How to make a stone fence with your own hands. Determination of the boundaries of the site. Characteristics of stone fences

Fencing in suburban or suburban areas is not only a way to protect against uninvited guests, but also business card at home, decorating the main building and allowing the owner of the house to express himself.

An example of a fence from natural stone granite

A stone fence just favorably distinguishes a personal plot from the total mass. In addition to excellence in aesthetically, such fences have a lot of advantages. We will analyze what the construction of a stone fence on a personal plot will allow to achieve, and also whether it is possible to cope with it on our own.

Features of stone fences

Our ancestors built a stone fence to protect their homes far before us. Despite the fact that such fences are very ancient history, they can give odds to some fences made of modern building materials. Let's take a look at what makes these buildings so special:

Materials for the construction of stone fences

Consider what types of stones can be used in order to make a stone fence.

Boulders or cobblestones

If done, and there is a need to save as much money as possible, then this option stone will do most. The price of such material is very low, especially since it can be obtained for free at all, for which you just need to look under your feet.
Such fences do not differ in bright appearance and look quite simple and concise.

boulder fence example

You can slightly embellish such a fence made of natural stone by buying cobblestones bright colors. For example, you can find red boulders in the construction market, which will definitely make your site stand out among many others.


This type of stone is the smallest of those used for the construction of fences. Most likely, such a fence made of wild stone you will rarely be able to see on your way: the size of the pebbles does not make it convenient to lay. In this case, a fence is built of stone and brick, where bearing duties are assigned to brick in the form of pillars, and gravel - a decorative plan.

The price of gravel, as well as cobblestone, is low, so if it is decided to make such a stone fence, the main expenses during construction will be associated with the purchase of bricks.


This type decorative stone has a flat outline. Its extraction is carried out with the help of blasting in special quarries.

Original dolomite fence with forged elements

As a rule, if it is necessary to finish the fences with stone, then the choice is made in favor of this material. Price per square meter differs markedly: depending on the size and composition of the stone, it is 200–3000 rubles.


This type of stone, like the previous one, is mainly used for finishing finished fences. Its soft texture makes it very easy to work with. You can buy such material for 250-300 rubles / square meter. It is necessary to note some negative sides. The structure of this stone is porous, which makes it hydrophobic.

In regions with a damp climate, such a decorative stone fence will quickly become unusable: moisture will penetrate into the pores and destroy the limestone from the inside. Thanks to moisture-proof impregnations, the problems associated with this can be avoided, however, it must be understood that this will entail additional costs.

Tiger sandstone fence using metal elements


This type of stone is used not only for the construction of fences for suburban areas, it is also actively used in the construction of houses. Sandstone is not afraid of water and cold, so the life of the fences of this decorative stone is very high. Thanks to all the advantages, it is very popular and very expensive.

To buy a cube of such material, you need to pay about five thousand rubles.

If you only need to finish the fence, then you can buy tiles made of this material, which will cost up to a thousand rubles per square meter.

rubble stone

A rubble stone fence can be built completely or it can be lined with it. This material is very common in the construction of fences due to its strength characteristics. You can buy rubble stone at a price of about 250 rubles per kilogram.

Stone of artificial origin

Thanks to the development modern technologies in the construction industry, more and more new materials appear on the market. Very popular for finishing fences is fake diamond, using which an imitation of any natural stone is achieved.

Looks no worse than fences than from natural materials and its cost is much lower. Due to the variety of colors, textures and shapes, you can fit such a fence into any exterior. personal plot.

Construction of a stone fence

Building a stone fence with your own hands is not easy. You need to have a lot of free time, as well as be prepared for some difficulties. We will analyze the process of erecting fences of this type in stages:

Let's talk about each of the stages of construction in more detail.


Determination of the boundaries of the future fence is carried out in the case of the construction of fences from any materials. At this stage, you can determine the consumption of materials, for which you need to calculate the length of the fence, its height and width.

