Notes on manual labor in the preparatory group “Gift for Mom. Summary of educational activities on manual labor in the preparatory group topic: “Sunflowers”

Marina Lobanova
Lesson notes on manual labor V preparatory group"Book Repair"

Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the preparatory group

Subject:"Book Repair"

Target: awaken in children the desire to do good deeds, to do good deeds.


To clarify children’s ideas about what is “good” and what is “bad”.

Teach children how to repair books.

Bring up careful attitude to books.

Preliminary work:

Getting acquainted with proverbs about good and evil, organizing work in the book corner, excursion to the library, reading V. Mayakovsky’s work “What is good and what is bad.”, learning the poems “The Bookbinder”, “The Dressmaker”, “I can dress myself” .

Material: children's books, strips of paper, scissors, glue.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. To the side there are tables with tools and materials for manual labor.

Recently we went on an excursion to the library. How many of you can say what a library is?

What did you like about the library?

Do you think it is easy to make a book?

Why are books needed? (Children's answers).

Books introduce us to good and evil people, good and bad deeds.

What is good? (children's answers). What is evil?

What proverbs do you know about good and evil?

Guys, what good things can you do? (Children's answers)

I want to invite you to do another very good deed today.

I have books for kids (consider 2-3 books). All the books are very interesting. But they cannot be read because they are torn. I suggest repairing them and giving them to the kids.

Practical part.

Remind children of the sequence of work:

consider what repairs the book needs,

determine by eye or using a ruler the width and length of the strip of paper that will need to be glued to the torn page,

Make notes with a pencil, then cut them off and only then stick them on.

During independent work I note such qualities as accuracy, responsible attitude to the task.


Let's see how hard you did. Let's check the results of our work. You all worked hard and did a good deed! You gave these books a second life. You can say to the books: “Happy birthday!” and even kiss them! All the books are smiling now too good mood. Let's sing the song "If you are kind."

Publications on the topic:

"Toys for Cossacks." Lesson summary on manual labor in the middle group Goal: to arouse interest in manual labor, teach how to weave a braid from three ribbons, and give an idea of ​​the importance of a horse in the life of a Cossack. Tasks: 1. introduce.

Summary of an integrated lesson in modeling and manual labor “Fish” in the second junior group Program content: Reinforce with children the techniques of molding onto a cut out silhouette. Inspire the urge to decorate fish silhouettes small children. Develop.

Summary of GCD on manual labor in the preparatory group “Gift for Mom” Goal: developing skills in creating crafts (a gift for mom) with use in work waste material. Objectives: Educational: 1. Contribute.

Notes on manual labor in the preparatory group “Stars” Topic: “Postcard for Dad” Abstract of GCD on manual labor in the preparatory group Topic: “Postcard for Dad” Conducted by: teacher Vokueva A. S. February 2016 GB.

Program content: - Learn to cut out silhouette images along a drawn contour. - Strengthen self-production skills.

Summary of the manual labor lesson “Theater Toys” in the senior group Summary of a manual labor lesson on the topic: “Theater toys” in senior group. Program content: 1. Consolidate skills correctly.

Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the senior group Topic: “Residents winter forest» Program content: Educational objectives: - to deepen and concretize children’s ideas about.

Training tasks:

  • To develop the ability to thread a needle, tie a knot, and sew on a button.
  • Strengthen children's knowledge about working together people who make clothes (fashion designer, cutter, seamstress) and the sequence of their work.
  • Developmental tasks:
  • Strengthen the ability to make applique using pieces of fabric different textures, braid.
  • Activate the words in children's speech: atelier, fashion designer, cutter, corduroy, drape, felt. Actively use words denoting actions.
  • Practice working with scissors, observing safety precautions.
  • Develop the ability to match the color of buttons to the finished product.
  • Develop communication skills, observation skills, Creative skills, aesthetic taste.
  • Educational task:
  • Cultivate perseverance, patience, attentiveness, diligence, and independence.
  • Corrective task:
  • Develop fine motor skills hands
  • Improve your eye
  • Develop coordination of movements and tactile sensations .

Preliminary work:

  • A conversation about how clothes are made.
  • Carrying out educational activities about clothes, about types of fabrics, about the profession of “seamstress”.
  • Making albums “Clothing”, creating a collection of fabrics and furs.
  • Making a flat piece of clothing outlined according to a template.
  • Examination of fabric samples, dolls in different clothes.
  • Didactic games: “Arrange the clothes by season”, “Lay out the clothes for mom and dad”, “Match the fabric to the clothes”, “Which one, which one”, “Name the details of the clothing”.
  • Role-playing games: “Clothing Store”, “Studio”.
  • Poiskovovo - research activities“What clothes did you have before?”
  • Making pincushions by children together with their parents.
  • Compilation descriptive stories according to Tkachenko's scheme

Materials for the lesson: Multimedia projector, screen; computer; presentation “How did clothes appear?”, tape recorder, demonstration hangers; fabric samples; buttons different color and sizes, needle beds, threads, scissors; glue; tablecloths, napkins.

