How to learn to write in beautiful handwriting. Secrets of calligraphy or how to learn to write beautifully

A lot has been written about how to learn to write beautifully. scientific works And useful tips. The process is painstaking and therefore requires both effort and time. It is difficult for an adult to change his handwriting, but there is nothing impossible in the world. A little effort and everything will definitely work out: given name and any letter or number!

Beautiful handwriting

Neat and beautiful handwriting is an art that anyone can master. The process is based on calligraphy, the basics of which were taught at school several decades ago. Now this subject is considered obsolete, it is simply withdrawn from the program. However, in everyday life beautiful handwriting refers to the inability to patiently and leisurely withdrawbeautiful capital letters, but the constant use of acquired skills.

Calligraphic handwriting

Under calligraphic handwritingunderstands the technique of neat, legible writing. Several centuries ago it was used exclusively for religious purposes; now it has many more purposes. There are professions in which calligraphy is not a whim, but a real necessity. These include school teachers, librarians, archive workers and those who are forced to fill out a lot of documents by hand.

Calligraphy for Beginners

When mastering the difficult art of calligraphy, you need to select the appropriate set of writing tools:

  • rollerball pen or feather (for more experienced students);
  • notebook with drawing paper;
  • easel positioned at an angle of 45 degrees.

Beautiful handwriting is formed from letters, the accurate writing of which must be mastered initially. Be patient: it will take several hours or several days to practice one letter. However, if you really want to know how to learn to write beautifully, you can achieve results quite quickly.

Calligraphy copybooks

The easiest way to improve your handwriting is to use calligraphy. Seeing a sample in front of him, the student intuitively tries to copy the style and immediately corrects his mistakes. Try usingcopybooks for beautiful handwriting, if you want to improve your writing style on your own, without involving teachers or attending thematic courses. You can even take those recommended for first graders. There is nothing wrong with this; on the contrary, these manuals are compiled very well.

Calligraphy lessons

When planning calligraphy training, you need to prepare your workplace. There cannot be “extra” things on the surface, and the hand should not hang in the air. Remember how you prepared a desk at school, make sure there was a lot of light and a comfortable table. The next thing to do is draw a sheet of paper. If you are just starting to learn, it is better to use a regular pen. Whenbeautiful writing of lettersbecomes a habit for you, you can master the technology of writing with pens.

How to teach a child to write beautifully

You can teach children to write as early as three years old, if you feel that your child is ready for lessons. However, if you thinkhow to develop beautiful handwritingwith a child, get ready to spend a lot of time and effort. It is necessary for the child's hand to become stable, so do not rush to study the copybook too early. Optimal age 5-7 years are considered: practice shows that children who begin to write early age, very rarely have calligraphic handwriting, and it is difficult to develop it later. When starting to learn, use writing with oblique rulers and a comfortable ballpoint pen.

How to sign beautifully

Beautiful painting- This business card any person who should look stylish and intricate. Thematic literature or master classes are unlikely to help here. It's rare to come up withhow to learn to sign beautifully, in a few hours. When a person signs for the first time, he often uses the first letters of his last name and a cunning stroke.

Having decided to make changes as an adult, it is worth considering already existing option and understand what you don't like. You can change the angle of the letters, add elements, or try to change the writing style. Remember that an elegant painting, working to form a positive image of its owner, should not resemble a children's "paint-paint".

How to correct handwriting for an adult

It is quite possible to understand how to make beautiful handwriting even at a conscious age. This does not change the principle of learning. You need a pre-prepared workplace, a copybook that includes the English or Russian alphabet, paper and a ballpoint pen. The procedure for solving the problem, how to learn to write in beautiful handwriting, will be as follows:

Exercises for beautiful handwriting

Methods aimed athow to quickly learn to write beautifully, also imply the ability to concentrate on little things and become meticulous. At the same time, in different cases apply different techniques:

  1. If the letters turn out too small/large, you need to use a notebook or download a special stencil. While working, you should try not to go beyond the boundaries of the horizontal lines. After lengthy training, the letter will automatically fit into the specified fields.
  2. If there is no connection of letters, you need to try to write words without lifting your pen from the paper.
  3. If there is strong pressure during the writing process, you need to develop correct position bodies at the table. Shoulders and arms should be relaxed, and posture should be as close to ideal as possible.