Foundation construction

Usually provide for fences. Work begins with excavation along the border of the erected fence. The trench is made up to 600 mm wide and up to 800 mm deep, after which it is poured with a solution. It is necessary to equip the foundation even where the gate will be located, to ensure the integrity of the structure.

It should be noted that it is mandatory to reinforce the foundation with reinforcement to prevent cracking in the future.

Installation of formwork for pouring the foundation

After pouring, the base is left to dry. If work is carried out in hot weather, it is necessary to periodically wet the hardening structure so that the foundation does not dry out.

Preparatory work

Since there are about three weeks before the foundation hardens, you can devote this time to preparing the building material. To begin with, it is necessary to sort the stones by size, which will allow in the future to produce masonry much faster.

If very large elements come across, then it is better to crush them, because they may not fit anywhere. You should also clean the stones of dirt and wash them.

Pillar installation

The pillars are needed for the construction of the fence to ensure the reliability of the future structure. It is recommended to install them in glasses pre-mounted in the foundation. The core of the pillars should not be left hollow, it is best to lay stones there and pour the mortar.

An example of a natural stone fence post

To save money, you can use cheaper stones or apply unnecessary leftovers. The height of the pillars can be equal to the height of the fence or be greater at the discretion of the builders. After finishing work, you need to let the pillars stand for two weeks, and only after that begin further work.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

"My home is my castle!". But in order to fully realize a competent saying, you should seriously think about the fence - reliable, safe and aesthetically beautiful. Which to choose construction material and the technology of erection of the structure itself - the first thing that needs to be decided, applying the maximum of creative ingenuity and skills.

It is important to remember, "everything new is a well-forgotten old." Hundreds of centuries ago, our ancestors knew exactly how to build a carefree and at the same time durable fence. It is the fragments of stone fences that have survived to our time, demonstrating their excellent stable characteristics. And all because stone is a material natural origin whose reliability has been tested by time. But back to the main point. How to build a stone fence with your own hands?

Construction technology

The technology of erecting a stone fence provides:

  • marking the fence;
  • laying the foundation;
  • erection of a railing.

Foundation stone fence

Before you start building a fence, the first thing to do is to make a markup, which includes creating a preliminary plan-drawing indicating the length and height of the fence, not forgetting the gate and gates, and then proceed to dig a trench for the foundation. It should be borne in mind that natural stone is quite strong and heavy building material, so the foundation must be designed for the appropriate load in order to ensure the strength and reliability of the structure.

As shown in the photo, to build a stone fence with your own hands, it is enough to adhere to a trench width of 35-40 cm and a depth of 70 cm. When erecting a fence with a height of more than 2 meters, it is recommended to increase the depth of the trench by 10 cm with each meter of the fence. In order to avoid the appearance of cracks in the foundation, it is worth sprinkling the bottom of the trench with crushed stone or sand 3-5 cm thick and laying the reinforcement frame. Having installed the formwork, proceed to filling the solution.

IMPORTANT! The finished foundation should completely grab, so stone laying must begin after a week.

Do-it-yourself stone fence laying

After approximately 10 days, it is necessary to proceed with the construction of the formwork for the supporting pillars, after which it is installed on the foundation with fixing to the grillage and the next stage is carried out - laying.

To build a stone fence with your own hands, you should use a solution of cement with sand in a ratio of 1: 3. For the purpose of aesthetic decoration, you can use brown pigment: 4 tablespoons of pigment are used for 10 buckets of cement mortar.

The implementation of the masonry is carried out by installing the stones with the flat side outward, tightly fitting to each other and adjusting the shape with a hammer. Voids during masonry are filled with sand-cement mortar. Care should be taken that this mixture does not fall on the very surface of the stone, and if this happens, wait until complete drying and remove with a special metal brush. In no case should water be used, as it can get into the inside of the stone together with the solution and change color natural color block of stone.