GCD move

Educator: Guys, please tell me what are you wearing? (cloth)

Do you think people have always worn such clothes? (No) What did you learn about clothes? And what kind of clothes did people wear before? (children's answers)

Educator: Do you want to know how clothes appeared in the first place? (Yes). Then, I invite you on a Journey. Close your eyes, hold hands, “Forward!” (Cosmic music sounds)

Here we are in a cinema, sit down comfortably, look at the screen.

View presentation “Where did clothes come from?”


  1. Guys, where do clothes come from to the store (From a garment factory, from an atelier)
  2. Who works in a garment factory? (fashion designer, cutter, seamstress)
  3. What details of clothing do you know? (front, back, sleeves, pockets)
  4. Do you know the names of the fabrics? (Yes)

We'll check it now. Game “Recognize the fabric by touch”(In handbags in the form of shirts, there is a piece of fabric; children only need to determine the name of this fabric by touch: (fur, drape, velor, leather, felt, jacket). And say what they sew from this fabric, forming the phrase ( Fur coat, Leather Jacket, velvet pants)

Well done! Guys, do you know the safety rules when working with thread, needle and scissors? (Yes).

Then let's play. Game "Safety Rules" (I will tell you the rules of working with tools in class, if I give the correct answer, you show an emoticon with a smile, if it is not correct, you show a sad emoticon.)

  • Twirl with a needle
  • Pass the scissors rings forward
  • Putting the needle on the table
  • Inject a needle into clothing.
  • Leave scissors on the table with open blades.
  • Maintain yours workplace All right

Well done! We continue our journey and go to a tailoring studio.

Guys, we have received an order from dolls, they need autumn and spring clothes. Would you like to help and complete your order? (yes) You need to sew buttons and decorate the clothes with decorative elements.

Educator: Now let’s go to our places and get to work.

(Children decorate clothes, iron them, hang them on hangers and take them to hangers.)

Visual gymnastics.
One - right, two - left,
Three is up, four is down.
And now we look in circles,
To see the world better.

Topic: "Lesovichok"

Target: teach children to make from natural materials; strengthen skills in working with plasticine; develop thinking and imagination; train fine motor skills of the hands; to cultivate in children an artistic taste, a love of nature, and manual labor.

Materials: for each child – two cones of different sizes (small and larger), plasticine of different colors, four wooden sticks, recorded music, sample (lesovichok)

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Guys, I'll tell you today a new fairy tale, and you sit quietly and listen carefully. A family of forest dwellers lived in the forest, mother Maria Petrov, father Pavel Nikolaevich, and they had a little forest dweller son, Timosha, but one day a very strong wind rose, and the whole family was carried away to an uninhabited island where no one lives, and they began to live and live there for themselves. everything would be fine, but Timosha has no friends, no one lived on this island and they came to visit us and told us that everyone has friends, so you too are all friends and play together, there are so many of you, and my son - Forester Timosha has no one to play with on a desert island, they ask us to help, make friends for Timosha. Well, can we help? Shall we make friends for Timosha?

2. Examination of a sample craft

The teacher suggests looking at dad, mom, son (crafts) on a separate table. Which natural material was used in creating a craft? Children return to their places and look at objects to work on.


How can you fasten the parts? (use plasticine). How to add expressiveness to an image? (position the eyes differently, attach the head...)

3. Demonstration of craft making techniques


Now, guys, look at how we are going to make the forester. Now I'll show you. You have two cones on your table, one smaller, the other larger (torso and head), the head is smaller, and the body is larger, we attach them to each other with plasticine, we attach the eyes and mouth, with plasticine, legs and arms with plasticine we attach to the body. Cut the grass with scissors and place it on a stand. We are moving our forest boy Timosha onto such a green lawn.

4. The teacher tells the rules for TV. for working with scissors.(attached)

5. Fixing the sequence of making crafts.

Do you remember? How do we fasten the head and torso and legs and arms? What color is plasticine for the mouth? What color are the eyes?

6 . Fizminutka


And now before important matter Shall we rest a little and have some physical exercise?

* Mischievous forest boy,

I've been turning my head all day:

Turned left, right,

He bent his left leg,

Then he raised the right one,

And he stood up on both again.

He started waving his arms:

Raise and lower

Up, down, up, down!

