. And even young girls admire her appearance.

The girl works as a model, acts in films, at the same time being the author of a script for films. She is beautiful and impregnable. However, only those who are not familiar with it think so. In fact, the girl is very sociable and kind. As for her beauty, Qin never uses it, and says that there are a lot of girls in the world who are much more beautiful than her.

Qin is known for starring in Tears of Tea, Dangerous Liaisons, etc. In addition to acting in films, she also dabbles in singing, modeling women's clothing and draws pictures. By her example, she successfully proved that beauty may well be compatible with intelligence.

Shu Qi

Before getting on the set, the future actress starred in candid photos sessions. There she was found by directors who invited the beauty to act in films. At first, it was expected that there were melodramas with elements of erotica. However, gradually the girl was able to prove that she is so talented that she can play in serious films. Today, thanks to her beauty, charm and talent, Shu is known all over the world.

WITH early childhood the girl was seriously engaged in ballet. However, her dreams of becoming a world famous ballerina were not destined to come true. Michelle suffered a serious spinal injury that took a long time to recover. But the girl did not give up. At first, she became a choreographer, after which she was noticed and invited to appear in commercials.

One of her partners on the set was Jackie Chan, who managed to discern acting data in the girl. He then invited her to try herself as an actress. She turned out to be so talented that she was even entrusted with the role of James Bond's girlfriend.

For her acting talent and extraordinary beauty, Gon was nicknamed "Chinese Audrey Hepburn", because no matter what role she takes, she does it perfectly. Therefore, Gon is a multi-genre actress, she is equally good at roles in dramas, comedies and even thrillers. She does not have so many roles, but every film with her participation can be called a masterpiece.

Behind this beauty has more than 60 roles played. The most famous of them is the role in the film "The Armor of God." Today she is no longer filming and has completely devoted herself to her family, proving that she is not only a talented actress, but also a wonderful hostess.

Talented actress and designer fashion clothes known not only for its exotic beauty, but also good feeling taste. She managed to combine incompatible professions. However, for a talented person, this did not become difficult. At the same time, she is extremely hardworking. Before Ma became a model, she was engaged in rowing. But for the sake of the modeling business, she decided to sacrifice her sports future, which her coaches predicted.

From early childhood, she used to bathe in compliments, because she has always been a sweet girl. Growing up, Lee expectedly chose a career as an actress. In addition to beauty, she has kind heart therefore actively protecting animals.

The girl was born in a poor family, therefore, in order to help her parents, after school, she worked part-time in a bar, entertaining its visitors with her singing. She loved to sing so much that after graduating from high school, she decided to devote her life to it.

In 2005, Jane took part in a contest looking for young talents Super Girl, where she was noticed by the producers. Today she is the most popular singer in China, having managed to record 4 music albums.

Chinese Vanessa is only by maternal line. Her father was Thai. However, there is still more Chinese in it. Therefore, she called one of her music albums "China Girl". The violinist is madly in love with dogs and her beloved pet is always with her on tour.

Liu's acting career began in 2002. Having played in the film called "The Forbidden Kingdom", she was awarded the Golden Lotus Prize and found world fame. Today she not only acts in films, but also records solo discs and works as a model.

After the film "Princess Pearl" was released, Fan became hugely popular. However, this seemed to her not enough, and in addition to the acting carter, she began to professionally engage in music. And, I must say, she succeeded. Today, Fan sings on stage, acts in films, takes part in photo shoots of fashion magazines, being the face of several well-known brands.

On this moment the girl is the most popular and sought-after actress in China. She began her ascent by taking part in the television project "We are looking for talents." Here, several directors drew attention to her at once.

As a reporter, Patti began working for television in Taipei, where she is from. Over time, she worked her way up to a TV presenter. And today Patti, who is also called the most sexy girl on Chinese television, hosts the program "Entertainment of Asia". Several times she was the host of the Star Awards.

IN last years Russia has set a course for rapprochement with China - and this applies not only to economics and politics, but also to culture, including cinema, which, of course, is not limited to Jackie Chan, John Woo and Zhang Yimou. We have compiled a list of the twenty most beautiful actresses to be seen in Chinese cinema. In order not to hit subjectivity, we arranged them by age.

