How to make a stone fence. Advantages of a cobblestone fence. Selecting material for the fence

A cobblestone fence is one of the most durable and resistant to time and natural factors. are rightfully the most durable, some fences and buildings made of stone have been standing for more than one century, and perhaps will last just as long. It’s possible - it’s very cheap, reliable and original, although you’ll have to arm yourself with patience and a lot of stones.

Classic cobblestone fence

Benefits of a cobblestone fence

Speaking of cobblestone, most often we mean a rounded stone with a cross-section from 10 to 30 cm. There are many varieties of cobblestones, but most often these are basalt, diorite and quartzite stones. This material is widely used in construction and landscape design due to its accessibility and practicality:

Main nuances during construction

Before starting work, you should prepare the material and decide on the design of the fence and foundation. You can collect the stone for the fence yourself in the fields, but you should understand that you will need a lot of it for a solid fence.

Construction of a combined fence made of cobblestones and wood

If in the region it is possible to order such material inexpensively, then you should take advantage of it; cobblestone may require up to several tons.

Cobblestone preparation

Fence foundation

A stone fence needs to be reliable. It can be made of concrete, based on reinforced concrete blocks, brick or stone. When constructing a foundation with your own hands, you should adhere to the following rules:

Installation of poles

After arranging the foundation, you can begin installing stone pillars:

The mortar for a stone fence is mixed in a ratio of sand and cement - 3:1. For aesthetics, you can add a brown color to the cement mixture: for 10 buckets of concrete - approximately 4 tablespoons of coloring pigment.

It is possible to lay it out without formwork, but it is somewhat more complicated; it requires experience, painstaking adjustment and constant monitoring of the verticality of the support.

A stone fence is a fencing option that stands out from others due to its unsurpassed durability and strength. But the list of advantages is not limited to outstanding utilitarian qualities alone - made from skillfully selected cobblestones, it has an extraordinary beautiful texture that fits perfectly with any landscape. The only drawback of such fences is the high cost of their construction, but this drawback can be easily eliminated - just take it and build it stone fence with your own hands.

Calculations and preparatory work

Start building a stone fence by clarifying the boundaries of your own land plot. Having found out the location of the boundary lines, draw a plan for the fence, and then decide what type of stone you will use. Having drawn up an estimate of upcoming expenses, purchase the necessary consumables, at the same time acquire the required tools, and only after that begin construction work.

Determining the boundaries of the site

Before you build a stone fence with your own hands, do not be lazy to clarify the boundaries of your own yard - perhaps they are not in the place where you are used to counting. Having captured part of the neighboring plot with your fence, you will find yourself in a very delicate position, since a stone fence is a monolithic structure, and you will no longer be able to move it when the mistake becomes clear. In order to prevent the occurrence similar situations, invite surveyors and ask them to survey the areas.

Having clarified the boundaries of your personal territory, measure the length of all sides and draw a sketch of the future structure. To do this, determine the desired height of the fence (usually it is 2-2.2 m), then mark the location of the gate and wicket, and then calculate the number of support posts. Calculate the number of supports based on the recommended span length of 2.5-3.2 m.

Typical stone fence project

Optimal parameters span

Choosing a stone for building a fence

Modern landscape design uses different kinds raw natural stone, most of which are quite suitable for the construction of all kinds of fences.

Most often used for the construction of fences:

  • cobblestone (aka savage pebble or boulder) - a very durable stone of gray-steel color, essentially rounded fragments of basalt or granite;
  • dolomite - a yellowish-white or light gray, flat stone with sharp edges, somewhat similar in appearance to marble;
  • limestone (shell rock) – soft, easily processed, light and lightweight material, the only drawback of which is high hygroscopicity;
  • sandstone – durable, frost- and water-resistant layered stone, which has long been used to build fences;
  • rubble (aka scrap stone) – irregular shape pieces of sandstone, granite or limestone, usually used for foundations.

If you are a novice mason, to build a stone fence with your own hands, it is better to choose lamellar sandstone or cut limestone. Having relatively correct form, such materials are quite easily laid in even rows, so it’s easy and convenient to work with them. However, in fairness, it should be noted that truly original designer fences are obtained only from angular and lumpy rubble or cobblestones.