Turned left, right:

- “It’s good in the world, really!”

And then he's in kindergarten went -

And I found friends!

7. Finger gymnastics

Children, before starting work, let's conduct finger gymnastics“Home” to make your fingers work better

Everyone has their own home.

The fox in the deep forest /bends his fingers one by one/

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow near a spruce tree.

A prickly hedgehog under the bushes

Rakes up a pile of leaves.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den

And he sucks his paw in his sleep.

Everyone has their own home /they show the “roof” at the top/

Everyone is warm and comfortable in it. /clap hands/

And now, guys, let's start making crafts (calm music sounds in the recording). Whoever has already made a forest boy, place it on the lawn, cut the grass and figure out what you will name a friend for Timosha. Then an exhibition of finished forest trees.

8. Independent work activity

In the process of work, remind children of proverbs about work:

“A good start is half the battle”, “Laziness spoils - but work feeds”, “The job of a master to upholster”, “Play, play, but know the matter.”

After finishing work, everyone admires the foresters

9. Analysis of children's works

You tried, you worked hard, it was hard not to get tired!

We worked hard, all the work is good!

— What request did the whole family of foresters come to us with?

— Were we able to help them? How?

-Who did we do for that?

— Did we complete the tasks?

- Why did everything work out for us? Well done! But a family of little forest dwellers came to us with gifts and as a gift they brought us nuts as a token of gratitude, they are so kind and caring, thank you very much!

The teacher analyzes children's work and notes creativity, children's success, gives specific advice, encourages children to analyze the works of their comrades.

11. Stand alone games children with ready-made crafts.

Anastasia Abrosimova
Abstract of the GCD on manual labor “Hedgehog” in the preparatory group

Summary of GCD for manual labor in the preparatory group


Program content.

Development in children cognitive interest to nature, ideas about the dependence of the existence of a particular animal on environmental conditions.

Expand and enrich children's knowledge about nature and wild animals. Improve your ability to create an expressive image by adding details to images (eyes, nose, ears); Make the hedgehog's spines more voluminous by folding a square of paper diagonally.

Improve skills in working with scissors, glue, and brush.


Activate children's speech on this topic. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.


Cultivate a friendly attitude towards nature and the animal world.

View the presentation "In the Animal World".

Practical: Fold the square diagonally and stick on top close to each other, in several rows.

Material for the lesson:

Ready-made hedgehog silhouette

Strips of black paper

Black markers

White oval

scissors, glue, glue brushes.

GCD move:

Organizational part.

The teacher asks the children to guess riddle:

He lives in a dense forest,

He himself is round and prickly.

Guess who it is?

Well, of course it is...

Educator: Let's see what a hedgehog looks like.

Children: He is prickly, he has small paws,

there is a muzzle with eyes, a nose and a small mouth.

Educator: The hedgehog has a small muzzle with an elongated nose,

all covered with short gray hairs.

Beady black eyes seem smart

But the hedgehog sees poorly, but he has an excellent sense of smell.

The hedgehog's legs are short with small claws.

What else have I forgotten?

Well, of course, thorns! Why does he need them?

Children: So that the hedgehog is not eaten by the wolf and the fox.

Educator: That's right. How can a hedgehog live without needles? This is a means of protection against enemies. The hedgehog will curl up into a prickly ball, bristling with its sharp needles - try it, eat it! How else does he use them?

D. He wears mushrooms and berries on them.

Educator Correct. The spines help the hedgehog carry something on its back. After all, his legs are short, he can’t take anything with them, the hedgehog only moves with their help. The hedgehog has sharp teeth, but you can’t carry much in your mouth, so the needles help him out. With their help. He also arranges his home for the winter. Listen to how he does it does:

The brushes caught fire like fire on the rowan tree,

A ball of autumn leaves is rolling towards you.

Do not you recognize him? Take a closer look - it's a hedgehog!

The cunning, prickly hedgehog became a golden ball,

I strung maple leaves onto my needles.

He carries them home, lays them on his bed,

To sleep sweetly under the tree during the long winter.

Let the snowstorms bring him dreams,

Let him sleep until spring in a warm cradle.

In order not to sleep hungry during the long winter, he tries to accumulate fat in the summer. Do you know what a hedgehog likes to eat?

D. He loves mushrooms, apples, and catches mice.

Q. You are right. The hedgehog also catches various bugs, worms, lizards, frogs and even poisonous snakes. Hedgehog is very useful animal: it rids the forest of many pests

Q. Tell me, what are the names of baby hedgehogs?

Q. In the spring, babies appear in the hedgehog’s nest, which he makes somewhere under a bush or in some hole. They are born blind, and at first there are no needles on them. Then the needles appear: white and soft, then darken and become hard and strong.