Based on the fact that the speed of erecting a stone fence by specialists is about 35 days per 100 meters, it is necessary to call for help from several assistants so that the masonry is not subject to solidification. In the event of termination of masonry due to any forced circumstances, it is worth spraying it with water before starting work.


The stone fence has a large physical mass, so a fairly massive foundation is needed to fix its position.

Before you make a stone fence, carefully read this material. We offer all options for such fences and provide information regarding laying the foundation, laying fences and erecting structures. You should start making a stone fence with your own hands by installing the right type of foundation. The stone fence has a large physical mass, so a fairly massive foundation is needed to fix its position.

Stone fences are perhaps the most ancient among those that are used by man to protect his home. They come in several varieties.

Stone fence laying

"Wild" fence masonry - it is built from stones of any size and configuration, which have an irregular angular shape. In order to obtain more or less even vertical surfaces with front and back sides fences, work is carried out immediately along the inner and outer lines of the wall, filling the central part with unnecessary pieces and chipped stone.

If the source material is large enough, the stone fence is laid in a wasteland, leaving seams 2-5 cm deep. This gives the fence a special charm and a natural look.

masonry stone fence

The hewn masonry of a stone fence is made of angular stones, pre-hewn to more or less rectangular shape. The better the processing, the smoother the seams and the masonry itself. However, rough processing is more often used, giving the fence natural look. The smoother the front surface and the more correct the corners of the stones, the more such masonry resembles facing with ordinary tiles.

stone fences

Stone fences acquire their individual style and external design thanks to great choice types of masonry materials. Some of the most popular are listed below.

Flat horizontal masonry. Formed from layered rocks of stones or cobblestone cakes, which are laid in rows in a horizontal position.

Flat vertical masonry. They are made from the same types of stones as flat horizontal masonry, but in vertical position. This method is used very rarely, mainly in combined fences to fill voids. Laying begins only after the support posts are installed or laid out.

Butovanny masonry. It is produced in approximately the same way as bottled fences. Cobblestones are used as the starting material round shape, which during pouring are installed close to the side walls of the formwork.

Facing masonry. This type of masonry is usually referred to as finishing work. IN this case flat stones approximately the same thickness is fixed on a pre-prepared area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foundation, a wall or other surface. To make the front part of the masonry more or less even, first install the thickest tiles, and then align the rest of the masonry along them, not forgetting to align the horizontals or verticals.

Foundation for stone fence

Regardless of the type of masonry, the design of the fence includes a foundation for a stone fence and support pillars. It is their strength and quality that determine the durability and aesthetics of the structure as a whole.

Stone fences are big weight, and the stones themselves are not porous enough, which significantly impairs adhesion to the solution. That is why the bonds between elements are much weaker than between bricks. On weak, swampy and sandy soils, as well as in places with frequent manifestations of seismic activity, such fences should not be built.

Finished formwork and filling of the reinforced foundation in the photo.

The foundation must be solid and resistant to uneven subsidence and displacement along the horizontal and vertical axes. To achieve this, proceed as follows. First, they dig a trench about 50 cm wide to the depth of soil freezing (usually 60-80 cm). Moreover, if the fence system includes a gate and a gate, a trench is carried out under them too. Then they prepare a space for pouring "glasses", or, as they are also called, "shoes". To do this, at the location of the racks, transverse grooves are dug with the same parameters as those of the trench. The grooves are made perpendicular to the axis of the fence with outlets of 60 cm so that the intersection of the axis of the trench and the grooves falls on the center of the section of the racks. In the indicated place, the racks are deepened by another 40 cm. As a result, a cross with a recessed "tail" should form at the place of their installation.

Fence post laying

The laying of fence posts is carried out simultaneously with the pouring of the foundation. Typically, this operation includes the installation of formwork, reinforcement and pouring the concrete mixture. The distance between the "glasses" is left within 2-5 m. Depending on the step, the "glasses" can be filled for each rack or through one.