Preparing supplies and tools

By purchasing or preparing it yourself required quantity stone, purchase the following building materials:

  • cement M300 or M400;
  • crushed stone of medium fraction;
  • sand with a particle size of 0.15-5 mm;
  • reinforcing bars with a diameter of 8-12 mm;
  • thick steel pipes 3.5-4 m long;
  • semi-edged boards for making formwork;
  • decorative elements - clay tiles, lanterns, forged pole tops, peaks or gratings.

Having acquired consumables, rent a concrete mixer and a welding machine and prepare the necessary tools and equipment, namely:

  • wooden stakes;
  • 5-6 skeins of construction cord;
  • plumb line and spirit level;
  • hacksaw for wood and metal;
  • roulette;
  • tamper;
  • bayonet and shovel;
  • trowel;
  • guillemot;
  • wire brush;
  • several large buckets.

Arrangement of a reinforced strip foundation

Having completed the preparation of everything necessary, proceed to excavation work and first clear the construction site of debris and plants. After completing the cleaning, level the soil in the desired area and transfer the fence plan to the area.

Mandatory preparatory work

Before you build a stone fence with your own hands:

  1. Mark the outer corners of the future fence with long stakes driven into the ground.
  2. Connect them in series with a cord stretched tightly near the ground.
  3. Having fixed it this way external boundaries, determine the installation locations of the support pillars and mark them with pegs.

A stone fence is a heavy structure, prone to distortion and subsidence. The optimal base option for such a massive structure is a reinforced continuous strip foundation, the width of which is 15-20 cm greater than the thickness of the fence itself.

To prevent the stone fence from being destroyed by surface water, it is erected on a foundation rising above the soil surface in the form of a powerful 15-centimeter plinth.

Excavation and formwork construction

Strictly follow the procedure for performing excavation work:

  1. Along the entire designated border of the fence, from inside the perimeter, remove a strip of turf 50-70 cm wide.
  2. In accordance with the outlined contours, dig a narrow trench 80 cm deep.
  3. In places where fence posts are installed, deepen the ditch an additional 40 cm.
  4. Carefully level the bottom of the ditch and post holes and cover it with a five-centimeter layer of sand.
  5. Thoroughly compact the sand bed using a hand tamper.

The construction of formwork and reinforcing frame should be carried out in next sequence:

  1. Using boards cut to size, knock down formwork panels 1.10 m high and install them close to the sides of the trench. To fix the formwork parts, fasten them every meter with vertical posts and support them with diagonal struts.
  2. Weld a reinforcement grid from steel rods with a mesh size of 15 by 15 cm.
  3. Lower the reinforcing mesh to the bottom of the ditch and secure it at a height of 5 cm above the sand level.
  4. Place the second grid 20 cm below the soil surface.
  5. To fasten the reinforcing mesh at the required level, use steel rods driven into the bottom of the trench in two parallel rows at 50 cm intervals.
  6. Install steel pipes in the center of the cross-section of the support posts in a strictly vertical position.

Preparation of mortar and concreting the foundation

In a concrete mixer, prepare standard heavy concrete from cement, water, sand, plasticizer and crushed stone and pour it into the formwork.
Compact the concrete mass with a vibrator (or shovel), smooth the surface of the solution and cover it with thick plastic film to prevent premature evaporation of moisture. In hot weather you can water concrete cold water.
When the concrete reaches its final hardness, remove the formwork, but do not start laying the fence yet - the solution needs one month to fully “ripen” and harden.

Construction of stone support pillars

The support pillars are parallelepipeds with a cross section of 300 by 300 or 400 by 400 mm and a height of 2.3-2.5 m. Such stone racks are laid using the sliding formwork method. To ensure reliable fastening of the spans, the supports are equipped with steel mortgages.
Before you start laying out stone fence posts with your own hands, equip them with steel embeds. To do this, cut pieces of reinforcing bars 60-70 cm long and weld them to the metal frames of the racks. Orient the rod sections parallel to the base line and fasten them one above the other in increments of 30-50 cm.