The hedgehog's mother loves her children very much and feeds them milk. And if she senses danger, she drags her cubs to another, safer place. When hedgehogs grow up, parent hedgehogs teach their babies to look for and catch various insects. Do you want to visit the forest where hedgehogs live?

Practical part:

Educator: Today I invite you to do a craft « Hedgehog» using applique technique. To create an expressive image, we will complement our image with details - eyes, nose, ears.

The spines that we made in advance will allow us to reflect the natural qualities of the hedgehog and give our work volume.

Stages of work completion:

Children cut squares and fold opposite sides diagonally. 3fill the body of the hedgehog needles: We will glue the triangles side by side in rows in a checkerboard pattern.

Final part:

Educator: Today you became better acquainted with the forest animal - the hedgehog, and learned a lot about it. And also you are good we worked: The hedgehogs turned out wonderful, they are very similar to their forest brothers, just as funny and prickly. I think that with such needles, your hedgehogs are not afraid of either a wolf or a fox.

Guys, do you know that the hedgehog didn’t always like his thorns? Do you want to know what could happen for the hedgehog to understand how much he needs them?

Teacher reading a poem

P. Voronko "HEDGEHOG"

“The little hedgehog is angry, he has thorns covered:

Others have fluff and fur, and not prickly or harsh.

Why did I get a hundred thorns on my back?

The gray wolf crept up from behind,

But he couldn't with the ball settle down:

He pricked his nose and lips and went into the forest hungry.”

GCD for manual labor in the preparatory group

"Tab for books"

Program content:

Creatively reflect your ideas about school;

Reinforce techniques for cutting out objects from cardboard;

Ability to use a stencil;

Improve your technique of working with scissors;

Foster a love and respect for books.

Preliminary work:
Conversations about books, school, its purpose. Reading proverbs, poems, sayings, riddles about school.

Equipment: colored cardboard, glue, scissors, pencil, ruler, heart stencil, hole punch, colored ribbon.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: guys, listen to the poem

How would we live without books?

We are friends with the printed word,
If it weren't for him,
Neither old nor new
We didn't know 6 anything!

Just imagine for a moment
How would we live without books?
What would a student do?
If there were no books,
If everything disappeared at once,
What was written for children:
From magical good fairy tales
Until funny stories?..

You wanted to relieve boredom
Find the answer to the question.
He extended his hand for the book,
But it’s not on the shelf!

Your favorite book is missing -
"Chippolino", for example,
And they ran away like boys
Robinson and Gulliver.

No, you can't imagine
For such a moment to arise
And you could have been left
All the heroes of children's books.

All roads are open to her,
And on all continents
She speaks many
Most different languages.

Glory to our children's book!
Swim across all the seas!
And especially Russian -
Starting with the Primer!
(S. Mikhalkov)

Educator: Guys, soon you will all go to 1st grade, and many of you already know how to read.

Tell me, what book, fairy tale, story have you read? (children's answers)

What book is your favorite? (children's answers?)

Great! I'm very glad that you love books!

Maybe fold the page? (children's answers)

Why can't the pages be folded? (children's answers?).

Correct, but what to do? I can’t remember every night what page I stopped reading on! What should I do? (children's answers).

Guys, listen to the riddle:

She lives in a book

Finds the pages you need

To open the right place,

Page number so that it doesn’t become a mystery

And so as not to forget anything,

Please use (bookmark)

Educator: I suggest you make bookmarks for my book today, and they will be useful for books in our library. And at home you can make it for your textbooks.

Physical education minute.“Open the book quickly!”

Open the book quickly!
In the book there is a midge, a mouse, a bear,
In the book the ball has a round side:
up and down, jump and jump.
There's an umbrella in the book, open it and sing,
It's raining and you're dry!
The pussy in the book is very close.
A color picture of a pussy
I stroke my hand for a long time -
After all, pussy has such fur!

So, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we start doing it.

Children do the work, the teacher helps those who have difficulty.

  1. Using a stencil, trace the silhouette of a heart onto colored cardboard and cut it out.
  2. Glue the hearts one on top of the other, overlapping, trying to match cool colors with warm ones, for example: red with green, yellow with blue.
  3. Cut a strip of cardboard 2*19 cm and glue a chain of hearts
  4. Using a hole punch, punch a hole at the top and insert a ribbon.

Well done! Which beautiful bookmarks you did it!

Educator: Today we got acquainted with bookmarks, strengthened the ability to cut out cardboard and use a stencil.

What did you like most?

Can you teach your friends how to make a bookmark like this?

Now my book has a bookmark, and at home you can make the same bookmarks for your books.