Cherie Chung began her career in Chinese show business at the age of 19, becoming one of the participants in the Miss Hong Kong pageant. She failed to win, Cherie only won fourth place, but filmmakers noticed her and invited her to play the main role in the historical action movie The Mysterious Case, which was filmed by the then little-known Johnny To. Popularity did not come to her immediately, but by 1987, Cheri was already the "queen of rom-coms", a sort of Hong Kong Meg Ryan, and posters with her images hung in the rooms of thousands of Asian teenagers. The peak of her activity came in 1988, when 12 films were released with her participation, but over the next three years she starred in only six films (including John Woo's Once Upon a Thief) and in 1991 she left the cinema to dedicate yourself to your husband and family. Although Cherie does not disappear from the lenses of the secular press - in different time she helped the "greens", dealt with the problem of homeless animals and other charity.

The daughter of a very famous acting teacher in Shanghai, Nina Li was destined to become an actress, but she resisted this for a long time - for example, in her youth she studied economics and business.

She, like many of her colleagues, entered show business through a beauty contest - in 1986 she won the Miss Asia contest, and although many producers found her beauty "tasteless" (Nina has very prominent breasts by the standards of Chinese girls) , and her Shanghai accent created problems, Nina quickly became a star of Hong Kong cinema. Especially after roles with Jet Li ("Dragon Fight"), Chow Yun-Fat ("The Greatest Lover"), Jackie Chan ("Dragon Twins"). In the early 90s, Nina ranked fifth in Hong Kong in terms of fees among actresses, but in 1992 she left the cinema and went into business (which, however, soon went bankrupt. By that time they had already met with Jet Li, in 1999 they got married, and in 2000 and 2002 Nina bore him two children.

The future action star was born in Malaysia and started ballet at the age of four. When the girl was 15 years old, her family moved to London, where she entered the Royal Dance Academy, and if not for the injury, she could well have become a famous dancer. In 1981, she won the Miss Malaysia beauty pageant, and her mother entered her as a participant, and in 1983 Michelle went to represent her country at the Miss World pageant, where she was noticed by Hong Kong producers who made her an actress - moreover, a dancing past Yeo came in very handy, because she made her career mainly in action films (“Cop Killers”, “Police Story 3”). Since 1997, she has been filming in Hollywood, starting with the Bond thriller Tomorrow Never Dies, but periodically returns to her homeland. So, we will soon see her in the joint Chinese-American project Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2.

The daughter of a Chinese woman and an Australian, Joyce was a very beautiful girl since childhood - at the age of 19 she won the Miss Hong Kong contest, at the same time receiving the title of Miss Photogenic, after which she participated in Miss Universe in the same 1984. Nevertheless, Mina was by no means overwhelmed with offers to act in films - then China was wary of a “mixed” appearance. The breakthrough came in 1987 when Sammo Hung entrusted her with the main female role in his military action movie "Eastern Condors". Subsequently, Joyce repeatedly appeared in his films - both in action films (“She Shoots Accurately”) and in comedies (“Fictitious Marriage”), showing herself to be a very versatile actress. True, in 1991 she left the cinema, and in 1995 she married Hung.

One of the most respected Chinese actresses, literally strewn with awards from various film festivals, Gong Li entered the prestigious Central Academy of Dramatic Arts in Beijing in 1985, and already in her second year of study she received the main role in Zhang Yimou's film "Red Kaoliang". After graduating from the academy, the roles fell on her in an endless stream. The girl was not shy about either action movies (“ The Terracotta Warrior”) or comedies (“ The Flirting Schoolboy” by Stephen Chow), but Zhang Yimou’s dramas “Jiu Dou”, “Raise the Red Lantern”, “The Story of Qiu Jiu”, “Shanghai triad" and Chen Kaige " Farewell, my concubine", "Seductress Moon" and "The Emperor and the Assassin". Certainly such beautiful woman could not go unnoticed by the West - Gong Li starred in The Chinese Box, Memoirs of a Geisha, Miami Vice and Hannibal Rising. Now the actress rarely appears in films, in the last decade she has only three roles - in the Chinese remake of the Hollywood rom-com What Women Want (2011), Zhang Yimou's next film Homecoming (2014) and the fantasy epic Monkey King 2 which will be released in 2016.