Formwork for support column

Stages of constructing stone pillars:

  1. In accordance with the selected dimensions, construct formwork for the post from the boards - a low (30-40 cm) square box without a bottom or lid.
  2. Install the formwork on the foundation so that the vertical steel support base is placed exactly in the center of the box.
  3. Prepare a fairly thick solution of three parts sifted sand and one part cement. For a more durable connection of boulders, add ¼ part of PVA glue to the mixture. If you want to end up with seams contrasting color, add dry pigment to the solution.
  4. Place the initial row of stones inside the formwork as tightly as possible, with the flat edges facing outward. Fill the voids between them with a solution.
  5. Having filled the first box with stones, place a second box of the same type on top of it and continue laying.
  6. After a day, dismantle the bottom row of boards, install it above the second tier and also fill it with stones and cement.
  7. Proceed in this order and then - gradually moving the boxes upward, raise the pillar to the required height.
  8. Carefully seal the gaps between the stones that appear after removing the formwork with mortar.

Construction of fence spans

The most important stage is the construction of stone spans. The sequence here is:

  1. Sort the stones by shape and size. If necessary, knock off particularly protruding edges, make notches on smooth cobblestones, and split the largest boulders into several parts.
  2. Between adjacent supports, near the foundation, stretch two rows of cord that will limit the outer and inner planes of the wall.
  3. Apply the solution to the base and in one step (so that the cement does not have time to set) make the starting row of the span.
  4. First, lay out versts - rows of stones along the outer and inner edges of the wall, then fill the gap between them. Try to lay the cobblestones with the flat side up, filling the gaps between them with mortar.
  5. A day later, after the initial layer of stones has hardened, lift the strings and lay the next row, not forgetting to make dressings from time to time.
  6. When the level of the fence reaches the first mortgages, weld a thin reinforcing mesh to them and continue laying.
  7. Proceeding in this way, bring the fence to the desired height. During work, control the thickness of the walls with a wooden U-shaped template, and their verticality with a plumb line.
  8. In order for the picturesque texture of irregular stonework to be better visible, 4 hours after the construction of each tier, open the seams between the stones with a scraper or a narrow figured trowel.

Clean the finished fence with a wire brush to remove dried cement mortar splashes, then rinse it with a 30% hydrochloric acid solution. Cover the tops of the support posts with decorative waterproof caps.
If desired, decorate the fence with lanterns, wooden balusters or figured forged elements.

Stone fence decorated with forged elements

Features of building a fence made of artificial stone

Artificial stone costs several times less than any natural one. It is made from concrete, which is given color, shape and texture using dyes and special molds. wild breeds. Artificial stone is very durable, but still you should not use it in areas with shallow groundwater, as well as in places located near busy highways.
The technology for constructing a fence made of artificial stone is practically no different from the procedure for constructing natural stone fences. The only difference between them is the possibility of using ready-made support pillars and a lightweight masonry method, which is more reminiscent of the classic “brick” method.

Video: Building a stone fence with your own hands

Now you know how to make a stone fence with your own hands, and you were able to see that erecting a stone fence is a long, troublesome and painstaking process. But the result of such construction pays off handsomely all the money, effort and time spent. If own experience is not enough - entrust the work to professionals.

Fences made of stone have been used by humans since time immemorial. Currently, natural materials, including stone, are at the peak of popularity. The huge variety of natural stone often leads the average person to confusion. Therefore, it is important to select and make right choice a certain type of stone suitable for constructing a fence, the intended design.

