Air temperature in the room for the newborn. The correct temperature in the room for the baby: choosing the optimal parameters

Even before the birth of a child, parents think about where to equip a place for the baby, how to put a crib, what to buy. An important issue is the determination of the "correct" parameters of temperature and humidity in the room where Small child. Many will now think that we are talking about buying a heater or plastic windows for warming. On the contrary, let's talk about how important clean, moist and cool air is for a child, about negative action on the baby's body excessive dryness and warmth.

The temperature and humidity of the air in the apartment where the baby is located should be such as to strengthen from birth.

After spending several days in the maternity hospital, my mother notices that the thermometer in the ward is at around 22, or even all 24 degrees, no devices, such as humidifiers, are anywhere to be seen. From this, she concludes: the warmer and drier, the better. Arriving home, she immediately seeks to turn on the heater, close all the windows and dress the baby warmer so as not to overcool. A maternity hospital is a place where there are many mothers and children. And every mother has her own concepts and principles. If the temperature in the wards is 18 degrees, then almost every woman in labor will complain that it is cold in the maternity hospital, and the baby can get sick. So the health workers are trying to please such mothers so that there are no complaints later.

In fact, warm and dry air has a very unfavorable effect on the child and does not add to his health. Everyone knows that local immunity is the mucus that is produced in the nose and upper respiratory tract. It contains antibodies that actively fight viruses and bacteria that have entered the body. If the mucus dries up, immunity will weaken, and pathogens will penetrate inside. The correct temperature and humidity in the room will help prevent the mucus from drying out.

A small child is afraid of hypothermia, but overheating hinders him even more. High air temperature makes the child unable to lose heat through the lungs, so this process occurs through the skin. As a result, the child sweats, which contributes to the loss of water and minerals that he needs. Optimum temperature air in the room where there is a child is 18-20 degrees. It is better to dress the baby warmer and make the temperature 18 ° C - let him breathe cool air.

Air in the apartment - important factor maintaining the health and immunity of the child. Children who breathe dry air get sick more often and more severely. What humidity should be in the apartment? Normal performance- from 50 to 70%, the minimum allowable limit is 40%. It follows from this that in every house where there is a small child, there should be a device that measures the humidity of the air in the apartment. This device is called a hygrometer. If the air humidity in the apartment is less than the permissible one, which very often happens during the heating season and during summer time you need to purchase a humidifier.

Humidifiers are different forms and sizes different design and with different functions. There are humidifiers with built-in sensors that show the temperature and humidity in the apartment, with a steam heating function, with ionization and other parameters. There are quite simple and inexpensive models, the only function of which is to humidify the air.

If you're planning on having a baby, then a humidifier, thermometer, and hygrometer are the list necessary purchases. Having provided the child comfortable conditions, you will strengthen his health and increase resistance to disease. Do not listen to grandmothers and girlfriends who advise you to close all doors and turn on the heater - be guided common sense and taking care of the baby. Clean, cool and wet air in the room where the baby lives, will provide him healthy sleep And good health throughout the day.

Conditions environment play important role in the development of an infant who is forced to spend most of the first months of life indoors. Therefore, the temperature in the room for the newborn should be optimal and comfortable. Constant hypothermia or overheating of the child, as well as sharp drops temperatures can lead to the development of a number of conditions that are fraught with backfire and chronic diseases.

Even if the temperature in the room seems optimal to you, carefully monitor the well-being of the child: if he feels comfortable, there is nothing to worry about

The conditions in the room where the child lives are determined by his condition, vital signs and reaction to the environment. The weaker the baby, the more comfortable the indicators should be. For example, the temperature in the room of a newborn who was born on time and without any deviations is 19°-21°C. If the child is premature, then it will develop better at an air temperature of at least 24 ° -25 ° C. If the baby is strong and vigorous, you can introduce natural hardening, starting from birth. In this case, the thermometer should not exceed 18°-19°C.

The main mistake of parents is an attempt to adjust the newborn to conditions that seem comfortable for an adult organism. In fact, with age, the processes of human thermoregulation are violated due to wrong image life. And babies are able to adapt to environmental conditions without problems. This gives rise to an interesting paradox. In prosperous families, where parents and numerous relatives take care of the child, such greenhouse conditions are created that the child's skin is unable to breathe. Therefore, these children often get sick. And in dysfunctional families, where the baby is left to himself and no one controls the temperature, the level of colds among newborns is an order of magnitude lower.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to prepare the conditions in the room before the baby appears. The temperature and humidity of the air must be adjusted in advance. In addition, the indicators should not change dramatically. The thermometer should be located near the newborn's bed, in the same plane - this will help you always get the right numbers.