Undoubtedly talented, but always second in the race of two Bingbing (there is also a more popular Fang Bingbing in China), which is periodically confused with her namesake - for example, director Brett Ratner, taking a picture with Li, posted a photo on the Chinese Weibo social network with a note that he would like marry this girl, or at least shoot her more often. True, Fang Bingbing called her. Be that as it may, Li's career is also going quite well - a lot of roles in China, plus Fan Hollywood projects that absolutely balance the achievements. So, if Fan starred in X-Men and flashed in the Marvel superhero franchise, Li Bingbing plays Ada Wong in the Resident Evil series and recently appeared in Transformers 4. She also portrayed a witch in the Chinese-Hollywood project The Forbidden Kingdom with Jackie Chan and Jet Li. More recently, the fantasy epic Zhong Kui: The Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal was released in China, where Li played the ice witch. It is noteworthy that Fan appeared in The White-Haired Witch of the Moon Kingdom in the same year. Well, how not to get confused?

Lin Chilin came to the movies relatively late - her first role was in 2008 in John Woo's historical epic "The Battle of Red Rock" - but John Woo's roles are not easy to get. Before becoming an actress, Lin was an extremely popular model - and her rise to fame in the early 2000s was so abrupt that the Chinese press even appeared the term "Ling Chilin phenomenon." Immediately after the "Battle" Lin received the main roles in the action adventure "Treasure Hunter" with Jay Chou and the Japanese TV series "Midnight Lovers", but the latter failed miserably - and many viewers criticized Lin's performance. From which the actress made a wise conclusion, enrolled in acting classes and since then special claims she didn’t get to her game, although she is periodically nominated for the Golden Broom (an analogue of the American Golden Raspberry). At least the living classic Chen Kaige has cast her in one of the lead roles in his new film Monk Descends the Mountain, and he understands actors.

A Taiwanese erotic model (yes, you can still find a lot of her very candid photos on the Web, there are also several erotic video programs with her participation), which was opened to the world in 1996 by producer Manfred Wong. He invited her to Hong Kong to star in a couple of sex pictures of his own production (“ Sex and Zen 2”, “ Street Angels”), but in the same year, Shu Qi starred in the art-house tragicomedy “ Long live erotica”, For which she received several awards at once respected Asian film festivals. A couple of years later, she turned into one of the leading young actresses in Hong Kong, and later in China, having mastered all possible genres - from comedy and horror to melodramas and action films. In 2002, she starred in the female lead in The Transporter, and she can also be seen in the anthology New York, I Love You. Her most recent film, The Killer, recently won the Best Director award at Cannes.

This beautiful actress for a long time was the muse (and wife) of the Chinese director Wang Cuanan - he took her in the lead role in his debut film " Lunar Eclipse" in 1999, and the next two films (" History of Ermey" and " Tui's Wedding") were also joint. All three films received multiple awards - " Moon eclipse", among others, participated in the 22nd MIFF, and "Tuya's Wedding" received the "Golden Bear" at the Berlin Film Festival. Since the end of the 2000s, Yu Nan began acting not only with Wang - her command of Chinese, English and French helped her get roles not only in China, but also beyond. So, she can be seen in the Hollywood Speed ​​Racer and The Expendables 2, the French action movie Fury and the Canadian Diamond Dogs. Quite static on screen, Yu Nan is nonetheless quite popular in China - although her promiscuity in her choice of roles can still trip her up.

One of the most talented actresses modern China Tang Wei is nevertheless worth a lot of work to make his way to the top. Starting with roles in serials in the mid-noughties, in 2007 she made her debut in big cinema in the historical drama Lust, but the Communist Party was unhappy with the way the conflict between China and Taiwan was revealed in the film, plus condemned the actress for extremely frank "nudity ”, so that for several years Tang Wei fell into serious disgrace - to the point that she was thrown out of several not only planned, but already filmed films. Forced simple Tang Wei used wisely - she filmed outside of China and took acting courses in the UK, so now that the attitude of Chinese censors towards her has changed, she burst into the industry with new force. Among other things, it was she who played the main female role in Michael Mann's action movie "Cyber" - the film turned out to be a failure, but she has several very promising Chinese films in her plans, from Johnny To's "Office" (where she plays in tandem with Chow Yun-Fat) to "The Story of Three Cities", based on the life of Jackie Chan's parents.

Hong Kong star discovered by Stephen Chow, creator of Killer Football and Kungfu Showdown. He took her, then a debutante, to the lead role in The King of Comedy (1999), and her career started at an increased speed - only the main roles and only in major films. Nevertheless, in the middle of the 2000s, the Hong Kong cinematography went on a particularly active rapprochement with mainland Chinese, and here a decline began in her career. Which turned into a free fall when a sex scandal happened in 2008 - the personal photo archive of actor Edison Chen surfaced, where Cecilia was among his many partners. This scandal hit not only her career, but also personal life- the actress's relationship with her husband, the famous actor Nicholas Tse, deteriorated, and now they are divorced. And Chun herself is considered a "black mark" for any film - in recent years she has starred in several major projects (including the joint Chinese-Korean film adaptation " Dangerous Liaisons”), but they all failed at the box office.