Selection of materials (comparison table)

Name of the stonePricephysical characteristicsMaterial processingWeather resistance
Cobblestone (boulder stone)— fraction 70-100 mm -850 rub/m3;

— fraction 105-300 mm – 2500 rub/m3;

— cobblestones for gabions -70-130 mm – 300 rub/m3.

durable, strong, available in only a few colorswith great efforthighly resistant
GravelFrom 800 RUR/tndurable, strongwith efforthighly resistant
Dolomite stoneFrom 700 RUR/m2durable, strongwith little efforthighly resistant
Limestone750 rub/tdurable, strongsoft to handleabsorbs moisture, requires treatment with water repellents
SandstoneDepending on color from 2200 to 9300 rub/m3durable, strong, a variety of colorswith efforthighly resistant
Crushed granite1800 rub/tdurable, strongwith efforthighly resistant
Booth1000 rub/tondurable, strongwith great efforthighly resistant

An equally popular building material for stone fencing is fake diamond. Its cost is much less than the cost of natural stone.

Preparatory activities

Before starting to build a stone fence with your own hands, you need to decide on its exact location, draw a diagram of the structure, a foundation plan, and also make approximate calculations of the required volume of building materials.

If the site and household are located in close proximity to neighbors, then their written consent to erect the building should be obtained. To avoid this, you should prepare and register a package of documents for construction at the technical inventory bureau. These activities will allow you to build a fence without complications and problems.

TO preparatory stages The construction of a fence made of natural stone can also include:

  • clearing the land of all kinds of debris and its planning (leveling);
  • markings for foundation construction in accordance with diagrams and drawings. Marking (fence lines, gate locations, gates) on the ground is carried out using cords attached to stakes;
  • purchase of building materials - stone, sand, cement, reinforcement;
  • purchase the necessary tool– a welding machine, a shovel, a tank for preparing cement mortar or a small concrete mixer.

The next step in constructing a stone fence is laying out the foundation.


Digging a trench for the foundation is carried out in accordance with the markings made. Considering that the stone is quite heavy and strong construction material, the foundation must easily withstand the proper load, ensuring the reliability and strength of the structure.

Fences from stone material are being built exclusively on a strip foundation based on reinforced concrete blocks or bricks. At the stage of arranging the foundation, it is necessary to adhere to the following requirements and rules:

  • the width of the prepared foundation should be 15.0 cm greater than the thickness of the fence, the trench is dug up to 80.0 cm in depth. If the fence is erected to a height of more than 2 meters, then the depth of the trench increases by 10.0 cm for each meter of fence;
  • first of all, a sand cushion with a thickness of at least 50.0 mm is made, which is spilled with water and compacted;
  • then laying reinforced concrete blocks is carried out using mortar and additional connecting reinforcement from 30.0 to 40.0 mm in diameter;
  • then a reinforced frame is mounted in the groove, around which a formwork made of edged boards is installed, rising above the ground level by approximately 20.0-30.0 centimeters, and the entire structure is filled with mortar;
  • dismantling of the formwork is carried out several weeks (3-4 weeks), after the final hardening of the cement mortar;
  • Gate and gate openings require the installation of support pillars, so the load-bearing parts are dug in and filled with reinforced concrete mortar.

At a time when the foundation gains strength (hardens), you can start sorting the purchased stones, which will help increase the speed of construction of the stone fence.


In order to speed up construction work, all pillars must be constructed simultaneously. In the construction of stone fences, floating forms (formwork) are widely used. To do this, you will have to make the required number of sectional formwork from self-tapping screws and boards about 150 mm high. The internal parameters of which correspond to the dimensions of the foundation. One column requires 2 pieces of collapsible formwork.

After making the frames, you should proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • The formwork is installed and the initial layer of stone is laid out. They are laid so that they fit as closely as possible to the collapsible form and to each other;
  • then all cracks and voids are filled with a thick solution;
  • then the next formwork is secured with self-tapping screws and filled with stone and mortar in the same way.

After a day or two, the lower parts of the collapsible forms can be removed and the construction of subsequent layers can begin. The voids found after dismantling the formwork must be immediately filled with mortar. In the places where the lags are attached, metal corners should be released, which are welded to the pipes.

Formed and constructed pillars must be protected from the effects of precipitation. An ideal option is to install plastic or metal caps.

According to rough estimates (in the case of simultaneous erection of pillars), it will take 20-25 days to erect supports for the stone fence.