Try not to wrap the child unnecessarily, because overheating has no less detrimental effect than hypothermia

An accelerated metabolism and an incompletely formed thermoregulation system lead to the fact that infants release heat very intensively. This occurs with the help of the lungs and the entire surface of the skin. If there is a significant increase in air temperature in the newborn's room, the baby has to inhale warm air, he cannot get rid of the internal heat and begins to sweat. And with sweat, mineral salts and water come out, which are so necessary for a growing organism.

If the air temperature in the room is above normal, it is easy to determine by the condition of the child:

  • in the natural folds and folds of the joints, redness appears, turning into diaper rash;
  • the baby often opens his mouth, as if he does not have enough air. Gradually, breathing from the nasal becomes oral;
  • body temperature may rise slightly;
  • as a result of intense water loss and indigestion, newborns may experience abdominal pain, bloating;
  • crusts appear in the nose, which also interfere with normal breathing.

Hypothermia may result in colds, which will significantly weaken children's body.

If the room is too hot, bathe the child more often: this will help to endure the high air temperature more easily.

Most often, the temperature in the living room does not fall below 20 ° -22 ° C. This may be due to hot weather or the heating season, when it is impossible to adjust the indicators yourself.

If it is impossible to artificially create the optimal temperature in the newborn's room, you must:

  • ensure that a sufficient amount of fluid enters the child's body;
  • minimize the amount of clothing;
  • organize water procedures. The temperature of the water during bathing should be as close as possible to the indicators in the room, then the baby will not notice the difference and will not catch a cold.

If the humidity in the baby's room is very low, put an aquarium or just any water containers there.

In addition to the temperature in the newborn's room, it is also necessary to monitor the humidity. Rarely indoors high humidity, but very often there is excessive dryness of the air. If you do not follow this indicator, drying of the mucous membranes of the newborn, sleep disturbance, accelerated fluid loss, and changes in the child's behavior may develop. To prevent this, you can install an aquarium or ordinary water containers in the room. The relative humidity of the environment should not fall below 50%.

Humidity and temperature control in the newborn room should be carried out daily. Don't neglect regular ventilation and wet cleaning the minimum amount detergent chemicals.

The temperature in the room for a newborn is of great importance for his health, proper growth and development. It is important to create conditions in the room under which the baby does not overheat and does not freeze, as this is fraught with problems with the skin, lungs and general well-being. In order not to make a mistake, focus on 5 simple rules when organizing a comfortable mode.

The "correct" temperature in the nursery: myths and reality

Babies go through the most difficult stages of adaptation to life outside the mother's womb in the first months after birth. The mechanisms of thermoregulation have not yet been formed, and the main thing for babies is not to experience drops from heat to cold.

And it is precisely because of this that inexperienced parents tend to be zealous in creating the optimal temperature in the room for the newborn, trusting in myths. Let's look at the issue in more detail.

Myth 1. The ideal temperature is the same as in a maternity ward

It is not true. In any medical institution adhere to special instructions that state that the thermometer does not fall below 22 ° C in the neonatal ward.

But in fact, under such conditions, the baby will be stuffy if he was born not ahead of schedule and no developmental delays.

Myth 2. If the child is cold, he inhales too cold air

In fact, these are two unrelated concepts. The fact is that by filling the lungs with oxygen, the human body increases the temperature of the air that it inhales by 2 times. That is, if the baby received a “portion” of 18 ° C while inhaling, then he will exhale 36.

Myth 3. It is better to overheat than to cool the baby

For a child, the color of the diapers on which he sleeps is not so important, but the air temperature in the room

On the contrary, the lower the thermometer reading in the room, the more useful it is for the child - this is how his body protects itself from excessive loss of fluid, which is dangerous by disrupting the operation of all systems!

Thus, optimal indicator heat in the nursery - from 18 to 21 ° C!

If you don't have an air conditioner that makes it easier to control the temperature in the room, and the baby is overheated, take off any extra clothes, give him more fluids (in addition to breast milk!) and bathe 2-3 times a day.

5 rules for creating a comfortable temperature for a newborn in the room

Rule number 1. Based on the health of the baby

The limbs of the baby freeze much faster, and the back, head and neck overheat faster

For premature babies these figures are somewhat overestimated - from 21 ° C to 25 ° C.