In various lists from the series "who is the cutest in the world" in China itself, Fang Bingbing regularly occupies the top lines - she is very much loved on the mainland, although they regularly delve into her dirty underwear, finding more and more evidence that the actress has become such a beauty not without help plastic surgeons. Nevertheless, the love for her in China is so strong that Bingbing manages to stay in the main stars of the mainland, despite a career in which truly outstanding projects can be counted on the fingers (and, by the way, most of them on television), but frankly through-point nonsense - a wagon and a small cart. In addition, Fan has a tendency to get lost behind more powerful partners if she has a supporting role - try to remember her in Flash or Bodyguards and Assassins with Donnie Yen! Or in The Shinjuku Incident and Shaolin with Jackie Chan? She also starred outside the country - in the French "Finish Straight", as well as the Iron Man 3 comics (even though her role remained only in Chinese version film) and "X-Men: Days of Future Past", where she played the mutant girl Blink. Fang Bingbing's next appearance on the screens will take place in Renny Harlin's action movie "On the Trail", where Jackie Chan and Johnny Knoxville became her partners.

Chrissy Chau is one of the most beloved and at the same time hated actresses in China and Hong Kong. She was born in mainland China but moved to Hong Kong at the age of 10, where she adolescence began her career as a “lan mo” (as in the local slang they contemptuously call “pseudo-models” without an appropriate education, working mainly at exhibitions and events). Gorgeous figure And sweet face"With a twist" quickly made her popular among teenagers, but after trying to break into the cinema, a wave of hatred fell on Chrissy, including from her colleagues - in her first films she played terribly. Since then, however, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, and now Chow feels quite organic in front of the camera - for example, relatively recently she flashed by Stephen Chow in his Journey to the West, and in general she does not sit without work (in 2013 alone 11 paintings came out with it).

Amber Kuo (age 29)

Most famous films:

The rating was compiled by one of the most authoritative websites in China. Tang Wei (1971)
Winner of Asian and European awards as the best actress. Finalist "Miss Universe" in 2004. Zhao Wei (1976)
Singer, actress, businesswoman and philanthropist. She is also known for her scandal when the actress appeared on the cover of a magazine with the Japanese flag. Her apology was played on 200 local TV channels and 100 radio stations. Feng Shaofeng (1978) Actor, mostly in TV shows. Yang Mi (1986) Actress and singer. Fan Bingbing (1981)
Also known as China's Monica Bellucci. The most famous Chinese actress abroad. Dou Xiao (1988) Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a hairdresser, but fate decreed otherwise. In 2007 he becomes the winner male competition beauty in China (Sunshine Boy competition) and begins an acting career. Gao Yuanyuan (1975)
One of the only actresses on this list has no acting education. Height - 167 cm, weight - 45 kg. Li Bingbing (1976) Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a teacher, but in the middle of her studies in pedagogy, she suddenly switched to theater. Winner of awards as the best actress. Shu Qi (1976)
Known for the fact that at the beginning of her career she starred in erotic films. Was the jury of the Berlinale in 2008, the Cannes Film Festival - in 2009. Takeshi Kaneshiro (1973)
His father is Japanese from Okinawa and his mother is a Polynesian native from Taiwan. Acts in Japanese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong and Chinese films. Han Geng (1984)
He made his debut in the Korean group Super Junior, but ended his contract, and continued his solo career in China. Huang Xiaoming (1977)
Known as China's Chief Heartbreaker))) Yao Chen (1979)
The actress with the most followers on Sina Weibo (Asian Twitter) is 16 million. Angelababy (1989) Known for her cute face and nasty sense of style. Here is her blog - Zhang Ziyi (1979)
Played in Memoirs of a Geisha. She has been nominated three times for BAFTA and Golden Globe awards. From myself: the list is, of course, good, but in my opinion it lacks my favorite - Chris)))

1 752 look.

The Chinese Internet community has compiled a list of the 50 prettiest compatriots on death row. The girls were executed mainly on charges of murder, theft and drug trafficking.

Every year in the Celestial Empire, from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand people annually end their lives as a result of judicial execution. Death shocks the Chinese a little, and some local bloggers even created a kind of rating of the most beautiful and already executed Chinese women.