The construction of fence walls begins with marking the foundation. The spans of stone fences are made narrower than the pillars by 100.0 mm, that is, the wall moves inward by 50.0 mm from the outer and inside. Using a level, symmetrical installation of stones is carried out along the edges of the wall. The optimal size of stones for laying a wall is up to 25.0 cm.

The threads stretched between the sections are used to guide the subsequent laying of the walls. For ease of use and structural strength, it is recommended to lay the stones with their flat side up, carefully filling the cracks and voids between them with cement-sand mortar.

The process of laying the wall is controlled by the level. Deviation from vertical position no more than 10 mm per 2.0 m wall height.

Joining the fence

Surface treatment and jointing are the final processes in the construction of fencing made of natural and artificial stone.

Masonry seams can be embroidered in three ways: deep, convex and shallow. The first option visually increases the volume of the masonry.

Joining is done using:

  • scraper - a strip of metal (4 mm x 150 mm x 2.5 mm), at the end of which there is a protrusion (“tooth”) measuring 10.0 mm by 20.0 m;
  • flat scrapers and brushes with metal bristles;
  • pieces of rags and foam rubber.

3-4 hours after laying, they begin jointing, after which time the solution hardens and is difficult to process.

The step-by-step process for deep jointing looks like this:

  • cleaning stones and seams with a wire brush;
  • creating neat, rectangular recesses with a scraper up to 20.0 mm;
  • washing seams and stones with foam.

If you ignore the jointing, the external attractiveness of the stone fence will significantly deteriorate.


The main decoration of natural stone is texture and color. Therefore, fences built from natural stone, are self-sufficient and do not require the use of decorative parts to improve their appearance. However, if desired, the top of the support pillars can be equipped with elegant waterproof structures - caps with peaks.

Often monumental stone fences are decorated with openwork forging, various lanterns and “live” decorative elements– –lianas (grapes, roses).

The canvases of blank fences can be enlivened with the help of glass mosaics, panels made from waste CDs. The use of certain decorative details depends on the preferences and wishes of the owners of the land plots on which stone fences are erected.

Cost of time and money

Stone fencing has many positive advantages, but despite this, there are several disadvantages:

  • erecting a stone fence is a rather long, painstaking construction procedure;
  • for the construction of such objects a foundation is required;
  • the high cost of some natural stone materials.

Construction of stone fences significantly more expensive than fencing or metal. Arrangement of the foundation, the cost of natural material, the cost of its transportation, payment of possible additional labor will require a considerable investment Money. You can reduce financial costs by performing construction work yourself.

Nowadays, getting master classes (video lessons) on the construction of stone structures, including fences, is not difficult; to do this, just go to YouTube and use a search engine to select a suitable video. An example of a shell rock fence with deep seams:

Below is a series of photographs where you can see different versions fence made of stone.

A fence can be built from different materials and using several technologies, but stone fencing is the most reliable. In addition, the stone makes the structure attractive in appearance. Most often used in the construction of fences natural material, but in last years Artificial substitutes are also gaining popularity.

What are the advantages of a stone fence:

  • fire safety,
  • immunity to any precipitation and natural phenomena,
  • no rotting, corrosion, oxidation, etc.,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • the ability to select the desired shade,
  • availability of material,
  • durability.

It may seem to a beginner in the construction business that only a professional can make a stone fence on his own. In fact, this is not so and almost anyone can cope with the task. Before you start working directly, you need to decide on the type of future fencing. When building a fence the following is used:


So, there is a goal to build a stone fence, it remains to find out what is required for this. First of all, you need to worry about the materials. Let's assume that the stone has already been purchased, then all that remains is to have a concrete mixer or a tank for mixing cement mortar. This mixture will also require crushed stone and sand, the volume of which depends on the length and height of the fence. It is better to choose cement marked 300, since it would be better suited for such construction. By the way, for dosing the components you will need a shovel (scoop), and for laying out ready mixture construction trowel.

Next, you definitely need boards and nails for constructing the formwork, as well as reinforcement to give the structure good rigidity. If the fence is high, you will also need a welding machine. With its help, steel rods can be lengthened to the required size. It is definitely worth purchasing a pipe with a diameter of 50 - 80 mm. It will be the “heart” of future pillars.