When controlling the temperature in the children's room, do not focus on own feelings, since the mechanisms of heat regulation are often disturbed in an adult due to unhealthy image life - lack of sleep, bad habits, insufficient physical activity etc.

Rule number 2. Focus on the time of year

Depending on the weather conditions and the season of the year, the "ideal" values ​​of the thermometer are defined as follows:

  • not higher than 23°C - in the winter season
  • from 19°C to 21°C - in the spring season
  • from 18°C ​​to 20°C - in the summer season
  • from 18°C ​​to 21°C - in the autumn season

Of course, when setting the mode, the planned switching on and off of heating is taken into account.

Rule number 3. Maintain a comfortable room temperature for the child

Room temperature for a newborn is considered comfortable if:

If the room is more than 20 degrees, then the baby has nowhere to put his heat, then the child actively sweats
  • the baby has a calm and deep sleep;
  • there is no redness, excess sweat on the skin;
  • the child is not covered with goosebumps, and the legs and arms are warm to the touch;
  • pulse and respiration are within normal limits.

How to maintain a comfortable temperature

To keep the air temperature at the same mark, the room is ventilated. The child should not be in the room during the ventilation or operation of the air conditioner, or from time to time turn on the heater if the readings are below normal.

Rule number 4. Avoid both overheating and hypothermia of the child

Harm of overheating

If the temperature in the newborn's room is higher than required, there is a risk of overheating of the body. And this is fraught with:

  • the appearance of dryness and redness on the skin (in such cases, you need to use it);
  • occurrence;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • excessively active work of the lungs;
  • weakening the existing level of immunity formation;
  • violation of the stable operation of all body systems.

The harm of hypothermia

Too much low temperature, of course, is also fraught with problems:

  • the occurrence of a cold;
  • complications due to respiratory diseases;
  • high body temperature (how to bring down the body temperature of a child, read);
  • taking strong drugs.

Thus, to the question of what temperature should be in the room of a newborn, there is only one answer - optimal for his state of health and the current season.

Rule number 5. Control air humidity

Air humidifiers are steam and ultrasonic

The temperature of the air in a room for a newborn is as important as its humidity. Its level is especially closely monitored during the heating season.

Batteries and heaters make the air dry, which negatively affects the breathing process, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Any adult needs comfortable humid air, and what can we say about little child? In this article we advise the child's room.

To determine the humidity in the nursery, use a special device - a hygrometer, which is sold in any pharmacy.

The most optimal humidity is 50%. If the indicator is lower, then there are several ways to correct the situation:

  1. Purchase and install a humidifier.
  2. Arrange jars of cold water around the perimeter of the room.
  3. Wrap the batteries with wet sheets, rags, special "pockets".
  4. Buy an indoor aquarium.

Thus, the air temperature for a newborn, the humidity of this air must be monitored by parents daily in order to provide the child with the most comfortable conditions for growth and adaptation.

What moms and dads think: parent reviews

The temperature in the room for a newborn is an issue that still causes controversy not only among parents, but also in the scientific and medical environment. Therefore, many are guided by their own experience.

Olga, 28 years old, Moscow

A year ago, our first-born son Misha was born. My husband and I worried about literally every occasion and, of course, worried about what it would be like for the child to be in the house.

I read a bunch of articles, talked to several pediatricians and decided that my son would be suitable temperature regime at 22 ° C - he was born in winter. I made sure that there were no drafts in the house, I dressed Mishka according to the weather.

From my own experience, I’ll say that the main thing in the first months of a baby’s life is to provide him with constant access to water, observe the feeding regimen, then he will not get sick, even if the temperature in the room is not very comfortable for him.

Irina, 32 years old, Perm

I believe that right decision it was for my husband and me to accustom our son Seraphim to cool air. When he was born, we adjusted the air conditioner in his room to 18-19 degrees.

He is now 4.5 years old, during this time he only caught a cold once. Yes, and we are used to sleeping in comfortable freshness, always with open windows. Many friends I knew, and my mother too, tried to convince me that we were too hypothermic to Seraphim when he was at GV. But the result is good health- made everyone calm down.

I look to the future: very soon sweet cold drinks (Coca-Cola, Sprite) will begin in his life, this cannot be avoided! And, in my opinion, it is better to immediately prepare the child for this, so that he does not get sick from the first sip of ice water or at the first breath of the breeze.

Eugene, 41 years old, Moscow

My daughter was born in 2016, and, unfortunately, she lost her mother early. Therefore, from the first months of life, I solve the issues of her health.