Upon completion of earthworks, reinforcement begins. The best option is a quadrangular frame with sides of 30-40 cm, at the corners of which corrugated reinforcement with a cross section of at least 12 mm passes, belted with wire rod every 40-60 cm. A skeleton is constructed from the reinforcement, which is laid along the central part of the trench and grooves, and also installed vertically at the location of the racks. Intersection points in without fail tied together.

At the next stage, formwork is installed with a height of 10-30 cm or more. At the same time, they try to mount it in such a way as to simultaneously fill in both the foundation and the "glasses", leaving the outlets of the reinforcement for the racks. For side outlets, formwork is not installed; pouring is carried out only at ground level. Similarly, a trench is poured under the gate and gate.

Next, proceed directly to the laying of the concrete solution. It is carefully vibrated, compacted and rammed with any available means in order to avoid the occurrence of voids in the structure of the foundation and "glasses".

After 5-6 hours, the formwork is dismantled and the filling is left for 2-3 weeks. If the weather is too hot (+30 ° C and above) or rainy, it is advisable to spread a thick tarpaulin over it, and lean the formwork walls on the sides.

Do-it-yourself fence installation

When constructing stone fences, some make a gross mistake and do not fully use the functions of pillars-supports, considering them only decorative elements. While it is the pillars that contribute to maintaining the integrity of the structure: they securely hold the stone spans and protect them from cracks, distortions and destruction.

When installing stone fences Special attention should be given to high-quality fastening of the edge of the span with the column. There are several options.

With dressing. This do-it-yourself installation of fences is usually used for masonry made of angular stones. The first and second stones are laid end-to-end on both sides of the release of reinforcement for racks. Then ligation is carried out, forming the first and second rows of the rack, as well as the first row of the fence. For racks select the most best stones More or less correct form about the same size. Medium quality stones different size used to form the wall of the fence, and small pieces, chips and debris - to fill the voids in the racks and the wall.

Construction of stone fences

Construction stone fences with the release of mortgages is recommended for all types of masonry, with the exception of facing.

Previously, pieces of reinforcement are welded to the reinforced frame of the rack so that they are parallel to the foundation line and protrude beyond the rack. The step is chosen based on the size of the stones: if their height is up to 10-15 cm - 30 cm, if more than 15-20 cm - at least 50 cm.

When laying out the rows, when the height of the fence reaches the level of the welded mortgage, the last laid out row is aligned horizontally using suitable stones different size. Then the mounting mesh or other reinforcing part is welded to the mortgages and the laying continues.

How to build a stone fence

Consider the question of how to build a stone fence with concrete pouring. This method is desirable to use in masonry, where rounded stones are used. Laying is carried out immediately along the entire line of the fence. First, three or four rows of stones are laid out, exposing the edges of the spans close to the armatures of the rack. Then, at the locations of the racks, a C-shaped formwork is mounted, where concrete is poured. After 2-3 hours, the formwork is removed, the solution is left for a day so that it finally sets, and the fence is continued to be built in the same mode.

In order for the masonry to turn out to be of high quality, be guided by the following recommendations.

How to make a stone fence and laying wild stone on video

You can build a beautiful, durable and inexpensive fence from wild stone. Rinse the stones thoroughly in running water, and pre-treat the points of contact with the solution with a latex-based adhesive, albumin-based adhesive or any other adhesive used for gluing ceramic tiles.

Before making a stone fence, make notches on the stones with a smooth surface before smearing them with glue and installing. You can even chip off a piece at the point of contact with the solution.

For a reliable connection of stones, prepare a solution of one part of cement, three parts of millet sand and 1/4 of any water-dispersion adhesive such as PVA.

To ennoble the appearance of the masonry, tint the seams to match the colors of the stones. To do this, add a dye to the solution or tint the seams after they are completely dry.

Even today you can see elements of fences built by our ancestors centuries ago. Initially, the essence of the construction of fences was only to protect their territory from outside encroachments. But a person is characterized by a sense of beauty, as well as anxiety about how others perceive him - he needs more beautiful, more useful and more durable. And which of the natural materials is best suited for the construction of such a fence? Right! A natural stone.