For marking work, you need a tape measure, small stakes and regular twine. Once the location of the fence is determined, you can move on to the next stage.

Attention ! Before starting any work, you need to take care of safety precautions. Perform all actions wearing gloves and boots. If the stone splits right on the spot, it is better to wear protective glasses. Just in case, you can prepare a first aid kit with bandages and disinfectants.

Building a foundation for a fence

First you need to dig a trench the width and length of the stone fence. In this case, a bayonet shovel or even a crowbar may come in handy. The depth of the trench depends on specific conditions, but it makes no sense to make it more than 700 mm. Do not throw away the soil from the hole, as you will have to fill the edges of the foundation later.

The next step is to knock together the boards to the desired configuration. At the same time, the rods are welded in the same shape and laid in the trench. You need to drive stakes along the entire perimeter, and nail cross beams at 1.5 - 2.0 meters from above. This is done so that the boards do not move apart when pouring.

Concrete mixture can be poured into the resulting structure. If you have no experience in kneading it, then here are some instructions. You should always start from the volume of the binder and only then add other components. So, for one part of cement you need two parts of sand and four parts of crushed stone. All ingredients are poured into a concrete mixer and mixed.

When the mixture is ready, it can be poured into a container and distributed around the perimeter of the fence in buckets. But you can be smarter and pour the mixture directly into the formwork using a gutter. Moreover, each new batch involves moving the concrete mixer!

Pre-mark the points for the pillars and weld a pipe to the fittings at each of them. It is better to make a reserve in height!

After completing all concrete work, the structure should be left alone for 15 - 20 days. For better and uniform hardening, an insulator (film) is placed on top of the formwork. Otherwise top part the foundation will dry out quickly and the strength of the concrete will deteriorate.

Inexperienced builders at this stage may allow one fatal error. Filling the foundation level with the ground (or even lower) will not cause problems with water later. Rain, melted snow, etc. will accumulate along the fence, thereby eroding the soil and promoting the formation of slime and mold. It is better to make the foundation slightly above ground level, and then decorate the concrete or fill it up thin layer soil (decorative stone).

Making fence posts from stone

The construction of pillars begins with measuring the distance between them. If it is different, then you can tighten or stretch the pipes a little using a rope. Stone columns for a fence are made slightly wider than the spans, which visually divides the entire wall into sections.

Next, formwork is made in the form of a square with the required width of the column. In this case, the height of the formwork should not exceed 40 - 50 cm. When everything is done, a layer of cleaned stones is laid out and this is done as close as possible (parallel) to the plane of the boards! After this, all cavities are filled with a moderately thick solution. By the way, the solution for the stone fence itself is made like this: 1 part cement, 1.7 parts each gravel and sand! It is important to ensure that all the cracks between the stones are filled with the binding mixture, but the solution itself does not spread over the column.

Thus, this procedure must be done on each pillar and left to harden for one to two days. You can also cheat a little with the formwork for stone fence posts. In order not to assemble a new square each time, you can simply nail another one to the bottom row and so on! Gradually the height of the pillars will reach the desired level, and then you can start laying the walls!

Laying the fence walls

Making walls can be done in different ways. Experienced builders simply pull a string, which becomes a guideline for the height and deviation of the fence. They lay one layer of stones along the entire perimeter of the fence, after which all voids are filled with mortar. After a day, a second layer is laid out, etc. But in this case, there is a high risk of getting a wall that is too uneven, so it is better to use formwork.

Tip: If large round stones are used for the fence, then formwork will not help. It’s better to lay them out “by eye”!

The formwork is done similarly to the pillars, but here it is no longer necessary to place the stones tightly against the boards. Some irregularities are acceptable; they give the fence an asymmetrical appearance. After laying out the first layer, the stones are covered with mortar and left for one or two days.

Important: It is better not to make the formwork too high, as this will lead to voids in the solution and poor quality of the entire structure. All seams must be hammered using a trowel!