I learned from my sister that there should be some special temperature in the child's room. But, since I am a rational person, I did not blindly trust her experience, but turned to doctors, began to look for information on the net and medical collections.

As a result, I made something like an arithmetic mean: in winter I set the air conditioner to 21 degrees, closer to summer the temperature gradually decreased to 18 degrees. I had a cold once, but who knows why.

My daughter sometimes visits my parents, and they are adherents of the fact that the child needs warmth, almost heat - when I come for her, I constantly take off her excess warm clothes. Therefore, everything is individual here, I think you need to go from your child - control his well-being, focus specifically on him.

Maria, 25 years old, Rostov-on-Don

And I think that the child should always be warm. We haven't bought a conditioner yet, but I make sure my 3-month-old daughter always has skin warm to the touch.

I open the windows if the door is closed, because I am afraid of a draft, and, of course, I air the room several times a day.

I think it's safest to keep the air temperature around 21-22 degrees. We control it with a regular room thermometer.


Thus, the temperature in the nursery is important for a newborn, but its indicators are calculated individually, after talking with a pediatrician and studying all the subtleties of the issue.

Ensuring the correct temperature and optimal humidity in the room where the newborn will be, one of critical tasks for parents after the baby is born.

In the first days of a baby's life, doctors do not advise going outside with a child, and then walking a little bit. Therefore, the first month of his life, a newborn long time spends at home.

Now in apartments and houses devices often work that help maintain an optimal microclimate in the room, guaranteeing the right temperature and humidity.

For this reason, it is very important to know what temperature the air conditioner or heater needs to be set to in order to be optimal for the baby. And also, is it worth buying a humidifier and what can it give.

What is the ideal temperature in a newborn's room?

It is necessary to prepare the apartment for the arrival of the baby from the maternity hospital in advance. Newborns have a poorly developed thermoregulatory function of the body, so they are very sensitive to strong drops air temperature. In the baby's room, the temperature must be constant. Pediatricians advise keeping the air temperature around 18-20 ° C, and if the child is premature, then a little higher - about 24 ° C.

It is better to hang a thermometer near the baby's bed - so that it is more convenient to control it. A air conditioner cleaning should be carried out as often as possible so that the air is not only desired temperature but also clean.

Why is overheating dangerous for a baby?

Most parents know about the dangers of hypothermia, but very few know about the dangers of overheating a newborn. And all because the body of the baby secretes much more heat than an adult. And when the baby sweats, he loses a very important fluid for the body, which can only be replenished from the air or mother's milk. And the weakened body of the baby will more often succumb to diseases, fever, colic or redness of the skin may appear.

Optimum air humidity - necessary comfort

In addition to creating the correct temperature in the room, parents should take care and about air humidity. IN winter time When the heaters and the central heating system are on, the air becomes dry and dusty.

Because of this, the baby's skin becomes dry, the mucous membranes also dry out, so crusts may appear in the nose, which will make it difficult to breathe. In addition, dry air can cause allergic reactions, because the room is not only dust, but also inconspicuous plant pollen, fungal spores and excrement of dust mites.

Optimal Humidity in the newborn room - 60% (minimum - 40%). Humidity can be measured using a special device - a hygrometer, and controlled and changed - by operating a humidifier. You can also use simple accessible ways- spray water into the air from a spray bottle, place water containers around the house, hang wet towels on the radiators of the heating system.

Creating an optimal microclimate in the room of a newborn is the primary task of parents, which is no less important than caring for a child.

Health to you!

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With the birth of a child in any family, troubles are significantly added. Every mother wants to create the most comfortable living conditions for a newly born baby. She should not only provide crumbs necessary care, but also make sure that the humidity and air temperature in the child's room correspond to the parameters recommended by pediatricians.

The child does not care what brand of bed he sleeps on or what color stroller he is taken out for a walk. But the temperature and humidity in his room are of great importance, since an uncomfortable environment contributes to the development of most diseases. In addition, failure to comply with the necessary parameters can cause a deterioration in the mood of the baby.

Therefore, for the prevention of diseases in newborns, it is very important to maintain optimal climatic conditions in the room.

Comfortable temperature in the baby room

Most pediatricians agree that the optimal temperature in a newborn baby's room should range from 18 to 22 C. They consider just such a temperature comfortable for the normal well-being of the crumbs and its further development.