How to arrange a stone fence on the site

Installing a fence on your land old tradition. Originally intended for protection, at present it has also become an element of decor and an indicator of the status of the owner.

One of the popular materials for the fence device is building stone of natural or artificial origin. The reason is its strength and durability, allowing stone structures to serve many generations of people. The widest choice and the natural beauty of the material make it possible to fit such a fence into the exterior of any site.

Advantages and disadvantages of stone fences

Speaking of positive qualities and shortcomings of stone fences, we will make a reservation that qualified manufacture of such buildings is implied. The advantages should include:

  1. Durability of fences. They can serve for many decades and even centuries.
  2. Environmental friendliness. natural materials do not harm the environment.
  3. The ability to harmoniously fit a stone fence into the surrounding landscape.
  4. Resistant to the effects of any climatic phenomena.
  5. A variety of types of stone and ample opportunities when choosing laying methods.
  6. Excellent compatibility with other materials such as wood, metal, corrugated sheet and more.

A fence made of such material can be inexpensive, especially when building with your own hands, but it can also emphasize the elitism of the site when using beautiful expensive stones.

With many positive qualities, stone fences have a significant drawback - high labor intensity of manufacture. Being a heavy structure, such a fence requires a powerful foundation.

Types of stones for the fence

Building stone for the fence can be purchased at hardware stores or markets. If possible, you can prepare it yourself. For masonry, the following types of stone are usually used:

  1. Boulders or cobblestones. They are inexpensive and widely distributed in nature. The stone is durable, resistant to the effects of the natural environment. Easily processed by chipping, which allows for masonry fitting in place. The most common gray or brown-reddish color.
  2. Granite. Strong and durable material, processing is difficult. By appearance sometimes resembles marble.
  3. Dolomite. Stone of beautiful texture, usually flat shape. It has high strength characteristics, but is easy to process. Happens different color, in nature occurs white or gray.

    Fences made of dolomite (flagstone) are technologically advanced, beautiful and durable

  4. Limestone, also called shell rock. The material is light in weight and very porous. It has a pleasant appearance, which is used for finishing work. It has low thermal conductivity, therefore it is used for the construction of buildings. The mineral is easy to process, while showing enviable durability in mid-latitude climates. At high humidity the surface of this material must be additionally treated with water-repellent compounds.
  5. Sandstone. Very beautiful natural stone of various colors. It is close to granite in strength.
  6. Pebble. It has a very beautiful appearance, in construction it is used as an auxiliary material for filling voids in the process of building stone fences.
  7. Booth. This term defines shapeless stones of various types.

Fences made of artificial building stone are also popular. Usually these are concrete-based materials with the addition various dyes. With performance characteristics similar to natural stone, fences made of such material are erected with much lower labor costs.

Preparing to build a fence

To prepare for the construction of the fence, you need to calculate the need for materials and the cost of them in order to evaluate your financial opportunities. For this you need:

  1. Calculate the area that the fence itself will occupy. This will allow you to correctly determine the amount of concrete and reinforcement to create the base plate. Its width depends on the bearing capacity of the soil under the foundation. This is a strictly individual indicator for each site. It is determined by specialists based on the results of exploratory drilling at the construction site and laboratory analysis of samples. Such a service can cost 6-9 thousand rubles, but these costs can be offset by saving materials.
  2. Determine the height of the foundation. The indicator depends on the presence and magnitude of the slope. The normal protrusion of the concrete foundation above the surface is 15–20 centimeters. Given the slope, it can be higher.
  3. Calculate the width of the base for the fence. It depends on the caliber of the stones used for the construction. From practice it has been established that it should be at least two maximum dimensions. Normal indicator consider the thickness of the fence 60–80 centimeters.
  4. Based on the above indicators, calculate the volume of concrete that will be needed to build the foundation of the fence.