To assess whether your handwriting requires correction, you need to write a few lines in a familiar manner, for example, the Russian alphabet. It is advisable to transfer the obtained result to a third party for evaluation. A person often gets used to his own writing style and does not understand why it is bad for others.

Examples of beautiful handwriting

Calligraphy requires more than just careful writingbeautiful letters in cursive, but also save own style person. If you look closely at each of the works, you can see in them different character. Having understood the technology of how to write at least the Russian alphabet in beautiful handwriting, you need to improve your acquired skills, gradually starting to solve more complex problems, and not limit yourself to printed letters.

How to change your handwriting to beautiful

Handwriting disorders, or dysgraphia, have become quite common in modern life. This is a problem not only for schoolchildren, but also for adults. Many may argue that writing beautifully is not so important problem, nowadays the skill of typing quickly on a keyboard is more useful. But we assure you that all the skills acquired by a child in preschool age, are important. The ability to write accurately can affect other qualities in a child associated with his mental development. And it will be a shame for your student to receive bad grades, lowered due to sloppy handwriting.

To have beautiful and neat handwriting, you need to develop this skill gradually. To our chagrin, penmanship in modern school Insufficient time is allocated. Therefore, parents who are concerned about the problem of how to teach their child to write beautifully should take on this responsibility, and we will try to help them with this.

You can develop beautiful calligraphic handwriting quite quickly if you practice it constantly. In response to the objections of some parents that additional classes can overload an already overloaded child with tasks. Calligraphy skills will not hurt, especially since penmanship contributes to the formation of intelligence.

Learning to write beautifully is more difficult than learning to designate letters and words on paper. Neat handwriting is developed through daily practice and diligence until success in mastering this skill becomes noticeable.

Many methods give good results, some of them are presented in our article.

  1. Dexterous use of fingers will help in developing beautiful handwriting. Let the child tie his own shoelaces and fasten his buttons. Weaving beads or simply stringing them on a thread also contributes to the development fine motor skills. You can also try these activities:

    Cut appliqués with scissors,
    - make origami,
    - color and shade drawings,
    - draw with crayons, pencils, paints, etc.
    - draw on the scattered thin layer cereal - semolina or buckwheat,
    - make mosaic patterns, assemble construction sets, puzzles,
    - lace, braid, embroider, knit, weave from beads, - sculpt from plasticine, dough, clay.

  2. You can start preparing your hand for writing when your baby turns three years old. All of the above activities can be done when the child becomes a schoolchild.
  3. Teach your child to write beautifully with these items:

    Simple pencil,
    - comfortable handle,
    - copybooks with dotted letters and designated lines for independent writing,
    - a notebook with a slanted ruler.

  4. Spend no more than half an hour on your workouts and take breaks to warm up.
  5. Show your child how to hold a pencil or pen correctly when writing. Nowadays there are pens on sale with a special indentation for fingers; such a trick will help the child consolidate the skill of holding a writing object correctly; it is much more difficult to relearn.
    The handle should be placed on the upper phalanx of the middle finger, secured with the thumb and forefinger. The tip of the pen should point towards the shoulder.
  6. Teach your child to sit correctly when writing, keeping his back straight and his hands completely on the surface of the desk. Place the notebook at an angle of 25 degrees to the edge.
    Make sure to purchase a stable chair of the correct height. The seat should be moderately hard; it is better if the chair does not have wheels or they can be fixed.
  7. Patience when learning to write is the main condition. When you are in a hurry and nervous, your handwriting becomes worse and the lines jump around. Don’t force your child to redo something poorly written several times, as this will discourage him from studying and delay his success.
  8. Before you start correcting handwriting, try to convince your child that it is necessary. Come up with the proper motivation so that he himself wants to start training.
  9. There will definitely be failures in learning, it is important to take classes calmly and not punish the child for poor success in mastering such a difficult task. Don't compare his successes with the successes of other children. Praise and encourage him even for the smallest successes. Show him the work that he did at the beginning of his work and compare it with the current ones, so that he can clearly see his successes and get an incentive to continue.
  10. Take breaks between studying at school, preparing homework, and practicing calligraphy. Let your child play outdoor games or take a walk outside. A massage of the arms and shoulders will help relieve fatigue and tension. A restorative massage will be the best solution.
  11. Divide calligraphy training into stages:

    Trace copybooks and drawings with dotted lines, as well as sticks, shapes and wavy lines. Next, try tracing letters and words.
    . Then practice writing letters. Copybooks will help, where at the beginning of the line there is a correctly written letter. Let the child, when writing a line, constantly check its spelling. Proceed to the next letter only when the child has learned to write the previous one, and then let him write out whole words.
    . Next, let the child practice writing whole sentences, first in copybooks, and then in regular notebooks.
    . Copying several sentences from a book into a notebook every day will help you consolidate your skill.

The entire process of learning calligraphy will take about three months, or maybe more. But the result will be fixed, and the child will learn to write correctly and beautifully.

Teachers are unanimous in their opinion that it is not worth teaching a child to write before school; it will be enough if he learns to write printed letters and will prepare his hand for writing. Moreover, parents may not know the requirements for spelling letters; by writing them in their own way, the child will consolidate the skill, and it will be difficult for him to relearn.

After 25 years, it is more difficult to relearn or learn something new than in childhood. Therefore, when adults want to learn how to write beautifully, they doubt whether it will work. Doubts away! Of course, everything will work out! Follow the recommendations.
We start with organizing the workplace. We remove everything unnecessary from the table. Ideally, during your first lesson you should have on your table:

  • notes made in your own hand;
  • text for work;
  • notebook;
  • pen.

Where can I get the text for work?

You take out a work of any classic writer from the bookshelf. Choose the paragraph you like about a third of the page. And you rewrite diligently.


You will need copybooks as in first grade. You can take workbook. And begin to carefully write the alphabet and various squiggles.
Notebooks are squared and lined for learning to write lines evenly.
Unlined notebook with blank sheets - to satisfy the aesthetic sense and achieve top level perfectionism when bringing handwriting to perfection.


There are ball, pen, capillary, roller, and gel. The width of the line depends on the rod and usually ranges from 0.3 to 0.85 mm. With a thin rod it is quite difficult to write straight. Therefore, it is advisable to start with a handle that is more comfortable for you.

Beautiful handwriting lessons for adults and children

Before you start writing, check that you are holding the pen correctly and.

How to do the exercises? Slowly and carefully, bringing out each element as well as possible. Writing speed is not important yet.

  1. Take a diary for the test, in which you write down plans quickly and without much effort.
  2. It's time for the copybooks. Draw all the letters and connecting elements in order until you run out. This cannot be done in one day.
  3. Next we will need a notebook with an oblique ruler. Open a page with a selected paragraph from a classic book. Rewrite several times slowly and carefully until the end.
  4. Now, take turns, over and over again, day after day, rewrite the same paragraph in a squared notebook, a ruler, or an unlined notebook.

As you complete the task, pay attention to the slant, alignment, size of the letters, spacing between words, and pressure on the pen. Train these parameters until you bring the quality of your writing to the level you set for yourself.
For a little fun and variety in your lessons, find yourself pangrams (sentences that contain all the letters of the alphabet). “Eat some more of these soft French rolls and drink some tea,” “Lifting a breakable ancient Greek amphora from a sunken destroyer is fraught with technical difficulties,” “Jelly-like above the high wire, six quaking pachyderms kept the climax of the extravaganza in a dazzling state of flux.”
Spend 20-30 minutes daily on the activity. Within a week you will notice the first changes. Constantly compare before and after options. I assure you, it will be something to be proud of. 😉

Writing speed

When your handwriting becomes legible and neat enough, you can learn to write quickly, constantly increasing your pace.

Why do you need to write by hand? Psychologists' opinion

  • Memory develops.
  • Speech improves.
  • Increases concentration.
  • The effects of stress are mitigated by writing down your experiences manually.
  • The brain stays young longer.