Ren Xue

She stole and killed the sister of her lover (the director of a small mine) by deceit because he refused her a higher paying job.

Another version of this story:

19 year old (some say she was 23) Ren Xue from Henan was youngest child in a poor mining family. Her older brother fell in love with one of the mine manager's daughters. But the manager's family was categorically against this relationship, and the young guy disappeared without a trace. Ren Xue went to college, where she hooked up with a fellow student and got pregnant by him. The future father flatly refused to marry the girl and during one of the quarrels he severely beat and mutilated her. The girl's situation became hopeless. Ren Xue couldn't find a job, and in desperation, she sold her body to the mine manager, Ding.

After some time, he was suspected of tax evasion, and a commission came to the mine with an inspection. Chapter working group Ren Xue was carried away by this commission. But the girl refused to sleep with him. Manager Dean explained to her that if she did not obey, then the fate of her missing older brother would await her, and if she was submissive, he would give her Good work and set free. The girl agreed. But the manager did not even think about letting her go and continued to keep her in the position of a sex slave. Desperate and deceived in her expectations, Ren Xue persuaded her friend Cao Linlin and killed Ding's daughter.

Liu Jinfeng

She sold herself in marriage to an aggressive alcoholic husband who beat and raped her. In a fit of anger, the husband strangled her child (not joint). Choosing the right moment, Liu Jinfeng killed her husband with a sickle in his sleep, and then set fire to the house to cover up the crime.

Another version:

Liu Jinfeng is a murderer, 20 years old. Primary school education. Liu Jinfeng was born in 1975 in Luzha Village, Shanxi Province, and was executed in 1995 in Xianyang. Liu Jinfeng has been repeatedly beaten by his father since childhood. Then the mother remarried and soon died, her stepfather kicked her stepdaughter out of the house, and she ended up on the street. A defenseless girl was raped and had to have an abortion. She was then arrested and sentenced to a year of hard labor for prostitution. After the punishment ended, the authorities sent her back to her hometown, where her stepfather sold her for 1,000 yuan to Mr. Li in Xiling Village, Qingyang County, Shaanxi Province. Later, Mr. Li resold it to Mr. Hu, a local crime boss.

Hu was cruel and drinking man, he systematically beat Liu Jinfeng. From 1992 to 1993, unable to endure the beatings, she tried to escape many times, but each time she was caught and brutally punished. Hu made a 5-kilogram metal chain, on which he put the obstinate girl. In early 1994, Liu Jinfeng tried to run away again. But this attempt was also unsuccessful, the girl managed to get away only a few kilometers, she was caught and returned to Mr. Hu, he broke her legs and chained her to a bed. Mr. Hu had to leave the village on business, and left his cousins ​​Tang and Gueng to look after Liu Jinfeng. The two took advantage of this circumstance to repeatedly rape Liu Jinfeng until she became pregnant.

At the end of 1994, Liu Jinfeng gave birth to a boy with Tang. In 1995, Hu returned home to take a vacation. Upon learning of the child, he was enraged, stripped Liu Jinfeng naked, tied her hands behind her back, hung her from a tree, first beat her, then took a knife, and repeatedly stabbed her in her thighs, abdomen, and groin, calling her "the unfaithful wife ". He tortured her until the girl lost consciousness. When Liu Jinfeng woke up, she felt unbearable pain, her body was severely mutilated, and her strangled child was lying next to her. She gathered the last of her strength, took a sickle and cracked open the skull of the sleeping Hu, then set fire to the house.


Got caught smuggling drugs for her boyfriend. Such crimes in China are punishable by death.

A 20-year-old girl from Yunnan, a province in the south of the Republic of China, was sentenced to death in 1991.

Photo from the courtroom before the execution.

Taojing was one of the youngest criminals to be sentenced to capital punishment.

Last meal before execution

Body of a girl after execution

Feng Cuiqiong

A 21-year-old girl from Yunnan province also got caught in drug trafficking. Sentenced to be shot.

Song Dan, 18 years old

She was sentenced to death for kidnapping and killing her young man. Shot on the day of one of the national holidays.

He Yuqiong

Executed for trafficking in women.

Lai Xiangjian

Shot in 1990 for murder own husband who had an affair on the side.

Liu Yiping, 23

Liu, who worked as a ticket saleswoman at Guangzhou Airport, was shot for stealing 550,000 yuan.