This is the first stage of the calculation, the results of which may have to be corrected.

  1. Determine the main material for the fencing device. This means that the choice is to assign desired type material in a certain fraction. Thus, the thickness of the span of the fence is determined.
  2. Using the height of the span, assigned by the builder, it is possible to calculate the amount of material required for one section.
  3. Based on data about specific gravity material, the mass of material for the span of the fence is calculated.
  4. Knowing the weight of the material and the mass of the foundation, which was determined earlier, it is possible to calculate the specific load on the soil of the foundation and the upper structure of the fence. If it exceeds the permissible loads, consider using another material or a combined fence design with partial use of substitutes.

An example of calculating materials for a fence

First of all, we define the object of calculation. It is most convenient to calculate the need for one span, consisting of a column and a jumper between individual sections.

The dimensions of the pillar are determined by the quality of the soil and the depth of soil freezing in the construction region. The sole of the post must in any case be below this point. To install it, you need to dig or drill a hole of the required depth plus 35-40 centimeters. This "plus" is needed for drainage of gravel and sand with a layer of up to 30 centimeters, which must be carefully tamped and spilled with water to compact.

Drilling a hole for the base of the pillar can be done with an ordinary garden drill. After the drainage device, the metal base of the column is vertically installed on the bottom, for which you can use:

  • metal beam or channel from No. 12;
  • round galvanized pipe with a diameter of 100–120 mm;
  • square pipe 60x60 or 100x100 millimeters;
  • corner 150x150 millimeters;
  • square or round frame of reinforcement or mesh.

The base of the column is lowered into the pit and it is concreted with a mortar of brand 200 to the level of the base of the foundation. Next, you need to install the formwork and in one go fill the rest of the foundation with preliminary reinforcement.

Photo gallery: phased construction of the foundation for a stone fence

The rods give the pillars strength for long years Formwork installation is carried out carefully and strictly according to the rules to ensure the strength of the foundation Proper pouring and exposure of the foundation gives it high durability. Support base for stone fence

The calculation of the number of sections for a fence 36 meters long (approximately 10 acres with a square plot) is as follows:

  1. We take into account the length of the gate and wicket space. For gates, the distance between the axes of the supporting pillars is 3.6–4.2 meters, for the gate 1.8–2.2 meters. The total length of the unfenced area will be (on average) 3.9 + 2.0 = 5.9 meters.
  2. The length of the fence when fencing the rest of the space will be 36.0 - 5.9 = 30.1 meters.
  3. The distance between the axes of the fence posts should be 2.5–3.0 meters, we calculate the number of sections: 30.1: 2.75 = 10.95, we accept 11 pieces.
  4. Further, the volume of each component section is multiplied by their number and we get the need for each material separately.


When erecting a fence, a number of different operations are performed in turn, each of which requires a specific set various tools. The main tools are listed in the table.

Table: basic tools for pouring the foundation

Stage of workContents of operationToolsNotes
1. Site clearingRemoval of vegetation and soil layerShovels bayonet and shovel
2. Marking the foundationTaking measurements and tightening the cords along the contour of the support baseConstruction cord, wooden pegs, axe, hammer
3. Digging a trenchExcavationShovels bayonet and shovel
4. Tampering the bottom of the trench with a vibrating plateCompaction of the soil base along the bottom of the trenchvibrating plateRent possible
5. Drainage device along the bottom of the trenchBackfilling a layer of gravel 30 centimeters thick and sand 15 centimeters, tamping by hand, wateringShovels bayonet and shovel, garden wheelbarrow, rammer, garden hose
6. Formwork installationInstalling a foundation fence made of wood and face slabs: sawing beams and boards, sharpening stakes and dowels, assembling the frame with nails, installing face slabs and spacers with screwsHacksaw, axe, hammer, screwdriver
7. Fitting installationCutting bars of required length. Laying bars in a trench, knitting reinforcing meshBulgarian, side cutters, pliers
8. Preparation of concrete solutionDosing of components, mixing and mixing solutionShovel shovel, concrete mixer, bucketconcrete mixer rental available
9. Pouring the foundationSupply of mortar into the trench, tamperShovel shovel, manual rammer, vibratorit is possible to rent a vibrator
10. Control of horizontal foundationChecking the fill with an instrumental methodBuilding laser level
11. Formwork dismantlingDismantling the foundation fenceCrowbar, crowbar with nail puller, hammer