Doctor Komarovsky, widely known today, claims that in the room where the newborn baby is located, the temperature should be within 18 - 19 degrees. In his opinion, this is the optimal temperature regime for the baby.

Compliance with the temperature regime in the room in winter is much more complicated. This is due to the fact that during the heating season, the supply of heat to the dwellings does not depend on us in any way. Therefore, even in winter, it is necessary to maintain the temperature no higher than 23 degrees.

Another important condition well-being of the baby is to maintain the necessary temperature indicators at night. If the room is too cold or hot, then the baby’s sleep will be restless, with frequent waking up and whims. Ideal Temperature for a calm baby sleep should not exceed 22 degrees.

It is necessary to select the optimal temperature regime for the baby, taking into account his individual characteristics. Moms must determine for themselves at what temperature their baby sleeps more peacefully.

Remember that normal air circulation is not possible if a canopy hangs over the crib or if the sides are used to decorate the crib.

Temperature while bathing a baby

During the water procedures it is also necessary to maintain the appropriate temperature parameters of the air in the room. Most parents believe that the temperature in the bathing room for a newborn should be maintained for more than high level than usual. However, they are deeply mistaken. If you bathe baby in a warmer room, then at the end of the water procedures, returning to the usual climatic conditions, he will certainly freeze.

This means that when you are going to bathe the baby, you do not need to additionally heat the bathroom. The baby should bathe at the usual temperature for him. Just after bathing, you need to briefly wrap the baby in a warm towel. If parents want to harden a child from infancy, then immediately after water procedures, they should arrange air baths for him for several minutes.

Thus, there is no need to additionally heat the room at night and during the bathing period of the baby. The air temperature in the room must be maintained constantly at the same level.

Temperature for premature babies

It should be noted that the above temperature standards in the room are applicable only for children who were born on time. For premature baby other conditions of detention must be observed. For him, the optimal temperature regime, which ranges from 24 - 25 C, since such children's own thermoregulation is often impaired.

Dangers associated with overheating or hypothermia of an infant


Experts in the field of pediatrics have long noticed that overheating of the baby carries more dangers than its hypothermia. During metabolic processes, which are much faster in infants than in adults, a certain amount of heat is accumulated in the body. Excess heat is released either through the surface of the skin or in the process of breathing. The release of excess heat through breathing is much more complicated when high temperatures air in the room. Then heat transfer occurs at an accelerated pace through the skin with the help of a sweating system. The baby sweats, redness appears, the pulse becomes more frequent, and breathing is difficult.

All this increases the child's tearfulness, makes him lethargic and deprives him of calmness. It can also cause dermatitis and are violated metabolic processes and heat dissipation. In this regard, the temperature norm in the children's room must be strictly observed by parents.


No less danger is the hypothermia of a newborn baby. Excessive coolness can provoke the development of colds in a child, which is fraught with the appearance of a number of dangerous complications.

Therefore, the temperature in the room for the newborn must be strictly observed in accordance with existing norms and recommendations of pediatricians.

Ways to maintain the temperature in the newborn room

Before setting the optimal temperature in the room, you need to decide which temperature regime is most comfortable for your child. Find out what's best for your baby room temperature can be quite easy:

  1. the child is in good health and has a restful sleep;
  2. the baby does not have redness and prickly heat;
  3. on skin the baby is not observed the so-called " goose pimples", and his legs and arms are warm;
  4. the child's breathing is not difficult, the pulse is not quickened.

In the event that the temperature parameters in the room do not correspond to the norms, some steps should be taken to regulate the air temperature.

At elevated temperature in the child's room, the regulation is carried out with the help of an air conditioner or ventilation of the room. It is better to go for a walk with the baby at this time. The air conditioner must be installed in the room next door, or in the same room, but far from the child. Heating radiators should be covered with a thick blanket or blanket.

When the air temperature in the children's room is low, you can maintain optimal temperature indicators by turning on the heaters.

Can't control the room temperature?

Parents do not always have the opportunity to maintain the desired temperature in the room in which the child is located. In this case it is necessary:

  1. give the baby more water if the room is stuffy and the air temperature is high;
  2. the baby should be dressed according to the temperature in the room. If the temperature is above normal, then it is enough to wear only panties. If the room is cold, then you definitely need sliders, socks and a vest made of warm material.
  3. bathe the baby should be guided by the air temperature in the room. In a hot room, the bathing procedure can be repeated several times throughout the day.

Creating optimal climatic conditions in the room for a newborn child, have a positive effect on the well-being of the baby, his state of health and mood.