Christmas tree made of plasticine: children's craft for the New Year. How to make a Christmas tree from plasticine with your own hands: several ideas for creating plasticine Christmas crafts

Coming soon New Year. And the children are looking forward to being lucky enough to decorate the Christmas tree, the slenderest, most fragrant forest beauty. How I want to buy new toys and tinsel, hang garlands. But you still need to wait a little and be patient. And an interesting story will help brighten up the wait. object modeling. Just like that, you can create a cute little Christmas tree from plasticine with your own hands. This tutorial explains how to do this. It is easy to do. Using the proposed method, you can easily make many multi-colored options.

What you need for sculpting Christmas tree:

Green plasticine;
- yellow plasticine;
- any damaged plasticine or block of any color;
- stack;
- toothpick.

We sculpt a Christmas tree from plasticine step by step

To make a small children's craft - Christmas tree in the form of a plasticine souvenir, prepare a green block and some other plasticine (maybe even one that was previously damaged by children). A new block from the set will be needed to create topcoat- crowns, and the rest of the mass - to simulate a cone-shaped frame, this is exactly the shape that a festive tree should have. The size of the future craft depends on the amount of prepared dark mass. Of course, knead in your hands a large number of dense plasticine is difficult, do it in parts.

Make a heavy cone from the dark mass. There is also a method for creating the frame of a Christmas tree from cardboard, but it will not be as stable as when using a plasticine cone. Also, plasticine does not always stick to glossy cardboard. So, perfect option is a plasticine cone, especially since you can use absolutely any color to produce it. Also make small balls from the basic green plasticine to create the crown details.

Press each green ball on top with your fingers until you get a flat oval cake. Then press on both sides with your fingers to create a teardrop shape. All parts should be approximately the same size.

Make many small balls from yellow plasticine. There should be as many of them as you have prepared green droplets. Attach one ball to the wide part of one drop and pierce the top with a toothpick. Do this with every detail. When you pierce the droplet with a sharp stick, it will firmly stick to the surface of the plasticine. Now the yellow fragments will look like beads.

Prepare a lot of teardrop-shaped parts. Remember that they need to cover the surface of the Christmas tree.

Start gluing all the blanks to the previously prepared cone. First, fill the bottom (wide) part around the circumference. Attach the droplets end-to-end, always without gaps.

Next, move from bottom to top, placing more and more droplets with yellow dots on the surface of the cone. Get to the top and stop. Apply each subsequent layer 2-3 mm onto the previous one.

Bright green herringbone– the symbol of the New Year is ready. It doesn’t sparkle with toys and garlands, but it looks quite bright, festive.

Elena Nikolaeva

What are New Year's crafts made from - beads, felt, fabric, paper. But children often prefer plasticine; it is accessible to everyone and easy for children to work with.

Most main holiday, which the children are waiting for, the New Year and with these days approaching, you can cheer yourself up. Decorate the house with tinsel, toys and window stickers. But children also want to feel the holiday in advance and decorate their room, for example, with a Christmas tree made of plasticine. For children, it is better to buy soft plasticine, which is easy to sculpt.

A Christmas tree can be made from plasticine in two ways - three-dimensional or on cardboard.

How to make a Christmas tree from plasticine with your own hands

Necessary materials:

  • plasticine: green, orange, red, brown, yellow
  • plasticine stack

Make a triangle-shaped layer out of green plasticine.

Using a knife, cut out the shape of a Christmas tree

Making a Christmas tree trunk from brown plasticine

Cut out a star from orange plasticine

Make several balls from yellow and red plasticine. Flatten them and attach them to the tree.

Any child can handle such a simple Christmas tree. Another option for making a Christmas tree from plasticine is to make it on cardboard.

Christmas tree made of plasticine on cardboard: step-by-step instructions

Necessary materials:

  • plasticine: green, brown, blue, yellow, red, white
  • cardboard
  • garlic crusher
  • plasticine tool
  • board
  • napkins

Make 2 strips of brown plasticine on cardboard, this will be the trunk

Make thin strips of green plasticine using a garlic press.

Form loops from green stripes

In the bottom row, make 3 loops of 3 strips each.

Then two more rows of 4 stripes, and another row of three loops.

To make a plasticine star, form a red ball and flatten it. Use a knife to cut out a star.

Also do various decorations on a plasticine Christmas tree.

How to make a three-dimensional Christmas tree from plasticine

Necessary materials:

  • plasticine: green, brown
  • pencil
  • curved scissors
  • board
  • towel

If you are making such a Christmas tree with a child, then you should pay attention to working with scissors.

Roll out the plasticine to make a cone.

Insert a pencil into the base of the tree

Use scissors to make staggered cuts

Print Thank you, great lesson +7

If winter has just arrived, and you are already waiting for the time when you need to decorate the Christmas tree, then we suggest you replace this exciting process with an excellent alternative - create your own Christmas tree from plasticine and decorate it. Winter craft It will be much easier to do if you follow our master class: how to make a Christmas tree from plasticine with your own hands. Prepare a lot of green plasticine, as well as extra bright shades and get to work.