Stone fence device step by step

One of the reasons for not using natural building stone is the difficulty of masonry. But if you understand and understand the principle, there is nothing particularly complicated in it.

Methods of laying from natural stones

There are several ways of laying natural stone.

Masonry "wild"

The wall is formed from stones of indefinite shape and different sizes. The stone is laid on the base, the next one is carefully selected according to the maximum adjoining to the previous one. The flat edge is oriented towards front side fence. Stones are fastened with masonry mortar. One span is filled between the pillars, while the work must be stopped when the first signs of the mortar hardening appear. Next, you need to cut the seams. To do this, use a durable plastic bag filled with solution. The solution is fed to the seam through the cut corner and distributed over the unfilled places, then the seams are cut. A large stone is placed along the front and rear plane of the masonry, the middle is clogged with debris and gravel, poured with mortar, and rammed. The best materials for such masonry are shale, rubble, dolomite and sandstone.

Plank masonry

The principle is the same, but the stones before laying are subjected to squaring to give a shape close to rectangular.

Laying flat horizontal

It is carried out with oblong stones of layered minerals of natural origin, which are placed horizontally when laid.

Laying flat vertical

The same materials are used, only they are oriented in the vertical direction.

rubble masonry

For it, rounded stones of approximately the same size are used. Masonry is made using formwork. The gaps between the stones are filled with gravel of medium fraction and filled with masonry mortar. As the space fills up, the formwork builds up and work continues.

For laying walls made of natural stone, experience and certain skills are needed. However, starting from a non-responsible site, any home master is able to quickly understand the principle of action and do the work on their own with high quality. However, it must be remembered that this work will require a considerable investment of time and effort.

Finishing work

Above, we have already considered the order of execution preparatory work during the construction of the fence. Speaking of the final phases, you need to cut the seams. To do this, you need a tool:

  • metal brush;
  • scraper;
  • seam trowel;
  • sponge.

How the seams are filled with a solution bag, we have already discussed above. Stitching is done 3-4 hours after filling. Otherwise, the mass will begin to harden and the formation of joints will be problematic.

First, the surface of the stones must be cleaned with a brush from traces of the solution. After that, you need to form the seams using a trowel or scraper.

To give the fence a final look, it must be washed. Hard-to-remove traces of masonry mortar can be removed using a solution of hydrochloric acid at a concentration of about 30% and a sponge. The operation must be performed with rubber gloves. Otherwise chemical burns can't be avoided.

The final operation in the construction of the fence is the installation of caps on the poles and the top on the spans of the fence. This will prevent water from getting inside the masonry. Otherwise, when it freezes, the entire structure may be destroyed.

  1. Starting construction on a suburban area, you need to consider the harmony of the composition. Color solution the roof of the house should be in harmony with the tone of the fence. In this case, the exterior will look like a single whole.
  2. At the end of the installation of the fence, it is desirable to cover it with a special varnish. It will highlight all natural beauty stone. This operation is mandatory in case of high porosity of the material.
  3. If the site has a slope, it is necessary to provide for the installation of drainage holes at the foundation stage at the lower points. This will prevent the accumulation of water in the area.
  4. The remains of stone from the construction of the fence can be used to pave sidewalks on the site.

Video: natural stone fence device

Each owner who dreams of making not only the house, but also all the buildings on the site truly exclusive, thinks about how to fence his site with a fence. The stone fence is perfect option complete the look of the building. Yes, and costs can be greatly reduced if you build this structure with your own hands.