In order for the fence spans to be the same in height, closer to completion they need to be measured with a tape measure. By varying the size of the stones, you can achieve a uniform level for the entire wall. After completing the installation and dismantling of the formwork, it is important to carry out jointing in a timely manner, otherwise the mixture will harden greatly.

Joining the fence

After pouring, you need to wait about 5 hours and start undoing the seams. First, all remnants of the solution are cleaned with a coarse brush, after which the work begins special tool- guillemot. It is a metal rectangle with a protrusion equal to the required seam width.

TIP: To give the fence volume, it is better to make the seams deep. If you want the effect of a single monolith, then the recesses of the seams should be minimal (no more than 2 cm)!

The jointing stage is quite simple, but it is important to maintain accuracy when deepening the tool. Experienced builders recommend treating the seams and stones with a solution of hydrochloric acid (no more than 30%) after jointing.

The same seam significantly improves appearance fence and allows you to better process it.

Fence parts

The natural stone fence is ready, the seams are embroidered, the formwork is removed. But at this stage the design still looks unfinished! The point is in the details that will refine the rough shape of the material and give the wall a well-groomed look.

Firstly, a so-called cap must be installed on each pillar. They are sold in stores or made to order in blacksmith shops.

Secondly, the seams of the pillars can be shaded with some kind of waterproof paint, which will visually divide the fence into spans.


Making a fence is not easy, but, as the classic said, if you have the desire! This material clearly shows that all stages of construction can be completed even by those far from manual labor Human. Just a few things are enough and you can start building!

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

"My home is my castle!". But in order to fully realize the literate saying, you should seriously think about fencing - reliable, safe and aesthetically beautiful. What building material to choose and the technology for constructing the structure itself is the first thing that needs to be decided, applying maximum creative ingenuity and skills.

It is important to remember that “everything new is well forgotten old.” Hundreds of centuries ago, our ancestors knew exactly how to build a carefree and at the same time durable fence. It is the fragments of stone fences that have survived to this day, demonstrating their excellent sustainable characteristics. And all because stone is a material natural origin, whose reliability has been tested by time. But let's get back to the main thing. How to build a stone fence with your own hands?

Construction technology

The technology for constructing a stone fence includes:

  • marking the fence;
  • laying the foundation;
  • construction of fencing fabric.

Stone fence foundation

Before you start building a fence, the first thing you should do is make markings, which includes creating a preliminary plan-drawing indicating the length and height of the fence, not forgetting about the gate and gates, and then start digging a trench for the foundation. It should be borne in mind that natural stone is a fairly strong and heavy building material, so the foundation must be designed for the appropriate load to ensure the strength and reliability of the structure.

As shown in the photo, to build a stone fence with your own hands, it is enough to maintain a trench width of 35-40 cm and a depth of 70 cm. When erecting a fence more than 2 meters high, it is recommended to increase the depth of the trench by 10 cm with each meter of fencing. To avoid the appearance of cracks in the foundation, it is worth sprinkling the bottom of the trench with crushed stone or sand 3-5 cm thick and laying a frame of reinforcement. Having installed the formwork, begin filling with mortar.

IMPORTANT! The finished foundation should set completely, so stone laying must begin after a week.

Laying a stone fence with your own hands

After approximately 10 days, it is necessary to begin constructing the formwork for the support pillars, after which it is installed on the foundation, secured to the grillage, and the next stage is masonry.

To build a stone fence with your own hands, you should use a solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3. For the purpose of aesthetic decoration, you can use brown pigment: 4 tablespoons of pigment are used for 10 buckets of cement mortar.

The masonry is carried out by installing stones with the flat side outward, fitting them tightly to each other and adjusting the shape with a hammer. The voids are filled with sand-cement mortar during laying. You should pay attention so that this mixture does not fall on the surface of the stone itself, and if this happens, wait until completely dry and remove with a special metal brush. Under no circumstances should you use water, as it can get inside the stone along with the solution and change color. natural color stone block.

Based on the fact that the speed of erecting a stone fence by specialists is about 35 days per 100 meters, you need to call on several assistants to help you so that the masonry is not subject to hardening. If masonry is stopped due to any forced circumstances, it is worth spraying it with water before starting work.