Other lessons on the New Year theme:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

Green color the plate is needed directly to create the crown of the Christmas tree. IN in this case both light and dark shades. Be sure to prepare a stacking knife initially, since during the work you will have to create an imitation of a thorny crown.

Soften the green mass.

Pressing the formed lump against a hard surface, pull the prepared mass into a long string. It is advisable to make one side narrower.

Make a cone from paper or cardboard that will become a template for the tree. The ends of the paper can be secured very quickly using a stapler.

Starting at the bottom, wrap the wider end of the long green twine around the cone. Moving up, you will see that you will have a cone-shaped product - a crown New Year's tree. After this, the paper can be removed.

Form a cylinder-barrel from brown plasticine. Insert the barrel into the hole in the crown cone.

Carefully make notches along the entire green surface of the Christmas tree in a stack to show the needles.

From bright pieces - orange, red, yellow - roll a lot of small beads.

Glue beads as balls to decorate the Christmas tree in any way you like.

And the final stage of decoration is a high icicle top. Make it from a yellow plate or any other color and attach it to the top of the spruce.

That's all. The Christmas tree with plasticine toys is ready, and you can continue preparing for the New Year.

Vera Shuvaeva

Dear Colleagues! I would like to provide you with a photo report of the training session. modeling from plasticine. Our children love to sculpt plasticine. Here in one of our classes we sculpted Christmas tree. To begin with, we talked about what Christmas trees grow in the forest? What do you have Christmas trees? Then we got to work. We took the brown one plasticine(can be black) rolled a ball, then made a sausage out of it (roll out one end of the sausage between your palms, pressing harder) it turned out to be a trunk. Then they took green plasticine We rolled it into a ball and made a long sausage and using a stack we divided it into small, medium and long sausages to make twigs. These branches were stuck to the trunk according to different sides starting from the top of the head, from the beginning small then medium and longest branches. All Christmas trees they turned out wonderful. Take a look, maybe it will be useful to someone.

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This article will present several master classes, each of which will describe step by step how a spruce tree can be sculpted from plasticine.

Below you will be offered a selection of videos that demonstrate possible options making plasticine Christmas trees. Namely: the technique of sculpting Christmas trees from Play Doh plasticine, as well as from homemade material, will be shown.

How to make a Christmas tree from plasticine: method 1

In the first master class, it will be explained how to sculpt a three-dimensional spruce tree from plasticine. To work you will need green and green plasticine. brown colors, as well as a pencil and scissors.

First, from a piece of green plasticine, you should form a cone-shaped part, thus creating the base of the tree. Then, in order to make the barrel, you need to prepare a pencil and cover it with plasticine Brown. Then you need to attach the barrel to the base. After this, using scissors, starting from the top of the head, you need to make cuts to create branches. Also, the edges of each branch can be slightly bent at the top so that the Christmas tree looks as if it is alive.

Method 2: add decorations

In the second master class, the process of making a Christmas tree with colorful decorations will be described step by step. To work you will need plasticine, green of course, and other bright colors, for example, red, yellow, to make decorations.

  1. First you need to prepare a piece of green and form it into a ball.
  2. Then the ball must be pulled out in such a way that a cone-shaped part is obtained, that is, a part narrowed at the top and widened at the bottom.
  3. Then from green plasticine you should cut thin long stripes and using a spatula, you need to make cuts on each of the prepared strips to create a fringe.
  4. Next, you need to make the top of the Christmas tree; to do this, you need to form a green cake and use a spatula to make cuts in a circle.
  5. After this, the strips need to be attached to the base - along the entire perimeter of the cone, and a circle should be attached on top.
  6. In order to make decorations, you need to form colored balls from plasticine of bright colors, and to make a garland it is enough to mix plasticine of several colors and form a long sausage from the resulting material. You can also make a star out of red plasticine.
  7. On final stage the decorations need to be secured, and the New Year's craft is ready. All stages of work are shown in the photo.

How to make a Christmas tree from plasticine: method 3

In the third master class, another option for making a Christmas tree with New Year's decorations. In order to fashion christmas tree according to this option, you will need green plasticine; to make jewelry you will need purple, red, yellow and blue.

First of all, you need to form a ball from a piece of green color, and from it you need to sculpt a part in the shape of a cone - this will be the basis of the future coniferous tree. But in order for the spruce to turn out to be coniferous, twenty-seven balls of the same size should be formed from green. Then from each ball you need to form a cone-shaped part. After this, all the parts must be attached to the base so that the parts of the top layer slightly cover the parts of the bottom layer. Using a spatula, you can make light cuts on each piece.

In order to make decorations for the Christmas tree, you will need to form six balls of purple, red, yellow and blue colors. Then the prepared decorations in the form New Year's balls you need to attach it to the tree, and the work can be considered completed.