As a philologist, I would like to add that literacy also improves if you write by hand more often.

With all the individuality of any handwriting, some people strive to change their writing style. To make handwriting elegant and memorable, you need to undergo certain training and practice a lot.

Study your handwriting

Before you learn to write beautifully, take a close look at the text you wrote in your own hand. Try researching the trend of your writing. This will help you improve your spelling of specific words in the future. You can determine the degree of freedom of your movements, as well as the stiffness of your hand, by the following signs.

Then you should move on to identifying active muscles. The softness of handwriting depends on their movements. beautiful letters can only be brought out by using the hand, all fingers and even the shoulder. You need to write a short text and see if the whole hand tenses or just the palm. Remember not to put too much pressure on your fingers, otherwise the letters will come out crumpled. Most of the movement should be done with the shoulder and the entire arm, rather than with just the wrist.

Select stationery

Writing utensils, which primarily include pen and paper, are useful to select individually. There are certain general principles.

  • Computer paper is not very high quality. More expensive options can be purchased in office supply departments, and it is with their help that the likelihood of sloppy blots and extra drops is reduced.
  • To practice regularly and learn nice handwriting, you can use Moleskine notebooks. They have very high quality paper that makes the lines even.
  • Pen lines are more beautiful than pencil lines. At the same time, you should not buy cheap ball models. U fountain pens Ink supply is much more convenient. At first, you can use calligraphy markers or stationery "Sanford" with a flat tip. Thanks to such pens, you can display multi-colored pens from different lengths and width.

Basic principles of practice

Beautiful letter in italics

Many people think that the practice of beautiful writing immediately implies the creation of entire words, or even sentences. You actually need to practice writing each letter of the alphabet. To remember such basics, school books on writing are suitable, where it is indicated how a capital or small letter should look like. You can also search online or borrow additional cursive handwriting tutorials from the library.

Before you learn how to write beautifully with a pen, you need to learn the rules of correct hand placement. The handle should be placed between the index and middle finger so that the last phalanges and thumb touched the tip of the writing instrument. This position can minimize the likelihood of pain in the forearm, wrist and fingers.

During the training process, special attention should be paid to mastering connecting lines. Italics is just a combination of letters. During such a lesson, you need to ensure that the upper parts of the letters are always completely completed, otherwise it becomes very difficult to distinguish one sign from another.

How to master calligraphy

Calligraphy practice requires even more attention to your posture. The feet should be completely pressed to the floor and the spine- straightened. The handle is located between the first two knuckles. It is covered by the index and thumb and at the same time relies on middle finger. Visually, this looks like holding the handle at a 45° angle.

Calligraphy is also impossible without quality writing materials. It is best to use automated pens, highlighters, and fountain pen models with a natural nib or metal tip. It is very important to buy paper that will not let ink through. If special sheets are not at hand, take notebook sheets with a high cotton content, which will make the lines more rigid. Don't forget to pay attention to the ink in your pen. Thus, Indian ink versions clog office supplies most quickly due to the specific varnish in the composition. It is worth choosing water-soluble ink.

When starting calligraphy, remember the correct direction of the lines. You need to correctly place a sheet of paper on the table and determine the height of the pen. An example for beautiful lines Italic font with height 5 can serve. In calligraphy there is the following types lines.

  • Basic. Determines the bottom points of letters in a line.
  • Upper. It rises above the base line and can change its height in accordance with the height of the characters.
  • Rising. All ascending letters, which are “b” and “c”, touch this line. IN classic version the height of this line is 5.
  • Descending. Descending letters touch this line, for example, “z” and “d”. It also has a height of 5 from the baseline.

Once you understand how to write beautifully, you should prepare to regularly practice calligraphic style. Gradually, the hand gets used to the repeated movements, and the angle of the handle is restored automatically. To diversify such handwriting, you can experiment with paper, pen and periodically draw just circles and lines to feel the degree of pressure on the pen.

Freedom of creativity

Truly beautiful and unique handwriting can be based on several styles at once. You don't have to limit yourself to cursive or calligraphy. Studying the works of various graphic designers, artists and calligraphers who have their own will help diversify your horizons on this issue. unique style letters. It can also be helpful to examine interesting posters and posters to identify the font and remember it. Moreover, various sketches and bizarre tree shapes can become a source of inspiration for acquiring a new handwriting.

Some students find it helpful to look at medieval texts. They always use unusual letters. Capital characters are especially beautifully depicted. They can reflect both individual animals and entire historical scenes. You can also draw inspiration from ancient manuscripts, so don't overlook Egyptian hieroglyphs or Norse runes.

Constant use of developed calligraphic handwriting helps to develop your own writing style. Calligraphy is primarily used for beautiful signatures on postcards, but you can also make entire posters with lines from your favorite poems or sayings that catch your eye. It is also useful to practice creating letter patterns, for which a permanent pen is used.

  • Most effective method develop excellent handwriting in a consistent style- train constantly. Moreover, you need to train not just in writing the letters themselves, but also in preserving correct posture for writing, automatically placing the pen in the desired position.
  • If your arm often hurts after training in beautiful letter You're probably squeezing the handle too hard, putting pressure on it, or simply sitting incorrectly. To find out which writing style works best for you, experiment with different options.
  • Today, calligraphy exhibitions are often organized, including master classes, where you can meet people with similar interests. If it’s difficult for you to master calligraphy on your own, find like-minded people in your city who will create in a group under the guidance of an experienced specialist.
  • As a practice, you can ask a friend or relative to conduct a dictation, during which you will practice writing a fairly large text. Main- remember that quality is more important than speed.

Learning to write beautifully is not an easy task, especially if you have already formed independent personality. But if you decide to learn how to write beautiful handwriting and try to change it, then you have a lot of patience and willpower. And although it is very difficult for an adult to change his handwriting, believe me, the results will exceed all your expectations. You can easily leave notes to your loved ones, sign postcards, fill out documents and at the same time receive great aesthetic pleasure, proud that you were able to change (even if not much) yourself for the better. In order for you to develop beautiful handwriting, you need to follow the following algorithm, which will let you understand how to learn to write beautifully.

So, how can an adult learn to write letters beautifully?

  1. Prepare your work area. You need a clean one desk, on which they should lie only necessary items: several ballpoint pens, a couple of sheets of paper, preferably striped, and calligraphic samples, for example, copybooks (you can do without them if you wish).
  2. Sit at the table and take the correct position: your back is straight, do not lean on the back of the chair, your elbows should be on the table.
  3. Place it in front of you Blank sheet paper, the distance from your eyes to the sheet is at least 30 cm. If necessary, open a sample alphabet (copybook).
  4. Take a ballpoint pen with three fingers - thumb, index and middle. The distance from your fingers to the paper should not be less than 1 cm.
  5. Write the first letter of the alphabet, uppercase and lowercase, as carefully as possible, looking at the example if necessary. Repeat this action until you reach your goal.
  6. Change periodically ballpoint pens. You need to determine which pen you write best with, so that in the future you can buy only this type of pen.
  7. Move on to the next letter of the alphabet.

This algorithm will require maximum patience and a sufficient amount of time from you. But after you achieve the result, you will immediately understand how much your handwriting has changed in a positive direction.

Here's how you can quickly learn to write beautifully

  1. You need to perform the same actions of the first four points that are indicated in the algorithm described above: prepare a workplace, sit at the table, taking the correct posture, put a blank sheet of paper in front of you, take a pen.
  2. Ask a friend or relative to help you. He needs to take any text and dictate to you at a fast pace.
  3. You must have time to take dictation and, most importantly, try to do it as beautifully as possible.

After just a couple of such dictations, you will notice an improvement in your handwriting. But remember - you need to write as quickly and beautifully as possible.

A few more tips for those who want to help their child develop beautiful handwriting

Of course, the algorithm just described will take a lot of time, but if your child agrees to learn, be patient and go for it.

As you understand, learning or teaching to write beautifully is not an easy task. And it’s not enough to learn how to learn to write in beautiful handwriting, the most important thing is whether you can bring these ideas to life?

Good luck in your work on yourself!